over 1 year ago - Last Epoch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

4s good afternoon everybody and welcome
6s back to another last Epoch Dev stream as
9s always
11s I'm your host Mike but I have a special
13s guest with me today everybody please
15s give a warm welcome to
17s Aaron action RPG piano you're on the air
21s hello hello
26s can people hear Aaron in
28s on Twitch land
30s it's me
34s awesome fantastic to have you with us
38s oh this is gonna be fun all right add me
42s to party all right let me do it
46s we've got questions we've got teasers
49s it's gonna be a good time gonna be a
52s good time
54s yes but he looks like he needs sugar so
58s Mike my wife has me on a strict diet
60s right now so
63s um
64s I've lost five pounds in like six days
66s that's great
68s that's what I'm saying and they they
70s always give me crap for it so
72s actually I'm eating like cardboard food
74s [Laughter]
78s sugar here
85s thank you oh it's not good
88s oh I appreciate that now I feel the
92s energy flowing through me
96s perfect okay
99s didn't think you needed to lose weight
102s uh I was weighing in at 210 actually
105s I've weighed in at 211 which isn't
107s horrible but I like being around 190 so
110s uh
111s yeah I mean not not terribly off try to
114s take care of myself you know sitting
116s down all the time all right what are we
119s running yeah we're just we're gonna
120s start off oh we got we got gifted Subs
123s oh my gosh they're blocks yeah there's
124s two Aaron you got one congrats I know
128s thank you very much just talk for the
131s two subs the channel glad to be with us
133s awesome
135s um if this is your first time here
136s anyone uh we do have
139s um people are welcome to ask questions
140s in the in the channel
142s um tag at Lassie thought game or at
144s action or Aaron action RPG today as well
146s and uh well we'll get those questions
148s answered as quickly as possible
151s um and it's got some some questions I
153s know ready for me as well that he's he's
154s pulled from his community beforehand
156s which I guess
159s uh and as always uh we we stream for
162s charity so the Charities Built My Head
163s uh all that's going directly to that
165s charity just as usual direct relief
168s um and we'll have a new charity next
170s month uh next week as we'll say we're up
172s about next week I will not be here uh
174s why I am I'm taking a vacation you're
177s not allowed to take vacations until the
179s game is launched you're not allowed to
182s go anywhere
183s I mean honestly if if it wasn't for my
186s wife being like no we're going on a
188s vacation
189s I probably wouldn't
191s you bringing the baby the baby's big now
193s it's not a baby anymore it's not a baby
195s anymore he's he's we're running around
198s we're in the throes of potty training
199s right now
200s dude that is how old is he uh he'll he's
204s uh he's
206s um I do know I just didn't wanted to say
209s exactly how old he was he's on the third
210s potty training okay sorry that's fair
215s uh my youngest is now eight so we're
218s past we're past that point yeah yeah at
221s least I'd hope so
223s I know
224s [Laughter]
226s um yeah I'm just gonna start a model for
227s just gonna get going I want to finish
228s off my fall the Empire
230s um I'm gonna try and keep up with you
233s maybe we could also run a little bit of
235s uh
237s uh
239s uh which we call it a dungeon maybe an
241s arena something like that we'll see
243s okay
244s are you at Liberty to share where you
247s are going on vacation
249s um I'm just going to the one next
250s Province over to Alberta uh oh okay
254s family and friends yeah it's not a bit
256s it's not a big deal we're driving out
258s and
260s but well that'll be fun one of the
262s fairies is broken and they're like
265s um you're not like there's there's
267s someone there's so fewers so many fewer
269s uh sailings and it's gonna be hard to
271s get off the island whatever
273s oh yeah that doesn't sound fun miles
276s will just stay home we we have
279s considered a whole staycation
282s I tried to do that for when uh tears of
284s the Kingdom came out
286s trying to be like hey I need a couple
287s days off so with me I'll always
289s basically when I take time off it's
291s because I need it for a game launch or
293s something happening so that drives my
294s wife crazy too she's like when can we
296s take an actual vacation where we leave
298s the house it's it's great you're not
300s like actively working right now but
302s you're still actively working right now
304s that is correct yeah exactly it's like a
308s it's like a double jump it's a double
310s job Jeff Stock wants to know why I'm
312s running necro so on my stream we polled
315s everybody what class I should play
318s and uh primalist one so primalist one
322s but you know I just thought I've
323s actually got a couple classes prepared
326s so maybe I'm gonna jump in and out of
328s multiple classes we'll see seriously
330s okay oh yeah we don't we'll keep it
332s losing Gizzy yeah yeah it should be fun
335s and how many how many teasers do we have
337s today oh we got a bunch I'm stacked
339s today stacked I don't even I don't even
341s know if we're gonna get through them all
342s we're so stacked oh wow that actually so
345s make sure you remind him we can start
348s hard let's just start off with right now
350s let's just go right from the get-go so I
353s will say not having to have to voice
354s over this I could just take it since I'm
356s live it's gonna be so much easier for my
358s video now I I positioned the stuff and I
361s I am just realizing right now that I
364s forgot to account for your video
365s placement in the it's totally fine you
368s could cover my face just do it just do
370s it it'll be it'll be roughly the same
372s amount that I usually cover my own face
373s because it's just centered and you were
375s about roughly mirrored here
379s uh this is great I'm just you know I
381s don't have to think of just going
383s yeah
386s this should be pretty easy you got you
388s got a backpack I'm I'm I'll hop in
392s I actually do have a backpack but right
394s now I decided to rock Cape I wanted us
397s to look a little different so I took off
398s my back piece and put on what I think is
401s one of the best MTX and it's the I don't
404s know like the T like the dark cape
407s yeah I like this one nice
410s uh
413s uh
414s um yeah here oh okay the end of this at
416s the end of this Echo I will I'll pop
418s something up
420s I'll surround you with minions oh it's
423s an arena here I don't even notice
427s I should have been able to tell because
428s the mini map's missing unfortunately my
430s dread shade no longer Buffs you I'm
432s sorry sir
434s you know what jerk Nerf is that eh let's
437s let's start with Nerf talk now
440s okay I'm gonna ask you my first question
443s yeah go ahead first question
446s uh first question is around character
450s customization for 1.0 now this was a
454s very generic question I know you've been
456s asked it a lot in the past not really
459s about
461s um genders like you know can you pick a
463s male or female but like eye color and
465s hair and stuff like that
468s um any plans for any of that in the
470s future
471s 1.0 no is the short answer to that so
473s we've we've kind of bundle eye color
476s hair color gender all that sort of a
479s single feature as far as we're concerned
482s um character's position as as uh just in
485s general as a feature and um
488s like that's it's not it's not in
490s progress yet it's not being worked on
492s yet which I know is frustrating to hear
493s for a lot of people
495s um it is something that we are planning
496s on doing still it is a feature that like
499s it's coming it'll happen it'll take a
503s while
504s um you know it's the a lot of a lot of
507s stuff comes down to just we have to
509s prioritize things and yep
511s um and and getting a
515s um
516s having characters be customizable isn't
518s isn't something that's really super high
521s priority for us compared to
524s um performance
525s um bug fixing
527s um better like in-game communication to
530s the player uh just new end game features
532s you know finishing the Mastery classes
534s like there's so many things like that
536s that are just so much more important
538s um that they're gonna take priority
541s got it yeah but yes character Exposition
543s is still on the list it's not going
545s anywhere
547s um it's just
548s it's on vacation
551s you know playing a lot of D2
554s for me I I mean personally this is just
556s my opinion that character customization
558s and an isometric action RPG has never
560s been something I fully cared about
562s because I've always been your gear is
564s your character it's like oh that person
566s has a Titan's Revenge that person has a
568s grandfather that person like it's almost
570s like you know their build and you know
572s what they're doing based upon how the
574s items look over you know eye color hair
578s color stuff like that but I also
580s understand the idea that people want
581s characters that
583s um you know identify with themselves or
585s whatever you want to look at it but yeah
587s that's just my that's my take yeah it's
589s it's one of those things that for some
590s people it's extremely important and we
592s and we want to deliver for those people
593s yeah
595s we just uh unfortunately we hope that
597s they they can be patient for us
600s we forgot the teaser you can't start
602s another one until the first teaser comes
605s up I'm sorry
608s it was not intentional
610s I'm just absent-minded I get talking
614s uh woot link says he likes the frost
616s Cape better so I switched it on now I
618s got the frost cape on for you okay
621s good listener
623s okay we got a little question here let's
625s just read that one out
627s I do not know how I survived that but
628s I'll take it I'm not around you yeah
630s that's what's going on where's my
631s where's my Army Where's My Bodyguard
633s well there's purple items on the ground
635s so I'm looking at them oh yeah here's
639s one I will say uh I forgot what it feels
642s like to have a loot filter for everyone
644s out there you know what I'm talking
645s about all right
648s all right there's already a few skills
650s to be able to use as supporting skills
652s but what are your guys thoughts on
653s Purely sport characters in The refugees
655s as in something like an aura or curse
658s bot and Poe that does nothing but buff
660s debuff
661s um we we aren't
664s we aren't planning out classes
668s um to have that as a specific option
671s where it's pure
672s uh pure support nothing else at all
675s um we we do plan out support options and
678s support uh like elements for for
681s characters and for classes and say like
682s okay like we're making this skill and
684s like okay here's here's maybe a branch
686s you can take the skill into a supporting
687s way and like or here's like a skill
689s that's really focused around support
690s stuff we don't we haven't really sat
692s down and said like okay well how can we
694s add nodes and skills to this class to
698s specifically make a peer support build
699s possible and I think that it will be
701s possible to make support builds but
703s you're gonna be typically taking a
706s little bit more active role in that so
707s like
708s um
709s having having a character that
712s that just walks near you and the
714s presence of them being near you is a
716s fully complete build as a support
717s character is not something I think will
719s be realized the idea would be like a
723s Bard or a Healer class or something
725s along those lines are currently not
727s planned like you are
729s the group's healer no yeah I mean like I
732s think I think you'll be able to get
734s pretty close to that with a paladin
736s um like when ceiling hands has its has
737s its um skill tree and you've got holy
740s Aura
741s um and you've got things like maybe
742s you're casting Smite nearly debuff
744s focused on Smite which also heals when
745s it hits and then maybe you're like
749s um there's also a skill missing there
750s which I does have the skill you about
753s playing over there does have some
754s Support options and elements into it oh
756s what's the name of that skill I'm not
757s gonna tell you
758s um no but yeah yeah like like there's I
762s think you can't start another one until
764s you do the leak oh my God
766s okay we won't go we won't move at all
770s go on okay so here's here is uh a
774s picture of
776s um I don't know let's see what it is
777s I'll see what it is it's fine
779s um
781s already working here's here's a picture
784s of come on transition there we go of
788s um
788s the the leader of the merchant skills
791s uh that we will see eventually so this
793s is this is a little ways out like this
794s is not next patch league but this is a
797s leader of the merchants Guild okay so
800s this is a character you will interact
801s with in game
803s um and they'll have various story
806s elements and and things like that like
808s they will be a story NPC that'll like
810s they'll be a voice actor for this and
812s everything and
813s um
814s yeah so this is this is gonna be a uh
817s one of the new characters coming
819s does the name of the does it say the
821s name of the does it say her name sorry
824s I'm trying to look Merchant skill it
826s doesn't
828s I had to zoom in
829s art looks good I like it
832s was that big old lizard a Komodo or
835s something
836s yes it does not say it just it says
838s Merchant skilled on the bottom yeah yeah
844s actually it's funny a lot basically
846s everything in the show today I've seen
848s for the first time myself today
851s that's Mrs Miss bunny bags exactly uh
856s she does have what kind of some gold
857s there she's got money for sure just a
860s little bit for sure
861s I love gold
865s okay leak one teaser one out there you
869s go
870s um any update on factions it was pretty
873s early on no it's it's not it's still
875s early on we're um yeah yeah we're
877s building we're building infrastructure
879s for it
880s now I will go in just quickly to another
883s Community question this one actually
885s just came in through my Discord yeah
887s which by the way you could ping me if
889s you have a question
890s um
892s any plans to move some testing back to
895s CTS yes for example factions Mastery
898s skills things of that nature yes yes we
901s are
902s um the CT program got kind of
905s um
905s uh the the what we're using for got
908s adjusted a little bit and then last
909s batch we didn't really use it at all
912s and then so we we we changed what we
915s used it for for 0.90 and didn't use it
917s at all for
919s 0.91.92 we are using it
922s um
923s so it will be making a return yes
926s awesome yes that's great I don't know
929s what that looks like or how that's gonna
931s work at all
932s um but I know that I was in a planning
934s meeting today for what's gonna what the
936s first build is gonna go to the CTS is
937s gonna look like so uh
939s it better be coming back because
942s yeah if you want I could log in right
944s now and play that build on stream if you
946s want me to do that thank you I think
948s that happened no no all right but I mean
953s I would think like CTS like testing
954s towns and the fixes for those types of
956s things it would be great to obviously
958s run through that before the Patch's live
960s right I mean yeah the testing is
962s interesting because like we've been
963s testing towns internally for months and
965s it was so smooth it was fantastic it was
968s just more about how many how many people
970s were in right no it actually didn't have
973s to do it the volume weirdly enough
975s really it had nothing to do with the
977s volume which I know is insane yeah
981s that honestly makes me feel better
983s there's a slight difference in the
985s server configurations between live and
987s uh our testing environment it's up right
990s or down sorry
994s I'm not very efficient
995s no it's fine it's fine
1002s wait those guys didn't die I wonder what
1005s happened
1009s I got a question could you ask if ehg
1011s would consider a mechanic like a super
1013s rare Rune slash glyph to revert a
1016s legendary item back to the lp unique
1022s um so basically you like you got a three
1023s LP and the one affix you want doesn't
1026s transfer over and you're like
1028s unbelievable I can use this mirror that
1032s is one in a trillion to bring back my
1034s item yes
1036s um so what
1038s um I I maybe I'll I'll give that I'll
1041s give that one a maybe
1042s um I'll give it an I don't think so
1044s maybe so uh the the reason why it's in I
1048s don't think so is because it's it's
1050s creating an additive
1054s um
1055s chance multiplier or like an additive uh
1059s like method to access specific gear
1063s um that changes the overall difficulty
1065s of attaining that gear uh that's that's
1068s usually made of a bunch of
1069s multiplicative things okay so
1072s um like you've got these these stages in
1075s like you get to the point where you have
1076s your unique and your exalted item and
1080s um you've got whatever the chance is for
1082s that right now the getting this other
1086s extra item is like it's getting extra
1088s rolls at the first it's getting extra
1091s rolls at that process right
1094s um and it's
1096s you you
1099s added rolls on top of added roles yeah
1102s you're saying uh it's kind of hard to
1103s explain with this one but the
1107s I think there's a low probability of
1108s something like that happening I think
1109s it's it's
1111s on the cusp enough because there's still
1113s a multiplicative thing that happens
1114s afterwards because you have to still
1116s roll uh uh exalted onto it again to make
1119s it legendary it might be possible
1122s um
1122s okay I'm gonna I'm gonna switch up the
1125s question a little bit and I guess this
1126s is from me
1128s now
1129s some people love this some people hate
1131s it okay I just want to start with that
1133s but like I don't know if you've been
