We'll be sharing our monthly multiplayer update on the forums in the upcoming days! Stanz is working on it now.
I just started this game and its refreshing and comfortable. I have 5k hours in PoE and played a lot of Fellshrine and docks and then every league since Feb 2013, this is better in some respects, but worse in other specific ways (stat counters for enemies (poison stacks) I didn't see a stack count) but is in EA. I got to level 28 in my first sitting and will defo be giving some feedback. GJ so far guys! (Hype trailer too!)
Glad you're enjoying it, Mage! Welcome to the community.
Very nice teaser. Can't wait! If you're reading give us a cryptic clue to obsess over for weeks
Haha! I think we can do better sharing information a bit earlier this time and are planning our rollouts better than we have before. We actually have some people that aren't developing content that are covering marketing efforts now. I believe we'll have a little trailer next week - that paired with the new style of forecast should give you a pretty good idea of what's coming but definitely not all of it.