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6 months ago - /u/EHG_Kain - Direct link

Originally posted by Chrozzinho

Looks good overall, however one small thing I don't like is being able to list from the stash. I actually enjoy going to the Bazaar but I'm sure thats pretty unpopular

You still need to visit the Bazaar, but you can open your stash within the Bazaar stall to list from your stash.

6 months ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by PedroBV

Will loot lizards be available in legacy?

Yes, everyone gets everything.

6 months ago - /u/EHG_Kain - Direct link

Originally posted by Emajenus

Dungeon rework when?

With the event patch, we're removing some of the blockers, as well as reducing the level sizes. We also have some bigger improvements in the works coming in 1.2 for Dungeons.

6 months ago - /u/EHG_Kain - Direct link

Originally posted by poet3322

So my question is, if this event lasts until October 20, and 1.2 doesn't come out until Q1 2025, what happens after this event is over?

Once the event ends, The Event Modifiers will be gone, as well as the Loyalist Undead packs. The Shrines, Loot Lizards, Stash Priority System, and other improvements will still be in place for the remainder of 1.1

6 months ago - /u/EHG_Kain - Direct link

Originally posted by Tartos56

Thnaks for these updates !

Stash tab priority looks good, can we have more infos on exalted items ?

  • Can we set rules on affix level ?
  • Can we add rules likes 2 or more affixes >= lvl 6 ?

Also, do you plan to add an option to delete characters after end cycle merge for thoose who never play legacy ?

Can we set rules on affix level ?

Not currently. We had discussed adding affix filtering capabilities to the Stash Priority system, but currently it's a lot of extra load for it, which we expected to result in slow item depositing into the stash.

Also, do you plan to add an option to delete characters after end cycle merge for thoose who never play legacy ?

You can delete a character at any point. We don't currently have any plans to have a "delete all legacy characters" button.

6 months ago - /u/EHG_Kain - Direct link

Originally posted by Shmooperdorf

As someone who chose that I feel my characters are useless once they go to legacy, I think a cool option would be to let us "prestige" our characters. When a new cycle starts let me choose an existing legacy character I would keep the same name and options i.e hardcore or softcore, cof or mg. But I would be level 1 again but maybe I get a cosmetic for prestiging. Or maybe we get to skip the campaign for using a prestige character and start at level 50. Idk what exactly but I think this is a fun baseline to think about for our legacy characters to have use in cycles.

An interesting idea for sure. I've passed this along to our design team to mull over, thank you!

6 months ago - /u/EHG_Kain - Direct link

Originally posted by poet3322

Okay so people can keep playing in the restarted cycle after the event ends? Is that correct?

That is correct, yes.