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With this patch, the game feels so polished with new graphic and smooth game play. I don't know why but I feel so proud of the Devs for making this far. Ive been playing this game since it was looking like 1999s graphic until now with hundreds of hours, and I feel like this whole journey has been so long but so worth it. I also played wolcen since early alpha 3/4 years ago and with their recent patch compared to this, I feel like last epoch has done a phenomenal job. Can't wait to see how successful you guys will be once 1.0 released. Keep up good work yall. Last epoch will deserve a spot in top 5 arpg.

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over 4 years ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

Appreciate the kind words, u/vincentcold. Makes all the long nights very worth it! :)