over 1 year
ago -
Last Epoch
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Transcript (by Youtube)
1s | good afternoon everybody and welcome |
4s | back to another last Epoch devstream as |
7s | always I'm your host Mike hello welcome |
10s | back hope you're having a great time |
13s | join me as we dive back |
15s | into the fully optimized and super |
18s | strong two-handed blade |
22s | dancer oh it's awful but I love it so |
24s | we're playing |
26s | it good evening Steve G how you do |
40s | doing oh we're feeling good I'm having a |
42s | great day if this is your first time |
44s | here welcome glad to have you with us as |
46s | always we stream for charity right above |
48s | me here we go and uh yeah if you have |
51s | any questions please feel free to answer |
54s | them please feel free to ask them and |
57s | I'll answer |
59s | them um remember to put at last Epoch |
62s | game in the question |
64s | please so I see it pop out a little bit |
66s | better remember how we played |
80s | this Mike Walker |
82s | wow our names are very |
89s | similar |
96s | hello |
103s | hello any performance impr 1.0 this |
106s | performs every patch yeah I I feel like |
109s | I feel like if we go back and look at |
110s | every single patch there's a clear |
111s | pattern of performance priorities going |
113s | on and uh that has not stopped at all |
115s | it's number one number one on the list |
117s | always has |
119s | been |
134s | all right let's let's let's get to some |
137s | some stuff I remember I remember my |
138s | buttons |
148s | now do I remember them though |
153s | uh will there be AutoCast um we don't |
155s | really plan on putting fullon AutoCast |
157s | in the game um at the moment there are |
161s | some nodes which will do that in certain |
163s | situations for certain skills um like |
165s | for example uh I think I think Hora has |
169s | it I think |
174s | um enchant weapon has |
177s | it um those are the only two that |
180s | there's got to be |
181s | others melstrom has some yeah um static |
186s | I think has |
190s | some it's not it's not completely like |
193s | out of the out of the possibility or |
195s | whatever but like we don't have there's |
196s | no task in the back end right now that's |
198s | like implement |
201s | this just kind of all I can really go |
204s | off |
208s | of what else we got but are you planning |
211s | to add some steam achievements at any |
213s | point in the future oh yeah not sure if |
215s | we use steam achievements or in-game |
218s | achievements I think we'll use theme |
219s | achievements it's just it's one of those |
220s | systems that's like already there and |
223s | fantastic um and so integrated already |
226s | um that I don't see why we wouldn't use |
228s | the steam achievements but um you know |
231s | there's there's you go to implement |
234s | something like that and there's like 20% |
236s | chance that some monkey wrench shows up |
238s | and you're like well |
255s | pivot what is this Z DPS build come |
269s | on |
274s | [Music] |
277s | yeah oh nice some of those bad |
281s | boys uh so far I love the game awesome I |
284s | feel perfect wonderful balance of Poe in |
286s | dl4 sounds great here comes the |
290s | rub oh just kidding my only suggestion |
292s | SL request is would you guys be open to |
294s | changing the way that you transition |
296s | through zones so many times I've now |
299s | accidentally ran over to an exit of a |
300s | Zone in order to dodge a boss mix yeah |
303s | so this is asking when you go to a scene |
305s | transition those like glowy things and |
308s | you're and you're just holding your |
309s | cursor down like I'm I'm just holding my |
310s | mouse cursor I'm not clicking |
311s | individually and the mouse cursor goes |
313s | over top of that scene transition glow |
317s | um if you're close enough it will just |
319s | it will click on the scene transition |
320s | and take you |
322s | through um and and happens when you |
325s | don't want it to happen sometimes which |
326s | is unfortunate we I don't know if |
330s | there's an easy fix for this I think I |
332s | have a feeling I can't so this has come |
333s | up quite a few times and I can't |
336s | remember the exact reason why it's not |
337s | in the like why it hasn't been changed |
339s | because I know this is feedback we've |
340s | gotten a few times um I think could be |
344s | wrong with this I think there was a |
345s | problem with it and when we couldn't |
347s | change it uh at the time or it wasn't |
349s | easy to do or something like that we're |
350s | like okay well we'll we'll do it but |
352s | like back burner type thing I can't |
353s | remember why it's not changed um but |
356s | something like that happened I can't |
358s | remember exactly what it was |
362s | but yeah if you want to get a suggestion |
364s | considered please put it on the |
367s | forums or the |
369s | Discord in the appropriate |
371s | place I'm just terrible at writing |
373s | things down so I will uh at least least |
376s | while I'm playing on |
384s | Stream So pretend I'm like a |
387s | three-year-old and you're saying it it's |
389s | like I'm like yeah I hear you I'll |
391s | repeat it right back to you and then |
392s | like I turn around and it's |
394s | gone and I and I hit Jack anyways you |
398s | you're like we just told you not to hit |
399s | Jack and I'm like yeah I shouldn't hit |
400s | Jack |
404s | whack I promise jack is not a kid for my |
406s | son's |
407s | daycare it's actually not |
410s | a making all that up |
413s | but it feels like that |
418s | sometimes |
421s | all right the road map for new classes |
423s | and factions is out yes what can players |
425s | expect from it is it reveal only put on |
428s | last tools what are we going to get with |
430s | the road map um you mean like the okay |
433s | so I think what we're talking about is |
435s | the |
438s | um let me just I'm just bring this up |
440s | because you know what I get I see so |
441s | much confusion about |
443s | this I'm not 100% sure why so I'm just |
446s | going to grab the image and we're going |
448s | to talk about it cuz that's awes |
452s | awesome quick there we go how fast can I |
456s | put something into this properly pretty |
459s | quick apparently |
461s | awesome no we're going to we're going to |
463s | Center |
468s | that okay this is the image in |
471s | question um so the is it over here no |
474s | it's over |
478s | here um |
480s | the so what we're seeing on these These |
482s | are each going to be a really big Dev |
484s | vog post um with specific details on |
488s | what's coming with all of these these |
489s | three major features um so there's |
493s | there's no patch to the game happening |
496s | on these days January 11th will not come |
498s | with a patch January 25th will not come |
500s | with a patch February 8th will not come |
502s | with a patch be super clear on this Le I |
505s | should say it's my face in frame um the |
507s | item |
508s | factions uh post here the Warlock |
511s | preview and the falconer preview will |
513s | have the the same sort of details um |
516s | like go go go look our forms for the the |
518s | the Rune Master reveal uh devlog it'll |
521s | be very similar to that it'll have um |
523s | like I I it's not written yet so I don't |
525s | know exactly what's going to be there |
526s | but it'll have things like what skills |
527s | are coming um probably some like uh |
531s | maybe there's like a unique item that's |
532s | specifically designed for warlock to |
533s | come with it um there'll probably be uh |
536s | skill tree previews there might not be |
538s | full like 100% |
540s | completed here's the skill tree exactly |
542s | how it's going to be but |
544s | um at at least maybe some of them will |
547s | be but like there'll be there'll be |
549s | there'll be lots of very detailed |
550s | information on um the like how the how |
554s | the class is going to function uh were |
556s | you asking specifically about classes |
558s | and trade factions yeah it's it's it's a |
560s | very in-depth look at these features |
563s | coming for the patch uh because there |
565s | are big features there's lots going on |
567s | there's lots of things to share and show |
568s | how it's going to work and sorts of |
570s | things |
571s | um but yeah it's it's not |
574s | a uh chance for you to play it yet the |
578s | that chance will be February 21st with |
580s | launch just want to be super duper clear |
583s | on |
584s | that |
587s | cool hope that hope that helped if |
589s | you're looking for more information let |
590s | me know |
592s | please will the servers be more stable |
594s | because I can't play with uh anyone |
596s | outside of au server yeah I mean the |
598s | this is back to Performance stuff it's |
600s | number one priority performance |
601s | performance performance um so it's |
604s | they're hopefully getting better all the |
606s | time um there's whole new networking |
611s | information transfer system that's |
613s | that's getting implemented |
615s | um that we've been using internally for |
618s | uh about a week |
623s | now |
625s | um it's going |
628s | great |
647s | okay and this is why two-handed Rogues |
649s | are |
655s | bad easy too easy is it though come on |
659s | you're getting your butt |
660s | kicked let's get a question here we do |
663s | both |
664s | right uh let the game just tuning in can |
667s | you touch on Guild Clans will there be |
669s | incentives to join one um we don't have |
671s | any sort of Guild system uh planned to |
675s | come with 1.0 at the moment um so |
678s | there's no incentive join because they |
680s | don't exist |
682s | um we |
686s | are uh if we do add them to the game |
688s | which I expect we will eventually we |
690s | want there to be a reason to do it |
693s | um we currently feel that if we added |
697s | guilds and a clan system sort of the way |
698s | it is now um we'd probably end up with a |
703s | glorified um group chat you know like |
708s | like okay great there's this chat |
709s | Channel you guys |
713s | [Music] |
714s | share you know like if if you're if |
717s | you're got a group of people that you |
718s | want to play together and and that sort |
719s | of thing like you've likely already got |
721s | an alternate method of communication |
722s | that you're using |
726s | um and with no activities or reason or |
729s | mechanical reasons in game to have this |
732s | clan there's kind of like no reason to |
733s | do it oh my goodness my mustache is so |
735s | itchy right now I do not know |
741s | why gu took way too long to |
746s | kill oh Mr fibble has resubbed nine |
749s | months in a row thank you very much |
751s | that's |
753s | fantastic it's I I I really like your |
755s | name as well just throwing that out |
759s | there I have a tough time parsing names |
763s | frequently but I don't fumble |
771s | yours it's fun all |
774s | right more |
778s | questions |
780s | uh are for the bug fixes patches play |
782s | before 1.0 |
783s | yes um I think the cut off content for |
788s | one I think I got given a notice today |
790s | being like if you don't get it in today |
791s | it's not going in the next patch type |
794s | thing and I'm like cool I don't have |
794s | anything |
796s | pending |
801s | um so that's still got to go through QA |
804s | and you know approval and all that sort |
806s | of stuff so who knows when that'll |
807s | actually happen but yeah there are still |
810s | uh bug fix patches that we're looking at |
811s | for between now and |
830s | 1.0 and don't forget to put at last dep |
833s | game in the question please so I see it |
835s | and know that this is something you want |
836s | me to |
838s | answer |
839s | um but here's one that's not it's okay a |
841s | lot of games require you to go through |
842s | the campaign for every character are |
844s | there any thoughts of allowing one to |
846s | start at post campaign for new |
848s | characters um still start level one yeah |
850s | this this question comes up every single |
851s | stream um and every single day on Reddit |
854s | and our Discord and our forums |
856s | absolutely this this has been talked to |
858s | death for sure all the time |
861s | um like really really really short |
863s | answer |
865s | no um longer answer I mean it's kind of |
868s | already there so |
871s | yes |
873s | um if you're playing online at least you |
876s | can party with someone and they can just |
877s | take you to the any Zone by just going |
880s | there themselves and um you just portal |
882s | to them uh if you complete the level 90 |
885s | the three level 90 monolith timelines um |
888s | even as a follower you'll unlock |
891s | empowered and you can be an empowered |
892s | monolith at level 10 if you want um |
894s | you'll get your ass handed to you um and |
897s | you won't actually level that fast |
899s | because there's there are uh level |
902s | there's experience gain um |
906s | dampening might be a good word for it um |
909s | for being severely underleveled in the |
911s | same Zone as a severely overleveled |
913s | person compared to you |
917s | um it's a little complicated but |
919s | basically if you're in uh if you're |
922s | underleveled for the Zone on your own |
924s | and you're actually doing the content |
