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I can understand that giving an item that's already exalted would probably allow them to become more powerful than the devs want, but man ... the odds of getting good mods on the right base from them is so freaking low that I just keep wishing I could at least give it a rare item of the right base type with some good affixes on it.

Even if they made it such that the item would need a minimum of 20 forging potential that would be fine. That would still allow us to add an affix to an open slot, or to try to use a glyph of Chaos once or twice before giving it to them. Or zero FP but one open affix. There are probably a number of ways they could allow rares and still manage power creep.

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7 months ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

I like that idea. I don't know if you'd even have to put a forging potential restriction on it. It could just use forging potential as the "fuel". So if the item started out with 50FP on it then it would get way more stuff than a fully spent item.