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why is this still a thing? why cant we have a character made by ourselves? I want to play a Sorceress or a Necromant.

I startet 2 Weeks ago playing an Acolyte and i think she is ugly. also she runs around as if she has a posture damage.

All i would want is a male/female version on each class and a small amout of options for the looks. lets say 4 different faces, 4-8 haircuts and a few hair colors. I know you wont see much of that in the game but when selecting a char you would. also in Multiplayer you could create a portrait out of the options which makes everything a bit more different. not everyone looking the same. i was thinking like the portraits in eve maybe.

i know some may say its irrelevant, but how a char looks is very important to me. and all looking the same is very boring.

it cant be much of work to get this done. please? :)

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over 2 years ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by PurrfectlyPurrverted

Why would you do class specific character design at all then? Make one male model, one female model, then let people do whichever class they want. Instantly cuts your animations, modeling and voice acting for player characters to less than half since they all share the same resources. It isn't like you can't streamline quest dialog so only npcs reference a character class either, and that very rarely. Every Diablo game managed it.

Wow that's an old thread. Still relevant though.

We want to have each class be a specific character. A lot of that character comes from a lot of different little things like idle animations. Having multiple genders for each class multiplies all the class specific things.

I know that having specific genders to play is important to some players and we do want to expand the options when we can. It's just not feasible to have them included at the initial launch.

about 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by DarkElfMagic

sorry for necroposting, I appreciate that last comment. I'm glad you understand why people want it. I personally just have gender dysphoria and I feel like the only two classes I can play is Rogue and Acolyte, which luckily I happen to really like necromancers/liches/warlocks

also I don't even need light customization, i'd honestly be happy with like, just a superficial pronoun selection would help my brain a lot. (you'd even get bonus free press/exposure from that one bald angry guy getting angry about it like he did with starfield)

Really appreciate all you and the team do, hope you have a successful launch !

I'm sorry you're struggling with being comfortable playing as the Primalist, Sentinel and Mage. We haven't made a ton of headway on character customization yet. We do plan to add a proper character customization system where you can choose things like body shape. Because we only have one script, we usually try to only use the term "Traveler" when talking about the player character. Part of this is to just avoid gendered pronouns all together so we don't need to know what class you're playing as.

This is a very much ongoing issue and there are dozens of topics I've replied to on various platforms since this post so I appreciate your perspective and don't worry about the necropost.

One of the things I realized relatively recently was that I think that a contributor to these gender issues in Last Epoch specifically is being able to name your character. I'm really interested in getting more people's opinions on the topic but if any of this makes you uncomfortable or you just don't feel like answering, no worries at all. So, hypothetically, if each of these class options had a specific name that went with them already, do you think that would that change anything for you? Like, instead of playing as a Sentinel that you name, you were controlling the character Zack who is a Sentinel. A kinda similar example would be in the main line Borderlands games, you don't play as a hunter, you play as Mordecai, The Hunter.

Also, do you find it better or worse if you turn off the player voice lines? Things like the mage saying "I'm not a man of many pockets." when your bags are full and you try to pick something up for example.

I'd like to be able to say that we will have a proper solution for you soon but it's just not going to be ready for a while yet. We know we want to have it and we know it's a big deal for a lot of our players.

On the plus side, Warlock and Falconer are the new upcoming classes are both on the female base classes so launch can be exciting still if you're interested in those.

about 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by DarkElfMagic

As much as I hate to admit it, I do think that if you were to of executed these characters as "Heroes" or "Legends" that are named as if they were closer to something like borderlands, Instead of making them "Player Classes" and such, it would actually make it more digestible. At least in my experience with gaming. I can't explain exactly why my brain decides to work like that, but for sure it at least helps me dissociate myself from the character I'm playing. I don't think this would be preferable, but if you were unable for whatever reason to unlock gender, it wouldn't be the worst path to take either.

I think the best example for me personally is Overwatch OR fighting games. I think there's something about making them proper named characters that would help re-contextualize it for my brain. It feels more like i'm working with this character rather than becoming this character, which it might just be a me thing but I often naturally fall into trying to become my character, even when it's not an RPG.

