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From what I've seen MG players have an easier time getting unique Items with a higher amount of LP than CoF players. I understand that there is an inherent advantage to being able to make each item that drops count towards your progress by selling it. CoF needs some help in this regard.

My proposal would be adjusting the Rank 6 Bonus CoF gives.

The current version states: "Uniques are twice as likely to have Legendary Potential."

The new version could be something like this:

"Unique Items that would drop with Legendary Potential have a x% chance to add 1 Legendary Potential".

Adjusting the strength of this reward would be rather easy by adjusting the x%.

Here are two examples for how that would change the drop chances:

Mad Alchemist's Ladle

LP Current x = 1 x = 10 x = 25
0 47,558 47,558 47,558 47,558
1 37,71 37,3329 33,939 28,2825
2 12,85 13,0986 15,336 19,065
3 1,82 1,9303 2,923 4,5775
4 0,062 0,07958 0,2378 0,5015

Twisted Heart of Ukheiros

LP Current x = 1 x = 10 x = 25
0 84,7327 84,7327 84,7327 84,7327
1 14,61 14,4639 13,149 10,9575
2 0,65 0,7896 2,046 4,14
3 0,0072 0,013628 0,07148 0,1679
4 0,0000009886233 0,00007297873707 0,000720889761 0,001800741467

You can see my calculations here:


Within the sheet you can also see a variant of this reward for unique items without LP.

If people think this reward would be too strong as a Rank 6 reward you could also swap it with the, currently useless, Rank 9 reward.

What do you think about this proposal? Do you believe this would be overly dominant, or do you see it as a balanced advantage that could foster equitable progress for MG and CoF players?

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12 months ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by SnooTangerines5661

I tried looking for how the current rank 6 works and to me it doesn't seem to double the chances of getting higher LP Unique Items, that's why I proposed to change it in this way. Do you have a source that describes Rank 6 working the way you mentioned?

Of course Rank 9 is the weakest reward at the moment. From how the rewards are set up it seems to me that they don't want to have multiple rewards having similar effects, which is why I thought a change of Rank 6 would fit better than addressing rank 9.

The person above has it right. I suspect that the video linked below is probably a clip of me on stream.

Rank 9 will be a lot better once the set the changes come (not 1.1).