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I've played a few hundred hours of CoF and MG so far already, and love the game. This is how I feel several quality of life improvements could be implemented with the added benefits for reducing gold inflation. These quality of life solutions should aim to solve minor irritations players routinely encounter during gameplay and thus give incentive to spend gold that would otherwise rotate freely in the economy, driving prices up over time.

  1. Firstly, the ability to automatically pick up affix shards and runes within a radius around the player preventing the need for you to have to walk and click over them A follow-up implementation would also be the order of transferring of runes and shards to the material storage.
  2. The ability to have prophecies completed within a mono/dungeon filtered into a completion box for you to collect after completion, avoiding the risks of dying before you're able to examine and pick up any prophecy rewards, which is incredibly frustrating.
  3. A separate material storage space for dungeon and arena keys, avoiding the need to have a dedicated stash storage tab for them and allowing the player to automatically send any picked up to the material storage, like there are for runes or affect shards. This could combine with a user interface upgrade when interacting with a dungeon doorway, completely bypassing the need for you to enter a key manually and instead automatically taking it from your material storage. The player would only have to select the tier when interacting with the door.
  4. The visual filtering of a shrine icon on the mini map to indicate what type, allowing the player to know at a distance, whether the shrine would be of use to them or simply 300% damage reflection (lol)

    I believe implementing these features as "purchasable" upgrades much like stash slots, for a gold cost (very steep or affordable depending on MG or CoF faction) would curb inflation AND offer more "lategame unlocks" to increase the appeal of grinding.
    Interested in hearing what others think regarding this idea, thanks for reading!

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11 months ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

There was an ARPG that came out a couple years ago which held all loot to the end of a run. It has several other damning issues which caused it to shut down almost immediately. I had a huge issue with loot all coming at the end and I'm curious if you have played any games that do this.

11 months ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Airowird

If you mean what I think you mean, I mostly had an issue with content being timer-based and understood that end-run loot was a compromise for not losing time over checking out drops.

Your argument also sorta falls short when completing an echo already gives me 2 bursts of loot, being the node reward and the completion chest.

Additionally I'ld like to add that, as someone who does Prophecies in bulk, it would be nice to see which ones I just completed, especially when it's been a while since I selected that Prophecy.

It could be as simple as marking Prophecies "complete" in the UI, and clicking them (or even a 'Claim All' button) would generate the reward.

This would also help when you complete an echo or boss fight and you had so many Prophecies proc that you get more interesting loot than you can carry. I have come close to this occuring and felt relieved I could still tetris all the good stuff in my bags. I would feel terrible if I go into a boss fight with empty bags and I'm forced afterwards to leave good items on the floor because I got 'lucky' with RNG.

Just got the record, there is nothing simple about this. We've been trying to find a nice way to do this for a few years now.