11 months
ago -
Last Epoch
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Transcript (by Youtube)
119s | for for |
210s | for |
251s | good afternoon everybody and welcome |
253s | back to another last Epoch TI stream as |
256s | usual I'm your host Mike |
259s | hello how's it going |
262s | everybody feeling good thanks how you |
264s | doing good |
266s | good uh if this is your first time here |
268s | welcome glad to have you with us |
271s | uh we stream for |
272s | charity right there uh if you have any |
275s | questions please put atlast U game in |
279s | chat and uh slap a question there and |
282s | we've got our lovely helper Fitz it is |
287s | grabbing questions for me again thank |
288s | you very much and I'll be do my best to |
290s | answer them as fast as |
292s | possible and in the meantime I'm going |
294s | to be really bad at a video game and |
296s | play it while I'm doing it |
301s | we are attempting to finish this |
304s | timeline right now and uh last few times |
306s | I went in there I just got Ned |
309s | instantly so we we need |
312s | some we need some |
314s | health part of the big thing we're |
316s | missing here um yeah there's a lot of |
319s | defensive stuff we're missing got to |
321s | figure that out um I'm looking for a |
324s | catalyst to fuse |
327s | here looking for better weapons garbage |
331s | we're really looking for a belt too |
333s | right off the bat thank you very much a |
336s | oh giveing that s fits |
338s | congrats well well |
341s | earned I kind of want to keep going in |
344s | here to like just |
347s | get more |
349s | gear but I'm wor I'm going to power that |
351s | one up too |
353s | much might go here |
356s | actually it's pretty close too |
360s | we are quite under we're only level |
362s | 80 my mic is too |
369s | low |
374s | interesting is that |
377s | better should be |
386s | better no Bingo for you uhoh |
394s | oh I wonder I wonder what I've already |
396s | done to ruin I'm very inally don't look |
398s | at the |
401s | cards we'll see I might get there for |
406s | you oh no I'm going to butcher this |
410s | name yep |
416s | uh wrick yoan |
422s | I'm going go with that thank you very |
423s | much for the sub appreciate |
425s | it I am terrible with |
429s | reading all right let's do this are |
431s | there any plans to expand on the |
433s | Weaver's will items maybe add more of |
434s | them they are so fun yes um the the |
438s | Weaver is not a character we're finished |
441s | with and um you know expanding |
446s | that uh related item system at the same |
449s | time we expand the related character |
452s | exploration would be logical um I don't |
455s | actually know if that's what's going to |
456s | happen but I would assume |
463s | so arrives void damage is only from Echo |
467s | at this time any plans to add void |
469s | scaling tag um I don't know not probably |
473s | not uh it's possible though |
484s | it's usually reserved for a base damage |
487s | change um void damage increases to void |
491s | damage will increase that damage anyways |
493s | as well so like it doesn't need the tag |
495s | to have that damage scaled |
510s | on oh so little just just little |
513s | creeping along |
516s | there more |
521s | XP question about echo in the monolith |
524s | about making them more exciting to |
526s | explore not just blasting through the |
528s | objective and finishing the echo in one |
529s | minute have you guys talked about adding |
531s | additional smaller objectives with |
533s | rewards kind of like hell hell divers 2 |
535s | does it I'm going to admit my greatest |
538s | Shame of the year |
541s | I still haven't played hell divers 2 |
544s | yet I know I know it's it's |
547s | irredeemable and |
550s | unconscionable and I I don't know if you |
553s | can ever forgive me but I haven't done |
554s | it yet no um we're uh busy I have been |
559s | looking |
561s | for a good controller game to play |
566s | Lately um just got a bring new |
568s | controller which is pretty cool |
571s | um maybe I'll give it a |
574s | shot sort of assuming it has good |
576s | controller |
581s | support um but yes back to the actual |
584s | question you asked yes um we do plan on |
587s | on adding in more things to make um Echo |
589s | runs more uh exciting and interesting |
592s | and fun um it's one of those things that |
595s | as we release cycles and introduce new |
596s | mechanics uh that that'll get woven into |
599s | it um so yeah |
601s | the um Exile Mages are the the first of |
606s | many of that style of mechanic that will |
609s | show up in |
613s | modelos personally I'd really like to |
615s | see indications on the like map level on |
618s | the on the uh the timeline level that |
621s | says like oh this Echo has this Echo is |
625s | being um like there's there's an exiled |
628s | Mage in this Echo oh oh there's |
630s | a secret mechanic too in this |
634s | Echo and that way you know you can like |
637s | actively look for it and find it and |
638s | like still have them be potential to |
640s | show up randomly um but if you are like |
645s | if you go into one that that says like |
646s | it's here it's guaranteed and you can |
648s | hunt for it so I'd really like to see |
649s | that |
650s | personally little little icon Bes side |
652s | you can see it um related note we are |
656s | adding in a search and sort to the not |
658s | search and sort uh search and fil |
660s | to the |
662s | um uh |
666s | oh it's all coming thought I could take |
668s | one um to the to the timeline |
673s | web so this like like a little search |
676s | here like little toggle buttons that |
678s | like turn different rewards and highight |
679s | and stuff we are adding |
686s | that come up here for these |
697s | XP want that XP right |
702s | now all right thoughts on giving coff a |
704s | benefit towards farming boss only |
706s | uniques to equalize Merchants SLC up a |
710s | littleit um I I I think |
714s | it's possible to do um |
722s | there's a lot of suggestions I've seen |
724s | with regards to this that we just can't |
726s | do um and there's some that have been |
727s | pretty good so I mean there's there's |
729s | room for it we are um we are making some |
732s | changes |
734s | to uh to to all of the rank rewards for |
738s | both cof and Merchant skill not not like |
741s | all not not every single reward is |
742s | getting changed but like |
746s | possibly any one of them could be |
748s | targeted |
752s | one big problem with this build is that |
753s | like I'm just never have potions I need |
755s | I need to self heal oh okay this is the |
758s | thing I need to to work into this is |
759s | some way to heal |
765s | myself what's got a self heal on it |
768s | right |
772s | now this have like shift |
776s | does I know that you have it |
787s | just shift my health |
794s | pot thank you very |
796s | much uh |
798s | enormous enormous that's what it |
801s | says looks like enormous yeah enormous |
803s | thank you very much for the sub |
804s | appreciate you glad to have you with us |
813s | it's weird I can read it better when |
814s | there's the numbers is mixed |
820s | in all |
823s | right uh is something going to happen |
825s | with listed SLS sold items in the mg |
827s | Bazaar when the season transition from |
829s | cycle to Legacy |
833s | um |
835s | yes do I know what that is no |
841s | um I would assume they would all just |
843s | get transitioned to to to Legacy like |
845s | all the |
848s | stuff right like why |
853s | not yeah unless someone can think of |
855s | like a good reason not to just |
856s | transition |
861s | them all right stash tab presets where |
864s | you unlock by clicking the ones you |
867s | want you can keep your out between |
871s | Cycles oh I see what you're saying yeah |
874s | this this this won't be ready for 1.1 |
876s | I'm sorry um I know I know what you're |
877s | asking here and and I think this is |
879s | something we'll be uh hopefully looking |
882s | to to to work in down the road a bit but |
886s | um sorry this will not be available |
890s | at but I do I do think it's a really |
892s | good |
894s | idea just a little too much else going |
897s | in right now |
905s | all right I'm not using my uh Falcon |
907s | more so |
911s | strong just playing lazy |
918s | mode all right will minions see a buff |
921s | in the near future I don't have any |
923s | information on potential uncoming Buffs |
925s | or Nerfs or balance stre So my answer is |
927s | I don't know um but I'll read the whole |
929s | question out I've got over 250 hours |
931s | playing Necromancer since launch and |
933s | have tried every possible version and |
936s | find that if you're not playing wraith |
937s | Lord's Harbor or using uh dread shade |
940s | you will hit a wall at some point you |
941s | can't progress any past well I mean |
943s | you'll hit a wall at at with every build |
946s | um how about all Minion builds without |
948s | having to use those two previously |
950s | mentioned options I mean we're we're |
951s | always looking to diversify and and |
953s | bring up the the things that aren't |
954s | working and bring down the things that |
956s | are completely Overkill but you know um |
959s | I I don't have any details on specific |
973s | changes do have enough here we could go |
975s | for |
977s | it what's our fire and necrotic |
979s | resistance like fire necrotic is high |
982s | enough fire necrotic is garbage |
989s | when's the next cycle dropping I don't |
991s | have a set date yet um we have an |
994s | internal Target uh it's not set in stone |
998s | yet |
1001s | um there will |
1004s | be uh the usual like pre patch R ramp up |
1009s | that happens um the time between patches |
1012s | where our goal is roughly 3 to four |
1016s | months um |
1019s | and I expect this one to be roughly the |
1023s | same I don't know where that puts |
1027s | us I feel like that's like month and a |
1029s | half two months something like |
1040s | that almost uh I guess one almost |
1042s | exactly one to two months cuz it's 19th |
1044s | 21st two months ago yeah |
1050s | uh I really dig Falconer sweet uh and |
1053s | the tech puts the pet uses any plans to |
1055s | bring it over to crows or other pet |
1057s | builds no um one of the things we really |
1059s | strive for in last Epoch is um class |
1063s | identity that's one of our Core Design |
1065s | pillars and |
1069s | um one of the things that makes that |
1072s | gives Falconer its class identity is the |
1074s | Falcon and the unique attributes that |
1077s | the Falcon itself has um so the the way |
1079s | that the falconer the primalist or Beast |
1082s | Master and The Necromancer um handle |
1084s | their pets are all distinctly unique in |
1087s | their like fundamental mechanics and |
1089s | that's really important and it's really |
1090s | important that we maintain that so um we |
1093s | don't have any plans to make the throws |
1095s | unkillable |
1112s | sry about |
1114s | that okay now that Arena keys are no |
1117s | longer as valuable gold wise any chance |
1119s | to merge the different key nodes uh |
1121s | someone who doesn't play Arena these |
1123s | Keys feel worse than a gold reward at |
1125s | the moment um I mean it's it's possible |
1127s | I don't have any |
1130s | uh details on if we're going to do this |
1132s | or not I think it's really important to |
1133s | have nodes that you're not like really |
1137s | really striving for you know um |
1140s | especially especially if there if there |
1142s | does end up being |
1145s | um elements of of the the modeling |
1148s | system that you are like trying to |
1151s | complete that aren't just the objective |
1153s | um and having these nodes that are that |
1155s | maybe have like another objective inside |
1158s | the node um but doesn't have a objective |
1161s | you want to do still gives them value |
1163s | and then um you can find combinations of |
1164s | ones that are good that that are even |
1166s | better and you know like having this |
1167s | range of how how you prioritize your |
1170s | echo in the web and how you make that |
1171s | more efficient that that process is I |
1174s | think an important part of the gameplay |
1175s | Loop and um if they're all amazing and |
1179s | you just pick one and go that takes away |
1182s | I I think an important step in |
1185s | um the game process you're you're like |
1188s | that that axis that you can optimize on |
1190s | just |
1193s | disappears I don't like the idea |
1207s | all right any chance cuf rewards get to |
1209s | scale with corruption somehow I mean |
1211s | they |
1215s | do as it stands highp are more easy to |
1217s | access in merchant skill what's your |
1218s | opinion um I I think that Merchant skill |
1221s | is always going to be more um efficient |
1226s | overall I think I think the moment that |
1228s | we make |
