10 months ago - Last Epoch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

38s for
150s e
196s good afternoon everybody and welcome
198s back to another last Epoch Dev
201s stream as usual I'm your host Mike hello
205s how's it going everybody how you feeling
208s how you living how you holding up
211s I hope it's
213s wonderful we're gonna we're going to
215s play some last deepo if this is your
216s first time here we like to have some fun
219s play last Epoch answer some questions
221s see what we can
223s learn um if uh if this is your first
226s time here welcome glad to have you with
228s us we stream for charity boom right
229s above my head and if you have any
231s questions please put at last OT game in
233s chat so I see your question um actually
236s we do have our wonderful
240s that's that
241s is going to
244s be help me
250s out so I can see these questions hi Aon
254s hi and we're just going to we're just
256s going to roll through some campaign some
258s campaign stuff here while while we're
259s doing this don't remember exactly where
262s we were we are rocking the world's worst
266s leveling
267s primalist we're we're doing we're doing
269s all all all the reject
271s skills that don't have a place to hang
274s out showing them some
277s love but it's
280s fun lots lots of Minion action trying to
282s go some poison
285s stuff
288s really it's really really loud for
293s you we're also going to do something a
294s little bit different this week um I've
298s got a few teasers to share um but at
302s some point during the stream uh we'll be
304s putting up a poll to find out uh which
307s of the teasers you'd like to see so I've
310s got I've got a few and uh we're going to
313s let you guys decide which ones you want
314s to see so we'll give you just a little
317s uh oneliner on what it is the
320s options and you'll find
324s out Community wants to know when you're
326s going to trim my
327s beard I I uh
331s I trimmed it a few weeks
334s ago you can usually tell by the length
336s of my mustache that's like it it starts
338s to get into my mouth which this is I was
341s actually just thinking today that I
341s wanted to trim my
342s beard and and the the mustache is what
345s triggers the the beard
352s trim just about every single time
366s oh how's everyone doing I feel like I
368s feel like there's been uh been a fair
370s bit going on in the in the arpg space
372s lately which has been
376s great really should be looking for a new
378s weapon here I realized this last time
381s that I've just been like just sitting on
382s this thing like it's a few levels under
385s under maybe I can actually
388s uh no it's good 04 want do that do any
391s of these things oh let's go
394s little yes crit is super useful for us
397s right
398s now poison
410s damage all
417s right just take this crit multi uh and
421s crit chance amulet and put it into
424s poison damage and Dot
428s damage it's so
433s good
437s okay yeah toxic is
442s right oh that's
448s great all right
450s right
454s um oh there he is hey Vin is here
457s welcome all right first question any ETA
459s about when you guys are sharing more
461s news about the next cycle 1.1 can't wait
463s to stream or new uh YouTube video uh
467s yeah so there's um we're we're still a
469s little ways out so we've shared uh like
471s when it's coming which is um July 9th I
476s think like 90% sure that's what it is
480s uh if if I'm wrong please just see the
482s video that we already did I think that's
484s right anyways um the as we get closer to
487s that we'll have a lot more stuff um I do
490s have a couple teasers today you know
491s like every every week we do little
492s teasers here um but like an official
494s like big big splashy video of like big
497s epic stuff and like all all like lots of
499s info and you know big post all sort of
501s stuff
502s probably
504s um probably going to be a little a
506s little while before before we actually
507s get into one of those um I don't have
510s anything that big for you today I'm
511s sorry and yeah so if anyone does have
513s any questions please put at last Depot
515s game
516s into uh the the chat so we we know that
520s it's a question directly for me and not
521s for uh just everybody else because
524s you're welcome to chat amongst
525s yourselves too all right next one I
528s believe you working on some kind of
529s engine update right yes we are if so
532s what Improvement should the updated
533s engine bring to the game thank you I
535s mean so it's uh a lot of things that
537s are um
540s completely invisible to the player so
542s it's a lot of things that are like that
544s will help us um just help our workflow
547s um there's a lot of things that are just
548s like oh now we can do things faster or
552s um uh there's a little bit better memory
554s management or um you know a a lot of
557s things that like don't feel like they'd
558s be very important but they have a lot of
559s knock on effects that you'll eventually
560s see down the road um there's also just
563s new technologies that we can incorporate
565s um after after we we add those in so
568s things like um I don't know if these are
571s I don't have a timeline or anything like
572s this but for example things like FSR is
576s not available in the current version
577s that we're on and we have to update to
579s to gain access to it so you know like
581s like things like that
584s um
589s yeah there's there's other projects
591s we've been working on that I don't I
593s can't really tell you about yet um that
595s we're like well we can't do that until
596s we update the engine um and then once we
599s start working on that we'll be like okay
601s is this possible like what else do we
603s need to do there's a lot of things that
604s that uh work together there
608s impossible kind of vague answer sorry
613s but uh can we start with an item taking
616s up the screen to start with that
619s no that'll be pretty funny though I I
622s actually almost did that too because I
624s was setting up the the teasers for
626s stream and like I
628s almost uh
630s like I I almost hit like I was I
633s actually was live with the like preview
635s thing setting up the teasers and I uh
637s almost hit switch over with the teasers
639s all of them like stacked on top of each
641s other still on the
642s screen which would have been
646s bad um are all secret SL Easter eggs
649s known by the devs in game now found or
652s do we have some work to do pre 1.1 as
654s far as I know so this question got asked
656s um uh that the we we did a lore stream
659s about about I want to say like a month
661s and a half two months ago something like
662s that um and right at the end of at the
665s end of the lore stream uh our our Lore
667s Master was like there's one Easter egg
669s left that no one's found um and I'm
671s pretty sure that that now has been found
675s um shout out to uh I think Perry the pig
679s was the one that found it I don't know
680s if he was the first one or not but that
681s was the first video I saw on it um
685s and uh so I think as far as I know all
689s of the Easter egg that are currently in
690s the game have been found and are well
693s documented
695s um it is possible that I'm missing one
699s but I really don't think so like uh I'm
703s quite confident that there's that
705s there's there's nothing extra missing
708s still uh I can't remember where I was
709s going to go with this just more
713s damage
716s yes want to land and we want Vines when
718s we land
724s vins these guys are doing these these
726s this like bleed is just
733s insane all right having recently played
735s another RPG that changed their uh gem
737s drop to an auto loot currency I really
740s felt what you meant but with the weight
742s oh I di just not paying attention my
744s hands aren even on the
745s keyboard
748s um uh
750s I really felt what you meant with the
751s weight of the AIX shards thank you for
754s considering the impact for systems
756s you're welcome um it's yeah like these
760s are we're Poss like we're quite cautious
763s when we automate things um and who knows
766s maybe we'll automate more things in the
768s future
770s um you know we still we we still keep an
773s eye on feedback for all sorts of things
774s even if something that like it seems
775s like an old system or something that we
776s still keep an eye on for feedback either
779s way
781s uh are there any improvements to
782s multiplayer that you can talk about
783s performance or gameplay wise I mean yeah
785s like there's um there's there's always
788s there's always tons of little things
789s that I that are kind of boring to talk
791s about this is something I mentioned
792s recently of like oh there's some some
793s tiny Improvement to memory management or
796s um you know it doesn't make for very
799s flashy announcements but um they end up
802s having nice nice uh gameplay
804s implications um there
807s were uh there's you you know like there
810s there's all sorts of things we're
811s investigating like we're investigating a
812s timing issue right now um that you know
816s might be the cause of some rubber
818s banding stuff and you know there's
821s there's it's a lot of boring stuff but
823s like we're definitely working on
825s improving the overall multiplayer uh
827s experience so that's like the the time
830s it takes to load things um the frequency
832s you have to end up in loading screens uh
834s how how smooth gameplay is um how clear
837s gameplay is when when you're in a
839s multiplayer setting there's all sorts of
841s little things that were always just like
842s tweaking and updating like that so yeah
844s that that's all in the works right
851s now
859s oo I think I like I don't think I
863s actually want war cry here or if I do
865s want to be war cry totem but like I'm
867s really looking at frenzy totem looking
869s at friendy to him right now I I think
871s that's where we're going to
874s go I remember something that felt really
877s fun in Diablo 3 was having random people
879s join up with you while you're running
880s content yes uh having haven't you guys
883s considered possibly adding a way for
884s people to make their Lobby public uh so
887s people can freely join them if they want
890s I know people can uh talk in chat and
892s party up but how do you feel about
893s taking out the middleman for people who
895s want to group up with randoms I I mean
898s like I I think overall it's a fantastic
901s idea it is something that we've
902s considered in the past um it
908s is it's quite an involved system to add
912s um I I would say it is it's in the
913s category of on the table but not in
923s development um cuz yeah like there's
926s there's having it be the
930s H having a system like that be opt out
933s uh can be can can end up putting players
936s in a tricky situation a new player's in
938s a tricky situation um cuz you know
940s there's there's even even if you try and
942s prevent it there's always forms of
943s griefing that can happen um and and you
946s know sometimes there's uh you know like
950s that's that's an intended game mechanic
951s and that's really that's like part of
952s the game that's fun that's not one of
954s the intended game mechanics we have so
956s we we kind of have to be a little bit
958s careful not to accidentally put one of
960s those
961s in we don't have to we just I just don't
963s want
976s to all of the dots just getting pummeled
980s by Dots here
991s that was
993s close I think it' be really cool to have
995s a system I'm just I'm just realizing
996s this now as as I'm playing them I think
998s it' be really cool to have a system
999s where um like minions could like get
1002s together and like help revive another
1003s one or like stabilize it so like the bar
1005s didn't go down or something like that I
1006s think that would be cool are there any
1008s uniques you felt like that really missed
1012s the mark in terms of design and
1014s alternatively ones you really uh nailed
1017s it out of the park um yeah there's
1019s there's definitely you know that that
1021s that happens all the time for sure uh
1023s both of those things and
1026s um I think frequently we will go back
1029s and and edit things uh and update things
1032s to like
1035s um to to to hopefully bring them into
1037s the latter category there um you know
1040s there's some some uniques that I think
1041s from day one have really done well like
1043s ex sanguinous uh I I would call it as uh
1046s a unique that really hit the mark um
1049s atically and uh gameplay-wise uh it does
1053s really well it is um part of a very
1056s overpowered strategy right now but
1058s that's not the unique item's fault um
1062s and so yeah like there's yeah there's a
1064s few those like that that are like a
1066s feels it it really evokes that feeling
1068s it really it ends up being like a
1069s Cornerstone of uh of a build um those
1073s those feel really good to me so like um
