9 months ago - Last Epoch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s foreign
9s as always
11s I'm your host Mike how's it going and if
14s you were here last time right at the
15s very end of the stream you will know
19s that we found who we were looking for
21s that's right we found the staff woohoo
23s here we go
27s I'm just I'm not even gonna like try to
29s improve my build based on the fact that
32s I now have the staff
34s uh and we're just gonna go right for it
36s and see what happens and when I
37s inevitably fail then we'll fix it
47s because that's
49s how I roll
52s hmm
57s everybody doing is your first time here
59s well I'm glad to have you with us please
61s put at last Epoch game in front of the
65s uh question so I see it easier and uh we
68s stream for charity we're getting water
70s out to people that need water
76s yes good
88s that's good stuff
91s I feel like it's doing way more damage
93s that might just be me that's the way it
95s feels
96s I got a first question Hunter X Bankai
99s killer what's up Mike a lot of us are
102s eager for news when can we expect the
104s time frame for new update for next batch
107s um
108s I don't really have much I can share
110s with you right now
113s um the next like
116s I mean I can't tell you like oh the date
118s for this will be available at this time
120s or anything like that I don't know when
121s everything's specifically getting
122s announced but I do know and can tell you
125s that there is a large event happening
127s very soon that we are uh we're going to
130s called Gamescom and at this event there
133s will be some information that you're
136s probably looking for
137s uh available so I would
140s um keep an eye on Gamescom
144s and and
146s things you want to hear I'm I I'll I'll
149s likely at least at least some of the
152s things you want to hear will probably be
153s talked about there
155s um
156s I'll be honest I'm not 100 sure what the
159s whole announcement entails so
162s I can't tell you specific things are
163s going to get announced or not
169s but like major events we're going big
176s if you're in the area stop by if you're
179s not tune in
184s I'm sure it'll be an awesome time
189s uh do you have any plans or ideas
192s regarding the different Dot
195s uh types for example bleed uh focus on
198s slow hits and limited sex or poison
200s denoting in an AOE explosion after
202s reaching certain stuff thank you um okay
204s so the yeah like there's
208s we have elements are kind of interesting
210s so there's
212s um
213s there's there's performance concerns in
215s having specific modifications to
219s um to to very common dots uh and it's
223s it's a really weird reason that it
224s happens so we we do have a way that we
226s can modify
229s um
230s ailments applied to
232s any any enemy through any Source we can
235s we can we can modify any dot in any way
236s we want on the Fly based on passives and
239s items and skill nodes and all sort of
241s stuff however if we modify say for
244s example bleed
245s um through one skill so say we'd say we
247s take
248s um bleed
250s on like uh the Raptor I believe they
252s believe that someone Raptor applies and
254s we say okay that bleed is gonna is gonna
258s um
264s um
266s that's a bad example for the what I'm
267s trying to say uh it's okay let's say
271s I will say let's say add adds an
273s explosion to the end of poison that's
274s actually really a good example so um so
276s summon scorpion uh has a node on it that
279s makes it so that when when poison that
281s it applies expires there's a poison
284s explosion that poisons everything around
287s it like a like a poison puddle or
288s something like that
289s cool awesome effect
291s um
293s however if anyone else if any other
296s source now applies poison to that same
299s Target there's there's there's a bitty
301s pretty big performance hit that happens
304s um so we can't make on-the-fly
305s modifications the specific affixes that
308s are really common
310s um so which is why which is why we
311s usually Reserve effects like this for
314s um
315s more uh niche
318s uh elements so for example
320s um
321s blood curse in acolyte is a is an
325s ailment that that can be modified pretty
327s heavily in the tree however it's really
330s rare that you have
332s um
334s like more than one person applying it
336s let alone like a dozen different sources
338s applying it in different ways
342s um and even when you do it's I think it
344s might even be capped at one stack
346s question mark
349s anyway so so that's I we this I know
352s it's not directly related to the
353s question that sometimes comes up in that
355s conversation it's just important to note
357s um why we don't modify them based on
359s skill trees which is sort of like the
361s obvious like option for doing something
363s cool with them
366s um as as for having
369s um the really common ailments have
370s specific mechanical differences yeah
373s that's that is something we do like and
375s we are trying to work those that flavor
378s in in different ways for example there's
381s um an upcoming unique item that I just
383s showed that with that unique item it
385s kind of has it does what I'm talking
387s about here without actually modifying
389s the ailments where it makes it so that
391s you take that the enemies will take more
394s um
395s more damage from physical ailments while
398s moving I think is what it is and um that
401s basically gives bleed a like more damage
405s to moving like so when you're bleeding
407s and you and start moving and take more
408s damage that sort of thing and um that's
410s actually really interesting because it
411s applies to other people's bleeds too
415s um so it works it works even better and
418s um and and that's so that's sort of
419s thing we do we do want to work in but
421s why the base versions of the elements
423s are pretty basic is is a lot of the
425s reason there is just for
427s um Simplicity say Get it getting making
429s it easy to understand and optimize the
433s basic functionality without having to
436s like learn a bunch of the Mechanics for
438s a specific ailment so you don't need to
440s learn
441s um oh I want to keep my targets moving
443s when I'm making something bleed
446s um to maximize the damage of it but if
448s you take this unique item and you equip
450s it then you do need to have
452s um that knowledge but because you've
453s chosen to equip the item that extra that
456s extra bit of like optimization you can
458s make is a lot more in your face
461s um so the really basic straightforward
464s um core
465s dots is is really intentional
468s um there is some uniqueness in um
472s like shock is is arguably the most
475s common for lightning one so it's That's
477s Unique one there
478s um
479s then it's so like cold is like frostbite
481s and chill and those are both little
483s different because like they cause
484s movement speed reductions and attack
486s speed reductions
487s um so there are little mechanical
489s differences we try and work in and
490s poison also reduces the poison
491s resistance making more stacks of poison
494s on the same Target more effective
498s um so you see yeah like we do we do work
500s in these these differences
502s um and there are new types of ailments
506s coming next patch as well
508s um that do because the one type of
511s ailment application that isn't really
513s represented right now in last Epoch and
516s and is really well represented in Path
518s of Exile and whenever we have a
520s situation where there's something we
522s don't do great and they do really well
524s um it gets brought up a lot of
526s suggestions a lot and um so this this
530s concept of us scaling the initial hit of
533s the attack to scale the uh the damage
536s that the dot deals that concept is a
539s little bit lost in last Epoch
542s um
543s and I think we do have an example of
545s that coming next match
553s I hope that answered the whole question
562s just reread the question I could have
563s said yes
569s babbling Mike over here
586s foreign
589s cycle for a patch where we're like
593s we're kind of getting get we're pretty
594s far along the development cycle we're
596s trying to make sure that the major
597s features are like really solid good feel
600s awesome like
603s pretty bug free all that sort of stuff
605s and
606s um and it's it's usually around this
608s time where there's like features that
610s we've we've sort of all wanted to get in
611s for a while and someone's like
614s will you sneak this in yeah
617s oh you're gonna stick this in and uh and
621s everyone's like trying to find ways to
623s sneak stuff in right now
625s um that's a little uh that's good
628s it's fun
632s it's coming along strong which is
633s awesome
637s you like our game thank you
641s I appreciate you playing our game
645s uh just a little bit about Leslie Park
647s been a streamer
649s uh introduced me to it but yesterday and
651s played a little you guys have made a fun
653s game thank you
656s I always love hearing about people
658s enjoying our game
664s I was um I sometimes play webcam Magic
668s so like uh you just take your webcam
671s point it down at your desk and play over
673s over the Internet like over Discord
676s and
677s um my
679s like my desk the top of my desk is just
681s like I I my mouse pad is just a giant
683s last Epoch play mat so I just like move
686s my mouse and keyboard aside and play on
687s that
688s um and and I actually was playing
691s against someone uh last night and uh
695s they they recognized the play mat was
697s like I was like I was just playing that
699s that's so cool they're like when did you
701s get into it and also stuff and I'm like
702s wow
706s kind of work on it
718s that was cool
720s stuff like that that I really enjoy
739s saying that I should I should work in
742s politics
743s no I could I would I could eat a live
753s we go to the first debate and someone
756s would say something that's like
757s technically not true but it's like not
759s my turn to speak and I would just like
760s start screaming at them from lying
763s or some side something dumb like that I
765s just wouldn't be able to keep it
766s together
767s see here's great because no one can talk
769s about it
780s was a professional developer for 18
782s years go to devops in the last eight
784s watch some of you guys alpha videos
786s compared to where you are yeah that's uh
789s the alpha videos compared to now are
790s hilarious if if anyone's interested at
794s all it hasn't seen one of them they'll
795s like
797s you can you can see a lot of the footage
798s on our Kickstarter page
800s um that's probably the easiest way to
802s find a lot of that footage but there is
804s like old Patch videos and stuff like
807s that
808s and like
810s I'm I'm still proud of what we did at
812s the time
813s but oh my God it's like compared to now
816s it's night and day
824s uh I know this topic was disgust but
826s maybe you have some new info on the
828s damage scaling aspect for now the only
831s way to focus on [ __ ] as much as possible
833s except the dots we have the singularity
836s but it's extremely weak in comparison I
838s mean we do
840s shave my mustache off I feel like it's
841s just
842s tickling my nose
844s um
846s as far as damage scaling diversity goes
848s it is something that we are looking into
850s as uh like a way to improve the game to
853s give to give more versatile build off
855s opportunities and
858s um as we
861s like as we build out like the last few
864s classes as we build out more unique
866s items finish up more in-game system
868s things like that there's gonna be more
870s uh options
873s and and naturally there will be just
875s like different ways to build things
878s we are we do know that Singularity was a
881s good start but not uh not all the way to
884s what it needed to be sorry to say
900s and um I I think it was a good chance
903s that we'll we'll find room for other uh
907s similar effects or or items that help
909s enable that type of gameplay a little
911s bit better
912s um
914s it's a it's a tough line to walk because
916s there's so there's this opportunity cost
919s of