925s | yourself it's less of a penalty than if |
927s | you're underleveled in the zone with |
929s | someone else carrying |
936s | you um yeah and then there's there's |
939s | also something else might when this |
941s | comes up usually another thing that is |
943s | unknown is the fact that um uh the |
946s | dungeons will skip big chunks of the |
950s | campaign as |
956s | well yeah so we're still we're still |
957s | toying with exactly how |
959s | all that's going to shake out and |
960s | everything the the first time dungeons |
962s | need to be uh done better for sure |
965s | whether that's like easier and no no |
968s | like primary reward or just straight up |
970s | easier or you know like some some |
973s | something um the first time through the |
975s | dungeon is a little on the um unhelpful |
980s | side right |
981s | now like it's there and it's great idea |
983s | but it's just not quite to the point |
985s | where it's really really useful um |
990s | and recently I've been feeling that it |
991s | should probably actually allow you to go |
993s | into them uh I I think the first tier |
996s | should this is a suggestion I heard |
997s | recently that I quite liked was that I |
999s | just want to make it sound like I came |
1001s | up with this cuz I didn't uh which was |
1002s | that there is um there's there just the |
1005s | original the first floor has no key |
1010s | requirement so you can even go through |
1011s | on your first |
1013s | character but would still be too hard |
1015s | for most |
1017s | situations so it's like an advanced |
1019s | player option |
1022s | um and you just make it really obvious |
1024s | to noobs that it's noobs meaning like |
1027s | literal just new players um that |
1029s | probably not a great first time |
1033s | experience which is tough to convey it |
1035s | really is |
1047s | um |
1050s | but not |
1051s | impossible isn't faction a guild uh so |
1054s | this is this is the this is where naming |
1055s | things come in problem so uh there are |
1057s | two item |
1058s | factions um one of the item factions is |
1061s | called the Merchant's Guild the other |
1065s | item faction is called circle of Fortune |
1068s | um factions is the term we're giving to |
1071s | any sort of |
1074s | um like group you can join um that has a |
1081s | um a reputation rank that you can |
1084s | increase and uh generate favor for some |
1087s | sort of interaction in in |
1089s | that uh interaction in that |
1092s | faction um and the first two factions |
1095s | are mutually exclusive with each other |
1097s | because they are both item factions um |
1099s | it's possible we could add a third item |
1101s | faction on the road it's possible more |
1103s | probable that we would add new types of |
1104s | factions so maybe we add a I I don't |
1107s | know a exploration factions and there's |
1110s | two different ways to explore things |
1111s | it's like a a sky exploration faction a |
1114s | sea exploration faction I don't know um |
1117s | and you have to pick one of those and |
1118s | there's a ground one too there's three |
1119s | factions in this group I'm literally |
1121s | making this up on the spot I have no |
1122s | idea my point is that they'd be mutually |
1124s | exclusive within their set of factions |
1127s | but not mutually exclusive across sets |
1129s | so you could be in the sky exploration |
1131s | faction and the merchant skill at the |
1133s | same time and it'll be |
1134s | fine so that's the overarching plan |
1137s | long-term plans for our factions |
1139s | system um not to be confused with |
1143s | possibly including guilds in the |
1146s | future I don't know why I couldn't see |
1148s | that guy I just could not see |
1156s | him good one in |
1167s | there |
1169s | we don't really care about the explosion |
1171s | damage reflect is nice we care about |
1172s | more about the Buffs fear's good in |
1175s | general but we we don't actually want |
1176s | them to run away I think just want to |
1179s | take damage reflected get the extra |
1181s | charges up |
1183s | eventually we would need some sort of |
1185s | plus skills for the extra charge with |
1186s | this or take a point out somewhere |
1191s | else but that's |
1195s | fine get some of that XP oh we've got |
1197s | boss possibility we do have |
1203s | possibility all right will there be more |
1206s | optimization and dlss FSR implementation |
1209s | for release um yes slash no or yes and |
1213s | no um so more optimization yes dlss and |
1216s | FSR implementation no for release uh I |
1219s | love play last EO at 4K 120 FPS but it |
1221s | burns tempwise the ever living [ __ ] outo |
1225s | my 3080 yeah they um the current version |
1229s | of the engine we're running does not |
1230s | have dlss and Fs yeah I said that right |
1236s | um uh uh functionality so we we we have |
1239s | no option to do it even if we wanted to |
1241s | at the moment |
1244s | um when we eventually I like at some |
1246s | point I'm sure we'll do an engine |
1247s | upgrade who knows when um when we |
1250s | eventually get around to that it's it's |
1252s | something that we would look at then but |
1253s | for now |
1257s | no that's right you're you're stunned |
1260s | the bear not you you might be to I don't |
1264s | know I didn't realize you could do that |
1267s | with multiplayer thanks for the |
1268s | information you're welcome I don't know |
1270s | what that was about I'm sorry oh it's |
1272s | probably the like the the the the the |
1275s | hopping in to Advanced parts of the game |
1278s | yeah summon several ice beetles woohoo |
1282s | ice Beetle boy |
1284s | Army Beetle boits roll |
1287s | out |
1291s | that's |
1292s | [Laughter] |
1295s | great can't laugh at yourself all right |
1300s | uh will cross server partying be |
1302s | possible or will we have to be on the |
1303s | same server to group up |
1306s | um so I'm going to answer this question |
1308s | exactly how it's written and then try |
1309s | and guess what it's actually trying to |
1311s | ask and answer that as well so will you |
1313s | cross server partying be possible or |
1314s | will we have to all be on the same |
1316s | server to group up um you can join a |
1320s | party with people on any server um as |
1324s | soon as you want to be physically in the |
1326s | same location in game um like if you |
1329s | want to be able to stand beside each |
1330s | other in game and see each other you |
1332s | have to be on the same server by |
1333s | definition um like it's |
1337s | just every zone is a server um and so if |
1341s | you're in a Zone together you're on the |
1342s | same server period no matter what um if |
1346s | you're asking like can I as someone who |
1349s | logs into the game under us West and |
1351s | someone else who logs into the game |
1353s | under EU West can they join together in |
1356s | a party and go play together absolutely |
1358s | you'll have to the the game will pick |
1360s | for you um I think it goes based on |
1363s | Party leaders preferred server location |
1366s | or maybe tries to meet in the middle I |
1367s | can't remember which one we choose chose |
1368s | it it it pick it tries to optimize the |
1370s | server you're connected to so everyone |
1371s | has the best experience possible um |
1375s | and it it will put you on a single |
1377s | region together and will maintain that |
1380s | region while you're together in that |
1381s | party basically when you join a party |
1383s | when you create a party when whenever |
1385s | the party members change it recalculates |
1390s | the uh preferred server region for that |
1394s | party so if you have a um a party with |
1399s | four people in it you have that party |
1401s | has a preferred server |
1402s | region as long as you're in that party |
1404s | you'll keep using that preferred s |
1407s | region |
1412s | I hope that answered all your |
1414s | questions not exactly sure which one |
1417s | you're looking for if not please ask it |
1418s | I'll be happy to answer |
1424s | it next |
1426s | question okay need some answers related |
1428s | to it just underneath I hope we got you |
1431s | together um great job on the game |
1433s | overall thank you loving the ability to |
1435s | add my own loot filters yes very nice |
1438s | any chance we get to add change some of |
1440s | the audio cues for dropped items any |
1442s | chance yes any chance at 1.0 |
1446s | no um it will not be something added to |
1453s | 1.0 um it it is one of those things |
1456s | that's pretty hotly |
1457s | requested |
1459s | um so I'm I I I'd be surprised if so |
1465s | okay how this the uh problem that audio |
1470s | cues are generally listed as attempting |
1472s | to solve is something we would like to |
1476s | solve um it's possible that we may |
1480s | choose to to solve that through adding |
1483s | optional audio cues the loot filter it's |
1486s | possible that we may attempt to solve it |
1487s | some other way too I don't |
1497s | know |
1499s | the most frequent |
1502s | um reason that I see cited for this um |
1505s | suggestion as the problem is trying to |
1507s | solve and this is this is why like um |
1509s | giving us problems to solve is way more |
1511s | valuable to us than giving us solutions |
1512s | to problems that you're having |
1515s | um and uh the the the problem that we're |
1520s | that we think people are trying to solve |
1521s | with this suggestion nailed it is to uh |
1525s | notify the player when an item drops |
1528s | behind you so you're you're you're |
1530s | you're you're running along through the |
1531s | Zone killing it killing dudes U maybe |
1534s | you maybe there's like one little dude |
1536s | behind in the pack that like had a had |
1537s | an ignite dot on him and you're like ah |
1540s | whatever I'm just going to keep running |
1541s | no point in stopping for him um ignite |
1544s | kills him he drops some epic piece of |
1545s | loot but you're you're you're already |
1547s | going you're not going back to check you |
1548s | don't know what he's dropped um but |
1550s | having some sort of some sort of way |
1552s | that the game tells you hey there's |
1553s | something that you want back here um is |
1557s | important and that's something that we |
1558s | we do need to to resolve somehow um |
1561s | audio cues are one way to do that uh |
1564s | they're not the only way to do that and |
1567s | uh we'll see what we'll see how we |
1568s | tackle that problem I don't know the |
1570s | answer to that I'm sorry thank you very |
1572s | much for the res 4 months in a row from |
1574s | INF fracus |
1577s | one very cool name |
1579s | too thank you very much glad to have you |
1581s | with |
1585s | us I hope I am making just enough of a |
1588s | of myself for you to have fun but still |
1590s | learn |
1592s | something it's a sweet spot |
1598s | right sounds almost fangy die |
1606s | human oh my hopefully that's not a |
1610s | literal reference that I just never |
1613s | got oh you're doing this to me okay all |
1616s | right uh |
1621s | uh oh psychosis Pat psychosis patient I |
1624s | got it I I got that I'm like uh |
1628s | cipient that's that's that's definitely |
1630s | how that's |
1635s | pronounced oh you'd think uh haven't |
1639s | spoken English my entire life or |
1641s | something thank you very much for the |
1643s | sub I appreciate |
1646s | it good to know the final release date |
1649s | SE uh SE I always say September February |
1651s | 21st I swear I I I know how to speak as |
1653s | well February |
1659s | 21st oh my goodness I'm going to |
1664s | die uh Mike please remember to tag Mike |
1667s | cool someone asked a question that |
1668s | didn't tag me let me see if I can find |
1670s | it thanks Kane easy looking |
1674s | [Music] |
1675s | for uh will you be able to add more |
1678s | twink style uniques to make leveling |
1680s | alts quicker and more fun like no level |
1683s | requirement or uniques that Grant a nice |
1685s | power boost at low level um we we so one |
1688s | of the main reasons the um legendary |
1691s | item system is set up the way it |
1694s | is is so that we can have meaningful |
1696s | lowle uniques in the game that still |
1699s | have um uses in the late game um it's |
1703s | not perfect not every item is good for |
1706s | this but it's it's one oh that's |
1708s | actually nice that that is uh one of |
1711s | the uh goals of the system definitely |
1714s | not the only one but that's that's one |
1715s | thing that helps with it now |
1718s | um last |
1720s | patch we made it so that uh making an |
1724s | item legendary making a unique legendary |
1726s | doesn't change that item's level |
1727s | requirement anymore so it's really easy |
1729s | to make quite powerful twink leveling |
1731s | items now um like really |
1734s | easy |
1736s | um kind of doesn't even matter what the |
1739s | unique is you can make it into an |
1740s | awesome trink leveling item as long as |
1742s | it's a low like it goes in the right |
1745s | slot great it can be a twink leveling |
1747s | unique type thing pretty pretty well not |
1749s | quite pretty well um so having said that |
1752s | we do uh we we do generally add items |
1755s | that are all sorts of level requirements |
1759s | um it's we don't tend to focus as much |
1762s | on zero level requirement items anymore |
1765s | um but you know I'd be surprised if |