1134s following this is like the six rarest
1137s items in Diablo 4 and it's basically
1140s like you know Willy Wonka did you get a
1143s golden ticket yeah it's like chance of
1145s finding
1147s .0002 it's crazy there's been like one
1149s not even all of them have been found wow
1152s I haven't I haven't fallen close enough
1154s to know that yeah so and they're like
1156s you know it's grandfather Chaco all
1158s these all these items so you know once
1161s one is found it's literally like it's
1163s it's it's it's news yeah
1166s any thoughts on what is like what is
1168s your take on ultra rare like you you uh
1172s we just had a member of the community
1173s just found uh she just found her first
1175s mirror in Poe you know and she's been
1177s playing the game for a decade like like
1180s it hate it what do you think about that
1188s I like personally is
1190s often not what I think is best for last
1192s Epoch okay and I frequently will pitch
1195s things in last Epoch that if I was like
1198s making something for myself like if I
1200s was I was just like okay this game is
1202s entirely up to me what's gonna happen
1203s and I don't care what anyone else thinks
1205s and everyone just has to like what I
1206s like yeah oh yeah we'd have mega ultra
1209s rare stuff we would have things that
1212s like the the I the concept of windforce
1215s in our wood Furies it wouldn't Force the
1219s um
1220s uh the The Sword and wow
1225s you know it's one force one Fury
1228s that's you would know more than me okay
1231s there's there was a sword in early days
1233s of wow in win Fury okay sorry when the
1235s chats chat's gone twin Fury Thunder Fury
1237s Thunder Fury oh yeah Thunder Fury let's
1240s delete it yes okay yes sorry
1247s um it was this it was so rare that like
1250s yeah did someone say thunder Feud let's
1252s play the yeah
1253s um it was so rare that like you
1256s there was there was a couple
1259s in existence for the longest time type
1261s thing in the in the whole the whole and
1263s all of wow and
1266s um I love that that the idea that there
1268s was this item that was just like
1270s even like like you had like a dozen
1273s people together you have to get 40
1274s people together to like to make it and
1276s like there's 40 people working for like
1278s a month to even like make it happen type
1279s thing and it's it's like that sort of
1281s stuff oh my God I love it these these
1283s ideas these items like can barely exist
1285s and
1286s um you know all that sort of stuff it's
1288s just fantastic now so I also like that I
1291s like the idea if I've been playing the
1292s game for 10 years I've never found this
1294s but it's still exciting that the chance
1296s that it could drop
1298s uh I I mean I I I agree with that now
1301s the Diablo 4 thing is like someone in
1303s chat said that mirrors are way more
1305s common than these items these items are
1307s truly like winning the lottery like that
1310s is that that is the odds of finding one
1312s so I don't know if I like it
1314s that rare I don't know maybe I do I like
1317s the idea of like some excitement in
1319s there yes it's hard to say really now if
1320s if these items are
1323s um
1325s like enable like build enabling items
1328s where like you can't play a
1331s um a specific archetype you can't it's
1334s impossible to play uh sword and board uh
1337s melee Bruiser character uh unless you
1340s have this item that's the rarest thing
1342s to ever happen to a video game
1344s um and so like one person finds that the
1346s only person in the entire game that can
1348s play this type of character in endgame
1349s like no that sucks and I don't think I
1352s doubt that's the way it is well there's
1354s we were talking about it on my podcast
1355s that there's the person that found the
1358s helmet
1359s like they're already like people are
1360s trying to buy her account and you know
1362s because it's like that you know that
1364s level yeah of Rarity but and and and but
1369s and having it be like that for like
1372s um like bragging rights type thing cool
1375s I I'm fine with that personally what was
1378s it terials armor or something like that
1380s in D2 yeah right
1383s like the rarest item in the game oh yeah
1385s it's
1386s the the hard the hard thing about that
1388s is that um there's certain items that
1391s were like
1392s strictly rarer but materials might yeah
1395s people would Farm certain areas more to
1397s cause like more than to be found so like
1399s what is actually the rarest item is hard
1401s to actually calculate
1403s um
1404s but as far as statistical drop chance
1406s materials yeah I think materials was but
1409s Meng songs lesson is uh possibly rare I
1413s don't know
1414s I know that was the last one Meng songs
1416s was the last one that llama found
1419s um
1420s by the way this is the longest ques we
1422s went like up down up down up down I
1424s don't know if you noted yeah it was bad
1430s Ming song is number three I love it how
1432s people in chat okay that's awesome
1435s um I do know that I like over the years
1437s of playing D2 I've definitely found
1439s every item
1440s everyone every single one I can see that
1443s quite confidently I played I played a
1445s lot of D2 I mean I played a lot of D2
1447s too but I can't say that confidently no
1450s I I could say yeah
1457s every single one of them actually
1459s dropped for me and I'm not 100 sure on
1462s that
1463s I think I think it has well then you
1465s would appreciate this the item that was
1468s um found where they're trying to buy the
1470s account uh they didn't D4 they didn't
1473s put poison Nova in but this item creates
1475s poison Nova or something when you're hit
1479s it's sad they didn't put it in anyways
1481s uh question around
1486s what's this
1488s factions yep
1491s Rafters Guild a crafter's guild yes so
1494s the um sorry if there's a whole question
1497s there go ahead that's the whole question
1499s okay basically any idea like people who
1501s love crafting love tinkering collecting
1503s that type of stuff Crafters Guild and I
1505s know we've like I remember the picture
1507s you drew where it's like you pick
1508s between these two factions and you pick
1509s between these two you know it's not one
1512s or the other which is cool
1514s um any ideas around a crafter's guild
1516s yeah I mean um circle of Fortune's gonna
1519s have crafting benefits we've already
1520s shared that uh they're in in the initial
1523s pose one of the graphics has like one of
1526s the like
1528s um there's Graphics there that's like
1529s the example bonuses that could come from
1533s the guilds or whatever and I'm pretty
1534s sure one of them is a bonus to crafting
1536s thought it was legendary potential drop
1539s but was it actual crafting
1542s um I might just be spilling stuff right
1544s here
1544s it's okay I can't remember it everybody
1546s is gonna be a good chance of correcting
1549s circle of Fortune Circle like his
1553s um
1553s it's more of Circle of Fortune's a lot
1555s about a lot of it is like with the
1556s prophecies and stuff like that a lot of
1557s it is revolves around like you acquiring
1560s the gear yourself that's sort of like
1562s the the primary theme is like like how
1565s you're solos yeah I really want to avoid
1568s that term so itself out because it's not
1569s it doesn't have anything to do with solo
1572s that's true because you don't have to be
1573s solo you could play with the merchant
1575s skill you could play with friends
1576s exactly and it's not strictly cell phone
1578s either because you can still do gifting
1580s item gifting yeah oh you have
1583s insufficient stability too bad
1585s I don't know is this a boss fight yeah
1589s are we even empowered I haven't no we're
1591s not we're not even empowered oh okay
1593s yeah I think
1596s let's see if we can but my character's
1597s like 70.
1598s oh is it 73
1601s oh
1602s that's that's good power level he's
1604s still here don't sell yourself short i i
1607s i i the this account I've only played on
1610s stream
1611s oh okay
1613s why don't you just why don't you just
1615s make yourself like an awesome something
1617s out of your
1619s other can't you just give yourself
1621s whatever you want I yes I could cheat
1623s yes yes
1626s I do have the capability to cheat I
1628s could I could go into the database and
1631s we have the technology yeah I'm not
1633s gonna do that I'm not gonna edit that
1636s database ever anyway oh my God I'm
1639s getting so much trouble
1641s oh I'm sure uh something uh as far as
1644s like communities playing together Clans
1647s guilds I think I think you've mentioned
1650s that I think the word you guys EHD wants
1652s to use is Clans I could be wrong but I
1654s don't know if we've cut with a specific
1655s name for it but yeah like that's a guilt
1658s Guild Clans that sort of system is is
1659s something that I think will sort of like
1661s eventually make its way in yeah um but I
1664s don't think it'll be I know it won't be
1666s 1.0 feature and I don't think it'll be a
1669s um like shortly after 1.0 feature either
1671s just because it's
1673s um it's it's one of those things that
1674s kind of tends to
1677s it's really cool
1679s when it works well people like can build
1681s a community around it in the game yeah
1684s and like all those things are awesome
1686s and and we want to get those in
1689s um
1690s but then you have to answer the
1691s questions is it going to have like a
1693s shared stash is it like what like what
1696s are the social features yeah and and
1699s we're gonna have to build area yeah we
1701s are putting a shared stash in for them
1704s um so it's it's like what is the
1706s mechanical benefit of a
1709s um of a guild at that point other than
1710s just a sort of a shared friends list or
1713s like a like a you know chat like a
1717s shared chat Channel
1718s yeah share chat Channel let's show your
1720s friends list which which is not nothing
1722s it's not nothing but is that enough to
1724s Warrant uh uh like pre 1.0 Dev time
1728s compared to yeah it's hard because you
1731s couldn't do like achievement only Clans
1734s because then you're forcing people to go
1736s into like they have to join a clan to
1738s get the achievement huh
1740s yeah so there's there's some tricky
1742s things there I I think I think there's a
1743s good chance we will add them at some
1745s point
1746s um but it's just it's one of those like
1747s it's not high enough priority there's
1749s like that's fair right now the like so
1751s much of the core Focus that we're doing
1753s is Polish performance you know like
1756s um getting what we have really feeling
1759s awesome and a lot of these like very
1762s important what I would call secondary
1764s features
1765s um we're we're I think having more
1768s polish on the primary features is more
1770s valuable than having these second grade
1771s features created
1776s randomization in the monolith yeah
1779s that's that's a big one
1781s I feel like that is huge that is gonna
1785s be a big one and I think you've alluded
1787s to that is something that the goal or at
1790s least the hope is
1791s 1.0 correct well yeah
1795s so refresh to the mono
1797s like something so like the thing I've
1799s talked about I've always been very
1801s careful to try and word this this way is
1803s that the the goal there the initial goal
1805s for something like this is not hey
1808s um the the zones are randomized layouts
1811s that's I've never said that very
1814s carefully that I said that because
1815s that's that's a huge change
1818s um I think that's something that is sort
1820s of been in the back of all of our minds
1821s for a long time of getting these
1824s um procedurally generated levels into
1826s the game it's sort of it's been one of
1827s those things that we've always kind of
1828s gone can we do this is like like do we
1831s have time to get this in do we have time
1832s do we know how to do this is there a way
1834s we can do this and um it always kind of
1836s comes up a little short on the uh the
1840s doable category
1842s well it's funny I've been playing the
1843s game long enough where it was you start
1845s here and you end here
1847s and that's it every map and then it was
1849s like now you can start at the back or in
1850s the middle and there's different
1851s objectives and things like that but
1853s obviously the map is always the same
1855s it's just what the objective is and then
1857s where you travel on the map yeah but
1861s yeah a lot of people want a lot of
1863s people like that and so this is the
1865s thing that I've been talking about in
1866s the last few months on stream about is
1868s this like unexpected content
1870s um and like things things and this is
1872s the type of stuff we are working on that
1873s is much more doable and much less
1875s involved and that's that's like having
1877s some sort of content that you don't know
1881s like it's an example I was using
1883s treasure goblins which is not yeah where
1885s we're starting this but that's just the
1886s example uses that's the style and it's
1888s yeah it's having things like you don't
1890s you don't know what's gonna happen so
1892s you start the model thing you say like
1893s and there's something that draws your
1894s attention to go this way and it's
1895s something that draws your attention to
1896s go this way uh yeah and that I think
1899s that'll be really valuable and really
1900s useful and really good all sorts of
1902s stuff
1903s everybody likes treasure goblins even
1905s though it's not going to be treasure
1906s goblins yeah I I mean I I'll I will
1908s still push for Treasure goblins to exist
1910s at some point because I love that as a
1912s mechanic it's so simple it works so well
1915s um I I feel like it's one of those
1917s things that you could like
1918s someone could probably slap them in like
1920s an afternoon right like functionality
1923s Wise It's not that hard
1925s okay
1926s let's see any questions from chat I
1929s don't want to just take over and ask a
1930s million questions I want to make sure
1933s Community has their voice
1937s sure has been a while since you've had a
1939s teaser
1941s it has been a while I think I could
1943s sneak something out
1944s um I think it's something in there any
1947s any other questions there we'll do in
1948s the next uh intermission
1951s while you're squeezing that teaser out
1956s um
1957s people have asked me a lot and I think
1960s I've incorrectly reinforced this idea
1963s that the Rune master class will be
1966s focused around traps yeah so I can't
1969s really talk it'll be a Trapper class and
1971s the original like it's also going to
1973s have golems and all this type of stuff
1975s anything you can share as far as theming
1979s yeah you know you talk about a little
1980s like warlock's gonna be like Jafar like
1982s can you kind of break down theming of
1984s Rune master
1985s uh yeah I I don't have as strong of a
1988s touchstone theme that I can call on like
1990s that with with your master
1992s um it's it definitely hits a a fair few
1995s similar theming notes as sorcerer does
1997s like there's a lot of theme overlap
1999s there for sure like um not not with
2001s mechanical theme but like theme thingy
2004s um
2004s and uh we've actually been working on is
2008s is is having those feel and be distinct
2010s from each other
2011s okay
2012s which is pretty important
2014s um but Golems yeah so this is gonna be
2017s able to have an army of Golems no
2019s dang sorry no no goals I'll tell you
2021s that I'll play that one for free so the
2023s three Golems on screen right now that's
2025s just where we're gonna be those are your
2026s goals Golems Golems are at least for now
2029s going to be a necromancer skill
2031s um but like Elemental Golems is is a
2034s theme that I I feel like there's a good
2036s chance we'll revisit
2038s um
2039s at some point in the future but it's not
2041s going to be part of
2043s gridmaster
2045s sorry well it's okay I feel like playing
2049s every game in the genre you do a very
2051s good job with minions so you could just
2054s keep it up actually people actually
2055s complain it's like all I find amazing
2058s minion gear it's all Minion gear that's
2061s all this game does is minions
2063s oh that just messed up I started another
2065s one it's okay
2069s okay so here's here's a little here's a
2071s little teaser
2072s um let's see what we got what do we got
2073s we are bringing back
2076s um the the so the the 2.5 D cinematics
2080s so we have those ones at the start of
2084s like we make a new character and there's
2085s like a little character intro and that's
2086s like uh like pictures and voice over and
2089s they kind of move a little bit but it's
2090s not like a full-on like CGI video or
2092s anything like that
2093s um so we are bringing those back for
2096s chapter book note bookends
2099s um so one thing we get a lot is people
2101s say like hey
2103s um like I don't even know what chapter
2104s I'm in I have no idea what chapter I'm
2106s in I I like through yeah I say that when
2109s did when did the chapter end like yeah
2111s there's a boss fight like what happened
2113s you know like and get some more story
2114s beats in there because a lot of people
2115s just like race through it
2117s um which I do too and so uh we are
2120s working on they're definitely not done
2122s yet
2123s um and they won't all be included in the
2126s next patch by any stretch of the
2127s imagination probably won't even all be
2128s in by 1.0 I don't think
2130s um don't say that don't sell yourself
2132s short but we are working on them and
2135s here's a little preview of one of those
2138s that is being worked on right now
2140s so what you're saying is what we are
2141s looking at is like the end of act blah
2145s yeah yeah
2147s um and this is the art could be black
2148s and white I was sold to making this
2149s clear that they are not going to be
2150s black and white this is just a um like a
2153s concept uh storyboard art for it uh that
2157s they're using to build it
2160s chapter 7.
