At the moment the majority of set items isn't useful like at all, there are a handful that are strong by themselves and there are maybe like 2 or 3 sets that are used in their entirety by some players for certain niches.
Since the introduction of Set items we've got a steady increase of exalted drops, legendary crafting and strong crafting methods in general. Set items haven't been touched in forever, only some small numerical changes have been made here and there.
I have 3 seperate suggestions to make that I think would improve the current state of set items:
Add a dungeon with a reward where you can either increase the value of 1 (potentially random) stat significantly or where the values of all stats are increased by a moderate (or random) amount.
Set items have their values increased by a specific amount per additional set piece you use. So when you only use 1 piece, default values are used, with 2 pieces both get like 50% increased stats and with all 3 pieces equipped all 3 of them get 100% or whatever kind of number EHG see fit.
Add a way to fuse 2 copies of the same set piece together and their stat rolls would add up in some way. I think for this some kind of quality value could be introduced, like the quality would determine how good the rolls are. A 100% quality set piece would have all values at max and you could fuse a 10% quality piece and a 40% piece together to get a 50% quality piece of that set item and you could eventually work towards getting all used set items to 100%.
What are your thoughts and ideas? Do you maybe think it would be enough to buff the numbers some more and set items would be fine or would you like another upgrade step?
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