920s um of going crit where you have
923s um
925s like the opportunity cost is the the all
927s the affixes that you're giving up to
929s crit specifically
931s um and so then those kind of have to get
932s uh
935s like you you generally don't want to
937s change those into defensive offenses
939s um and so you're looking for other
941s offensive affixes to to use there and
943s often they're less efficient
946s uh or the crit the crit axes are more
948s efficient generally speaking
951s um because of like the the
953s multiplicative nature of crit chance and
955s crit multiplier
961s um so we've looked at other ways to take
962s advantage of crit
964s um so it still has that that kind of
966s effect but not
969s um
970s but not uses crit that makes any sense
975s that was less successful but um
981s we're working on it I think I think it's
983s something that will take a little bit of
984s time to to Really find nice spot for it
986s I also don't think it's crazy far off
989s I think there's I think it's also one of
990s those things where
992s um
994s it's it's a fine line
1000s and it'll sort of um
1003s it'll flip all of a sudden
1006s uh in a lot of cases and it's something
1008s we want to avoid
1010s so we don't we don't want it to go from
1011s like well obviously you build crit in
1012s every circumstance too well obviously
1014s you never build crit in any circumstance
1017s um
1019s and I think given the choice between the
1021s two the former is better
1025s ouch my face
1029s light meteor is great
1037s make the staff one-handed I mean
1040s it is
1047s there any news
1049s um maybe a migrate ssf to trade
1053s is there any news on maybe a migrate ssf
1055s to trade
1057s um so trade is not like a
1061s um
1062s I guess it kind of is it's ssf in normal
1064s because in in normal you'll have access
1067s to Merchant skilled and circle of
1069s Fortune one of which is proper trade and
1072s one of which is proper not trade
1074s um
1075s so so I want to avoid using ssf versus
1078s trade
1080s um
1081s no no you you can
1083s um
1084s if you if you have ssf or solo if you
1088s have solo turned on you can migrate your
1091s character from solo to not solo so
1093s that's already in the game and it's
1094s gonna stay
1095s um if you're talking about cof to mg
1098s migration yeah that's part of the
1101s initial pitch and that's in there you
1102s can just switch whatever you want
1113s um if you're talking offline to online
1115s no that will not happen hard hard no
1138s I saw the same name say something
1140s something I mean and so I think I may
1142s have misinterpreted the question sorry
1145s oh yeah
1147s I saw a comment I'm like well teleport's
1149s on cooldown uh not not happening
1153s all right what am I trying to say what
1156s are you trying to say what am I trying
1157s to read
1169s oh I think I know what this question is
1171s actually you're asking if you can take
1174s if you can take your
1177s um
1179s your shards
1182s uh your crafting materials out of here
1186s from ssf
1188s to normal
1190s such that you can start uh a new online
1195s Solo character with no
1198s um no no advancement no like free
1202s seating of stuff with purpose of races
1205s in mind yeah
1207s um that's something we're working on
1208s there's some back end changes that need
1209s to happen to make it possible still
1211s um
1213s basically the back end work we've been
1215s doing to make the entire game more
1217s stable is is wins in priority just just
1221s flat out wins
1223s um so that's that's been focused on a
1225s lot instead
1227s um it is it is on the list we're gonna
1229s do it we'll get there don't worry
1232s um
1232s I I don't think it's gonna be a 9-2
1234s thing sorry
1242s we've been um
1245s there's a lot of stuff to just make the
1247s multiplayer the core multiplayer
1248s experience
1250s smooth and fun and awesome
1252s and all of that's all that's been more
1254s important
1268s I know I know it's frustrating
1270s um
1271s and a lot of the decisions we've had to
1273s make recently have been how do we get to
1274s 1.0 the fastest with the best version of
1276s 1.0 uh and in the interim there's been a
1279s few features that I've had to get
1280s sidelined unfortunately
1282s I know it's really frustrating if one of
1285s those affecting you and I do apologize
1294s yes
1297s added Health Shard couple resistance
1299s shards
1301s it's always nice
1317s Boop your crit I will take it
1340s all right more questions
1342s I want more I need your questions
1347s what will I do without them
1352s I will fall into a deep Slumber oh you
1355s troll shrine
1358s you filthy troll shrine
1365s I got it
1369s there's stuff to make the Clutter not
1370s spawn around them
1372s but there's uh it's not perfect
1385s how long is my beard
1389s it's not it's not actually that long
1390s right now
1393s like
1397s like talking like max distance of a hair
1400s I'm about that big
1407s Joe's super useful given the uh the
1411s relative
1412s measurements you've got access to
1414s clearly
1420s like the width of an SSD is a two and a
1422s half inches
1438s SSD for scale
1443s those are my first smts
1446s I think
1447s I just got like a pile of broken ones in
1449s the corner they're all like 64 gigs 128
1451s gigs
1458s let's say a pile there's there's three
1472s I've been a big fan of Ellie for a long
1474s time awesome I had the game for at least
1476s four years I think yeah that's it's
1478s that's definitely possible as soon as
1480s the road map to 1.0 implementation well
1482s the goal for 1.0 is still this year
1486s um
1487s that's a level up so you know there's
1490s there's not a ton of time left in in
1492s that uh
1494s that estimation
1502s I mean yeah this is actually a great
1504s note for me I know we were going for
1506s stuff up here probably
1509s damagely res is there any just like this
1514s up here
1525s I mean we could do like a lightning or a
1528s build with this we're so so focused on
1530s long range I don't think it's gonna fit
1535s 70 chance to shred armor push uh
1540s 1.0 I don't have a specific date for you
1542s right now that I can share I'm sorry I
1544s would love to be able to tell you A Date
1546s um
1551s I don't actually know the exact date I
1552s could get pretty close
1556s just from like
1558s logic
1578s you didn't deserve meteor
1593s okay it's before 2024 that's the goal I
1597s don't have a specific date I can share
1598s with you or hard information I can say
1599s yes or no to but the goal is this year
1602s still
1619s basically nothing goes catastrophically
1621s wrong with the uh networking upgrades
1623s we're doing
1630s I know there is most likely some
1632s deadline from the investors and
1634s stakeholders or they beg you don't rush
1636s into fossil like creep rally success we
1638s are under no pressure the the the the by
1642s far the largest pressure we have to
1644s release the game comes from fans
1647s um
1649s which is very reasonable I don't wanna I
1651s don't want to uh say that as a bad thing
1654s um it's been it's been quite a while
1656s we've missed a few deadlines that we've
1657s set for ourselves
1659s um which is not good and I think we're
1661s gonna end up with a fantastic product
1664s um
1668s I hope it'll work be worth it for
1669s everyone
1671s but yeah we're under no time crunch from
1674s like
1676s there's there's no one walking into the
1677s office going where's that build you you
1679s should have that done by now or anything
1680s like that
1682s it's our deadlines are our own
1694s which is fantastic and something that I
1696s I don't think is is very common to have
1700s that luxury of
1702s of of of setting your own deadlines for
1704s things and it's fantastic that we can
1707s which is which is because of all of you
1709s that we can do that
1721s all right maybe a weird question how
1724s many concurrent players will you aim to
1726s be able to handle at launch
1728s um I know we have I I don't know the
1730s number of that I'm sorry but I know I
1732s know that we have
1734s um
1737s like a lot we have a very large amount
1739s of servers
1741s not just from one provider that we're
1742s talking to
1744s um in in expectation of big spikes the
1747s problems we've had previously funny
1749s enough were were actually software
1751s problems not server availability
1753s problems like the software we wrote
1755s wasn't able to uh properly handle that
1758s volume it's it's totally fine with it
1760s now
1762s um
1766s there's just sometimes things that like
1769s simulations don't actually catch or test
1772s for it's weird
1777s there's like a fan just off to the side
1779s here
1780s I've just realized why my nose is so
1782s itchy when I stream so I turn the fan on
1784s I pointed at myself and and the fan just
1786s just moves my my mustache here just just
1789s enough
1791s it's just like constantly having a
1793s feather tickling your nose
1797s it's wonderful
1804s after watching pb2 do you have any new
1806s ideas that can be applied to Le
1808s um we try like so so this is a
1811s um something I did a bunch last week we
1813s we try really hard to thank you very
1816s much uh oh it was a big one uh I'll I'll
1820s just answer this question real quick
1822s first
1823s um oh it's gonna drink the whole time
1825s yep that's fine uh the
1830s when we're watching other games we try
1831s really hard not to look at it as a like
1834s list of examples of things to do and not
1837s do
1838s um
1839s like like those those things will creep
1841s in
1843s um and and your experience with playing
1845s other games influences how you develop
1846s games absolutely
1848s um and I I tried really hard personally
1851s to like just look at a game for what
1852s that game is mostly because it's so hard
1854s to translate a feature directly from one
1857s game to another because it ties into so
1858s many other systems
1860s um and it's it's really hard to say like
1862s oh that was a sweet system let's add
1864s that to Epoch well there's a few things
1866s wrong with that
1867s um
1868s and
1870s like like moral like
1874s reasons aside there's it's it can just
1877s be problematic and it frequently will
1879s not end up being the same
1881s and I think it's really helpful thanks
1883s guys uh I'll I'll finish this first
1886s sorry I think it's really good for us to
1889s um if if we're going to look at a
1891s feature in another game like that we
1893s tend to look at it from uh what's this
1895s feature accomplishing what's the reason
1896s for them having it and do we need a
1898s feature to accomplish the same thing
1901s um
1902s and I think I think that's a much a much
1905s better way of looking at it
1907s um in order to improve our game which is
1909s the goal really
1912s uh digital digital danger thank you so
1915s much I think it was five gifted Subs
1917s that's fantastic congrats everyone who
1919s got one of those and then uh Iron Cross
1922s sword wooden cross oh nice Iron Cross
1925s yeah
1926s um
1927s Iron Cross or wooden cross got it it's
1930s so it's so hard without the uh
1931s capitalization in there because I assume
1933s there's some
1934s I don't know why it strips it all out
1937s yep it's really easy to read in there
1940s thank you very much that's fantastic
1943s congrats to everyone who got one of
1944s those
1946s glad to have you all here
1949s it's a train leaving the station
1950s oh
1954s let's go all aboard
1960s uh
1962s uh lots of plays gonna answer some
1964s questions that's why I'm here
1969s pb2 does look awesome like just for on a
1972s personal note I will be playing it I
1974s think it looks great
1977s Federal thanks to the twitch Prime sub
1980s much appreciated glad to have you with
1982s us
1986s fantabulous
1993s all right more stuff more stuff more
1995s stuff
1997s the dev studio with no deadlines opposed
2000s to the powers that be are you gonna real
2001s company
2003s uh we are a real company I swear
2007s um
2015s for the most part we are the powers to
2017s be so you know it's
2020s it's what we just don't have people to
2022s report to that you know like that's all
2027s you technically don't have a publisher
2042s I saw judge hinting
2045s at a Dodge roll might be something you
