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So, I'm a new players who's playing Rogue (eventually Marksman). I'm still level 17, so it probably doesn't matter too much right now, but I'd like to know so I can be more efficient.

Should I prioritise the bow physical damage stat or the damage percent increase stat? Would you take +3 physical bow damage or a 28% bow damage increase?


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almost 2 years ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by speerawow

i've actually been uncertain about the difference between +cold damage and +bow cold damage, almost implies that +cold damage doesn't apply to bows.

Well, "+cold damage" doesn't exist so that's the biggest difference.

All flat added damage requires a damage type. The options for this are bow, melee, spell and throwing.

"Increased cold damage" applies to all sources of cold damage.

"Increased cold bow damage" applies to all sources of bow cold damage.

about 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by NiceKobis


I'm reading this year old thread trying to figure out if "increased bow elemental damage" increases the damage of dragonfire, the cone spell caused by the bow dragonsong.

I'm guessing not, because its tags are fire, spell, area, dexterity, and not bow.

But there's never an "elemental bow" tag. I guess the "increased bow elemental damage" means it increases the damage of spells that are listed as having "bow" scaling and one of the "elements" scaling? Otherwise it's a two-for-one, but maybe because bow is unique for marksman you allow a two-for-one here?

Anyway, all that to give feedback. I think your game is amazing, your game guide is by far the best thing I've seen as an encyclopedia in a game, but if you want a lot of websites are very helpful with explaining what all the words mean. That said, I would love a sort of FAQ list you could make somewhere. You don't answer every question about every interaction.

But sometimes it's easier to learn by looking for similar scenario and seeing someone official (EHG ,or a 3rd party website could do it too) with a clear "yes" or "no" or "only if X" answer. Instead of reading guides for how it should work but not being sure what rules your items/spells are actually operating under.

It just needs to not contradict. If you want to scale a fire spell ability, you can use any damage stat which affects fire spells.

  • Elemental damage
  • Fire damage
  • Spell damage
  • Damage
  • Elemental spell damage
  • Fire spell damage

Things which don't work are those that are for anything else. Some examples of things that don't work are:

  • Poison damage
  • Melee damage
  • Elemental bow damage
  • Void spell damage
  • Fire melee damage

TL:DR it doesn't work the way you want it to.