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Coming from Diablo 4 and in it's release there were very few unquie items for each class. But last epoch in it's launch has an abundance of different legendaries and uniques, the difference is night and day.

I played over 70 hrs of LE and I keep getting unquie items I have never seen before.

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12 months ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Cog_HS

I’ve read somewhere that primalist and sentinel were two of the very first classes in the game. I would guess that their uniques were designed along side them, so they’re certainly due for review.

The timeline isn't quite that condensed. Almost none of the original content for either is still in the game. Also the first 2 classes were sorc and Beastmaster. VK and Necro were the second wave at the end of the Kickstarter. This was before we had masteries at all. And more than half of the uniques in the game were added after all the base classes have been in the game.

I think the acolyte having a lot of transformative uniques stems from a high concentration of supporter uniques as they generally have a higher complexity budget and are very popular to make.