1075s Herold the Scurry I'd put in that
1077s category um
1080s and then you know like there's there's
1081s like some some like thematic ones that
1082s are just fun like keeper gloves this
1084s this one I think this unique I think is
1085s really actually a great unique even
1087s though it's not um super powerful people
1090s aren't like clamoring to find it it's
1092s not like a a big ticket item or anything
1093s like that but it's it's a really um I
1096s think this is a well-made unique because
1098s it is uh it's
1100s really it's really quick to understand
1103s it's really obvious what it does um it
1105s it also just like it feels it's concise
1108s and it gets the point across and I don't
1110s know it's it's fun I really like this
1114s unique
1116s um uniques that miss the mark most of
1119s the time we've actually gone back and
1120s changed them so they're like things that
1123s don't miss the mark quite as much
1125s anymore um I would suggest you know
1128s think oh what comes to mind like um snow
1131s blind comes to mind that one really
1133s missed the Mark
1137s um yeah some's coming to mind right now
1140s but yeah there there's there's decayed
1142s skull
1146s um what else yeah not not kind of
1149s blanking a bit here but yeah like
1150s there's there's um definitely definitely
1153s Lots in both both of those
1156s categories uh what upcoming feature are
1158s you currently working on uh and was
1160s already announced in the road map are
1162s you looking forward to the most and
1164s which one do H think is the most
1165s important to the game wow lots of things
1167s there so what upcoming feature are you
1168s currently working on
1170s um I am you know like a lot
1173s of uh a lot of bug fixing right now for
1176s me that's kind of all I've been working
1177s on lately uh is just bug fixing bug
1179s fixing bug fixing um which is great
1187s um I'm I'm I'm working on I've also been
1190s working on lately the uh is on the road
1194s yeah Harbinger Nemesis and Pinnacle boss
1197s uh systems
1204s uh looking what am I looking forward to
1206s the most on the road map that was
1207s currently I mean the I I always look
1209s forward to the things that are like
1213s um uh that we're actively working on and
1217s are like coming soon um but the the one
1220s that I think I'm actually looking
1221s forward to the most is like the least
1223s explained one on there and the farthest
1224s one out which is the uh on on 1.4 the
1228s one that like the pict of 1.4 is
1230s probably what I'm what I'm most
1231s personally excited
1233s about uh and what do I think is the most
1235s important I think the most important is
1237s just all the endgame updates that we've
1238s got and that's why basically every
1240s single one I literally every single one
1241s of those um those patches those uh 1.1
1245s through 1.4 patches they all have an end
1247s game element to
1253s them yeah so I think the the end game
1255s element to each of those is the most
1256s important
1260s uh will there be new supporter packs in
1261s cycle 2 maybe some more packed um some
1264s more packed than current ones I don't
1265s think there's new supporter packs in 1.2
1268s I think the new or 1.1 I think the new
1270s supporter packs are coming a little bit
1272s after that I'm not 100% sure
1277s though there are new MTX coming in 1.1
1280s though
1290s when when you guys add the Barbarian
1293s class can you make Mike the character
1295s model I would love to um but you know
1300s like
1303s uh I I don't want to
1306s um suggest that it will be or won't be
1310s coming or be its own class or a master
1312s class or any of those things you know
1315s it's it's all all possible still um but
1318s I I think Barbarian is a uh like a an
1322s archetype that we've we've not dived too
1326s deep into it's sort of that like
1330s um just that that brute class that's
1333s just I'm I a Hulk smash here we go
1337s um and I think there's I think there's
1339s lots of fun design space there still for
1344s us someday
1353s all right any due changes when playing
1355s with people in 1.1 specifically towards
1357s increasing corruption for everyone in
1359s the party there are
1361s um uh yes uh it's not quite as simple as
1366s just like corruption shared uh it's it's
1369s like um we're we're utilizing existing
1372s systems
1373s to um let players progress their
1377s corruption uh as as they uh like um with
1382s a little bit more
1384s control when playing in a
1387s party than just no so a lot more control
1392s um than just
1398s no all right how many resources would
1400s you say allocated to upcoming uh
1402s updating very old skills and masteries
1405s um I'd say 1.1 is is relatively compared
1409s to like 1.0 and um you know what what
1412s future um patches will be i' say 1.1 is
1415s relatively light on the resource
1416s allocation for uh for skills and updates
1421s um uh but there's still quite a
1424s bit skills skills and masteries is um a
1427s pretty big part of our um of our
1430s pipeline in general like it it touches
1431s on on basically every um pretty well
1436s every discipline
1439s that that that gets impacted by those so
1441s it's it is quite is adding adding any
1444s new skill is quite a lot and um we
1447s aren't adding any new skills in 1.1 um
1450s which is why I say relatively light
1451s because um this is going to be the first
1453s patch in a long time that we haven't
1454s actually added a new
1458s skill but we will be back to adding new
1460s skills quite quickly so no need to FR
1465s there uh will there be some Cosmetics
1468s for Drew forms or Necromancer minions uh
1471s not in 1.1 but uh yes there will be so
1475s um those are all skills um and skills
1479s will be getting Cosmetics um so yes they
1482s will be they will be getting them but
1484s it's it's not not quite um not quite
1486s ready yet skill Cosmetics are not coming
1488s 1.1 but um once we have that system
1490s sorted and uh we we'll start pushing out
1493s skill Cosmetics for all sorts of skills
1495s which will include transform abilities
1497s and Minion abilities too you can see the
1501s um um we we we we we try we put this
1504s down here to kind of signpost like it's
1507s coming they're going to happen just not
1515s yet you're just popped all right aside
1518s from minor bug fixes any patch plans
1520s before the new cycle starts no no um but
1523s between now and Patch it's going to be
1526s um like it's yeah
1529s Singularity it's going to be um we
1533s actually could possibly we're not doing
1535s hit damage really but almost do that
1539s um yeah between now and 1.1 um the patch
1544s the patch notes you'll see will be for
1546s things like
1549s um uh will be for things
1552s like there was some bug that showed up
1554s that we had to fix because it was
1555s causing problems uh that's that's kind
1557s of about it right now
1560s as so so the like as we're developing
1564s um and and we we we start we get to the
1567s we get to the point where
1572s um uh we get farther and farther down
1575s the line of development from the the
1578s current live version of the game it
1580s becomes uh more and more difficult to
1582s make changes to that
1585s specifically uh at the same time as as
1588s as as the head gets further detached um
1592s it becomes more difficult to make
1594s changes efficiently and uh becomes to
1597s the point where it's just like well it's
1598s going to take so like the dev time um
1602s the dev time goes up the dev time
1603s requirements go up the cost uh goes up
1606s as you get F farther and F farther down
1608s the line to make changes that that
1610s actively go to live at the same time as
1612s they go to the development match it's
1613s not it's not huge for a lot of things
1615s but um if the change is is affected by
1619s any other changes you've made um then
1621s you have to make the change twice and
1623s consider that
1625s the consider those changes that have
1627s been made so it's it just gets Messier
1629s and Messier and Messier the farther you
1630s get from the current live version on the
1633s updates you're
1639s making uh can you touch on the thinking
1642s behind not letting our very expensive
1645s stash tabs transfer to Legacy once the
1647s season ends um
1649s it sets a precedent that uh would mean
1652s you'd end up with um so so some someone
1657s there's there's the extreme Edge case
1658s that you have to consider that just
1659s makes it impossible so um you've got 200
1662s Max stash tabs period right um you've
1665s got you've know you've purchased 200
1667s stash tabs in Legacy you've purchased
1669s 200 stash tabs in cycle rollover happens
1672s what happens
1675s um we're we're not going to 400 tabs so
1678s they've got to be removed only
1681s tabs
1683s um so there so so like right right right
1687s right there we we've got to just leave
1689s it
1690s um and if we're talking about uh I I
1693s didn't quite read the whole you I may
1695s have misread the question so if you're
1696s asking about um whether or not your
1699s cycle tabs can stick around for the next
1701s cycle um I think it oh no it is Legacy
1704s transfer okay sorry so it is
1706s specifically for legacy transfer the
1707s cycle rolling over is specifically
1709s because we want everyone to start from
1711s scratch uh thank you for the postp
1714s attack
1716s um but yeah it it is you know to keep
1719s the playing field for new players
1720s because it is a game mechanic it's not
1722s because it because it is purchased with
1723s in-game currency uh the cycle has to
1726s start from scratch very which I know
1728s wasn't the question but just adding that
1729s long
1732s to uh all right will you eventually add
1734s anything to the store that can be used
1736s by offline players too uh maybe we'd
1739s really like to uh we're still working
1741s out if that's possible it's
1742s unfortunately not available at the
1744s moment
1746s maybe uh if some specs are currently
1749s underperforming will you make some of
1751s them uh intentionally a little
1753s overpowered in the upcoming cycle to
1754s entice players to play them or do you
1756s want 100% balance um we never make
1758s anything intentionally overpowered um
1761s but we also don't want 100% balance
1763s because if everything's completely equal
1765s then nothing's any good everything's
1766s terrible like there's there's the flip
1767s side D if everything is good
1769s everything's also bad um so we we never
1772s strive for and it's also impossible to
1775s to to get to 100% Perfect Balance
1777s anyways unless you take away all the
1778s cool stuff um so it's kind of like the
1782s we we we try our goal is to get to very
1785s good balance um but our goal is never
1787s 100%
1790s balance uh which 1.1 feature have you
1792s play tested already are you that uh
1796s which one point feature you have play
1797s tested already are you most excited
1800s about
1806s uh it's a good question actually
1813s I I think the obvious answer is the
1815s Pinnacle boss but I really love the
1817s Nemesis system so I'm going to say
1826s that me oh
1830s it's wov together so uh you should do a
1833s collab with Universal
1835s Pictures and add a boss cocaine bear or
1839s one with sci-fi and add roaming boss
1841s shark
1845s NATO you know it just cocaine bear and
1848s shark NATO they both exist on Earth this
1850s is on a tera the logistics of flying
1852s them here it just doesn't like I I don't
1855s know how you could could really sell
1857s that too well I I don't I don't see how
1859s that's
1861s possible is a fun
1864s idea
1874s woo right will all gear 3D models be
1878s adjusted to their 2D models in 1.1 no
1880s and if not when do you plan to do it
1882s thank you for your answer um so it's
1883s it's not a matter of um hey we're going
1886s to go and do all of these all at once
1889s um we are updating them and we are
1890s adding more 3D models so some some of
1892s them will get new 3D models added in 1.1
1894s just as they did in 1.0 as they did in
1896s 0.92 as they did in 0.91 you know like
1898s so we we add more every patch um it's
1901s just we it it takes so much longer to
1905s add a um add a add a physical 3D model
1909s for an item than it is to uh just add
1912s the item itself into the game um and we
1915s really love adding new uniques so we're
1917s kind of we're kind of terrible about
1920s having enough uh about giving modeling
1924s enough time to catch up um so we're you
1928s know like we're going to keep adding
1930s items at a faster rate than we're adding
1932s the models themselves uh at least for
1934s now anyways so you'll you'll you'll
1935s still see items that don't have exact
1937s onetoone models um but we are working on
1939s it we are adding more of them every
1941s every patch so it is an ongoing process
1943s that we will continue to do uh as we go
1969s vines on that
1977s earlier what Vin up sorry if this has
1979s been asked before that's quite all uh