2047s guys are considering on a Reddit thread
2049s this is true or was just throwing stuff
2050s out there
2051s um no it's we have we've considered
2053s Dodge roll uh for last Epoch on and off
2056s for the last five years it's we've we've
2058s had versions of it like we built the UI
2061s we've had versions of it in the game for
2062s internal testing like uh we and we
2065s pulled it out again and like we we put
2067s in a version we started working on a
2068s version designing um like a
2070s specializable version a generically
2072s specializable version of a of a Dodge
2075s roll for all classes
2077s um we started looking at that we did we
2079s we started doing one that had like a
2081s full tree we started doing one that was
2082s just like a tree stub
2084s um
2085s like like really really Bare Bones
2087s version of it like a Moroccan to like
2090s this is a weird reference to use this
2091s because no one played it but the
2093s Starcraft 2 original wins of Liberty
2096s campaign
2097s Tech Tree
2099s like meta progression tree
2102s which was left or right it was it was
2105s like eight left or right choices and
2106s that was the whole thing
2107s um but like like we did we did a version
2109s of it that was like along that line
2112s um yeah we've considered Dodge roll many
2114s many times
2116s um and yeah seeing seeing it in
2120s um seeing how the combat flowed in the
2123s in the um example that was present for
2126s uh at Exile con for poe2
2128s um did did make us uh like evaluate what
2132s their Dodge role was accomplishing and
2135s if that was something that we were
2136s already accomplishing or if it was
2138s something that we needed in the game or
2139s not
2142s um
2143s and I I think what it's accomplishing
2147s really well is
2149s um and and the big thing that I liked at
2150s their dodgeball is doing is it gives you
2152s an ability to
2154s um
2155s when you're designing encounters enemy
2157s encounters boss fights even just just
2159s trash mobs or Elites anything like that
2162s um you can assume that the player has
2164s access to a movement ability
2166s um right now the only thing that we can
2168s assume that our players have access to
2169s are these two buttons here move
2172s and attack those are the only things
2174s that we can absolutely assume that a
2175s player has
2177s um
2179s and and like you could generally say
2181s like okay well they're gonna you're
2182s gonna have like
2183s um melee it replacement attack that's
2186s basically just attack the better
2188s um all classes have that as well
2190s all classes unlock one of those at level
2192s six I think
2194s um
2195s and so you can kind of assume that too
2196s that's basically just the same as the
2198s attack you can't assume that you have
2199s like a fire damaging abilities you can't
2202s say like
2203s um oh this boss needs there's like a a
2205s phase in this boss fight where you have
2207s to deal a bunch of fire damage to this
2209s spot a bunch of coal damage to this spot
2210s and like there's like a red and a blue
2212s crystal will pop up against a bunch of
2213s fire damage and call damage to each one
2215s of them to like Shadow the Crystal and
2216s then it like moves on but you can't
2218s guarantee that each character has access
2220s to fire or cold damage
2222s um
2223s and one thing a Dodge roll does is it
2225s guarantees that every character has
2227s access to a oh crap movement ability to
2230s get out of certain effects and so you
2232s can design boss fights with that in mind
2233s and it does open up some cool things you
2235s can do then
2238s um so that's that's the biggest reason
2240s why we'd consider adding uh Dodge roll
2242s and why we have considered any Dodge
2243s rolling so it's fun and it's it's an
2247s it's an active thing you can do even if
2248s you're
2250s um even if you're build making a build
2251s that's that's kind of like a one button
2253s build
2257s like like even if you're just making a
2259s build
2260s that's really like okay I don't want to
2261s do anything I want minions uh minions
2266s minions maybe some minions and just like
2269s finish it off with some minions
2271s and you're like I don't want to do
2272s anything
2274s still having that Dodge roll button
2276s really helps to have something to do and
2279s and it's even even if you're not a big
2280s fan of doing things it's still a fun
2282s thing to do
2283s for most people anyways
2287s um
2291s and I think you could there's also room
2293s for cool effects in there too of like um
2295s if you have like a Dodge World charge
2297s system so you have like oh I got three
2298s charges
2311s that's a big sneeze
2313s um
2314s you can do things of like uh oh maybe
2317s you do let's tie back in to what I was
2320s saying earlier haha here we go
2322s um
2323s non-critical hit still 100 more damage
2327s if you're at Max charge Max Dodge roll
2330s charges and Max potion charges I don't
2332s know
2339s it's just another thing that you can
2341s scale stuff off of which I think is
2344s kind of cool
2347s damage spreading Flames Pasha we don't
2351s need that swell
2362s uh did you see they announced torch like
2364s Tuesday with a cinematic trailer I did
2366s not
2368s Titan Quest 2 makes a lot more sense
2372s I did I did hear that uh crate was was
2376s talking about
2378s um
2382s uh more more RPG stuff
2387s and I know they're doing another
2389s expansion for
2391s um
2393s another update at least or maybe have
2394s done for uh your non
2399s I've rented Torchlight or sorry Titan
2401s Quest yeah let me say it I went to Titan
2403s quest one for switch uh for my library a
2406s couple years ago in the height of the
2408s pandemic I was just renting games like
2409s crazy wow yeah this looks real rock
2412s paper shotguns reporting on it
2416s Titan Quest 2 announced with handcrafted
2418s open worlds
2420s oh THQ Nordic it's not great oh of
2423s course they sold it
2425s or it's it's they they split off it's
2427s the same people that made it but yes
2429s sorry I got that confused
2435s okay I'm gonna watch that later cool
2438s very cool
2445s remember to tag me ooh all right let's
2447s go back and find the one that didn't
2448s take
2456s what's the biggest issue you guys have
2458s run into
2460s um multiplayer
2462s which the first 40 years are multiplayer
2465s problems
2468s networking issues multiple problems
2473s it's all it's all around there all of
2475s them it's on I know it's kind of a
2476s boring answer I'm sorry but like it's
2478s all just multiplayer problems
2483s if if multiplayer had been as easy and
2486s smooth as we had hoped but had no reason
2488s to expect
2490s um
2492s I I think like this is pure speculation
2494s I think there's a really good chance
2496s that we would have released to 1.0 with
2499s without all the master classes and we
2501s would have just been like we'll finish
2503s them later
2520s silly teleporting bear
2523s I think if the classes had more variety
2525s for Mobility some people aren't forced I
2528s know we're not but come on yeah uh to
2530s choose one type of Dash skill from each
2533s class yeah
2534s um and we are like we're adding a new uh
2536s movement ability like we're trying to
2537s add more movement abilities
2540s they're really tricky to make feel
2542s unique it's really difficult to have
2545s um two two movement abilities in the
2547s same class feel really unique and um
2551s quite often the the types of one of the
2553s ways that you can
2555s do cool stuff Automotive ability is
2557s trigger other abilities or add Buffs
2559s when you reuse them and
2562s um
2563s having those there's there's not a lot
2565s of things you can really do there uh
2569s there's not a ton of options and and so
2571s you don't end up with a lot of diversity
2573s so having two movement skills feel
2575s mechanically unique
2578s is uh is tough
2580s but yeah next next batch one of the
2582s classes is going up to three movement
2583s skills
2589s total you can't have all three at the
2590s same time I don't think
2597s I don't know if you can I have no idea
2599s if they're locked or not I'm sorry
2603s they all share cooldowns so there's no
2605s point in having them at the same time
2606s anyways but yeah
2624s more questions please don't forget to
2626s put atlasty [ __ ] in the question so I
2629s see what it is it pops out of me I can
2632s answer it
2638s uh when's the next content update I do
2640s not have a specific date for you
2643s um
2644s we are we are very much moving along
2648s um you can kind of get pretty good idea
2651s of it if you think about it logically
2653s with the information that's available so
2654s the information that's available the
2656s next patch is not 1.0 we are still
2658s planning on releasing 1.0 this year
2662s you probably get a pretty good idea of
2663s when the next one's coming roughly
2671s we're also going to be at Gamescom
2675s in um
2678s uh in Germany on August 21st 22nd
2684s and third somewhere in there
2689s and um
2692s we'll be sharing lots of info then
2695s not not just dates but just like info on
2697s cool things that are coming and upcoming
2699s plans and all sort of stuff so yeah keep
2702s an eye on that
2709s my poison res is seven awesome yeah we
2713s cannot stand in those pools
2715s seven eight seven
2719s oh my goodness run
2723s you clear those pools when it dies
2727s what problems of multiplayer you try to
2729s solve
2730s um I mean so there's there's there's
2732s tons of stuff in multiplayer they're
2734s problematic but like
2737s um
2740s our type of Graphics are gonna be a good
2741s temper teaser oh yeah okay here I'll
2743s toss this up a long time
2747s here is
2748s um
2750s so in in the chapter Zed rework that we
2753s did recently the sorry the chapter one
2755s rework that we did recently
2757s um there's a
2760s like a ton of new tech that we've that
2761s we created specifically for level design
2763s and we're now starting to apply those to
2766s other parts of the game so this is an
2767s area that already exists in the game but
2769s we're Shining
2770s a little bit
2772s the old elbow grease
2774s um
2776s so what problems are multiple are you
2778s trying to solve
2779s um so so it's a lot of things it's it's
2781s um
2782s load time
2784s um it's
2787s uh having like your your character your
2790s friends list update quickly
2792s I know you can't see behind it but like
2793s things like that it seems silly but like
2796s um
2797s you know just just really reliable
2799s multiplayer services
2805s the key stuff we're working on
2825s hers I appreciate the uh
2831s changing date and time format somehow
2839s uh do you plan on updating offline mode
2842s the same gameplay as online mode uh are
2846s they not the same right now question
2848s mark
2850s yes
2854s there's certain things that just won't
2856s work in offline for example the bazaar
2858s so for trading
2860s um like residences won't drop it offline
2862s because there's no reason for them to
2865s um but other than that we're gonna keep
2867s updating it like we do
2871s uh when new skills are added or
2873s masteries there are bugs expected yes
2876s but is there any concern about releasing
2878s three masteries a bunch of skills at 1.0
2880s of bugs drink game release I mean
2883s absolutely
2885s um we've been we've been uh working to
2891s um
2893s make make our cut off we we live up to
2896s our name for our company name of 11th
2898s Hour games a lot of stuff happens at the
2900s very last second a lot of stuff happens
2902s at the very last second
2904s um and it's not good and we've really
2906s been working hard this is one of the
2907s things we've been doing to improve our
2908s our workflow as a company is to
2911s um cut off development a lot earlier for
2913s patches and spend a lot more time in
2916s testing where we're like we like some
2919s people have moved on to the next patch
2920s people aren't trying to sneak things
2922s into the last second
2924s um which I am like one of the if not the
2926s worst offender of that
2929s um
2930s and
2931s uh just like more time and testing
2934s um we've we've resurrected the CT
2935s program