1230s | um uh cof as efficient as merchant Guild |
1234s | in |
1236s | um specific item targeting |
1242s | um I I think what we we like at that |
1244s | point it's basically just |
1248s | uh I think the drop rates would be so |
1251s | crazy different that it would feel like |
1252s | to completely different games |
1273s | yeah yeah man aot's not terrible but |
1283s | yeah all right do you plan to implement |
1285s | Vulcan API into Linux version of the |
1287s | game um from what I tested it suffers in |
1289s | terms of performance like 30% worse FPS |
1291s | on N video graphics card I don't know |
1294s | um I I think there was some talk about |
1296s | it there was some there was some problem |
1297s | with it or something I don't know |
1302s | um I know this came up as a discussion |
1305s | recently I don't remember what the out |
1306s | kind of was I'm |
1308s | sorry it's at least on the list of |
1311s | discussion topics very |
1317s | least but I know this some stuff is |
1319s | specifically happening with steam deck |
1321s | right |
1323s | now because it ended up being so like |
1325s | incidentally popular even though we were |
1327s | like no it doesn't work people are like |
1329s | no we'll do it |
1338s | anyways all right hi Mike will we have a |
1340s | PTR for 1.1 or would it be released as a |
1343s | season cycle release it'll be released |
1344s | as a season cycle release we'll still |
1345s | use our community tester program like we |
1346s | usually do though |
1349s | uh why was Souls from soulfire Bastion |
1351s | made to expire upon exiting the dungeon |
1354s | uh it dramatically makes soulfire |
1355s | Bastion less appealing to farm now um |
1357s | they've always been that way or at least |
1359s | it was always intended to be that way um |
1362s | like the amount you get in the run that |
1363s | you're in is what you have to spend on |
1365s | that |
1370s | run I take it there was a bug that made |
1372s | that not the case and we fixed it |
1386s | all right are there plans for adding |
1388s | Cosmetics to loot and trade pool to the |
1390s | loot trade pool |
1392s | Cosmetics |
1398s | no uh in the future do you think about |
1401s | pet for pickup loot no uh are there |
1404s | plans to expand on the experimental item |
1406s | loot pool from uh imprison Mages I I |
1408s | think there's sort of like vague plans |
1410s | to expand on everything um I think the |
1412s | focus will be on the next system going |
1414s | forward for the next patch but um you |
1417s | know if if if there's like a good idea |
1418s | that comes along or some balance change |
1420s | needs to happen or like you know like |
1422s | the the adjustments notwithstanding |
1426s | um probably nothing major as like a big |
1429s | bulk Edition |
1439s | that's what happens when you look over |
1440s | to look at the next |
1443s | question I can't even do this can't even |
1446s | do |
1450s | that |
1452s | um I mean I guess we just got to farm |
1454s | this don't |
1456s | we this is the problem is I have to go |
1458s | like look at the stuff I picked up cuz |
1459s | I've got so much stuff I've picked up |
1460s | over the last couple sessions that I |
1462s | just like haven't even tried to see if |
1464s | they're upgrades or |
1467s | not he watching me crash is is probably |
1470s | not going to be very |
1472s | exciting you can try |
1475s | though let's got a little let's got a |
1477s | little give in |
1484s | it worth a shot I put a despair |
1489s | in to try and seal the Y |
1495s | res he just upgraded it and ate all of |
1498s | the uh for potential which is what I |
1499s | expected |
1502s | to but more ell |
1506s | res which means we can actually probably |
1508s | grab some out of lightning |
1517s | somewhere there's all the lightning |
1521s | res let go that exalted uh throwing |
1525s | damage EIC so |
1533s | uh do you have any plans on adding |
1535s | monolith layouts yep um I don't know if |
1538s | there's any in 1.1 but yeah adding more |
1540s | model flouts is definitely on the list |
1542s | for |
1543s | sure might have to drop |
1550s | something uh whenever you swap Gear with |
1553s | plus skills on it yep I know this is |
1555s | going um |
1560s | sometimes the skills get scrambled any |
1561s | plans to fix that or put in a visual aid |
1563s | to help you remember what you had before |
1565s | yeah so there's there's |
1568s | um there is a bug right |
1570s | now which prevents the visual aid to |
1572s | tell you what you had from showing um |
1575s | because it does it it there's whenever |
1577s | you take uh I don't want to take it off |
1579s | cuz |
1580s | I'm there's this bug right now um |
1584s | whenever you take it off and you come |
1585s | back into the skill it's supposed to |
1586s | flash the uh the letters It's supposed |
1589s | to turn the letters red and put a an |
1591s | outline that highlights the nodes that |
1593s | had points removed from |
1595s | them um so yes we do have that I just |
1599s | don't know why it's not working it's |
1601s | working for years years |
1621s | all |
1626s | right |
1632s | oh it's actually a fun |
1641s | one all right uh going on the |
1645s | alternative |
1646s | targets uh going on the alternative |
1648s | Target Target and Echoes any chance cof |
1650s | prophecies Target specific targets per |
1656s | Echo |
1658s | what like fill stability bar do X nodes |
1661s | to Grant exalted items oh oh oh oh oh oh |
1664s | I see what you're |
1666s | saying |
1670s | um I it's possible I |
1674s | guess um maybe I don't know I I don't I |
1678s | don't things like that just in general |
1681s | for everyone everyone here if you've got |
1682s | an idea that you're like hey I wonder if |
1683s | they should do this idea if you suggest |
1686s | it to me I will immediately forget it as |
1687s | soon as I finish answering the question |
1690s | um and you can go to the forums or the |
1693s | suggestions on Discord and throw them in |
1696s | there |
1698s | uh and someone will |
1700s | actually uh look at them and compile |
1703s | them into a like suggestion pool drop |
1705s | something no I refuse to drop something |
1709s | you dropped something crazy lady all |
1712s | right let's |
1714s | go just me talking to myself |
1726s | somehow know that spell necrotic stuff |
1762s | hey |
1766s | terrible just keep going |
1769s | let's find more stuff uh can you |
1771s | elaborate on the difference between |
1772s | Class Pets get the variety in flavor we |
1776s | have huge outliers on one hand we have |
1778s | the Falcon untargetable and Immortal on |
1779s | the other hand we have spron uh that |
1782s | have to revive by sanding still that I |
1784s | think the other end is um Necromancer |
1786s | who actively sacrifices their |
1788s | minions |
1791s | um I imagine this in a heavy moment boss |
1793s | fight at the same time there's no actual |
1795s | bigger payoff if you manage to pull that |
1797s | off um so so in actuality the falconer |
1799s | is able to do much higher corruption |
1801s | with less effort ah I think this is a a |
1803s | humongous logic leap |
1807s | um I |
1809s | I the mechanical nature of the revive |
1815s | versus immortality of the pets is not |
1817s | the reason why one can do higher |
1819s | corruption than the |
1824s | other it might it might be a drop in the |
1826s | bucket that contributes to it but that |
1827s | is not the reason |
1834s | um the uh what am I saying here the uh I |
1839s | guess the falconer does get the extra |
1840s | ability too but the um the Minions that |
1843s | you |
1844s | have uh the let me start over the |
1847s | falconer's Falcon is meant to be an |
1849s | extension of the Falcon Falconer itself |
1852s | um so this character and this character |
1855s | are effectively one character that's |
1857s | that's that's the like the reasoning |
1859s | behind it so if you're alive the |
1860s | Falcon's alive it is is it's one thing |
1863s | um partially because you have multiple |
1866s | this is part of the reason is because |
1867s | you have multiple abilities on your bar |
1870s | um that you need the Falcon to be alive |
1872s | to use up to three um so when 60% of |
1875s | your bar is contingent on this minion |
1878s | being alive |
1880s | um it's really important that that |
1883s | minion um stays alive kind of no matter |
1887s | what uh and then on top of that there's |
1888s | thematic differences of this Falcon |
1891s | being able to like hide itself Fly Away |
1894s | Dodge in combat like it's it's this it |
1896s | keeps itself alive thematic I think as |
1898s | well um the the big difference there |
1901s | with the like spring for example if your |
1903s | minion dies your bar stays the same you |
1906s | lose 0% of your active abilities if your |
1909s | minion dies um so having it be this |
1913s | extra um Ally in combat that you have to |
1918s | uh um you have to help is I think really |
1921s | thematically on point and a good |
1923s | mechanical representation of that theme |
1926s | as the companions that's that's what |
1927s | they are they are companions they are |
1929s | their own separate disperate thing they |
1932s | are like um it's it's their own |
1934s | character sometimes they get specific |
1936s | names you know things like that like the |
1938s | they are an individual characters |
1941s | whereas the Falcon is is an extension of |
1943s | you you know it's like you can't you |
1944s | don't get a name for it |
1947s | ever um |
1949s | the the the the real extension of that |
1951s | is the the other end of the spectrum |
1953s | sorry of that uh Falconer is the |
1956s | Necromancer where they |
1958s | are actively sacrificing and using your |
1960s | minions as uh a |
1965s | res even trying to keep them |
1970s | alive is the falconer overtuned |
1973s | yes um but that's got I think very |
1976s | little to do with the |
1979s | immortality status of the Falcon of the |
1981s | Falcon |
1982s | itself because there's the flip side of |
1984s | that as well um a bear can physically |
1986s | take hits for you you know um it can |
1989s | pull aggro it can it can actually um be |
1993s | a defensive mechanic for you because it |
1995s | is absorbing some of that uh enemy uh ey |
2009s | kind of disjointed ramblings but I hope |
2011s | that goes hits the points for |
2023s | you all right next question hi Mike any |
2025s | plans to do other streams with guests oh |
2027s | yeah last week was awesome I agree last |
2029s | week was fantastic uh and is it |
2031s | realistic to have some kind of filters |
2033s | for prophecies in cof which could |
2035s | highlight prophecies from one specific |
2036s | dungeon monolith |
2043s | uh you have to write that one down I |
2045s | understand what it is |
2060s | sorry easy EAS sorry I don't remember if |
2063s | I answered that whole question |
2071s | oh guests yeah yeah guests um I I would |
2073s | like to have guests |
2075s | um Kyle's an easy one because um had |
2079s | them on before and I know and it's one |
2080s | that gets requested specifically a lot |
2082s | we've also done um we've done 2D uh 2D |
2085s | concept artist uh which was a big hit um |
2089s | I really want to get our VFX artist in |
2091s | um our like combat designer our enemy |
2094s | our boss combat designer um I want to |
2096s | get you know there's lots of people I |
2098s | don't want to get in |
2102s | here you're all a victim of my terrible |
2108s | planning |
2119s | sorry that Falcon does |
2125s | chunk all right uh any plans to raise |
2129s | the production values of the story |
2131s | content uh more voice line cinematics |
2134s | maybe some graphical updates yeah we're |
2135s | always doing things like that um could |
2137s | there be more generic and fun affixes |
2139s | like plus more projectiles plus |
2142s | returning projectiles chaining times Etc |
2145s | one of |
2146s | the really big |
2149s | strengths um that we |
2152s | have uh with with our skill system is |
2154s | being able to do a lot of really cool |
2156s | stuff with it um one of the weaknesses |
2159s | we have with our skill system is that |
2163s | um it's not very generic at all uh so |
2167s | the additional projectiles for every |
2170s | single skill that has additional |
2172s | projectiles is handled a little bit |
2174s | differently for every single skill that |
2176s | does it um and not every skill does it |
2178s | not every skill has it even as an option |
2180s | so it's um having a uh like having and |
2184s | this goes for all the all the different |
2185s | types of things like that but so if say |
2187s | we had one |
2190s | um say we had |
2194s | one uh there's a word for them AIX one |
2198s | AIX that was like plus one |
2202s | projectiles |
2205s | um there's it would have to be like plus |
2208s | one projectiles for abilities that can |
2210s | have additional projectiles and don't |