1982s but any plans of changing leveling curve
1985s um it's fun to level 80 and it's just
1987s too much not casual friendly um well so
1989s I mean level so uh we don't have any
1991s major plans to change to adjust the
1992s leveling curve um we're quite happy with
1995s where it is right now the game is not
1998s intended for most characters to hit
2000s level 100 max level is not an expected
2002s uh result max level is uh an extra
2006s stretch goal achievement that uh if you
2008s really want to push your character and
2010s and really want to you know like dig in
2011s and and and and go go hard you can get
2014s to max level if you want but max level
2016s is is not intended to be uh an something
2020s that most characters do at all um even
2022s people I know that that play thousands
2024s of hours most of their characters never
2025s hit um level 100 and um I I think
2029s that's really a good thing and it's not
2032s something we're planning on changing um
2034s you know level 80 you say you hit Level
2035s around level 80 and that's when things
2037s start to slow down for leveling that's
2038s really expected and most of your
2040s character improvements once you're
2041s hitting that that level are coming from
2042s your your gear upgrades that's where the
2045s bulk of your power is coming from at
2047s that point and that's that's really very
2049s much by Design and will continue to be
2051s that
2057s way what's the trigger for baby
2059s scorpions I can't
2062s remember it's just it's just overtime
2070s do we have
2073s any yeah there yeah there's some there's
2075s something popping
2079s out
2082s wonderful oh gosh oh no it's lighting up
2085s is that bad oh jeez
2088s Rick this
2091s isly and that should do
2095s it this way Point's harder than
2098s dissipated but no worries all good
2106s now just in time looks like we've got
2110s company anyway off you
2114s go I'll see you on the other
2117s side sure you
2123s will absolutely holding my
2126s breath praying to whatever God you marry
2128s me and I believe to see Clockwork
2131s tinkerer IE engineering
2133s class I I i' love an engineering class I
2136s think it' be super
2138s cool hopefully I will see you
2146s soon engineering class would be sweet um
2149s I don't I so there's there are a lot
2151s this is a little little aside here not
2153s specifically talking about engineering
2154s class here but there are a lot of like
2157s class archetypes that
2158s um I know I've thought
2161s about you're just
2163s idly musing about what we're going to do
2165s and that sort of stuff and um several of
2169s them have like or I'll be like oh I
2172s really wish I could add a class that did
2175s this I can't fit that into any of the
2178s existing base classes and I can't think
2180s of three masteries to go with it and
2183s it's just it's such it's such an awkward
2185s position of being where you're like it's
2186s such a great archetype but it's just
2188s like is it a little too far different um
2192s from other things that you could
2194s conceivably put with it so that's that's
2195s that's a a struggle we have sometimes um
2198s at least I I have struggled with that
2200s when I'm thinking about new uh new
2201s classes and archetypes to build in so
2204s you're like okay do you try and then
2205s slip that archetype
2207s in as like a unique item that sort of
2210s like transforms the vibe and the feeling
2212s of a skill or something like that do you
2214s try and slip that in as um
2218s all sorts of yeah never mind I'll get
2221s back to real questions here instead of
2222s just
2223s rambling uh do you guys talk about
2225s having a evade I'm going edit the
2228s question here having an evade thematic
2230s for each class yes I'm afraid that major
2233s acly Dodge rolling which evade uh if
2236s it's physically rolling might be a
2237s little awkward yes which is why we call
2239s it evade not
2240s roll uh any notable changes in dungeons
2243s coming in the next cycle
2249s uh is that coming next cycle that's the
2251s real question
2255s uh
2259s uh I want to say yes but I can't
2262s remember if it's next cycle or not um so
2265s I'm going to say maybe and we'll uh come
2269s back to that
2270s later on another
2274s day but yeah they I I har but there are
2278s certain elements of um dung
2282s engineering that aren't that aren't
2285s smooth the like the ux of that process
2288s is not awesome um there are use cases
2291s that are not represented well um and and
2294s things can be clunky there's you can you
2296s can find yourself in situations where
2298s you you feel like you're performing a
2299s task that ends up feeling like a bit of
2300s a chore um sometimes you can feel a
2302s little bit too harshly punished um and
2305s and so there's there's definitely some
2306s adjustments we want to make to the
2307s dungeon system and uh we've got some of
2310s those planned uh earlier than others um
2314s I can't really go into details on what
2315s that is yet but but we we are definitely
2318s looking at adjustments for uh for for
2320s the dungeon system because we do get a
2321s significant amount of feedback on that
2323s and it is something that we really want
2324s um as a system in general to thrive
2327s going forward because it is uh A system
2329s that we want to add on to we want to um
2332s we want to add on um you know like new
2335s dungeons that have uh new keys um new
2338s skips new unique rewards things like
2341s that so there's there's there's quite a
2342s few things that we see as pretty common
2344s suggestions from our community that I'm
2346s like that would go really well as a
2347s dungeon reward um but we've kind of got
2349s to fix the underlying mechanics of
2352s Dungeons and the flow and the feel of
2354s that experience before we attack too
2356s many onto the game still but we we are
2359s like that system will expand and the um
2363s I almost used the term that I hate for
2364s to describe what we're doing to it but
2365s yes we are improving that ux of it
2374s uh Aaron trying to cheat at bingo I
2377s think uh maybe we'll
2381s see is key ring coming in 1 point1 uh I
2385s I don't know
2388s maybe I don't think so it's not
2390s implemented yet I'll say that it's and
2392s on our Dev builds we do not have a key
2396s ring uh weekly quest for transmog please
2399s I mean it's on the road map
2401s 1.4 uh is it difficult to balance every
2404s spec so they all can compete in content
2406s absolutely one of the worst things for
2408s me as an arpg player making a spec that
2409s I can't compete an aspect of the game be
2412s it pushing uh dungeons or bossing yeah
2415s so
2416s um you know I I think
2419s there's uh there are
2424s some uh elements that a couple of the
2427s masteries have been able to dramatically
2431s exceed the expected uh activities on um
2437s which I think can make the other ones
2440s that are doing quite well and are are
2442s are in the expected range um to not feel
2445s as well by
2450s comparison I know you are working on
2452s character
2453s customization
2455s uh vaguely yes
2459s will it include female/male body choices
2461s for all classes um we will uh when we
2466s eventually do uh start getting into
2468s character customization
2470s W very far away still um it will include
2475s body type as one of those uh one of one
2479s of the one of the things you can
2482s select
2484s uh uh in those options so like you want
2488s like a a big Hulen you know uh large
2494s frame or like smaller frame you know
2497s like like there's there's there's the
2498s things like that will be um part of that
2503s character customization when we do
2504s eventually get to
2510s it I don't I don't know exactly how it's
2513s going to be explicitly
2516s worded short answer
2518s yes uh we have balus and Gaspar might we
2523s soon see M make an appearance
2527s uh
2529s maybe I don't know that would be a
2532s question for L Master Cal next time we
2535s do uh a lore
2540s stream uh will there be steam
2542s achievements at some point absolutely
2545s um we are
2549s a wasn't paying attention at all we are
2552s uh we are planning on having steam
2554s achievements added into the game um it's
2556s going to be a little while so I think
2558s but
2560s yeah uh weekly car sheet character sheet
2562s remind you weekly character sheet
2565s reminder I'll haunt you till the day I
2567s get
2569s it uh
2571s yeah we're working on it um you know
2576s there's there's little updates that are
2577s happening on it still but uh the the
2579s full extended character sheet with like
2581s you know skill specific stuff like that
2582s is still
2584s um uh still in the conceptual phase we
2588s did just hire a
2591s uh dedicated UI
2594s developer so
2598s um we'll have we'll have more more UI
2600s stuff will be getting worked on by
2602s someone much better than me
2606s um in in the future uh the the the big
2610s piece that's holding that uh that
2612s specific feature up though is more um
2616s the
2617s data required to populate it with is um
2622s we still have a great way of generating
2624s all that data really
2626s accurately
2628s um and and when we do eventually add
2631s that we we kind of want that data to be
2632s pretty
2635s accurate which I know might seem kind of
2637s weird so much stuff is populated on the
2641s Fly um just because there's so many
2644s options and so many ways things can be
2645s specialized a lot of is generated on the
2660s fly all right on the upcoming
2664s cycle
2666s there uh I think it's will be any
2669s balance changes to Paladin Healing Hands
2673s um I have I have enjoyed I have enjoyed
2676s so much that build I played 105 days
2678s straight great game that yes I I mean um
2682s if if there's something that's pretty
2685s obviously uh you know significantly
2688s overpowered or significantly
2689s underpowered or something that is very
2691s pretty obviously like not just doesn't
2693s feel well to play there's probably a
2695s good chance there's going to be updates
2696s to it coming in the next patch
2700s um Healing Hands this was 1.0 was the
2703s very first patch that one that Healing
2705s Hands came out in um so so yeah there's
2709s a
2710s uh I would say a a better than even
2713s odd's chance that they'll be updates to
2715s Healing
2722s Hand look at that 60 some OD stacks of
2724s poison
2727s pedals
2735s torch that was a
2745s mistake we'll stash some stuff until
2753s then this useful for us in this build
2755s actually
2780s no uh what is your stance on some
2783s classes using so many of their skill
2785s slots for passive skills for example
2787s Paladin uh usually used up three for
2790s passes one for movement one for attack
2791s many others are similar that makes the
2793s combat a bit stale oh y I mean we do um
2797s I I think it's very natural for people
2800s to
2804s um make builds that way you know like we
2808s we we frequently put nodes in
2812s um in in like passive tree and skill
2815s trees all we we we frequently know what
2817s good example of this in in great example
2819s in SEL off top of my head
2825s um okay well in Sentinel there's a node
2827s I think it's right here right here it's
2829s one of these two spots in Sentinel um
2831s and it's it basically says like whenever
2833s you connect with a zeroc cost melee
2836s skill uh you get health and Mana back
2838s and it turns all of your spammable melee
2841s skills into Mana
2842s generators um that you can then take a
2846s bigger um um a bigger mana ability and
2851s uh drop that
2853s into uh into the build so you have a
2855s Mana spender and a Mana generator so
2856s like you know like we we do put things
2859s in the game to incentivize using
2861s multiple abilities um we'll put ties
2863s between melee abilities and things like
2865s different attack abilities that uh you
2868s know I I think we we do push the the use
2871s more skills more often um and I think
2874s that adding evade to the game is going
2875s to actually help um open that up a
2878s little bit more as well also there's a
2879s poll going on oh the poll just ended
2880s wonderful oh that was that was
2885s tight only 17 votes in the poll oh I
2888s should have announced that poll okay
2889s well we did
2894s it I should I should have said it out
2896s loud there's way more than 17 people
2898s watching but yeah uh that's okay well
2899s next one we'll get more people in on um
2902s we have a winner for our
2905s next uh for our teaser
2909s we got another one don't
2913s worry just going to make sure I
2920s uh going to double check and make sure I
2922s pick the right
2935s one yeah didn't Forge guard
2938s let's make a little
2940s bigger shall
2943s we shall
2950s we boom all right so we've got a new
2952s node uh for
2956s javelineer throwing attack critical
2958s multiplier plus 10% per point six points
2961s available in the node this is a level a
2963s 40 Point passive so this is above the
2965s lock line so this for spefic specific