2166s oh the art looks nice who drew this
2171s I don't know how to do that but uh yeah
2173s it's there's some stuff in there to look
2175s into
2181s yeah that looks clean
2184s so the good CT testers get a Sandbox
2186s type interface so it's easier to test
2188s out specific things especially when it
2190s comes to items without having to spend
2192s tons of time trying to grind it out we
2194s actually very intentionally don't give a
2195s Sandbox environment or CTS
2197s um because a lot of the really important
2199s stuff that we're trying to test uh is is
2202s usually not
2204s um hey to these to these this is build
2206s work type type type things that's
2208s usually not what our goals are with uh
2211s CT builds
2213s um
2214s if if that is one of the goals of one of
2216s our CT builds like see like hey do these
2218s builds work or
2219s um you know stuff like that there we
2220s might we might add certain tools like
2222s that because we do have some tools
2225s um
2225s we do have like uh like reset your
2228s passives for free reset the skill for
2229s free like it also want to skill points
2230s like we can do all those types of things
2233s um and we do have internal builds to do
2235s it but usually those aren't the things
2237s we're really trying to get tested and I
2240s know it's frustrating sometimes when
2241s you're like oh I want to try these
2243s things you're not giving me the tools to
2244s do it everything like that but like we
2245s usually need to focus on really folk
2249s like specific things to test that makes
2251s any sense
2253s um
2255s I have a question hit me it's really
2257s funny
2258s xatheist asked me he's a member of my
2260s community out of the three final
2262s masteries which one will be the easiest
2264s to play well you know I've played all
2265s three you know they're pretty good
2270s I don't know out of the easiest
2274s I'm gonna say uh
2277s uh Warlock
2279s because that's the one that I want to
2281s play first so that's just uh my
2283s reasoning behind it even though I'm
2285s still mad at Mike when he told me that
2287s it's not void focused and I'm not gonna
2289s go over that sandbox I asked for years
2292s finally got an answer it's not gonna be
2294s void focused unless that's changed which
2297s might please you'll make my
2299s year if it is but uh warlock Warlock
2306s that's my answer
2309s but you haven't played warlock yet
2311s I've played it it's fine you're right I
2314s haven't played any of them let me just
2315s put it out there I'm just kidding I
2316s haven't played
2318s they're not finished yet we got to be a
2321s little more patient that being said uh
2324s my commuting my community has been
2326s eluding that you said last week that
2329s there's a new DOT coming and we all
2332s think that new dot might be for the
2334s Warlock just because it made sense in
2337s our heads I don't know we probably can't
2339s say but
2340s uh that's not what I was referring to no
2343s no it was a friendship
2346s I uh I I think uh well it probably does
2350s have I I don't know I'll stop my head
2352s right now but I'd be surprised if there
2354s was no new dots involved in warlock as
2356s well that'd be pretty surprising but
2358s that's not what I was referring to
2360s okay
2362s all right I I like I'd be surprised if
2365s we're all doesn't get a new DOT
2367s um
2370s you're far yeah
2373s yeah yeah like just just
2375s if you think of like
2376s um like some warlock fantasies that you
2380s probably have from a theme from other
2382s games you're coming from like like some
2384s some of those things we do like to try
2385s and deliver on
2387s um like World of Warcraft yeah I'm not
2389s specific abilities or anything like that
2390s but yeah there are certain expectations
2393s that people have going for their gains
2394s and um disappointing players on on those
2396s fronts is usually not wise
2399s okay I think that's fair that's that's
2402s good
2405s uh
2407s one thing I would ask is are there plans
2409s to save map slash mobs wait save map
2414s mobs slash items between zone changes TP
2418s for 1.0 yeah
2420s um I don't think that's gonna be there
2421s for 1.0
2424s sorry
2428s but yeah it sucks and we want to fix it
2433s what is the best base class and why is
2436s it Sentinel
2438s um why is it Sentinel all the time
2442s it's Sentinel because you've
2444s accidentally mispronounced Rogue
2445s exactly exactly
2449s people ask me all the time like what's
2450s the best leveling class I think they're
2452s all pretty close I don't I mean
2455s I actually think if you're just power
2457s leveling like which one can you just
2459s tear through the campaign the quickest
2460s with I actually think it could be Mage
2464s because of teleport working with Nova so
2468s well that while you're moving you're
2470s also killing everything
2474s there is like uh there's some speed
2477s running stuff there's
2478s um like a channel we had to making
2479s discographers to be running and I I
2481s haven't been keeping up with it but I
2483s know someone had someone released a
2484s campaign speedrun video a few months ago
2487s actually that was surprisingly fast I
2489s remember like look at the title going
2491s no
2493s what did was it campaign to end game or
2496s what was it something like that I think
2497s it was campaign
2498s I don't think it was full
2501s um like clear the monolith I think it
2503s was just like beat majasa
2505s hmm
2507s like ssf beat majasa
2512s I remember being fast enough going being
2513s feeling a little ashamed at how slow I
2515s do it feeling like that is pretty fast
2518s that's pretty fast yeah uh when people
2520s ask me like hey what's a good like
2522s starting class like if you could pick
2523s anyone and I you know I always tell them
2526s depends what you like to play because
2527s all of them are so different but if all
2530s things created equal I actually think
2531s Paladin is the easiest first class to
2535s start and you have so much
2538s just build diversity with what you want
2540s to do yeah I I agree with that it's also
2542s a pretty strong theming in the genre
2545s and it yes it does deliver on a lot of
2547s those expectations like you can make a
2549s D2 hammerden
2550s that's true yeah and
2553s and
2555s um unlike other builds where you're
2556s trying to figure out how to how to get
2558s more damage and how to push end game uh
2561s it has the most it's the easiest to get
2563s your resistances it's the easiest to get
2564s endurance it's the easiest to get armor
2566s so it's just you have more survivability
2569s there is there are I know there are
2571s questions of its top-end uh defense
2574s potential
2575s not being up to stuff with some of the
2577s others but it's a lot simpler to get to
2579s it's top end Rex
2581s correct
2583s it's nice I could just read chat while
2585s my minions kill everything
2598s what's up Rhymer how are you doing sir
2603s any more campaign chapters planned
2607s before 1.0 uh I don't think so okay so
2613s campaign as it currently sits
2618s I think I think the campaign where it is
2620s now is what will be the lunch oh that's
2623s not I don't know actually wait a second
2626s um next you don't know what's fine next
2628s next patch I don't think has any
2629s campaign major changes in it okay
2632s um but I 1.0 might have them that's
2634s that's why I'm I realized I may misspoke
2637s okay
2639s next next update nothing as far as I
2641s know yeah uh at least nothing major
2644s okay would you say that the next update
2647s 092 would be focused more around end
2650s game
2651s uh more focused than 91 was yeah okay
2655s oh you're not one had very little so
2657s it's pretty easy to say that right I
2659s know but yeah yeah there's there's
2662s there's uh there's more
2664s um I don't wanna I don't wanna get
2666s people's hopes up about some like huge
2668s overhaul or anything like that
2670s um okay
2671s or like Mike yeah I'm gonna try and
2674s answer this question I want you to
2675s correct me if I'm wrong question came in
2677s what are the goals for 1.0 okay well the
2680s goals are to obviously have a strong uh
2683s successful launch servers to work
2686s correctly
2687s no lag towns to work to launch a amazing
2691s faction system where you will have the
2693s circle of Fortune and the merchants
2694s Guild end game mechanics with the arena
2698s and Arena Champions at minimum three
2702s dungeons with the monolith and kind of
2706s refreshed with possible
2707s randomization not randomization uh yeah
2710s randomization unexpected content
2713s unexpected content yeah because
2715s randomization sounds like it implies
2716s implies procedural level generation yeah
2718s on top of that you will have 15
2721s masteries and five classes and each one
2725s of those masteries is very distinct uh
2729s the three that are currently not in are
2730s the Warlock Rune master in the falconer
2732s that'll all be dropping by 1.0 so what's
2736s left is Polish the three masteries
2742s and the factions yeah pretty well
2745s um yeah and there's there's a pretty big
2746s emphasis on the Polish
2749s I I think for us anyways there's a lot
2752s of what we're doing a lot of what we're
2753s focusing on is is the Polish
2757s and I think there's that's pretty
2758s obvious that there's a there's a few
2760s sections that that need it quite badly
2764s um
2765s but yeah yeah
2768s I
2769s feel more than anything else it's just
2772s the server side stuff that's just my
2775s personal opinion like being able to play
2777s with a group of four necros and I go
2779s left you go right you go Center you go
2781s backwards and it functions perfectly I
2784s feel like that's my current greatest
2785s want
2786s yeah there's there's definitely
2787s something there and there's a lot a lot
2790s of time and effort being spent on
2793s improving that like that's that's that
2796s that's that's what I'm what I'm talking
2797s about polish
2798s yeah that's what I'm talking about like
2800s like getting getting the getting the
2802s servers
2803s um it's less about the actual server
2806s boxes themselves like it's not
2808s um we don't have Hardware problems so
2810s much as we have
2812s suffer problems
2814s um and you're alluding that it's not um
2818s you know it's not like oh there's 40 000
2820s players on at a time we can't handle it
2822s it has nothing to do with the volume of
2824s players correct yeah it's not it's not
2826s been a volume problem okay that's good
2829s you know because the volume is going to
2830s Triple soon I hope so
2834s yeah
2835s no yeah we've we've
2836s we've like we've
2838s um provisioned
2840s huge huge silver Banks
2843s um to to like and to try to alleviate
2846s problems we're like all right let's buy
2848s more servers I'm like help you know it's
2851s it's we we've tried a lot of things to
2853s do that and a lot of what we're doing is
2855s a lot of the main focus from right from
2857s the start of the problems we had
2858s um to now a lot of like our main focus
2860s and the biggest wins have all come from
2862s software improvements
2864s um
2866s and we and we're gonna keep doing that
2868s and you've talked about in the past how
2870s you know you want to be very nimble like
2871s when something does creep up because
2873s obviously you know in the future there's
2874s going to be stuff it's like you know fix
2877s it fast pull it back get it working you
2880s know not letting problems linger of
2882s course oh yeah
2885s that I can only imagine like the behind
2887s the scenes when something happens it's
2888s just like it's got to be just like 9-1-1
2892s yeah we I guess that's probably the
2894s reason we try and um schedule launches
2896s for times when we know people are going
2898s to be available that's good so that we
2900s can respond quickly to problems which
2902s doesn't always end up being the most
2904s appealing time for some people I know I
2907s know we've had issues with that where
2908s it's like you're launching well Works
2910s happening that sort of stuff and it
2911s sucks and
2912s it's like on Thursday instead of a
2914s Friday or Saturday or something like
2915s that and it's I I know it can be
2917s frustrating but um
2920s having those having having that that
2922s time when we know people can be
2923s available to fix problems when they
2925s arise is really important
2928s atheist says warlock needs to be the dot
2931s master
2933s affliction
2935s I mean you don't I mean I'm not even
2938s asking you because you wouldn't say but
2940s I have a very strong sense that there's
2942s gonna be some damage over time elements
2944s to the Warlock
2946s it won't be strictly focused on that
2949s yeah
2952s okay my own question
2955s warlock Falconer Rune Master will any of
2957s any of them have a
2960s minion skill yes
2966s good answer
2968s like yes yeah of those 15 skills yes at
2973s least one of them is a minion skill at
2975s least one
2976s at least we gotta go down at least one
2980s not including the Falcons that's what I
2984s was talking about
2988s sorry with excluding the Falcon
2991s excluding the falcon I don't know sorry
2995s all right nevermind we didn't get it we
2998s didn't get anything
3000s uh Xavier says hopefully a possession
3002s skill
3003s like you curse these enemies and they
3006s turn around and fight for you that kind
3008s of thing yeah yeah that's sweet
3010s yeah that is sweet I like that too
3014s um we actually
3015s did experiment with something like that
3017s for a little while
3019s um because there we do have a curse or
3022s an element already called possession
3025s um
3025s uh well I remember when I was making the
3028s Aaron's will my unique item I pushed
3031s really hard for like you know corpse
3033s animation like oh you kill the enemy and
3035s then if you're wearing my armor you
3036s could bring it back to life and it bites
3037s for you and you're like no like that's
3039s because then we need to create corpses
3041s and you know it's like like a whole
3044s different game mechanic dude we're doing
3046s the thing where we chase the enemies and
3047s they're circling oh yeah and and it's
3050s really interesting because that was one
3051s of the main lines we were we were
3053s tracking with uh initial warlock
3055s development was was was having that as a
3058s thing
3060s um oh that would be so cool yeah which
3062s is well it pushes me back to the cow
3064s level when I when I kill the cows and
3066s then I got an army of cows following me
3068s that are fighting on my side like oh I
3070s love that idea but it's how because I
3072s remember you asking about about the
3073s reanimation stuff and it's why we were I
3075s remember I was answering very quickly no
3077s and so you thought because there was
3078s already a plan for it no because we
3081s already knew we couldn't do it because