2213s | have no projectile nodes taken in their |
2215s | trees you know like it's um |
2219s | and we we we also frequently balance the |
2222s | number of projectiles that an ability |
2223s | can have very carefully because it often |
2226s | uh has pretty big performance |
2229s | implications um you know there there's |
2231s | other things that that cause issues with |
2233s | the number of projectiles too and |
2234s | there's things that scale off the number |
2235s | of projectiles and um I think that and |
2239s | I'm just using projectiles as an example |
2241s | for all these types of things but um |
2244s | some of these more |
2245s | generic uh |
2248s | more intense more transformative more |
2251s | transformative generic |
2253s | nodes uh |
2256s | are really |
2260s | iffy it it would have to be a little bit |
2262s | something would have to be a little bit |
2263s | more specific about it I |
2266s | think um which is why we almost always |
2268s | do it as plus one projectiles with |
2271s | disability um I could maybe see it be |
2274s | something like on a unique or something |
2275s | that's like plus one projectiles with |
2277s | one of these four abilities or something |
2279s | like that |
2282s | um but it's got to be specific to some |
2284s | degree with the way we have things set |
2285s | up right |
2287s | now all right next question you recently |
2289s | mentioned you desire to make unique |
2292s | items applied to manifest armar yeah I |
2293s | do it's not being done right now just to |
2297s | be clear um but that it was difficult |
2299s | unshaking yes do you see that being a |
2301s | realistic feature that we could look |
2302s | forward to or is it just so tremendous |
2304s | of an undertaking that we shouldn't get |
2306s | our hopes up in that particular change |
2307s | um unless something changes dramatically |
2310s | or I get like six months to just work on |
2313s | that and nothing else uh I I I wouldn't |
2316s | expect it anytime soon at |
2327s | all |
2330s | sorry I think I think it was brought up |
2332s | as like a a pipe dream or if you could |
2333s | do anything type question and so I |
2335s | picked something that's not really |
2337s | feasible which isn't great for you know |
2341s | hearing about something like that but |
2343s | yeah that's what I would do if I could |
2344s | do |
2348s | anything all right any updates on we are |
2351s | seeing a shaman rework um there are no |
2355s | major skill change rework overhauls for |
2358s | Shaman coming next patch I can tell you |
2360s | that for |
2363s | certain you like we're we're we're we're |
2365s | touching things here and there we're |
2366s | making changes where we can we're doing |
2368s | re re re like balancing of stuff but |
2371s | like major reworks are not on the table |
2373s | for |
2375s | 1.1 that was |
2383s | close like you won't see a new Shaman |
2385s | skill you won't see like uh some patch |
2389s | that's like oh uh redid the the the tree |
2391s | for this skill or anything like that no |
2394s | no no |
2407s | all right uh any idea on issues with |
2410s | certain window Types on controller |
2412s | swapping between the joystick Mouse and |
2415s | d-pad uh plus R2 L2 to move around you |
2418s | get stuck in one and can't move to the |
2420s | other things like dungeon Windows seem |
2422s | to be a different window type I can't |
2423s | press square to move key Auto I I I I |
2427s | have no idea anything about that uh |
2429s | please submit a bug report and we'll do |
2431s | our best to fix |
2433s | it all right on the topic of Exile Mages |
2436s | do you plan to add some mechanics SL |
2438s | events uh with other classes on Echoes |
2441s | for instance forsaken Droid demented uh |
2443s | Beast Master um we we |
2448s | have the way that they spe the story |
2450s | line specifically behind how the Exel |
2453s | Mages got there is very unique to Mages |
2456s | um it is definitely feasible to have |
2459s | other mechanics that bring in other |
2462s | classes and things like that um you know |
2466s | it's uh I I I think we'll want to |
2468s | explore some slightly different theming |
2470s | first before going back to that well |
2473s | um but you know we do try and bring in |
2476s | uh |
2477s | player uh themed ability enemies uh this |
2482s | isn't the first |
2484s | time the arena the The Limited Arena |
2487s | runs already do |
2494s | this custom Le key caps when oh my |
2497s | goodness |
2503s | um I'm literally in the process right |
2505s | now of trying to design if someone has |
2508s | this please let me |
2514s | know I'm literally in the process right |
2517s | now |
2518s | of trying to design I have these I have |
2520s | a like the most straightforward keyboard |
2523s | ever um but there's these it's all it's |
2526s | all white LEDs in there and I want I |
2528s | want them to glow red so I'm trying to |
2530s | print a little thing to like go inside |
2533s | this cuz it's it's like etched and you |
2535s | can see like light Shin Su and all sort |
2537s | of stuff but I really want to get a |
2538s | little red insert to go in there i' got |
2541s | some transp some transparent red uh |
2544s | filament and I want to make it glow red |
2546s | instead of glow White |
2549s | um but yeah sorry just random aside Uh |
2552s | custom Le key caps I there's nothing in |
2554s | the works for that right now I'm |
2557s | sorry would be cool |
2562s | though I don't know I've never I've |
2564s | never been a big |
2566s | uh uh C custom keycap like like crazy |
2570s | stuff on them I'm like hyper |
2572s | minimalistic here I'll show you what it |
2574s | it looks like |
2579s | is like the most minimalistic keyboard |
2581s | ever oh it feels so |
2584s | good all right hey I have a question I |
2587s | had a great time playing your game |
2589s | awesome spent over 100 hours in it epic |
2591s | and I'm looking forward to some |
2592s | information about new content to come |
2594s | back |
2595s | to um I check every update to the game |
2598s | and I'm really glad you're fixing bugs |
2600s | that haven't seen any information about |
2601s | something new yet whether it's regarding |
2602s | the content itself maybe items class |
2604s | changes will there be anything in the |
2605s | near future um so 1.1 which will come |
2608s | out roughly 3 to 4 months after 1.0 as |
2612s | our usual patch Cadence um will include |
2615s | a new Pinnacle boss system uh and other |
2618s | stuff we haven't announced any of other |
2620s | stuff that is coming with |
2629s | it when I click sword items in my stash |
2633s | what parameters is it using to sort |
2635s | other than Tetris it doesn't seem to |
2637s | sort by super obvious stuff like levels |
2642s | Etc it starts by taking all of the |
2646s | largest |
2648s | items and putting them in this |
2653s | corner it then goes and takes the next |
2656s | largest items and tries to put them in |
2658s | this |
2664s | corner it then goes and takes the next |
2666s | largest item and tries to play place it |
2667s | in that |
2669s | corner that's all it's doing that is |
2671s | that is literally it |
2675s | um oh it might start in the top left |
2677s | actually |
2679s | sorry anyways |
2682s | um when it does |
2687s | this |
2690s | uh the the reason why uh question of |
2694s | question that often happens uh is why |
2697s | does it change when uh you click sort |
2699s | like why does it what does it reorder |
2702s | itself the order that the so when when |
2705s | you actually click sort it actually |
2706s | takes everything and like puts it in a |
2708s | little time box and then starts adding |
2709s | things back in one at a time it just |
2710s | happens in a single frame um and when it |
2716s | takes them all |
2717s | out the order that it takes them all out |
2720s | in is different than the order that it |
2721s | puts them all in in and the order that |
2723s | takes them all out in is the tiebreak |
2726s | order for various sizes of |
2728s | things so you'll notice that these two |
2732s | uh these three Idols the middle one |
2733s | stays the same and the top two switch |
2735s | back and forth every |
2738s | time if we drop this and pick it back up |
2741s | again it reorders them so there's a new |
2744s | one in the |
2750s | middle that's it that's that's the whole |
2752s | that's all the quirks that's |
2754s | it um it needs updating big time that |
2756s | was the first sort function we added |
2759s | four or 5 years ago uh and we've never |
2761s | touched it it needs to be updated |
2764s | desperately oh no that might actually |
2766s | kill |
2772s | me uh next question on topic of minions |
2777s | it's a minions stream let's do this do |
2779s | you think the dot damage pools beams Etc |
2783s | they take is on the right level or are |
2785s | players meant to constantly use the the |
2787s | attack move button more |
2791s | um I think that there is |
2794s | a uh |
2797s | uh a |
2799s | corruption point |
2802s | where um all balances out the |
2806s | window I think that in general the |
2808s | amount of damage they take from dot |
2810s | areas is |
2811s | fantastic um and once you get |
2814s | into uh you know like absurd corruption |
2817s | levels it it doesn't the the the scaling |
2819s | rates of the damage versus the damage |
2822s | reduction and health pools of minions |
2824s | doesn't play nice and you end up with |
2826s | these death pools for |
2844s | minions it's little chunk good |
2854s | stuff all right uh for next cycle |
2857s | between monolith dungeons improvements |
2858s | class balance new |
2860s | classes no new classes next cycle uh |
2863s | defense changes endurance Etc completely |
2865s | new content what would you say is the |
2867s | most priority for devs uh new |
2872s | content the Pinnacle boss |
2875s | system that's what we keep talking about |
2883s | right might have to drop something might |
2886s | have to drop |
2888s | something no |
2893s | way I really should fix my |
2898s | Idols morning Frost |
2903s | classic are you planning to add UI |
2906s | scaling option for items tool tips text |
2908s | to make them smaller and larger um it is |
2910s | on the list um we actually just I saw |
2914s | someone that just started working on |
2915s | some uh scaling stuff I don't know if |
2917s | it's going to be ready in time for 1.0 |
2919s | or 1.1 sorry |
2922s | um both hands on your |
2927s | keyboard uh |
2929s | right |
2931s | here I don't know any details on what UI |
2934s | scaling stuff we've started looking at |
2935s | but we have started looking at it |
2939s | I like Thorns |
2940s | builds sweet are any plans to add |
2943s | reflect aexes um percent reflect affixes |
2953s | no all right are we going to get an |
2955s | option to save build presets so we can |
2957s | switch between Builds on the same class |
2960s | um we're not adding D3 |
2962s | armor um I could see a potential like |
2967s | template saving system whereby it would |
2969s | like highlight the nodes you want to |
2971s | take and things like that um I've talked |
2974s | about this in the past there's a bit of |
2975s | a slippery slope there to um people just |
2977s | loading in builds and um you never |
2983s | reading a node on anything which I think |
2985s | would be a really big disservice to |
2987s | those players |
2989s | um but you know maybe it's not the end |
2991s | of the world I don't know uh it does |
2993s | help a lot though cuz I I don't know |
2994s | like I personally the place that I find |
2996s | it I think it would help is is um I come |
2998s | back to a build like I only play this |
3000s | character on stream that's the only time |
3001s | I touch it and like I come back and I'm |
3003s | like what was I doing again what was I |
3008s | building merch shop when oh my God |
3011s | please keep |
3012s | asking I'm serious that's not sarcasm |
3014s | please keep |
3017s | asking but I don't know |
3030s | all |
3032s | right any plans on adding uh star option |
3036s | on loot filter rules to see items drop |
3038s | uh on their respective |
3044s | colors you mean like mini map stuff like |
3047s | so |
3050s | that like have this |
3052s | for like any given exalted item so you |
3056s | can make that sh up I really like to |
3058s | there's some issues with it |
3062s | um we don't have a way to do it cleanly |
3064s | right |
3067s | now uh proper Merchant skilled search |
3069s | when uh we are expanding the um |
3072s | functionality of the searching systems |
3074s | in merchant |
3076s | skill uh any reason for five abilities |
3078s | over six um yeah you've got uh four |
3083s | fingers and a and a right right Mouse |
3085s | button that that fits real nice ly on uh |
3088s | keyboard control layout |
3091s | um it's also a point where you're able |
3094s | to um it's it's a it's a depth |
3098s | complexity |
3101s | slider um so like having five abilities |
