over 4 years ago - Sarno - Direct link

We plan to polish skill respecs in our next update.

In the current version of the game, it is possible to either remove individual points from a skill’s specialization tree or to completely delevel the skill and start over from scratch - usually with a different skill entirely. While we will be retaining the current respec system, there are a couple of pain points with the current implementation that we plan to address.

Minimum Level 7

Any skill placed in the slot on the left will immediately be set to level 7.

Currently, despecialized skills placed in a specialization slot are always set to level 1. Starting with Patch 0.7.10, this minimum skill level will scale with character level. This is intended to make respecs feel less punishing, while still preventing hot swapping of skills.

We are also looking at skills taking longer to respec for lower level characters than higher level characters, which is something we have always wanted to change. We believe the opportunity cost of respeccing skills should be greatest for high level characters, and so we are exploring various potential changes we can make to have skill respecs be less punishing at lower levels.

over 4 years ago - Sarno - Direct link

It will never grant you a minimum skill level of 20.

As noted in the post, preventing hot swapping is one of our goals. :slight_smile: