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Bought the game on launch and still have yet to play online. I’ve tried connecting to different servers, I’ve tried VPN and nothing will let me play online. The only reason I even got the game was to be able to play with my fiancé and I literally can’t do that if I can’t get online. The games story and gameplay are so fun just sucks that’s it’s been months after launch and this is still an issue not to mention I can’t use any of the cool cosmetics I paid for because they aren’t available offline and I can’t even get a refund because I’m already played over 50+Hours. Don’t really care for help just thought I’d let others know my experience. I’ve had the game uninstalled for a good couple months and just tried to download and see if I could connect and still can’t. Giving up and moving on at this point

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10 months ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

Apologies that your'e encountering this, u/CourierClementine. There is not a widespread or known case of this any longer and the vast majority or people that we find have these issues are using a VPN (sometimes unknowingly) or have something configured in a unique way on their end.

To rule out some possibilities, if you have the ability to tether your computer internet to your phone's separate internet service temporarily and give it a shot you may find that it is or is not related to your internet settings.

10 months ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

Originally posted by StainedGlassArtAlt

I had an email correspondence with support and they said

"For players that have the LE65 error, the only temporary fix we currently know of is a VPN. We are looking into this issue as we know a VPN is a temporary fix and should not be something players need in order to play our game. We apologize for the inconvenience."

I can post the screenshot of the email for validation. There's still a lot of people that have to use a VPN to play. I'm promise I'm not trying to sound rude, but isn't there a possibility that there's not a widespread issue because a lot of those people gave up(like I did)

Everything worked flawlessly until about the 3rd patch after release. I wrote down the exact patch that broke my game and fixed everyone else's. This is the only game in the last 5 years to do this, and I really wish I didn't enjoy the game so much, because it makes it that much more disappointing.

By chance would you be able to find the exact patch release that did this for you? Perhaps you sent a ticket in on the day that it happened? There may have been backend deployments that were not client-facing around that same time so having a specific time or window that you’re certain of could help us take a look there.

Also, what is the fail state exactly? You get an LE 65 or infinite load?