3105s | here and versus having that sixth |
3108s | ability here for the all the |
3109s | combinations and how they build together |
3111s | and and keeping all of these different |
3113s | trees and all their combinations and |
3116s | potential combinations in your mind when |
3118s | making builds that complexity level goes |
3121s | up quite a bit um like the number of |
3123s | combinations spikes pretty hard when you |
3125s | when you every time you add an extra |
3126s | ability on there as |
3128s | well um |
3131s | and I think the complexity goes up at a |
3134s | much higher rate than the depth goes up |
3136s | at um being forced to cut things I think |
3139s | is a really uh important piece of the |
3143s | puzzle |
3147s | you'll often see like as as as an |
3149s | example sort of a a pull from a |
3151s | different game example you'll often see |
3153s | players that are new to a trading card |
3155s | game like for example let's talk about |
3156s | magic that's the one I know the best um |
3159s | and they will so in Magic like like um |
3161s | most deck con most constructed formats |
3164s | allow you to have a card minimum but not |
3166s | a card maximum in your deck so it'll be |
3168s | like you're playing standard you have 60 |
3170s | cards in your deck but you can also have |
3172s | 200 cards in your deck that's fine as |
3173s | long as you can Shuffle |
3175s | it and |
3177s | um you'll see a lot of new players show |
3180s | up and they're like there's like oh this |
3181s | this deck has 63 cards I couldn't pick |
3184s | what to cut and that's that's a really |
3186s | important skill I think as well and I |
3188s | think it also helps |
3191s | um you know I I think limitations breed |
3193s | creativity of |
3196s | and um having too many |
3200s | abilities on your bar means you end up |
3202s | not needing to um work out solutions to |
3206s | problems |
3210s | with limited resources as much in build |
3218s | crafting having said that there is |
3221s | probably a little bit more room in |
3226s | the |
3228s | uh action economy is the wrong word but |
3231s | it's kind of what I'm trying to get to |
3233s | in |
3234s | the ability |
3239s | like like when I said like oh you got |
3240s | four fingers and one right click there's |
3241s | probably there's probably room for a |
3242s | little bit more there than what we |
3244s | have |
3247s | um but I think that it's not worth |
3250s | adding another ability here or ability |
3253s | on your bar to do it but there's |
3254s | probably room to add other |
3257s | things uh to that like like for example |
3260s | we add when whenever you go to a dungeon |
3261s | we add that D key for that extra ability |
3264s | I think there's room for |
3267s | uh things on on similar on a similar |
3273s | vein we'll see what happens I could be |
3274s | wrong with |
3286s | that more |
3289s | questions we can do it |
3298s | I just got the producer stuck in my |
3303s | head all right what is your opinion on |
3305s | the current economy state of merchants |
3308s | Guild um I mean I think it's really |
3309s | unfortunate that the the the prices |
3312s | inflated so hard with the exploit that |
3314s | happened |
3315s | um I think we've |
3318s | been uh you probably haven't really |
3321s | notice what we've been doing but we have |
3322s | been uh reducing inflation quite a lot |
3325s | um |
3329s | it's a difficult thing |
3331s | to |
3333s | um just just have happen overnight and |
3336s | not screw a lot of people over um so it |
3339s | is something that we are you know it's |
3341s | it's a little the subtle how it's |
3343s | happening but it's definitely happening |
3345s | um and I think it's |
3348s | it's good that it didn't happen at the |
3350s | start of a season or start of a |
3354s | cycle um |
3357s | and you know I I think it's good that we |
3358s | got a little bit of experience with this |
3360s | type of |
3362s | situation |
3365s | now and learn what we can do to to to |
3368s | remedy it and and and deal with it and |
3370s | prent |
3372s | it in the future a little bit |
3377s | better but it is definitely unfortunate |
3379s | the prices are so high |
3394s | I'm curious to know like hypothetically |
3397s | this is just something that like this is |
3399s | not something we actively consider doing |
3400s | for the record but I'm just curious what |
3402s | people's uh thoughts |
3405s | on hypothetically if we had cancelled |
3408s | every listing that was on the bizaar and |
3411s | just like just giving you all your items |
3413s | back um and then just like nuked |
3415s | everyone's gold |
3417s | by like |
3419s | 90% you know like |
3422s | what what's what's the outcome there is |
3425s | like what do people think would be the |
3426s | outcome |
3436s | there I'm just curious what people their |
3439s | thoughts on something like that |
3440s | is this is Mike asking not HG Mike |
3444s | asking for the record |
3450s | we just we just we just cover up my name |
3451s | plate for a second in game there we |
3460s | go all right uh any cool yeah like like |
3464s | so I think the like the obvious answer |
3466s | is that like everyone freaks |
3469s | out um but it fixes the problem right |
3489s | yeah everyone everyone would freak out |
3491s | yes that means the rich loses a lot a |
3493s | lot more I agree it does that was |
3498s | intentional don't care don't use any |
3500s | gold yeah fair |
3502s | enough submitted a ticket claim your |
3504s | account have been hacked yep I yeah I |
3506s | could see that |
3509s | happening even if there's like a giant |
3511s | like notice that says this is happening |
3513s | guaranteed hack tickets |
3519s | yeah cuz I don't read |
3530s | either cool thanks for indulging |
3534s | me I I agree with with lot of what you |
3536s | guys are saying here I think it's I |
3539s | think it would have been insane to |
3541s | do just for the record just curious what |
3543s | you guys |
3544s | thought all right um back on to |
3547s | questions any cool new uniques for |
3550s | classes expected in the next cycle um |
3553s | yeah there's there's always new new new |
3555s | uniques are um one of I think the |
3559s | easiest and most interesting ways to |
3562s | spice up a class um |
3566s | both from a design perspective and a |
3568s | development perspective um I think |
3571s | there's there's a lot of room |
3573s | for you know like like quick wins as we |
3576s | like to say on on for unique items and |
3581s | uh yeah we we add new uniques every |
3583s | patch and this patch will be no |
3589s | different probably not a ton of them |
3591s | coming this patch but you know def |
3592s | definitely some |
3597s | it's also something that happens um that |
3599s | usually happens pretty late in the um in |
3602s | the patch cycle development because uh |
3606s | they need |
3608s | less uh less relies on them which which |
3611s | now actually is becoming a little bit |
3613s | harder to Del late because uh |
3615s | localization relies on them |
3619s | so all right uh will we get new voice |
3621s | lines for our characters in the future |
3623s | yeah probably uh will corruption number |
3625s | appear some where while we're in a run |
3630s | um don't think so I could see I could |
3632s | see that being something that shows up |
3634s | like when you're up here it says like |
3635s | area level 90 corruption that could be a |
3637s | good place to put |
3639s | it uh I think one of the reason it put |
3642s | in the suggestions Channel I will not |
3643s | remember that it will get |
3645s | forgotten uh if you actually want to see |
3648s | it this does not count as submitting a |
3652s | suggestion I think one of the reasons |
3654s | that people keep asking about sockets is |
3656s | because we value gemstones rubies |
3658s | diamonds Etc in real life so it feels |
3660s | really good to find them in a game I I'd |
3662s | agree with that I haven't thought of |
3663s | that before but I agree with that um |
3670s | ouch my arm here uh shards have no |
3675s | history or value to us other than uh |
3677s | late game rare ones we need uh would the |
3680s | team be open to the idea of having some |
3682s | kind of small side story about Shard |
3685s | history names and and Rarity to give us |
3687s | more excitement SL immersion when we |
3689s | find them maybe even a Shard mining |
3694s | um I mean that's a cool idea I think |
3696s | that the |
3699s | um intrinsic value of a gemstone as a as |
3703s | an outside of |
3705s | game uh value translating into game is |
3709s | is a good observation and adding that |
3711s | type of um lore reason in game probably |
3715s | would have little to no impact on |
3719s | that um cuz as I demonstrated earlier I |
3722s | don't know how to |
3724s | read um you know so it's It's tricky to |
3728s | to fill that void with that mechanic I |
3729s | do like I I I agree on the problem and I |
3731s | like the idea but I don't think that the |
3734s | idea fixes the |
3742s | problem all right on templates Max will |
3745s | build tool already does a per level |
3747s | slider it would only bring it into the |
3750s | game and maybe eases up important import |
3754s | SL |
3755s | export uh for people that don't want to |
3758s | use external |
3760s | tools yep |
3763s | um whether or not a tool exists outside |
3767s | of the |
3769s | game |
3770s | um doesn't have a ton of impact on if we |
3773s | put it in the game or not it definitely |
3775s | has some there there are things where |
3777s | we're like like well we never want to |
3779s | add this to the game and then someone |
3780s | adds a tool for it and we're like |
3782s | yeah then |
3786s | um I think something like this though |
3789s | the reason it's a |
3790s | downside |
3792s | um the people |
3794s | who would probably be most negatively |
3797s | affected by it probably aren't |
3798s | negatively affected by the external tool |
3801s | to the same degree |
3807s | so I don't think it quite carries the |
3809s | same |
3817s | weight maybe I don't know |
3837s | I know a lot of people don't like them I |
3838s | love getting little Arena |
3841s | Echoes and good news the search you can |
3844s | search by the word because all of the |
3847s | Arenas have arena in the title you can |
3849s | see the top right says desert Arena up |
3850s | there um so if you search for arena in |
3853s | the um search bar it will show you the |
3857s | arena ones so you can |
3875s | you got it |
3876s | guys good |
3890s | job not what we were looking |
3893s | for also not what we were looking for |
3898s | all right how we doing for T we're |
3901s | halfway through that's pretty |
3904s | good hi any plans to macro's client uh |
3908s | it already works almost perfectly via |
3910s | wine wrappers but native client is will |
3913s | be |
3916s | awesome oh any plans to oh Mac OS client |
3919s | oh my |
3923s | gosh H see I told you I can't read |
3928s | ma doesn't even register as a thing in |
3930s | my world |
3931s | apparently it's all lower case so that's |
3934s | my excuse sticking to it um you know uh |
3940s | I I I don't have any details on |
3943s | potential upcoming uh platforms we |
3945s | expand into um I I haven't heard |
3949s | anything Whispers or otherwise about a |
3952s | Mac OS client at all in the last several |
3955s | years |
3958s | sorry maybe maybe someone's talking |
3960s | about in a dark room that I am not |
3962s | invited to or something but |
3964s | I as far as I know Mac OS is is is not |
3968s | in the in the conversation right |
3974s | now ding there it is ding there it |
3978s | is hey perfect timing thank you very |
3980s | much visit Nepal for |
3983s | subscribing I bet it's beautiful |
3989s | um plans on having separate leaderboard |
3991s | ladder on CF and mg alongside with |
3994s | shared leaderboards I think it's it it |
3996s | it I I don't think we pl to this but I'm |
3998s | pretty sure it does show who's on which |
4007s | right I could be wrong there it's a |
4009s | little weird because they are cuz you |
4011s | can |
4013s | switch that showed it I know we talked |
4015s | about show |
4020s | it look couldn't |
4028s | I guess it doesn't |
4032s | shot is it not |
4036s | load oh I |
4040s | saw I saw a |
4043s | screenshot this is going to tell you |
4045s | nothing cuz I don't know what it was for |
4046s | I saw a screenshot of a of a of a mockup |
4048s | that had something here it had it had it |
4052s | had like these these were pushed over a |
4056s | little bit um and it had like a window |
4059s | mocked up here like full full height |
4066s | uh I don't know what it |
4070s | was maybe maybe we're adding that to it |
4073s | there's something going there |
4077s | I |
4083s | think is that Thorns who wanted a Thorns |
4086s | AIX there it is right there |
4090s | Thorns I know it's the wrong thing I'm |
