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I don't now if this is exclusive to full offline or not but many times when I logged off and then logged in later I basically went back in time. Sometimes a quest that I had accepted is not, or an item that I had put in my stash is in my inventory and once I even lost a perfect 3 lp slam which was quite rough. Is there a safe way to do it? The way I do it now is I put everything in my stash and go through many portals because in my head somehow that would help. I have no idea if it's even remotely useful though

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4 months ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Backup your save files.

Disable steam sync.

Move an item in your inventory. (This forces a save)

Open the save game folder and check that the file date has updated.

Close game.

4 months ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by SirFreckle

Are there other actions you can share that force a save?

I also play exclusively offline for a couple reasons. I've transferred an item from my character inventory to the stash, exited quickly and upon next login the item(s) is still in the character inventory. Not a huge issue since nothing gets lost, but your answer makes me more curious.

So many things, it's really not an important step in the instructions because of how often it happens. Basically anything that would mean a save is in order. It does have a limit to how frequently but it's like a 5 second timer or something.

  • Allocating a skill or passive point
  • Changing your equipment in any way
  • Selecting a mastery
  • Changing idols
  • Picking a blessing
  • Completing any step of a quest
  • Moving an item in your inventory
  • Dropping or picking up an item
  • Any crafting
  • Achieving a new arena record
  • Abandoning a challenge mode
  • Moving, placing or removing items in your stash
  • Exiting the game
  • Probably something else I've forgotten
4 months ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by SirFreckle

Thanks! This certainly helps put into context for myself how to avoid the situation for offline characters.

Just for the record, I think it's steam sync causing the problem.

The only scenario where it is the game working as intended that you have to play around is if you change a ton of stuff really fast and unplug your computer really fast.

Edit: or the save folder is being compressed by Windows or it's getting a file lock from a 3rd party sync program like one drive or Google drive.