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I have a rogue falconer where falcon is supposed to get my crit strike chance too. My crit strike is 55%, but I also have death rattle which is supposed to add 30% minion crit strike chance.

So why on the stat sheet, does it say crit minion strike chance is 8%?

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8 months ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

The minion crit stat on your character sheet is the crit chance that you would give to a normal minion like your ballista for example.

The falcon ability to get crit from other places than normal is not reflected in that stat because it only applies to your falcon.

Don't worry, it is working, the character sheet just doesn't have a spot for your falcon's crit chance.

8 months ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Tronicolol

Same happens with stats like X crit chance for totems, right? Is there any future change to reflect all these stats? or just to improve minion dps tooltips? is really hard to try to find an upgrade for a minion build, for example +10 spell damage or 10% penetration for my cold storm totem shaman because i dont really have any information about what is better. I would appreciate this kind of information for minion builds. Thank you for listening feedback and continue improving the game, im loving it.

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