2967s you can't get this on anyone else uh
2969s then it has a threshold node for a
2971s fourpoint bonus your throwing attacks
2972s have additional base Critical Strike
2975s chance per five points of dexterity
2978s throwing critical
2979s chance again at 1% per five points of
2985s dexterity that's base crit chance which
2987s is a
2995s lot I'm just going to
2998s I if I shrink this down and I slip it
3000s over there can people is that is that
3002s good or bad putting it over
3016s there not great too small I'm assuming
3033s little bit more
3037s visible all right we're going to keep
3045s going questions I just saw one from a
3048s new chat for when's the next week patch
3050s July
3051s 9th all right talking about archetypes a
3053s beekeeper should be a thing maybe with
3056s spring yeah so
3058s so the the more I want to say Mei builds
3063s were a little bit uh conservative when
3065s it comes to Mimi builds
3068s um like like meme Mimi with a y not me I
3073s me anyways um me meeme builds were were
3077s were usually a little bit more
3078s conservative on the power level four
3083s um there's there's definitely no
3086s shortage of
3087s ideas for be themed things to kind of
3090s move
3098s so these are
3104s awesome I we're kind of playing the B
3106s build right
3112s now got we've got our we got our bees
3114s and our and our be friends got all sorts
3116s of bees
3118s all right will you revisit older classes
3120s to make them up to par with newer
3122s classes when it comes to skill
3123s interactions Etc warlock GRE Master
3125s Falconer on a whole other level than for
3127s example Sentinel yeah um I mean we we we
3130s update every time we update a new uh an
3133s old skill one of the things we
3134s definitely try to work in is um inter
3137s skill interactions So like um when you
3140s use a what happens to to be things like
3143s that or or you know like um sometimes
3145s they're less explicit so sometimes it'll
3147s be like grants you a um whenever you use
3150s this ability it grants you a melee buff
3152s but it's like a spell so like it um you
3155s know things like that so we we try to um
3159s do specific and generic skill
3161s interactions whenever we update skills
3163s um and we are constantly updating old
3165s skills um so like I said there's there's
3167s no new skills coming uh in this patch
3169s but we are updating old skills um and
3172s and we are adding new interactions
3181s yeah sometimes those come in the form of
3183s you know passive nodes skill tree nodes
3186s uh unique items um sometimes they're you
3190s know there can be those things can come
3193s from all sorts of places that don't
3194s really feel like they're the obvious
3197s place to put them always um sometimes
3199s it's as simple as like uh moving an AIX
3202s from a prefix to a suffix and that like
3204s opens up a new interaction
3209s or sometimes it's like adding a new
3210s suffix um like we just added some new
3212s weapon suffixes that I think open up
3214s some new options in
3216s 1.0
3218s yeah all right the Rune of removal seems
3221s to me uh the least fun room to use one
3224s and four chance of removing the T6 t7
3226s AIC and normally eats up a huge amount
3228s of Fortune potential when you do succeed
3230s in moving the aics you want is there any
3231s chance of reworking this room um I I
3235s don't think so it does provide a very
3237s specific and Powerful function um so
3242s think the the the core you know style of
3244s what it does and what it costs is is
3246s likely going to stay roughly pretty
3247s similar um you know maybe that maybe
3251s it's possible that the the for potential
3253s cost a little too high or you know maybe
3255s it's possible that there needs to be
3257s some way to influence if it's a prefix
3259s or a suffix something like that and I've
3260s seen lots of suggestions along those
3261s categories from from our community um
3263s but you know like the the general idea
3265s of how it works and you know the the
3268s power level that it's at we're very
3270s happy with that because it is quite
3271s powerful
3274s still there's there's uh this is
3276s something I talked about last week a
3277s little bit too there's a danger in uh
3280s increasing the control of like the the
3283s the specific granular control that you
3284s have over an item uh too
3287s much um it
3290s can leave an expectation of uh like what
3296s you can do to it like there's some some
3298s days there's like too many steps you
3299s have to take to make the item good um
3301s and so we're really trying to make sure
3302s we find that balance and if it's
3304s expected that you can always like um use
3307s removals to like get specific aices off
3309s or something like that then then it's
3311s just
3312s like you know like craft an item from
3315s scratch doing whatever sometimes you we
3317s we we we really like having those items
3320s on your journey to um like super endgame
3323s content those items where you're like
3325s this is a sweet item but like like it's
3327s got a one way set ax on it and like so
3329s there's like a really clear and obvious
3330s upgrade path for that item so you're not
3332s um you're not always just jumping right
3334s to the end and you have those those
3335s stepping stone items that you do
3341s find
3347s uh there's that frenzy totem we're going
3349s to switch that out uh I think it's going
3351s to be our last building we're going to
3352s try
3354s it right if it won't you I'd still be in
3358s the dreadn or Worse I'd be making
3361s friends with Sak's victims wouldn't be
3364s as
3365s pretty uh all right what are your
3367s thoughts in regards
3370s to my audio I've been mocking about with
3374s oh
3375s sweet love
3377s it uh what are your thoughts in regards
3380s to coff Unique explosions I feel it
3383s diminishes the excitement of finding a
3384s nice item because drops are very densed
3387s in time going through 20 helmet drops to
3389s see if a good one feels like a job yeah
3391s I think the
3393s um I think
3395s we when we added in the like
3400s significant uh you know
3404s like adding in trade was a huge power
3407s spike in item acquisition and we kind of
3409s had to give coff a lot to even be
3412s relevant
3415s um the
3417s I I I don't think it's quite I think
3420s you've identified a problem um that we
3422s are looking at uh ways to help alleviate
3426s um I think there's because of the huge
3429s amount of drops that happen all at once
3430s with coof there is it does it does um
3434s put pressure on the filtering system um
3437s to be to be more granular to allow more
3440s specific filtering to happen for unique
3441s items um I think that will you know
3444s alleviate some of the pressure there um
3447s there's other changes we're looking at
3448s making as well in in the item factions
3450s in general
3452s um that that I think will help as well
3454s but
3455s yeah we're still we're still working on
3457s some of the things we're changing on
3459s that for 1.1 so it's kind of hard to
3461s talk about yet
3464s sorry but yeah there there's there's
3466s definitely an an issue
3473s there uh could we get some quality of
3476s life from improvements for searching
3477s inside of stash for factions or for
3480s factions before cycle 1.1 before cycle
3482s 1.1 no I'm sorry uh will the ultimate
3485s edition upgrade always be available for
3486s purchase um it we don't have any plans
3489s of removing it um always is a long time
3494s uh I would say if if we
3496s are um if we are ever planning on
3500s removing it um there'd be a pretty
3503s big uh like it's going over away in at
3507s on this date type of announcement like
3509s if you want it here's your here's a a
3511s big lead time advance to be like you
3514s know it's it's going away or something
3515s like that or or maybe we try and like
3517s incorporate the things so they weren't
3518s Gone Forever type thing um we we know
3521s there's
3523s a we we don't want it to be
3526s a
3530s um uh it's not designed as a Time gated
3533s thing it's not like a get it while it's
3534s here type of offer where it's it's it's
3538s you know designed to be a uh very
3541s long-term
3549s thing uh can we please remove the bound
3552s to faction mechanic at least for legacy
3553s please no uh do you talk about possible
3557s housing slideout feature uh we have
3559s talked about this in the past
3562s um the tldr of what we've talked about
3565s in the past I guess is
3567s uh kind of like we aren't really super
3570s interested in adding a new Zone uh to
3574s split people up too much and get people
3575s out of you know some some more shared
3577s zones possibly um at the same time it
3580s does provide uh you know like it's it's
3584s fun that alone is usually enough to just
3586s get something into the game it's just
3588s fun um I think having a way to maybe
3592s customize something uh visually and
3595s share that off sh that off to like like
3596s friends or randoms that you group up
3598s with is a really positive experience um
3601s having a reason to go to whatever that
3603s location is is important and because I I
3606s think that one of the like if we're
3609s going to like look let's look at Poe as
3610s an example they they have a great
3612s Hideout system that's you know there's
3614s so much customization that can happen
3615s there and awesome um and one of the ways
3618s that you get people to go there is
3620s through the trading system our trading
3622s system primarily revolves around uh a
3624s separate third party Zone that you don't
3625s have it's a so you don't have to be
3627s there together you don't go to the
3628s person zone so you wouldn't be forced to
3630s um or incentivized I should say to
3632s travel to their specific area to show it
3634s off and share all that sort of stuff so
3636s it's a little less special
3639s um I
3641s I I think there's probably ways we could
3644s do it there's probably room for it
3647s um when it's not something we're
3648s focusing on right
3651s now uh sorry if it's an as for that's
3655s okay but are there any plans to
3656s implement if it's R dlss yes this is we
3658s talked about earlier um this is one of
3660s the things that is um required to do an
3662s engine upgrade to make work so um we are
3666s in the middle of that engine upgrade
3667s right now
3669s um it's going to be a while still I you
3672s know like this is not a 1.1 thing tell
3674s you that for sure for sure um you know
3678s if if it goes absolutely perfectly and
3681s like everything from here and out is
3682s just like oh it works it works it works
3683s which it won't I'd still be surprised if
3685s it was even one point point2 type thing
3687s you know so so we're we're a little ways
3689s off still from it but um it is something
3691s we are still working
3695s on uh would you agree that Ward is
3698s overpowered at the moment yes I've said
3699s so many times on the stream I'll say it
3701s again Ward is overpowered at the
3703s moment uh is there any plans to make
3706s more detail istic item inventory view
3710s that items in
3712s inventory uh look
3715s equipped look bigger and more detail
3718s like in D2 and
3722s po oh like um I I know what you're
3725s saying sorry uh I got it uh like like a
3730s um like like a dressing room type thing
3732s like a change like a a wardrobe where
3734s you can like see like a big picture of
3736s what it looks like and like rotate like
3738s um kind of like the character select
3739s screen actually does I guess
3745s um not specifically know but um you know
3749s it's
3752s possible all right without spilling any
3754s details are there any
3756s changes uh we could expect to loot
3758s filter functionality for 1.1
3762s yes uh yeah there are updates to loot
3764s filter coming in
3767s 1.1 uh is there any channeling I was
3770s also there's something that we wanted to
3771s change the loot filter 1.1 that didn't
3773s work uh and is not getting in 1.1 but
3776s we're still working on it for later so
3778s uh any changes that do come in 1.1 Li
3779s filter are not the last changes to 1.1
3782s or not the it's not done we're going to
3784s keep updating it and keep expanding it
3785s and there's um I pressures from other
3787s systems will cause us to have new design
3790s changes that we decide to make as well
3791s in the future but yeah it is uh evolving
3794s and growing
3797s still uh is there any channeling build
3799s update rework to resemble D4 lightning
3802s storm or incinerate like builds for
3803s channeling enjoyers I haven't played
3805s those builds in D for yet um so I can't
3807s say specifically with relation to that
3809s but we do have changes specifically to
3811s some channeling skills
3814s um
3818s and other
3820s similar issue skills that have other
3822s similar issues
3823s too uh channeling you you may notice
3827s that our most recent channeling ability
3829s um plays a lot better than our old