1767s | there weren't a few in the you know 10 |
1770s | to 40 |
1779s | range cuz we can still make ingame |
1781s | relevant |
1783s | items |
1786s | um as Lev |
1792s | uniques oh come off at |
1795s | you I need to buff I need I need better |
1797s | single SLE Target DPS I'm not 100% sure |
1799s | the best way to do that right now with |
1802s | with sticking with a |
1807s | two-handers all right were there any |
1809s | discussions about February 29th release |
1811s | do I keep saying February oh because |
1813s | it's because it's um the a leaf |
1815s | year I have no idea I wasn't in those |
1818s | conversations um I'd be surprised if |
1821s | there was like it's it's neat it's kind |
1823s | of cool like oh in the game launch febr |
1825s | 29th oh yeah like oh it's it's 4 years |
1827s | later we're having the first anniversary |
1829s | of the game you know uh like like |
1831s | there's there's some cool stuff there |
1832s | and all all that but you know it's um I |
1836s | I I don't think that that would |
1838s | be um like the the the the priority of |
1843s | like where you rank all the factors on |
1845s | on picking a a launch date the meme |
1847s | factor is in the |
1850s | basement you know it's it's sweet but |
1853s | it's sweet if it lines up I |
1856s | think |
1862s | and bigger bigger titles and bigger |
1863s | projects can uh can put a little bit |
1865s | more effort into something like that |
1867s | like |
1872s | um like like I Del it is like June 6th |
1876s | 2026 or something I don't know |
1885s | 2006 did they do that and I just like |
1887s | don't or something would have been |
1891s | sweet H Aon welcome okay okay you can |
1895s | start I made it okay okay thank you |
1896s | thank you I appreciate |
1901s | that cool I appreciate that |
1913s | yeah |
1914s | um all right is there any builds |
1918s | uh is there any builds like bear Druid |
1920s | or other play styles that transform your |
1922s | appearance if there's not is there any |
1923s | chance to come in the future yes there |
1925s | are um Druid one of the primalist |
1929s | masteries the |
1931s | primary um gam play mechanic and |
1936s | thematic system is shape shifting |
1939s | transforms um there are three options |
1942s | you can transform into a were bear um |
1945s | you can transform into a spriggan which |
1947s | is like a a magical uh like dryad type |
1951s | creature |
1952s | um uh and a swarm blade which um like |
1957s | let's it's it's definitely not |
1966s | Scyther uh people call it bug |
1969s | form it's a giant insect |
1972s | um you can summon Locust swms and stuff |
1975s | yeah but yeah and then there's also um |
1978s | the acolyte the undead Caster character |
1982s | um has a uh a Mastery litch whose um |
1988s | Mastery ability is um reperform and |
1992s | reperform is a little bit different than |
1994s | the Druid Transformations reperform only |
1997s | replaces one of the skills on your bar |
1999s | whereas the Druid Transformations are |
2001s | actually replace your entire bar and |
2002s | give you a new resource um reperform |
2005s | gives you one new skill in your bar |
2007s | places reform on your bar with uh with |
2009s | reap which is a |
2011s | um a melee short distance Dash ability |
2017s | um does damage short Dash and then |
2021s | um those are all the transforms right |
2035s | now uh oh yeah reperform all also gives |
2038s | you |
2039s | um uh your your health starts to Decay |
2043s | over time and that decay rate speeds up |
2046s | over time as well So eventually you will |
2047s | die from it however when you die and |
2049s | reperform you go back into your normal |
2051s | form so you get like a whole extra |
2053s | health |
2055s | bar which is |
2066s | great uh |
2068s | and I'm |
2069s | like |
2072s | there's there there there's room to add |
2074s | more in the future but like those are |
2075s | the four key Transformers you'll see |
2086s | initially all |
2096s | right |
2099s | oh no Mike's playing his rug I like |
2100s | playing my |
2101s | rug let's be real does anyone actually |
2104s | care about the like build I'm playing uh |
2107s | I feel like this is more just to like |
2108s | keep me occupied while I answer |
2115s | questions and if people haven't seen the |
2117s | game before to |
2118s | like let them see what a noob looks like |
2121s | when they're |
2125s | playing okay this is going to take |
2127s | bit this these these gu there's so much |
2130s | health the health was so big for this |
2132s | I'm going to just |
2134s | like smack of the pool noodle the whole |
2139s | time how is SL was the theory crafting |
2142s | around the Warlock did you guys have a |
2144s | clear idea of what you wanted to build |
2146s | or was there a lot of discussion around |
2147s | it there was a massive discussion around |
2151s | it I thought it was a boss fight that |
2153s | started there oh my God I'm thinking of |
2155s | the |
2156s | campaign |
2158s | not the |
2159s | actual Quest |
2163s | Echo right let's keep going I know which |
2166s | way it |
2168s | is is see big claw on the map oh guess |
2171s | you |
2173s | don't |
2178s | um uh warlock clar ideas yeah so we |
2183s | had um about two years ago three years |
2188s | ago we had a um some some design feels |
2194s | about the uh Warlock and what it was |
2196s | going to do like we had some with some |
2198s | meetings some like directions we were |
2199s | going to go certain things that we |
2201s | intentionally kept out of power I am |
2205s | unable a few things that we |
2206s | intentionally kept out of Lich and |
2208s | Necromancer to make room for |
2211s | it |
2213s | um like there was there was there was |
2215s | stuff done with it that was sort of like |
2217s | preliminary work but like preliminary |
2219s | design work um when we went to actually |
2222s | make the uh the Warlock we realized that |
2226s | um you know we had we had a lot of new |
2229s | tools we had a lot of new ideas there |
2231s | were new items there were new metas that |
2232s | had formed there were like was all sorts |
2234s | of new stuff since then and we decided |
2236s | to kind of redesign it from scratch we |
2240s | um had many many rounds of design |
2244s | meetings um that started from the point |
2247s | of like let's decide what style of stuff |
2251s | we even want the Warlock to be able to |
2253s | do um and then went to like we we we had |
2258s | uh after we sort of like landed on some |
2261s | like keywords that you're going to see |
2265s | um like like if we're going to if we're |
2267s | going to keyword out like I let's |
2270s | keyword out the Druid right um it's |
2272s | going to be something like uh like like |
2274s | shape shifting um like possibly hybrid |
2278s | builds um like nature connection you |
2283s | know all all these things like like |
2284s | minor Min minion Synergy |
2289s | um things like this |
2292s | and uh so we we did that for Warlock and |
2295s | then everyone on the design team went |
2296s | away and just made their own design for |
2300s | a warlock everyone picked skills um |
2303s | couple key passives maybe uh it was sort |
2305s | of like however however much inth you |
2307s | wanted to go um and then we we people |
2311s | presented those to the group um we |
2314s | talked about them discussed things we |
2315s | liked about each one |
2318s | um picked |
2324s | out uh pick picked out yeah specific |
2326s | things we need to we liked about each |
2328s | one um |
2330s | discussed like details |
2332s | of |
2336s | more |
2337s | of some of some pitches that were like |
2339s | cohesive of ideas from various people |
2341s | that sort of thing |
2345s | um you know went away came back |
2347s | discussed it more eventually got down to |
2349s | the point where we were happy with uh |
2351s | the the the overarching design we had |
2353s | about two or three skills locked |
2355s | in |
2358s | um went |
2360s | through uh started implementing those |
2362s | skills got test versions of those skills |
2363s | out thanks Sam great job um |
2367s | decided a couple of them weren't really |
2368s | hitting the themes we wanted to |
2370s | hit uh we scrapped the Mastery skill |
2374s | completely at that point actually |
2375s | replaced |
2378s | it uh moved a |
2380s | skill from one of the other |
2382s | classes |
2385s | um a question I'm answering |
2390s | here it was it was a pretty long process |
2394s | uh then then we go through and develop |
2396s | uh design meetings for each individual |
2398s | skill on the trees that they're going to |
2400s | have that that's like three meetings per |
2403s | skill |
2406s | um yeah then they're in implementation |
2409s | warlock's basically done of of like the |
2412s | the main stuff like it's got tons of |
2413s | bugs that got to get |
2416s | fixed um but the main feel for warlock |
2419s | is is in and we're getting um early |
2422s | feedback from people on it uh trying to |
2425s | try and Design some more specific do not |
2428s | stand in that mic my goodness what are |
2430s | you thinking |
2440s | um uh and we are let's just |
2450s | not uh yeah so we're we're in we're in |
2453s | uh early feedback phase for Warlock and |
2456s | we'll be |
2458s | um we're we're definitely past the point |
2461s | of like hey maybe we should |
2465s | um like scrap this skill and design a |
2467s | new skill like that's not that's not |
2469s | having the skills that it has now are |
2470s | the skills it's going to launch with um |
2473s | but you know like nodes can get changed |
2474s | and added and all that sort of |
2478s | stuff and there's a lot more than just |
2480s | the skill trees that goes into it too so |
2482s | like there's um idols and affixes and |
2485s | and uniques and um you know there's |
2488s | there's there's a lot of stuff that goes |
2491s | into uh a class sign passives as well |
2494s | all sorts |
2515s | stuff |
2517s | okay next one of these oh my |
2521s | goodness uh maybe in the future you can |
2523s | transfer into a |
2525s | falcon uh the Falcon is is a minion |
2530s | skill just to be |
2536s | clear a bad timing |
2541s | Mike back to the |
2545s | center |
2549s | all right let's get fighting again can I |
2551s | get more questions I'm trying I'm trying |
2552s | to get in a position where I can like |
2553s | look over and get a |
2558s | question uh personally I hate leaving |
2560s | legendaries on the ground any chance for |
2562s | crafting mod where I can destroy one |
2563s | legendary for percent chance to get one |
2565s | two three uh LP on an identical one or |
2568s | something so I always want to pick them |
2569s | up um so this is this is a fantastic |
2573s | example of what I was talking about |
2575s | earlier about um um presenting a |
2578s | solution along with the problem which is |
2579s | totally fine to do uh it's just the |
2582s | solution you've suggested is no is the |
2584s | answer to that suggestion um however it |
2587s | it is a problem that I agree needs uh |
2591s | addressing |
2598s | um so the the problem is |
2602s | um unique items are uh there there's a |
2606s | fair bit of Fanfare around a unique item |
2607s | dropping and when it's one you don't |
2610s | actively need for anything it's |
2613s | disappointing and there's no there's no |
2616s | incentive to pick up um unique like the |
2619s | bar to pick up a unique item ends up |
2621s | becoming fairly High to the point where |
2624s | it feels like you're leaving behind more |
2626s | unique items than you're picking |
2628s | up which doesn't feel |
2632s | great um and so the suggested solution |
2634s | here is um |
2637s | create an |
2639s | additive LP chance |
2642s | system for unique |
2645s | items and if we're going to do that |
2647s | without dramatically affecting the |
2649s | relative LP chance of unique |
2654s | items relative to each other so the the |
2657s | the LPL that items have it's a hidden |
2659s | stat um it's the chance that an item |
2662s | will have legendary potential or the |
2663s | legendary potential level of the item um |
2667s | if if we're not going to adjust if we're |
2668s | not going to um dramatically affect that |
2671s | balance in the system like this and just |
2672s | say we're going to do that and put it in |
2674s | okay great |
2676s | um I don't have the numbers in front of |
2678s | me but like the chances of a very |
2682s | high |
2684s | um like like you you putting putting a |
2688s | zero LPL item into |
2692s | this crafting system um maybe maybe |
2696s | would have like a a one in 10 chance of |
2699s | adding one |
2700s | LP um and maybe like a one in 40 chance |
2704s | of adding two LP I don't know what the |
2706s | numbers are but you know what I mean |
2707s | like it starts to get kind of ridiculous |
2708s | where you're like there's a one in 500 |
2709s | chance of getting four LP or something |
2712s | um and then you go to like the um the |
2715s | high LPL items and it's like well |
2718s | there's a one in a thousand chance |
2720s | you'll get one LP |
2723s | great um and and and it just it just |
2727s | doesn't work great you know so there |
2729s | needs there needs to be something oh my |
2736s | goodness my HP is |
2740s | Tiny this HP pool is mini mini mini and |
2744s | these items are |
2747s | terrible oh my God this is why I'm |
2751s | struggling what is |
