over 2 years ago - EHG_Kain - Direct link

Hello Jewlez,

This is something which we take very seriously. We do have some community moderators trying to help us keep an eye on chat, but unfortunately we can’t guarantee we can catch every occurrence as it happens.

If a conversation like this is happening in chat, and there doesn’t appear to be a moderator present: the fastest resolution would be to send myself personally a ping on our discord server and I’ll generally be able to investigate immediately as a Community Support Personnel. If I’m not available, or do not respond (say it’s the weekend and I’m not near my PC) I’d recommend submitting a support ticket and block the offending players https://support.lastepoch.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=1900001287744.

With the new chat system coming to Last Epoch, we will have better moderation tools at our disposal as well as better visibility of Beesfriends (Community Guides and Moderators). In the near future we should also be rolling out the Beesfriends to our Discord server as well to help clarify who community members can reach out to for guidance and moderation assistance.

I apologize for your experience in chat, and confirm that yes - this is something we take seriously and are actively taking measures concerning it as well as making ourselves available to address it until we have more automated processes in place. If you would like to provide me with a general timestamp of when this conversation was taking place in a DM, I can most certainly investigate.

over 2 years ago - EHG_Kain - Direct link

I’m locking this thread. This is devolving into political and ideological fights rather than a discussion regarding presence of moderation and moderation principles.

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about 3 hours ago - EHG_Kain