3832s channeling abilities um so uh uh ghost
3837s flame that we called it is that we ended
3839s up calling
3843s it uh the the new warlock one it was
3847s called ghost L FL for a while if it's
3849s not still called ghost L blanking on the
3850s new name
3858s um her her fits thank you appreciate it
3864s uh the um Good Luck
3868s the uh I'm assuming you can still hear
3870s me but maybe
3872s not
3879s um I can't type in
3892s there okay cool um
3898s answering questions that's what I'm
3901s doing uh channeling abilities that's
3903s what we're talking about yeah so yeah we
3904s we we are we we are looking at
3906s channeling abilities
3910s um uh and they'll
3913s be
3915s um you I I don't want to go too high on
3918s the changes that are being made there
3919s but yes that that is something that's
3920s it's being it is being looked at uh in
3923s general um and we're still working on
3925s how best opdate channeling
3928s abilities probably the best way to say
3930s that all right can we expect more
3931s changes to Mastery passives like more
3933s thresholds yes you can um as as you can
3936s see right here um more threshold nodes
3939s are coming to classes that don't have a
3941s ton of threshold
3944s nodes all right will Cycles contain
3947s content and core systems or will you
3950s begin implementing cycle specific
3951s mechanics in order to test new
3953s experimental features in the future um
3955s the the uh the first few Cycles at least
3959s um we do plan all of the features that
3962s you see um in the first few Cycles are
3965s being designed as core cycle or as core
3969s game mechanics um right out of the box
3972s so these are things that we are we're
3974s like this is this is going to be a core
3976s mechanic um and we're designing it as a
3978s core mechanic and we're like that's
3980s that's the plan with all these um the at
3982s least the early on ones we're doing um
3985s we do
3989s um we do
3993s uh um sorry people are sending me
3997s messages uh we do plan on having um
4000s cycle specific mechanics in the future
4002s um I don't know when that's going to
4004s start so like um as an example we've
4007s even looked at having temporary time
4010s gated mechanics in the poll we sent out
4013s recently um
4017s uh I don't know if I the Poll finished I
4019s don't know what we're doing with the
4020s results on that I hope we can share some
4021s of those results we'll see we'll see
4023s about that later but um yeah like so we
4026s we with with our most with our
4028s announcement uh last big announcement
4030s went out we did also send out a survey
4032s to
4034s um uh to to like find out what people
4038s want to do with time gting mechanics
4040s temporary time G mechanics permanent
4041s time G Mechanics for cycle content um so
4045s yeah that's that's all on the table and
4046s we're very open to feedback on what
4048s people
4051s want all right are there more graphical
4054s improvements coming along the way that
4056s are similar to the difference between
4057s 0.9 and 1.0 0.9 to 1.0 was a big 0.90 to
4060s 1.0 was a big jump um I we're definitely
4064s still working on it there's definitely
4065s updates coming I don't know if we'll see
4066s a jump that big anytime soon um but you
4071s know like uh there's there's there's
4074s there's always there's always stuff
4075s that's getting updated with the graphics
4076s and the visuals whether that's from just
4078s as simple as like individual um like
4080s weak points being addressed like old DFX
4082s or old enemy models or animations that
4085s are lacking or um like sound effects and
4088s uh like all these things that are just
4090s like maybe for something we haven't
4091s worked on in a while it's getting a
4092s little dated and we want to update it
4093s because we're just better at doing it
4094s now than we were when we did it
4097s um giant systemwide updates are going to
4102s be fewer frequency than they were
4106s leading up to here type thing but you
4107s know we're still working on those things
4108s and if there's a big breakthrough that
4109s happens yeah we'll we'll implement
4112s it are you happy with the complexity uh
4115s the level of complexity of crafting
4117s itemization Etc I'm happy that I don't
4119s need a PhD to actually be decent at
4121s crafting and such yeah we we do try
4123s really hard to make things um like the
4127s the what's the old adage easy to learn
4128s hard to master so we want people who are
4131s um who are you know just hopping in to
4133s play with uh a friend for
4136s uh the campaign and never dive into
4138s endgame at all we want those people to
4139s be able to engage with things like
4141s crafting and make decisions on what
4143s items they want to wear and be happy
4144s with the results of those decisions um
4147s but then at the same time we want
4148s players who have that thousand hours
4151s played and they're like they know the
4153s game inside and out and they're they're
4154s still able to um you know make those
4157s micro optimizations that that help get
4159s them to just a little bit higher on the
4160s ladder and things like that so so yeah
4163s um we are really happy with where it is
4165s uh and we are
4168s um uh you know still making little
4171s adjustments to that as we
4174s go the depth to complexity ratio is
4177s something we we take very
4180s seriously uh right will you add
4183s adjustment slm movement skill to Prim
4186s list because Fury leap feels like flying
4188s with slow motion every class have good
4190s movement skill by Primal list I would
4191s strongly disagree I love the Primal less
4193s Fury leap um but uh I mean we're always
4197s open to feedback so if you if you've got
4199s a suggestion for something like to see
4200s head the
4201s forums um curious about your thoughts on
4205s very basic skill nodes which for example
4207s either give flat damage or flat chance
4209s to apply an ailment compared to more
4210s skill altering nodes um do you feel like
4212s both types of nodes are important to
4214s have for most skills yeah I definitely
4215s and and this goes this goes right back
4217s to the depth complexity um thing so like
4220s just a node that just um adds I think
4223s just straight more damage nodes are
4226s something we we Tred to shy away from
4228s and something we we've really been
4229s trying to remove um as we get more and
4232s more tools to add into abilities we can
4234s have fewer and fewer of those um but you
4236s know something as simple like like just
4238s poison chance on on an ability like that
4240s doesn't seem like it's it's it isn't
4242s very complicated it's actually very
4243s simple um but it can it I think it can
4247s have pretty decent implications for um
4250s for character customization and I think
4252s it's it nodes like that are really
4254s important to have still
4258s but like having a node on a tree that's
4261s like eight points and it's just like 5%
4264s more damage per Point like that's boring
4266s that is just boring but
4269s um you know so we we we try not to have
4271s as many of those um but you know if
4273s every single node is a novel um then the
4277s time to parse that tree and and figure
4280s out what you want to do can be really uh
4282s taxing so if you have uh maybe a node
4285s that's just like like um 20% poison
4287s chance per point which I know was really
4288s weak but just like and and you have that
4290s node lead into another node that like
4292s works with poison like triggers off
4293s poison or or there's something more
4295s complicated happens with poison that
4296s base poison node before it acts as a
4298s really good indicator and sign poster
4300s for you that like hey this is a poison
4302s area of the tree um and it synergizes
4305s with the other nodes so you feel good
4306s about those decisions and you know I
4308s think it's uh those nodes are really
4310s important um and we've just got to and I
4314s think we've been getting better at and
4315s we've got to get even better at applying
4317s them
4320s well all
4322s right right do you have any plans to
4324s implement a way to make it easier for
4326s players to find SL jooin and play with
4328s each other additionally do you plan to
4329s implement the ability for shared
4331s progression in mod of
4333s completion um so uh Party play ux is a
4338s very important topic and something that
4339s we are improving and working on um uh
4343s direct monolith um um sharing
4346s progression is not really something that
4350s we're doing
4351s um indirect mod progression sharing is
4354s something we are exploring um so just a
4357s little bit more systematic and less just
4359s um it's just happening to everyone deal
4361s with it uh yeah so we we are exploring
4365s that a little bit more um as far as like
4366s getting people into the party to play
4367s together and things like that it's a
4369s little lacking uh but we are we are
4371s looking for that still and we've got a
4373s wonderful
4375s uh oh wow uh heavy thank you for the
4378s resub it is three years 36 months in a
4382s row very lovely thank you very much
4386s that's awesome uh it's it's wild that
4389s there's people that have been here for
4390s three years already um I can't believe
4393s we've been streaming that long and it's
4395s uh every time I see one of those pop up
4397s it really uh it puts things uh it puts
4400s things in perspective a little bit with
4401s how far we've come I think um so thank
4403s you very much glad you've been with us
4406s for the
4409s ride yeah thanks um all right here
4412s welome back to reading chat directly now
4416s all
4419s right I think I think I didn't miss any
4422s but we'll see uh from your perspective
4425s as a player which class would you say
4427s needs the most help uh the same question
4429s for your perspective as a Dev ooh
4434s um love I love it's word this way um so
4437s as a player perspective class that needs
4439s the most help uh I'm going to say Forge
4441s guard um as a Dev and this is just this
4444s is just funny kind of trolling a but the
4447s class that needs the most help from a de
4448s perspective is Rune
4452s Master uh we'll just we'll just let that
4454s dangle and thank you very much for uh oh
4458s I am not going to pronounce this right
4461s good ukil good good good God
4466s kill bet there's some capitalization
4468s that makes it so much easier to read I
4471s feel like it probably means something
4472s that I'm just like ignorant and missing
4473s it but that's okay thank you very much
4475s for the subs that is five gifted Subs to
4477s the channel congrats to anyone who got
4478s one of those happy to have you
4482s here um and also thanks to air for I
4484s guess uh at the top of the stream
4486s donating a sub to uh to to their uh PR
4490s manager
4491s Kane it's always it's I always find it
4493s funny when they get a sub so thank you
4496s very much as
4498s well all righty
4505s then I see like the hype train stuff pop
4508s up on the side I'm like I have no idea
4510s what this means but
4515s awesome all right what about letting us
4517s customize the camp in the monolith we
4519s spend a lot of time there solo with the
4520s group I someone suggested that a few
4522s weeks ago and I was like that's a really
4523s good suggestion um so maybe who
4529s knows uh from your
4531s perspective that uh loot filter Bingo
4536s nice got him all right that was that was
4539s that was early that was a while ago I
4540s think uh any plans for allowing uh the
4543s loot filter to do comparisons with gear
4545s we have equipped uh no there's uh
4549s there's a problem there and it sorry uh
4552s we we we we we tried once already
4560s uh are you working on the character mode
4563s upgrade character mode upgrade if I
4566s don't know what that is if yes when can
4567s we expect it what classes is it going to
4569s update the most be updated the
4572s most uh wait no one please rephrase and
4574s ask ganks I I have no idea what the
4577s character mode upgrade is I'm sorry I
4579s feel like I should know and I'm just
4580s like there's it's like a slightly
4582s different term for something I just
4582s don't know it sorry hi hope you and ichy
4585s team are all doing well just a broad
4588s question we're doing pretty good
4589s actually broad question uh but any cool
4591s things coming for totems in 1.1
4593s everything enjoy Shaman totem builds
4595s would love to see more totems or updates
4597s to things upheaval totem or workr totem
4600s um I I
4603s uh impossible uh I don't I know there
4607s was some there's a couple bug fixes I
4608s saw um I don't know if there's any like
4610s major changes to those things happening
4612s um Shaman is still on a pretty high on
4615s the list in general um still missing a
4618s skill uh some of the skills that are
4620s there still not
4622s quite firing on all cylinders might be
4625s the best way to put
4628s it
4629s empor this way so so I I I can't say