3082s we already tried bills I got it I got it
3084s I got it yeah
3087s I was like no we tried nah that was the
3091s goal it didn't work that was really
3094s funny
3096s at least you tried that's good
3099s all right let's see
3103s uh will we expect any complete overhauls
3106s for existing class skills for 1.0 I
3109s think Mike can answer this one but he's
3111s gonna say Shaman has some stuff going on
3113s uh yeah so there's there is a plan for
3116s tempest strike to get an overhaul
3118s um it's getting moved where it is in the
3121s unlock order it's it's its role in the
3123s class is getting changed a lot of this
3125s functionality is getting shifted a
3127s little bit
3128s um
3129s but it's and it's tree will get redone
3132s um I don't know if that's gonna make it
3133s in my 1.0 or not like the the our whole
3136s skill team is just masteries masteries
3140s masteries Masters Masters masteries
3142s um and once the Masters are done we'll
3143s look at things like Tempest shark first
3145s on the list probably
3147s um I would be very surprised if
3150s Tempest strike in its current state
3154s yeah I feel like I'd be pretty I mean
3157s just because I really hope not but it
3159s it's it will it will not be a blocking
3161s feature for 1.0 I'll put it that way
3163s okay no that makes sense yeah temper
3165s strike isn't oh no we gotta we gotta
3167s push it back yeah we're not pushing 1.0
3169s because we didn't get Tempest right
3170s finish or anything like that okay that's
3171s fair that's fair
3173s absolutely accept that
3175s um but yeah it's it's Tempest strike's
3177s the the biggest offender for sure
3180s there's there's other skills that are
3182s like
3182s kind of underwhelming don't really have
3185s the same uh polish as as some other
3189s skills that are in the game that might
3190s be similar or on other classes maybe a
3192s little bit of that like class envy that
3193s happens
3194s um and things like that and we totally
3196s see all the tough
3198s um
3201s masteries come first
3203s I haven't had a single Minion die since
3207s I've been playing wow one wow that
3209s doesn't even like expire from time don't
3211s you have like things oh I guess okay I'm
3213s sorry but all of my permanent minions
3216s even my vanguards I don't think I've
3219s lost one of them I think I've lost it
3221s that's funny
3223s came in about
3225s uh
3227s uh I know this is well into the future
3229s but after 1.0 comes out how long do you
3232s guys plan it'll take until the first
3234s cycle 1.0 will be cycle one yeah
3238s yeah and that's the thing it's kind of
3239s hard to
3241s like Define a cycle like I'd kind of
3243s argue we're in cycle zero right now type
3245s thing yeah well most people I don't want
3248s to say I don't want to speak for anybody
3249s I normally think of like a cycle as
3253s a start over point where there is
3255s something new to do like you know
3257s there's like like in the genre there's a
3261s new dungeon there's a new skill there's
3263s new items there's a fresh ladder there's
3265s that's the key for me is the fresh
3267s ladder
3268s yeah and that that's probably just
3269s because I'm so used to playing with D2
3273s it's for the longest time that was like
3275s the only like there was nothing new that
3276s changed like what's your favorite class
3278s in D2 oh
3280s that's that's so hard like I have very
3283s fond memories of all of them my favorite
3284s my favorite class build combo everything
3286s is an enchantress like so terrible
3290s love it so much like you show up in a
3293s game with like people who are who are
3296s um like maybe they're they're in their
3298s like 80s and 90s and they're doing
3299s pretty good and everything and you show
3301s up with this like Sark and a crossbow
3303s and they're just like what are you doing
3305s you fool you knew but you're like eat it
3310s did you ever play
3311s um
3313s ax throwing Barbarian yep
3316s not a huge fan this one glimmer shark
3318s that's noise correct that one always
3320s cracked me up it's just like kind of a
3321s meme build yeah I like javasan that's
3323s why I was so excited when I saw the
3324s javison Java uh Javelin skill come into
3327s the game yes and and javasan was a the
3331s reason for that skill
3332s that is perfect yeah yeah a big big fan
3336s um really like uh werewolf or like
3339s rabies Druids I really enjoy that
3342s um I mean Hamilton's always fun but I
3344s much prefer smider
3348s it's funny as you talk about D2 like
3351s there's so much theming in last Epoch
3354s like you could see the reference points
3357s or the
3359s um just what you guys took which is
3361s great I love that
3363s I mean like it's I I talk about like
3366s making less Epoch and making like the
3367s game that I would make for myself and
3369s and there's there's the vast majority of
3372s it's identical
3374s um
3374s and a lot of that is just the things
3376s that you know like each of us when we're
3379s growing up and playing against the kid
3381s like what spoke to us what did we what
3382s did we latch onto and those are the
3384s ideas you come up with those are the
3385s things that
3387s um
3388s I get to make the Mastery I wanted as a
3391s kid playing D2 yeah that's cool that is
3394s cool
3395s rich is asking if I've died nope I don't
3397s even think one of my minions has died
3399s but we're not playing in power twitch is
3401s good well this is warlock needs to be
3403s made male because the male name in
3404s English yay
3408s you know I I I I I understand that uh
3412s like on Earth on Earth English warlock
3414s is is a male class but you know like
3417s this is just the best term we have for
3420s for what this this class is in a Terra
3423s as well it's the closest thing we can
3424s come up with so there's no direct
3425s translation it doesn't translate quite
3427s perfectly
3430s my options for the reward were
3433s experience or Shields and I was level
3436s 100 and I took experience just because
3440s I had never picked Shields it's pretty
3442s funny uh I got a ton of exalted Spears
3445s here laying on the ground oh that'd be
3446s go feel free to go through them I'm just
3449s gonna dump it almost Dash
3451s Aaron are arenas going to be enhanced
3456s further different modes of competitive
3458s models or are arenas finalized I believe
3462s well we have all the different ladders
3464s for the arena
3467s um
3468s maybe like
3470s expanding Arena Champions Mike anything
3473s like that or yeah there won't be much
3475s different with Arena
3477s um from 1.0 uh I I'd really like to get
3480s some Arena champions in
3482s um I know this is kind of something that
3484s I've I've talked about in the past of
3485s like what some early ideas for arena
3488s Champions things like that were I I'd
3489s love to see us I have no idea if we're
3492s gonna do this this is just a
3493s if someone asked me tomorrow if I wanted
3495s it it's a yes the
3497s like at the end at the end of maybe
3501s like before .92 starts or something and
3503s in preparation for 1.0
3505s um
3506s look looking at who who was sitting on
3508s top of the ladder and trying to make
3509s Arena Champions like similar to those
3512s classes and characters and things like
3513s that maybe like nods to some people who
3515s want some of the ladders something like
3516s that I'd love to do something like that
3518s to make new origin Champions I don't
3519s know if we have time I don't I don't
3521s know if there's going to be any
3522s differences for arena Champions
3524s um
3525s or anything in the arena for 1.0 I know
3527s that's that's definitely a back burner
3528s feature right now
3534s uh at last Epoch game I know you're busy
3539s but you love the game have you played D4
3542s and is there anything from that you
3545s enjoy and might want to port to Le a
3550s our answer is uh I I actually don't even
3553s own D4 right now what I do not own D4
3556s right now that's okay I didn't they gave
3558s me they I don't I don't think I didn't
3561s buy it either
3563s um I played the beta bunch and I just I
3567s with where the launch date was and uh
3570s the timing of patches for us in our
3572s pressure 1.0 and things like that I'm
3573s like
3575s I won't have any time to play it I'm
3578s gonna wait and uh we'll be a little bit
3580s heads down right now
3582s um partially as well because like this
3584s sounds ridiculous but like
3586s by the oh the pretty well the only game
3589s I think that could realistically give uh
3592s D2 a run for the first money is my like
3594s all-time favorite game growing up is
3596s Ocarina of Time
3598s um
3599s and so cheers the kingdom just came out
3601s and it drew my attention a little bit
3603s I see yeah and I play that with my wife
3606s so we like we really enjoy playing that
3608s together and I like games that I can
3609s play with her but she doesn't like
3610s Diablo so um
3612s extremely limited time to play I haven't
3615s been playing D4
3617s um I played a beta bunch and there was a
3619s lot of the stuff
3621s um
3622s that I do and like I watch streams and
3624s stuff like that everything but the
3625s things that I really like about
3627s uh D4 that I would that I think we could
3630s learn from is their uh their use of
3633s animations and like Cassie animation
3635s specifically
3637s and and yeah I think that's the stuff
3639s that we can learn from the most that we
3642s are falling short a little bit on
3650s that's good
3653s any plans for twitch drops
3657s yeah I think so
3658s um nothing uh nothing concrete nothing
3661s like immediately
3664s soon but in the works but yeah I
3668s um I know it's a conversation we had at
3670s one point and went okay yeah we should
3671s do that
3673s anyone got time to work on that no
3676s sign it to somebody who
3678s exactly so I um I'd be surprised if it
3683s doesn't happen just give it to Rimer
3686s he's not doing anything
3688s but
3690s private is a lot I know he knows
3693s I just know he's watching so I just get
3695s my head ah yeah get get it get that yeah
3697s exactly
3699s folks Mike take your hand off the
3701s keyboard for one second are you dead no
3704s no no no I just like oh you have to do
3705s you have to put up a teaser if you died
3707s right
3710s okay
3711s uh this question I've received a few
3714s times and that's just because I play so
3716s much Necro
3719s the way the Mages
3722s teleport works is like better than any
3725s other movement skill I can go up
3727s mountains down mountains stuff like that
3730s why is that
3732s um I mean a lot of it's just theming
3733s right like
3736s um
3738s it's it's it's the it has nothing to do
3741s with it being like a new node you know
3743s so it's like it's got like better
3745s performance or something no nothing like
3748s that no no no it's just like okay think
3750s of if you're like
3752s um I also use like these Rogue shift is
3754s like an example like you're gonna okay
3756s you're gonna run really fast like a
3759s short burst or whatever like that yep
3761s having that go down a cliff face
3763s uh doesn't make a lot of sense
3766s okay I understand
3768s um so it's like a Teleport with your
3771s minions up down it doesn't matter the
3773s elevations theming wise yeah does it
3777s does it not do that
3779s it does do that okay
3781s um yeah and I think I think that's the
3782s big difference like transplant teleport
3784s should behave the same
3786s do they not
3789s uh it's like I don't want you to like
3792s fix it because it's so good
3795s I mean basically the skeleton Mage where
3799s you like when you cast a skeleton mage
3802s you know
3803s yep and it portals you it's like the
3806s best movement skill in the game I can't
3808s even describe it until you play it it's
3809s like you know you never get caught on
3812s any rocks or any weird stuff you can go
3814s up down even if you can't see
3817s you know like like there's just a
3819s mountain to my right and I just click
3820s off screen and I like jump up there it
3822s just it functions it functions really
3825s well and in my head it's always well
3827s it's because it's new so it probably
3828s like has the latest
3830s you know Intel and teleport can't do
3832s that interesting I didn't know they were
3834s different I thought they were the same
3835s they should be the same the ones all the
3837s ones that teleport you like transplant
3839s teleport the Mage one uh the Smite uh
3843s descend
3845s um
3846s they should all they should all have the
3847s same limitations those ones
3849s rich in chat right now says it is so
3852s good but necro needs more survivability
3854s love yeah if you played let's just say
3856s you like like you're using teleport over
3859s and over and over again and then you're
3860s like let me try
3862s um
3864s this version of you know teleport on the
3866s acolyte it's
3868s it's night and day is it
3871s is it now it is like we could tell I we
3874s could test it right now somewhere you
3876s can't go you know you know what I think
3878s I actually think I know what the problem
3879s is or why it's happening like that
3881s um the targeting
3884s uh limitations
3886s it's getting from uh summon skeleton and
3890s someone skeleton doesn't have the same
3891s targeting limitations as the transplant
3895s and so it's just being like well you
3896s could some of the skeleton there so you
3898s can teleport there
3900s ah
3901s [Music]
3904s that's probably what's happening because
3906s what what most of the
3909s um movements movement abilities do is
3912s they actually they try and draw a line
3914s to the Target location along the ground
3916s along the navmesh okay it like
3920s if you
3921s if you have to make a turn that's too
3923s big to get there
3925s um it's just like no you can't get there
3927s and it just stops basically
3929s oh so since I can since I could summon a
3932s skeleton there I can move there yeah
3935s do not fix that if it's not right I've
3938s told you over and over again I don't
3939s take notes on stream oh perfect good
3942s good good hey remember you wanna write
3944s that one down for me Rhymer
3948s oh it's so good it is so good
3953s you want it to feel good that's right
3954s yeah yeah you do want to feel good
3956s yeah so
3958s it's it's one of those things where like
3960s so I think that the
3962s um most egregious offender of something
3965s like this ever has to be D2 teleport
3969s um you know like hold the button down
3971s and you're just freaking you don't even
3973s have to hold the button down just you
3975s know uh
3976s you're just like that you you put it on
3978s you right click you move your cursor
3980s outside the game window you let go you
3982s bring your Christmas back in the game
3983s window and it's it's like none lock
3985s trick for teleport and it's exactly and
3988s you just go
3990s Weaver's will for acolyte 13.
