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As an avid minion enjoyer( mostly necro) I am a bit bummed at how some of the best minion uniques function. Pretty much all the high end ones( wraith helmet, arrons will, aberrants call) make my army smaller. I know it's still early days yet but I would love to get more uniques that add to my army rather than make it smaller. Just a thought. Anyone else in the same boat?

Edit: Got a response from MoxJet lower in the thread. They said to post your new minion unique ideas and they will pass them along to the ehg discord! I'll do my best to add the ideas to this post as I can! Feel free to make another thread for better visibility if you like though!

Edit: Ok there's already more than I can reasonably fit here so I will just direct you down thread to see them. Thanks!

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12 months ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

Pitch some unique ideas you’d like see - I’ll copy them inside the team channels!