4632s anything specific but you
4636s know I I'd say that's a reasonable
4639s suggestion
4641s impossible I always forget the zone you
4643s can't actually jump in it this is the
4645s one I've been waiting for poison and
4650s Venom any plans to make the prophecy
4652s rolling process less tedious SL more
4655s targeted I often spend 30 plus minutes
4657s clicking reroll and mousing over
4659s visually similar prophecies to Target
4661s something remotely specific
4666s um I don't I don't have any details on
4670s that available
4674s um um
4678s um there are some changes to uh how
4682s circle of Fortune Works in general and
4684s like some of the the like the the tiers
4688s like the like what you get at each Rank
4690s and things like that um and how those
4692s interact with each other
4694s uh we're still we're still um making
4698s adjustments to a lot of those so they're
4699s not quite ready for sharing yet but um
4702s there's there's there's some stuff there
4722s dots more
4726s dots many welps left
4730s side uh we don't actually care about the
4732s departure as much we want the
4733s destination
4738s uh we don't care that much about flat
4740s Mana cost we like
4748s that o piece of
4751s candy
4755s uh have you considered playing the dev
4757s build on stream yes I have two unstable
4760s uh it's less about too unstable and more
4761s about just like there's there's a lot of
4763s things that we're that we work on um and
4766s we'll like put a version into the dev
4768s build and we'll say like okay like this
4770s is like really for testing and we're
4773s like we're we're really trying
4775s to uh like like feel like how does this
4779s feel and things like that and sometimes
4781s they're things that are really awesome
4784s uh but they end up not working for one
4786s reason or another and um if we if we did
4791s put them out there and then have to
4793s remove them I might not feel very good
4797s um and curating a uh a build
4801s specifically for um you know like and
4804s and there's lots of placeholder stuff in
4805s there too so it'll be like just like a
4808s uh sometimes there's images we put in
4810s there that like are art for things that
4812s are like up coming um you know
4816s it's it it would add like it would add a
4820s little bit too much uh like Dev time to
4823s make a version that was stable and and
4826s bug free and spoiler free enough to to
4830s play
4832s um confidently I
4841s think you know maybe
4844s someday uh are there any combat F
4847s improvements coming 1.1 yes uh is there
4849s a possible down the road to make
4853s dismemberment uh that enemies shatter on
4855s death when they're frozen that arrows
4857s stick into enemies when they hit and so
4858s on yeah I mean that like um that style
4862s of stuff is all very much on the table
4865s uh you know I I I can even say that one
4868s of those things is actively being worked
4870s on actually
4874s um
4877s they're they're quite awesome when they
4881s work well uh and are not awesome when
4885s they don't work well and are quite often
4887s pretty uh Dev time expensive to to make
4890s work so um you know that's the that's
4893s the sort of Polish and you know just
4895s like cool and awesome factor that uh you
4899s know it's that that that we're really
4901s looking to to to add into the game the
4903s extra juice the extra spice and and so
4905s you know it's it's things like that are
4908s on the table and we're very interested
4909s in doing them um I most of the time
4913s wouldn't really expect many of those
4915s types of things but you
4917s know we're working on
4920s it all right are there any plans for low
4923s effects graphical settings of some sort
4925s for example uh which would remove dead
4927s bodies excess uh effects and projectiles
4929s finally remove grass for good Etc
4931s allowing people with lower uh specs to
4933s play comfortable FPS yeah there's
4936s there's this
4937s um
4942s like there's sort of this like minimum
4944s Fidel that we kind of that we that we do
4946s want the game to have
4949s um we are working on things like that
4955s um I don't want to make any promises
4957s because there are certain things that we
4958s very intentionally just like don't do
4960s because we want to hit that minimum uh
4963s Fidelity tier I guess same
4966s thing but it's on on the list for for
4971s especially especially because there's
4973s like uh we start looking at other
4974s platforms um so like we've started
4976s started looking towards um like steam
4979s deck as an option started looking
4981s towards other consoles as options too
4982s and sometimes you can't um especially
4985s with things like steam deck you can't
4986s expect you can expect very specific
4988s power but you can't expect uh high
4991s powered steam deck CU it doesn't
4997s exist unless someone's like modded their
5001s own which I'm sure someone has at this
5003s point
5006s I wonder how locked down they are or
5008s like if the OS is available just like
5010s slap on some Hardware someone like gets
5011s in
5012s there I know that' be
5017s cool all right if you could go back in
5019s time and not add something to the game
5022s you did specific Mastery feature
5024s whatever what would it be H that is such
5026s a hard question to answer I have no idea
5031s um you could if I could go back and not
5033s add something
5036s I don't
5036s know
5045s um I really like our game
5052s um I mean like the cop at answers are
5054s things like I I would not add features
5057s that we ended up removing to save time
5060s um but at the same time like you learn
5061s from those mistakes and so like the game
5063s is probably better overall because of
5064s them I don't know uh something I don't
5067s like now in the game that I want to
5069s what's something that I want to remove
5070s from the game
5075s now okay the something that we are
5078s removing I'm like uh it's kind of a
5080s cheaty answer too sorry but um the the
5082s dynamic boss Dr Dynamic boss Dr was a
5086s mistake of a system um I think we I
5089s think it is a really important problem
5090s that it's trying to solve and we are
5092s replacing it with a system that will
5094s hopefully solve that better
5098s um but yeah uh Dynamic
5102s boss any updates to lethal
5107s concentration I don't know what lethal
5109s concentration what that uh
5123s maybe oh yeah yeah
5134s um feel like we were talking about this
5136s one recently and I can't remember what
5137s happened with it I don't think there's
5139s any major changes coming to it I don't
5141s remember I'm sorry he was in a
5144s discussion
5152s recently all right low effect setting
5155s possible moving oh I already answered
5157s that uh so we just doing the one teaser
5160s tonight no we'll do another one okay um
5164s really soon probably do another poll I
5172s think K uh if you haven't already
5174s planned it there it is right there
5176s there's a poll happening perfect timing
5179s um if you want to
5181s see uh a teaser that is related to to
5185s Mage Shaman or void Knight please vote
5188s now in the poll running in chat
5192s um hopefully we get a few more votes
5194s than last time we're already passed last
5197s time there we go awesome
5204s um I I I I will say that I just want to
5207s show all of these so bad I've seen them
5209s all I'm like doesn't it doesn't matter
5211s which one you pick they're all awesome
5214s um
5215s and you know we'll we'll
5218s eventually eventually you'll you'll
5221s you'll see all these things at some
5223s point hopefully you don't have to wait
5225s all the way to
5232s launch it's a tight race Mage getting
5235s left in the dust Gan void Knight taking
5239s early early lead they're fighting it out
5246s yeah we'll keep going on some questions
5247s until that gets resolved still got lots
5250s of time left on that poll so if you
5251s haven't had a chance to vote please do
5253s so I will remind you again in a bit uh
5255s any possibility that the 1.1 patch will
5257s be ready sooner than the announced July
5258s 9th no I don't think so um I mean
5261s there's always a chance I guess but uh
5263s because we've already made the the date
5264s announcement um we're there's all sorts
5266s of planning and things that go into uh
5269s into the date with localization and
5271s marketing that um moving those times up
5274s is is really not feasible or smart so uh
5278s I I I I really would not expect it to
5280s come any sooner than
5285s me all right is your personal time
5287s account what class you play the most uh
5290s in your personal time account what class
5292s do you play the most main or you play it
5294s all I do play um I I definitely play
5296s Rogue the most of everything that's like
5299s um I I don't play a ton cuz I'm usually
5302s like I've got time to play I've got time
5304s to fix
5305s bugs but like if um if one of my friends
5308s wants to play or something like that or
5310s you know get a little spare time just to
5311s relax I'll I'll hop in and just play
5312s Live sometimes um and uh yeah I play I
5316s play Rogue the most
5317s um on on live I have I have a blade
5320s dancer a falconer and a marksman on live
5323s um that are all like you know through
5324s the campaign and end game stuff like
5325s that but I don't have uh
5330s um uh I only have one of the other
5332s classes so yeah Rogue rogue's the clear
5334s one win for me personally just like the
5336s play style it's
5340s fun
5348s right uh what are your thoughts on echol
5350s length rushing all the time feels bad
5353s they really want um uh but that is
5356s really what they are about any plans for
5358s longer form content um yeah I mean
5361s the I think people have been clear that
5365s they like the bite-sized nature of of
5367s eeko compared to like cuz we we've had
5369s longer Echoes and very consistantly the
5373s longer eeko are the ones that get
5375s heavily uh negative feedback on them
5379s like like it's it's every single time uh
5382s and and and we we shorten Echo length
5383s and people are like yeah it's great um I
5387s think what we need to have is we need to
5388s have organic reasons for people to stick
5392s around in an echo and consciously decide
5394s not to to just just move on to the next
5396s one um and we are definitely uh working
5399s on ways to do that um there's there's
5401s various things that will uh that we're
5404s still adding things we put in the road
5405s map that will extend your desire to stay
5408s in an echo because it's efficient
5410s because it's fun because there's cool
5411s things to find
5414s um so
5418s yeah uh are you planning uh oh yeah uh
5421s get your vote in for that there's
5425s like 20% of you that have
5430s voted if you're fine with any of them
5432s that's cool
5433s too uh right are you planning on having
5437s some bigger open map zones are you happy
5439s with the current Zone layout SL sizes I
5441s mean this goes back to what we're just
5443s talking about I think there's I think
5444s there's room for some um some bigger
5446s zones in the campaign especially uh
5448s where like it changes the gameplay flow
5450s and feel and all sort of stuff um I
5452s think there's possibly room for bigger Z
5454s zones in new endgame activities I don't
5456s think there's really a ton of room for
5457s bigger zones in monolith Echoes right
5461s now which is the primary thing of what
5463s most people are
5467s playing all right any updates on
5470s official steam deck support um we're
5472s working on it it's about all I got
5476s sorry all right Shaman is the
5479s Victor I'll be sharing a shaman teaser
5482s here
5494s Center on screen
5510s and here we are here's a new Shaman pass
5514s passive
5517s node gift of the
5519s Skies eight point passive node increase
5522s attack speed and cast speed two per
5523s Point 2% per point plus eight Dodge
5525s rating per point and a fivepoint
5527s threshold node when you directly summon
5529s a totem it gains frenzy for short
5531s duration totem frenzy
5533s duration seconds
5539s three that's it it's pretty sweet
5545s speaking of which I have not been using
5546s my frenzy totem like at
5557s all feels really good when I do use it
5559s though my goodness okay so note to
5562s self-use frenzy totem because it's
5564s great at least in where I am
5570s now and uh I fulfilled my obligation to
5574s keep playing the game with a teaser on
5576s the screen uh because you know I do that
5578s intentionally now uh it's definitely
5580s definitely not an
5586s accident sh this down to the
5589s corner you can play with that up
5597s still all right do you also balance
5599s update based on popularity of the
5601s Mastery spec um
5605s when we're triaging which bugs to fix we
5608s don't uh we don't
5611s reference
5612s the
5614s um it's like we go into the database and
5616s say okay how many people are playing
5618s this build at this this this level like
5621s minimum like who's who's got Shaman to
5623s minimum this point Who's Got Run Master