2937s um
2939s we're starting to in the process of that
2941s uh to get community testing back online
2945s um because yeah there's there's stuff
2947s coming for this patch that like
2949s um
2950s we're already like looking at it going
2952s we don't have much time to change stuff
2954s uh we need some feedback now
2975s oh I want to answer questions I see them
2977s I want them put them in my brain
2983s but I don't want to die
2989s yeah like
2994s let's go up
3000s uh there used to be a portal frame Thing
3003s by the entrance of the model to fate 4.9
3006s but that was it and when when do we get
3009s to know who
3011s who Nanny your business guy was
3016s ah
3021s Nice kill Cyber Wars
3024s uh okay there used to be a portal frame
3027s Thing by the entrance of the model of
3029s the Fate the 4.9
3032s what was it and when do we get to know
3034s who the Nana your business guy was
3037s I have no idea the answer to any of that
3040s I'm sorry
3049s I'm sorry I I don't know
3055s good one for us
3057s I'm sure you heard about the issue that
3060s blizzard is having with stash tabs in D4
3062s yeah that was a while ago I know that in
3065s this game it's not a big problem but on
3067s the side note uh do you all
3070s do you all uh do you all also use
3074s the load each player stashed has when
3076s you see their characters I would help
3077s them
3078s um no we don't do that
3080s um and and
3082s um I heard some I heard some really
3084s interesting theories as to why they were
3086s doing it
3088s um and I thought it was really cool and
3089s this is something that I
3091s um I like to highlight when when we're
3093s talking about like
3095s this topic
3097s um is that I think there is a good
3098s reason why this could have been
3100s implemented and um I think there's
3102s there's multiple good reasons why this
3104s would have been implemented
3106s um I do not know why it was implemented
3108s I do not know if they had a good reason
3109s to implement it but I think that there
3110s could have been a good reason to
3112s implement it
3113s um and until we have more information on
3115s it I I I think it's reasonable to give
3118s them the benefit of the doubt on it
3120s um
3121s the coolest one I heard was that they
3123s were going to use
3125s um everyone basically the way that
3128s um in a weird way that like crypto Works
3131s um is that they were gonna use each
3134s um and I'm sorry I know it's like a
3136s crazy oversimplification so I know this
3138s is not actually how it really works but
3140s it's it's kind of similar it's got some
3141s it is whatever
3143s um is is using each player to validate
3145s every other players
3148s um stash that you come in contact with
3149s So like
3150s um give each item a unique ID and then
3154s um whenever someone like if two people
3156s have the same unique ID in there
3157s inventory or maybe it like records and
3159s unique IDs it's scene and who had them
3164s and then there's like some sort of way
3166s to validate who has it still or
3167s something like that like like using
3169s players to validate everyone else's
3171s inventory for duplicated items
3174s I thought it was a really interesting
3175s idea I have no idea if they're doing it
3178s or not or if it would even be viable if
3180s they were trying to but um I that was
3182s the coolest one that I heard
3184s I had a few theories of my own that were
3185s nowhere near as good I can't where they
3187s are now
3192s but no we're we we have we have no
3195s reason to do that ourselves
3197s um
3198s so uh we're not doing it right now
3205s right now when you load in another
3206s another character joins your game like
3208s the information you get for that
3210s character is super minimalistic
3213s um you get their visuals
3217s like like the like it's what model to
3220s load and what is the visual piece that
3223s they're having like like if if they've
3226s got MTX on you don't even know what
3229s they're wearing underneath their MCX
3232s uh just like since it's the visuals like
3235s this is what the show show this on the
3237s screen
3238s so that's it
3244s uh you may get some core stats action
3246s you may get health and mana and Ward
3249s that's possible in order for it to be
3252s able to
3254s um
3256s calculate reward visuals above the
3258s health bar that little little Ward
3260s sliver there being able to calculate the
3262s um like break points that it gets
3265s because it's an infinite size health bar
3267s or Ward buyer
3270s um
3271s which may not be displayed for allies
3272s anyway so we may not send that info
3279s we we already send way too much Network
3281s traffic we don't need to have more
3286s right now that's one of the things we're
3288s trying to fix is producing Network
3289s traffic
3296s all right is trading coming with 1.0 or
3298s before
3299s um it's not coming before 1.0 before 1.0
3302s would mean next patch it's not coming
3304s next patch it's not done
3306s um
3308s yeah
3312s we are still working on implementation
3316s uh
3319s the UI has been designed not implemented
3323s looks fantastic it's not finished but
3325s looks fantastic what's there
3327s um
3334s we're working hard to get real powerful
3335s search and sort functions in there
3338s um
3344s like really specific details I know one
3347s the
3348s um the loot filter intentionally leaves
3350s things out so there's very intentionally
3352s things that you cannot specify in your
3355s loot filter
3357s I'm not really planning on changing that
3358s too much it's like because the feedings
3359s were changing there to make it a little
3360s bit better or a little bit more open but
3363s um for the most part like so there's a
3364s bunch of things that your loot filter
3365s just can't do
3367s um and we're not putting the same
3369s restrictions on bizarre assertion sort
3372s wow
3376s so you'll be able to specify berries the
3378s planet it's not finished yet so like the
3380s plan is builds that's right very very
3382s specific items
3384s um
3386s for example filtering by legendary
3388s potential is something that we are
3389s planning on doing for the bazaar but is
3391s not available in the blue filter
3400s there's way more specific things but
3402s that's just
3403s the one that comes to top
3405s I love the controller sport for gameplay
3407s but the interface is a serious struggle
3409s any chance any plans to improve upon
3411s that absolutely there's improvements
3414s coming next match and I know there's
3415s more improvements playing for patch
3416s after that and I would be surprised if
3418s there's not plans for improvements after
3419s that too but yes that is definitely
3421s being improved upon
3424s uh can we get insight into when the next
3426s big update is coming called into work
3429s meaning sorry yeah I said this ready
3430s that's fine
3431s um we are I don't have a date for you
3434s um
3436s I should put this up on the screen
3437s probably I don't have a date for the
3439s next patch
3440s um I would advise you to keep an eye on
3444s major gaming news events that are
3446s happening soon for
3449s um major news regarding less ebook that
3452s last debug developers may be going to
3455s wink
3457s wink
3466s it's okay I think I'm funny
3469s um
3470s hello hello is there a plan to let
3473s people save their stash layouts so you
3475s don't have to reset up all of our stash
3477s of every week obviously you need to buy
3479s the stash tabs if you if you want to use
3482s it um we don't have a plan for that at
3484s the moment
3485s um there are a few stash upgrade
3488s um features that we've we've talked
3490s about and looked at doing
3491s um that I'd really like to put in
3494s I I don't I don't know specifically
3496s which ones will get the green light that
3498s is one that has come up in the past
3501s um
3508s I I think that's probably one of those
3510s features that's like
3514s if I could like
3515s go
3518s and like clone myself for a month my
3521s clone could do it
3522s but we probably won't have time to
3524s finish it by 1.0 type thing
3526s um the masteries are going to take uh on
3530s of work the 1.0 Mastery stretch will be
3533s the most skills we've ever implemented
3535s in that period of time before
3538s um and our pipeline for it is more in
3541s depth and has more features like more
3544s steps along than we've ever had before
3545s as well so like yeah it's gonna be a lot
3548s of time spent on that
3555s foreign
3559s hey
3560s hello
3563s 3 000 hour Poe player here that's a lot
3566s I bet you know more about Peewee than I
3568s do
3571s I'll answer your question in a second
3573s I'm sorry
3576s armor I don't like that one it is
3577s actually good receipt fancy blows not
3579s terrible
3581s not right
3584s uh
3587s I've raised two characters in different
3588s patches in last Epoch and I would say
3590s that crafting and gearing is your
3592s strongest part thank you would you mind
3594s to share any insights on updating the
3596s in-game and adding more story and more
3598s boss fights thanks absolutely sure
3601s um yes we're doing those things a lot
3604s um
3605s the
3608s uh I had
3610s I had a bit of like I was I was playing
3613s um I was playing some late night sieve a
3615s few weeks back
3617s um
3619s I had I had a really good idea for a
3622s boss mechanic that I I'm gonna try and
3624s get in at some point
3628s um
3633s I I don't go into too many details on it
3635s but yeah
3637s um new new end game Boss Fights
3639s especially like a pinnacle boss fight
3640s and like uh like a Capstone content So
3643s like
3644s um
3644s in in Diablo 2 for reality like killing
3647s Diablo
3649s um type content where you're like this
3651s is this is like wow I did it I made a
3655s character that did it
3656s um and and having having that type of
3660s content is really important to us
3662s um we want to get it right I think that
3664s putting that type of content into
3667s uh not the caliber we want to would be
3671s more damaging than delaying it slightly
3674s um I'd be surprised if that like
3677s pinnacle pinnacle boss actually lands by
3679s 1.0 I really hope we get a chance to get
3681s it in but I'd be surprised
3685s um we are expanding the chapters for the
3687s campaign
3689s um we are expanding end game
3692s um the biggest thing that we want that
3694s we're looking to expand into for our
3696s Indian systems is what I've been calling
3698s unexpected content
3700s um and it's something that Poe really
3701s thrives with it's it's the you're going
3704s along you're in a map and hey look at
3706s this map device just chilling here I
3708s have got another map I can go into
3709s inside this map or uh the classic like
3713s um D3 treasure Goblin uh
3717s and and you you walk up to it it's just
3719s like hey shiny I'm gonna run away but if
3722s you catch me and kill me it's like a
3723s leprechaun it's like a Dark Twisted
3724s leprechaun I just realized that
3726s um
3727s and
3730s um
3731s like like that type of mechanic where
3733s it's just like really really brief and
3735s it stay in the same space but it's like
3736s it's like a mini Quest that happens
3739s and there's a big reward for it or a
3740s specific reward for it
3742s um and and things so things like that
3744s adding that into the game I'm very
3746s intentionally not saying the first thing
3748s we're adding in that category but we
3750s will continue to add more things in that
3751s category as time goes on as well
3755s um more dungeons uh more types of
3758s monoliths
3759s um more completely Unique in-game
3762s Systems
3763s um
3771s there's it'll take us a long time to get
3774s up to the volume of end game content
3776s that uh Poe has because oh my goodness
3779s it's a lot
3781s um
3783s but but yeah we're we're definitely
3785s working on it we know that that's a very
3786s very key part of the arpg
3791s um like gameplay Loop and font challenge
3803s I left a few shards behind
3807s I like those ones
3814s it's cold that is a nice one but it's
3815s not for us
3818s surge
3820s I mean there's the lighting damage but
3822s it's only half of an idol for us
3832s we don't Channel anything do we
3834s all right 650.