2754s | that what is that |
2761s | oh I don't want to go through and fix |
2762s | this character right |
2767s | now oh what are we going to do what are |
2768s | we gonna do what are we going to do I'm |
2769s | just gonna I'm just going to go to a |
2771s | different uh a different |
2774s | timeline I think I struggled here |
2776s | recently my goodness |
2780s | okay probably not ready for |
2783s | this now you may be thinking to yourself |
2786s | Mike where's our leak you died well I've |
2791s | been leaking this whole time that |
2793s | sounded terrible in the top right corner |
2795s | of the screen you may notice the mini |
2797s | map hasn't been changing as I've been |
2799s | playing yes what's |
2802s | this this is a little look at the uh |
2805s | mini map changes and Quest display |
2809s | changes coming for the HUD next |
2815s | patch |
2817s | um but yes so just to get back to the um |
2820s | unique item pickup problem so H having |
2822s | some sort of system to like reason to |
2825s | pick up some uniques in certain |
2826s | situations but not and so like sorry the |
2829s | the extreme flip side to that problem is |
2831s | that if you add a system where every |
2832s | unique has a chance to add LP to that |
2834s | same unique um the only ones you're |
2837s | trying to pick up are the ones for |
2838s | uniques that you actually want LP on |
2841s | um but then you get to the point where |
2843s | there's if you're in merchant Guild |
2844s | someone's going to want it and suddenly |
2846s | if you're in merchant skill you're |
2847s | picking up every single unique item you |
2849s | ever find um and then and that's just |
2853s | too much so there needs to be some sort |
2854s | of limiting factor to it um and the |
2856s | chances are so low for so many items |
2858s | that it just doesn't work great so we |
2859s | need to find a way to incentivize |
2861s | picking up more but not all unique items |
2866s | uh with some alternate system I don't |
2869s | know what that |
2870s | is um but it's probably not chance to |
2874s | add LP to an item |
2877s | very long-winded way of saying sorry |
2885s | nuh uh maybe in the future we you can |
2888s | transform into a I already read that |
2889s | didn't I I'm so far behind hi Spike |
2894s | hello uh scrolling scrolling scrolling |
2898s | keep the chat scrolling uh I only pay |
2901s | attention when you play void Knight or |
2903s | Paladin oh I haven't played void Knight |
2905s | or Paladin in Forever |
2906s | ever I should really do that should I I |
2909s | I haven't leveled in a while I could |
2910s | start it |
2918s | fresh how do I how do I how do I |
2926s | uh it's how much of a twitch chat Noob I |
2929s | am how does |
2931s | one |
2933s | create a pole |
2950s | SL pole doesn't work well just let me |
2952s | know if you want me to I'll start loving |
2954s | a fresh character if you want someone |
2955s | say yes or |
2962s | no uh will Sor see some love what when |
2966s | poo OPAC Tre and Frozen orb uh skill |
2968s | treat rework maybe uh there are much |
2970s | more pressing matters at the |
2975s | moment uh hello I was trying to do a |
2978s | forge Master with a shield thrown and |
2980s | pick up and picked up iron reflex is |
2982s | passive node that converts Dodge to |
2983s | armor but seems like it's not working is |
2985s | it a mechanical bug visual bug or |
2987s | anything like that it is working it is |
2989s | working perfectly um because it is a |
2991s | just in time calculated stat it does not |
2994s | appear on your character sheet |
2997s | um but it is working I |
3000s | promise uh is there any load out in the |
3002s | game or in the future where you could |
3004s | you can save our favorite builds and |
3005s | easily to switch between them in the |
3006s | future um uh if I'm going to use Diablo |
3009s | 3 wardrobe system wardrobe Armory D 3 |
3012s | armory sounds wrong there's a system in |
3015s | DIA 3 right by your stash there's a |
3016s | little wardrobe you go talk to it and |
3017s | you just like pick this build and it |
3018s | just like changes all your gear from |
3019s | your stash and you still got it it like |
3021s | it just red do your entire character |
3023s | like that um we're not doing that |
3026s | hard super not doing that um the resp |
3030s | costs associated with skills and then |
3032s | the different resp costs associated with |
3034s | passives um really don't play nice to do |
3037s | that |
3040s | um I I would really like to see a a way |
3044s | to like save build plans in |
3049s | game like a way to say |
3051s | like like Mark certain nodes as like |
3054s | okay well this one you plan to put three |
3055s | three in this one you'd plan to put one |
3057s | in and and you know so you could see |
3059s | what your plan was um I think that would |
3061s | be really great uh we don't have |
3062s | anything like that planned right now but |
3065s | um that's about as far as a system like |
3067s | that would go likely at least |
3079s | initially it's going to go so |
3084s | bad |
3087s | next |
3088s | question uh any chance of allowing us to |
3091s | change things |
3093s | [Music] |
3095s | on chks like female Druid oh oh |
3099s | character customization system um 1.0 |
3102s | hard no definitely not um it is |
3106s | something that we do want to add to the |
3107s | game character customization is a um a |
3110s | feature that people are um extremely |
3112s | polarized about they either desperately |
3115s | absolutely need to to have it in order |
3116s | to have fun in the game or they couldn't |
3118s | care less about it the the two ants and |
3120s | I was not entirely sure this other |
3122s | people but like almost every time this C |
3124s | question comes up on like a forum post |
3126s | or a Reddit threat or something like |
3127s | that it'll be just like someone who um |
3131s | refuses to play the game without it and |
3132s | other people being like but |
3135s | why um and other people being like |
3138s | because it's I never play games that are |
3140s | that don't have it and everyone else |
3142s | being like but why and so it's just like |
3143s | this huge really polarized options |
3146s | usually and and there's no right answer |
3149s | to it |
3150s | um like which one's better or anything |
3152s | like that there there's no right answer |
3155s | there |
3157s | um |
3159s | the it's it's a way bigger feature than |
3163s | than most people think it is and um we |
3166s | do not have the bandwidth to add it at |
3168s | 1.0 um we're not going to try it's not |
3170s | happening um it is something that we do |
3173s | intend to do at some point in in the |
3175s | future I do not know when so you know |
3179s | there there's there are no timeline |
3180s | information available whatsoever on it |
3183s | um it's an eventually someday feature |
3185s | but you |
3186s | know it's it's eventually someday going |
3188s | to |
3200s | come uh any chance of allowing us to |
3202s | change all answer that same |
3204s | thing |
3206s | and the the character cation thing goes |
3208s | goes well beyond just uh gender uh |
3210s | changes um they'll be like |
3213s | uh I I I don't know how in-depth it'll |
3215s | be but like body type will be one of the |
3218s | options |
3221s | um and and various other features you |
3223s | know like it probably won't be as |
3227s | insanely uh detailed and awesome as like |
3231s | um I don't know what's the game with an |
3233s | epic uh balers Gate 3 had an epic |
3235s | character customizer probably won't be |
3236s | quite that |
3237s | intense |
3240s | um cuz that was |
3242s | like it's it's there's a big difference |
3245s | in the type of game as well so like B |
3246s | Gate 3 you spend a lot of time uh in |
3249s | cutcenes with your character like this |
3251s | is zoomed out type thing in a cut scene |
3254s | in that game like it's it's you spend a |
3256s | lot of time up close in personal whereas |
3257s | in Epoch most of the time you spend with |
3260s | like this is about this is like the most |
3263s | visual availability of like a face in |
3265s | like any character helmet you know and |
3268s | still half it's |
3283s | covered all |
3290s | right uh hey what ingame activities are |
3293s | going to be added on release Merchant |
3294s | skilled and the circle of |
3299s | Fortune uh yes would be cool to see |
3302s | sorry I don't know oh yes this is about |
3305s | asking if I was going to |
3307s | um |
3311s | uh play new character yeah |
3319s | sure I don't see anyone disagreeing with |
3322s | you so you've decided it I'm going to |
3323s | start a new character right now just for |
3332s | fun yeah |
3336s | safe just of like I wonder what that |
3338s | screen looks like right now it's fine |
3341s | there's like nothing |
3346s | there who's this going to be do |
3353s | Gideon I am the senel |
3356s | I Am The Sentinel no I'm |
3361s | Sentinel all right any plan reworks for |
3364s | one point0 that you can share with us |
3369s | um uh I can tell you what we're |
3371s | currently working |
3373s | on um so we are currently working on |
3376s | some what am I doing uh uh we are |
3379s | currently working on updates |
3383s | to uh a couple um a couple little things |
3387s | in Shaman right |
3391s | now |
3394s | um yeah so what's one thing we're |
3396s | currently working on design |
3405s | meetings we can check we can check out |
3407s | this too here I'll uh I'll think it |
3409s | lines up as well on the screen but |
3414s | uh |
3416s | oh look something else is different I |
3417s | wonder what it could be oh very |
3421s | interesting um so as as you can see with |
3424s | I I'll bring put them both up at the |
3426s | same |
3427s | time |
3430s | um we are updating |
3433s | our so we just move these to Center so |
3435s | you can see them better oh come |
3439s | on we are we are updating our |
3443s | um uh Quest display and mini map panel |
3446s | for UI um so you'll be able to have a |
3450s | little bit more control over um you can |
3453s | see up here these little pin icons um |
3457s | you'll have more control over which |
3459s | quests show up in this list here uh by |
3462s | being able to pin them specifically and |
3464s | so it it priori it tries to give you |
3466s | just naturally appropriate Quests for |
3469s | the chapter you're in or the Zone you're |
3471s | in if you're in the zone with a quest so |
3472s | it'll like automatically just give you |
3474s | nearby quests in get tracked um but you |
3476s | can also just be like forc it be like no |
3478s | don't show me that one show me this one |
3479s | instead um it will always keep main |
3483s | quests on there |
3485s | and always leave room for one side quest |
3489s | it also doesn't show if |
3491s | multiple |
3493s | um if multiple quests if if multiple |
3499s | um conditions objectives multiple |
3502s | objectives there we go found it uh are |
3505s | completed simultaneously for one Quest |
3506s | it only displays the last uh the |
3510s | objectives for the the for the farthest |
3512s | along step in that Quest being completed |
3516s | so you won't get these like ridiculous |
3517s | things when you if you if you ever been |
3519s | portal to end of time on a brand new |
3520s | character you'll see this like giant |
3522s | list of like stuff shows up that's just |
3524s | like oh my goodness this is completely |
3526s | incomprehensible so that doesn't happen |
3527s | anymore and and you little little |
3529s | upgrades like that so we're um we're |
3532s | also working on making the mini map |
3533s | cleaner clearer being being able to see |
3535s | things easier uh especially for when |
3537s | you've got |
3540s | um like lots lots of things the me out |
3542s | just you can see things easier and the |
3543s | important stuff sticks out |
3545s | more |
3547s | yeah dang got the only skill we need for |
3550s | the rest of the |
3552s | game |
3562s | uh I love this new area it's so pretty |
3572s | all right to be Hest I haven't played |
3574s | much attention paid much attention to |
3575s | the XP bar while playing how big is the |
3578s | penalty when you die zero is it possible |
3581s | to lose a level due to death |
3585s | no uh thanks for the kind of reply |
3587s | you're welcome I don't remember what |
3588s | reply it was but I'm glad you liked it |
3591s | guess I go back up and |
3594s | see |
3601s | I found another post thank you me you're |
3602s | welcome |
3603s | again oh the load out stuff yeah s |
3607s | wasn't the answer you're hoping |
3609s | for uh will passive Point bonuses come |
3612s | to all Paladin or passive trees for. |
3614s | will passive Point bonuses oh oh oh oh |
3618s | the lock the lock no uh |
3620s | the threshold nodes they probably aren't |
3622s | even here actually are there |
3628s | I don't see any threshold |
3635s | nodes |
3637s | um I I don't it it takes a fair bit to |
3640s | like really drill down into a passive |
3641s | tree and um figure out where changes to |
3645s | that are coming and where like really |
3646s | good places to put things are |
3650s | um and it's not something that's done |
3653s | lightly uh I don't know if we have |
3654s | enough enough design time |
3656s | to implement um those types of nodes the |
3662s | um threshold nodes so it's like a node |
3663s | where it gives you like one strength per |
