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It's sad that class based on range combat is only viable in melee in endgame (and by endgame i mean even basic 100corr monos lol).

I enjoyed multishot+flurry in campaign so much but it lost its breath on monoliths very quickly.

Flurry, unlike other basic abilities, is too weak to take down bosses and somehow works against them only with shotgun multishot (and try that on small hitbox enemies like Lagon tentacles) which makes it totally useless against long range enemies (marksman which sucks on range distance).

Why not make the shotgun node without the 80% penalty? So it would be usable even in range combat? Would it be really that op? Or significantly boost flurry against single targets? For ex rive or fireball or lightning blast are decent single target abilities yet flurry sux hard compared to them.

I just need to vent that my favorite build is yet again useless in endgame. All the charts showing marksman as quite popular but its only because melee detonating arrow with blast knife... Real ranged marksman is on the forge guard level (aka in need of rework), which is sadge.

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11 months ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

1.1 is coming with extensive balance updates. The list is getting long!

11 months ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

Originally posted by real1lluSioNz

Do we have a release date? The only reason I don't currently play is because I've tried all end game meta builds and got bored. I love marksman class but it is substantially weaker. Would be great for an arcane archer hybrid

No release date announced just yet. Core 1.1 content is being finished and heavily tested right now, lots of balance changes still happening, making uniques, making sure we’re addressing those critical points of feedback from 1.0, bug fixing, and all the good stuff that comes when we’re close to closing a dev cycle out.

We’ll probably have a date to share in the next couple weeks and a roadmap to share soon