3838s let's go
3843s uh just my feedback for the game Minion
3845s seal better the D4 don't change it thank
3848s you very much
3849s we actually are making a change to
3851s maintenance coming next patch
3853s uh right now you can press a to Target
3856s your Armenians at a specific location uh
3858s if you have minions out and you press a
3860s to Target a specific location and have
3862s your meetings move to that location it
3864s will
3865s um it will do the
3867s uh those that little arrow thing that
3870s you can see right now that it's on the
3871s ground
3872s when I move myself
3874s a little red version of that will show
3877s up to say like hey you're saying your
3878s minions here
3881s just so you know where you're sending
3882s them specifically
3886s and a little bit feedback that your
3887s command actually registered
3896s it's kind of a joke answer because we're
3898s not really doing much to change it yet
3900s uh we probably will add some more
3901s features into the minions to get them to
3904s a little bit more control that's
3905s something that we know that we think is
3906s missing from our minions is
3909s um a little bit more granular control
3913s uh in the sense of
3916s um I guess being able to set
3917s personalities a little bit sometimes you
3920s want your wolves to really be front line
3922s ahead of you pushing pushing pushing
3924s sometimes you don't
3926s um
3927s and being able to control that just a
3930s little bit just to give them a little
3932s bit of a like offensive defensive type
3934s mentality we think would be really
3936s really good
3939s we're not quite ready for it yet
3947s something is going on here do you guys
3949s see that on the screen there's like
3959s something was going on there that was
3960s weird
3963s uh is there a best time to apply for a
3965s spot in the music team or any team with
3967s no active open spots like before after
3970s patch close to release maybe after a
3971s release close to the first cycle is
3973s there even the best time
3975s um yes I would put the best time uh
3979s between
3981s three weeks and uh a month and a half
3988s three weeks and a month and a half after
3990s a patch release
3991s I think is the best maybe uh shorter
3994s than that three weeks to a month three
3996s three to four weeks after a patch is
3998s like the the most optimal time
4001s um because
4004s um
4007s yeah no one's those no one's freaking
4009s out because of the patch we're like
4011s we're into the next patch development
4013s cycle
4014s um
4019s that's when you're most likely to get
4020s someone's attention in time
4031s thirsty boy today
4035s water is good uh there used to be an NPC
4038s under the models of Fate entrance
4041s um where his dialogue is you asking him
4043s who he was and he'd do a knock knock
4046s joke and then go knock knock uh who is
4050s it Nana Nana who in any of business ah
4053s nice okay
4058s somehow I think I missed this I had no
4061s idea this is the thing uh that's
4063s hilarious
4065s um
4069s I I know exactly you wrote that and it
4071s makes total sense it's very
4074s um
4083s yeah that's that's probably not coming
4085s back maybe it'll be like a reference to
4087s it or something we we sneak things are
4089s like that's cool
4092s that's funny
4095s uh Poe already uses item ID since
4097s forever even each map has a unique ID
4099s yep I
4103s I'm pretty far behind here now so sorry
4105s about that I'll do this to catch up but
4107s yeah this is talking about the Diablo
4108s item thing again yeah I I just want to
4110s be clear I have no idea if they why they
4113s were doing it was a good idea or if the
4115s reason I suggested was a good reason
4116s even at all sorry
4120s um just just so I didn't want to
4122s uh vilify them for doing something that
4125s was possibly the right decision just
4127s without all the information we just
4128s don't know
4131s that's all
4147s all right just curiosity from a
4150s developer that works on a more corporate
4152s world uh how is the architecture of a
4155s game server Service uh our micro
4157s services or model or something else
4160s um
4163s I don't do enough of the back end
4165s development to really answer this
4166s question properly
4169s um we do I do know that we have some
4171s things that are like we do we do both
4173s depends on what it is so
4175s um like the logon servers for example
4178s are are very different functionality and
4180s like the we call our matchmaking server
4182s which it doesn't do matchmaking in the
4184s when you say matchmaking everyone
4185s assumes uh it means one thing and it
4188s does mean that but uh that's not the way
4190s we use matchmaking for our matchmaking
4192s server uh so that one's the big one
4196s um that is
4198s uh more more monolithic
4203s but um yeah it's
4207s if you'd like more info on that you can
4209s uh ask on the Discord and I can I can
4211s try and find someone answer specific
4212s questions but uh I'm more of a I need
4216s more of the gameplay development stuff
4218s uh and and I'm not a network engineer
4221s we get much much smarter people much
4223s more smarter people than I yes much more
4225s smarter people than I that's right uh
4230s which we're always looking for more so
4231s if anyone wants or knows a lot about
4233s game video game networking and uh wants
4237s to be wants to work on Epoch with uh as
4239s a network engineer
4241s posting on our website
4252s uh I think I'm pretty far behind so this
4254s question does the game load up fuel
4255s stash tabs if not what do you think
4256s about the idea
4258s um I I I'm gonna just assume that you've
4261s heard me answer this question uh in the
4263s last few minutes
4264s sorry if you if you'd like me answer it
4266s again I can
4267s uh what can we look forward to regarding
4269s the Warlock Mastery I was expecting uh
4271s we get the Lich I was expecting what we
4274s get with the Lich I'm ultra excited
4277s um yeah so we
4279s I can't give you too many details on the
4281s Warlock
4282s um are sort of like theme Touchstone is
4285s Jafar from Aladdin
4287s like
4288s 90s I think animated Aladdin Jafar
4293s is I think a the Touchstone I don't want
4296s you to go into details on uh abilities
4298s what he can do that sort of stuff I'm
4300s definitely pretty far from what their
4302s their actual abilities but that feel of
4304s like I am a dark wizard I am a powerful
4308s sorcerer
4310s that doesn't care about rules to get the
4313s job done
4315s um
4316s so probably more similar mechanically to
4319s the sorcerer a little bit in certain
4321s ways
4322s um
4325s just like in like like uh
4330s but with with a acolyte spin on it more
4337s there's some Unique Mechanics coming for
4339s it too
4342s I I know I just said literally no
4345s information about what's actually
4346s happening and I'm sorry but I can't
4348s share yet I'd love to
4351s estimate a couple months
4353s a few months actually
4358s I hope we do like a little a pre-teaser
4360s with it
4377s if you're wondering why I'm activating
4379s flame Ward and then teleporting in
4380s before I start meteoring like crazy
4382s flameboard gives me
4384s um
4385s uh Mana
4388s efficiency
4389s it's all my spells are cheaper basically
4390s and then teleport makes my next spell
4392s fully refunded so I do cheaper spells
4395s teleport in cheaper refund the next Bell
4398s and then have a bunch of cheap meteors
4400s to span
4408s because momana's not so good yet
4414s uh no not gonna lie as a new Poe player
4418s the amount of ending stuff is just an
4420s overall content is so overwhelming it's
4422s a turn off yeah there's
4424s um I I don't think that's uncommon
4426s feedback is that it can be a little
4428s overwhelming
4429s um I think I think a lot of the reason
4432s that can be
4434s um is problematic or or whatever is um
4437s the the desire or maybe the being pushed
4440s to
4442s pushes might be the wrong word but just
4444s having having too many things
4447s feel like it's optimal to complete all
4449s of them
4455s because I know you can ignore a bunch of
4457s those
4458s um
4460s a bunch of those things and still do
4462s quite well especially as a new player
4465s um I mean I'm sure the mic
4468s the pros
4471s um
4472s take it all into account but
4477s I think I think
4479s the
4480s I don't know how this is I think there's
4482s sort of a natural draw to do it all
4487s um which can be problematic when there
4489s is a lot in all
4494s even if you don't need to do it all
4497s that making sense
4507s the lightning storm is so great it's
4509s just just
4511s uh I'm so happy we got the staff
4515s so happy I got I gotta like go in and
4517s actually
4519s um
4520s change some stuff because I've got some
4521s fire damage stuff still I think
4524s which is really useless now
4528s I've got a couple things that are like
4529s if you use two elements
4531s well we're pure lightning now maybe
4534s all right as you know the game Loop
4538s drops are random
4540s uh but some items are more important for
4542s certain builds such as the item for
4544s squirrel build uh to be used will there
4546s be any way to maybe craft certain items
4548s that are required for specific builds to
4550s work um yeah so we do give um I guess
4553s this is sort of the general like
4554s overarching term for Target farming
4557s like hey I'm I need this this item for
4559s this build
4561s um I I need a way that I can focus I can
4564s change my actions my play pattern to
4568s sacrifice other item drops in favor of
4571s these specific item drops to curate your
4574s lead that you're gonna find to focus on
4576s specific pieces to complete your build
4578s um and
4581s um we we do have a few things that we do
4583s with this and we're definitely going to
4584s be adding more
4586s um the the key ways we have this right
4588s now
4590s here we go I can do what I swear uh root
4593s of ascendance so this lets you take an
4595s item and like a rare item and put it
4600s onto a helmet
4602s um and then that helmet will turn into a
4603s unique helmet
4606s um and so you can do this to try and get
4609s the scroll
4612s um chatter no hell of the security and
4616s um
4620s uh that's I
4621s think that's because it was this that
4623s designed that item and that's how he got
4624s it was two in ascendants which is pretty
4626s sweet
4627s and so yeah you can like see you've got
4629s this resource this is sentence resource
4631s that you're finding
4632s and uh if you if you just used one on
4636s the helmet the one on the name of the
4637s one on a weapon then one on a chest and
4638s one another random one on a belt you
4640s know like you you would homogenize your
4642s chances of getting all the items by
4644s doing that
4645s um but you can focus them so you're like
4647s oh I really want this helmet so I'm
4648s going to use all of them on helmets to
4649s try and get the helmet that I'm looking
4650s for
4651s um so that lets you target Farm helmets
4654s um we've also put into place
4656s um the so the
4659s um model of this kind of split up into
4660s two sides left and right the right is
4661s mostly stats the left is mostly
4664s um uh
4666s Target farming stuff basically
4668s um
4670s so yeah here this increased one-handed
4672s mace drop rate so I can go back to this
4673s one and get a different drop rate
4675s increase so maybe one of them has
4677s helmets in there or which one it is
4679s um where you can be like oh I have an
4681s increased chance to draw helmets now so
4683s you find more helmets
4685s um you find when it's like increased
4686s chance to drop unique items if you find
4687s more unique items and you start you can
4689s start to like stack your odds a little
4691s bit of finding them then there's
4692s um each one of these models has specific
4695s uh nodes in it
4698s I'm not gonna do that right now because
4699s I'll break it but there's specific nodes
4702s in a specific unique item types so you
4704s can you can Target that specific model
4706s to increase your odds of getting that
4709s unique item
4711s um
4711s uh you can also then uh the dungeon
4715s there's like a dungeon of the Day stuff