3665s | point but at Five Points it also gives |
3666s | you 10% movement speed or something like |
3668s | that |
3673s | um I uh I don't I don't know if we're |
3677s | going to get those in for every class by |
3679s | does that work right |
3683s | now |
3689s | problem |
3690s | solved is hide Helm going to be a thing |
3695s | um |
3696s | uh I I don't see why |
3699s | not |
3702s | um Wow Mike died in the tutorial area so |
3706s | good uh I don't I don't see why not but |
3710s | um the it's not on the list so I can't |
3713s | say it will be |
3717s | uh if a build proves to be Giga op like |
3720s | current ball lightning in D4 will you |
3721s | Nerf it midcycle or leave it uh to run |
3724s | for the cycle when |
3727s | you it depends let me watch you fight uh |
3732s | if there's if |
3734s | there's if there's a build that's like |
3737s | really warping |
3741s | everything let's |
3743s | just really quickly get a |
3749s | belt better than |
3751s | nothing |
3752s | [Music] |
3754s | um if there's if there's uh a build |
3757s | that's like you go look at the ladder |
3759s | and it is the first 100 entries are that |
3762s | build and nothing else you know it's it |
3766s | it puts us in a really really tricky |
3768s | spot and really unfortunate spot and |
3770s | we'd have to address that |
3773s | situation exactly like however that |
3776s | situation is so |
3779s | um having a uh a meta that is |
3786s | so come on what's going on uh having a |
3789s | meta That's So like um homogenized is |
3793s | bad for the game um |
3797s | having a leaderboard a ladder where it's |
3801s | impossible for anyone |
3803s | to uh improve upon the top slot like to |
3806s | take number one position is also really |
3809s | bad so so being in a situation where |
3811s | like so if we if we do nothing you |
3813s | you're left in a situation where the |
3814s | only way to beat the top spot is to play |
3816s | the build if we Nerf the build like |
3818s | crazy or even just |
3820s | moderately whoever's sitting on top is |
3823s | never going to leave who for the rest of |
3825s | the cycle just they're just stuck there |
3829s | um now |
3831s | it's it it's it's really tricky because |
3834s | suddenly you're like like okay cuz if we |
3835s | change it we're like okay great you can |
3837s | play any build you want but you can't |
3840s | ever get on the ladder so do you want to |
3842s | play any build you can't you know it's |
3845s | like it's a it's a really difficult uh |
3849s | debate that we'd have internally for |
3850s | that specific situation um I the the |
3855s | other the other option there is you buff |
3857s | other things around it to give them a |
3858s | chance and then when the |
3863s | um when the when the reset comes |
3867s | along um you then you then have to Nerf |
3870s | a whole bunch of things and it's like um |
3872s | oh the start of the Season all you do is |
3873s | Nerf and then midseason all you do is |
3875s | buff and it's like okay we'll just wait |
3877s | till the mid-season Buffs to play the |
3878s | build you want is sort of the reputation |
3879s | that happens and we we definitely don't |
3881s | want that |
3885s | um is is there is there a single |
3887s | catch-all way to do this no not even |
3891s | close um there was we wouldn't be having |
3894s | this conversation you |
3896s | know |
3899s | and give me a |
3903s | helmet Oh wrong |
3914s | one um and so because we have |
3920s | to uh weigh all these things you know |
3923s | it's hard to |
3925s | give a clear answer for that the there |
3927s | sort of there's another option too and |
3928s | that's um you Nerf the build and you |
3932s | adjust um you adjust the rankings of |
3935s | people who got with that |
3937s | build uh like to match the new version |
3941s | of it so you're like okay we Nerf this |
3943s | build like 10% let's say we Nerf all the |
3945s | ranks 10% and I doesn't work out like |
3948s | that's basic math for uh not explaining |
3951s | it properly but like you can you can |
3952s | then adjust them little as the numberb |
3954s | like well they actually got this number |
3956s | but this is like the estimated uh number |
3958s | it would be with the fixed bug or |
3961s | something like |
3962s | that and I think it also is important if |
3965s | the reason that the build is super |
3967s | powerful is a bug or a mistake we made |
3970s | based on balance like if we're just like |
3971s | oh we we we we put that node and that |
3974s | skill it said plus a thousand more |
3976s | damage we didn't think that would be bad |
3980s | um and so |
3982s | there's someone's going to find a that |
3984s | does that |
3988s | whoops and uh so so yeah there's a lot |
3991s | that goes into that |
3992s | conversation and the short answer is it |
3997s | depends all |
4002s | right we go void version or like why is |
4006s | that note in the bottom of Sentinel |
4008s | that's |
4008s | insane start with strength and res it's |
4011s | the easy stuff |
4013s | Universal |
4015s | uh are there plans to add some sort of |
4018s | visual I uh indication like highlighted |
4023s | outline of a boss when it is within kill |
4025s | threshold only for bosses |
4028s | um we we actually talked about this |
4030s | really recently and |
4034s | um the kill |
4036s | threshold uh range is different for uh |
4040s | different skills so you can have five |
4042s | different skills in your bar with five |
4043s | different kill threat holds um uh you |
4047s | may not actually able to make that |
4048s | happen but you know like there's there's |
4049s | a lot of there's a lot of different ways |
4051s | that you can have different kill |
4052s | thresholds |
4054s | um oh that's what's going my headset's |
4056s | just turned up see you |
4058s | Ahad like it's so loud I feel like I'm |
4060s | shouting over myself sorry about |
4064s | that uh void running out of Mana let's |
4068s | do Chanel |
4070s | costs um |
4073s | and I'm going get |
4079s | that oh yeah kill thresholds on bosses |
4082s | um you've got so I think I think there's |
4085s | a a really |
4088s | good um I'd like to see the if I if I |
4092s | was going to if you're going to say hey |
4093s | Mike make a system to fix this problem |
4095s | I'm having of not knowing when kill |
4097s | thresholds are for bosses um the system |
4100s | I would suggest for that is you bring me |
4103s | your problems not your Solutions |
4104s | just kidding um it it would be to have a |
4108s | setting in here that says uh like kill |
4110s | threshold marker or something like that |
4112s | and it would you you'd be able to pick a |
4113s | percentage that the kill threshold |
4115s | marker would sit at you like 18% because |
4116s | I know my kill threshold is 18% that's |
4118s | the number you want to see and it would |
4119s | just put like a little tick there like a |
4121s | little like little marker so you could |
4122s | see what it is um May maybe it turns |
4125s | color when that happens or it glows or |
4126s | something lights up or I don't know |
4127s | something when it hits that threshold |
4128s | but it's like a fixed number that you |
4130s | pick in your UI or it's just a universal |
4133s | like line we put there for everyone and |
4135s | it's like okay well this is the 15% Mark |
4138s | so like most we know most skill |
4139s | thresholds are |
4140s | 15% um and so we just put that in or |
4143s | something like that you know like |
4144s | there's there's I think there's a lot of |
4146s | different ways we can do it |
4150s | um |
4158s | yeah what is your favorite currently |
4160s | released class and why um I'm I I love |
4163s | Marksman it's my favorite um I'm just |
4166s | always partial that type of |
4169s | character I also |
4171s | realized this something I realized |
4174s | um uh uh yesterday the day before very |
4178s | recently I was playing um I was playing |
4181s | around with Falconer because I've been |
4183s | working on skills for Falconer right now |
4185s | almost at the name of the skill caught |
4186s | myself um and I I realized that I looked |
4191s | down I looked down my bar looked how I |
4192s | was playing I'm like oh my God |
4194s | I've literally just made my most recent |
4197s | D and D character exactly the same like |
4199s | all of my abilities everything I do like |
4202s | it's all just exactly the same as my |
4205s | last D andd character completely by |
4207s | mistake um like the the abilities I was |
4210s | using the the things I was using the the |
4212s | the everything was just the same I'm |
4215s | like uh I have a |
4222s | problem oh we can make a hammer to a |
4224s | actually that would be |
4226s | fun Should we make a hammer |
4230s | him do |
4239s | that s's just so easy to uh to talk and |
4243s | and |
4253s | do |
4254s | game blame's quiet |
4262s | really oh my God srirat is back in stock |
4265s | oh my God stop the presses oh my God |
4268s | srir is back in |
4279s | stock sorry I just had to yell at my |
4281s | wife that srir is back in stock uh okay |
4284s | I'm excited |
4286s | um game's |
4294s | quiet okay bumped it up |
4297s | cool oh got Str backing |
4313s | stock |
4315s | uh |
4316s | okay that's so awesome I'm so excited |
4319s | now uh will there be new or additional |
4322s | monolith quests in the future |
4326s | yes uh is there plans to do uh 1.0 no |
4329s | just to be clear uh is there plans to do |
4332s | group finder or something to help those |
4335s | that want to play with a group but don't |
4336s | have any active friends |
4341s | absolutely um when is this com I don't |
4344s | know I'm sorry uh but yes this is |
4347s | actually some of the big one of the |
4348s | biggest pieces of feedback we got from |
4351s | um uh like from from the last six months |
4353s | of of collecting feedback about the game |
4356s | is that people are uh people want to be |
4359s | able to play with other people but um |
4361s | towns are supposed to be a big part of |
4363s | that |
4365s | um but it's |
4368s | not uh it's |
4370s | not like they've been they've been on |
4371s | they've been off and it doesn't quite do |
4373s | what |
4375s | like we we knew they weren't going to be |
4376s | the catch all solution for that we knew |
4377s | we knew that it wasn't like here let's |
4378s | see if this does it that wasn't it but |
4380s | it's just like we want to bring the |
4382s | community together to play together |
4384s | better um and towns was the first little |
4387s | step in that |
4389s | direction um |
4392s | and we we have gotten a lot of feedback |
4394s | that we need a way for people who want |
4397s | to play together but can't to do that um |
4400s | I still love the D2 way of doing this um |
4403s | it doesn't really work great for us |
4405s | unfortunately so and we actually we have |
4407s | it's funny we have mockups like UI |
4410s | mockups done um well we made UI mockups |
4413s | for uh basically recreating the D2 Lobby |
4416s | system um it was it was different those |
4418s | was those was other features and you |
4420s | know was there's shifts and changes but |
4422s | it |
4423s | was functionally largely very |
4431s | similar it was abandoned and we are |
4433s | looking at something else for this |
4436s | feature uh have you ever |
4438s | considered probably an armor and weapon |
4441s | die system for Guild Wars one I love the |
4443s | Guild Wars one a weapon armor system um |
4445s | yes we have considered it heavily um |
4447s | it's not |
4454s | ready uh since exalted items is purple |
4458s | and experimental gear is yellow slash um |
4462s | it's a different purple but uh blue |
4464s | purple uh is there a chance to use |
4465s | experimental gear to upgrade unique into |
4468s | legendary no it has to be an exalted |
4471s | item I know it says exalted maybe in the |
4473s | future um I I mean never say never but |
4478s | no uh sorry a few G7 aexes mostly uh |
4483s | chance to apply ailments |
4485s | with uh low |
4489s | caps what's going on here have uh with |
4493s | very low hard caps for usefulness will |
4496s | we eventually see uniques or skills that |
4498s | can capitalize on these imagine it would |
4500s | be similar to the recent wave of uniques |
4502s | and skills utilize UNCA resistances |
4507s | um uh the more Niche |
4512s | the uh the stat is the less likely it is |
4516s | to happen but I do know that we have |
4518s | added |
4519s | more uncapped relative stat systems like |
4525s | that for |
4533s | 1.0 D2 Lobby system is the best up |
4536s | finding something close to this I mean |
4538s | there's |
4540s | um I I think there I think there's a lot |
4543s | of things in |
4548s | um the the big the big problem with the |
4550s | D2 Lobby system for the what we have the |
4552s | way that our multiplay set up in the |
4553s | game game works right now |
4555s | um is is that you |
4559s | don't |
4561s | um I don't know how say it's like you |
4564s | you have to get the you have to get like |
4566s | all the way into game first and then |
4569s | start interacting with it so like it's |
4572s | going to be a window in |
4582s | game might be maybe be an automated |
4584s | system that's just |
4586s | like like here's the type of thing I |
4588s | want to do here's the level that I want |
4590s | to play |
4591s | at |
4593s | um find me people you know there's |
