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Time to sue them i guess ! I'm joking of course, but it was weird seeing them change the atlas map into basically monolith+ system and i wonder how the community here feels about that ? Honestly the amount of times i have seen other arpgs get inspired by some stuff Last Epoch is doing is very impressive for a new team to have this much impact on the genre already

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4 months ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by DantyKSA

I didn't play arpgs in 2019 so i just went and watched the synthesis trailer and damn you are right, now i wonder did EHG build the monolith system based on synthesis ..

Having another game release content that is very similar to what you are already working on and have to change things so people don't say this is a right of passage of every game dev.

There is more stuff they just unveiled for PoE 2 that we are also working on. Given the timing of some things they have released for PoE1, I have no doubt that it's happened to them too. We are both trying to solve the same problems in the same genre. There is bound to be overlap in approaches from time to time.