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Any time I try to play in online mode I'm getting an LE-65 error and I'm not the only one.


This has been going on since release. I've opened a support request and got nowhere. The only way I can play online is to use a VPN service which is ridiculous. I don't want the extra latency and headache just to play a game. EHG has never addressed this. It seems like an entire ISP with 150,000+ customers is just blocked from accessing online mode. I don't know how this is still going on.

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9 months ago - /u/EHG_Kain - Direct link

Unfortunately this isn't something we have power over. It's not our servers blocking your connection, it's the ISP blocking connections to our servers. The only way for this to be resolved is for the ISP to allow-list our servers.

We have tried reaching out to a number of ISP's regarding this, however we're not a large enough entity for most of them to even be willing to talk to us - Each has advised us that their customers would need to reach out to them about it.

We would love to be able to globally resolve this and have Last Epoch easily available to everyone without ISP politics, but we don't have that kind of pull (at least not yet). The only real way to try to get this resolved is to have your ISP allow connections to our servers.

9 months ago - /u/EHG_Kain - Direct link

Originally posted by dump_cakes

The logs show that I can hit the server and then the server drops me. What is the ISP doing in that case? 2024-06-06T14:29:03.2865795+00:00 Log Requesting game server in region us-central

2024-06-06T14:29:05.7474158+00:00 Log Matchmaking finished: {"Ip":"","Port":23287,"LidgrenPort":16742,"AllocationId":null}.

2024-06-06T14:29:05.8641004+00:00 Log Enter Game: Connecting to

2024-06-06T14:29:05.9341983+00:00 Log Bind Successful (IP=;Port=23287)

2024-06-06T14:29:05.9351958+00:00 Log Player 0 Connected (IP=;Port=23287)

2024-06-06T14:29:20.9674361+00:00 Log Failed to connect to server. (IP=;Port=23287)

This is the log when Warp is enabled.

2024-06-06T14:41:34.6557334+00:00 Log Requesting game server in region us-central

2024-06-06T14:41:36.2623806+00:00 Log Matchmaking finished: {"Ip":"","Port":24371,"LidgrenPort":25696,"AllocationId":null}.

2024-06-06T14:41:36.3800629+00:00 Log Enter Game: Connecting to

2024-06-06T14:41:36.4491761+00:00 Log Bind Successful (IP=;Port=24371)

2024-06-06T14:41:36.4501761+00:00 Log Player 0 Connected (IP=;Port=24371)

2024-06-06T14:41:37.6797475+00:00 Log Server Accepted (IP=;Port=24371)

That course of events makes it seem like the server is rejecting the connection request.

by using a VPN you are routing outside of your ISP before connecting to our servers, and the connection that the VPN uses isn't blocking our game servers.