almost 2 years ago - Last Epoch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

2s good afternoon everybody and welcome
5s back to another last Epoch Dev stream
9s as always
10s I'm your host Mike how's it going how's
12s it going hang it up
14s doing pretty good
16s gonna be uh gonna be a pretty relaxed
18s stream today we're just hanging out
20s having fun
22s we did a little bit of monolith
25s rocking our Mage we've been rolling on
28s happy Friday everybody if this happens
31s to be your first time here on the stream
32s welcome glad to have you with us please
34s put at last epoc game in your question
37s in chat and I'll be happy to answer it
38s it'll be a little slower one today so it
41s probably won't actually be necessary
42s come to think of it
45s um but
46s just how
48s the Spiel goes in opening and as always
50s we stream for charity boom but my head
52s is our monthly charity this month
56s and I'll leave everything from the
57s stream goes to that
59s yeah
63s oh I've had a really good week actually
66s interestingly enough
68s I've had a really good week it's been
70s uh it's been a lot of fun
75s nothing nothing like major happened I
77s guess I guess I you know you know what
79s it is I just realized as I'm saying it's
80s like I had a lot of fun this week
82s I've been working on I've been working
83s on skills again I've been I've been back
85s in the skills saddle and
87s apparently I really enjoy that
92s so that's been great
100s we're working on a new Rune Master
103s projectile skill yeah
114s it is Friday
120s also like bring some people in to just
122s play with me here because we're in
124s multiple right
129s any staff have an early uh
132s that would be a cool thing to do could
134s we could we do that like have other
136s players on stream
138s I guess I should be asking this in like
140s a
140s social media not just randomly on stream
149s oh getting DM now
176s Sam getting called out on stream can't
178s do it come on
188s I don't think I actually finished the
189s campaign did I
192s did I finish uh majasa last week I can't
194s remember
196s spoiler alert
199s yeah no no main quest I guess they did
201s nice
203s the other easy way to check is do I have
205s one strength one dexterity and one
207s Attunement yes
210s I love trying to sneak in little little
212s all stats for everyone
216s and I've said it before but like if you
218s uh if you're like a unique item that's
221s like a like a random plus one to all
223s attributes on it that was me
231s how do I go about developing and
233s iterating on new skills
235s um I mean so there's
237s it's a pretty big process and it depends
239s if it's a uh like a new class or a
243s existing class that we're just like
244s adding a skill to
247s um but usually usually it starts with
248s something along the lines of
251s um trying to find the gameplay Niche or
254s the Thematic Niche that you want to uh
257s have have the skill fit in
259s and uh so like figuring out where you
262s want that that like the fantasy to
263s deliver on or the mechanical
264s functionality to deliver on and then
266s working working from there is those the
269s usual two starting points
271s um so you get like
273s I guess I guess a good example is like
275s just meteor
277s um
278s that's that's something that we we
279s started out with
281s as uh like a thematic
284s element to sorcerer that we knew we
286s wanted to have in there as well we need
287s to have a meteor skill
289s um we weren't looking for hey what's a
291s good
292s um like like a heavy hitting slower type
296s skill to put on sorcerer it was okay we
298s need to have meteor on sorcerer how does
300s that look and how can we how can we
302s build that into the game and and often
304s often that'll start with like a just a
306s prototype of
308s um the functionality
310s so you can get like a feel for the base
312s skill play around with it
315s um and then we we get some like some of
318s us get some basic VFX in there right off
320s the bat as well
321s um
322s show that off in a in a development
324s meeting so your design meeting together
326s with a bunch of people and and you start
327s just brainstorming nodes just individual
330s hey what if nodes and and at that point
333s it's really a
335s um
336s it's it's really a free-for-all like a
338s no bad ideas type situation where like
341s people people put jokes in people put
343s dumb things that would never happen like
345s uh if we were gonna do this for meteor
347s today I bet someone would put hey let's
349s have a giant steak fall from the ground
351s it'll be steak conversion though it'll
353s be like a physical version of it and
354s it's a giant State because it's meteor
356s get it the meteor
358s and like it so so it starts out pretty
363s free form just anything goes uh and then
365s someone takes those nodes suggestions
368s and ideas
369s um and sort of like
370s condenses them into a
374s um more appropriate and uh
377s complete skill tree and then we go back
380s through that skill tree and we
384s um
385s like
388s fighter tooth comb type stuff make sure
389s there's there's no mechanical
391s functionality or automatic functionality
392s we're missing
394s um make sure that the notes make sense
396s make sure the node's gonna be
397s interesting and we just have like a
399s little bit of a debate amongst about
400s about six or seven people lose sometimes
403s as low as three but usually about six
404s people
406s um
407s and it's it's yeah it's like a debate on
409s what nodes we want to finalize in there
412s um and then it gets split off from there
414s a bunch of people so someone someone
415s will take the visual skill tree stuff
418s like placing the nodes in the right spot
421s um someone will take the there's like a
422s script that goes with it that runs the
423s UI and converts and and communicates
426s with the UI to the to the back end
428s mutator that actually does the changes
430s the mechanical changes to the skill and
432s someone else will will create the
434s mutator as well
436s that's actually what we're doing right
437s now it's a bunch of people on
439s um I'm doing that for
441s a couple skills right now which is great
451s I guess that's a that's a brief a brief
453s overview
454s and and there's like there's there's
456s tons of steps throughout that whole
458s thing where it's like checks is this fun
460s do you want to change anything and like
463s um once we get to that tree hopefully by
466s that point we don't need to have any
468s major changes to it after that but in
470s the event that we do it's it's just kind
472s of going back to the process again
476s all right are you guys planning to add
480s other spicy Quest rewards like the plus
482s one attributes yeah I I think there's
485s um there's some functionality in the
486s quest reward system that we never really
488s fleshed out that we need to for sure
491s um
492s and a lot of that revolves around
496s um some multiple issues that we had
498s early on with it but uh
501s all right the a quest reward that we
504s a quest reward type that we really need
507s and we've we've ideated how to do it a
510s few times things like that is
512s um
514s uh gear Quest rewards where it's like
518s here's here's a here's a piece of gear
520s pick too and we do have some like that
522s so we've got the like the artem uh
525s gambler
527s uh Ledger book there's this Ledger book
529s at the start of the start of the game in
531s uh a30 in um it's not 8 30 anymore the
534s start of the game at the council
535s chambers
536s um
540s detox
546s yeah I got there maybe thank you very
548s much what's up appreciate it hope you're
550s having fun
551s um
552s first that's first one today I think
554s that's great thank you
556s um
557s what was I saying it all distracted
559s there
560s threw me off
564s um
565s Quest rewards things like that yeah so
567s so
569s um I think there's room for a quest
571s rewards style uh where you have where
574s you're presented with the options in
575s front of you where it says okay great
576s thanks for completing this Quest here's
578s four options you can pick any one of
580s them
581s which one do you want
582s um and that's that's the type of uh
584s question word that we're definitely
585s missing right now
587s um and one of the big things that you
589s can do with that type of quest reward
590s that we can't do right now is you can
592s you can present kind of specialized
595s types of gear
597s um so you could put like a really like a
600s rare item like a an item that is
604s um
605s like a yellow item that has maybe two
609s fixed mods and two random mods on a
611s specific base or something like that so
612s we could say like okay we're gonna make
613s a a ring that's like a throwing ring and
616s it's gonna guarantee to have like two
617s mods on it that are really good for
618s throwing builds
620s um and and then we're gonna put two
621s random mods on it
623s and and it'll it'll generate
626s um it'll generate that item and it'll be
628s really specific and any anyone who's
630s like a throwing build especially early
631s in the game when it's kind of hard to
632s get kind of build specific items for
634s Less common builds rolling
637s um it'll be really neat to have this
639s like this I don't know oh it fits
640s perfectly with my build now we can't
642s just give that item as a reward because
644s there's so few throwing builds that'll
645s be at that point
647s oh so it's it's those things that we
650s need to have options so like you put
653s oh excuse me you put like three really
656s specific options then one more generic
658s one to sort of catch the rest if you
660s need it or something like that
662s um and I think I think especially adding
664s things like that to side quest is really
665s good because it uh it gives you this hey
669s I know that if I do this side quest as a
671s throwing build I'm gonna get something
673s interesting and then maybe some other
675s quests the other side quest has a
677s guaranteed drop for a shield focused
679s build another sequence doesn't guarantee
680s drop for a minion Focus build and
683s um suddenly if you're if you're like
685s really optimizing a a run or uh like a
689s leveling process things like that maybe
691s you're specifically targeting certain
692s side quests because you know they'll
694s have
695s um more build specific items for you to
698s help you level faster
700s I think it's those like uh quite after
703s those like little incentives that that
705s make small differences here and there
706s for different builds as you're leveling
707s can have a have a like a
710s cumulative effects of
712s um
713s actually actually making that leveling
714s process more diverse and I think it's
715s interesting
726s I know you guys talked before but not
728s having PVP in the game yet
731s uh because well balanced no uh and stuff
735s uh but how you guys feel about low level
738s PVP easier to implement and balance no
740s okay so um I I don't so maybe maybe
743s we've talked about balancing in general
744s as like a a struggle or a hurdle or a
747s challenge with maybe people that's not
748s the reason it's not in the game right
749s now
751s um right now it's just a priority
752s feature in time thing uh I I think PVP
755s is one of those things that will very
758s likely get added to the game I I will