4597s | there's a ton of stuff that goes into |
4598s | automated matchmaking systems |
4601s | um I actually watched a great video on |
4603s | it just uh last week |
4607s | um it's really |
4612s | interesting |
4617s | we need to get our damage up I should |
4618s | probably be looking for a weapon I've |
4620s | just like ignoring everything we're |
4622s | still using the starting |
4624s | weapon what is that hatchet sping up |
4626s | isn't |
4639s | it we have been to the um |
4644s | town where the stash |
4645s | was okay next Waypoint I see I am uh |
4650s | realizing that I have lunge to use and |
4652s | I'm just not for some |
4659s | reason are there plans to add more |
4661s | beneficial player modifiers for monolith |
4665s | um beneficial player modifiers so like |
4671s | uh like like the rewards like oh you you |
4673s | get a bunch of crafting materials or you |
4674s | get a bunch of gold things like that um |
4677s | yes there aren't any plan for oh my God |
4679s | it's backwards are we're good now only |
4682s | when running it's backwards it's funny |
4684s | uh there aren't any planned for |
4687s | 1.0 um but it is something that we would |
4689s | like to add more |
4702s | of |
4715s | more questions steb shows the price of |
4718s | the game is almost double in Brazil but |
4720s | the price in the US is the same why is |
4722s | that um the game uses steam's automatic |
4726s | pricing |
4727s | system so it should be the same relative |
4730s | price everywhere as far as I |
4732s | know |
4736s | there may have been uh maybe a |
4739s | significant CH change in value of |
4741s | currency and steam's automatic Regional |
4744s | price system hasn't caught |
4746s | up we might |
4750s | guess um I know there's a couple |
4752s | countries we've intentionally lowered |
4754s | the price on to not use that cuz there |
4756s | were probably I think turkey was one of |
4762s | them yeah I wanted to go back to town |
4767s | anyways oh come on take me back oh I |
4769s | guess it get go all the way back oh my |
4770s | goodness Mike |
4779s | okay you know what we're going to do |
4782s | what I should have done |
4789s | initially it's like 10x damage right |
4792s | there |
4799s | get 4X damage |
4807s | still can you trigger it for me oh you |
4809s | can trigger it from back |
4813s | here it's |
4822s | funny |
4828s | all |
4831s | right oh let's get some |
4834s | gloves and a |
4847s | shield just |
4852s | something |
4853s | go back to |
4856s | [Music] |
4866s | town we're going to we're going to grab |
4868s | something to use here oh yeah let's go |
4870s | there we |
4872s | go got to have bees right oh slab yeah |
4876s | here we |
4880s | go uh else can I use |
4894s | not much is usable |
4899s | here probably be a lot easier oh we can |
4902s | go |
4905s | spoon this is why you should organize |
4907s | your |
4908s | stashes instead of this jumbled mess of |
4912s | garbage |
4913s | he some rings I don't know what they do |
4916s | didn't even look at them but they're |
4919s | Rings oh here we |
4924s | go |
4928s | yeah that's that's the piece we needed |
4930s | to find right |
4939s | there exalted ax I'm like oh it's usable |
4943s | no mic there's no exalted ax usable this |
4947s | level oh yeah okay let's just go |
4953s | hammer one |
4956s | LP it's junky but it'll |
4961s | do anything |
4964s | else |
4966s | ber |
4968s | berer all right let's go let's have some |
4972s | fun |
4979s | uh why is the ax in hand switching |
4981s | around animation bug the bone to hold |
4987s | that |
4988s | weapon is uh is it's rotating along the |
4992s | Zed axis by |
4996s | 180° compared to when it's in uh running |
5000s | compared to |
5001s | Idol |
5007s | [Music] |
5025s | is there |
5029s | a yeah there's something |
5031s | there |
5036s | oh maybe |
5041s | not he might sense is a bit quiet in |
5043s | here now probably time for some leaks |
5045s | wink wink oh yeah okay good |
5049s | idea sure thing also cuz I'm terrible |
5052s | and just died |
5056s | again uh here is a new Creepy |
5061s | boy this is uh concept art for an enemy |
5065s | that is coming to the game a new |
5068s | enemy uh what is the design decision |
5071s | with gifting items but only being able |
5072s | to do so when the item was looted while |
5075s | within a party any plans to add shared |
5077s | stashes or something like that um so |
5081s | it's essentially we don't want to create |
5083s | an open free trade |
5086s | market that's something we don't want to |
5087s | do um something we do want to do is |
5090s | allow people that um um play very |
5096s | frequently with one or two people or |
5100s | like just a tight neck group of people |
5101s | like maybe three four five people |
5102s | whatever but just like people who |
5104s | frequently play with the same people |
5106s | being able to um to help them out and to |
5109s | share your stuff with them as you're |
5110s | playing is something we do want to have |
5113s | um so how do we create a system where |
5117s | you can share items with your friends |
5119s | but can't Implement free trade um well |
5123s | the item has to drop while you're |
5124s | playing |
5125s | together um then if you do check out the |
5128s | uh trade factions Dev blog that came out |
5131s | eight months ago now uh and the in at |
5134s | the bottom of that there's |
5136s | a section that talks about |
5139s | residences um a resonance is an item |
5141s | someone just posted thanks G um a |
5145s | resonance is an item that lets you add |
5148s | someone to the list of tradeable or |
5150s | giftable people that item has so an item |
5153s | drops it says like here are the people |
5154s | that it's giftable to um a resonance you |
5157s | can apply resonance to an item to say |
5158s | here also add this person to the |
5160s | giftable list um and then they can then |
5163s | then you can give it to that person now |
5164s | that resonance item will only drop after |
5166s | you've played a significant amount of |
5167s | time with a specific person so like if |
5170s | you and I play together for a long time |
5171s | we'd each likely and they're not um |
5175s | perfectly hard time there's some slight |
5177s | random randomization in that so we get |
5179s | them we'd each get a resonance for the |
5180s | other person very close together but not |
5183s | the exact same time necessarily um and |
5185s | so that resonance is specifically linked |
5187s | to the other person so I would be like |
5188s | I'd get a resonance for you You' get a |
5190s | resonance for me and we could each give |
5192s | each other one item if we |
5195s | wanted now just the followup question |
5197s | that always comes after I explain this |
5199s | is cool can I as a circle of Fortune |
5202s | player give an item to my Merchant skill |
5203s | friend or as a merchant skill player can |
5205s | I give a item to my circle of Fortune |
5206s | friend yes however gifting an item does |
5210s | not change the item at all |
5213s | so if an item has a merchant skill |
5215s | requirement to use it and you gift it to |
5218s | someone that person needs to be |
5220s | currently representing Merchant skill in |
5221s | a high enough rank in order to use it |
5223s | still it does not remove that |
5224s | requirement the requirement does not |
5226s | prevent gifting but it also isn't |
5229s | removed upon |
5231s | gifting hope that's |
5241s | clear |
5244s | that's the super duper short version of |
5250s | it yay animation |
5254s | bugs it thinks I'm still holding right |
5256s | click but I'm not uh let's say you find |
5259s | five of the unique items you're looking |
5261s | for but zero |
5263s | LP |
5268s | uh um okay so this is the I don't know |
5271s | if you're here for the start I'll read |
5272s | the full question a second but this is |
5274s | this question is um another possible |
5277s | solution to the problem presented |
5278s | earlier about not picking up all unique |
5281s | items um I just want to be clear preface |
5283s | this by saying we can't put Weaver's |
5285s | well on unique items that are not |
5288s | designed specifically to have Weaver |
5289s | Bell on |
5293s | them uh R out of the gate um so this |
5295s | says let's say you find five of the |
5297s | unique item you are looking for but zero |
5299s | LP on them how about selling five of the |
5301s | exact same item to a vendor to get one |
5304s | back but with Weber's will on it sorry |
5306s | no can't do |
5318s | it all right will there be cosmetics and |
5320s | skins for J forms yes we do plan to add |
5324s | um strictly visual only cosmetic ntx for |
5330s | skills you can see that in your for down |
5333s | here skill Cosmetics there are no skill |
5335s | Cosmetics available yet check back so um |
5339s | we we do plan to have skill Cosmetics |
5341s | for every skill uh eventually um certain |
5345s | skills take a lot more to make a skill |
5347s | cosmetic for them so Fireball for |
5349s | example is really easy to make a skill |
5351s | cosmetic for it to make it cold looking |
5354s | for example like there's there's some |
5355s | stuff that goes into that but |
5357s | like it's pretty low bar on difficulty |
5360s | scale and oh my God I'm still playing |
5362s | with this giant thing on my face like an |
5364s | idiot I'm |
5366s | sorry oh |
5371s | Mike overlay he'll catch it don't worry |
5375s | yeah sorry guys I do this like every |
5383s | stream oh what was I talking |
5388s | about I I I need like something to tell |
5391s | me I don't know how to do this but yeah |
5392s | they I'll figure it out |
5394s | eventually um where was I I was talking |
5397s | about stuff I was I was doing things I |
5400s | definitely want |
5402s | that um we damage from nearby enemies |
5405s | right now |
5408s | sweet get back to the question I was |
5411s | answering D forms oh yeah so skill |
5414s | Cosmetics Druids um like we're going to |
5416s | do the skill Cosmetics everything |
5417s | Fireballs easy um a reskin of the entire |
5420s | Druid form is a little more in depth |
5422s | there's a lot more that goes into that |
5423s | because it's not just the Druid form |
5425s | it's also the um Druid form Maul and |
5429s | Druid form swipe and Dr form charge and |
5431s | like all those things need to have |
5433s | adjustments to them right so it's like |
5435s | it's it's a lot that goes into one skill |
5437s | MTX for Dre form or any of the forms |
5440s | compared to um Fireball for example or |
5444s | lightning blast or you know like there's |
5445s | there's a lot of a lot easier ones to do |
5449s | um so I'd say uh |
5452s | like yes but I don't have any info on |
5459s | timelines uh |
5463s | hobber let's make it not terrible he |
5467s | it's still |
5471s | terrible somehow even |
5477s | worse this |
5479s | way you're here to help protect the |
5483s | take |
5486s | carefully oh God they're coming they've |
5488s | breached the walls it's up to us |
5497s | now trying to think of how the song be |
5499s | prepared |
5504s | starts you guys can do |
5511s | it |
5519s | any news at all on any console ports yet |
5522s | yes the news is the same as it's been |
5524s | forever um we do plan to add console |
5527s | ports eventually it is absolutely not |
5530s | going to appear at 1.0 um once 1.0 |
5534s | launches we will start to discuss which |
5536s | consoles we'd like to look at adding the |
5539s | game too and we'll decide when we want |
5541s | to scope that in for a future patch um |
5544s | no work has been done on it |
5547s | uh it it is something we want to do uh |
5551s | it is not something we have |
5562s | done right now Cal damage once again |
5566s | somehow even |
5571s | worse |
5573s | yeah console ports are interesting it's |
5575s | um like the game is built in unity um |
5579s | and we do have controller |
5582s | support um so the those those are two |
5586s | big hurdles for um console ports like we |
5589s | we have a way we have a method for um |
5592s | creating console builds we have a method |
5596s | for most consoles to interact with the |
5598s | system like like the the big stuff is at |
5601s | least on the |
5603s | way um but like we don't we don't have I |
5607s | I don't I know I have no idea what goes |
5608s | into making a console game we don't have |
5609s | like do you get Dev kits still is that |
5611s | still a thing um do you you have to like |
5616s | you |
5616s | know start a relationship with with |
5619s | Microsoft or Sony and like um get |
5621s | permission to start creating for their |
5623s | systems I don't know I I don't know how |
5625s | these things |
5627s | work only ever done PC |
5631s | games |
5635s | and I I know we have people on the team |
5636s | who have done console games so |
5639s | it's there are people on the team that |
5641s | that know what they're talking about |
5642s | with with this sort of thing but um I |
5646s | guess I'm just trying to illustrate that |
5647s | we're we haven't started it |
5656s | yet and more questions hit me with your |
5660s | questions |
5664s | all |
5667s | right will there be Cosmetics that are |
5669s | earnable in game for example by |
5671s | completing challenges or being top of |
5672s | the leaderboard um we do plan to have |
5674s | things like that um there |
5681s | are trying to remember someone got |
5683s | approved or cut uh there |
5688s | is there I'm just say maybe I don't know |