4096s | sorry uh plans on having oh that uh any |
4099s | plans to expand or find the laders |
4102s | rankings for arena um yes I don't know |
4105s | what they are |
4107s | um there is I think a good chance |
4111s | of um new ladders showing up as |
4115s | well at some |
4119s | point it's weird I don't know |
4123s | why but like I think and this this could |
4127s | just be like confirmation by is hitting |
4128s | me hard but I feel like I'm seeing a lot |
4130s | of Mage idols and a few primel list |
4133s | Idols but like no sentence |
4136s | and no acolyte Idols at all is that is |
4140s | that like am I crazy |
4144s | here that's been happening all |
4151s | day go up |
4153s | there are you going to add any potions |
4155s | beside the health potion probably not we |
4158s | do we we we do try to um we like having |
4162s | more effects on potion use and so like |
4165s | adding in uh Mana potion so to speak but |
4167s | we always put those effects on the belt |
4169s | so your belt is your potion slot we did |
4172s | experiment for a while actually having |
4175s | um basically a D3 potion system where uh |
4178s | there's like a physical like a potion |
4180s | modifier object that drops and like you |
4183s | put you equip that potion into your |
4185s | potion slot and all of the potions you |
4187s | pick up potion charges you pick up um |
4190s | like are that new potion that has some |
4192s | extra special |
4193s | effect um and and we were trying to find |
4196s | a a bit of a niche for belts to live in |
4202s | mechanically and um and that's when we |
4205s | that's when we you know bestowed upon |
4207s | them the potion mechanic |
4220s | identity uh how are bugs prioritized for |
4223s | fixing oh there's a there's a question |
4224s | and a half uh there are many General |
4227s | gameplay UI bugs that affect things like |
4229s | entire skills or passives not working |
4231s | properly and have existed for years but |
4232s | the smaller bugs getting fixed get fixed |
4234s | uh away before these other more |
4236s | significant ones |
4238s | okay um the the the main thing with with |
4242s | prioritizing bugs there's a few there's |
4243s | a few axes one of the big things is um I |
4247s | guess the the big categories are how how |
4251s | many Dev hours or like like just just |
4254s | people hours is this going to take to |
4256s | fix how much time is this going to take |
4258s | to fix and I don't mean like how many |
4260s | weeks is going to take to fix like if 10 |
4262s | people work on this for one hour that's |
4263s | 10 hours if one person works on list for |
4265s | 10 hours it's 10 |
4267s | hours so how many hours is this going to |
4269s | take to fix um that's the |
4272s | cost that's that's the upfront |
4274s | cost um and then easy too easy uh how |
4280s | many people does this affect does this |
4282s | affect 1% of the player base does this |
4284s | affect 100% of the player Bas you know |
4286s | like this this this has a big impact if |
4289s | um every single person's text above |
4292s | their name uh all people have that |
4294s | turned off I think but if if every |
4296s | single you know person has a little red |
4300s | star that shows up above their head you |
4302s | know affects |
4303s | everyone but uh it's not a huge deal if |
4306s | it's just a tiny little red dot that's |
4308s | that's not that's not a um and the third |
4312s | axis is severity um so |
4316s | how big of a deal is this I can't log in |
4319s | top tier bug super super super important |
4324s | um the Hue on my name plate is a |
4327s | slightly wrong Hue not a top tier |
4333s | bug so so they get graded on um severity |
4339s | reach |
4341s | and um |
4343s | cost and |
4346s | um then they get distributed out to the |
4349s | people who um need to work on them and |
4353s | they they pick the bugs in order of uh |
4358s | those criteria um and fix them as quick |
4360s | as they can so if you have this this the |
4363s | other thing that that changes the order |
4365s | of when bugs actually get released into |
4367s | uh into into a |
4370s | build is um say you have um say you have |
4375s | 20 bugs and they're they they're 20 dive |
4378s | bomb |
4381s | bugs um it's really hard to split those |
4385s | up between multiple people they kind of |
4388s | all have to go to one person because the |
4392s | um there are certain objects you you can |
4395s | you can do some split up but usually |
4396s | it's best just all go to one person |
4398s | because there are these are all so |
4399s | interconnected that they depend on each |
4401s | other um so if someone's fixing a bug |
4403s | with this node and someone else is |
4405s | fixing a bug with this node they'll |
4407s | probably end up doing some of the same |
4409s | work twice |
4411s | um so you have to then uh give give all |
4414s | of these bugs to one person okay um say |
4418s | you |
4419s | get 10 bugs in about one topic and one |
4423s | bug in about another topic and all 10 of |
4426s | those bugs like you 10 skill bugs and |
4428s | one sound bug let's say and the 10 skill |
4430s | bugs are all more severe and more urgent |
4433s | to fix and have a bigger reach than the |
4435s | one sound bug um but because you've |
4439s | given 10 skill bugs to one person and |
4441s | one sound bug to one person um that one |
4444s | sound bug that is lower severity you |
4448s | know all that stuff gets fixed before |
4450s | those other nine um skill bugs that are |
4453s | waiting because they have to go into |
4454s | their own little cue of who's working |
4457s | on so this is this is there's so much |
4461s | more that goes into this the logistics |
4463s | of of doing this this is why there are |
4464s | people who have project management jobs |
4466s | that that keep us on track and keep us |
4468s | working uh and keep us like being |
4470s | efficient |
4472s | um so this this that's that's one thing |
4476s | um prefab checkouts can can can stall |
4480s | bugs as well so say I've got a bug um |
4484s | where the the wording of this node is |
4486s | wrong I've got to change the wording of |
4487s | this node um I can't change the wording |
4490s | of that node |
4492s | until um someone else finish is changing |
4496s | say someone else is is working on uh a |
4499s | rework of the multishot tree um and they |
4502s | they're changing all sorts of stuff in |
4503s | here I've got to actually wait for them |
4504s | to finish and push and be done with the |
4507s | bugs for that rework before I can change |
4509s | the wording of that note on the other |
4511s | tree and and so sometimes you get these |
4514s | um these blocking elements of like hey |
4517s | you're working on this it's preventing |
4518s | me from working on that and so we we we |
4520s | try to streamline that and try to make |
4522s | sure people don't run into each other |
4523s | and things like that but sometimes it |
4524s | happens |
4526s | and then you get into situations where |
4528s | um there's a fix on our newer Branch so |
4534s | so we we're we're developing |
4536s | 1.1 and we're also developing 1.0 hot |
4539s | fixes at the same |
4540s | time and we add a new feature to |
4545s | 1.1 that if we were to try if we were to |
4549s | and we we try and fix a bug that's |
4550s | related to that new feature we try and |
4553s | fix the bug for 1.0 that's live but if |
4555s | we fix that bug for 1.0 now and then go |
4560s | to try and merge that fix into 1.1 we |
4563s | actually have to redo it with the |
4564s | changes that have been made on the 1.1 |
4565s | Branch so we're doubling our |
4567s | work so we have to say to ourselves then |
4570s | okay this might be a bugs beenin around |
4571s | for a while we can fix it but it's it's |
4574s | literally half as much work if we only |
4577s | fix it once and wait for the next big |
4579s | patch to come out instead of releasing |
4580s | it on hot fix now um what else there's |
4584s | so many things that like |
4586s | um that that that that will push and |
4588s | pull a bug around and where it gets |
4591s | allocated in in priority and all sort of |
4594s | stuff so like there's there's so many of |
4596s | these things I'm I'm sure I'm missing so |
4597s | many things that can cause these to move |
4600s | around as well so it's |
4602s | um I know it can sometimes be |
4604s | frustrating when you see like hey here's |
4606s | a bug that's been around for a long time |
4608s | um and here's another bug that's that's |
4610s | brand new and and less bad or something |
4613s | like that and it got fixed F first like |
4615s | why it's frustrating um hopefully that |
4619s | ramble rant thing that I just did will |
4621s | give some insight as to why it might be |
4623s | that way there's another 100 reasons why |
4625s | it can be that way |
4630s | too that Falcon hits so hard I love it |
4634s | might have to drop something |
4637s | never uh right can we please have a tag |
4640s | system for stash tabs like Poe like |
4642s | affinities yes um so when we have an |
4644s | item sent to the stash it goes the |
4646s | specific tab that um same tag as the |
4648s | item I love that in po it would love it |
4650s | in L too uh yeah |
4654s | sure not right |
4658s | now uh what was your favorite feature |
4660s | that eventually got cut from the |
4663s | game we had weapon swaps at one |
4666s | point we we had we had uh weapon swap |
4670s | where you like switch in this different |
4671s | weapon there it did exist |
4676s | I still have a version of |
4678s | it never |
4681s | forget uh what was your favorite feature |
4684s | it said that any plans to improve |
4686s | character movement and responsiveness |
4688s | also skill queuing and animation |
4690s | cancelling to traversal skills |
4694s | um I mean you you are there's what |
4698s | there's there's a certain point that you |
4700s | get into with any ability um that you |
4703s | can't cancel it once it's at that |
4704s | there's like a window there a there's |
4706s | there's a three stages to an |
4711s | ability ability timeline this is button |
4716s | press you pushed the button um and now |
4721s | there is a uh a little delay and these |
4724s | these these points um happen differently |
4727s | for every |
4729s | ability all here this is push the button |
4733s | um and then it's it's doing some sort of |
4735s | like leadup casting animation something |
4737s | like that there's a VFX happening and |
4739s | then the ability object gets created |
4742s | it's here |
4744s | woohoo the ability exists in the world |
4748s | um that ability object does its thing |
4750s | for a movement ability for example that |
4752s | is um causing you to move for Fireball |
4755s | that's uh like a fireball existing |
4758s | whatever um but in the |
4762s | casting process of it um |
4766s | there's a point where so like this is |
4768s | still this is still like you're still in |
4769s | your casting animation this is this is |
4770s | where casting animation ends and you're |
4773s | just you're you're you're chilling |
4774s | again um |
4779s | the there's a point here for every |
4783s | ability where it's called arett a low |
4785s | priority |
4786s | ratio um where you can use a high |
4788s | priority |
4789s | skill um and it will snap you out of |
4793s | like this this this whole section here |
4795s | um you can use a high priority ability |
4797s | and it will snap you out of the |
4799s | animation this does exist in the game |
4801s | already walking is a high priority skill |
4804s | um all movement abilities are high |
4806s | priority skills they will all break you |
4807s | out of this early um so you can by |
4809s | stutter stepping actually increase your |
4811s | DPS a tiny bit in in in with with some |
4815s | skills |
4819s | um |
4823s | yeah I should probably check that last |
4825s | statement I just made about increasing |
4826s | your DPS by stutter stepping we may have |
4829s | put something in that means you can't |
4831s | actually start a new ability until this |
4835s | point no that doesn't make any |
4841s | sense yeah you can start new ability |
4843s | here |
4865s | SP make go faster I don't know if you |
4868s | can doesn't really matter right now |
4871s | anyways |
4873s | um there's no queuing right now the |
4877s | abilities that are held |
4878s | down uh are kind of in that queue so |
4882s | like if you are if you're holding down |
4883s | one ability and you start holding |
4885s | another one it does get queued in so I |
4888s | started holding on my right Mouse and |
4890s | and then started holding on my left or |
4892s | my q and my Mana is going to screw me |
4894s | over |
4896s | here it will it will use the que |
4901s | before |
4903s | um before it uses acid flask again if |
4905s | you're holding the both down so it's |
4906s | kind of a priority for next ability |
4909s | queuing that does exist |