5626s to minimum this point to like check for
5627s popularity for which things to update or
5629s things like that no we we don't do that
5631s um however it kind of indirectly yes um
5635s just because the things that people play
5637s more um do have they get more feedback
5640s they people like to talk about the
5642s things they're playing so you know if if
5644s um there's twice as many people playing
5647s one build than another it will just get
5649s more attention and we'll end up uh
5652s modifying it and and touching it more
5653s just because there's um there's more
5655s data on it there's more feedback on it
5657s you know all that sort of stuff so so
5658s naturally organically yes um but not
5662s intentionally not directly
5665s corly all right do you think no weapon
5669s builds will be viable in the future I
5671s sure hope so there's already one um two
5675s I think actually uh you know it's it's
5678s sort of thing that we I I i' I'd really
5681s like to see some more creative ways to
5684s have weaponless builds
5687s um you know like there's there's there's
5689s things that we've talked about on stream
5690s a lot before uh like um like two-handed
5695s Shield build things like that you know
5696s like there's there's there's I think
5698s there's room for creative ways to uh to
5701s to do to do things like that just for
5703s the record there's not two-handed
5704s Shields coming in just to be clear
5707s there's no plans for that it's something
5709s that I'd love to see
5721s personally uh next question I beg of you
5726s share the void night teaser as
5729s well keep a weather eye on the
5733s horizon all right hi I'm 39 years old
5737s hello I'm also my 30s um and I also have
5741s health health issues I can't stay seat
5744s on in front of the PC for more than one
5746s hour so my question is any plans uh to
5749s get uh can be playable on Steam deck
5751s I've tried a few times after some
5753s seconds the game crashed fres thank you
5755s yes the game is
5757s um uh I think we were one of the top
5760s like two played games on Steam deck the
5762s month we launched
5764s um like there there there are settings
5767s and ways you can tweak the settings to
5770s get lasto playable well on Steam deck
5772s right now um it is far from perfect and
5775s is technically not officially supported
5777s uh it is something that we are working
5778s on um the uh I I don't have a steam deck
5783s so I can't give you like direct advice
5785s cuz I don't know the exact things but um
5787s I I see this question pop up on Reddit
5789s quite frequently um and the general
5792s reply I see just posted over and over
5793s again is like go get cry utilities and
5796s it will fix it and you'll be able to
5798s play no problem and like turn this
5800s setting on I proton and turn this other
5802s setting on and it works great type thing
5804s like there's there's like there's a
5805s couple settings you got to tweak um and
5807s it it works well there are a couple I
5809s think there's a couple like super super
5812s mega intense endgame builds that uh that
5814s that will still cause it to to have
5815s issues um but there um apart from some
5820s edge cases you know there's there's a
5822s lot of people that are using it and it's
5823s working well for them not perfect and we
5825s are working on it
5827s um if you want more specific help with
5829s that my advice would be uh go to Reddit
5832s go to our Discord there's an ask the
5834s community Channel um and I'm there's
5836s lots of people that are super helpful
5837s I'm sure one of them will be able to to
5840s to give you more directed and specific
5842s advice to get it working um and if
5845s you're not interested in doing that and
5846s just want to wait for the official
5847s version um we are working on it
5858s too all right any progress on other
5861s accessibility options like color blind
5863s options Etc yes
5866s um the yeah there's there's several
5868s accessibility sort of axes that we are
5871s looking at still um and and slowly
5874s working on uh we definitely we
5878s definitely want to have much better
5880s accessibility options than we have now
5882s that is that's we we we definitely
5884s categorize accessibility options as a
5886s weak point for us right
5888s now um and to everyone who can't play
5890s because it's missing an accessibility
5892s option for you I apologize um it is
5894s something that we are working on um I
5896s don't have any specifics on when those
5898s are coming um but you know we are just
5901s just we are taking steps to to get that
5904s that
5905s development rolling you know that's
5908s something that we
5911s were we we we prioritized the like core
5915s gameplay Loop over the accessibility
5916s options going into 1.0 um which like if
5920s you need one of those really sucks to he
5922s and I'm sorry uh but we we we had to we
5926s had to get the game out the door
5928s um and you know it's it's one of those
5931s things where like issues that affect uh
5933s all players usually get prioritized over
5935s issues that affect a subset of players
5937s and that's like it goes for um specific
5940s classes or specific skills or specific
5942s items compared to like every single
5945s player you know and it's the same type
5946s of prioritization that happens you
5948s should have seen I've heard of your
5950s power let's see how you face
5955s this who are
5960s you a poison 65 67 I saw I think
5972s think not bad for
5992s campaign it's me
6004s so much
6007s damage really focus one of them down
6009s instead of
6021s flip-flopping got him
6024s now that
6026s chance got him you
6029s pathetic human
6032s mistake you think you can kill me you
6037s think you
6039s can enough come use the
6044s LA the ls of
6046s hro where is
6048s it quickly you
6053s little hiccup there I clicked out of the
6057s screen all
6068s right welcome to the Divine eraa
6076s 12be uh looks like I missed a question
6080s going back to see what that is
6084s will you guys add more Legendary Weapons
6086s to change skills uh like adds four more
6089s projectiles and makes them shoot out in
6091s a circle stuff like that yeah I mean um
6094s we the way that our like extra
6097s projectile system works and you know all
6100s all those things they do need to be um
6103s we we it's very difficult for us to do
6105s generic uh versions of that um but yes
6111s you know we we've added we're going to
6113s keep adding unique items um and you know
6117s skill transformative unique items are
6119s some of the most popular and fun so
6121s we're going to keep adding
6127s those oh mik read chat gets killed again
6132s are there plans to add Cosmetics to the
6134s store at regular intervals or is that on
6136s the back burner for now yes we will
6137s continue to add new Cosmetics this to
6140s the store at the same regular intervals
6141s we've been doing which is Major patches
6142s three to four months
6145s uh would a new weapon type which can
6147s roll affixes that can affect allies be
6154s interesting uh I mean
6169s yes what is our
6173s we did that fight with him with zero
6174s necro res that's
6176s funny I feel like I really need to take
6178s a look at my gear I feel like I haven't
6179s touched my gear in like 20 levels 43
6182s yeah I feel like I haven't done anything
6183s in so long from that that amulet that we
6185s crafted at the start of the
6191s stream any of yeah little forging
6193s potential here a little foring poal
6194s there
6197s let's damage yeah we'll take that
6201s intelligence that ring is terrible for
6203s us why are we wearing that
6205s ring
6208s uh
6217s zero oh we need to fix some of these so
6222s bad
6231s nice we we got to we replace some I
6234s think we should uh probably go to the
6237s stash and like we've got we've got some
6238s uniques that would probably be
6243s good our Gear's falling off did I check
6245s my weapon for Fortune
6252s zero more
6257s questions any teaser to share on your
6259s plans to make Ward not quite so op uh I
6262s can't share any this is one of those
6263s things that we're still um we're still
6266s testing numbers on it um it's something
6268s that we it's it's a major balancing
6270s consideration that affects many many
6273s many builds um like not just the mega op
6276s ones it affects the like the fair builds
6279s too um so we have to be careful on how
6281s we implement it
6284s um might be good actually replace these
6286s anyways um we
6289s are you know like we we still got to get
6291s it in front of our CTS get some feedback
6293s on it
6295s um you like do some iteration so there's
6297s there's some there's some design space
6299s that still needs to be done on that
6301s um before we can really talk what we're
6303s doing there it it it's it's
6306s um me
6309s broad you can like if we look at the
6311s builds that are problematic and what
6313s they're doing and and how they're doing
6314s it you can kind of get a general idea of
6316s like likely places to Target it's you
6319s know nothing nothing crazy out of the
6322s box revolutionary for
6324s for bringing down the power of Ward
6326s really uh thank you very
6329s much or
6332s theion congrats thanks for the sub
6334s appreciate it glad to have you with
6337s us all right next
6342s question haven't played in a while but
6344s when I did flat damage scaled outclass
6347s everything else especially when it came
6349s to investment and return uh these flat
6352s Bas damage I guess uh scaled skills were
6354s pretty few and far between have there
6356s been any updates on the balance of this
6358s I there's less sources of just straight
6363s flat percentage more damage um so
6367s percentage scaled uh modifiers like uh
6371s do have
6375s um a little bit relatively better place
6378s in the game I I would say but you know
6380s generally flat is still very powerful um
6383s um and it's not very available
6385s especially in like passive nodes and
6387s things like that so you're still looking
6388s to primarily your weapon for that flat
6390s damage which is which is really
6393s intentional and where we like it where
6394s we want to keep
6398s it uh how do you prioritize devs wanting
6401s to invent and improve existing features
6403s do you make time for those yeah I mean
6405s there's
6407s um we we we have
6411s um like a design team that uh drives the
6417s direction the overall direction of of
6419s how uh the game evolves and what gets
6422s added and stuff like that um you know
6424s every once in a while someone shows up
6425s with a with they're like I had this idea
6427s and I just had to throw it in and and
6429s you know like it's it still goes through
6431s the review process and things like that
6433s and um you know people still have to you
6436s know get their regular work done type
6438s thing so you know we don't have um
6441s people going rogue that much on
6442s development stuff
6445s but yeah like there's there's definitely
6447s times where like myself and other people
6450s will be just like working on something
6451s and you'll be like oh I've got an idea
6454s for this thing I could do and you just
6455s like slap it in it's it's you know it
6457s happens and you know so so sometimes
6459s that does happen but
6462s um I think uh since probably
6467s 0.9.9 in that range it's it's definitely
6469s happened less or less we formalized a
6470s lot more of our of our development
6472s processes and things like
6481s that all right so Pinnacle boss is
6484s coming are you guys going to make things
6487s hard with small Arena uh and big AOE
6491s problem forcing players to do mechanics
6493s or do you guys come up more interesting
6495s designs from the norm of RPG say hi Mike
6498s how you been hi um I'm good thanks uh
6503s the yeah I I can't there is a fixed size
6507s Arena um it's pretty big
6510s though
6512s um it's it's I think more to kind
6518s of
6523s um I guess keep the
6525s fight focused in like a a visual
6529s space um
6533s there's there's some there's some new
6536s mechanics we've had to develop
6537s specifically for the fight new new new
6540s functionality we've had to develop
6541s specifically for this fight
6545s um I can't can't really go into too much
6547s detail but there's there's there's some
6550s some old some new some interesting some
6552s wacky some expected little little bit of
6557s everything got it's got
6561s variety I got C up I caught up to
6571s chat
6572s awesome um yeah so if you have more
6574s questions put atlast OT game in chat and
6577s I will do my best to answer them
6580s um thank you air weird GI this up to
6583s quiet congrats quiet well well
6591s deserved just to not sure if someone
6593s asked this already that's okay but are
6595s we going to keep the current seasons
6596s mechanics core yes we are uh guilds you
6599s likees circle of Fortune but feels like
6600s Merchants Guild auction UI uh and
6603s inflation is not really good for the
