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I just played ~150 hours since launch, and I had a blast. We played in a 4 player group and pushed corruption to 2000 and minmaxed some characters as much as we could during this time. The game is very enjoyable, items are fun to find and even if they are not good for your build, you can share them in your group or sell them - if you're Merchant's Guild, which we were.

I also played ~500 hours in Early Access, and provided feedback, a lot of which was implemented in some way which was really nice to see - I'm sure I wasn't the only one providing that feedback ofc, just cool to see the "we're listening" is not just some big corpo platitude with EHG and I can personally attest to that.

Here is my feedback on how the game could improve, I broke it down to a few categories, the last being completely subjective design stuff, but the rest (I think) is a pretty objective list of straight up improvements.

Gameplay feedback:

  • Ward is strong. Too strong
  • Dots at high corruption are REALLY hard to mitigate. Even with armour for DOT glove base at 60% armour + DOT mitigation amulet base some dots just kill you crazy fast compared to hits. Gorgons with their poison tornadoes are the worst offenders
  • Need more endgame, which I'm sure will come with time. 50-100+ hours per cycle per character is already a very solid start
  • The game stutters for 0.5 second when you loot 20+ shards at a time

UI/UX feedback:

  • Add option to hide quests (on the right side of the screen)
  • Tally up the gold you pick up recently (Wealth shrine / Gold echo reward) would be nice to see how much you picked up.
  • Add a Total gold farmed stat, total echoes already exists
  • Add Stash tab affinities
  • Add a Report player option (RMT spam etc)
  • Add an option to lock your equipped items so you dont accidentally vendor / shatter / dump them
  • If loot is still dropping while you are trying to mouseover an item, the tooltip keeps disappearing, annoying at higher corruption, locking you out from looking at anything until all loot dropped - also loot dropping is a bit long sometimes, loot explosions are cool but if they take too long it gets a bit annoying. It can take an echo-end reward and chest loot up to 10-12 seconds to fully drop at 2000 corruption.
  • Runemaster's runes become invisible against some terrain especially water. Making them adjustable UI element would be nice
  • Add an notification that you have unspent skillpoints when you unequip / swap an item with + skills on it (like when you originally level them up). I have spent too many hours playing with unspent skillpoints :D
  • Add an option to "lock in" a rune for crafting - Using 20 Rune of Ascendence in a row to try to gamba something you have to put in the rune each time
  • The blessing window is pretty intrusive, can't close it, blocks loot until you select an outcome, and it blocks the right side of the character screen, so you can't see how much Void res you have if you want to check whether or not you want to take that blessing

Bazaar feedback:

  • Would be nice if each NPC saves the last search you did (accidentally closing or having to close the bazaar to recheck your own item after setting up a search is very annoying)
  • Add a "Clear" button next to the search button to reset all the parameters
  • Let us open and close our inventory on top of the bazaar window, currently you can have your inventory open but only if you open it before opening the bazaar which hides the search and stall buttons, if you close it and re-open your inventory it closes the bazaar, forgetting your previous search
  • Sorting by "time of sale" or having a separate tab for collecting sales, (currently if an old listing sells you have to scroll through all your sold items to find the gold, sometimes it's page 17)
  • Stop the page from resetting and scrolling back up when collecting gold
  • Some affixes are currently missing from search (eg. chance to armor shred on hit)
  • Search multiple different affixes with different tiers on an item (I'm looking for tier 7 dex tier 6 crit multi or tier X Y)
  • Search within a roll range (I only want to see idols with 14 or more phys res etc) or freeform search like "+3 Teleport"
  • Option to keep list window open after listing an item

SUBJECTIVE Personal preference based stuff / might go against design principles:

  • The camera is a bit floaty, feels a bit too delayed at following the character
  • Remove arena echoes or slash waves in half or at least increase their stability gain, currently they take twice as long as a regular echo and give half the stability of one
  • Add a potion / gold pickup radius affix, I'm sure some people would forgo some character power for this nice convenience stat
  • Add an Option for cooler / shinier unique drop sound / effect for when a unique with LP drops
  • Reduce Bazaar to 3 NPCs at most (weapon / armour / idol) It's way too much running around to price check in a non-combat zone so you can't even use your movement ability to move around fast (I did really like how different the NPCs were and their voice lines were sometimes really funny, maybe have them on a rotation?)
  • Rank 7 to buy Exalted items and rank 8 to buy LP uniques is a big grind for a casual player. Causes this weird situation where LP stuff is cheaper than non-LP stuff because nobody is rank 8 to buy it early on. Since trade is THE only benefit of the Merchant's guild, feels kinda limiting to not be able to buy decent items until you're rank 7-8. The requirements for those 2 should be a bit lower in my opinion (again, completely subjective)
  • Add more shrines! Defensive? Rarity? Instantly reveal echo objective? cool stuff
  • Turn Keys into crafting materials

All in all the game is an extremely solid base. Every game system is modular and easy to expand upon:

  • new types of echoes
  • new types of echo rewards
  • new dungeons
  • new types of runes / glyphs / bases / experimental mods

Legendary crafting is amazing, removes items from the economy giving them value in the long term because people keep bricking them into 1-3 LP uniques.
Thanks EHG for the experience, looking forward to future content! <3

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about 1 year ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

Thanks for taking the time to give your feedback. A whole lot of this are things we have plans to action on and is tracked or have verbally agreed we feel the same way on internally.

You can hide the quests on the right side of the screen with the little expand and contract button by the way!