760s push forward to get into the game
761s because I I love PVP stuff
764s um
765s I I think there's there's lots of room
767s for tons like for really fun people
769s especially like non-traditional PVP
770s modes that's something I'd really like
772s to see still
773s um that's even something that we had as
774s like an optional stretch goal on our
776s Kickstarter to do
778s um I think we got to that one
780s but like I'd love to see some less
783s traditional PVP modes that that cause
786s some creative stuff to happen uh there
789s was there was uh I've told the story
791s before but if if um it's been a while
794s one of the earliest multiplayer tests we
796s did was
798s um
798s everyone had one hit point and everyone
801s had Fireball and there was a no teams it
805s was just anyone can attack anyone
808s um it was a big green square like like
810s the whole thing was just a giant big
811s green square
813s um and it was it was a really early test
815s it was just like get in and try and use
816s an ability and and every building is
818s just Fireball and everything's a one-hit
821s kill and it was a ton of fun
823s um
824s so yeah like
826s like
827s golden eye mods you know like uh like
830s Golden Gun mode big head mode like I
832s feel like there's there's room for some
833s less serious fun PVP modes to slip in
836s alongside some more serious PVP mode
838s modes
839s um and yeah bounce is is definitely an
841s issue and
843s um there might need to be some more
844s Creative Solutions to balance in PvP and
846s some of those could be things like
848s um
849s like even just like Banning certain
851s abilities like you see this in like tcgs
854s all the time where they ban specific
855s cards and stuff like that
857s um and I feel like you could it wouldn't
860s be ideal to ban things but having
864s um
864s like PVP adjusted skill trees is a
868s little outside the the realm of uh I
871s think though the amount of work we'd
872s want to put into an initial version of
874s that something like that but I I really
876s can see PVP being something that
877s eventually gets added in it's one of
879s those just like it's so it's not as high
881s priority as
883s um as as updating the end game is
885s getting new end game modes in as making
886s the end game modes they're already in
887s there more fun as finishing the existing
890s classes that exist as getting trade into
891s the game you know like these these
893s things are always more important
894s um
895s and and as a uh like a high
900s um time investment like a man-hours
902s investment to get into the game
906s uh it it it competes with those other
908s features
912s pretty directly
922s I actually looked at a new question
924s before walking
926s whoopsie
935s I have a tattoo of D4 and I can 100 tell
937s you that last debug is a much much
939s better than D4 well thank you I'll take
942s it
943s I uh probably pretty cool tattoo uh was
946s was this part of the uh did you get this
949s based um what am I trying to say the D4
953s like tattoo for a free game uh promotion
956s they had
957s uh like did you go get it from like an
959s official
961s partnered tattoo place or I don't know
963s how the promotion worked entirely I
965s would need needles terrify me so much
967s that I could never do a tattoo
971s um
971s like the bane of my existence
982s um
991s he loved the guy I brought the steak
993s idea I mean that that's been I I have no
996s idea what that was it was
998s um I that was never actually brought up
1000s in a meteor design planning meeting I
1003s don't think it may have been it's been
1004s so long
1006s which is sort of a running joke that uh
1010s we have various meteors like there's
1012s there's uh at one point there was a bug
1014s in meteor
1017s um that caused uh a wolf to be summoned
1020s when you use meteor
1023s um it's a meeting the skill meteor wolf
1025s was born
1026s um that doesn't get shipped with builds
1042s all right next question are there any
1044s changes to the UI planned oh yeah of
1046s course for example I would love to
1047s Target my minions via unit frames or
1049s change its location above Steve let's
1051s get better over you
1052s um
1053s customizing the layout of the of the UI
1057s is not something we're planning on on on
1059s implementing
1061s um
1062s I mean maybe is a very long term thing
1065s it's possible but definitely not by 1.0
1067s and and not anytime soon after there's
1069s too much to do
1070s um in UI realm to make UI customizable
1075s um so so that we won't be seeing
1079s um
1080s can tell you he's a little teaser
1081s there's there is some buff element
1084s coming that will be displayed
1087s differently than other buff elements
1094s because it's really important to keep
1095s track of it in combat so it's it's
1097s getting more visible
1102s moments a moment
1104s I also I also managed to do a little
1107s sign personal story here I managed to
1110s really anger uh a scammer yesterday
1116s to the point where they were like
1119s calling me to try and intimidate me with
1121s personal facts and things it was it was
1123s wild like I I have I have 18 phone calls
1127s in a row from the same scammer who just
1129s kept calling me back to like yelling
1131s scream at me for calling them a scammer
1134s was wild
1139s Wild
1143s and the initial phone call was just like
1145s so innocuous it was just I'm waiting for
1147s a really I'm waiting for an
1148s international call so I kind of have to
1149s pick them up right now
1152s um
1154s but it was like oh sorry I'm not
1155s interested in the scan today bye it was
1157s like that's all I said
1159s they called me back and just like
1161s screamed at me I was like oh my God
1168s I'd never experienced that one before
1170s all right
1172s uh just curious if you wanted to add
1174s really basic pup and not care about
1176s bounce or anything basically just enable
1177s a way for players to damage each other
1179s would that be easy to do no it's crazy
1181s hard to do super duper Mega hard to do
1183s that is a massive feature and a huge
1187s undertaking
1188s um
1189s yeah
1192s feature has to be polished it might not
1194s be feature
1195s um it might not be like an exhaustive
1197s multiplayer feature like
1199s um and and even if you don't put any
1202s sort of like automated matchmaking in
1205s um which would be a
1206s what one of those things where it's like
1208s well you put you put pup in and you
1210s didn't put
1212s matchmaking in like what's wrong with
1214s you
1215s um
1217s and then like you gotta have an ELO
1218s system and you got to have like
1221s um all sorts of stuff and it's it's one
1224s of those things where it's really easy
1225s it'll be really easy to make a system
1227s I wish it wouldn't be that easy it would
1228s be
1230s easier it's still a lot a lot lot to do
1234s with it but it would be easier to make a
1236s system that technically functioned and
1239s was more of a
1241s um like a beta PVP playground
1245s um than an actual PVP feature
1248s but all it would really do is make the
1251s people who really want PVP mad because
1252s it was a terrible version of PVP
1255s um and take time away from other
1257s features for people that don't have UB
1259s so it's until we can do it right it's
1261s it's not worth trying to do and even a
1263s basic version is
1265s a surprisingly large undertaking
1270s because it's not just as simple as
1272s letting people be able to hurt each
1273s other
1280s because that can be done
1288s be nice that's all it was my goodness
1294s can we have a unique needle sword like
1295s the one already from Game of Thrones
1296s just to have you freak out ah won't
1299s bother me
1300s that was a great sword though
1304s there's there's like
1306s rapier-esque swords in here
1312s I guess their sword wasn't long enough
1314s to be a proper Rapier was it
1320s a few extra meteors pal I feel like I
1323s feel like I'm just Waltzing through this
1327s feels great
1334s uh no we don't want that
1337s that's only switched out for them we
1340s have
1341s that
1346s just dump a few things
1349s make a little bit of room
1352s oh
1354s it was like oh you made space for me
1356s here you go
1358s this is really cool the the fighting
1359s arena for dancing strikes I I really
1361s enjoy that one
1366s oh my God that's such a tough one to
1368s deal with
1370s no overcast at all
1374s we'll do that
1377s we're close to having enough to do the
1378s boss which is sweet
1385s good evening good evening
1397s making software that technically
1399s functions like 99 software to the one no
1401s it's not it's like two percent of
1403s software development
1409s okay that's not true it's like 40 of
1411s software development there's there's so
1413s much of it that's just like
1415s making it function like if it just
1416s technically functions
1418s uh versus functions well like
1420s technically functions is enough to make
1422s everyone mad
1424s functions at all it's not to make a few
1426s people sad
1433s because it makes a lot of sense actually
1434s yeah sticking with that one
1443s hi will there be something like a
1445s collection encycloped in the game for
1446s collectors like me I mean collects all
1449s uniques all the types of items in the
1450s game make it achievement yes
1452s um
1453s so this this is a question that comes up
1455s every once in a while
1456s um
1457s basically uh yes broadly speaking yes
1460s specifics and details I don't know yet
1462s sorry
1464s um there is
1467s uh like like a Grail Quest um like like
1470s a I've only done in D2 before but uh
1472s Grill Quest words
1474s um collect all the items in the game
1477s and
1479s um usually it's focused around unique
1480s items uh but but quite frequently it'll
1483s do everything
1485s um
1486s given the the relative Rarity of things
1488s if you find all the unique items in D2
1489s you find all the items
1492s um
1494s that like yeah like Griffins remain
1497s songs will be last usually or arterials
1502s um anyways the
1506s uh was it was it what was I getting that
1508s oh yeah yeah you
1509s um some sort of achievement or tracking
1511s system for that yes the short answer is
1513s that's something that we'd like to do
1515s that's something that we've we've
1516s considered doing and talked about doing
1518s um it's not something that will be
1519s included in 1.0 probably but um I can I
1522s can see that being something we'd add
1523s there's a lot of people that really like
1524s that sort of thing
1526s um and and I think I think it's really
1528s interesting to be able to do and track
1530s and
1531s um
1532s that moment of like hey I found
1534s everything is is pretty sweet so um
1538s oh that's a nice little Idol
1540s I I said there's a very good chance of
1541s it happening eventually
1543s um this is a very bad chance of it
1545s happening by 1.0
1548s there's a lot of features that are in
1550s that category right now where we're like
1551s oh we'd love to do that it's not a 1.0
1553s feature it'll happen eventually so many
1555s things in that category right now
1572s we're sure let's get back for those
1581s you might see me teleporting in place
1583s sometimes
1584s um it's because my teleport gives my
1585s next spell a free cast
1587s and uh
1590s and well teleport costs a lot less
1593s 15 than meteor at 123.
