about 4 years
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In Patch 0.8.1 we’re giving the Monolith of Fate endgame system some love!
Updated Mechanics
Timelines1164×643 167 KBExplore beyond the Timelines you’ve previously conquered.
We’re making the following changes to empowering Timelines;
- It will be possible to empower all Timelines.
- Empowering a Timeline now has additional effects;
- Enemies have 50% more health and damage (multiplicative with other modifiers)
- 50% increased item rarity
- 50% increased experience gained
New Content
Shaman1136×517 188 KBThose found wanting in the Monolith shall be fired.
We’re adding 3 new Timelines to the Monolith of Fate. These additions entail;
- New bosses waiting for you in our latest Quest Echoes
- New Blessings
- Notably, there are now Blessings available for new weapon types
- New Unique items
- 3 new boss music tracks
Polishing the Monolith
The Cold882×422 62.8 KBThe Monolith of Fate is cooler than ever!
Finally, we’re also taking the opportunity to polish the system.
- We’re introducing 9 new zone layouts for increased level design variety.
- Many zones available through the Monolith Fate have had visual improvements.
- We’re updating the level of the existing Timelines to accommodate the new ones.