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Hello fellow fans ,

I really want to get out a few things .I love ARPG's . It's my main time sink now that i am getting older and my main focus is on my family.Small history of my ARPG experience include , Diablo , Diablo 2 (also modded : MedianXL , PD2 ) , D2R ,Poe , Grim Dawn , Slormancer , Chronicon , Van Helsing , Victor Vran , Torchlight , Torchlight 2 and Infinite , Wolcen and small amount of time in Undecember.

and here comes a game called Last Epoch . I do not even remember when i purchased the game , but when i saw (i think Rhykker , not sure) to show it for the very first time , i was like , yea sure ... lets give it a try.

Got hooked , got carried away , got lost in it.

The game is fantastic.Gameplay is nothing sort of Flawless , i have tried most of the classes , and i have not found a single thing to complain. Fluidity , animation canceling , responsiveness , all of those are attributes that i am looking in my ARPG experience and LE , delievers.

Visual feedback , is spot ot. Whatever you do there is an immediate queue that helps you understand what you just did , what the opponent did and how or if to avoid it. (currently playing Smite hammerdin and each time the smite hits i am like .... OHHHH YEAH!!!)

Audio feedback , is solid. Sound effects really pop , and help you realize what is happening and react to it.

We have been hearing and expecting Multiplayer for Long , and it's finally getting here ,Lets not forget what the game was , and what it has become . It has grown so much , i has given features , items , dungeons , revamped monoliths , corruptions and maaany more... all the signs of a great "never ending" ARPG .

The feature i was most fearfull of the way it's gonna be implemented also got announced ... Trade.i gotta say ,

YES , EHG , i love the iterration. I like how you want to do it, i really want you to stick by your guns .You announced it and what did you expect? no backlash?This is the internet. These are hardcore gamers. Of course there are people who do not like how the system will work . But at the end of the day , it is their decision and we as fans and supporters of this game should stick by them and roll with them.It is good for a game to have it's own identity . Yes , developers will innovate , but also "borrow" things from other games , cause why reinvent the wheel when you can just improve on it a bit.

What i am saying is that ,allow the developers to make their game ,learn how to love and appreciate new things ,do not expect things to go the way you want , nothing rarely does ,these are great pationate developers ,all they want is for you to play their game ,and for that they deliever you a very nice and polished game with huge potential and room to grow.

Dear developers ,

keep doing what you doing , go to directions that no other ARPG has gone before and we as community will be there with you , because we know that you will immplement that next new thing in a way that is good for the game and for us.

The game is awesome and i am happy i am sinking in it my very limited time .

From a casual gamer

Thank you ,with respect ,Spellmystery

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over 2 years ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

We appreciate the kind words and I'm very glad to hear that you're enjoying the game so much. We'll continue to push hard for you guys. Cheers!