1607s oh we're there we're there we did it
1609s sweet
1611s will the skill revamps oops
1615s Jeff's starting to move here hello
1617s everybody I see we're joined by uninflux
1620s of people welcome welcome
1623s um maybe the the counter just takes a
1624s second to catch up
1626s why will there be some Alliance that
1628s will skill will the skill revamp slash
1630s additions be coming before 1.0 for
1632s example Paladin's missing one skill
1633s challenge missing one skill Etc and
1635s honestly the missing Mastery
1636s specifically
1638s um our Focus right now is getting the
1639s masteries completed in
1641s we want to have as many of those skills
1643s finished and ready to go as possible
1644s it's it's really going to come down to
1647s um how much time once we finish the
1649s masteries how much time's left that's
1650s really what it's going to come down to
1652s so
1652s um as many of those as possible in a
1654s perfect world all in a perfect world we
1657s would launch with every Master having
1659s five every Base Class having four oops
1661s and every
1663s um
1664s non-passive like like the
1667s add five to this and they'd all look the
1670s same like all every class would have
1671s this plus five more would be the perfect
1674s world now we're
1678s uh we we know we're having to prioritize
1680s and everything and uh
1682s as much of that as we can get done as
1684s possible is the goal
1685s the masteries the math the missing
1687s masteries are priority number one
1693s all right I recently worked on a
1694s collaborative project with unity and
1696s GitHub I Now understand how a patch can
1698s make everything explode that's messaging
1700s good luck for all the video game project
1702s managers out there thank you yeah it's
1705s there's a lot of things that uh that can
1708s happen a lot of things you never realize
1710s can happen until they do
1714s but so I I really enjoy the the launch
1716s process it's I mean probably because I'm
1719s uh not as directly involved with the
1723s the managing of that process that's why
1726s I actually enjoy it
1729s but especially getting a patch out the
1731s door feels so good
1733s it's having that release hit
1736s um
1738s and and just the like we did a thing
1742s here it is oh it feels great I love it
1764s all right next question I started
1767s playing your wonderful game yesterday
1768s awesome just getting started then
1770s cover your eyes spoilers oh
1772s maybe not actually if any hard you're
1774s going I have a question how important do
1776s you think it is to follow a build guide
1778s or how realistic is it to make any build
1779s work thank you
1781s um so there's uh I I don't think you
1784s need to follow a build guide right out
1785s of the game especially if you are an
1787s arpg uh player if you if you've played
1789s an arpg before
1792s um to end game let's say so like so
1794s you've got you've played one RPG to end
1795s game you can you can hang here and get
1798s to end game without following a guide
1802s um and really my advice is like pick a
1805s theme and uh and try and stick to it and
1809s um just make semiological choices and
1812s you'll be fine so like
1815s um don't don't try to make a
1819s a glacier black hole meteor character
1822s you know like that that's that's three
1825s extremely high casting cost abilities
1827s and and and just will fall apart because
1830s you just don't have anywhere near the
1831s Mana
1832s um
1833s like like don't don't try and make and
1835s and like some of these things or
1836s something like don't try to make a build
1838s that's like
1839s deals damage with SNAP freeze that by
1841s default doesn't know damage you know
1843s like as long as you're not as long as
1844s you're not taking some and these are
1846s things that probably I'm saying that
1848s someone's like I can make that work yeah
1849s okay fine but as a new player
1852s um pick something logical pick something
1853s that seems like it works well together
1855s like pic pick two lightning builds with
1858s two lightning skills or two fire skills
1860s and um and then like just get fired gear
1863s and you know like it'll it'll start to
1864s those things will start to click
1866s naturally
1867s um maybe maybe like just kind of be a
1870s little more freeform with it and if you
1871s find it unique that sounds cool
1873s um like build around that and focus on
1875s the unique
1876s um
1877s I I think as long as you're
1880s even remotely trying to make decent
1883s decisions
1885s um you'll you'll you'll be good enough
1888s to get through the core of the game and
1891s um get to a point where you can
1893s um like learn and grow and expand your
1895s knowledge on things or or look at the
1897s build guide if you want at that point
1899s um but I do think that that process of
1901s exploring and experiencing the game
1904s um sort of uh
1907s raw blind whatever you want to call it I
1909s think I think it's quite valuable
1912s and there are tons of awesome build
1914s guides out there I'm from lots of great
1916s uh great community members if you and if
1918s you're the type of person that really
1919s likes the build guide there's nothing
1920s wrong with following one at all and go
1923s for it for sure
1924s um and there's lots of great starter
1925s build guides out there
1927s um there's there's several content
1929s creators that have like
1931s um new player tips and tricks videos
1933s even where it's like not a full build
1934s guide but it's like uh hey here's a cool
1936s piece of information that'll help you
1938s make your own build uh type type things
1940s as well
1941s and or like here here's some general
1943s advice on how to how to start out how to
1946s how to approach things like okay most
1948s time when I'm building
1950s um building a character like this this
1952s is probably something you'd find in a
1953s video like that is that they'll say
1954s something along the lines of hey go into
1956s a skill and and type damage and see what
1959s nodes light up where where's where
1961s you're going to get more damage coming
1962s from like where you'll see like hey
1963s here's here's a bunch of damage right
1965s like here's uh here's damage here's
1968s that's not a good example
1972s yeah like there's there's like find the
1974s damage nodes and take them you know
1976s things like that
1978s um
1980s yeah
1983s I think it's very realistic to kind of
1985s just wing it and go I and like so I do
1988s have a little more experience with this
1989s than a new player for sure
1991s um but like the build I'm playing right
1993s now is is I'm just winging it I am I am
1996s not following a build guide I didn't do
1998s any research beforehand to see if this
1999s would work
2001s um I do know that there's a staff I'm
2003s really looking for there's a there's a
2004s set staff that will convert meteor to be
2008s a lightning spell
2010s um and and something else that's more
2012s noticeable there's these little elements
2013s here that show you what element is
2015s currently active for the ability and
2017s which elements are available to be added
2019s to it so like volcanic or for example
2021s can have cold added to it through both
2023s the skill tree this node right here
2026s um and also in the passive tree
2029s this no this node this node
2035s this node enough certainly three times
2039s um yeah so there's like there's there's
2041s a little bit of of hinting what can be
2043s done if the if the conversion happens
2045s through an item that doesn't appear here
2047s so meteor can be converted to lightning
2048s through an item but that doesn't appear
2050s here maybe it should though
2052s I don't know
2058s so which we try and include little bits
2061s of tools here and there to help help you
2063s help you make your own build and help
2064s you learn that sort of stuff
2068s but if you try and make a spellcaster
2073s um I don't know
2077s that would probably work actually uh
2082s if you try and make a fire
2091s are you trying to make a void marks and
2093s there you go that won't work avoid stall
2095s cast remarks and that won't work
2106s yeah so just lean into the thematics and
2108s you'll generally find a lot of support
2110s on like through items uh as you're
2113s playing the game
2120s the um
2123s each each Mastery class has passives
2126s that go with that Mastery specifically
2128s so every sorcerer has gets just plus 50
2131s mana and spells you'll increase damage
2133s you within Mana costs like that just
2134s happens no matter watches the sorcery so
2136s like taking things that are like plus
2138s mana and things that get bonuses based
2141s on if you have more than a certain Mana
2143s threshold I think like it's not like
2144s that like like lean into that
2146s um that Mana theme there's there's a
2149s um these passives here are generally
2151s pretty signposty on what the overarching
2154s gameplay for that Mastery is going to be
2162s all right
2165s oh we got something to say ping uh if if
2169s you have a question please put out
2170s lastly [ __ ] aim in the question and
2171s I'll try and answer I'm just gonna go
2172s back and look for some uh will new
2174s patches work better on patch day than
2176s previous updates it's really frustrating
2178s to log in and find out nothing works uh
2180s what measures do you or can you take to
2182s ensure functioning content yeah I mean
2185s the um the most recent problems with uh
2188s with towns was a little frustrating
2190s um was I think it was fixed after three
2192s hours
2194s um
2195s we do like I know it sounds ridiculous
2197s but like all of it goes through a very
2199s strict testing and staging Feature
2201s Feature Branch
2203s um like we we've been playing with towns
2205s on Steam uh for internal tests for we
2208s for weeks at that point
2210s um
2212s and we just took the build that was
2214s working great on our development branch
2215s and
2216s moved it to our production branch and it
2219s didn't work you know
2221s um
2222s so there's there's
2226s there's
2227s sometimes there's things that we can't
2228s test for and sometimes there's things
2230s that we get that get released that
2233s unfortunately shouldn't have been which
2235s sucks
2236s um we are in the light of the most
2239s recent
2240s um
2241s Past release and the problems that
2242s they're in uh we are uh putting the cut
2246s off for Content earlier than it was last
2248s time I mean even earlier than the last
2250s time like we moved it up last time we're
2252s moving up again
2253s um we're going to expand the testing
2255s Circle earlier and bigger
2259s getting more people in earlier
2261s you know that sort of stuff
2263s so yeah there's
2265s the steps we're taking to to improve
2267s that there's a few other things behind
2269s the scenes that I'm not going to tell
2271s you about unfortunately sorry
2273s um
2273s yeah it's it's one of those things that
2276s we're still we're learning how to
2277s improve that process this was our second
2281s multiplayer patch launch ever like like
2283s major multiplayer patch launch
2287s um so I think there's there's still a
2288s little bit of learning we have to do and
2290s and how to optimize that and improve
2292s that process and and all that sort of
2294s stuff so we'll get better at that as
2295s time goes on
2313s interceptities except the intercepting
2317s I'm I'm no
2323s how can I make people go away
2326s yeah I'll just ignore it
2329s uh hello and happy Friday thank you as
2332s always unless you're even communicating
2333s with Le players
2335s your welcome message glad to have you
2336s with us
2339s I like I really I really enjoy
2342s um
2343s like there's there's there's there's
2344s names that recognize every week There's
2346s names I recognize it's not always the
2347s same names every week