5690s | if it is or not I've got cut out there's |
5691s | there's a feature that we were working |
5692s | on that may or may not have been cut but |
5694s | I can't remember if it has or not that |
5696s | would allow you to |
5698s | earn uh two different Cosmetics I |
5703s | think |
5705s | um without you spending any money |
5710s | yourself um and they're not like they're |
5715s | not they're not like achievement based |
5717s | type things unfortunately yet um but |
5719s | it's it it is the style of thing that |
5721s | we're looking at soon um I know I've |
5724s | talked about this on previous stream so |
5725s | I'll go light into it so people who've |
5726s | heard me Ranch about this a few times |
5728s | don't have to listen to it again but um |
5730s | I'd personally really like to see a |
5731s | system where you could |
5734s | um uh would be like a compound earning |
5736s | system for uh unlocking earned cosmetics |
5740s | and maybe that's just as simple as you |
5743s | get 50 cosmetic points if you come |
5746s | within the top 100 of the ladder or |
5747s | something like that you know or if |
5749s | there's ladder specific unique or |
5751s | cosmetic you just can't buy and um maybe |
5755s | maybe there's maybe there's different |
5756s | points maybe there's like a che maybe |
5758s | there's |
5759s | like heraldry points or I don't know |
5761s | Champions points I don't know what |
5762s | they're called but some other point that |
5764s | when you place rank on the ladder you |
5766s | get some of these points and if you rank |
5767s | first you get a thousand of them if you |
5768s | rank second you get 200 of them if you |
5769s | rank third you get 50 of them and if you |
5771s | rank fourth through 10th you get 10 of |
5773s | them I don't know um so something like |
5777s | that and you could you have questions |
5779s | but let me first check and make sure the |
5781s | ebook safe maybe bu uh you could you |
5784s | could take those points and compound |
5785s | them maybe you've um competed in four |
5787s | ladders in a row but you didn't do very |
5789s | well but you did some and you got like |
5790s | you ranked on all them and uh |
5792s | collectively you able to buy this like |
5793s | sweet hat because you ranked well on |
5795s | three in them m a row or something I |
5796s | don't know um I'd really like to see |
5798s | something like that it's a little bit |
5800s | heftier of a system um so I like I know |
5803s | we haven't planned for anything like |
5804s | that I don't think we'll see anything |
5805s | like that anytime soon but I i' really |
5807s | like to see something like that that |
5808s | would be my Pie in the Sky |
5810s | idea |
5817s | definitely won't be anything like that |
5818s | for 1.0 sorry there's real |
5822s | basic uh way that may or may not have |
5825s | been cut to earn a couple of |
5828s | things sorry I know it's super vague I |
5832s | just don't always know what I'm allowed |
5834s | to say or |
5839s | not where we going who we talking to you |
5842s | got |
5843s | friends |
5845s | friends everything okay I was raised by |
5848s | the military I don't have any |
5852s | friends what that that must war is all |
5855s | I've known safe stay alive I always do |
5859s | both back he can |
5863s | rotten let's go get |
5866s | bothus uh sorry if this has been as |
5868s | Theon already oh what I what am I |
5871s | clicking on |
5872s | um how long will a cycle be after 1.0 13 |
5875s | weeks like Poe question mark um we are |
5879s | we we don't have a hard set timeline for |
5883s | specific cycle durations yet |
5887s | um it's really convenient to be able to |
5891s | have a consistent relative starting time |
5895s | to Poe |
5896s | leagues um and Poe is generally pretty |
5900s | consistent with our leagues start times |
5902s | so it's generally pretty easy to do that |
5905s | um we don't want to tie ourselves too |
5910s | strictly to uh Poe League starts um like |
5914s | we don't want to say okay well you know |
5916s | there's there's a Poe League every 13 |
5917s | weeks so you know every 13 weeks offset |
5920s | by 6 weeks we're going to start one of |
5922s | our own Cycles you know like we we don't |
5924s | want to do that strictly |
5928s | um I think that the the timing they have |
5931s | on theirs is generally pretty good and |
5934s | they've probably spent a lot of time and |
5936s | money figuring out why that number is |
5938s | pretty good |
5940s | um they also have so much more |
5945s | experience and uh backlog of Awesomeness |
5949s | features that they've like just gotten |
5951s | the bank ready to go that that allows |
5953s | them to make really awesome cycle or |
5955s | leagues um really |
5958s | quickly um and we've we've been trying |
5962s | to um match that's a wrong word but |
5965s | emulate that style quite a bit with our |
5967s | patching system um for the last few |
5969s | years so we've been practicing a similar |
5972s | type of um cyclical |
5975s | patching and |
5981s | um so I think you'll I think I think the |
5984s | the the plan is to be roughly generally |
5986s | kind of similar to their timings but |
5989s | maybe not quite as precise at least |
5990s | initially we we need to have the |
5992s | capability to say hey this patch isn't |
5994s | ready let's push it a week hey this this |
5996s | patch is going to be done early well |
5999s | that one happen um but you know you know |
6001s | what I mean like we need to have that |
6002s | capability and if we if we tie ourselves |
6004s | too strictly to what Poe does um that's |
6008s | that's not good for us basically yeah or |
6010s | oh here's here's the flip side they've |
6012s | delayed but we're ready to go do we also |
6014s | delay type |
6016s | thing probably not hopefully not depends |
6020s | though we really don't want to be that |
6024s | like strict on the relative release but |
6027s | we we also do know that releasing both |
6030s | our cycle and their league on the same |
6031s | weekend is a terrible |
6033s | idea just just just |
6039s | bad for everyone of all it's a terrible |
6041s | idea for everyone it's a terrible idea |
6043s | for uh for us it's it's a bad idea for |
6047s | Poe it's not terrible They Don't Really |
6048s | Care probably that much but it's bad for |
6049s | them too um and we don't want to uh you |
6052s | know we don't want to burn any bridges |
6054s | over there be like we're coming no |
6056s | that's just a dumb idea um it's it's bad |
6058s | for all of the people who want to play |
6061s | both which is the most important thing |
6065s | um |
6080s | so try I'm trying to think of a way to |
6082s | sum that up but I'm not a good good line |
6084s | for it like mindful of Po's launch |
6086s | timings but not beholden to |
6095s | them can we get a Yogi Bear MTX for R |
6098s | bear Druids oh my God I would love |
6102s | that I would love that I seriously doubt |
6106s | it |
6107s | [Music] |
6110s | um |
6112s | um but like I mean if we got a bear that |
6115s | was brainier than the mode bear |
6120s | sure think median better word to use in |
6134s | mode we've got stuff Lun here is we |
6139s | going uh we go |
6150s | uh will there ever be an alternative to |
6154s | campaign leveling like early M some |
6157s | style of Rifts map or anything else um |
6160s | short answer see the 20 minute Mark of |
6164s | this video uh for a detailed answer um |
6169s | we have none short answer yeah short we |
6171s | we have none or longer answers see the |
6173s | 20 minute mark this video sorry short |
6174s | answers we have none planned at the |
6175s | moment uh there already are some in |
6178s | game |
6180s | um in a roundabout |
6184s | way kind |
6191s | of oh wait I'm using bees aren't I |
6194s | should pick up that be |
6198s | item yeah minion damage |
6202s | here we |
6205s | go oh it's too much it's |
6212s | [Music] |
6226s | okay got to make our bees the best we |
6228s | can right it's a logical thing to do |
6235s | uh hey Mike I never played a lot of |
6237s | mobas here's the new Earth is one of |
6241s | them oh I played a lot of moas yes Han H |
6244s | Han was good I I played a tiny bit of |
6245s | Han at a land party once love fun got |
6247s | into law right after uh those Heroes |
6250s | tend to have amazing cool skills uh is |
6253s | there something cool to get steel ideas |
6256s | uh of or make something |
6260s | similar |
6267s | I don't really understand the question |
6268s | are you asking like do we look at mobas |
6271s | for inspiration for our own |
6274s | skills is that what you're |
6280s | asking cool um we don't go specifically |
6286s | into other games and say hey what things |
6290s | can we take from this this you know |
6293s | um having said that tons of people on |
6297s | our team have played a lot of mobas a |
6300s | lot like like a |
6302s | lot and like usually it's DOTA Dota 2 |
6305s | and L the big ones people on our team |
6307s | have played um |
6311s | like if you've ever played Dota 2 we |
6313s | just released the Run Master which is |
6314s | definitely nothing like the invoker from |
6316s | Dota |
6317s | 2 uh and like dancing strikes is nothing |
6321s | like riven's queue from L and like um |
6325s | you know this is nothing like |
6328s | garen's war path in law I don't know |
6330s | what it's called in law it's it's war |
6331s | path for us um but like you know there's |
6334s | there's there's a lot of similarities |
6336s | like the |
6338s | um uh umbrell blades is definitely |
6341s | nothing like oh it was launched after I |
6344s | stopped playing L the the bird ADC |
6347s | person it wasn't actually a bird it was |
6348s | like a bird person like a a bird themed |
6351s | person |
6352s | ADC |
6354s | um it's definitely nothing like that you |
6356s | know like there's there there's a lot of |
6358s | things and funny enough most of the time |
6360s | it's a |
6361s | mistake so like the um the person who |
6365s | pitched the Rune Master the primary |
6367s | course system for run Master had never |
6369s | actually played invoker in Dota 2 um |
6373s | even it's so similar and they finished |
6375s | pchy and everyone just like that's |
6377s | invoker like but it's great so let's |
6379s | roll with it um |
6381s | point point it's a little bit different |
6383s | but yeah doesn't matter point is |
6386s | um we we kind of I guess it's the short |
6389s | answer we we don't like to say |
6393s | um we don't we don't like to look at |
6396s | other games specifically for ideas we |
6398s | don't like to say like okay what can |
6399s | what can we pull from this game type |
6401s | thing um but just naturally as if you if |
6404s | you've ever worked on a creative project |
6406s | in in any medium really um the the the |
6410s | things that you naturally start |
6413s | to |
6415s | um to to add to it are things that |
6417s | you're familiar with or it's it's |
6419s | influenced by the things you've |
6421s | experienced and enjoyed in your past |
6423s | about of similar um entertainments you |
6427s | know like like maybe it's a maybe it's a |
6428s | book you read and and you're making a |
6431s | movie it has influence there and a lot |
6433s | of times it's subconscious and |
6436s | um we we we try not to take too much |
6441s | into consideration of those games once |
6443s | but once we have an idea where we're |
6445s | like hey this is this is how we want |
6447s | this to go this is a great idea |
6450s | sometimes we'll start to look for um uh |
6453s | other games to see what problems they |
6456s | faed with similar skills so we can say |
6458s | like okay well like does this exist |
6461s | anywhere else like we've got this idea |
6462s | for a skill but oh it's a lot of work to |
6464s | implement is there are there any other |
6465s | games that have similar abilities that |
6468s | we can like see how it feels in that |
6470s | game to see if it's like any fun at all |
6472s | um is it something we want to do |
6474s | sometimes maybe we're um maybe we're |
6476s | running into a problem with with how |
6478s | something functions and um we want to we |
6482s | don't quite know how to solve it but |
6483s | there's like other games that have |
6484s | similar abilities that have a little bit |
6486s | different properties maybe look at those |
6487s | to say like how did they solve this |
6488s | problem |
6492s | um and and I don't think we've ever had |
6496s | a onetoone just like oh they solve it |
6497s | this way all right we'll do it the same |
6498s | way it's because the genres are |
6500s | different as well especially with mobas |
6501s | the genas are different it is um there's |
6504s | almost never an exact same solution but |
6506s | you can kind of get you can look at the |
6509s | um I can guess the reasons why they did |
6512s | things was |
6514s | impressive but it's |
6517s | mine which can |
6521s | help don't really we we try just to make |
6524s | our own game you |
6529s | know |
6540s | but why wouldn't you if they're really |
6541s | cool and give it your own |
6542s | twist uh cuz in high school I learned |
6546s | that you can't just take your friends |
6548s | paper and change a few |
6559s | words |
6561s | the aoch is ours |
6564s | R |
6570s | me it's a little |
6574s | scary it's |
6576s | turn oh I bet this is the scene |
6578s | transition people were talking about |
