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Absolutely loving the game right now! Here's why I think these things are awesome and should stick around:

  1. Leveling is a Blast: Love that leveling up is smooth with no XP penalties. It keeps the fun going without any unnecessary bumps.
  2. Each Class Feels Unique: Super cool that each class has its own fantasy and identity. Makes playing different characters a whole new experience.
  3. Loads of Build Options: The game's got a ton of different skills, and they all work. It's great because you can really make your character your own.
  4. Easy for Newbies: It's so easy for new players to get into the game. Figuring out your own build is a breeze, and that makes it way more enjoyable.
  5. Game Doesn't Crash Much: I personally haven't crashed so that's a plus & I hope it stays the same after 1.0's huge patch.
  6. Getting Gear is Simple: Gearing your character is straightforward, and you don't have to plan ahead for the next one unless you want to.
  7. Awesome Loot Filter: The loot filter is spot on, and I can see it getting even better with more updates. Excited to see what else they can add.
  8. Buying Tabs with In-Game Cash Feels Good: Using in-game money to get stash tabs is a great touch.
  9. Handy In-Game Guide: The in-game guide is a lifesaver. Hope they keep it updated with new mechanics from future cycles.
  10. Clean Map Icons: Love the icons on the map for vendors and stuff. Hopefully it'll stay clutter free forever.
  11. Search is a Time Saver: Searching in stashes, skills, and passives is a game-changer. Maybe they can add more features to stash search, like looking for specific ranges of levels etc.
  12. Sorting is a Breeze: Sorting stuff in inventory and stash is so smooth. Making same item type or uniques stick together would be a plus but for now its great.
  13. Combat Flow is Spot-On: Absolutely loving how the combat flows in the game. Floaty feeling will be fixed in 1.0 & hopefully there's more surprises.
  14. Boss Skills with Red/Orange Indicators: The fact that boss skills show up with red/orange indicators is great. Game will only get busier(on screen) during combat with new cycles so having a clear indicators is awesome.
  15. Crafting Excellence: The crafting system is outstanding, hands down the best I've seen in a long time. It's incredibly intuitive and adds a whole new level of enjoyment to the game.

I can keep going but now it feels like I'm listing everything in game. What would you add/edit or remove?

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about 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link