3995s if you find if you find the Lightning
3999s staff
4001s oh yeah yeah I got you I want it
4004s the lightning meteor staff hit me up
4007s all right oh yeah I should be looking
4009s stuff for you no no just that just just
4012s that just that
4013s just that I have found a thousand of
4016s those things I know they're not that
4018s rare so that's his voice as the movement
4020s still working is dead I'm pretty sure I
4022s could be wrong but I'm pretty sure it is
4026s give us Barbarian yeah so Barbarian is
4029s one of those things that's like
4031s um
4032s we we had a tough time not having a
4034s barbarian Mastery in the game it came
4036s through several times we came very close
4038s to including it
4039s um and it almost took the place of one
4041s of the
4042s uh primalist masteries except Druid was
4046s the last one missing and we were just
4048s like we like drew it we feel it's more
4050s important than Barbarian
4052s um
4053s so it it didn't didn't make the cut
4056s I obviously don't know I don't work for
4058s 11th Hour games but if someone anytime
4061s people are like what do you think the
4062s next Mastery that's gonna come out I
4063s always say Barbarian but they would
4066s never use the word barbarian it'd be
4068s like Viking I would say it'll be like a
4070s viking class why why can't we use
4073s Barbarian
4074s would you what like what what I I don't
4076s see the problem in it but I don't name
4078s things
4079s I mean ehg normally you know
4083s you know doesn't directly use the same
4085s terminology I think
4087s Experian Paladin Necro
4092s um Sorcerer And sorceress uh yeah but
4095s it's a mage Druid like what Drew that's
4099s four out of the classes yeah assassin
4102s Amazon Barbarian I just thought you'd
4104s put your own twist on it so I just
4106s figured it'd like I always say Viking
4107s it'll be like a viking class
4109s you're right a barbarian would work I
4111s don't know I I actually like that idea I
4114s hadn't heard that idea before and I love
4115s it
4117s perfect
4118s uh we also always joke that we know
4121s Judd's favorite skill is meteor that's
4123s why meteor always gets Buffs
4125s I know you're out there that's fine
4129s though I like meteor too it's what I'm
4130s working on actually yeah my other build
4133s it's like oh a meteor belt's coming out
4136s pick that one he liked that one I
4142s um
4143s Judd doesn't usually actually like come
4145s and be like all right we gotta buff
4146s meteor let's do that or anything like
4147s that I figured as much
4150s um but but whenever someone pitches an
4152s idea that's like related to meteor
4153s General kind of like
4157s that's a great idea hey Sunset you want
4160s to make that idea that's a good idea you
4161s should make that idea happen
4162s like new meteor he'll Grease the wheels
4165s for media related ideas a little a
4167s little a little better yeah yeah he'll
4169s be like oh a lightning meteor oh a crit
4172s meteor yeah
4175s and then what is it the Weaver's will
4177s you can get
4178s basically another plus five to meet here
4181s I like it meteor is my favorite spell
4184s too so I like Judd more now there you go
4188s oh I love meteor builds they're great
4189s you're using a meteor build right now oh
4192s meteorb was like that was my go-to so
4196s everyone's go-to uh D2 sort starter
4199s build was right or some some sort my
4202s place but meteor and Frozen orb was was
4205s always my go-to
4208s it's really like frozen Urban Fireball
4210s is really what it ends up being because
4211s you weave the Fireballs into the Frozen
4213s orbs but meteor's there too if you're
4215s gonna do like meth farming
4220s thank you
4222s do I like this comment it's amazing how
4225s you teach Diablo on quality of life and
4228s game content that is quite a compliment
4231s right there I appreciate it there's one
4233s there's there's a lot like
4235s I don't I don't want to understand I can
4238s talk you don't have to well I guess I'm
4239s on your channel I don't want to
4240s overstate it but people ask me all the
4241s time like hey you play a lot of D4
4243s lately like what do you like about D4
4245s what do you like about last Deepak and I
4247s always say one thing that is like a fact
4250s like this isn't even opinion based like
4253s last Epoch is uh an action RPG it's got
4256s a map overlay it's got detailed crafting
4258s it's got
4260s organized stash tabs it's got
4264s um a loot filter
4266s so a lot of the classical action RPG
4268s elements you see in these styles of
4271s games are um
4274s are absent in the other one yeah there's
4277s there's a few things like that yeah and
4279s um
4281s I don't think it's it's possible to like
4283s strictly say one's better but like
4287s um it is really nice to hear people
4289s enjoying playing last Epoch and and the
4291s things that we've decided to do like
4293s that like that that they're appreciative
4294s of and things that's that's really cool
4296s I I do enjoy that
4298s but I don't like I don't like
4301s um put putting down uh the other games
4303s for sure for sure and then I also say on
4306s the flip side like I mean they at one
4308s point I think they had 10 million
4309s concurrent players and the servers were
4311s buttery smooth like so I mean there's
4314s there's some other stuff to it they've
4316s got they've got a lot of experience
4318s um managing High
4321s server counts like
4323s yeah they're really really good at that
4327s there's a lot of members in my community
4328s in the chat right now they said we like
4330s putting down Wilson we're not talking
4331s about Wilson during this stream okay Mr
4336s skeezy
4338s Good Old Wilson
4340s um
4342s what else any plans on giving nekro or
4345s Beastmaster the option to set minion
4347s formations they can move and fly I love
4349s that idea yeah that's one of those
4351s things that's like oh my God it'd be
4353s great we we actually
4354s briefly touched on trying to do
4356s something like that and it was it was
4358s one of those things where like realize
4360s pretty quickly that there was some some
4361s problems that we had to fix some other
4363s things first before it was possible to
4364s even do properly
4366s um and it got sidelined and pushed back
4368s and all that stuff in D4 The Necromancer
4371s has the Book of the Dead and I thought
4373s that's what they were gonna do where
4374s it's like you can have your skeleton
4376s Defenders and they have a sword and
4377s shield and they stay close and defend
4379s you and then you've got your warriors
4380s that are more aggressive and it's like
4383s it's nothing like that but I love that
4384s idea it's like we're not worried about
4386s survivability right now like I want them
4388s in aggressive mode or something like
4390s that yeah I think there's if I I
4393s personally think the place to put that
4395s is actually in the uh skill tree
4399s screen
4400s and have like a little like a little
4403s thing on the side that's like pick the
4405s aggressiveness like like the skill can
4406s summon these four minions pick their
4408s stance that's gonna be in for these
4410s minions or something like that because
4411s there's oh yeah there's a woodwork a lot
4413s of different types of minions you can
4415s get and the the UI uh when you're
4418s actually like in when you're playing
4419s actively like fighting and stuff like
4420s that the UI does is there's no really
4422s good place to put that in the primary
4424s like HUD when you're playing
4427s um
4428s Beezer teaser time oh yeah let's do a
4431s teaser so teaser
4433s um
4435s beekeeper meteor yes meteor
4439s a b deer oh my gosh it's probably
4441s already been tabled Judd take down that
4443s note you got this all right so we that
4445s would actually be a fun skill a meteor
4447s drops and then like releases a bunch of
4449s bees and it's like a like a like a you
4452s know like a hive drops oh that is such a
4455s good idea sorry so someone made the
4457s mistake of accidentally dropping
4460s uh
4461s uh
4464s sorry
4465s um someone so a long time ago so I've
4468s said this before but some made a mistake
4470s and caused wolves someone wolf to get
4473s triggered when meteor was cast instead
4475s of the explosion
4477s so meteor would come down and it would
4479s instead of a an explosion happening uh
4481s summon wolf would happen and they'd be
4482s like a wolf
4484s it's like wolf meteor became a meteor
4486s yeah it shows it's possible
4490s oh yeah
4491s yeah meteor consists of four skills by
4495s default
4496s uh that actually chain into each other
4498s to make meteor happen
4501s and you can replace anything along that
4503s chain
4506s all right okay so here is I'm gonna
4508s bring something up we break a couple
4509s images up that I'm gonna flick between
4511s um so I know I've been I mentioned a
4513s couple times we've been talking about
4516s um like performance and polish and
4518s optimization things like that
4519s um and so here's a screenshot from the
4521s game right now this is from this is what
4523s it looks like in 0.91
4525s um I'm pretty sure this is what it
4526s already looks like it's not I found out
4528s it's very similar
4529s um
4530s and we've been
4532s we've been working on different ways to
4538s uh to
4541s improve the visual Fidelity and and make
4545s it look more awesomer yes it's an
4547s efficient technical term
4549s um so here's here's sort of uh an
4551s example of
4552s more awesomer the more awesomer of the
4555s of the types of effects and sort of
4557s things that were developing to be able
4561s to include
4563s um so this thing that wouldn't now do
4566s you know when you make this is this like
4568s you know across the whole game or is
4570s this like every time you like you gotta
4572s make it individually per Zone does that
4574s make sense yeah there's certain parts of
4576s this that would be blanket changes and
4578s certain parts of this that are
4579s individual changes so both
4581s got it to make it look this nice and
4583s this this is
4584s um sort of a a test area I've got
4587s another another set of images from uh uh
4590s like actually really close by to this
4592s physically location but um just another
4594s look to see the types of things
4597s um I'll show that later but um
4600s yeah like this is this is a big Focus
4602s for us right now is
4605s um
4606s you know just just improving the quality
4608s of
4609s seemingly mundane things like how the
4611s ground looks you know
4614s um and it's a lot of those little things
4615s that are gonna they're gonna add up to I
4617s think the the quality level for the core
4619s gameplay features that we want for 1.0
4624s yeah
4625s yeah that looks good
4627s should I know did you see you didn't see
4629s that today for the first time did you
4631s yeah this screenshot uh I may have seen
4633s it yesterday actually
4639s I'll look when was the scent
4645s as we were talking about yesterday nope
4647s this is today
4652s first time I stopped was today
4655s will there be a major bounce pass for
4656s 1.0 yeah I I I'd say it's a pretty
4660s uh pretty clear chance that that'll
4661s happen oh my God I missed like several
4664s things that are awesome uh Spike
4667s thank you for your recipe seven months
4668s in a row that's awesome I don't know how
4670s I missed that
4671s um and agent Frank 16 has subbed and
4674s also has gifted a sub two exotheists
4677s thank you very much guys appreciate that
4679s uh glad to have you with us hanging out
4682s love it
4685s got new introduction driver hello big
4689s arpg fan here but never tried last epoc
4691s does this game have seasons if so does
4694s do they have a team and how long do they
4698s last
4701s sorry say that again
4703s uh uh does this game have seasons
4707s yeah if so how long do they last
4710s um so the we're calling them Cycles
4713s they'll be
4715s um initially a little bit longer so but
4719s um it'll basically be like ladder resets
4720s and it'll be on patched timing they'll
4724s be roughly similar the plan is to have
4727s them be roughly similar to Poe right now
4730s um they might be longer though we might
4731s do we might have like uh like I know
4734s we've talked about split Seasons as an
4736s option
4737s um where it's like a a two patch cycle
4740s where it's technically like one site one
4741s season
4743s um and like there's like a ladder reset
4744s in the middle
4745s uh I know we've talked about having
4748s uh there's lots of things we've talked
4750s about doing that are a little bit
4751s different there's lots of great
4752s suggestions that come in all the time
4753s that we that we talk about like we got
4755s tons of community suggestions around
4756s this type of topic and we we pay
4758s attention to those and discuss them
4760s um but yeah there's yes we are doing
4763s Cycles
4764s um
4765s I I'd say there's a very high
4767s probability that how those manifest
4769s specifically will evolve over time so
4772s like we might go into 1.0 being like all
4775s right we're gonna do a new cycle every
4777s patch and that's like there's there's
4779s let's say there's roughly three or four
4781s of those a year
4782s um and you know that sort of stuff and
4784s then we're like we get six months down
4786s the line and we're like you know this
4787s isn't really working let's adjust this
4788s so
4789s um
4790s I can't say for certain how that's gonna
4792s look because a lot of what we uh a lot
4796s of the the details of things like that
4797s get adjusted on the Fly based on like
4799s what's happening in the game what's
4801s happening in the community what's
4801s happening from feedback all sort of
4803s stuff so
4806s their their frequency will be up for
4810s changing I think so I don't want to give
4812s a hard number on that
4814s lb says uh drew it over Barb is
4817s blasphemy Mike
4824s a barbarian would enhanced Thorne's
4828s ability would be fun
4830s yeah we've been really cautious with
4832s Thorne's style abilities
4835s well D4 there's a lot like Thorns is
4838s very prevalent so I'm sure you're gonna
4840s get a lot of that those types of
4841s questions they're really strong yeah
4846s it's it's yeah I think it's something
4849s that we'll probably look to explore a
4850s little bit later
4852s um and like we're we're touching on I
4854s know there was a Thorns build that
4856s showed up a little while ago that was
4857s pretty Bonkers I don't I don't know I
4859s think it may have got nerfed into
4859s Oblivion
4861s um
4864s but there was there was it was a fun one
4865s that I saw where someone was able to
4867s like stand at the start of
4869s uh Spire monoliths and just like wait
4872s for the Spire to shoot stand in the
4874s spire and the Spire would just pop and
4876s they would they would open the portal
4877s and it would just die yeah
4880s I know this question's been asked fairly
4883s regularly any update on numblock trick
4886s coming to the game no no no update sorry
4890s um
4891s there's there's no plans to take it out
4894s if people are wondering that
4895s okay I know people have been calling for
4898s uh like official version of it so you
4900s don't have to use them lock like like
4902s right click on the skill ability or
4903s something and it like toggles it to Auto
4904s cast mode things like that
4907s um which which are not unreasonable it's
4910s not something we're discussing yet
4915s probably I'm fighting all these bosses
4916s that I know me too
4921s all right
4924s last Epoch game with the with the Le
4926s barbarian look like or what would it
4929s look like because you said before dual
4931s wielding two-handed weapons is probably
4933s a No-No yeah dueling 200 weapons is
4936s probably a No-No
4938s um
4939s that this is something that I thought
4941s was actually really cool I don't think
4943s it works for our game because of how we
4946s do equipment but I did really like the
4948s Arsenal ability that uh D4 has for their
4951s bar where like it's got extra items
4953s equipped I thought that was really cool
4954s yeah I think that's I think that's a
4956s that's a really neat design space to be
4958s able to explore
4960s so I was and and that's
4963s weapon sloth is one of those features
4965s that like oh my God I want Wi-Fi swap so
4968s bad it was why that won't go in
4972s I I I've been very vocal about being
4975s very handily losing that debate
4978s um
4978s and I I lost that today hard
4982s I wonder if it's because of like
4983s snapshotting or something like that or I
4986s don't know it was there were a lot of
4988s really good reasons
4989s um yeah yeah and I conceived the point
4993s but you're like I'm still salty
4996s [Laughter]
5000s I'm allowed to be salty
5012s meteors
5014s how's your resistances better
5017s you still have no necrotic resistance no
5019s it's 72. oh nice my void is 22.
