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Static has in the description:

100 charges maximum. Damage is multiplied by the number of charges.

We can increase this to 200 maximum charges thanks to Overcharge:

Maximum Charges +25 per point

Let's say I have 100% chance to Bleed. Bleed does 53 physical damage over 4s. Ailment damage is also modified by the general "more damage" modifiers of the ability that inflicts it.

Would inflicting Bleed with 200 charges of Static make this 10,600 physical damage over 4s?

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about 3 years ago - /u/ehg_trasochi - Direct link

It should affect ailments, but it currently doesn't because of a bug. That will be fixed for 0.8.5.

about 3 years ago - /u/ehg_trasochi - Direct link

Originally posted by queer-maths-girl

Oh interesting. Thanks for the reply. Is it a 1-to-1 ratio, so 200 charges results in 200 times the damage?

It's currently 1% more damage per charge, so 200 charges results in 3 times the damage. It will be higher in 0.8.5, and the value will also be stated on the tooltip.