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I am 10 year POE player. I never felt lucky at all in POE. I grew to hate crafting because it always felt like I was wasting my time and currency on RNG I was never going to hit. I also hated target farming and had no luck. This turned me into a 100% trade player.

But with LE, and I don't know if it is the game design, or I am on just a lucky streak but everything "feels good".

My build needs 7 uniques. I was able to farm every one in a reasonable time by myself (COF/Prophecies). And I even got LP potential on 5 of the 6 (the 7th is a weavers will).

I am playing a minion build focused around Skeleton Mages and this is what the Weavers Will item turned into. Sure far from perfect, but it feels so good to see things like this as a brand new player to LE.


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about 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

I love that the WW item worked out like this for you. We often get suggestions to allow WW on any unique item. These uniques were very carefully designed so that you would get good items with it more often than not by making sure they have less specific stats and are on base types with a high concentration of relevant stats. They don't always work out but we worked hard to make they be good more often than not.

Anyways, nice item :)

about 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by GaryOakRobotron

I appreciate how your team is able and willing to experiment with traditional ARPG trends and mechanics. I'd imagine being a new title and dev team gives you more freedom, since you're not making a D4, where players are either from D3 and expect GRift-like mechanics, or from D2, who expect actual itemization beyond "Damage on Tuesdays," or "green arrow = good."

LP, WW, and Item Factions have, so far, been extremely successful innovations, which I love to see. CoF in particular is amazing, because it's very empowering to SSF players, or people who aren't a fan of trading (me), but still allows for an AH to exist. I've quit a PoE league earlier than I wanted to before, simply due to not wanting to be assed with trading in that game, and am lacking in the skills to play with the SSF handicap. As powerful as CoF is, I'd imagine MG has a higher ceiling--and that's okay. CoF is powerful enough that I don't feel like I'm shooting myself in the foot by eschewing from the game's economy.

Another thing I love is how you managed to strike a balance between D4's loot system where only loot for your class drops the overwhelming majority of the time, and D2/PoE's wholly unbiased loot mechanics. I can still find stuff for other builds while playing my main, even though there's a significant bias toward my base class's loot for things such as helms, chests, and idols. The campaign fast-track for alts is also great, since it's only a skip as long as your alts are strong enough to fight way higher level content. My only complaint is this isn't carried through to Monoliths; alts should be able to skip the basic ones as well as fast-track some of the Corruption in Empowered Monoliths, so we can take on that harder content immediately if the alt is geared enough.

Thanks :)

The monolith fast track is something we debate internally very intensely and frequently. There is some movement on that front but it's going to be a little different than just straight unlocked account wide.

about 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by GaryOakRobotron

There is some movement on that front but it's going to be a little different than just straight unlocked account wide.

I feel that's probably the correct response. You've got bigger fish to fry in the now than adding alt QoL to Monoliths, and it's something that you can't take away after adding, without receiving a ton of backlash. I noticed Karv is part of your dev team, so he (among others, presumably) know how Harvest crafting played out in PoE, and how angry the community got after GGG clawed back a lot of its power.

WoW is also a good example of what happens when hastily added QoL features that conflict with the core game's design philosophy can erode the game's core principles. One of the original lead designers of that game said, "There's a contract between the game and the player, where the only way to attain power is through time and skill. Anything that allows you to attain power outside of this, such as paid character boosts, breach this contract." Now we've got literal pay-to-win in the game with the WoW Token, and there's no amicable way for that to be removed in retail (and now, progressive Classic).

Heck, I only raised the point about Monoliths for alts because it'd track with the campaign's fundamental architecture. My guess is we'll maybe see some drip-feeds of Monolith QoL beginning in 1.1; minor changes that you're confident are safe additions. I'd much rather you let it cook properly than rush out a band-aid that's bad for the game's long-term health. I also can't be fully confident in making suggestions, because I don't know what the upcoming endgame improvements are, so what I said might handcuff future systems.

Yea, we all play tons of different games, PoE is a big one around the "office" for sure. It's so hard to balance how fast we add stuff for exactly the reasons you said. We see what can happen in these bigger games and a major misstep could be more problematic for us. But there is no sense in developing in fear so we do take some leaps.

about 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Ken1drick

I must be cursed then, I never got any interesting WW item in 700 hours :'(

Their base stats are pretty good tho so I still use my shitty ones

Yea, it doesn't always work out and it's so hard to predict which affixes are going to be wanted.