6604s game um so the the the the major
6608s inflation that happened with um Merchant
6611s Guild was specifically due to a um a bug
6615s that happened so uh you know we are we
6618s are still riging that in for
6621s legacy but the the the fact that items
6625s we we do have like ways to pull gold and
6628s items out of the economy that we are
6630s adjusting to be more
6631s aggressive in some situations and uh
6634s more dynamic in others are uh you know I
6638s think we'll we we'll we should be able
6641s to hit a nice sweet spot where that is
6643s um that does consist nicely throughout
6646s Legacy cycle to cycle and we will keep
6649s updating it as we go as as changes are
6650s needed
6655s yes they are core
6663s mechanics all right any chance on PVP
6666s Arena uh I I'd love to um we've we've
6671s we've talked about PVP a few times
6674s um it was uh one of the stretch goals on
6677s Kickstarter so like it's been it's been
6679s in the conversation for a long time um
6684s the I think there's a a a good chance
6687s it'll happen
6689s eventually we we kind of tried
6692s to emulate uh a a a small fraction of
6696s the feeling of PVP a little bit in the
6699s limited Arena that's already there where
6700s you fight a um a player character style
6704s n PC
6717s oh yeah I forgot about that
6721s node most important note
6739s ever all right how would you rate the
6742s current team team morale
6745s hi we've always we like I don't know i'
6750s I've I've never really felt we've had I
6753s think we've been really lucky with um
6759s like the circumstances around the game
6762s in general um which has made it pretty
6765s easy to have pretty high team morale um
6769s you know we we we do try really hard to
6772s um
6776s um like keep keep keep our like
6780s development
6781s Community uh you know like fun and
6784s exciting and interesting and you know
6786s all the same sorts of things that we try
6787s and develop for the game we try and
6789s develop for our development environment
6791s as well
6796s um I think we do a pretty good job of
6798s it I don't talk to everyone every day so
6801s you know it's hard to tell exactly
6807s but I think it's good I think it's
6809s really good I'm having tons of
6815s fun all right will we see any updates to
6817s endurance for cycle 2 potentially little
6819s buff to compete with Ward um
6824s there's uh at uh yeah there's there's
6828s some stuff there's there's some changes
6829s um Less on the like overarching
6831s systematic side and more on the specific
6842s side I may have missed it uh but our new
6845s leaderboards confirmed for 1.1 I mean
6847s every major every every time we do a
6849s cycle like 1.1 1.2 the like the
6852s leaderboards uh start over again so
6855s yes uh the old boss is getting some
6858s major improvements major I
6861s know um um we're we're really focusing
6865s our
6868s uh oh kind of actually yeah we're really
6870s focusing our efforts on the new
6875s content um when it comes to bossing we
6878s we have developed new uh Systems and
6881s Technology for ah okay yeah there are
6883s some big changes actually um we we we
6886s we've developed some new systems of
6887s technology for bossing in general um so
6890s it does like that does hit every boss in
6892s the game
6894s um but like individual adjustments to
6899s specific bosses uh existing bosses are
6902s few and far
6913s between and uh other stuff too I don't
6916s know it's hard to it's hard to say some
6918s of these things that me like
6919s spoilers I know I'm not allowed to say
6921s yet
6924s it's going to be cool nailed
6926s it all right uh any updates on set items
6930s not yet not yet set items are still uh
6933s still waiting for their day to
6937s shine uh if SL when PVP is added will
6939s there be PVP specific gear or will it
6942s just be normal gear that's used for PVP
6944s that's a great question and one of the
6945s reasons we don't have PVP yet cuz we
6946s don't have an answer to it
6949s um I think there's really good and bad
6952s things about both both of those options
6953s and it's really hard to tell which is
6955s the right thing to do
6959s um yeah uh maybe either you know
6965s um PVP specific gear lets you
6969s um like have have a much more granular
6973s balance on PVP which is really nice
6977s um but it also creates a um
6984s uh I think a barrier to entry to try
6986s that we don't like
6990s um and it also doesn't feel I don't know
6993s it doesn't feel great when um it creates
6996s another like subset of items that you
6998s don't want to find if you don't like say
7000s you just like hate PVP the idea of PVP
7002s you're like no matter what I'm just I'm
7004s not going to PVP I'm not a PVP person
7006s totally fine um and a PVP item drops and
7010s it's just like it's another like well
7012s this item is literally useless for me it
7014s does absolutely nothing that sucks um
7018s you that already happens when you're
7019s like if you hate minions or something
7021s like that or you only play minions and a
7022s minion item drops or doesn't drop you
7024s know it's like there's there's already
7027s those moments and adding more of those
7028s is not ideal um but at the same
7033s time
7035s uhy oh yeah Al and yeah and like
7039s um making the the actual game play of
7042s PVP feel really good is probably more
7046s important um so then then you like start
7048s to look at like okay well you need to
7050s PVP to get PVP gear um and it puts this
7054s like barrier to entry on on
7056s the um like on pvping so you're like
7060s okay I'll go to play PVP but like I
7062s won't have any PVP gear I'll just get my
7063s ass handed to me and won't be any fun
7066s and then you bounce off of it so like we
7069s have much to discuss there's there's a
7071s there's a lot of moving pieces is there
7073s we we've really got to figure out how
7074s it's best cuz this is the one of the
7075s main reasons I never PVP when I played
7077s wow was because um I don't know how it
7080s is now but back then you needed PVP
7082s specific gear I didn't really have any
7085s and I was like showing up to
7086s Battlegrounds without PVP gear and being
7088s like oh this is sure fun I'm getting my
7091s ass handed to me because I just don't
7093s have PVP gear great
7097s um so I didn't PVP
7100s much got into it later it a ton of fun
7102s love it but you know that's that was my
7104s initial experience with
7106s it okay let's do a very
7110s quick
7116s um
7123s yeah
7125s right right like that's that's that's
7128s good right
7138s snow blind that's the what I'm like
7140s nah needs to be
7145s fixed catalst for those catalst don't
7149s care so I've been playing Rogue so it's
7152s all Rogue gear in here right
7153s now and it's completely
7157s disorganized uh supp something like this
7159s would actually be good we don't need
7161s crits right
7172s like that might be nice
7184s actually have I really been doing this
7187s without doing that am I that big of a
7190s noob it really would seem that way way
7192s wouldn't
7200s it that
7207s no I just we're coming up to a lot of
7209s cold damage so I'm like just want to get
7211s that cold res up a
7214s bit doing a lot of heavy lifting
7217s there uh settings
7225s passives
7230s one yeah it's that
7235s right impossible all right let's keep
7239s moving we only have three minutes left
7241s in the Stream ah let's answer some
7244s questions oh actually I kind of want to
7246s go
7248s get we start down this path
7254s uh my bad if this been asked before
7256s that's okay but any plans on Clans for
7259s players being added
7260s soon not soon but I think the
7263s conversation's warmed
7271s recently uh is visual Clarity of SK a
7275s player skill coming like MTX what tones
7277s down skill effects or at least options
7279s in game to help andame visual clutter
7282s does become a problem right now yeah
7284s it's something we're still working on um
7286s I I I don't think that's the sort of
7287s thing that we want to
7290s um uh put behind MTX so if there was I I
7294s think a a a bad situation um not like a
7298s oh my God it's the end of the world
7299s situation but something that we would
7300s consider negative and would want to fix
7302s would be um if we
7305s were if people were buying specific ntx
7309s in order to play specific builds because
7311s you couldn't see properly without it
7313s that would be a bad situation for us
7314s that would be like okay this is
7315s something we do need to fix um
7320s but um so yeah we we we
7324s are that would be that would be worse
7326s than it is now I think which is might be
7328s sound kind of weird cuz it's offering a
7329s solution to the problem but I think that
7331s would still be
7333s worse um i' I I know we've been talking
7337s about ways to help with this cuz it is
7339s especially you get into a four player
7341s party um there's some especially
7343s egregious builds right now that are
7345s especially popular that just you know
7347s you can't see
7348s anything so it's an issue we're working
7350s on it uh you won't see huge changes to
7352s it
7355s 1.1 uh sorry I didn't hear the answer
7357s you planning any dismemberment or
7359s shattering on death when enemies are
7361s frozen like in P2 um the I I
7365s um I said I mentioned that we're we are
7369s there was there was a list you gave uh
7371s and I said said one of those things on
7373s the list is something we're working on
7374s they're really difficult um you know we
7378s we we we like doing it um but no
7384s specifics all
7386s right looks like we are getting real
7389s close to the end here I'm just probably
7390s going to get to the next Waypoint and
7403s all right let's just finish off the
7404s questions we got here uh come now you
7407s can spell something we won't tell your
7409s boss promise you might be here he might
7411s be watching uh there will be a bigger
7413s info dump before the release right weeks
7415s before yeah um we always do we call hype
7418s week um which is the week leading up to
7421s Major patch we dump a ton of info uh and
7424s get the hype train rolling
7426s then
7429s um there'll probably be some other
7431s mediumsized stuff before then
7433s too uh well what if you talk to someone
7435s to get an intro for
7439s PVP and they give you a start our PVP
7441s Gear with a certain gear score that you
7443s are then queued against people with the
7445s same gear score then upgrade the gear
7446s through P yeah there's there's ways to
7448s solve these problems I I didn't mean to
7450s imply that this is an exhaustive
7451s discussion just that it's a very big
7453s topic and we've got to we a lot of the
7454s pros and cons for various things and so
7455s we still discusting allot sort of
7457s stuff are you guys going to Nerf Ward um
7461s yes a
7463s uh like Ward Ward as a mechanic
7467s is in most situations generally more
7470s powerful than uh non- Ward builds the
7472s maximum potential there a better way
7474s phrases the maximum potential of Ward is
7475s higher than the maximum potential of non
7477s Ward at the moment and um you know that
7483s we we're seeing ward-based builds get
7486s into situations that are significantly
7487s higher than uh we intend them to be able
7490s to get to so yeah there'll be some nerv
7493s that'll be Buffs
7494s too uh though every major patch there's
7497s Nerfs and Buffs so hope hopefully uh
7500s something to just expect that from now
7502s on I think uh would you ever consider a
7504s unique that has a small chance of
7506s turning an enemy into a be yeah sure I
7508s consider it uh it be it' be fun uh
7516s it's trans um like sheep type effects
7520s are uh
7523s tricky to pull off we've tried them a
7524s couple times uh hi hope you are having a
7527s wonderful stream so far I am almost done
7529s I just heard about PVP gear this is very
7532s hypothetical we're not nothing's
7535s happening to be clear uh and was
7537s wondering about how putting in PvP gear
7540s vendor uh you can buy gear then for PvP
7543s with the example tokens you get from PvP
7545s but they are also droppable in PVE
7547s activities
7550s maybe I was I was just musing about the
7553s topic to be clear yeah all right that'll
7556s do it for us for this patch or for this
7559s patch this stream I'll be back same time
7560s same place next week um I hope you had
7563s fun I know I did if I didn't answer your
7565s question I apologize it was not
7567s intentional I be available to reach me
7569s in the ask the devs channel on our
7571s Discord happy to answer your questions
7574s then
7576s um I hope you guys have a wonderful week
7579s uh enjoy some sunshine if there's
7581s Sunshine where you live right now ours
7583s is just coming out I love it
7586s um yeah we'll go say hi to
7593s someone don't
7597s have up
7600s yet who's doing some cool
7607s stuff oh let's go check and see how the
7610s how they done the bingo
7618s also keep an eye out for possible other
7621s things to show up elsewhere