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If I join the circle faction, I would get better drops but I cannot sell those drops on the auction house?

If I join the merchants faction, I can still farm for gear but the chance for great gear is a lot lower than the circle folks?

Is this correct?

Can circle faction folks BUY from the Auction house?

I can't help but think one will be vastly superior to the other, I just cant figure it out yet.

Also, I thought it said you could swap between factions, do you have to start from zero every time you start or do you maintain progress?

If I am in the circle faction, get a drop I dont need, salvage it, can I think swap to merchants faction to sell the salvage items or are those salvaged items locked out from the auction house too?

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about 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Andrew_Tilley

If I join the circle faction, I would get better drops but I cannot sell those drops on the auction house?

Correct. Items dropped as a result of benefits from the Circle of Fortune will have a Rank Requirement on them and thus cannot be traded. In fact, all items dropped while in Circle of Fortune cannot be traded and this is indicated on the items.

If I join the merchants faction, I can still farm for gear but the chance for great gear is a lot lower than the circle folks?

Yes, MG players will have a lower drop chance compared to CoF players that have ranked up to at least Rank 3 or higher.

Can circle faction folks BUY from the Auction house?

No, CoF players cannot interact with the Bazaar or initiate player-to-player trades. However, CoF players, MG players or factionless players can still Gift items to other players in their party provided they were in the same zone when it dropped, or use Resonances to gift items to players they've played with for an extended period of time. Please note that Gifted items will still retain any faction rank requirements they have.

Also, I thought it said you could swap between factions, do you have to start from zero every time you start or do you maintain progress?

You maintain your Reputation and rank progress within a faction even if you leave it. So if you get to Rank 4 in CoF and decide to switch to MG you will still be Rank 4 in CoF if you return. Though, you'll have to unequip any item with a CoF rank requirement to switch to MG (and the same for any items with a MG rank requirement if you switch to CoF).

If I am in the circle faction, get a drop I don't need, salvage it, can I then swap to merchants faction to sell the salvage items or are those salvaged items locked out from the auction house too?

If by salvage you mean use a Rune of Shattering or Rune of Removal on a Magic, Rare, or Exalted item to gain Affix shards from that item then no, you can't trade those crafting items. Crafting materials are untradable.

Yes, MG players will have a lower drop chance compared to CoF players that have ranked up to at least Rank 3 or higher.

I think this might come from a slight miscommunication from me.

Rank 1 CoF players will have higher drop rates over MG.

Rank 3 CoF will be above the current gear upgrade rate that you have currently on live.

about 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Here is the really straight forward way to think about it.

Do you want trade? Pick MG.

Do you not want trade? Pick CoF.

Do you regret your decision? Switch.

That's all you really need to know. There isn't an efficient way to use both. Don't plan to use switching as a tactic to get ahead. The most efficient path is to pick one and stick to it.

about 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Daegog

Gamers always find a way to game the system, its just what they do. For some of them, its the most important part of the game.

I definitely expect some shenanigans with this system, it will be interesting to see the response.

Oh for sure. We've had the CTs breaking it apart for a few months now. It's still possible to find a way to game the system but I will be surprised if it happens any time soon.

about 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Andrew_Tilley

Ah, that makes more sense. Thanks for the clarification.


about 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Magic2424

If you go circle, you still drop non circle items at the base rate that trade has, right? And those items won’t be tagged as CoF. So you could swap over to trade just to trade those base items and swap back. Then the gold you just use on dungeon or tabs. Definitely doesn’t break the game and actually probably helps economy by having more items listed. Need to also have trade faction leveled too

When you swap to trade, you are missing a step of farming the favor to trade it while you are representing MG.

Oh and even if you did that, the only items that are eligible to be traded are those found while not representing CoF. This means that this plan doesn't work at all.

about 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Deathsaintx

i don't think switching is going to work as well as the trailer makes it sound. definitely not on your first character of that cycle

Switching is only there as a fail safe in case you picked the wrong one so you don't brick the character. It's not a mechanic to me engaged with.

about 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Deathsaintx

well, after posting this i read a comment that brought up a part of the FAQ that changes my understanding on the topic. i was under the impression that all items are tagged either CoF or MG. (which is why i thought swapping would suck since you would just be naked essentially) but it seems the FAQ clarifies that that is not the case.

appears the case is only some items are tagged CoF, and no items are tagged MG.

Any item acquired due to the bonus of an item factions will be tagged with that faction. This means any item purchased from the Bazaar and any item that was affected by one of the CoF bonuses.

Basically the stuff you would have found if you weren't part of either faction isn't tagged.

about 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Deathsaintx

but these untagged items, if put on the bazar are then tagged for the person that bought it? or do they remain untagged?

Every item that is purchased from the Bazaar (edit: and MG p2p trading) gets the MG tag upon purchasing.

about 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Deathsaintx

oh okay, i see now. so anything you normally find as mg, and anything you find as CoF that doesn't come from the bonus mechanic is untagged so you're able to use in either faction. but the bonus items are tagged and can only be used while using a particular faction. that makes more sense now. ty

Yea, that's it.

about 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by battlefroogyy

is there a reason why all my drops asy cant be traded and i cant even gift stuff to people im playing with

Have you tried gifting then yet? Gifting is not trading.

about 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by battlefroogyy

i have tried resonances too but wont let me put the item in gift window

What item is it?

about 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by battlefroogyy

i ahve tried gloves belts boots and som weapons

my group is all in CoF but none of us can trtade with each other

and you're 100% sure that you were in the same zone and party when it dropped?

about 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by battlefroogyy

Yes we were in a monilith

Please report the bug using the in game tool.