2348s um but it is really cool to see names
2350s that I recognize come to the stream
2352s um glad to have you all here
2355s I really enjoy doing this
2357s it's a it's a wonderful little Friday
2359s afternoon treat for me
2364s okay what are we doing here Undead
2367s enemies get better stuff oh my gosh I'm
2370s like going through nodes
2374s where the boss is ready what am I doing
2378s what am I doing okay we're gonna do this
2380s real quick
2382s I'm sorry
2388s this is what happens I get distracted I
2389s get I go I end up on autopilot I get
2391s distracted
2393s and my goodness it's hot in here
2401s more questions
2402s that's the important part right uh what
2404s is the theme Synergy with your crimfield
2407s so yeah
2408s um
2409s my current build is I'm gonna get the
2411s lightning meteor eventually I swear it
2415s um I'm I'm going pretty pretty lightning
2417s heavy themed is the point here so like
2419s Manchester's lightning uh lightning
2421s blast is lightning meteor eventually
2422s will do lightning
2423s um but right now the bulk of my damage
2425s is just
2426s um
2427s just just drop huge amounts of damage
2429s with with a high Mana meteor
2432s um we're gonna try and stack CDR Mana
2434s regen flat Mana crit spell damage
2439s um
2440s eventually Elemental damage and
2442s eventually lightning damage specifically
2447s which I am which I I do have like this
2449s that has 48 spelled lightning damage
2451s that does give my meteor a bunch of
2453s spell lightning damage so the meteor
2454s will scale off increased lightning
2456s damage nodes
2457s because of that
2460s not as well
2471s but uh meteor does have an added
2474s um an added damage modifier that is
2476s positive so it uh it actually applies
2479s more than 48 to meteor
2485s oh my God
2487s all right next question in general is
2490s the Le development rate looking like it
2493s will make 1.0 lost into this year
2495s um I I I don't I don't know enough about
2497s the
2499s um
2501s I guess the production management side
2502s of things to like give an accurate
2503s assessment myself
2505s um from what I can see I I think so
2508s I'm confident I'm hyped
2511s um
2513s this is what I'm still still telling my
2515s my friends that it's coming this year
2517s but you know like I I I don't have the
2521s info to to give a hard like I know for
2524s sure or anything like that
2527s you know something can always go wrong
2530s a big part of that is going to be if we
2532s can stick landing on a lot of the
2533s multiple features like uh was mentioned
2535s earlier
2541s and it mace not quite this is such an
2542s interesting amazing it kind of doesn't
2544s doesn't
2546s quite have the niche that it needs to
2549s fit
2550s um and it's just a little there's just a
2552s few stats that are a little over the
2553s place it's an interesting thing actually
2555s I've noticed is that
2557s um say you have an item that has
2560s um so you see like the max power budget
2562s for item uh usable power budget for
2564s enemies 100 let's say
2568s um and that's like uh say you've got
2572s so you've got a build that has or an
2574s item that has
2576s um
2577s like increased fire damage and increased
2579s void damage and there's almost nothing
2580s that uses fire and void damage together
2584s um I mean bad example uh necrotic and
2588s fire damage necrotic and void I don't
2590s know some combination of damage that's
2591s just like those don't happen together in
2593s the same build right
2596s um and so like maybe if they could
2599s happen on the same build uh that item
2602s would become overpowered but because
2604s those two pieces can't ever happen on
2606s the same build you can actually put a
2607s higher power budget on the item overall
2609s and have it kind of work in two
2611s situations
2613s I guess a good example of this actually
2614s there's uh there's a pair of boots that
2616s specifically calls out movement
2618s abilities on five different classes so
2621s so realistically only
2622s like one of those five mods can be
2625s active at a time right
2629s and
2630s um
2631s so there's there's this sort of
2633s interesting thing where the the total
2635s power budget for the enemy if you could
2636s use the whole thing is way way higher uh
2640s than than normal but uh because you
2643s can't it's it actually is balanced still
2645s and it works fine
2647s um it's gonna be a little underpowered
2648s right now oh there's that there's that
2650s big Mana that we're talking about that'd
2652s be great to um
2655s make into a legendary
2658s that's awesome fun and anyways
2660s um
2661s was I getting that
2664s um oh yeah and and sometimes I think
2666s that if uh if if part of an item's power
2670s budget is being
2672s um expanded above 100 to include
2677s um mods like that
2679s it can actually take away from the
2681s perception of How High that how powerful
2683s that item is because it has waisted
2686s stats on it even though they're not not
2688s really wasted because they're not
2688s accounted for in the budget for the
2690s build you're playing
2691s um just the fact that it has those
2693s apparently wasted stats I think causes a
2695s real problem for
2697s um the perception of that ability and
2699s and the enjoyment the players get out of
2701s having it because they are wasting or it
2703s seems it feels like they're wasting part
2705s of the part of the item
2708s um and I think I think this is one of
2709s those items that kind of falls back down
2711s a little bit
2719s foreign
2725s but let's let's move on to a real
2727s question instead of me just rambling
2728s I've noticed that a few unique unstable
2731s core can only be upgraded to Legendary
2733s with exalted Mage chess piece even if
2736s the affixes on it are all basic and used
2739s by all it's intended intentional like
2741s that
2742s um the
2747s uh
2750s uh face type
2751s on a civil court does unstable core
2753s always have a mage only requirement I
2756s think it does
2758s look up real quick
2768s it does have a mage requirement yes okay
2770s required class Mage so
2772s um as soon as you have like required
2775s class Mage in the in in one item
2778s like like this for example says required
2780s class Mage in the bottom right corner
2783s um
2784s the only thing that that can go into the
2786s eternity cash with is something that
2788s either does not have a required class or
2790s has required class mage
2792s period no matter what it doesn't matter
2795s if the nodes could theoretically be
2798s transferred over or not
2800s um
2802s if there if the items have conflicting
2806s class requirements they cannot be placed
2807s in The Eternity cash together period it
2810s doesn't matter if there's no actual way
2812s for the eternity cash to create a
2813s conflict or not with those items as soon
2816s as the items have conflicting
2818s um class requirements there's a hard
2821s hard no check it's just like not
2823s happening
2826s I think that answers the question it
2828s doesn't please ask it again
2837s get back to chat
2845s uh is towns up not yet I wish it was
2847s said
2849s will there be a Dev stream that is just
2851s pushing arena for leaderboard I mean I'd
2854s be down to do that I I don't know if
2856s that's something that that people would
2858s prefer to see or not I mean I guess it
2860s doesn't really matter what I'm doing
2860s right as long as I'm answering questions
2861s so yeah I I'd love to do that
2868s actually you may notice that I pick a
2870s lot of Arena nodes in the monolith oh
2872s we're going I'm going through that which
2874s is something that most people will avoid
2875s pretty heavily I actually like the arena
2876s notes
2878s um
2878s so that's why you may see me pick a lot
2880s of them
2881s because it does actually if you don't
2882s know
2883s um I'm in the monolith the um nodes that
2886s are going to be Arena nodes actually say
2888s like something something arena in the
2891s name so you can you can actually tell
2892s it's going to be an arena one before you
2894s even click on it
2898s I think is uh pretty neat
2903s will 1.0 have any new features that will
2905s shock players that they weren't
2906s expecting
2908s um I hope so
2912s I hope so
2913s um
2916s I think they're like like some people
2918s won't be shocked you know that sort of
2919s thing
2921s um
2922s but I'm sure some people will be
2931s there's things that we've
2935s like
2938s I want to say
2940s theoretically referenced and suggested
2942s would be good to have that we don't know
2944s if we're gonna be able to get in on time
2945s or not that if we do it'll be a little
2947s surprising because we haven't
2949s specifically announced that we're doing
2950s that sort of thing that makes any sense
2955s the sometimes there's features that we
2956s we keep quiet until we know they're
2958s going in
2960s um
2961s that's happened a few times
2963s oh
2966s no
2967s that's not good
2973s but
2975s it's like never gonna get through this
2978s okay I'll go I'll go careful later this
2980s time more carefully
2985s ah I drink some water
2998s the door open
3003s I was wondering what do the devs think
3005s is the upper tier of corruption people
3007s should be able to do sometimes you hear
3009s about people doing 1600 plus from the
3011s class Master can we do half that
3012s sometimes is discouraging like you
3014s shouldn't play that or enjoy because
3016s it's probably sufficient uh Slash as
3019s good
3020s um I I think there's some edge cases in
3024s some combinations that cause fuel to
3026s push
3027s corruption a little higher than I I
3030s think it's probably healthy for the game
3032s um we generally look at balancing things
3034s in and around that 300 ish range knowing
3037s full well the people will go higher than
3039s that
3041s um when I see people with with like
3042s build that can hit sixteen hundred and
3045s two thousand I've seen a couple of them
3046s and you're like that must have sucked
3048s like that that must have that must have
3050s been kind of a brutal grind to get to
3054s um which I think is the main problem
3055s with that less so than the than the the
3058s rank Envy uh so to speak
3061s um
3062s and and more than just the like
3065s that's a brutal grind to hit to hit that
3067s much corruption
3070s um
3073s I don't really like the idea of hard
3074s capping it
3076s myself
3077s um
3078s I personally I I think there's lots of
3082s different things we've talked about in
3083s various design meetings about
3085s um how to how to improve the situation
3087s um I know we will be taking a little bit
3089s closer look as far as just general
3090s balance goes probably at some point to
3093s help with this
3094s um and there might be some systematic
3096s changes that need to come into to tune
3098s to improve the situation a little bit
3100s um
3101s I I really if you if you can I would try
3104s not to feel discouraged about not being
3106s able to get up past 1600
3109s um
3112s it's not where the game intends to sit
3132s all right
3137s that's the question
3140s nope
3141s uh hi what's up I've been playing your
3144s game on and off for quite some time now
3146s and I really like it thanks you guys did
3148s a great job greetings from Egypt
3151s hi
3152s uh one small question we have infinite
3154s stash tabs on release no because we love
3156s crafting and last Epoch and I like
3158s hoarding items for future characters you
3159s know thank you very much
3161s um no we we can't do infinite uh
3163s infinite stash tabs
3165s um we do offer like it goes up to like
3168s 200 tabs right now
3169s it might be more than that I don't I
3171s don't know what the limit is it's I
3172s remember putting the limit in and
3173s thinking like that's insane no one will
3175s ever want that
3176s um some people do