4716s so you can like pick the helmets show up
4719s there to increase your odds of getting
4721s it again
4722s um
4723s what other ways to talk about things are
4725s there so yeah there's there's ways to
4727s increase your odds of finding those
4729s items definitely already so you can like
4730s you can you can do a lot to kind of
4732s curate the items you find and improve
4734s the odds of getting specific items
4736s um
4739s when item factions comes out we'll also
4742s so the circle of force there's two
4743s adding factions if you don't if you
4745s don't know anything if you don't know
4746s about this yet and you want to go into
4747s depth on exactly this is going to be
4749s check out our forums there's a big long
4750s post on it
4751s um but you have Circle fortune and
4753s Merchants Guild uh and they will they're
4755s sort of the trade and not trade are the
4757s two options there
4760s essentially what it boils down to so if
4762s you pick Merchant scale you have access
4763s to trade it's an auction house style
4764s system
4766s um you'll be able to just get enough
4768s gold and buy a Herald that someone else
4769s found great Target farming over
4771s um in circular Fortune you'll be able to
4774s uh invest in these uh prophecies which
4777s will help you try to find a specific
4779s thing so maybe you can I don't we don't
4782s have all the prophecies designed yet so
4783s I don't know what they're going to be
4784s but hypothetically there might be one
4786s something similar to
4788s the next time you find uh a unique
4791s helmet it will be one that has a minimum
4794s item level of 50. I don't know
4799s or the next unique item you find will be
4801s a helmet
4803s you know it's like there's there's
4804s things we're gonna we're adding in to
4808s um to help with Target farming uh on on
4812s both sides of that that decision so then
4815s that'll go with the options we already
4816s have as well
4819s don't remember your question exactly I'm
4821s sorry but I think the short answer is
4823s yes
4833s I get lost in questions sometimes whoops
4841s all right I just want to punch and kick
4844s stuff to death uh do you think class
4846s architect like that ever exists in Le I
4848s do think it will
4850s um
4853s I have a good idea as to where it might
4856s show up
4858s um
4859s it won't be by 1.0 I can tell you that
4861s for sure for certain
4863s um and I'm I can't guarantee because I
4865s don't know for sure what else are but
4866s like we do we do have tentative plans
4868s for that type of archetype to show up in
4871s one of two places right now
4874s um
4875s yeah
4877s we do have we do have a little bit of an
4880s unarmed liability there's those unique
4882s item that came out recently that can
4883s that helps you do a little bit of
4885s unarmed stuff but not fully
4891s your ads are some people seen your game
4893s I don't run any ads ads I don't know
4895s what you're seeing I'm sorry
4900s maybe I do run ads and I just don't know
4902s maybe this is like default ads turned on
4905s if there's ads if there's default ads
4908s running
4909s that I can turn off
4912s I would
4914s I don't know if they are
4916s sorry
4919s if you mean this one above my head
4920s that's that's our charity that's
4922s sticking there I'm not moving that we
4924s stream for Charities all the money from
4925s our stream goes to them all of it
4928s changes every month
4933s yes it's the bunny pilot summons the
4935s fire snooty smelliest their weapon to
4937s fly around for some reason
4938s remember oh my God I'm far behind on
4941s questions Mike Mike hurry up what are
4943s you doing uh I suspected it's something
4946s to do with the prevention duping since
4948s blizzard is generally racist regarding
4949s exploits yep a multiplayer uh we can
4952s instantly teleport out of an echo any
4954s chance that gets implemented single
4955s player in the future ah interesting yes
4957s there is slightly different things
4960s um
4961s it's it's possible
4963s um that's actually possible
4966s uh the way the Echoes load
4969s in multiplayer there's actually that so
4972s the echo of a world I think it's called
4974s world's M rest is this is this
4976s underlying scene name
4978s um Sam rest is it physically exists in
4981s the scene that we're in right now way
4982s off in the middle of nowhere
4984s um
4986s and
4989s um which is why it used to come out of
4992s an echo and you'd always run to the left
4993s that's why because the echo of a world
4995s was always really far to the right of
4999s everything all whatever Echo was loaded
5001s so whenever you'd come out of the into
5003s Mrs
5005s um you'd immediately start trying to get
5006s back to the position you were at before
5008s and you start running left
5011s um
5014s and
5025s and um I I hope we can add that in if if
5027s not uh there might be some there might
5029s just be one of the slight difference
5030s between on and offline
5034s uh your front end and there is a back
5038s end where the game calculation actually
5039s runs for the calculations on Unity
5041s itself
5042s um well our back end is built in unity
5046s um so like we we have like we build a
5049s server version of the game and we build
5051s a client version of the game and so the
5053s client and each one of them does
5055s different calculations
5057s um because there's like the client
5058s version of the game has to be able to do
5060s all of those same calculations for
5061s offline mode
5063s um the the the offline client basically
5066s is the server and it's not quite it's
5068s not true there's
5069s um it acts as its own server in in many
5072s ways
5073s um
5074s but it doesn't come bundled with the
5077s server code so there's lots of things
5079s like when we're writing code
5081s um you can like you can put these these
5084s they're called if defs
5086s um
5087s or like uh scope defines probably the
5090s real name I don't know the real name for
5091s them is
5092s um but where it like only actually
5094s includes the code when you're making
5096s when you say like make a server build
5098s anything that's like inside an if def
5101s it's like in unity editor or uh in uh I
5105s don't we call it Unity clients or
5106s something like that or I don't know what
5108s we call it exactly they might say not
5109s server yeah if I say not server
5112s um
5113s it like doesn't compile that or does
5116s compile it if it needs to and so like it
5117s it builds a different version of the
5119s code base for the online and offline
5120s client and servers
5128s but it's all built in unity
5131s it's not all those needy technically
5134s some of it is like uh Cloud Scripts
5141s uh the mob that's causing the flying
5144s weapons oh yeah we talked about that
5147s so for warlock kind of like Destruction
5150s Warlock in WoW uh crit heavy uh I I
5154s don't wanna
5157s and read the whole question here
5159s um
5160s so for warlock kind of like a
5162s Destruction Warlock and wow crit heavy
5164s with I'm guessing a focused damage type
5166s uh bit crits with void necrotic damage
5169s kind of idea
5170s um there's a lot in there that's not
5172s accurate for what we're doing
5174s um
5175s but there are some similar themes and I
5177s don't want to go into too much detail
5181s sorry
5184s uh hi Mike the void nights Echoes always
5187s happen too late against most enemies
5189s except bosses uh is it's a skill design
5192s choice or can we expect change like a
5194s shorter time for the echo strengths
5197s um we we don't have any plans to make
5199s that change at the moment um it's it's
5201s possible it's something that I could see
5203s maybe doing as a um like an item or a
5207s node or something like that sounds like
5209s a cool effect I'd be very surprised if
5212s we
5213s um
5215s change the Baseline time for it
5218s um
5219s but I can see that being a cool like uh
5225s um
5227s skill specialization
5229s Avenue angle thing
5234s uh considering sets no changes yet sorry
5237s uh will you allow us to transform a set
5240s piece into another random set piece to
5241s help us complete sets or do you plan for
5243s us to have to find each set piece the
5246s hard way
5247s um
5248s I think with
5250s we don't have any plans for converting
5253s set pieces at the moment
5255s um
5257s I think there's lots of opportunities
5259s for
5261s um specific it's it's crafting specific
5265s crafting on unique items essentially
5267s settings
5269s um through dungeon rewards I think it's
5271s a good place to put things like that and
5273s I think there's lots of time to add
5274s those Dental rewards there is also some
5276s changes to set items which are not
5278s implemented yet they're planned they're
5280s not done we're working on it it's gonna
5281s be a bit still
5282s um that will change how you ask that
5287s question
5289s I don't know how else to say that
5290s without giving anything away
5293s um
5306s all right Mike don't die
5308s It's actually an opportunity to die here
5311s we have decent Fire Res
5315s funny how they always died in the things
5316s that I had bad resistance to
5322s uh you talked about unarmed stuff
5324s earlier and mentioned handle judgment oh
5326s yeah I kind of mentioned I see the
5327s chords nice hold on uh I think you also
5329s said fist weapons will come uh in the
5332s past yes so my question is will future
5334s fist slippins work with this unique and
5336s a shield
5337s um
5339s I think the unique will need to be
5340s evaluated when we do decide to add fist
5342s weapons
5344s um I if we're going by the letter of the
5346s law with how they're worded and all that
5348s sort of stuff Philippines will count as
5349s being armed and will not work with
5352s um him judgment uh that might change we
5355s might look at it and evaluate it and
5357s change something but the if we're going
5359s all things being equal it will not work
5361s the way you want it to work
5364s uh so when will the five six year beta
5367s end
5368s um hopefully this year
5370s all things go to plan
5377s I'm really excited to take that beta
5379s early access label off and be like
5381s game
5383s play
5385s have fun enjoy
5389s we're gonna spend the next 10 years
5390s updating it
5393s that's fair on not too much detail in
5395s the Warlock but I'm super excited me too
5396s I think it's gonna be a lot of fun
5397s there's uh one ability in particular
5400s that I know the the visuals have been
5402s tested for we've
5404s um did some early testing on visuals for
5406s uh for world the new warlock abilities
5408s that are being added before a new
5409s warlock abilities that are being added
5410s one of them is coming from acolyte being
5412s pushed into warlocks that's why I say
5413s four
5416s um and
5420s uh
5421s we we made some new movements
5425s like the way that abilities move through
5428s the game Space
5430s um visually we added some new tech for
5432s changing that
5434s uh for some for one of the Warlock
5435s abilities
5439s actually two of the Warlock abilities
5440s had to have new tech added for that
5443s laughs
5445s that's funny
5454s balder I do not fear your broth
5461s would you guys mind like just standing
5463s together real quick
5465s just like a lot
5469s we were falling pretty much it built
5471s them
5478s our damage is not fantastic uh
5496s uh okay you're kind of off in the corner
5514s oh right on top will be sweet
5522s it's an acrylic okay so you're fine
5531s nice all right you come down here
5534s come on
5544s you should have got this guy lowered
5546s before killing the other two
5563s come on come down here please
5570s I get it you're safe up there with your
5572s friends my goodness
5578s it's another question for this but I'm
5580s not looking away it's not happening
5582s I'm sorry
5586s maybe a greedy and look away the last
5587s second
5589s my goodness
5600s all right what do we got what do we got
5601s increased fire damage
5605s uh he's gonna fire rest because we don't
5607s need uh stun duration really
5610s that's fine let's take that virus out of
5613s some gear
5616s all right
5619s now you know what that means
5629s that's gonna be fixed
5633s ta-da
5643s all right new power timelines now
