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As a new player you are discouraged to try all the skills you unlock because of the re-leveling process. It takes longer to relevel when you are low level than when all your skills are level 20 - shouldn't it be the other way round?

Especially when you want to try out different skill combinations early, and despecialize all of your 3-4 skills to create better synergies between them. This can "brick" your character to be so weak, you no longer want to keep playing.

The minimum lvl should be risen to at least lvl 10, this way actually trying things as a new player is not punished.

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7 months ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

Hey u/NotARealDeveloper, funny enough this topic was something we discussed last week in a game design meeting and your suggestion is actually what we landed on. Current plan is to boost the minimum level so you can experiment more easily early on in a skills development.

Learn some C# and come join us!! Haha