3179s um but the the limit's pretty darn High
3182s there's also an increasing uh cost on it
3186s so um
3188s getting to the max is is tricky for sure
3192s um
3193s there's there's a ton of stash mates
3197s available
3199s if you're hitting that cap with like
3201s stuff that you're generally genuinely
3203s planning on keeping and trying out
3207s um
3208s you either gotta make more alts or keep
3210s less stuff because
3211s because that is that is a ton
3215s of gear
3226s uh any sort of items sort of limited
3232s those sort of items sort of limit design
3236s space in the future though
3238s oh this is talking about the items that
3239s that can uh sort of bridge the gap
3242s between
3243s um multiple multiple situations that
3245s they're good in
3246s see if I have some item that exists then
3247s you can't introduce a firewood skill in
3249s the future without reworking that item
3251s yeah
3253s yes I think I was being a little
3256s um I was trying to be a little
3257s generalistic a little
3260s uh simplistic I guess in in the example
3263s um
3265s there aren't that many situations that
3267s it causes a problem with and um usually
3270s they generally tend to go in situations
3272s where
3274s um those combinations are something we
3278s don't anticipate using for a very long
3279s time if at all
3281s um
3283s and
3285s if that situation comes up rebalancing
3287s one unique to work with with a new skill
3289s that comes in is not it's not gonna be a
3291s deal really
3293s maybe it just gets broken up into two
3295s uniques at that point not a big deal
3317s uh any insight into falconers lcbd I
3319s really want to make a rugby build with a
3321s hive but it needs medium damage it'll be
3324s ready when it's ready we're uh no no
3326s updates on on Falcon at the moment they
3329s might consider a way to take the auto
3330s aim out from marrow shards
3333s uh
3337s uh I don't think so
3340s uh tag reminders yes wonderful thank you
3343s please tag at least please tag at last
3347s debugging if you would like your
3348s question answered
3366s and that's what careful Mike looks like
3373s can't make more alts out of the cap for
3376s them for a week uh yeah that that cap
3379s does need to get increased as well
3386s we're talking about 300 corruption being
3387s a Target is there a certain clear speed
3389s or frequency of death also associated
3391s with that Target
3392s lower damage tank your build sometimes
3394s start feeling off well before they hit a
3397s corruption they start to uh hit a
3399s corruption they struggle with
3401s I mean it's it's
3403s um
3405s no there's no specific like clear speed
3407s or death frequency that we've
3410s um
3411s put in with that I would say
3413s it's sort of the expectation that the
3415s build is able to function and feel fun
3417s and and and
3419s um
3421s and and play nice and
3424s um
3426s I don't know how to say it like were you
3427s were you
3431s were you can get into a flow with with
3433s the build with the the style of build
3436s and there's gonna be builds that don't
3437s stack up like in order for some build to
3439s be really good another build has to be
3441s really bad it's just the way it is
3444s um if if there's
3447s um if all builds are
3449s generally really similar in what they
3451s can do
3453s um there's there are no good builds is
3455s what happens it's
3457s um and it's I know it's not true but
3458s that's the that's the commentary that
3459s goes with that's rhetoric that goes with
3460s it
3461s um
3462s like something something has to be bad
3464s for something to be good in in a
3466s situation like this when you're when
3467s you're doing relative balance between
3468s builds
3470s and and I I also want to make that clear
3473s as it's not like we sit down and say all
3475s right this build's gonna be a bad build
3476s and this build is going to be a good
3478s build
3479s um
3480s it's more in the sense that it's kind of
3482s a Fool's errand to try and uh to try to
3485s try and make everything as equal as
3487s possible because the closer you as as
3489s you start to converge into this like
3491s perfectly equal thing
3493s um it it's it starts becoming less fun I
3496s think and I mean we can do we can do it
3498s we can do it let's let's do a terrible
3500s graph time with Mike right
3504s um and you get your
3506s I don't know how we're gonna do this
3507s it's gonna be
3510s uh like
3513s it's just gonna look like this basically
3516s um and you get this sort of this this
3518s drop off is where like
3521s stuff starts becoming too similar this
3523s is like similar like how how uh
3527s similar top tier builds are like all the
3530s builds are more powerful to going this
3531s way
3532s um this is this is how much how
3534s interesting the system is as a whole
3536s um so as as you're going along and
3538s builds or builds like start over the
3539s base here where it looks like there's
3541s there's one build that does a building
3542s damage everything else does zero damage
3543s and it's no fun it's not interesting at
3545s all because you play that one Builder
3547s you don't play the game right
3549s um and down here at the other end
3551s um literally every Bill does 10 damage
3554s no matter what uh and it doesn't matter
3556s what you pick because your choice says
3558s know it your choices have no impact on
3559s the system whatsoever and so it's it's
3561s it's not interesting here it's not
3563s interesting here and so there's some
3564s point in the middle there where there's
3565s this imperfect balance where it's a lot
3568s of fun
3570s um I think this graph probably looks a
3572s little different it's probably something
3573s more similar to like okay let's let's
3575s get something more like this and it's
3577s probably probably plateaus and it's
3579s probably this like flat thing and it
3580s probably starts to drop off pretty hard
3582s it's probably more similar to that
3584s I'm not sure exactly what it looks like
3585s but that's how I guess it probably looks
3588s um and like living in this living in
3590s this spot up here where you're like
3592s where you're sitting in this it's it's a
3594s lot it's interesting there's a lot of
3595s builds there's a lot of diversity
3597s um but there are some things still
3600s there's there's all these builds that
3602s are that are just not fun right
3605s um maybe not that's the bad bad boarding
3608s not they're not fun they're not top tier
3610s builds there has to be these these these
3613s these not top tier builds in order to
3615s make these
3616s um all these like competitive builds fun
3620s and and and and make it feel like hey
3623s because I made decisions that put me in
3624s the category where I'm doing well uh it
3627s makes me happy that I'm not
3629s they're not am I hitting these mistakes
3631s these these these Duds or something like
3633s that and I'm using these kind of extreme
3635s examples but it really doesn't need to
3637s be that big of a difference
3639s um even just a small difference where
3641s it's like maybe maybe the like the the
3643s good builds are are hitting that
3645s um that 300 corruption nice and and
3648s easily in those those less good builds
3650s or hitting that 200 corruption level and
3652s it's it's not that different really
3656s um
3660s but you're still you're still getting
3662s those
3663s like those those differences those
3664s achievements that are that are higher
3666s because you've you've made decisions
3668s that make sense
3671s you found some sort of synergy that
3672s works well together you've you've
3674s crafted your build carefully and it's
3675s doing well it's doing more damage than
3678s um rolling a dice and picking skills
3680s that way you know
3686s um and then there's the side of it is
3688s that if there's if there's a uh if
3690s there's a fantasy if there's a gameplay
3691s style that fits in that that exclusively
3695s sits in that not as good category which
3698s is what you're getting at with your
3699s question
3701s um it doesn't feel great it feels it
3702s feels frustrating because you come into
3703s the game you say hey I want to play a
3707s um I want to play a really tanky
3709s character that focuses around fire
3712s damage and fire theming like I'm gonna
3714s wreath myself in Fire and
3717s um I'm gonna I'm gonna like take a bunch
3719s of Health stats and I'm gonna take a
3720s bunch of retaliation stats and I'm gonna
3722s do a bunch of like AOE dot fire damage
3725s while I'm super tanky
3726s and it's like oh that doesn't work
3728s there's no way to make that fantasy work
3730s that sucks
3733s um and that can be frustrating and we
3735s totally understand that we want to get
3736s as many of those fantasies into the this
3739s is fun this is competitive this is
3740s something that I can Thrive with in the
3742s environment
3744s um and getting as many of those
3745s fantasies represented there as possible
3746s is really important to us it's something
3747s to be trying to do
3757s but making sure that every single form
3761s of
3763s um ranged fire caster
3765s is a super viable build is is is much
3768s less important to us you know like maybe
3770s there's a uh some some buff and some
3774s nerve happens and Volcanic orb suddenly
3775s becomes way more powerful than than
3777s meteor or some something else happens
3779s and meteor suddenly becomes very
3780s powerful volcanic orb it's that's not
3783s really the end of the world I don't
3784s think
3785s um from Like A Bouncing and game balance
3788s perspective is concerned
3794s having that happen
3796s at a key moment in a race that sucks
3801s and we'll try and avoid that as much as
3803s we can
3804s um something like that would only happen
3805s in an extreme case where we're like oh
3807s my God something has to happen
3811s this is this is degenerate it's forcing
3814s people into a
3817s um like a a build crafting or like a
3820s build playing system that sucks
3824s um you know you know that that sort of
3825s thing is
3826s we're creating an unhealthy build
3827s gameplay patterns that we might step in
3832s but we're really really trying to avoid
3834s taking stuff away whenever we can
3843s say unhealthy I I mean things like let's
3845s say you have to spend 10 minutes
3849s sitting in mrast in the in the the scene
3852s between the model timeline Echoes
3855s um you spend 10 minutes in there
3857s casting and and recasting Buffs in order
3860s to line things up just perfectly and
3862s then you enter the Echo and because
3864s you've lined things up just perfectly
3865s the echo ends almost immediately
3866s everything just dies and you warp out
3868s and you're spending 99 of your time just
3871s sitting in a non-combat Zone casting
3874s prep abilities like that's it but like
3876s the build's by far the best there's
3878s nothing that can beat it it's so good
3879s it's it's top tier it's it's like it is
3882s the best build but because you're having
3883s to do these ridiculous steps
3885s to to not play the game effectively
3888s you're just you're prepping in town and
3890s then you're stepping into the Zone
3891s nuking everything disappearing something
3893s like that would probably be addressed
3898s um immediately because it's
3900s especially if it starts warping The Meta
3902s where people are like I hate this but
3903s because it's the only way to be
3904s competitive I'm gonna do it
3906s um like that that's just not fun that's
3908s not good that's not healthy
3914s yeah it's a little more attention there
3921s I feel like I Babble along with that for
3923s way too long
3925s I hope that answers your question
3928s in regards to the capping of stash tabs
3930s characters what's your plan after 1.0
3932s happens along with new cycles and
3934s standard stash and characters will it be
