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Build suggestions? Not sure what I'll put in this. Currently playing Runemaster and enjoying some 350 corruption monos. Will probably do a new char at 100.

about 1 year ago - /u/ehg_trasochi - Direct link

Originally posted by Nugle

Armor doesn't work differently for spells. Physical spells like rip blood and tornado apply armor at full effectiveness

Yeah, we don't distinguish between spells and melee attacks (or other attacks) at all for defences, so that players don't have to work out whether enemy abilities are spells or not. In some cases it's obvious, like an enemy swinging a sword is a melee attack and an enemy casting a fireball is a spell. However there are cases where it's not, like an enemy slamming a hammer into a ground and causing a lightning storm around the impact.

For player abilities we can just clarify in the tooltip, so it's ok for us to distinguish between spells and melee attacks when it comes to player's scaling the damage of their own abilities. But, we can't really have players read a tooltip for every enemy ability, so we just avoid that distinction having any gameplay impact for enemies.

about 1 year ago - /u/ehg_trasochi - Direct link

Originally posted by yawgmoth88

That’s friggen awesome. I guess the one thing armor doesn’t do is stop DoTs- correct?

I think DoTs are still 100% damage but there are certain affixes that allow armor to extend to DoT protection at reduced efficiency?

Correct, and we try to make it obvious whether a damage is damage over time or a hit.