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Not exactly sure of the situation with “no fixes unless server breaking” but I’d really like to see skill interactions with items that are bugged get fixed.

Is there a place/thread where known bugs are listed and updated?

Edit: to clarify, I don’t specifically mean nerfs to broken builds. I mean things that do not work at all. Examples off the top of my head are the bugs with haste effectiveness and Jelkhors not actually counting detonating arrrow as a melee attack so can’t proc the “hold this” node for explosive trap.

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about 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by tadrinth

If I understood their statements correctly, they're holding off on fixing bugs where doing so would nerf builds unless those builds are crashing servers.

However they have no such policy for fixing bugs in ways that buff underperforming builds. I expect them to do some of that when they aren't drowning, especially if they're confident it won't displace any current top meta builds.

You do have to read their statements carefully to notice that they've drawn that distinction, which I guess is why a lot of people missed it.

Yea, it's really hard to make a statement about a controversial topic where it gets read fully. You try to make it short so people will read it all but then you risk not being clear enough. I'm not sure how much more clear we could have been on it though.

"We will continue to fix bugs that result in skills and/or items receiving a buff."

about 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by shaanuja

Nope, no fixes is their stance unless it breaks the server. It’s a joke of a stance, that’s another story. Vote on their survey, top of this subreddit.

Please re-read the information on the survey you referenced.

about 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by tadrinth

I think y'all are doing a great job communicating. Did not mean to cast shade on how this was presented, by "read carefully" I really meant that people needed to go personally read your entire post, rather than getting their news from other people's reactions on the subreddit.

I used to be a teaching assistant and I mostly live over on Tumblr these days where bad reading comprehension is pretty much the national sport, communication is hard these days.

I like that. Bad reading comprehension being a national sport.

about 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by shaanuja

Are you saying any of what i said changed? No it’s still the same bugs over performing and you brushing it aside. Despite claiming to fix bugs, nothing is done. Untill I see a change, it’s still a bad joke.

Sorry, maybe I should have been more clear. I'm saying that the information you provided wasn't accurate, not that it had changed.

about 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by shaanuja

How isn’t it accurate? You’re saying mid cycle bug fixes is a thing now? but there isn’t any to show. Maybe I’ll wait a day and see how you fix the OP masteries exploiting bugs.

I'm saying they continue to be a thing as I am still not claiming any change in policy. That's what the survey is supposed to help us determine, if we should change it or not to potentially include more types of mid cycle bug fixes.