4912s | um but while you're in that |
4915s | that first section of an ability um if |
4921s | you uh if you if you press another |
4925s | ability in that section it won't wait |
4927s | for the first one to finish and then use |
4929s | the second one you do have to be |
4931s | pressing the new ability when you are |
4933s | able to use it still |
4945s | what do you think of the better Nerf CF |
4947s | meme on ell Reddit I haven't seen |
4952s | it I love the memes in |
4963s | general at a quick glance I don't even |
4966s | see |
4969s | one on like the third page here I don't |
4972s | know what you're talking about sorry |
4976s | oh you oh I know what you're talking |
4980s | about um the the people who are uh |
4985s | convinced that we're nerfing coff based |
4987s | on mg |
4989s | habits I I think I think jokes are all |
4992s | fun in games uh and I hope that new |
4995s | players don't believe it as as real I |
4998s | hope they they realize that they are |
5000s | jokes or if if they aren't jokes and |
5002s | you're making those jokes but don't |
5003s | realize it's a joke and think it's real |
5005s | it's a joke it's not |
5011s | real uh have you ever thought about |
5013s | including glyphs runes and other |
5015s | materials as in-game currency to keep |
5017s | the market uh and farming alive and |
5019s | motivated um no I mean we we we've |
5023s | thought about it but we uh don't plan on |
5024s | doing |
5026s | it uh is there an ETA on more weapon or |
5030s | new skill Cosmetics skill Cosmetics are |
5033s | uh still |
5036s | going to be going to be a minute before |
5037s | they get here um weapon Cosmetics are |
5040s | loosening restrictions a little bit I |
5041s | think um and I think they're trying to |
5044s | add some more at the same time I don't |
5045s | know if more are coming in at the same |
5046s | time or |
5053s | not but we are working on |
5055s | it uh any HP HP regen build Buffs coming |
5060s | next season I don't have any information |
5061s | on the status of potential upcoming |
5063s | balance changes in the game if you have |
5065s | a suggestion you'd like to leave for a |
5067s | potential outcoming balance change |
5068s | please submit it to our suggestions |
5073s | channels W |
5082s | up uh do you plan to address wasted |
5085s | skill points on skill conversion nodes |
5087s | where an item or class passive has |
5089s | already converted the skills element and |
5090s | scaling but you still need the |
5092s | specialized node behind it perhaps the |
5094s | node already at one out of one but grade |
5096s | out if you haven't reached the adjacent |
5098s | node |
5102s | yet uh I think what that's referencing |
5106s | is um if there's a |
5110s | loop like this um and like this this |
5115s | wasn't lighting up |
5118s | properly to get this node but like you |
5120s | had to come this way to to activate it |
5123s | where like the loop doesn't work but |
5124s | bidirectionally properly um every |
5127s | situation where that happens is just a |
5128s | bug and we will fix them please report |
5133s | them uh hi Mike hello how you doing good |
5138s | thanks oh my gosh I to my kid to like |
5141s | wink and make that noise so he goes like |
5144s | now and I didn't tell my |
5146s | wife uh and he did it to her he just W |
5150s | he's just |
5151s | like and she lost it it was great |
5156s | when he give us a |
5158s | shot all right is there a detailed road |
5161s | map to 1.1 and |
5163s | Beyond um and also a balanced patch um I |
5167s | mean we always drive for a balanced |
5168s | patch um we don't have a detailed road |
5172s | map right now uh I I'd really like to |
5174s | get a road map up we've been burned so |
5175s | many times by trying to add road |
5178s | maps every time we put a road map |
5180s | up like we we've tried different |
5182s | versions of road maps and like |
5186s | no no matter how many like disclaimers |
5189s | and caveats and warnings we put on there |
5192s | it gets it gets like misconstrued and |
5195s | twisted every single time and then we |
5197s | like make it super vague |
5201s | um and people like there's not enough |
5204s | info on this and we're |
5205s | like because you misuse the info we give |
5208s | you and uh then we make it more detailed |
5210s | again it's just this like cycle so we |
5211s | kind of gave up on them a little bit um |
5215s | maybe we're doing something wrong with |
5216s | them I don't know but uh I I've been |
5219s | quite frustrated with the outcome of the |
5221s | road maps we've given out in the past um |
5224s | I'd love to to to figure out a way to |
5226s | make them work |
5228s | better so we'll |
5233s | see all right how do you feel about |
5236s | weird outliers like fire AA Shadow |
5238s | tagers and Spark charges well those |
5240s | there's two different categories there |
5241s | just be clear fire AA is completely |
5243s | different Beast than shadow and Spark |
5245s | chargers for starters while their |
5247s | behavior is pretty consistent it's not |
5249s | consistent and predictable oh it's |
5251s | consistent with itself and predictable |
5253s | once you've messed with them for hours |
5254s | on end they can be very confusing for |
5256s | new players as triggered skills scaling |
5258s | isn't really explained upfront to the |
5261s | player I agree they are confusing I do |
5264s | not know how shadowed Egos and Spark |
5265s | charges work |
5267s | exactly I I know the the the basics and |
5270s | can can play with them and everything |
5271s | but like people ask like complex |
5272s | questions about like how EX ly certain |
5275s | interactions happen and I'm like oh |
5277s | let's just let's just go I'll like go |
5279s | into the editor and just like crank |
5281s | certain stats up and just record what |
5283s | happens you know or or like go to the |
5286s | code and like trying to decipher the the |
5287s | ancient hieroglyphics that are this no |
5289s | it's it's perfectly well laid out and |
5292s | everything but I I just get so lost with |
5294s | spark |
5296s | charges and Shadow |
5298s | daggers um fire war is really |
5300s | straightforward and easy to explain it's |
5302s | just its own skill pretend you can draw |
5305s | pretend fire or is one of these skills |
5307s | done that's fire or |
5311s | easy um in general we we probably should |
5316s | have more detailed information as to how |
5319s | um Tri abilties scale in our game |
5331s | guide might have to drop something but I |
5334s | want more exalted |
5347s | stuff je search function be |
5352s | better that one thing that's bother me |
5354s | with the search function this whole time |
5355s | is that it leaves that vertical row |
5357s | there because it most things are 2 by |
5359s | two or two wide it leaves that |
5362s | there anyways uh how would people be |
5366s | negatively affected by an in-game build |
5367s | templates if you're not using a build |
5369s | planner it wouldn't make much difference |
5372s | uh and if I'm trying stuff out I'd |
5373s | rather have my |
5375s | next |
5377s | experiments out within the game My NE my |
5381s | next experiments out within the game I |
5383s | think what it says um for the build |
5385s | followers it would not be a downside |
5387s | either I agree that the people who are |
5391s | already um using builds and people who |
5394s | are already already making their own |
5395s | builds it would be a positive thing um I |
5398s | think that there is a subset of players |
5401s | who |
5403s | um would spend even less time reading |
5409s | nodes um and and all those players that |
5412s | the number the amount of time they spend |
5413s | reading nodes uh if if that drops to to |
5416s | basically zero there's a huge amount of |
5419s | knowledge of game knowledge that just |
5423s | vanishes uh um and if something ever |
5426s | goes wrong with your build or you're in |
5428s | a transitional stage in your build or or |
5430s | something gets nerfed or you find a new |
5432s | item that you want to work with or you |
5434s | know there's there's a lot of different |
5435s | things that can cause variance in a |
5437s | build and deviations from a build |
5439s | planner that would not be possible uh |
5442s | for a person who has never read any |
5444s | nodes um and it would be very difficult |
5447s | for a player who's read almost |
5450s | any um and I think a big part of |
5455s | uh which which players would uh would |
5459s | want a build plan and want that |
5461s | experience and which ones would have |
5462s | that experience thrust upon them is uh |
5465s | dependent a little bit on oh I I |
5468s | apparently wanted |
5472s | those they're nice that throwing attack |
5474s | speed but I might as well drop something |
5476s | might have to drop |
5479s | something I wish it would let us pick |
5481s | things up onto the cursor like it did in |
5483s | D2 that's what I was trying to do there |
5484s | there I'm like well I if I open my |
5486s | inventory I just pick it up onto the |
5488s | cursor old habits die hard that we we I |
5492s | I feel like most of us have been there |
5493s | that moment where you're like you have |
5495s | like no space inventory because it's all |
5496s | charms like you kill Bale you're spam |
5498s | clicking and everyone's trying to grab |
5500s | all the stuff and you click up and you |
5501s | can see the outline of an object on your |
5507s | cursor and you know what it is basic |
5509s | because you saw it was you saw you saw |
5510s | drop and you saw it click and you know |
5512s | you got that item so you've got it |
5513s | sitting there but the shape of |
5515s | everything in your inventory means you |
5516s | have nowhere to physically place |
5519s | it and if you drop it that other guy |
5522s | that's standing right there that sees |
5523s | you not moving or typing is going to |
5525s | pick it up and he's just like he's just |
5526s | chilling there he's like you're going to |
5527s | drop it I know you're going to drop it |
5528s | you're going to drop something good |
5530s | you're going to switch that with |
5531s | something to drop that I'll take that or |
5533s | you're going to drop that it that's |
5534s | sitting on your on your cursor right now |
5536s | and there's that that standoff that |
5537s | happens you're just |
5538s | like how long are we each going to sit |
5541s | here and wait for this to happen |
5545s | record's like two hours or what however |
5546s | long it takes the game service just Auto |
5556s | close definitely be on a very long long |
5558s | standoff match |
5560s | there what the item |
5562s | was but I remember getting into that |
5564s | match with |
5566s | someone just dropped some stuff uh |
5591s | is better |
5592s | F uh right any plans to add a token for |
5596s | idle slots for alts I find it tedious to |
5599s | do the side quests on many characters |
5601s | and farming would help the sort of uh r |
5604s | an's gift in feel uh but if not what is |
5608s | the philosophy we don't really we don't |
5610s | we don't have plans for at the moment |
5613s | um uh I I said the philosophy behind it |
5615s | comes down to um you know it's it's this |
5620s | it's this character progression feel |
5621s | thing and this this actually ties into a |
5623s | lot of what I was talking about that I |
5624s | didn't don't know if I finished the last |
5625s | question properly or not but |
5628s | the that like that never reading a node |
5631s | situation that that not going through |
5633s | the um that process of like leveling |
5636s | your character this is kind of the whole |
5637s | reason why the campaign is just part of |
5639s | the leveling process at all still is um |
5643s | a big part of that is |
5646s | the um like like like why can't my |
5649s | character just be level 90 you know um |
5652s | you know we want to give you a chance to |
5654s | like the the the the the speed and order |
5658s | that we unlock abilities in uh and that |
5661s | your your your passives get unlocked and |
5663s | your Mastery gets gets gets unlocked |
5664s | your Mastery ability gets unlocked those |
5665s | sort of things that happen that that |
5667s | order and that pace and that those |
5668s | levels they happen at where they happen |
5670s | in the campaign what you're doing in the |
5671s | campaign when they happen all these |
5673s | things are all very |
5675s | carefully um placed so that there's a |
5678s | specific learning process that happens |
5679s | with that character |
5681s | um just just having that all happen |
5684s | takes takes that process away takes that |
5687s | um that that knowledge and that that |
5689s | learning experience away from the player |
5691s | so that's one of the factors that |
5693s | contributes to |
5700s | okay super serious Ultra relevant |
5703s | question here can we expect more bees in |
5705s | the future please only CU your question |
