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I just realized after reading for the third time the Runemaster post that released today that the runes’ names “Rah”, “Heo”, and “Gon” actually make sense: they are named after gods in Last Epoch’s world! “Rah” the fire rune name is short for Rahyeh the fire bird god. “Heo” the cold rune comes from Heorot the icy centaur deer thingy. Finally, “Gon” (the lightning rune) is the last couple letters of Lagon — every new player’s favorite one-shot-capable lightning-skill-spamming boss.

Maybe this was obvious to everyone else, idk, but I thought it was cool when it clicked in my mind.

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over 1 year ago - /u/EHG_Kain - Direct link

You got it!

Bonus Trivia: Why does Heo and Rah use the first three letters, and Gon uses the last three?

We didn't want players saying "Lag Lag Lag" for three Lightning Runes!