The voice thing wouldn't help. It might help a little bit, but not by much, bc I know it's still there. I'll try it though sometime lol, maybe i'm wrong. I just know when I try to pretend something isn't or is there, it doesn't help a lot.

One other thing I want to mention, is that there was a recent game called "Lunacid" a kings field inspired dungeon crawler. It has a wide range of selectable pronouns that are never actually mentioned in game or referred to the player as those pronouns. It's just another section on your character sheet, it's just fluff. I wouldn't mind this being in more games, because it really does mean a lot to me to have that control over my character.

Maybe it IS just placebo, but just having some tangible proof, such as the pronoun example, goes a very long way. I know you'd rather fully implement a character customization system before just adding pronouns and calling it a day, but it would help me a lot personally. it really does feel like a nice minute detail/control/fluff over your character, and it wouldn't hurt to add since you're already avoiding gendered terms in your script anyways for the most part. Just a suggestion ofc for consideration after you feel happy with character customization down the road.

Totally understand that it's just not in the cards for the near future due to budget restraints, I appreciate it even being considered.

I don't think we are even considering going down the "just give them names" route. The plan is still to do a proper character customization system. I'm just trying to understand the issues better. It doesn't directly affect me in the slightest so I have to work to understand it a bit more so we can deliver a better experience for people who want these features.

I will check out Lunacid and I really appreciate your insight, thanks.

about 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Perfect_Statement_89

. There are people when they play characters in games like this they like to imagine themselves in that character shoes as a form of escapism. I don’t care if people wanna call that sexism or whatever but I cannot enjoy playing a female character like the necromancer. And absolutely no customization on their appearance. Yes some people are not gonna care, but there will also be a good portion of ppl who do. They should’ve gone the extra step to add that into the game design.

A lot has changed in the last 3 years. Character customization continues to be on the list of things which we intend to add. We are happy with our decision to prioritize gameplay features.

11 months ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Green_Protection_363

To some players? Are you all just minimizing it like that? If you do care about what the community wants, you would clearly see the numerous posts on Reddit, Steam Forums and LE forums where we keep asking again and again for the removal of gender-locked classes, but still you say it's irrelevant and you need to focus on something else for the time being.

I've never said that it's irrelevant at all. From the feedback that we have received, this isn't a pressing matter for most of our players or potential players. Using the term "some" to describe the size of the players who find this to be a critical issue is generous and not minimizing on our part. As I've said on several occasions on various platforms, we understand that for those that this is an issue, it is a very important issue. We also do still plan to add it. This hasn't changed.

Every perspective game feature gets evaluated on a few axis to get prioritized. Simply it's a cost to reward analysis that gets ranked against all the other perspective features. Gender lock is often perceived to have a low cost and high impact. However, it is actually very high cost with high impact and low reach. This means that it often loses out to medium cost, high impact and high reach features. We have many features that fall into this category which directly compete for the time of the people who would implement character customization.

I understand that it probably feels like we are making a mistake in how we are evaluating the priority of this feature. We aren't going to agree on the priorities that everyone has and I'm sorry that we are not going to agree on this one.

We do plan to add character customization, including a gender option. It will not arrive soon.

4 days ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by astromedia

One year later may I ask if it moved in any way? Im still waiting for this too for very long time :) ... Im starting to fear there will always be too much to do in other aspects of the game the time for this may never come and as new things will get added it will be harder and harder to do. I do appretiate your reasurements over time its still planned tho, hopefully the wait will be worth it. (and hopefully I will not loose on too much content meanwhile not being fully in the loop as Im not actively playing for few years - nowadays in lot of games tends to happen a lot of time sensitive stuff sadly but maybe this is not the case)

There isn't much news on this front. We have made progress on some adjacent systems which will make eventually doing it faster and easier which is good news. It hasn't made too much progress up the list. It's still in the "someday" category. I do still expect it at some point but I'm sorry to say that I don't have any ETA.