5707s | rhymed |
5709s | sure I I I I don't know I would be |
5712s | surprised if we never did there's like |
5715s | unreleased |
5716s | uncompleted like uh be things in the |
5719s | game that we just like someone like |
5720s | started to make and like it just never |
5722s | got finished so it's gets brought up |
5725s | enough and little things drip feed in |
5726s | over enough time that like I'm sure |
5728s | something else will show |
5733s | up any thoughts on having stash tabs |
5735s | provide a 0.0 x% damage multiplier based |
5739s | on total count yes it's a terrible idea |
5742s | I'm sorry I I |
5745s | no no |
5760s | I yeah I'm I'm |
5761s | sorry to be so matter of fact about it |
5765s | but like the no |
5769s | sorry uh any plans to enable online bot |
5772s | MTX items in offline for the account I'd |
5774s | love to I don't know if we're going to |
5775s | or not um it's it's still up in the air |
5784s | uh any plans for more difficult leveling |
5785s | campaign option I mean um that we did |
5788s | add the those boots at the start of the |
5789s | game for that might have to drop |
5793s | something so uh go grab those boots if |
5796s | you don't know what those boots |
5799s | are don't think we can |
5804s | actually we teleport to |
5807s | them fine |
5815s | uh we down |
5820s | here all right can we just walk |
5822s | backwards out of keeper camp and go |
5824s | there feel we should be able |
5829s | to there's there's a um a little cave |
5833s | that you can |
5837s | uh that you can get them right at the |
5839s | start of the game Google it the boots |
5842s | they're called like veterans boots if |
5843s | something thing and it like makes you do |
5846s | less damage and take more |
5849s | damage I think it's actually a really |
5851s | good way to do the campaign because you |
5852s | you do feel that |
5855s | difficulty 25 minute warning Mike oh |
5858s | thank you very |
5859s | much I think in five more minutes we're |
5863s | going to stop taking questions from chat |
5865s | so um if |
5869s | you uh if you want to ask me a question |
5872s | please get it submitted in the next 5 |
5874s | minutes before the at 35 minutes left |
5877s | in um in the Stream we'll probably stop |
5880s | taking questions it's usually what we |
5892s | do I wonder if I actually have those |
5894s | boots in my stash I |
5896s | might might check |
5900s | that there's like right at the start of |
5903s | the game you're like going through a |
5905s | cave and then like the cave like turns |
5908s | to the right uh and then and then it |
5910s | goes north as you exit the cave um and |
5914s | where it turns right before it turns |
5916s | North you like smash open a wall and |
5918s | there's a bear and you kill the bear and |
5920s | you smash open a wall and use a bear and |
5922s | you kill the bear and they got |
5924s | boots yes there's two walls and two |
5926s | bears all right in regards to Cycles |
5929s | will it be an endgame thing only or will |
5932s | it be added to from the very start of |
5934s | the game for everyone to enjoy from |
5936s | level |
5937s | one um well so this cycle the um primary |
5941s | mechanic is a pinnacle boss system uh |
5945s | and um so that's going to be a a pretty |
5947s | endgame specific thing there are |
5949s | elements of it that do start earlier |
5953s | like it's not just uh once you finished |
5955s | everything else this starts type thing |
5957s | so like there's there's a leadup and I I |
5960s | don't want to go into intoo deep on it |
5962s | but like there's there's stuff that |
5963s | happens before the very end and and such |
5967s | but the focus is on the Pinnacle boss |
5969s | system at the end like that's that's the |
5971s | that's what so it's all building up |
5972s | toward |
5975s | WS that was |
5982s | close uh I ran out of buttons for |
5985s | unspecialized skills any plans on having |
5987s | the qw buttons on a wheel system so I |
5991s | can use more of them for example I use |
5993s | the mouse wheel uh to a skill bar to |
5996s | with different button skills no in |
5999s | regards to the search function while |
6000s | looking at your bank is there way for |
6003s | everything that was found in the search |
6005s | to move to a tab given if it has room |
6008s | all at once that's a cool idea good |
6010s | thing to put in suggestions thread |
6013s | um that would be so hard to do |
6021s | um the the way the searching Works to |
6023s | keep keep it efficient it would be so |
6025s | tricky |
6027s | um is it |
6031s | possible I think the search yeah I think |
6033s | I think it probably is possible the |
6034s | search would have to like tell you how |
6035s | many items or like how many item slots |
6039s | it's taking up so like take all the |
6040s | items and like figure out the total |
6042s | number of slots like like this would be |
6044s | eight uh this be four and four and one |
6046s | and three you know and like add those |
6048s | all up and tell you how big the volume |
6050s | of things you've searched for is and |
6051s | like have a limit on the number of |
6053s | things that can Auto move or |
6057s | something |
6060s | um that's a cool idea it's a very cool |
6063s | idea I have no idea if it's |
6066s | possible uh why aren't loot filters |
6068s | serers side or in the cloud when I |
6070s | switch my steam deck I have to remake my |
6073s | loot filter and it's annoying |
6074s | maintaining two um yeah |
6078s | the I feel like steam sync should syn |
6082s | those right I mean obviously not |
6084s | considering you're using steam deck |
6087s | um I'm quite surprised steam deck |
6090s | doesn't autosync |
6091s | that |
6093s | um I think it's probably just a product |
6095s | of how we initially implemented it |
6097s | before multiplayer |
6110s | existed full I'll show you and it's full |
6117s | it's it's |
6120s | full I swear I'm going to look through |
6122s | all this one |
6123s | day be so you're show up to stream it's |
6126s | going to be so |
6129s | organized so organized you won't even |
6131s | know what hit |
6134s | you all right I think that's it I'm |
6137s | going to I'm calling off the cutting off |
6139s | question |
6140s | taking um we don't actually have that |
6143s | many stor up do |
6145s | we here oh we got lots of we're going to |
6147s | keep taking |
6149s | him got 20 minutes left and we have less |
6151s | than 20 minutes of questions for |
6155s | sure for sure you see Workaholics for |
6159s | sure love it uh it's been a while since |
6163s | you shared a teaser with us that's true |
6164s | it has been a while almost like |
6167s | someone's on vacation usually gives me |
6168s | the |
6169s | teasers |
6172s | worst uh I'll I'll try and get them for |
6174s | you I'll I'll try and get something for |
6175s | next |
6177s | week I got nothing this week I'm sorry |
6180s | but I think we're getting to that point |
6180s | as well where there's like we're we're |
6183s | we're getting close |
6184s | to like we're we're approaching spoiler |
6187s | season |
6189s | um so you know I I I think it'll be a |
6192s | good time to start work moving those |
6193s | back |
6199s | in considering boots is such an |
6202s | important slot any chance it could be a |
6204s | ring instead we actually really |
6205s | intentionally made it to be boots um |
6207s | partially because it's such an important |
6208s | slot it does have |
6211s | scaling uh movement speed on it so you |
6213s | do get plenty of movement speed from |
6214s | your boot |
6218s | still I'd love I personally like I'd |
6221s | really love to see a full set of |
6224s | it |
6227s | um where it's just |
6231s | like yeah I i' like to actually be a set |
6234s | I that's what I'd love to see I I don't |
6236s | think we ever do it but I'd love I'd |
6238s | love to have it as like um like every |
6242s | single slot set I'm talking like it's |
6243s | it's a helmet chest weapon off hand neck |
6245s | ring ring belt like two different Rings |
6248s | gloves Relic like just just the whole |
6250s | thing uh that's what I'd love to do I it |
6253s | just be insane to the point where like |
6254s | you just can't move basically |
6258s | um but I think that'll be fun |
6263s | adding in just the second option I think |
6265s | is |
6267s | reasonable hey I just gotta complain |
6269s | about not getting acolyte stuff |
6282s | there crit let's go that's cor one yeah |
6301s | first all right next question uh what |
6303s | game did you did you play the most |
6305s | outside of |
6307s | Le |
6309s | um I mean it changes I think the thing |
6312s | I've probably sunk the most number of |
6313s | hours into is Diablo |
6315s | I |
6319s | um just |
6321s | countless countless hours |
6324s | uh the Civ franchise after that it's a |
6327s | little it's it's |
6331s | um like if you counted D2 separate from |
6336s | LOD and pd2 and pod and d2r like if you |
6340s | count those all the separate things |
6342s | probably like civ6 is actually more but |
6346s | um D2 in general the number one spot |
6363s | uh I like how you made armor effect |
6364s | magic damage uh I think this this is |
6367s | referring to dot damage um what prompted |
6370s | this decision oh or maybe it's not about |
6374s | doam specifically about like Elemental |
6376s | like more than just physical damage how |
6378s | it affects these |
6381s | ones um I I I think it if if that's the |
6384s | question you're asking I think it just |
6385s | comes down to a simple um like idea of |
6391s | you know if if someone is throwing a a |
6394s | flaming axe or a flaming ball at you |
6398s | having like |
6402s | armor um will help with that you know |
6405s | like not having that fireball hit your |
6408s | skin is is good right um so it's just I |
6412s | think it's the the base reason is mostly |
6414s | just a like logic reason which isn't |
6419s | 100% |
6422s | um I think part of it as well is that |
6425s | the um Distinction on incoming damage |
6429s | knowing the type is important but um |
6433s | knowing that you're strong like your |
6435s | defenses are strong versus of of hits |
6437s | versus not hits is uh an easier |
6441s | split-second decision to make on like |
6444s | can I try and tank this or |
6451s | not and not having to evaluate like is |
6453s | that orange or red as it's coming |
6455s | towards like is it physical or fire |
6456s | damage you know like |
6458s | yeah uh will there be a battle pass with |
6461s | cosmetic rewards coming with cycle two |
6463s | no sorry if you wanted one not |
6466s | happening uh do you have any ratio of |
6469s | how many players play online versus |
6471s | offline I believe we do |
6474s | I don't know what it is I'm |
6477s | sorry uh sorry if this has been asked it |
6480s | seems like some of the classes have to |
6483s | split stat for different skills for the |
6485s | same archetype is this going to be just |
6487s | how it is yeah I think that there's |
6491s | um I I think if every class was I I feel |
6494s | like we're talking um attributes like |
6496s | Vitality strength exterity intelligence |
6498s | T if every class was just like here's |
6500s | here's your main stat |
6503s | stack It Go um I think that's a lot less |
6508s | interesting |
6509s | than um having ways to weave them |
6512s | together and be efficient and effective |
6517s | still um thing just comes down to having |
6520s | more options more versatility more uh |
6522s | more ways to |
6530s | play this guy |
6536s | has some health |
6539s | to uh what is the design be thought |
6542s | behind the number of item slots Ellie |
6545s | has more than dble 2 but is a lot less |
6547s | than for example Grim Dawn what thoughts |
6549s | going to that yeah this was this was a |
6553s | um a very long conversation that |
6556s | happened over several years and the |
6559s | slots changed many times uh more in the |
6562s | start uh they didn't actually change |
6563s | much after that but um the conversation |
6566s | has come up quite a few times since then |
6567s | too |
6571s | um so it's kind of kind of big we got we |
6573s | got a l time here but |
6575s | um |
6578s | the I think the the the core of it |
6582s | is that we didn't want to have an |
6584s | overwhelming number of like there's some |
6586s | point where there's too many slots |
6587s | there's too many possible combinations |
6589s | there's too many um there's just just |
6591s | too many options and we wanted to to |
6593s | limit the number of of possible options |
6596s | to a point where it was manageable |
6598s | um but at the same time we wanted to |
6601s | have and and we wanted to have them all |
6603s | be uh have have a a thematic and |
6606s | mechanical Niche for them to sit in or |
6608s | be just like obviously something you |
6611s | need like you you you need a helmet slot |
6614s | that's just you got to have a helmet |
6616s | slot um and there's some game that's |