3936s added to the pool or will it overlap
3939s um I I don't think we actually have a
3941s finalized version of what's gonna happen
3942s here
3943s um I expect it will be a
3947s um a remove only situation where you'll
3949s be able to
3951s um you'll you'll like your your cycle
3954s characters uh get
3956s um weaved in the standard
3958s when that happens you
3960s uh all of you like you have a bunch of
3962s stash tabs you've been using in
3965s um
3966s in in like in in the cycle and you'll
3969s probably go to your uh your stash and
3971s they'll be in a remove only stash tab or
3973s something
3975s um and you'll be able to
3977s uh to take those and put them into your
3980s standards Dash tabs at your leisure
3985s um
3986s what would be my expectation
3990s but something to change are there any
3993s features any future plans for more
3996s Elemental conversions like new set
3998s specific needs Etc oh yeah
4000s can we assume that Falconer is similar
4002s to Ragnarok Falcon class if you know the
4004s game I don't know the game I'm sorry
4007s and if I did know the game I would tell
4009s you I didn't know the game
4012s um
4014s the the details as to what's going to
4016s happen with that class functionality
4018s wise is
4020s um
4032s there was a crazy bug with this Arena
4034s and there was there was there was
4036s something right here a decoration that
4038s you get stuck on
4040s um when trying to Lunge on a sentinel
4043s between one Soul Vessel and another
4044s where you're trying to go from like the
4046s left one to the right one and you're
4047s trying to Lunge to the right there's
4049s like an object you'd get stuck on there
4050s all that bug took forever to fix it was
4053s so frustrating
4056s um
4057s and it wasn't actually the object it was
4058s just like the shape of the Arena that
4060s was causing it to happen and like
4062s it ended up being a problem with like
4064s how the the skill moved
4067s um
4069s oh it's frustrating
4086s next question won't do this
4094s oh no questions
4097s it's in a cut up but it's not very often
4100s usually it's like an industry and I'm
4102s struggling to catch up and I catch up
4104s I wonder how that happened
4107s uh I guess I need to babble more don't I
4111s uh might be a weird thing to ask for but
4112s I would like to have some option for
4114s in-game chat
4116s uh for example message to fade out wait
4118s messages Fade Out way too fast like some
4120s some UI options just on on the visual
4122s side of things yeah I mean if you've got
4124s a suggestion something that you'd like
4125s to see in game
4126s um we've got a suggestions and like to
4129s see section of our Discord and our
4131s forums that there is a space for you to
4133s do that on
4134s um
4135s people check that and look for ideas and
4137s things like that
4139s every day
4140s let's go on toss it over there and
4142s someone will uh at least look at it
4147s I love this so much as a boss dropped
4149s from the first like monolith boss it's
4151s such a like
4152s it's it's it's the
4155s it really signposts stats that you're
4157s gonna want later in the monolith where
4159s it's like hey you're gonna want a lot of
4161s Health hey you're gonna want 100 crit
4163s strike avoidance like these are things
4165s you need to get in the monolith
4174s it's probably like that
4178s and I know people who've been through
4180s this oh I clicked the wrong one
4184s that whatever
4186s um I know people have been through this
4187s bajillion times uh
4189s uh probably are frustrated from getting
4191s it over and over again from the first
4193s one but
4194s um I think it's really important
4195s especially for people who are who are
4196s new
4198s you know what uh yeah yeah
4205s I thought for a second I'd actually
4206s unlocked the other one already
4208s I didn't
4225s well multiple looked into
4228s um more into loading times and bugs and
4230s more in-game stuff other than node
4232s system yeah that's
4234s most of what we're working on right now
4238s um
4245s thanks for the the
4247s spam suggestion there photon
4252s all right when it comes to how budgeting
4256s and complexity of uniques does level and
4258s Rarity factor and absolutely yes
4260s definitely
4262s um level I would say more so than Rarity
4265s but
4266s um yeah Rarity ready factors in two yes
4268s for example our rare and or high level
4271s uniques allowed to be more complex
4272s because players will have uh have a
4274s minimum amount of time with the game to
4276s find by complexity I mean either more
4278s text or complicated use cases like
4280s drawbacks yeah yes yes to all that um
4284s the uh
4288s and and sometimes the complexity comes
4290s from like subtlety almost
4293s um where
4296s uh if if if there was an island here
4299s it's just kind of a
4302s but say there was a
4305s um
4306s say there was a
4309s wand a level one wand the control say
4311s Alchemist Ladle had the ability uh the
4314s stat on it
4316s um your lightning blast does 100 more
4319s cold damage
4320s and you look at that and go
4322s lightning blast is a lightning spell and
4325s if you go to lightning blast tree
4330s oh it is here originally it didn't have
4332s it here dang it my whole point is ruined
4337s um okay well it is here now and uh it's
4339s been there for a long time probably and
4341s I'm an idiot but hypothetically this
4342s note didn't exist or even if it does
4344s exist
4345s um the initial thought is you're
4347s starting out the game you've got
4348s lightning blast maybe you don't have any
4350s um skill points in it yet or if you do
4352s you haven't gone to this part of the
4353s tree yet or something and and just
4355s seeing like hey
4357s it's it's this required knowledge that
4359s lightning glass has a cold conversion
4360s node that makes that mod useful and
4363s um if you haven't if you haven't played
4365s at all
4366s or maybe you don't know that conversion
4368s nodes exist even yet
4370s um things like that like it's it's that
4371s that Assumption of prior knowledge or or
4375s game knowledge that we're like hey it
4377s needs to have this much game knowledge
4378s to work
4380s is is usually something we reserve for a
4382s little bit higher
4383s um level and or Rarity items
4388s oh that was like the most botched
4390s example ever eh
4392s oh well I I think the point came through
4395s decent
4397s decent is that was up
4404s a little exalted ax there
4407s not a great exalted mod but not terrible
4412s give me that experience
4423s yeah sure
4427s I tend to play dot builds in any RPG
4429s awesome I like dot builds I used to play
4431s a uh
4433s uh warlock Maine in WoW
4437s uh primarily off well I guess it was
4439s demo for a long time too anyways
4442s um
4443s this is back in Wrath so it makes sense
4445s I was just wondering coding-wise in Le
4448s dot damage is noticeably dealt in text
4450s versus like Poe where it appears health
4452s bars to be continuous Degen what is the
4454s difference to your understanding the
4457s difference is the major difference is
4458s the damage numbers are collected and
4461s combined together over several ticks of
4464s damage numbers are combined together and
4466s shown all at once
4468s um and that process of showing that
4470s damage take all together makes it feel
4471s like it's happening at a uh a slower
4474s interval
4476s um the dots are ticking way faster than
4477s you think
4481s uh hi maybe weird question but if I buy
4484s the game right now in Steam and I start
4485s playing will there be no white my
4487s progress After official release okay so
4489s yeah it's not not a weird question at
4490s all I get this question a lot actually
4492s um and it and sometimes and when I
4494s answer some people are like well yeah
4495s that's not a Wi-Fi other people feel
4497s like other times people like want to
4498s wipe so maybe
4500s um what we're doing we're doing um a
4502s cyclical content release cycle
4505s um so we're calling them cycles and
4509s um having so you you can
4513s when a new major patch releases what
4516s we're doing is we're taking all the
4517s characters that are on the current
4518s ladder and moving them into a standard
4520s environment where they can still play
4521s just a non-latter environment
4524s um and their their progress is not wiped
4526s their characters still exists you can
4527s still do the same all the same things
4529s you were doing before
4530s um you're just in a non-ladder
4532s environment and uh the new content
4534s starts new ladder starts people start
4536s new characters on the new ladder it's a
4537s fresh economy all that sort of stuff new
4540s new content gets added to the game it's
4542s all sorts of cool stuff to do
4544s um so you can start a new character and
4546s participate in that ladder if you'd like
4547s or you can continue playing the
4548s character you have and it's just like
4551s nothing happened a new patch came out
4553s right
4554s um
4555s so there's we're not We're Not Gonna
4558s We're Not Gonna we have no intention to
4559s delete your characters we have no
4561s intention to wipe them clean
4563s um if something goes horribly wrong it's
4565s possible that it could happen I totally
4566s forgot I had that uh Town portal uh
4569s thing equipped because it doesn't affect
4570s the green portals right now
4572s um which is unfortunate and will be
4574s fixed
4575s um
4577s but yeah that's a sweet portal opening
4578s animation if you've never seen that one
4592s yes
4594s lovely
4597s I think that's the best one so far in my
4599s opinion the the void one's really nice
4601s too
4603s that one's my favorite
4605s that was one of the first ones that
4607s someone like that was ideated and
4609s suggested in the in the initial like
4611s what sort of uh unique portals do we
4613s want to make that was one of the first
4614s ones that was suggested and everyone's
4616s just like well yeah
4624s all right
4631s all right with the recent Diablo 4 race
4633s controversy oh I'm so out of the picture
4635s with that I heard I heard stuff but I
4638s don't I don't know the details
4641s um I don't know the details of the
4642s timeline well enough to
4645s um really make too well of an educated
4647s comment on it so I will possibly opt out
4650s so I'm sure we'll read this that's the
4651s question are you guys planning on having
4652s any official stuff like that 2 1.0 uh
4655s first world Stuff Etc or we just have uh
4658s leave it to the community to organize
4659s those kinds of things
4661s um I don't know actually
4664s I think it would be really cool to have
4666s um
4667s to have some sort of uh like world first
4670s achievement that sort of thing
4672s um
4673s I I think because we're in we've been
4675s we're in Early Access we've been in
4676s Early Access for so long
4678s um and there's there's no price
4679s difference between Early Access and full
4680s launch
4682s um I think it's a lot more reasonable to
4684s have something like that uh because if
4686s someone does want to get in early and
4688s practice the whatever the thing is it
4691s will be
4692s um
4693s like it's it's there's there's no
4695s there's no barrier to to get in and
4698s start practicing now type thing
4700s there's there's no like extra extra cost
4703s or anything like that
4704s I'm not 100 sure what what happened with
4707s e-force I'm sorry if I'm like missing
4708s the point here a little bit
4710s um this is probably something that I
4711s missed with the whole thing I try so
4713s hard to ignore the controversy stuff now
4715s it like it bums me out
4719s um
4721s but yeah so so uh I did hear there was
4723s some stuff happening anyways um
4728s uh yeah I I don't know if anything's
4730s planned right now for that
4732s um but if we did I think we like we try
4734s and keep things as Fair as possible and