5647s come back here the other one
5652s let's get our butts kicked
5657s not gonna go well
5661s that's okay though
5664s all right let's get some more questions
5665s in here I was doing so good catching up
5667s and not falling behind again uh will
5669s these set item changes be in before or
5672s at 1.0 definitely not before
5675s uh skills like sigils or Maelstrom need
5678s to be recast so often honestly it's a
5680s lot of busy work can we expect some
5681s options to where to cast them like on
5683s hips or after walking some distance like
5685s static charge
5687s um maybe I don't want to say like yes
5689s you can expect these but
5691s um I think it's reasonable to expect uh
5694s that we address and at least look at it
5698s um
5701s because I do agree with you that there
5702s is room for improvement I know sigils we
5704s do have plans for changing sigils
5705s already
5707s um
5710s specifically around this
5712s um
5713s I I
5715s don't want to say that sorry
5718s we'll look at it peewee2 seems to be
5720s moving away from life choice nodes on
5723s the passive tree with uh what are your
5726s thoughts on perceived mandatory choices
5728s of defensive in the passage
5732s um I I I I think it's
5737s uh
5741s it's a tough question answer I think
5742s that there's definitely uh a very good
5745s reason to have uh defensive options in a
5749s passive tree like poets and like just
5751s path of Exiles passive Tree in general
5754s um and I think that
5756s uh having
5759s like as soon as you have defensive nodes
5761s in a tree like defensively not offensive
5763s options in a system like that I think
5765s that there's a natural pull towards
5767s trying to get the I'm like not showing
5769s anything in the Stream I'm sorry here's
5771s that while I'm talking about they
5772s rambled
5774s more environmental updates based on the
5776s tech we added for last patch onto new uh
5779s new scenes and stuff it's parody
5782s um what was I talking about oh yeah
5784s defensive and offensive options in the
5785s same system I think it's tough to make
5787s the defensive options seem
5791s appealing
5793s in that situation
5795s um
5796s and
5800s I I think there's like a potential trap
5802s that can happen where
5805s um if those defensive options exist
5807s but they're not mandatory taking them
5810s can lead characters so defensively
5812s powerful that it trivializes fights but
5816s in a unfun way whereby
5820s um like the whole like zdps thing
5825s um where you have a character that does
5826s like literally one damage a hit against
5828s the boss that has literally a million
5830s Health
5831s um It's Gonna Take You A million hits to
5832s kill them great but if you cannot die
5835s you will complete the task eventually
5837s it'll take for flipping ever and it's
5840s gonna be boring it's just gonna suck so
5843s it's it's it's not like it doesn't
5845s promote a good
5847s gameplay Loop
5849s um
5851s and and I think I think there's sort of
5853s a a danger there in general so I think
5856s quite often it's
5857s um
5859s you start getting the situations where
5860s okay yeah there's like the the defensive
5862s options
5864s are not so much
5867s um
5868s that you get into that situation but
5870s they're like
5872s things are going to deal enough damage
5873s to you that they're still enticing to
5875s take and and they can feel and then you
5878s get this like feeling of well what are
5880s the best defensive nodes okay help them
5882s just like the best ones it doesn't
5884s matter what situation you're in they're
5885s just the best ones and then you you feel
5888s like they're mandatory and it feels like
5890s it's taking away that choice where like
5891s you hit like okay I had these these
5894s points and suddenly they're just like
5895s those points are gone because they're
5897s mandatory used
5898s I think that's sort of the the
5901s the Trap that you that can be set
5905s um and I don't I don't know the best way
5906s to to reconcile that because I really
5908s like having defensive and offensive
5910s options in uh in a skill trading system
5913s like that
5919s that would be really
5921s really not either just try and like
5922s Craft on or try and pull that onto a
5924s ring
5926s um
5929s and we know we get easy exalted Rings
5931s anyways
5933s um
5934s or LP Rings you know what I'm trying to
5937s say
5938s uh anyways
5941s uh I I I personally really like having
5943s offensive and defensive options in there
5945s and I think we
5947s try to make sure we put both of them in
5981s more questions Mike stop getting
5983s absorbed and playing your game and
5984s realize you're streaming all right Mike
5986s thanks
5993s uh uh any more leaks
5997s yeah I got one more for you
6000s uh not a question but a demand we demand
6004s that you don't do
6008s oh crunch if the game is like we want
6011s you to take care of your health and have
6012s time to loved ones we have spoken deal
6019s we have a lot of what I've been calling
6022s Flex features
6023s plan for 1.0
6027s um and
6029s we we've got like a core set of features
6031s that we're like okay we're doing this
6032s for one point out we're getting it done
6034s um
6035s and like I mean obviously stuff comes up
6038s we might not be able to but the plan is
6040s to get these really cool things we're
6041s very confident we can get those core
6042s things done and then there's a whole
6043s bunch of other features that are like
6045s um okay well if someone maybe finished
6047s all their work they had to do on those
6049s really important features they can start
6050s working on this Flex feature and
6053s um
6055s move it along and oh someone else
6056s finished all they had to do on the
6057s important features hey let's have them
6058s like do their part of the athletic
6060s teacher oh I finished it great let's
6061s push that out the door
6063s um and and so there's like we're gonna
6064s try and get as much stuff into 1.0 as
6066s possible but yeah we're um
6073s we're we're we're
6074s we'll be careful not to to Crunch hard
6086s overlay I think I fixed that uh have you
6088s considered reducing the penalty for dual
6091s wielding
6092s uh we have considered it
6094s um we're not changing it for this
6095s upcoming batch
6099s uh what are your thoughts on in-game
6101s systems like Poe's delve system or a
6104s tower climbing like system uh do you see
6106s something similar possibly making it
6107s into in the future
6110s um yeah yeah I think they're great I
6111s think that there's
6113s um there's a lot similarities actually
6114s into the arena I think
6115s um because it's sort of like a analyst
6117s it gets harder um the arena is obviously
6119s extremely poisoned
6123s poison
6125s the Arena's obviously extremely
6127s simplistic compared to those examples
6130s um
6131s but I think there's there's a few things
6132s it does right and um
6135s there's definitely room to expand on it
6142s and we'll be looking for that
6145s 10 decks on a major like that's funny
6155s there is room to increase improve this
6157s Relic though
6159s okay there's got some decent stats in
6161s there but like uh
6163s oh
6166s yeah
6168s amulet we need new amulet that's our
6171s goal here
6172s next goal amulet
6174s that's probably looking to relics more
6175s carefully too
6203s uh oh second of the question was do you
6204s see a system similar possibly making
6206s into alien future
6207s um and and yeah I think there's
6210s there's room for stuff like that
6212s um whether it's expansion of the immune
6214s system or more similar to what those
6217s other systems have
6218s um I I I like them
6222s um
6223s and I think variety is
6225s a really important thing when it comes
6227s to designing
6230s um our Indian systems
6233s all right use the infertile column note
6237s in meteor it'll make your build so much
6238s better okay
6240s I won't say no
6245s this one
6247s yeah but the Mana cost I'm already so
6250s Mana star
6258s I'll consider it
6269s what I need to do is I need to like I
6271s need to go and check my passes because
6272s I'm there's
6274s uh
6276s distance to go there's three points
6278s letting just free up
6285s uh is it fine
6289s I actually don't have that many photos I
6291s was I was planning to switch to
6292s lightning pretty early apparently
6298s it's not a lot a lot to change there a
6301s few optimizations
6306s uh we have cool visual effects for
6308s ignite shock do you plan to implement
6310s other ailment visual effects like poison
6312s uh interestingly enough poison does have
6315s one all of them do every ailment has
6317s visual effects that go with it
6320s um oh that's probably an exception there
6322s most of them have it
6326s I know poison does that
6331s let's see if we can get poisoned
6334s oh let's not let's not say we didn't
6343s ow my face
6347s any more of those things around I need
6348s to clear out first
6367s questions
6369s it'll make half the media is Miss and
6371s increase the medical cost it's a win-win
6375s but I I don't think that's good
6380s uh I don't want to do that that doesn't
6383s sound fun
6404s did I catch up I caught up
6407s go go
6409s that calls for a celebration
6412s because I caught up
6414s I'm trying to celebrate my successes
6416s instead of rewarding my failures for uh
6419s for spoilers
6423s all right
6426s this is concept art for a creature of
6430s some sort somewhere arriving not next
6434s patch so this is gonna be really clear
6436s this is the 1.0
6438s uh dude or dudette or duder
6443s um
6445s yeah
6448s bud
6451s new mount
6456s uh Master X seems to give me Mata back
6458s in two parts yes one right away another
6460s delayed do you know why this is I do
6462s it's been like this for a long time and
6463s I've asked about it before but I can't
6464s remember if I got an answer
6466s I've definitely answered this before a
6468s few times I don't know if it was for you
6469s or not
6470s um so you've probably got like I do
6474s um
6475s a node that says
6479s uh management grants Mana back when it
6481s critically strikes an enemy
6485s so when you hit an enemy and it crits
6488s you immediately get nine Mana back right
6490s away
6492s uh
6496s uh here when you um when you hit a rare
6500s or boss enemy you immediately get six so
6501s if you crit a rare or boss enemy you
6503s immediately get 15 with two points in
6506s this and three points of this which I
6507s know you could have more but so right
6508s now I'll immediately get 15 when I crit
6510s the boss
6512s um
6520s no that one's not one of the immediate
6522s ones
6531s yeah okay and then this one
6534s um
6535s when what what this the base effects if
6537s you if you de-specialize on Mana strike
6540s you won't get any immediate Mana back
6542s you'll only get the delayed Mana
6544s um because what this is is and it's kind
6546s of hard to see
6547s uh I'm gonna try and find a way to show
6549s you but there's actually like a particle
6550s effect that moves from the enemy to you
6554s um
6563s oh my God I had that overlay up the
6566s whole time because I'm an idiot
6570s uh this node and this node or what I was
6574s talking about I'm sorry
6576s um
6577s so yeah base effects
6579s come on is it really not gonna do it
6582s I don't I I'm at full Mana that's why
6586s probably
6593s uh this may not have a visual effect for
6595s it because it's usually a melee attack
6596s so there's no visual effect for it right
6599s uh what has that
6603s uh rip blood
6608s yeah rip blood has the effect because
6610s it's the same if it's the same attack as
6612s her blood
6613s um this is no VFX for it and it looks
6615s weird with teleporting strikes but there
6617s is actually an object it has no VFX here
6620s because it's usually melee this is a
6622s mistake by us there's actually an object
6624s that travels from the enemy to you and
6627s when it hits you it gives you the Mana
6628s back when you use Ministry
6631s which when you do it in melee it happens
6633s almost instantly because you're like
6634s Melee
6638s but yeah so there's there's nodes in the
6640s tree that have effects that Grant you
6641s Mana back on hit immediately and the
6643s base effect that is augmented by nodes