6618s | probably fantastic that doesn't have a |
6619s | helmet slot that I just insulted I'm |
6620s | sorry but um for our game when we you're |
6623s | looking at the design we're like we we |
6624s | have to have a helmet slot kind of just |
6625s | no matter |
6627s | what um and like you you have to have |
6629s | weapon slots you have to have rings like |
6631s | there's there's certain just like Main |
6632s | Stays that just kind of just there no |
6633s | matter what um but then we wanted to try |
6637s | and have uh like thematic and mechanical |
6640s | Niche that the other slots that maybe |
6641s | were less obvious or um just sort of |
6644s | like gimmies to to to fit in and feel |
6647s | good still um so I'm talking about like |
6649s | belts boots gloves and Relics here |
6651s | specifically relics for the most part |
6656s | um with regards to how many uh like |
6660s | different weapon bases and like |
6661s | combinations of on Main offhand stuff um |
6664s | a lot of that comes down to like |
6666s | animation scope and |
6671s | um like we'll we'll be adding in more |
6674s | things like that as time goes on |
6687s | I'm realizing that fire damage is one of |
6689s | my weak |
6703s | points got her |
6706s | otter you might have seen this question |
6708s | before maybe uh but any idea of updating |
6712s | adding to the loot filter yeah we're |
6714s | working on it there is some stuff to |
6716s | loot filter coming next batch just got |
6719s | assign some stuff |
6721s | actually uh will we be will we see some |
6724s | sort of system |
6726s | for still skills aftering level 20 I |
6729s | hope I soon I hope |
6733s | um uh we are we are aware of a a little |
6738s | bit of a engagement drop off that |
6742s | happens with skill |
6743s | s uh mid campaign when they when they |
6747s | they hit M mid lake lake campaign um |
6750s | when they're all hitting 20 uh and then |
6752s | you get into monoliths and you kind of |
6756s | just like got your points um and the |
6761s | the got lucky |
6766s | there um oh my goodness no don't just |
6769s | just |
6776s | pick those up for when we |
6779s | die |
6782s | um uh post level 20 uh skill stuff yes |
6785s | okay so |
6787s | there's there is this yeah this point |
6789s | where your skills hit your skills hit 20 |
6792s | and you're like |
6794s | um your skills hit 20 and you're like |
6797s | well that's I'm kind of like done with |
6799s | this system I don't need to actually go |
6801s | in here uh and look at the stuff more CU |
6803s | I'm like picked up my skills that's |
6804s | there I just kind of ignore it it's done |
6806s | and you kind of you kind of walk away |
6808s | from the system on your character unless |
6809s | unless you're changing your buildup uh |
6811s | which which does happen and and is is |
6813s | great for that but um if you go through |
6817s | you level you level all the way through |
6819s | and you um you pick all your stuff up |
6822s | and you get to end game when you decide |
6823s | not to change it that's your build and |
6824s | you're done and and this whole system |
6826s | kind of |
6827s | vanishes it it kind of just disappears |
6829s | because you've got your skills they do |
6830s | what they do and you don't have to touch |
6831s | it anymore |
6833s | um passives you still you still get that |
6834s | drip feed until 100 so there's that like |
6837s | from 55 is 60-ish around 60 I think is |
6840s | where it stops um 62 it's a little later |
6843s | it's like 75 but anyways in in those |
6845s | last let's say last 25 skills uh levels |
6847s | you are still getting passive points so |
6849s | this system doesn't |
6852s | vanish um and this is something that |
6854s | we've been looking at and considering |
6856s | and debating all sort of stuff on what's |
6857s | going to happen with it so there is this |
6860s | um there's this kind of this hole in |
6863s | um in your build crafting and build uh |
6865s | development experience where you you you |
6868s | you miss or your character there's this |
6870s | whole in your character progression um |
6873s | where skills as part of that character |
6875s | development and exploration disappear |
6878s | from View and you you get you get a |
6880s | little bit of a Resurgence when you |
6881s | start getting items like this like plus |
6882s | three falony great I have a few more |
6883s | skills I can toss in |
6887s | um and we've been really careful with |
6891s | the total number of plus skills you can |
6893s | get on any given skill based on the |
6898s | um the the percentage of points you can |
6901s | invest in an overall |
6903s | tree there needs to be points in the |
6905s | tree that you're not going to go |
6908s | to um so there's there's definitely this |
6913s | this Gap in because 20 points happens |
6916s | pretty quick overall and I think there's |
6919s | this there's this Gap I'm really dancing |
6921s | around this question I'm struggling to |
6923s | answer it properly here um I think |
6926s | there's this Gap |
6927s | in uh Gap this's this fall off with your |
6930s | skills where we still want them to be |
6932s | part of that leveling process that |
6935s | experience that gameplay experience as |
6937s | you make your way through the monolith |
6938s | of Fate as you make your way through |
6939s | dungeons as you make your way through |
6941s | the Pinnacle system still having your |
6943s | skills um having opportunities to evolve |
6946s | past that point is important to us and |
6949s | is something that we're going to |
6950s | continue to look into to find a way to |
6953s | do that |
6955s | nicely |
6959s | um and fun and exciting and smooth so |
6964s | yeah there's there's there's there's |
6967s | room for skills to evolve still as a |
6969s | system I think um as we get in those |
6972s | last 25 levels or |
6975s | so not at 1.1 |
6980s | sorry all right I feel like this is the |
6983s | uh first game I've played in a long time |
6985s | that is bread crummy meaning I get |
6987s | introduced to things and every time I |
6989s | learn something new my brain explodes |
6991s | with |
6992s | possibilities is this by Design I almost |
6994s | said this is by Design is this by Design |
6996s | yes or is it a happy accident of |
6998s | creating a cohesive experience Poe I |
7000s | consistently uh have to look stuff up |
7002s | Diablo is so simple I never get |
7003s | surprised how do you reach such a sweet |
7005s | spot um so you're absolutely spot on we |
7007s | don't do it perfectly we're still |
7008s | working on it um but this is this is |
7010s | something that is very carefully thought |
7013s | about and |
7016s | discussed |
7018s | um |
7020s | the the order that skills get unlocked |
7023s | in levels that it happens at um and |
7028s | the the the the levels that this happens |
7030s | at the order that which ones are before |
7031s | the lock line all that sort of stuff um |
7034s | which systems get unlocked forging for |
7036s | example is available from from the |
7038s | moment one but we never tell the player |
7040s | about it until they've gotten to a point |
7042s | in the campaign where we know they've |
7043s | gotten some materials um and then it |
7045s | shows up as a quest you know and and |
7049s | um the idol shows up as a quest uh as as |
7053s | you get uh to the end of act one and um |
7057s | this this and then this like slowly |
7058s | unlocks it opens up and you get more of |
7060s | these you get bigger ones and different |
7061s | shapes and things like that like that |
7063s | that that that slow add-on you start |
7066s | getting your blessings once you get into |
7067s | end game things like this this is the |
7069s | the the rate that these are added on at |
7071s | as you level is extr extremely |
7073s | intentional uh and we don't do it |
7075s | perfectly yet and we are still working |
7076s | on it |
7078s | um so yeah still working on that thank |
7081s | you fits it's |
7083s | perfect um I'm just going to grab a |
7085s | couple here we have five minutes left |
7087s | four minutes left I'll grab a couple |
7088s | questions directly from chat |
7092s | here uh any date for cycle two yet not |
7095s | yet roughly three to four months from |
7097s | from |
7098s | 1.0 um which puts us roughly one to two |
7101s | months from right now |
7103s | uh any plans for new classes in the |
7104s | future oh yeah we got plans for new |
7106s | classes in the future let me tell you |
7108s | we're going to go die to this boss this |
7110s | going to be fun um we do have plans for |
7112s | new bosses in the future new bosses we |
7114s | do have plans for new boss in the future |
7115s | too we do have plans for news classes in |
7117s | the future |
7120s | um |
7124s | the |
7127s | uh you'll see new Mastery classes |
7131s | first um |
7133s | that |
7134s | chunk which is better fire or necrotic |
7136s | necrotic I want to get one of them down |
7143s | quickly |
7146s | um and uh new class new Mastery classes |
7149s | we first we do have vague plans |
7152s | for uh new base classes as |
7157s | well um but the primary focus will be on |
7161s | new masteries to begin with with it'll |
7163s | be a while |
7165s | before uh new base classes or even new |
7169s | Masters are added they're pretty huge |
7170s | undertaking we've got some more |
7172s | systematic updates to the game that need |
7174s | to happen |
7179s | first hey that went really |
7182s | well |
7184s | what |
7186s | okay uh |
7190s | armor yes we're taking armor |
7196s | you kidding me our defenses are hot |
7202s | garbage hey was that all |
7205s | three |
7208s | no got really excited for a moment |
7211s | there just two almost so |
7216s | close uh any plans for Falcon skins or |
7220s | ballista skins oh yeah you may notice |
7223s | that there is a skills thing down here |
7226s | I'll go right |
7227s | there |
7230s | um more |
7233s | stuff no |
7235s | capes uh will we see some sort of system |
7238s | for yeah I already answered that oh yeah |
7240s | that's all the questions I |
7241s | think any I |
7250s | miss do you guys have any plans on |
7252s | making another game maybe another genre |
7256s | um I would love to |
7258s | explore more games and more genres and |
7261s | things like that um we're still we're |
7262s | still really heavily focused on last |
7265s | Epoch and and will be for a while um but |
7270s | yeah there's there's tons of other games |
7272s | and other genres like like so we're all |
7275s | we're all extremely passionate about |
7277s | RPGs um which I think |
7280s | is hopefully pretty obvious and um I |
7285s | think |
7286s | there's a lot of us have other genres |
7289s | we're also very passionate about too |
7290s | like some of us really love shooters or |
7292s | some of us really love card games or |
7293s | some of us really love strategy games or |
7294s | some of us really love like there's |
7295s | there's all sorts of these other genres |
7297s | that we're all that we that we um have |
7301s | uh passions in as well and um like |
7303s | personally for me |
7305s | uh Forex strategy games and uh you know |
7309s | card games physical and digital um those |
7312s | those are two huge uh huge huge things |
7316s | for me personally and I'd love to |
7317s | explore some of those from from a design |
7319s | and DEP perspective I think that wouldd |
7320s | be amazing um it's it's definitely not |
7323s | anywhere on my radar personally to to do |
7325s | anything else anytime soon um last epox |
7330s | last epox got my full |
7331s | attention |
7334s | um cuz it's |
7337s | great uh sorry if his answered earlier |
7340s | but any plans to improve the stash |
7341s | system yes we |
7344s | do and with |
7347s | that I think it's time to |
7351s | end well uh I hope you had fun I know I |
7355s | did um we'll be back same time same |
7358s | place next |
7359s | week um for more questions more answers |
7363s | thanks for stopping by I appreciate you |
7364s | all um if I did not answer one of your |
7368s | questions I apologize um it was not |
7371s | intentional I will do my best to answer |
7372s | it next time or if you'd like we do have |
7374s | an ask the devs channel in our Discord |
7376s | you're more than welcome to stop by and |
7378s | ask there and I'll probably answer it |
7379s | later tonight um until then I hope you |
7383s | all have a wonderful time and drink lots |
7385s | of water and all the bosses you try and |
7387s | take down drop exactly the loot you want |
7390s | that's what I wish for you in your |
7397s | lives oh we got someone playing hardcore |
7400s | let's go say hi to someone playing |
7400s | hardcore |
7405s | I'm too scared I did a little bit I used |
7407s | to play I used to play D2 hardcore when |
7409s | I was younger um and like I just can't |
7413s | do it |
7414s | anymore all right have a great day |
7416s | everyone bye-bye |