4735s I know there are lots of community
4736s members that have tons of experience
4737s running events in last Epoch and we
4739s probably would turn to them for advice
4741s um if if we were going to do something
4743s like that
4744s um maybe maybe it would be something
4746s that is a new feature to 1.0 so no one
4749s has experience with it oh there was like
4752s four of them stacked up they're over
4754s there in the corner it's got nuked
4759s um like maybe maybe something brand new
4761s that like just no one has experience on
4762s you know
4765s keep the playing field level that way it
4767s would be important to keep things as
4768s Fair as we can and there's probably
4769s always going to be someone that had some
4770s advantage on it and it's like it's it's
4773s hard to do but it's at the same time
4775s it's engaging and it's fun and it's
4777s interesting and it's like it's cool to
4779s have these challenges and that drive
4781s people and
4783s um you know like you get there and
4785s people that succeeded it it's like it's
4787s it's fun it's interesting it's
4788s meaningful it's cool like I I have a
4793s um my my WOW account that hasn't been
4795s active in years but like there's a world
4797s first achievement on that account sorry
4799s server first server servers sorry
4802s uh should be to insanity
4805s um
4807s on a very heavily populated server
4810s anyways
4812s um
4813s the
4815s the the the point is like those those
4817s types of things they're cool and they
4818s stick with you and it becomes part of
4819s your like your personal gaming history
4821s and things like that like
4824s um like I filmed the video for that uh
4826s that server first I still I got the link
4828s on my personal YouTube account like
4830s um
4831s sweet some sweet gorillas tracks in
4833s there yeah it's awesome anyways
4836s um
4837s the uh
4842s I I I think that stuff's awesome and I
4844s think there's ways that can hurt that
4847s awesomeness
4848s um
4849s and hopefully we don't fall into this
4850s traps
4854s have I looked into a test deal before
4855s yet thoughts
4857s um yes not a ton not as much as I want
4859s to not as much as I will
4860s um I I think that there's there's like
4864s there's so many things that they do so
4866s well
4868s um and like there's a lot of standout
4869s like um standout features that I've seen
4872s that you're like oh that looks so nice
4875s and oh that that just stood out really
4878s this really great like there's those
4879s little things that stand out is so great
4880s here and there
4882s um
4883s that I really enjoyed and I noticed um
4886s like a big emphasis on like really sweet
4889s casting animations that feel great
4893s um
4894s and and that was interesting so as well
4896s as it was the the poe2 trailer the Pee
4898s Wee teaser that just came out as well
4900s and it had a similar like there was some
4902s big casting animations I felt awesome in
4904s there too and I was like yeah that's
4905s awesome
4921s all right kind of like how meteor has a
4923s more a more uh
4927s a more none fire damage node but no
4929s conversion on the tree so
4932s um so once you find electrostatic clicks
4934s yeah
4937s or non-pride damage yes sorry
4939s uh it also has physical on it
4943s I think
4946s uh
4948s warlock made in here as well yep
4957s okay here we go hello Mike happy Friday
4961s happy Friday how you doing having fun I
4963s hope so uh let's get your question here
4966s what are your opinions on making the
4970s corruption scaling in endgame more
4972s tiered like the dungeons I think this
4974s would make it more easy for players to
4976s understand where their characters
4976s currently are in terms of power
4980s I think it's it's
4981s um I think
4983s I think we've had a few debates on this
4985s topic internally over the last year or
4988s so
4990s um
4991s and I think there are positive and
4993s negative things to it
4995s um I think there's
4998s having having that a slightly more
5001s granular
5003s um
5004s like control over what your corruption
5006s is and that that constant like hey it's
5008s just got a little bit harder I just got
5010s a little bit harder just got a little
5011s bit harder and it was like it's it's
5012s getting there it's getting there that
5013s like that steady progression is is
5015s really good and healthy
5017s um
5019s I think it would I think it would really
5022s help to have
5024s um more clear break points
5026s on everybody's been the wrong turn but
5028s more clear like stages and tears for the
5031s for corruption and maybe that maybe that
5033s looks something along the lines of like
5036s um like once your corruption hits 50
5038s something happens once your corrosion
5040s hits 100 something happens and there are
5042s some of those already they're not very
5043s well
5044s um
5045s uh
5046s uh communicated to the player at the
5048s moment
5050s um
5054s but yeah it's it's a it's a tough one I
5059s I know that the last debate ended with
5062s us not changing it
5077s chance
5078s but oh yeah okay
5082s do we do we try and take the
5087s crit off or do we just like save that
5089s and use it to merge or something
5093s either way that's a pretty nice find
5100s yeah give me that a sentence
5105s wait can a sentence hit set items
5110s foreign
5132s oh yes obviously
5134s oh my goodness Mike
5136s get your act together
5138s unique or set item yes cool
5141s um
5143s dude just start slamming steps
5148s yo Steph here's the staff I don't even
5150s know what's new about that one
5158s a big lighting damage on it again
5166s uh yeah
5175s damn
5176s it's worth the shot
5180s I'll get it I'll get it don't worry I'll
5182s get it
5186s all right
5189s um
5193s speed that up and you get a very
5195s annoying sound
5210s uh right new chapter one is great uh it
5213s makes sense the first thing new players
5215s see get extra polished yeah I agree but
5217s what is the priority ring other chapters
5219s close to its level only the oldest
5221s chapters all existing chapters
5223s um the the next Focus for level design
5226s is going to be more around uh end game
5228s and
5230s um a new chapters coming out uh post
5234s um
5235s trying to say the end of the game
5236s without announcing it but I've already
5237s spoiled at the end is currently
5238s finishing off the story chat that we
5240s already have so our content we already
5241s have and more in-game content is the
5244s current uh level design priority
5247s um we will be we do things especially
5249s we've added a lot of new tools to our uh
5252s World building Arsenal over the last
5254s couple years and there's sort of one of
5256s those things where like we build
5257s something with the tools we have uh and
5260s then we like go build a new chapter
5261s we're like oh we really need this
5262s feature for this chapter and we like
5263s make a new tool to make that feature
5265s available and then we're like oh that
5266s would have been cool to use in another
5267s chapter wouldn't it yeah I guess we'll
5268s go back and do that eventually
5270s um
5271s and the disparity I think between like
5273s the like now the worst chapter and the
5276s best chapter is is that Gap has closed I
5279s think
5280s um a little bit from what it was before
5282s the the chapter one reward
5284s but um
5287s and and we will continue to upgrade and
5290s update the older chapters that are in
5291s the game that sort of stuff but it's not
5293s our uh it's not a super priority right
5295s now it's not a main project uh there's
5297s not like another like we were chapter
5300s X that's on some major project right now
5307s not so that it won't happen just not the
5309s main priority
5319s uh to chill out the game but ran into a
5322s bug
5323s if you bug please head on over to our
5325s bug reports Forum so someone can address
5327s it for you
5329s um
5330s your problem progressing a timeline I I
5332s oh yeah how do you report that forums
5335s head over to the forums um there's a bug
5337s report section on the forums
5338s um I think you can possibly say
5339s exclamation mark bug into chat it will
5342s actually give it to you
5343s um you can do that in our Discord and
5345s we'll give you the link there as well
5346s depending on what you have
5347s um quick access to already
5351s yeah I think this the the splinters on
5353s the far left are physical ah yes
5354s oh yes
5356s love the game thank you uh have
5359s suggestions for in-game Loop if you have
5361s suggestions please head over to the
5362s forums I will read them but I will also
5364s forget them
5366s uh all right with the addition of new
5368s dungeons yes love the dungeon Pacific
5370s mechanics and skills by the way the boss
5371s is in the future that the difficulty
5373s scaling is adjusted such that Dungeons
5375s and bosses become The Benchmark for
5377s character progression aspirational
5378s content as opposed to increasing
5380s corruption as the only mean to Warrant
5382s character progression um so we actually
5383s have a different plan to achieve the
5386s same goal you're trying to achieve so
5389s no yes
5397s perhaps stability and Corruption can be
5399s used to upgrade blessings uh monolith
5401s bosses fights can be accessible without
5403s grinding stability except maybe the
5405s first time
5408s oh this is a continuation
5411s yeah if you've got if you've got
5412s suggestions head on over to the forums
5414s um people people will be very happy to
5416s engage with you uh be prepared for
5418s someone to uh tell you they like it and
5420s someone else tell you they don't like it
5422s um but that's that's how that's how we
5424s get you know good discussions on on new
5427s content we get great great new content
5429s out of the game
5432s uh another quick question another quick
5434s answer 14 no okay uh did you guys ever
5437s consider making modifiers in the model
5439s of non-stack will hook only one Echo yes
5441s we did uh at least the ones people think
5444s are more problematic like Dodge and
5446s deadly
5447s um yes we we've we've definitely
5450s considered doing that
5451s um I think we reduced the number that
5453s many of them of of those types affect
5455s like the they used to affect on average
5457s like three or four and I think on
5458s average they affect two or three type
5460s thing
5461s um
5463s but that that's one of the big that's
5465s one of the main mechanics on the model
5467s of traversal is
5470s um like is is your build diverse enough
5474s to
5476s um to handle nodes that are maybe more
5478s problematic you know is is that like
5480s that's that's a huge part of the build
5482s crafting and model of progression
5483s engagement is like
5486s like that's that's one of the main
5487s features of of like builds I think that
5490s I think it's overloads a lot is is their
5492s versatility and their ability to adapt
5494s to different
5495s um monster mods in the monolith and uh
5497s and and in the dungeons too
5500s um like does does that mod come up that
5502s that just wrecks you
5504s um but it's got that reward you really
5506s want like do you do you have a
5507s contingency in your build for that do
5509s you
5510s um you know or or like do you just move
5513s on and try a different note and try and
5515s get onto it maybe it moves like a loop
5517s around a different way
5518s um you know there's all sorts of things
5519s that go into that but
5521s um I think that's that's a really
5522s important part of the model is is having
5524s that decision making process in which
5526s one you're going to go to not just from
5528s a hey what do I want but what can I do
5531s and how can I do it and things like that
5535s because if if the
5538s if none of them if the mods were all
5541s equal difficulty for every character we
5545s might as well not have them at all you