6645s in the tree uh take some time to travel
6648s back to you especially if you have
6649s teleporting strikes turn on which a lot
6651s of people do
6657s and it moves likely at the same Pace as
6660s the blood does
6670s uh
6678s so if you go fast enough it'll never
6680s give you manifest if you're saying yes
6681s yeah if you run away from the target
6683s fast enough you'll never get the Mana
6684s back that is true
6687s um
6688s let's see fox version of Falco are from
6689s the writing story I I have heard that
6692s reference quite a bit when looking at
6694s that concept art
6696s um
6696s I think this is one of those situations
6698s and this happens a lot uh for all sorts
6702s of things where like someone will make
6704s something
6704s and they'll just like have no idea that
6706s it's like a spitting image of something
6709s else and you're like
6710s well I grew up with that of course I
6712s know that is and they're like I've never
6713s heard of that as a thing and it's really
6715s interesting it happens a lot more when
6716s you get an international team
6719s because there's so many things that are
6720s like really cultural
6722s so like
6724s um if I were to say uh do you guys get
6728s house hippos down there
6730s is that have you read a deal with house
6732s hippos
6733s they're like they're a menace you got to
6736s be careful with house hippos okay
6749s oh come on
6753s it's night time in a kitchen just like
6755s yours all is quiet
6758s or is it
6760s the North American house hippo is found
6763s throughout Canada and the Eastern United
6765s States
6767s hippos are very timid creatures and
6769s they're rarely seen but they will defend
6772s their territory if provoked they come
6775s out at night to search for food water
6777s and materials for their nests the
6780s favorite foods of the house hippo are
6782s chips raisins and the crumbs from peanut
6784s butter on toast they build their nests
6787s in bedroom closets using lost mittens
6789s dryer lint and bits of string the nests
6793s have to be very soft and warm house
6795s hippos sleep about 16 hours a day
6799s that looked really real but you knew it
6802s couldn't be true didn't you that's why
6804s it's good to think about what you're
6805s watching on TV yeah so it's just it's
6808s just a PSA about don't believe
6810s everything you see on TV
6812s um but like you say house hippos to
6813s anyone in Canada that's about my age I
6815s grew up in Canada on the same time I did
6817s and they're just like everyone knows
6818s about house hippos and it's just this
6820s like like oh I wouldn't download a car
6822s it's like that level of joke
6824s um but you say to people who grew up
6825s anywhere else and they're like what are
6827s you talking about that's the dumbest
6828s thing I've ever heard
6830s um yeah so I think there's you know you
6832s play an international team or play
6834s working an international team like this
6836s um you get situations like that a lot
6839s which I think is really cool
6846s don't worry person editing up this
6848s upload uh that video is old enough that
6850s it's safe
6871s oh gotta get back to questions that I
6873s can answer is there any last second ones
6875s oh don't die no Mike
6896s oh
6907s uh the tendril's node from explosive
6909s arrows they must to clean strike uh but
6912s it's only for lightning do you plan to
6913s allow other damage types to have as
6915s similarly efficient skill mode uh
6917s there's no specific plans but if you'd
6919s like to suggest one head on over to the
6920s forums uh and drop it down there
6923s because I don't write things down from
6924s here because I'm terrible
6927s it's probably already been asked a lot
6928s but I haven't been playing or following
6930s the news have you guys announced a date
6932s for the next update or big update we do
6934s not have a date for the next update
6936s available yet let's keep it weather eye
6938s on the horizon for Gamescom approaches
6940s and it shall be glorious
6948s um so when will lost knowledge or Mana
6951s spent gained as award work with arbinger
6953s of stars I know it'll never happen but I
6956s can dream
6959s uh I don't think it'll work
6962s I don't wanna
6965s no
6967s uh speaking about international team
6969s environment uh how do you guys manage
6971s time zone differences lots of nightly
6974s early meetings for some team members
6976s rotating our schedules yeah there's
6978s um one thing we do
6981s overseas not everyone but generally most
6983s people
6984s um who are on significantly different
6986s time zones uh do do keep a roughly North
6990s American schedule
6993s um
6994s Epoch time we call it is uh North
6997s America Central Time and
7000s um so all of our all of our schedule is
7002s centered around that
7004s um
7006s like I'm I'm two hours West of that so
7009s uh
7011s it's it's like it's a little bit off for
7013s me and then people are on the East Coast
7014s it's a little bit off for them and
7016s people are in Europe and it's really all
7017s from them some people I I know some
7019s people are just like yeah I want a
7021s nighttime job we've got a couple people
7025s who are just like love the fact that we
7026s uh they work in Europe and they've got a
7028s North American job and they're like it's
7029s perfect so I can work at night
7031s um and there's other people that uh do
7034s their stuff during their daytime and so
7036s they basically their shift is like super
7037s early morning for us
7039s um
7041s we've got people in Australia who um
7044s typically I think just work I I
7047s judging for when they're online they're
7049s usually just working on like a normal
7050s time schedule for them
7052s um
7053s what they do it works quite well like
7056s that
7057s um
7058s and there's like I I connect with a lot
7061s of different departments
7062s um so I find myself up really early some
7065s mornings or on really late some nights
7067s um
7069s but part of that is just because I have
7070s a problem it's called working too much
7076s um
7078s definitely gotten better since since the
7080s kid
7083s which is great
7091s but yeah most of the time we we try and
7093s keep things as North America standard as
7096s possible
7101s or just work what work out a way to make
7103s it work with the person
7110s uh what are we drinking after hours in
7112s Germany
7113s um
7114s you know I definitely want to try I I
7117s really like getting local stuff
7119s so it's gonna be I'm gonna try a bunch
7121s of different local stuff but I really
7123s don't like I know one of the most
7125s popular local beers there is like super
7128s dark and often coffee infused I think
7131s uh and I really don't like dark or
7134s coffee beers so like
7136s I'll try one
7138s maybe I Fall In Love
7140s I have low expectations for that but I
7143s know they'll have lots of stuff it'll be
7145s great too
7158s oh yeah that's easy ebook time everyone
7160s works until
7163s the end of time
7168s that we ban
7170s you guys talked about back about
7171s updating some of the visuals to use
7173s object pooling rather than instantiating
7175s everything how much performance
7177s difference can be attributed to that
7178s change
7179s um a lot
7182s uh you may notice that the game has just
7184s gotten prettier and prettier
7187s a lot of that prettier and prettier has
7189s to do with the processing power we have
7191s freed up from doing that
7194s um
7196s and it's getting better and better and
7197s better still because we're still adding
7199s more and more stuff to that
7201s um it's each type of system needs to be
7204s updated differently for that like for
7206s example uh when you send out a fireball
7212s um
7212s there's no way to know that the next
7214s Fireball is going to be set up the same
7217s way and because we have such complex uh
7220s skill trees and how they're they're
7221s designing everything
7223s um
7224s like you don't know if that fireball
7226s needs to have some like weird extra
7228s thing on it
7230s um I guess that's a good example of that
7232s they'll hit lightning conversion so like
7234s the the damage
7236s stats on the firewall itself like the
7239s damage component the
7240s um damage enemy on hit that's what it's
7242s called
7243s um that component has changes that are
7246s made to it in the process of you casting
7248s it so like when you when you cast an
7250s ability you cast a fireball that
7252s fireball in the process of creating it
7255s um
7256s it gets changed a whole bunch so like
7259s stock firewall gets loaded and then
7260s we're like oh okay you've got this node
7262s change it this way you've got this node
7263s change it this way and then the fireball
7265s is like ready to go and it gets launched
7266s the next frame and
7269s um
7271s uh taking that fireball that's been
7273s modified launched and putting it back in
7275s the pool
7276s um you can't now when you go to use that
7278s firewall for the next Fireball you throw
7280s you can't guarantee that it's going to
7281s be the same because maybe it's an effect
7283s that says like every three Fireballs
7285s it's twice as big
7286s um and so you got to put it back the way
7289s it was every time
7291s um so that's tricky
7293s and that that effect on pooling doesn't
7296s need to happen for things like
7299s um
7300s uh
7302s uh a good example
7308s oh like an item visual or something
7320s I have the thickest teeth skin ever
7329s that was close we earned that ascendants
7331s that was
7333s that's right I did the especially I
7335s don't know if you saw it as an advanced
7336s technique I did the middle of it it was
7338s called Panic Take Your rig off and put
7340s it back on yeah yeah all pro
7353s uh
7355s how did you learn programming I spent
7357s many years at school learning it
7362s um actually the first first programming
7364s thing I ever did was my dad had a
7368s Commodore 64 when I was a kid growing up
7370s and in grade seven we were told to do a
7374s project on anything we wanted uh
7376s anything and I chose to write the most
7380s simple program ever uh
7384s turn off notifications it only lasts two
7387s hours and they start coming in
7389s um
7390s the uh the most simple program ever on
7393s the conference 64 for a school project
7395s grade 7 was the first one I started
7399s uh have you guys considered expanding
7400s into the onto the shrine system uh you
7404s know unique equipment Idols or even
7405s passive skill nodes yes we have
7407s considered it uh it will not happen for
7409s 1.0 but I think you're uh safe to say
7411s it'll yeah eventually yeah
7414s still leaves the stream next week as
7416s we're gonna go for Gamescom you'll be
7417s out correct yes thank you very much for
7419s calling that okay next week I will not
7421s be here same place same time we're
7423s taking the week off
7425s um I need I need a little bit of time to
7428s prepare and get myself together in order
7430s to leave for Gamescom
7432s um which would be I think the next day
7433s or the day after that so I I'm taking
7435s taking that Friday off uh so no stream
7438s next next week
7440s um
7442s and
7444s yeah we'll be in Gamescom after that so
7447s there'll be two weeks without a stream I
7448s think
7449s and it should be one the week after
7452s uh 18th no strings only begins gone 25th
7455s no stream because I'm at Gamescom first
7457s I will be back yes so our next stream
7459s will be on the first August 1st will be
7461s our next stream
7462s um
7464s it's a ton of fun we'll have tons of
7466s stuff to talk about from Gamescom I
7467s can't wait for that it's gonna be
7469s exciting
7470s um
7472s that's all we got
7474s thanks for coming out
7476s I hope you had fun I know I did
7479s I love Disney streams and
7483s yeah I hope I hope you have a great time
7485s we'll be back uh yeah August 1st
7489s nope September 1st I know how months
7491s were uh have a great time everybody
7494s we'll see you next time bye oh and if I
7498s didn't answer your question and you
7499s would like it answered um please head on
7500s over to our Discord there is an acetabs
7502s Channel that I do keep a close eye on
7504s and I will answer it there