5026s at least it's not zero I think my
5028s poisons
5030s I poisoned 40. 99 31 58 74 82 72 22.
5037s it's my coal of my necrotic or am I
5038s called my voider hurting
5041s wow you're pretty good
5044s after after this I want to slip over to
5047s a dungeon try and Hammer that out let's
5049s see if there's some questions in chat
5051s uh I do apologize that I've been bad
5054s with chat today
5056s um
5057s if you've got a really burning question
5058s that I missed please repost it
5060s uh I'm trying to look at anything that's
5062s been for you or me
5067s is any teasers for set item changes or
5069s new new sets
5071s um I don't have any teasers for that yet
5072s I'm sorry that's not been that's that
5076s will the unless unless someone squeaks
5078s it in uh just without saying anything uh
5082s it's not planned for nine two I don't
5083s think
5084s LV at last Depot game buff Frozen orb
5088s make it feel good uh we don't write down
5090s any suggestions during the stream you
5092s need to go over to the forums and post
5094s it there and one of the ehg team members
5098s will look at it we appreciate your
5100s feedback
5101s it's also keep listening to my stream
5103s once or twice
5105s it's so funny I've heard you say that at
5108s least a thousand times yeah I think I
5111s like I just I just feel bad because like
5113s I just don't have the I guess I read so
5116s many suggestions like I'll be one of the
5118s people going to read it I read so many
5120s suggestions
5121s um and and like I'm so visual with
5125s things that like if I don't write it
5127s down
5128s um I just it's just I forget about it
5130s yeah
5132s um and so like
5134s don't worry I know all these people
5135s asking these questions they don't you
5137s don't need it okay I just I don't have
5140s time to like
5141s uh manage the stream play and answer
5144s questions and write down notes on things
5146s that like I think sound cool during the
5148s Stream
5149s okay I will write down what iron forged
5152s wrote at Aaron how about a meteor skill
5154s that when it lands it turns into a
5156s temporary Golem and smashes stuff now
5160s we're talking well I mean if you're
5161s wearing Aaron's will it makes three
5163s Golems
5165s um Avalanche has a node that does that
5169s yes it does so I actually took a I took
5172s a picture of the like
5174s golamites or whatever they're called yep
5177s I was like has anybody ever seen this
5179s minion before because I think I've had
5181s over 1500 hours in the game and I was
5183s like there's a minion in this game I've
5185s never
5186s seen before yep
5189s it's Sneaky
5190s I've never seen it yeah you can make a
5194s random Minion from Avalanche it's pretty
5196s interesting
5198s that's the closest thing to Elementals
5199s we have
5200s um and that's yeah
5204s I think if we're gonna see more
5206s Elemental golems and things like like if
5208s you're gonna see more
5210s um yeah like Elemental Golems it'll
5212s probably be
5213s um
5214s Prime less based what do you I guess
5218s okay here's a question for you Mike at
5221s last Epoch game it is remarkable that
5223s Ellie is always encouraging players to
5225s experiment and try new builds with that
5227s said could you share any development
5228s about dual type damage void plus fire as
5232s an example
5234s like like abilities that have those two
5237s things on them or builds that utilize
5240s fire damage I think he's just using that
5242s as an example like
5244s um you know poison
5247s fire I don't know like that style yeah I
5251s mean dual damage there are lots of
5253s skills that have dual damage on them
5255s already and there's lots like like
5256s simple even like Fireball has a node
5259s that will turn into a fire lightning 50
5260s 50 skill
5262s um I think that the
5265s uh the the focus on there's there's
5272s as a class theme element like like
5276s Elemental as a theme fire lightning cold
5280s um is is really deep rooted in sorcerer
5284s um but it really pushes you to have one
5287s element specifically and it doesn't like
5290s having
5292s um it doesn't like doing dual element
5293s stuff so much like like look at the
5295s passive tree and it's like
5297s um fire fire fire cold yeah cold cold
5301s lightning lightning lightning like it's
5303s it's really like pick an element
5306s um and then sometimes we get these like
5308s these these Dragon Mage dragon breath
5309s and mirror breath nodes that are like
5311s try to help you kind of do multi-element
5314s stuff but they're just not good enough
5316s to really do it well enough you know
5319s um
5320s and so I think there's there's there's
5322s definitely room for that multi-element
5326s um theming to to come out still
5329s um and we we've we've taken note of that
5332s so like I think you'll see more emphasis
5335s on that in the future
5337s um
5338s not not a ton not like it's like we're
5340s switching hard to having that be like
5341s the primary thing or anything but like
5343s um there I think there's room to
5346s grow in that category
5351s I don't think I've ever seen this
5352s question before will it be possible to
5354s darken the rest area for monos where
5358s we're standing I actually actually
5359s answered that one in in text already but
5361s yeah we don't have any plans there is a
5363s bug that caused it to be super bright
5364s sometimes and I said that and then he
5366s replied again later on uh that they're
5368s talking about no this is like the proper
5370s visual darken it even more
5372s um okay I I don't think we have plans
5375s for that right now
5376s um I think that could be a cool
5379s so you know how there's
5380s um like like it's going back to talking
5382s about Guild stuff and one of the big
5383s things about Guild stuff and sometimes
5385s people aren't player housing in a
5386s similar vein is is having a customizable
5388s space to interact with and everything
5390s like that and one of the big things that
5392s you do in your uh player housing in Poe
5394s is customizing and like that's where you
5396s access your Atlas and everything like
5398s that
5399s um or map device sorry and
5401s um oh you're talking uh you're talking a
5403s clan Hideout oh no not specifically but
5407s like that that is like I guess a a
5410s feature that gets requested a lot
5413s um but what more I'm getting to is I
5416s could see
5417s customizing your version of mrest uh uh
5422s what's it called echo of a world
5424s um with the zone right now customizing
5425s this Zone as a possible feature like
5428s that's that's something that I think
5429s would be really cool because you only
5430s ever see this Zone
5432s um like in your own customized version
5434s of it type thing
5437s it's not a public Zone this is not a
5439s public Zone
5440s um I'm just throwing it out there that
5442s if this like let's say Clans came to the
5444s game and you join the clan so now when
5447s you finish the echo you come to the
5449s Clans version of end of the world or
5451s however you want to say it okay and that
5453s can be customized through MTX and
5455s achievements and awards and there's a
5458s ranking system oh man that would be
5461s yeah that would be amazing awesome that
5463s would be amazing just be super clear
5464s that it's not in the works right now
5467s primer Reimer put that on the list but I
5472s do I do agree that'd be awesome and I'd
5473s love to see that would be awesome that
5477s would be awesome
5480s I like that I like that
5484s dude you're killing these dragons so
5486s fast
5487s me
5488s yeah I think it's me
5490s it's you
5494s get em Golems
5502s oh man that would be freaking awesome
5504s yeah I think that like that's and and
5505s that's um like I've seen people ask for
5508s things like that on forums and stuff
5510s like this is
5512s um that's the sort of stuff that's like
5514s it's really cool it's really fun it's
5515s really interesting and I'd love to do
5517s stuff like that
5518s it's uh
5521s a
5522s like it's one of those things I said
5524s it's not a priority feature it's not
5526s um yeah it doesn't affect gameplay like
5528s there's there's no impact on functional
5530s gameplay mechanics that that has but
5532s it's awesome right
5535s and so like where do you put that in a
5536s priority
5540s you ready for a dargan fight
5542s what is it yeah
5544s you got an engine until you're asking do
5546s you think we'll see updated character
5547s sheet by 1.0 uh we recently passed the
5550s two-year anniversary since he first
5552s unveiled its early vodka image oh my God
5554s it's been two years
5556s no wait is this the interout one
5560s crap crap
5562s I was looking at my screen like oh do I
5565s go in or out of this one
5567s um yeah it's uh uh my Golems are gonna
5570s push it all the way in the corner which
5571s by the way it drives me crazy about this
5573s fight how easy you could move this guy I
5576s know
5579s me too but your Source can push him into
5581s the corner if you wanted to yeah
5585s anything that bothers you about the game
5587s I guarantee it bothers me more
5589s like I know like how many times have you
5592s heard like with a hitbox for lagon or
5594s something like that you're like a
5596s million times I still like when you say
5601s used to be you're like it's yeah it
5604s still needs work it's way better than it
5607s used to be it is
5608s I would still really like to
5612s um
5612s it took so long to do but make a
5616s um take a character like a Summoner or
5619s something that's just like like some
5620s character that has a ton of trouble with
5622s the boss fight it's like it's it's
5624s impossible to the boss with this class
5626s and just like equip basic attack and go
5628s to town and do it because it's doable
5630s with basic attack it's possible but I
5634s don't have six hours to spare
5636s right uh lemon drizzle cakes last Epoch
5639s not sure if this was asked already but
5641s his 1.0 is still coming this year there
5643s is not an official release date
5645s announced but the current goal is this
5647s year
5649s correct is that yes correct I'll try to
5652s point you'd be like yes okay I put it
5654s the wrong way
5657s it's coming this year's I have
5659s confidence they got this so it's really
5661s interesting in um if you've ever been on
5663s a voice call with someone in like
5664s Discord or slack or uh like uh Facebook
5668s Messenger or uh FaceTime or any of those
5671s any of those
5672s um
5673s voice call things
5675s um the image that you see of yourself is
5678s a mirrored image of what everyone else
5680s sees of you
5683s um yeah yeah so it's always the opposite
5685s right yeah so when you're looking at
5686s yourself in the in the voice call and
5688s you move your hand to the right uh for
5691s you that you're looking at you it moves
5692s to the right
5694s um
5695s but like for for like it's your it would
5697s be your
5699s it moves to your personal right from
5700s your perspective but you're in screen
5703s version of use left
5706s um if that makes any sense and then when
5708s you are so so there's it looks like
5709s you're looking in a mirror right exactly
5711s so you always got to point the opposite
5713s direction of where they actually are
5714s well yep in a video call
5717s and so like in like right now when I
5720s point when I look at when I look at the
5721s preview image So like um the preview
5723s image for streaming platforms doesn't
5726s doesn't flip the camera like that which
5728s is why I always have so much like when
5729s I'm looking at the preview image I'm
5730s like okay Aaron's up to my top right so
5732s I'm gonna push point up to my top right
5734s and it's not pointing at you at all
5737s it's I point to the top left right now
5739s so I have to point to my top left to
5741s Point At You in the top right and it's
5743s um like having that there you go having
5746s that still throwing you off yeah having
5747s that reverse happen in my brain is is I
5750s I struggle with that pretty bad
5753s lastipa Game season sound great love the
5756s idea of new mechanics or items that will
5759s further develop the gameplay and cycle
5762s will it be like Poe with new characters
5764s each time yeah so we do we do
5767s um like new new cycle you want to start
5769s in the new cycle yes it's a fresh uh
5771s fresh
5772s um
5773s uh for stash fresh characters you're
5776s starting from scratch it's like you just
5777s bought the game brand new and you've got
5778s nothing start over go have fun
5781s um we do we do know that there's a lot
5783s of people that get discouraged by
5786s restarting and still want to play the
5788s new stuff
5790s um and so we're trying to make it a
5793s little bit more friendly in that
5795s um not all of the
5799s nice not all of the content actually
5803s most of the content at least initially
5804s will be rolled out simultaneously we
5807s play into anyways this is still a little
5808s up in the air but the current plan is to
5810s roll things roll content out
5811s simultaneously for a new Cyclone old
5812s cycle for the most part
5814s um like there might be certain elements
5816s that don't
5818s so the I would idea would be if you want
5820s to take part in the new ladder you're
5822s required to play the new season exactly
5825s exactly and there might be something so
5827s like maybe we'll say like
5829s um
5830s this is like so none of this is official
5832s none of this is real it's just examples
5833s I'm taking from this stuff
5834s um let's say for example there was a
5837s um there was there was a new cycle and
5839s we implemented delve I'm just gonna use
5841s Poe term just so like we have my Dell as
5843s a new gameplay mechanic and we add
5846s um and we add uh Shaco grandfather
5849s winforce as new items to the game
5851s maybe the that delve mechanic gets
5855s rolled out to everyone right away
5858s um and those three new uniques are are
5860s ladder only uniques they're cycle only
5862s uniques and you've got to play the new
5863s cycle to find those new items
5865s um and then like
5868s uh these these other six items are for
5870s everyone so something that maybe there's
5871s like some like some pieces of it are uh
5874s ladder only things or maybe all of it's
5876s ladder only or maybe none of it's ladder
5877s only but like
5879s um
5880s I'd say likely initially at least it'll
5882s be some
5883s split of Latter only and non-letter only
5885s stuff and then because you want to give
5887s you want to give the player a reason to
5889s start a new character instead of you
5892s know using they're already level 100
5894s character I'm sure yeah yeah a lot of it
5897s is like hey there's like there's cool
5898s stuff to play on the new ladder and
5900s um it gets the economy rolling for the
5901s people who are playing Merchant skill in
5902s the new ladder and you know like all
5904s these sorts of things that it's
5906s um because as like a new player coming
5908s in usually the best time to join is the
5910s start of a new ladder or or slightly
5912s before so you get used to the game and
5913s then you can start in Earnest to start a
5915s new ladder or something like that but
5917s um we we want that we really want to
5919s have that new ladder environment and
5922s experience be possible and to thrive and
5924s be interesting and exciting and all
5925s sorts of stuff yeah
5927s um but we don't we don't want to just
