almost 5 years ago - /u/EHG_Sarno - Direct link

Originally posted by Normal512

Very exciting, I'm looking forward to the cloud saves and performance improvements.

When should we expect to see the patch? A couple weeks or longer?

We'll be releasing 0.7.7 later this month.

almost 5 years ago - /u/EHG_Sarno - Direct link

Originally posted by GeximuZ

Good job guys, this project is going to be one of the best arpgs!

Cant vouch enough for this!

Thanks for the kind words! :)

almost 5 years ago - /u/EHG_Sarno - Direct link

Originally posted by Sinaril

Exciting news! By the way - are you aware that under certain circumstances auto sorting a page in the chest can result in some items being lost (and not put in any of the other pages)? I've mostly had that happen to me with the 4-horizontal-slot idols.

That bug is specific to Idols and will be resolved in 0.7.7.

Sorry about that! ☹️