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This is just my suggestion for the upcoming dodge roll mechanic announced for 1.1.

The main two negative sentiments against dodge roll in LE I have seen online is either that the classes have excellent movement skills already (shift, transference etc) which can be improved with their own trees (which makes the dodge roll pointless or the dodge roll would render these pointless) or adding dodge roll would be too much like other ARPGs like D4.

I have a possible solution to solve both those concerns. I mainly feel the game could benefit from spacebar movement. If some action was linked to spacebar , it would free up one of the action bar slots. So how about allowing mapping our movement skill to spacebar? Making it so, only the skills with the traversal tag can be mapped to space bar. This way we have one slot free in action bar for other skills. Furthermore, if spacebar is pressed with movement skill is not on cooldown, it will trigger that movement skill. If the skill is in cooldown it will do a dodge roll instead. This way we can have best of both worlds (spacebar movement plus dodge roll plus movemt skills retaining their usefulness)

What do you guys think?

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10 months ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

One of the requirements we had for the system was to not add a 6th specializable ability slot. This suggestion would require compromising the other systems in a way we are not comfortable with.

Option 1: delete all of the traversal still trees. It then is just a class specific version of what we are already doing while also effectively deleting 10 skills at the same time.

Option 2: remove one of the other ability slots at the same time. That turns this into us just locking one of the slots on your bar and giving it a coooldown effect.

I can't think of another way to make this work and both of these are non starters for me personally.

It's a neat idea but even if we didn't have to make another of those adjustments, it also increases the complexity of the overall system higher than we want.

This was an option we considered which is why I know the reasons we didn't do it off the top of my head.

Edit: also, please please please start using the term evade if possible, the ability we are adding doesn't dodge and isn't necessarily a roll depending on which class you're playing.

10 months ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by sathwik93

Oh ok thank you for the clarification.

I didn't mean add a sixth skill specialization though. Just a key on which we can only map traversal skills, and does the dodge roll if the binded traversal skill is in cooldown. Said traversal skill doesn't even have to be specialized.

I can understand the concern with extra keybind on ARPG (one comment in this thread mentioned it) but if we most likely have a new button to trigger dodge roll, might as well well xpand it's functionality to trigger a traversal skill if available

But extrapolating your point, I guess it would be difficult for balance and gameplay flow if you seperate out traversal skill as the player can have 5 damage skills available to him instead of four.

Edit: sorry I just saw your request to use evade instead of dodge.

It's less about not wanting to add a 6th button and more about not wanting to add a 6th specialization slot and wanting equal spec slots and ability bar slots which implies the requirement of not adding a 6th non-spec bar slot.

Also, please try to use Evade as we aren't adding a Dodge roll.