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Maybe I just suck sh*t at making my own builds, but every time I've tried to specialize around a skill that isn't typically used in all the big maxroll meta guides, I start to see WHY it isn't used.

My one example I can think of is Detonating Arrow. I love using lightning arrows in POE, and I saw Detonating Arrow had the lightning tendrils node so I figured I would try building around it. What I found is that detonating arrow has virtually 0 synergy with anything else. I couldn't make it feel good.

I decided to try one of the builds on maxroll to see how it felt, so I went for shadow daggers and holy bananas, this thing has synergy across like all 4 skills you actively use, plus a 5th that you don't even put on your bar.

It's clearly impossible to make everything work from a balance perspective, but it'd be nice if every ability got a bit more support in other trees. Then again maybe I'm just really bad and need to wait for someone else to make a working lightning tendrils build :)

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about 1 year ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

We'll continue to add/alter/improve all classes in the game based on what we're seeing and community feedback. Don't feel that if, say Forge Guard, doesn't have enough powerful opotions and interesting mechanics that it will sit like that for years.

Many classes were made when we were a very small team, like 20 of us, and there's plenty that we will go back and update still. 1.0 is just kickoff for the game, and updating content and classes is a big part of what we'll continue to do.

about 1 year ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

Originally posted by escapecali603

Don’t overly balance classes and builds though. I don’t want to see a WOW like scape where every class is essentially the same thing. Some classes are just going to be niche due to its mechanics and that’s okay. Guild Wars 2 does this very well and that’s why I still love that game despite the graphics being really old.

Homogenization of WoW classes in later expansions hurt the game significantly IMO. BC and Wrath were fantastic. I’m also one of those that are of the opinion that flying mounts were a huge mistake in the game.