5928s like because there's a lot of people
5929s that are very turned off by the having
5931s to start a new character we don't want
5933s to cut them out
5934s um and so there's gonna be some
5935s experimentation in finding a balance
5937s there I think yeah because the balance
5939s is what brings the player back to start
5941s the new season while simultaneously you
5944s know the Casual that doesn't have the
5945s time or the want to start a new
5947s character
5948s to do so yeah
5951s okay
5953s uh it's it it's it's interesting being
5956s on chat with you because you read
5958s comments and you realize how far behind
5960s you are when you see what we all are
5963s talking about
5964s [Music]
5967s I'm I'm doing a really bad job but today
5969s I'm glad you kind of take the reins on
5970s the on the questions here I don't know I
5972s got it I got it I got it there was one
5975s on here that said gonna spam the forums
5977s for the B meteor it just sounds too good
5979s yeah go for it
5982s uh any new game systems coming before
5984s 1.0 the ideas uh adding to existing
5988s systems but no overall new systems with
5990s the exception of factions correct yeah
5993s yeah yeah and yeah because like factions
5995s is it's not a new
5997s um it's not a new challenge to overcome
6000s it's not a new gameplay action to take
6004s as far as like
6005s um there's not a new like dungeon to go
6007s into for there's not a new model to go
6009s into it there's not new like it's not
6010s new gameplay uh environment to explore
6014s for the challenge to complete these
6016s things like it's it's designed to
6017s integrate with what's already there
6020s um so it's it's kind of debatable if
6022s that counts as new content or not I
6024s think it does
6025s um yeah but I know that that would be
6027s challenged by a lot of people
6030s a zip in
6032s um decided or confirmed if um
6035s we're getting a new dungeon before 1.0
6038s no no okay
6040s there was no it hasn't been decided or
6042s confirmed not no we're not getting one
6043s got it yeah okay so just to be clear I
6047s was answering the question I don't know
6049s it's fine yeah I'm really hoping your
6051s guys's plan for sets is an augmentation
6054s system designed around a dungeon in
6056s order to say yes or no you don't have to
6058s blank I'm just like a blanket statement
6060s I'm hope I think that would be really
6062s really fun just like how you can augment
6064s a unique to turn into a legendary in one
6066s I think it'd be really cool yeah for a
6068s dungeon
6069s um
6071s I will say that the you know here's what
6073s I'll give you the the the thing we're
6075s going with was oh here we go okay let's
6079s hear it I never thought we'd I it was it
6081s was I thought it was I didn't think it'd
6083s be possible yeah okay like I heard the
6085s suggestion before and it was sort of
6086s like a
6087s when we decided for the meeting someone
6089s was like I can't I can't remember who
6091s said it but someone kind of said it as a
6092s joke
6093s and then someone else was like I mean we
6095s could do that
6097s and everyone's like are you sure
6100s I was like okay well if we can do that
6102s can we do that like let's do that
6104s that's how I felt when you're like we
6107s could have you have like multiple Golems
6109s I'm like wait a second take a second
6112s yeah what are you talking about like
6116s nerfed Golems versus a bunch of little
6117s ones no just big ones but you got to
6120s give something up I was like okay that's
6121s it like that was the idea yeah it's done
6124s let's let's bake it out from there
6127s no that is okay so you're not telling me
6130s anything but you can tell me you were
6131s surprised that it was it was green lit
6133s yeah I'll accept that yeah
6136s I will accept that
6139s all the best all the best features that
6141s we end up with are I'm always surprised
6142s or we get green light because I'm like
6144s like the item faction system
6147s we were
6149s like a long time ago we're like can we
6150s do both no there's no way we can do both
6152s like we abandoned doing both years ago
6154s like we could do it we have the
6156s technology yeah yeah it's it's always
6159s the same person that that like says like
6161s no we can do that
6166s feel free to just put it on the bottom
6168s of chat I will read it oh I like Mike I
6171s like this question I didn't tell this
6173s person to ask this question on the
6175s subject of golems with Aaron's will
6177s making you unable to use summon skeleton
6179s was there ever a consideration to make
6181s the skeleton tree affect Golem in some
6184s manner oh man that would be awesome
6187s I don't know we putting points into
6188s seven skeletons actually does something
6191s for Golems outside of plus three
6192s skeletons
6195s yeah
6196s um I I don't think that ever came up I
6199s don't remember
6200s I mean I just I I couldn't believe what
6203s I already got so I didn't try and push
6205s for anything more to be quite honest I
6210s I think is this a problem that you're
6212s kind of burning a slot for
6216s um for guns like you're burning your one
6218s of your one of your skills like this is
6219s kind of one of the costs you're like
6220s you're paying this skill slot to get
6222s that extra is it worth giving up a skill
6224s to get a singular full-size extra Golem
6227s but what he's saying or she is that you
6230s know which I mean this is you know you
6232s put on the item yeah
6234s and then like the skill tree changes or
6236s no just have to have it in the skill
6238s tree already like off in a corner or
6240s something yeah I don't I don't know that
6242s would be awesome though yeah it's it
6243s would be hard to it's hard to quantify
6245s but the
6246s um
6247s I I think the
6250s complexity it'd be extremely high there
6254s um and because you don't because there's
6256s so many others I think the reason why
6257s because this did come up about like is
6259s this a problem that you are burning a
6261s skill tree specialization slot for
6264s having that extra Golem that's like is
6265s this a problem we decided no it wasn't a
6267s problem
6268s um partially because
6269s most of these scale most of the extra
6271s Golems you earn you can earn are from
6273s outside of the tree
6276s um and there is uh and it's one it's one
6279s full Golem from the tree so it's sort of
6281s like you're never like
6283s um like the amount you can get there's
6285s no there's never like a a fraction
6287s you're like oh I I'm like most of the
6289s way to the next one and if I could take
6290s the shirt I just get a little bit extra
6291s it's like it's always a full Golem for
6293s the whole tree
6295s um
6296s and
6297s uh transplant it's a pretty sweet no
6301s point skill still
6304s um so like we're like looking at like
6305s are there are there options to put on
6307s your bar as like a non-specialized skill
6309s that are still good to have on your bar
6311s as necromancer
6313s yeah so you could put on like well you
6316s don't get
6318s you don't get uh skeletons but you could
6320s turn up put on transplant you get a free
6322s movement skill on your bar right or like
6323s eventually the base of bone curse is
6325s pretty great yeah that's true like
6329s um so there's there's options for things
6331s you can do still uh that's like
6334s unspecialized skills that are that's if
6336s you really want to push that goal in
6337s that hard if you want to if you want to
6338s put all those eggs in that basket you
6340s can
6341s um
6341s and have it not be terrible
6347s do you have any plans to add of adding
6349s in-game content to actual world maps or
6352s uh at the moment you never go back to
6354s these Maps after you go through them
6355s once in the story yeah this is
6359s um
6360s this this was one of the original
6362s endgame systems that we had planned in
6364s Kickstarter actually was going back to
6366s maps and having them be scaled up and
6367s having them be special challenges and
6369s things like that
6370s um
6371s and there was other immune systems that
6372s interacted with that that we never we
6374s never really unveiled or explored at all
6376s um
6377s and all that did get scrapped
6380s um on yeah gone but uh I I think there's
6385s still room for things like that to
6387s happen especially
6389s um when the campaign finishes when we
6391s when we get those extra chapters that
6393s aren't in the game yet and those get
6395s those get added in post 1.0
6398s um
6398s like finished like for the the main
6400s storyline finish I think there's more
6402s opportunity for kind of like higher
6405s level chapters to still be relevant a
6407s little bit
6409s um
6410s without needing to scale them but uh it
6413s could be possible still and and I think
6414s it's actually good that we have that as
6416s a
6418s um like an opportunity and we we kind of
6422s tried to bring that back a little bit
6425s um
6427s with with the keys with the dungeons so
6430s like there is there's there's this like
6432s like the server has end game content and
6434s you have to go into a spot in the world
6436s to get there and everything
6438s um
6440s now there's
6442s you just portal there so it doesn't
6444s really feel like it is as much and the
6446s the lack of continuous open World
6451s um which we're not planning on adding
6454s um kinda kind of limits the
6457s the feel you can have from these these
6460s spaces in in the campaign I guess that's
6463s all I'm doing that
6464s if there was the whole thing would have
6467s to be
6469s um
6470s like
6472s uh like like have like like small quests
6475s and missions to actually go into the
6476s world with specific challenges and goals
6477s because because the goal in the campaign
6479s normally is just go to the next Zone
6481s advance the story thing yeah
6484s it's it's one of those things that I I
6486s think there's room for us to explore in
6487s the future but we don't have any plans
6489s specific plans for it at the moment
6491s okay how many more teasers do you have
6496s one two three three
6501s four
6503s arguably five
6505s oh my gosh should we do one right now
6507s let's do it right now all right let's do
6509s one right now while you're doing that I
6512s can save some for next week too that's a
6513s terrible idea
6515s how about a radio feature like you have
6518s a list of songs in game you could choose
6520s what track you want to listen to it was
6522s in RuneScape like once you get to a new
6524s Zone to unlock it would that be possible
6526s I think that's an awesome idea I love it
6529s um I don't know if it's possible I don't
6532s see why not but I I don't know about the
6535s audio system to really tell you for sure
6537s um
6539s well I love that idea if you have a
6540s suggestion head over to the forums and
6542s leave it enough oh there you go
6545s I'm gonna toss this one up real quick
6547s it's another comparison shot
6548s environmental comparison shot
6553s uh so this is the old one
6556s uh just a frame of reference and
6559s and here's the new one
6564s yeah trying to shelf lighting lighting
6566s stuff much there
6569s that's a I mean it's a big difference
6571s yeah
6573s and it's it's I want to make it clear as
6576s well this is more
6578s um developing the tools this is this is
6580s sort of like screenshots for Tool
6581s development in order to hand those tools
6583s off to level designs so they can create
6585s the environments uh better themselves
6592s and let's just hear speaking of this
6595s sort of thing here's this video is a
6598s little choppy
6599s um because it's changing a lot of stuff
6601s on the Fly here's a little video clip
6603s that I hope we'll play yeah that's got
6606s it it's the same Zone
6610s um and then there's just like a new
6613s graphics profile is being loaded each
6615s time
6616s and you can see like the
6618s the like significant difference that
6620s happens every time it jumps and every
6622s time there's like it freezes for a
6623s second and jumps it's
6625s the the it's the exact same area and all
6628s the same all the models are the same the
6630s only thing that's changing is like
6631s lighting and Graphics profiles
6634s um
6635s and so these are these are the types of
6637s things we're working on and exploring as
6639s far as polish goes
6641s um and and this this polish and this
6643s level of of new tools and new things
6646s that were that we're bringing to
6648s um to our level design team to be able
6650s to work with is I think I think gonna
6652s make
6655s um make the environments really stand
6657s out and be unique and and look cool and
6660s like even even be able to take the same
6661s environment and like we're just saying
6662s talking about earlier with like going
6664s back into the the campaign and like
6666s replaying things
6667s um but like maybe there's like a quest
6669s that goes back to the campaign and
6671s um you can evoke uh time travel or a
6674s shift that happened in the timeline or
6676s something by changing the lighting
6678s really heavily with what's playing right
6679s now with the those big fire flares
6681s that's happening it's like oh something
6682s changed and suddenly the world's on fire
6685s and like it's the same Zone nothing's
6688s changed except the lighting's really
6689s different it feels new
6691s um I think it's really cool
6693s but when you talk about like randomized
6696s events it's like
6698s this this stuff pops up no it's not like
6701s that this is not what I'm talking about
6703s with that now okay that would be cool
6705s though
6706s I mean that would be sweet yeah like
6708s like okay so we're talking about we're
6709s talking about things that would be sweet
6711s yeah like a random event where you're
6713s walking along and uh you there's there's
6716s like a witch sitting on the ground and
6718s and she like raining fire yeah yeah and
6721s like the whole lighting of the zone
6722s changes and suddenly it looks like
6724s there's a d and a demon starts crawling
6726s out of a pit in the ground that she
6727s opens up and it's like the whole the
6730s whole lighting environment changes while
6731s it's there and then the boss fight ends
6733s and it goes back to normal so so that
6735s would be amazing that would be super
6736s cool that would be awesome yeah yes this
6738s is the type of of Technology we're
6740s trying to develop for the graphics and
6742s Lighting systems so that we can do
6744s things like that if we wanted to
6747s um
6747s that looks awesome yeah
6750s that looks awesome right there yeah
6753s Star Wars kind of like a Battlefield
6757s yeah that is cool
6760s question on seasons will anything carry
6762s over or Cycles sorry no oh um like uh
6768s your uh MTX like visual cosmetic MTX
6772s cosmetic cosmetic cosmetic ncx okay I
6776s just feel compelled to say it like six
6777s times
6780s no pay to win yeah
6785s I like that lighting one that's pretty
6787s cool
6792s uh almost caught up
6797s oh we're so close to the end of the
6798s stream I'm just gonna I'm just gonna
6799s we're going we're going hard here let's
6801s let's continue on a theme
6803s um there's also some weather system
6805s stuff we've been working on
6808s um so here is here is uh a rainstorm
6812s that starts
6814s and you can see the the world reacting
6816s to the rainstorm
6818s as uh as it picks up in those puddles
6821s forming and then the rain starts showing