6580s | about accidentally clicking I was |
6581s | wondering like so there was a question |
6583s | earlier about a boss fight and |
6585s | accidentally clicking a scene transition |
6586s | in a boss fight and I'm like in my in my |
6589s | head when when that question came up I'm |
6590s | like |
6591s | that doesn't exist there's no boss |
6592s | fights where the scene transition is |
6593s | still there while you're fighting the |
6594s | boss um but there clearly are that one |
6596s | just was right there there was um out of |
6601s | here other ones |
6603s | too speaking |
6606s | of back to come I must reach Lena at |
6612s | once thanks Mike I just hope you still |
6614s | be inspired by cool other things hint |
6617s | yeah we get inspired by all sorts of |
6619s | stuff |
6623s | ter |
6625s | bless be with you and and like that's |
6628s | not to say that like it never happens |
6630s | I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure this happens |
6632s | in like we've we've seen this happen |
6636s | where we've we've looked at other games |
6639s | that have come out with things and we're |
6641s | like a before we've even come out with |
6643s | them like we we've got an internally |
6644s | developed we haven't told anyone about |
6646s | this um and we seen another game launch |
6648s | a feature and we're like oh my God we're |
6649s | literally about to to launch the exact |
6651s | same |
6652s | thing and then we had to have a |
6654s | conversation of like what do we do cuz |
6655s | we're second to the party at that point |
6657s | they've just launched it do we just roll |
6659s | with it the way it is uh what do we do |
6662s | um that's happened a couple times um |
6663s | there been a few times where we've like |
6665s | just years later seen things where like |
6668s | that's the exact same as this skill that |
6670s | is that is the exact same and we're like |
6672s | there's no way they they copied us or |
6673s | whatever like that's never come to |
6676s | mind um but like it's it's it's a little |
6681s | tough sometimes we like do do we as the |
6685s | smaller game in a lot of these |
6686s | situations do we pivot to not be looking |
6690s | like we're copying them type |
6692s | thing I'm sorry to you |
6696s | too is what's best for us that actually |
6699s | happened with |
6701s | um that happened with something |
6709s | recently where'd he |
6731s | go can you explain how the minimum |
6733s | required level of an item is influenced |
6735s | by the tier of said |
6737s | item uh I want to have some lowle items |
6741s | for starting a character and I don't |
6742s | want them to have too high a |
6744s | level my advice make legendaries off of |
6748s | lowlevel uniques um the level of a |
6752s | legendary item is exclusively determined |
6756s | by the level of the unique that it is |
6757s | based on so these keeper gloves no |
6760s | matter what aics I put on them will |
6762s | always be zero level required to equip |
6765s | this Hammer no matter what ax I put on |
6767s | it will always be zero level required to |
6769s | equip my advice is um if you're if |
6772s | you're at the point where you're like |
6774s | I'm creating leveling twink items is is |
6777s | find a the most important thing is your |
6780s | weapon for a melee like 4 LP Hammer |
6782s | laurant is not unheard of um |
6786s | there's even a two or three lp1 is |
6788s | fantastic for leveling with um and |
6791s | there's tons of other items you can do |
6792s | this with too and the level is still |
6795s | zero good to go um as far as how it |
6797s | actually how how the item level isal Cal |
6800s | at um there's two things that can affect |
6803s | a rare Magic exalted item level um that |
6806s | is the level required for the base type |
6808s | so every base type has a level |
6810s | requirement um an infantry HRI I believe |
6816s | is believe is zero it might be five I |
6819s | don't know where that level is coming |
6820s | from actually we can look |
6822s | possibly one one one two yes so that |
6825s | level is coming from the base item only |
6829s | um |
6831s | CU I'm pretty sure at level |
6833s | one you can get a a a 2111 |
6838s | item I think that's level |
6841s | one it's it's I I don't I'm sorry I |
6844s | don't know the formula my head but it is |
6846s | a function of the AIX tiers um level |
6851s | tier one AIX tiers I think adds zero to |
6854s | the level requirement tier two aics |
6856s | tiers add a certain amount to level |
6857s | requirement and it's like |
6862s | oh I I don't know what it is off the top |
6863s | my head I'm sorry it's changed a few |
6864s | times as |
6866s | well I I bet there's like uh there's |
6869s | some people in the community they'll |
6869s | just know the answer to this like |
6871s | they'll like oh it's this Mike should |
6873s | know I should know |
6877s | um or if you ask me next week sometime |
6879s | during the day on Discord I'll be able |
6881s | to look it up for |
6886s | you going this |
6889s | way |
6890s | and we're going this way yeah we got |
6893s | have this I love the get that movement |
6897s | speed |
6897s | [Music] |
6899s | CDR or CD I I cards actually what it is |
6902s | not C techically |
6905s | whatever that must be the most awful |
6907s | feeling discover that yeah the |
6910s | it's uh it's only ever happened once |
6912s | where it felt |
6915s | bad where we like actively consider not |
6917s | releasing |
6919s | something |
6922s | but we've always released |
6932s | it sort of like if it comes down to it |
6935s | it's a problem we're like we've got |
6936s | design documents dating back years that |
6938s | have this in it like we're fine if it if |
6942s | it's really a problem at some point you |
6949s | know |
6969s | it's kind of add odd having the pause of |
6970s | R vanishes |
6974s | yeah there's so the reason the reason |
6976s | why the loading screen doesn't show up |
6977s | right away when a scene transition |
6978s | starts um we for quite a while we had a |
6981s | bug um and it might still be there |
6984s | actually there was where you could um |
6986s | you could start a scene if a scene |
6988s | transition |
6989s | failed |
6990s | um you could end up in a situation where |
6993s | you just get stuck in the scene |
6995s | transition but if we don't load the |
6996s | scene transition uh screen right away |
6998s | and start the scene transition without |
7000s | loading |
7004s | that W excuse me and we don't load that |
7007s | we can um we can we we can get you out |
7010s | of that uh dead state or like soft lock |
7013s | State a lot easier and keep you playing |
7014s | without having to |
7017s | relog and the actual time the transition |
7019s | takes is identical so it had no real |
7022s | impact on how long it takes the same |
7023s | transition um and we could keep people |
7028s | from not being able to play |
7034s | more wow twitch does not like the term |
7038s | twinking it's a video game game term in |
7040s | this |
7052s | context oh just a sec |
7059s | sorry Terra watch over |
7062s | you |
7068s | God God to town made it to |
7076s | town not quite |
7081s | yes I |
7089s | forgot yo what's up chat Lord Dev H Lord |
7093s | Dev I love |
7098s | that my name is willhem ven Lord Dev |
7102s | thei second of his |
7105s | name yeah that's right the third is part |
7107s | of the name and a second of my name of |
7109s | the third as being part of the name |
7112s | that's right you heard |
7128s | me |
7131s | what do you call two Royal Brothers twin |
7137s | King |
7142s | nice all right what's the design |
7144s | approach behind runes o shattering why |
7146s | not make it impossible to shatter items |
7147s | using just gold why not make it possible |
7149s | to shatter it using just gold I always |
7151s | found myself having overflow of stash |
7153s | but not enough runes to shatter all of |
7155s | the items um might just a Mei |
7158s | though yeah it's it's actually really |
7161s | interesting you've you've identified the |
7163s | reason in your question actually |
7167s | um we kind of don't want to incentivize |
7171s | people spending too much time picking up |
7174s | items |
7176s | um so we want we want do incend people |
7178s | to pick up items but um we don't really |
7181s | want there to be |
7183s | a |
7185s | um uh I don't know how you say it like a |
7188s | situation where you're picking up so |
7191s | many items that you're you're you're |
7192s | constantly going back to town and and |
7194s | breaking that flow we want you to have |
7196s | the sort of like |
7198s | um like like reasonable time spent |
7201s | adventuring you get back to town like |
7203s | we're talking campaign time here right |
7205s | now mostly but just as an example like |
7207s | you go through sections like between |
7208s | towns and campaigns naturally and your |
7210s | your inventory fills |
7212s | up three quarters let's say in that time |
7215s | between towns but you don't have to like |
7217s | stop and go back to town |
7220s | and break up that questing and |
7221s | adventuring just to drop off gear that |
7223s | you've picked |
7224s | up so we tried pretty hard |
7227s | to |
7230s | um I guess I guess have subtle reasons |
7234s | to either incentivize you to pick things |
7236s | up but not pick up too many things at |
7239s | the same time and |
7242s | um if there was a completely |
7246s | unlimited air quotes unlimited cuz you |
7248s | cuz you have limited amount of gold but |
7250s | um if if there was uh let's let's just |
7253s | say there was an unlimited supply of |
7255s | shattering stones in the um in the shop |
7258s | like it was was you bought you bought a |
7260s | sh St from the shop and it re |
7261s | repopulated instantly you just keep |
7262s | buying |
7264s | them um just for Simplicity sake |
7269s | and uh you're you're probably going to |
7271s | be picking up way more stuff off the |
7274s | ground all of a sudden um cuz your your |
7277s | bar for what's how good does this item |
7279s | need to be to pick up goes |
7282s | down um and if it goes down if that bar |
7285s | goes down too low you're picking up too |
7286s | many things and you're uh burning time |
7290s | doing um you know like important parts |
7293s | of the game but |
7297s | um things that aren't great to interrupt |
7299s | the M like the primary gameplay activity |
7303s | with just for the sake of interrupting |
7305s | it |
7307s | like yeah |
7318s | uh having said that I I'm pretty sure we |
7320s | like doubled the number of shattering |
7322s | runes that get populated into shops |
7324s | right now I I don't I don't know exactly |
7326s | what happened with them but last time I |
7327s | looked it were way higher on the on the |
7329s | test builds and may maybe that I |
7331s | shouldn't have said that because maybe |
7333s | they're just high on the test builds for |
7334s | test builds but I think they're going |
7338s | up |
7342s | you care for gril it's all right it's |
7344s | pretty |
7347s | cool oh we're at time I'm G to get I |
7350s | I'll get to |
7352s | town we're right there hello do you have |
7356s | any plans to improve the interaction of |
7358s | left click to attack um yeah there's I |
7361s | think there's some bugs cuz i' I've been |
7363s | seeing people |
7366s | um uh giving some feedback on it and I'm |
7368s | like that's not how it's set up to |
7370s | work |
7372s | um so there's there's something that's |
7375s | not working in the system I think right |
7376s | now it's supposed to at |
7386s | least |
7388s | so we plans to fix the bugs at |
7395s | least yeah if if anyone we're we're just |
7397s | about done here I'm just going to kill |
7399s | this very slowly and get to town um and |
7401s | we'll then we'll be packing up for the |
7403s | day but if anyone does have any |
7404s | suggestions or things they really want |
7406s | to see in the game um or just questions |
7408s | on things that uh maybe I didn't that |
7411s | text is Tiny um maybe things that I |
7415s | didn't answer fully or just missed uh we |
7418s | do have our Discord fantastic resource |
7420s | there's lots of people in there about uh |
7423s | talking all sorts of topics |
7427s | um and we do have an ASD devs Channel |
7429s | there so if you have a question feel |
7430s | free to ask us there if you have a |
7432s | suggestion or a uh or feedback please |
7435s | use the appropriate suggestion and |
7436s | feedback channels we also have |
7438s | suggestion feedback threads on our |
7440s | forums that are perfect place for that |
7441s | too |
7444s | um |
7446s | yeah that's put it and uh thanks for |
7450s | stopping by I had a ton of fun how this |
7453s | I I have a line don't I uh what I thanks |
7455s | for coming by hope you had fun I know I |
7457s | did there we go that's how we do it |
7460s | I'll see you next time we be here same |
7462s | time same place next week um have some |
7466s | more fun hang out relax answer some more |
7469s | questions I botched this part last |
7475s | week |
7487s | um make sure this person |
7489s | uh actually live cuz last time that |
7492s | looks like fun it look like they're |
7493s | having |
7496s | fun let's go for |
7509s | it oh yeah so |
7512s | um that's that's about all I had to |
7514s | announce for |
7515s | today stuff it's a good |
7518s | stream |
7533s | for |