6823s up in the puddles
6825s I really like this one
6833s it's subtle it's not huge but like
6837s the fact that you can have the zone
6838s change as you're playing I think is
6842s really cool
6844s okay question now if the player started
6847s moving is there like splashes on their
6849s feet when they walk I don't think so in
6852s this example but oh that would be
6854s awesome I I think that yeah I think
6855s that's probably the reason why they're
6856s not walking right now okay just to not
6860s just make it clear that's not happening
6861s but yeah I I think that's this is the
6864s sort of stuff like that where we've got
6865s people working on the like the Polish
6867s and and like small like this they're not
6870s really gigantic like headline news
6874s um
6875s changes and improvements and things like
6877s that but there's a lot of there's a lot
6878s of room for tons of little changes that
6881s I think are are just gonna bring Epoch
6883s into the into 1.0 with uh like just just
6887s better and better quality and that's
6888s that's a lot over pushing right now
6890s well I mean you put all of this together
6893s yeah maybe individually one thing isn't
6895s huge for like a season or cycle but if
6898s you put them all together exactly that
6899s polish that quality that
6902s being in conversations with all the big
6904s boys like for sure like this is the kind
6906s of stuff this is the kind of stuff
6907s that's absolutely needed I love that
6909s yeah and we need more Golems that's for
6913s sure
6914s uh required any plans for wasd movement
6919s nothing specific but I would really like
6920s to get it in because it's basically just
6923s um remapping a controller input that we
6924s already have yep like realizing that's
6927s all it is
6928s um so like it's it's one of those that's
6930s one of those things that like it's
6932s doable it's possible we don't have the
6934s time to assign someone to it right now
6936s um
6937s the like get getting those core gameplay
6940s quality polish in there that sort of
6942s stuff like that's that's what we need to
6943s do and um
6946s and it pains me to say it because it
6949s does it does fall into for some people
6951s an accessibility feature which is really
6953s important to us
6955s um and we are we are working on that
6956s sort of stuff like um I know there's a
6958s question about translation that I saw
6959s earlier that I didn't answer I'm sorry
6962s um I think it was asking if there was
6963s going to be a German translation and um
6965s yes I believe there is going to be
6967s German translation
6968s um and I said last week that it was
6971s going to be efigs plus something and I
6973s was wrong I apologize Italian is not on
6976s the initial list
6979s but the others are in epics so if
6983s and there's something else too there's
6984s there's
6985s um
6986s I know he has the answer to this I'm
6988s sorry uh to call you out like that but I
6991s know you've got the right answer because
6992s I answered it for you
6993s uh
6994s and there was there was an interview I
6996s think on the ninth
6998s of December last year that we had that
7000s with the right answer was said
7002s um I just don't remember what they all
7004s are
7005s sorry
7008s um but I think it might be the same
7009s languages that are
7012s um in this because you can pick your
7013s chat language when you first log in
7017s and I think it might just be all of
7018s those languages
7019s I'm sorry
7020s any plans
7023s talks roundtables around a potential
7027s futuristic era yeah
7030s um darks with freaking laser beams yeah
7034s we've we've talked about it for sure
7037s um I think it's it's one of those things
7039s that
7041s uh
7043s it's really good that we have that
7045s available as a thing to explore uh when
7050s we've run out of ideas
7052s hahaha uh foreign
7055s uh cycle 37 yeah futuristic era
7060s something like that like we we I I think
7062s that's that's one of those things where
7063s it's like
7064s um like it's not we we haven't sat down
7067s and said there's no way we'll ever do it
7068s or anything like that it's it's more of
7071s a
7072s um when we need it for to keep things
7076s fresh we'll we'll we'll look at that but
7078s it's not something in our like initial
7081s vision for the game yeah
7084s it's in the back pocket yeah we need
7087s something we need something yeah uh
7089s petition to change Aaron's will to a a
7091s Ron's will we need to do that for sure
7095s you done messed up whoops my bad
7098s um
7100s I mean
7101s okay I got a cool one here uh another is
7104s this the last one no
7108s I want to just look it oh my gosh the
7110s positioning is wrong what how do I ruin
7112s this here we go fixing it
7115s I'm locking it I'm trying to sing it
7117s over our face is gonna be cut off go
7118s high I'll go low
7120s do it
7123s so this is um I we we are working on and
7127s this is a very early render still from a
7130s video clip
7132s um
7133s we are working on a fully CGI cinematic
7136s trailer for the game it's in uh early
7140s stages right now
7143s um
7144s so there's like a it's like a story
7146s piece cinematic
7148s um so this is you're playing the
7150s campaign and something happens and then
7153s this it transitions to this uh I don't
7156s know if I had to guess if I so I haven't
7159s I haven't seen it
7161s um but if I had to guess from what I've
7164s heard I think it's more of a
7167s um either like a uh either it's like not
7169s in the game at all and it's it's more of
7171s a like this will be on YouTube and you
7173s can see it type thing to like learn
7175s about the games I think or it'll be like
7176s you turn the game on and the first time
7178s you start the game this is like the
7179s intro to the game of like
7181s like let's like kick off the kick off
7183s everything before you even like get to
7185s character select that's what I I would
7187s guess it is but I don't know I'm sorry
7191s it's true it is early and I've got I've
7194s got a second still from that as well
7195s that I'll share
7198s this this one's the one I really like my
7200s favorite
7201s that that little trailer image is for
7203s sure the ancient era you could see the
7206s chains in the background for like the
7208s little floating flying City thing
7211s got some Easter eggs in there
7214s I think you'll see this more even more
7217s there
7219s uh yeah well there you go yeah
7222s um so yeah those those that's uh ancient
7225s era for sure
7227s um
7229s very early
7230s uh okay I was told to stress that this
7233s is early it's in like test footage stage
7236s um yeah
7239s I think this is something that we've
7241s actually like
7242s um gone out of house to do
7245s when we had Kyle the Lore Master from
7249s ehg on my podcast and we went through
7252s everything he I mean he talked about
7254s publicly the ancient era kind of moving
7259s that way in the campaign and the
7260s explanation for this like
7263s you know floating city you see that is
7265s tied down by chains I'm gonna guess this
7268s has something to do with that obviously
7270s so that's cool I like that oh yeah I
7274s know he's been really involved with uh
7276s the content of that video
7281s yeah so we are we're at time
7284s um I'm gonna go a little bit over here
7286s if there's see if there's any questions
7288s that were that we just any final
7290s questions put them in the bottom yeah
7292s let's see if I got anything over here
7298s uh I got all the questions asked on my
7301s end
7305s oh I got one colored
7308s colored beams so like I we you've talked
7311s about functionality you can't just have
7312s a loot filter where there's a million
7313s beams but like what if it's like one or
7315s two like hey if hybrid Health drops
7318s I get to collect ice I can select a
7320s color for this beam epic something like
7322s that in loot filter we we actually have
7324s talked we actually recently had a
7326s meeting about uh loop filter changes
7329s okay
7330s um uh selecting custom beams is not
7334s something we've decided to add
7337s okay
7339s okay yeah
7341s sorry
7342s and then anything about future sockets
7346s and I know you're gonna say the crafting
7348s system is sockets outside of crafting
7350s yes
7351s um no not nothing's we don't have any
7354s plans for sockets at the moment
7357s um yeah and
7360s um when we do eventually so sockets is
7364s one of those things that's I would call
7365s that a core expectation of most arpg
7368s players to have a socket style system
7370s somewhere in the game
7371s yep whether that's like uh Poes is with
7375s their skill system it's it's wildly
7376s different than d2s but it's still kind
7378s of that similar socket style system
7381s um mechanically at least like of of like
7384s that that functional process of taking
7387s two items and combining them together
7388s and having them actually be physical
7389s things and you know all that sort of
7391s stuff and
7393s um
7394s we do we've we've toyed with slotting
7398s that in a few places
7400s socketing that into the game in a few
7401s places but
7403s um none of them have really come
7405s together the way we wanted them to and
7408s got it
7409s um I I'd be surprised if one doesn't
7412s find its way in
7414s um there's I know there's a couple
7416s sort of back burner plans that that have
7419s continued to float around
7421s um with regards to sockets or socket
7422s style system
7424s um
7425s maybe even one of them something that
7427s was named a name that was dropped from
7429s development that has that's that the
7431s name would probably come back relating
7433s to sockets
7434s cool awesome
7438s I like that do you want to hit M really
7441s quick and show them the ancient era map
7446s for the little chained area oh oh yeah
7450s uh yeah so so the images he showed I
7454s think it's left there it is so this what
7457s Temple of a terror right so you see the
7460s chains on it so that's the Cinematic
7462s something to do with
7465s this thing yeah
7467s I
7468s literally like I I the what I can say
7471s about it is
7473s um just from a player's perspective
7476s because I actually don't have any
7478s information extra on it
7479s um but this is this is I agree with you
7481s that this is what I think of when I see
7483s those Chains It's for sure that yeah I'm
7487s sorry I can't say that I I I don't know
7490s for sure you think it's this yeah I'm
7493s with you I'm with you I'd be pretty I'd
7495s be pretty shocked if it wasn't
7497s right
7498s oh yeah
7501s oh
7503s oh you missed one from guilty
7506s I've been skipping guilty stuff
7511s guns he wants an MTX to change his wear
7515s bear into a panda and what else does he
7519s want I don't know more a fully player
7521s generated economy on the merchants and a
7523s full player generated economy
7526s and a passive reset button there you go
7528s uh the only one I'll say maybe on is the
7530s fastest reset button because I'm still
7531s pushing for it myself well you guys
7534s slipped up when uh you and Judd were
7536s streaming and you're like oh we already
7538s have that and we know that you
7539s internally already have it I said
7542s earlier today too actually
7544s I know yeah um
7547s ring comparison bug sorry if I missed it
7551s I talked Mike knows the ring comparison
7553s thing is funny there's
7555s um like the this is just getting the
7558s comparison tooltip in general in sucked
7562s um and it's possible to add another one
7564s then we probably will like we'll we'll
7566s get that in eventually
7568s um but oh it's tedious and oh it's a
7570s pain
7572s the ring comparison it's not just
7575s looking for it's also off-end comparison
7576s to there you go yeah because if you've
7579s got two one-handed swords equipped
7581s um and you've got a sorting inventory it
7582s compares to one not the other
7584s and you gotta switch them to compare to
7586s the first one or the second one yeah
7587s right that's that's something that needs
7590s to get in
7593s I think we're good Mike if that's all
7595s the teasers I don't see any other
7596s questions wonderful
7599s yes also there's no question just hope
7601s you're fixing more bugs yes bug fixing
7602s is when I say polish and I said polish
7605s like 80 times the stream
7606s um a huge part of Polish is bug fixing
7609s uh that's that's a lot of what what
7611s polish is is it's yeah it's bug fixing
7614s yeah so yes we are definitely fixing
7616s bugs all the time there's people who uh
7620s they'll spend an entire week and just
7622s fixing bugs
7625s the bug fixers you're not a bug fixer I
7627s fix bugs all the time
7630s uh
7633s everyone Cycles in and out of things
7634s there that they're doing so like so I
7636s said spend a week because you don't
7637s spend oh that would be kind of tedious
7640s to only be doing that ever and never
7642s unplugging anything new so I mean primer
7644s says we will never not fix bugs rhymers
7648s been listening the whole time always
7650s dang it I know
7653s awesome Mike this has been great thank
7656s you for the invitation
7658s um really enjoyed playing thank you for
7660s carrying me through some of the game and
7663s uh showing me what's possible with the
7665s sorcerer class and answering questions
7666s and teasers yes I had a blast thanks for
7669s coming on
7670s um it'll make your your hundreds this
7673s yeah if anyone didn't know this is in
7674s honor of your 100th Dev chat video
7677s yes my Saturn well I watched the stream
7680s Saturday I put together the dev chat
7682s which is the bake breakdown from Mike's
7683s Friday stream and today is Dev chat 100
7687s which just sounds
7689s I can't even I can't even believe it's
7691s been a hundred Mike it's awesome
7693s streaming a while now yeah I'm just
7695s gonna sell a Belgian waffle thank you
7696s very much sneaking under the wire love
7699s it
7699s um that's that's gonna do it for us
7701s today
7701s um thank you everyone for coming out uh
7704s I had a great time I hope you did too I
7706s hope you did too Aaron
7708s um I did if anyone if you didn't get
7710s your question answered and you would
7711s like it to get answered please head on
7712s over to our Discord this is channel I'll
7715s be happy to answer it
7716s um we will not be having stream next
7718s week so we're taking a week off uh we
7720s will be back up and running again the
7722s week after that so the next stream will
7724s be on the 14th
7726s um
7727s we are yeah we're around we're active on
7731s all sorts of platforms to get questions
7732s and answers for any sorts of stuff
7734s um
7736s yeah
7737s that's about it anything else
7741s you're all awesome bye
7744s all right uh let's go
7749s I'm looking I'm sure it's ready I'm
7751s gonna slip to to bump over to someone
7755s as anyone
7757s most of them aren't in English which I
7758s feel bad sending an English stream to a
7760s non-english stream just because much
7761s people won't know what's going on
7763s I mean like what is happening
7769s let's go say hi to someone that has
7771s zero people right now which we'll fix oh
7773s they're gonna be excited
7777s I was I love doing that I love I love
7779s hopping into streams that have no one
7781s watching and watching they're just like
7783s I love doing like that what uh what oh
7785s it's my favorite it's my favorite all
7787s right have a good day everyone see you
7788s later
7788s you've been wonderful