5546s know it's it's one of those things where
5548s it's like
5549s having those differences and some of
5552s them being way harder than others for
5553s different builds like like the the crit
5555s avoidance uh node dot build is like
5558s Okay so
5560s uh but a crypto's like oh my God no
5564s and um
5567s and and and and like having those having
5569s those differences is is important I
5571s think
5586s gloves oh God Weaver's well unique yeah
5590s that's I uh that's not the first one who
5592s undermine
5595s still cool still exciting yeah
5600s uh uh do we will get a German
5603s translation at some point I am pretty
5605s sure German's on the list I'd be
5607s surprised if it wasn't
5609s um
5610s it falls in that like classic e-figs
5615s uh English French uh Italian German
5619s Spanish
5621s um which is sort of the like the core
5623s translation languages that usually
5625s happen I think
5630s I'd have to double check the list to be
5631s sure but um I I I think so
5643s uh please let us speed run the campaign
5645s in online at some point
5649s uh What uh currently we can't since solo
5652s mode is replaced by ssf
5664s I don't uh
5668s I'm missing something there I'm sorry
5670s I'm trying to figure out uh
5672s please expand that question with more
5674s information because I'm sure I'm missing
5675s something there I'm sorry
5678s to be the same forms I have I do not
5680s anymore
5682s laughs
5685s I
5687s I get very depressed after reading the
5689s steam forums because there's so much
5691s misinformation and so much aggression
5694s but I just I can't handle it
5699s I know other people on the team do but I
5701s can't do it
5702s it's just it's oh you're just thinking
5704s about it bothers me like it's I just
5706s want to scream at the top of my lungs to
5708s some of the things that get said they're
5709s just like
5711s scream no so loud you just can't
5718s and they get said with such I gotta stop
5720s okay new topic
5722s any updates optimization it's always
5723s happening we're always optimized we're
5725s always updating the optimization of the
5726s game there's there's people who that's
5728s all they do is they make they're like I
5731s shaved
5732s uh a tenth of a second off to off the on
5735s average frame and it's the biggest news
5738s in the world that actually would be
5739s amazing if we do that but yeah like um
5742s like there's that that's that's one of
5745s the major concern considerations we do
5747s for a lot of things is is optimization
5750s it's really important to us that we the
5751s game's accessible from uh from a player
5754s Hardware standpoint that the game's
5755s accessible from a functionality
5758s standpoint from a from a network
5759s infrastructure standpoint
5763s um and also it looks good while it's
5765s doing it so like a lot of times
5766s optimization can can just help more
5768s powerful systems crank up their settings
5770s and make it look prettier you know
5792s all right next question
5800s the next bug fix patch will be out I
5804s don't know
5805s um I have had myopia node in Abyssal
5809s Echoes bug for months doesn't blind
5812s blind it needs
5815s um finding some work and it's gonna get
5817s some love
5817s uh but finally managed to get to work by
5819s putting one point into the ignite node
5821s that's interesting
5824s um yeah I don't know if that bug's been
5825s reported or not check the forms if it
5827s hasn't reported please
5829s uh
5830s all right oh you know you know what I
5833s have that I just like I do I did I did
5835s bring something a little teaser this is
5837s a this is a bit of a cryptic teaser this
5839s time
5842s um
5847s it's a bit of a cryptic teaser
5849s and it's it's actually a little snip of
5853s a bigger picture
5855s um
5856s that I'm sure you'll get
5858s in some sort of social post down the
5860s road but um
5862s this this was I got the Santa favorite
5864s for the stream I was a little
5867s a little teaser to show off just getting
5868s some experience behind that right now
5875s if I actually use my abilities probably
5877s would be good
5882s direct oh you can't reset crafting
5885s materials in online since point nine
5886s with the change of Solomon becoming a
5888s countdown mode I understand what you
5889s mean
5890s um you you want to have a uh a hard
5893s fresh reset button on your character for
5895s for a vanilla Speed Run where you are
5897s going from scratch with nothing else I
5899s understand I understand sorry
5902s um because because the uh the crashing
5904s Madison gold stick around yeah
5907s um
5908s the the that change happened out of
5912s necessity
5913s um to avoid huge problems down the road
5917s um I hope I hope we can have uh what
5919s you're looking for available
5921s um hopefully pretty soon it should be
5923s possible the part of the reason we did
5924s it this way was if we didn't do this now
5927s um adding this in later was gonna be
5929s terrible and if we did this now adding
5933s what you're looking for back in isn't
5935s that terrible you know it's way easier
5938s to add what you're looking for back in
5939s than it was to add what we did in later
5941s so we went with
5943s um what's gonna be faster to get to 1.0
5945s type thing
5948s oh but yes that is that is on the list
5954s ing won't receive any more changes
5956s before or after 1.0 both before during
5959s after yes uh end game is getting updates
5964s are there any guidelines or official
5967s tips to be found when it comes to
5968s suggestions for new uniques or system
5971s changes for example any obvious ideas
5973s uniques that uh actually have subtle
5975s issues like eating up too much design
5978s space
5980s um
5981s owls
5984s if I was gonna give tips for and I'm
5987s gonna take this off the screen
5989s and get going back into a echo while I
5991s answered this question because it's a
5992s sweet question I like this question a
5993s lot
5996s okay
5998s um
6000s so let's let's just let's just call it
6003s tips for uh making suggestions
6007s um for the game in general really
6009s um but I'm going to focus on the uniques
6010s part of it because it's a really easy
6011s way to
6013s um
6014s a really easy way to um
6016s give good examples I guess
6019s so if you if you want to suggest stuff
6022s for the game
6023s um
6024s quite often it's especially if it's
6026s going to be for a specific unique or
6028s item or skill or something like that
6031s um it's really important to get to the
6032s core of the issue to to be able to like
6035s look at an item that's probably a bad
6037s example
6038s uh yeah I guess here's here's a good
6041s example actually
6043s perfect example so the really
6046s interesting thing about this item
6049s is the elemental damage legion's health
6052s um the fact that it's on the base
6054s leather gloves the fact that it has
6056s increased leech rate the fact that it
6057s has like just Ellie Reds on it
6060s um those things are
6062s um important and and and
6065s something that that does get careful
6067s thought and attention put into it but
6069s the the the elevator pitch for the for
6072s these gloves would be hey I I think that
6075s having
6076s um a a tool in your glove slot for
6080s um Elemental bass characters uh leeching
6083s Health that can that can hit that can
6085s hit things that don't normally Leach
6086s like for example dots
6088s um and having that that Health leech in
6090s the glove slot for Elemental dots for
6093s like ignite builds and like picking out
6095s specific builds that works well with
6096s things like that it's really good and
6097s and focusing on that like core
6099s thematically appropriate and interesting
6102s mechanic rather than here's here's like
6104s the entire stats of the item if I was
6105s gonna if I was pitching this item
6108s um if I was like uh if I wasn't working
6110s in the game and I was pitching this item
6112s to to to to me
6115s um I would really focus on the specific
6119s um the the niche that is trying to fill
6121s the role that it's trying to play
6124s um and a suggestion on how how to get
6126s there
6127s and it's and it's fitting those details
6129s in that's really important
6131s um feeling those details in like why why
6132s this is a feature that's needed why this
6134s is a mechanic that's important why is it
6137s something that would be interesting fun
6138s something like what what does this what
6140s does this enable what does this
6142s um what what
6144s hole in the uh build crafting for
6147s Elemental characters does this fill
6150s um
6151s you know it's it's that it's not
6153s something that's really important and as
6155s soon as you start adding in like okay
6157s well this item's gonna have this this
6159s this this node and then this item is
6161s also gonna have elemental resistance
6163s okay so now now you have to say like
6165s okay why does it have elemental
6166s resistance if I'm if I'm evaluating the
6168s suggestion
6169s um even if I'm just looking at just the
6170s item and someone says to me hey I want
6173s an item that has these four stats on it
6175s I'm gonna say okay like I need to figure
6177s out first which of these stats is most
6179s important like if I was going to make
6181s changes to this like what would be the
6183s like what's the what's the pivot point
6184s on the item
6189s um so that means you can you can take
6191s that item and say like we'll keep that
6193s stat and we're gonna make it we're gonna
6194s make it uh belt now
6197s and it's it's an extremely similar item
6200s it'll still feel a very similar Niche
6201s it's competing with different stuff like
6203s this is all like
6205s um fine-tuned balance stuff that's
6206s really important and when the I while
6207s the items going through those that that
6209s um
6210s uh
6211s uh what's out of ideation and it's more
6213s into that like the tuning and the
6215s balancing and the and how it's gonna fit
6217s into the game world that's the sort of
6218s stuff that's really important to figure
6219s out then but
6222s um getting it into hey we're gonna make
6223s an item that has Elemental damage at
6225s least just health is that's the
6228s important step and that's that's the
6229s interesting step and that's the part
6230s that
6231s um the suggestion should be focusing on
6235s and I think that you can kind of expand
6237s that to most other things too so um
6240s like let's let's say you are trying to
6243s make a new end game system and you're
6245s trying to say like you're trying to find
6246s a new
6247s um a new style of activity to engage in
6252s um and maybe this is a Let's Pretend the
6254s arena doesn't exist
6256s okay I want to have a game mode that's
6259s that's kind of it's it's a little less
6262s involved a momentum with decision making
6264s as far as
6265s um like strategy planning and it's more
6268s involved in I've I've set my my class I
6271s might build up beforehand and I'm gonna
6273s see how far I can push it in this
6275s endless Gauntlet of foes to fix right
6278s um you're fulfilling this Niche and that
6280s you're not you're not making these like
6281s these
6282s um strategic planning points as
6284s frequently with with the like the model
6286s 3 picking Echoes with the dungeons
6288s you're picking uh mods on each floor uh
6290s things like that you're you're you're
6292s this it's this push it's this long-term
6295s it's more of a grind as far as like
6297s um endurance like player endurance that
6299s sort of stuff like it's it's more about
6300s planning that initial character
6303s and seeing how far that can go how far
6305s that can push
6306s um and
6308s but in the in that pitch if you start if
6311s you start trying to get into the real
6313s details of that Arena uh where you're
6315s like okay so enemies it needs to be an
6318s arena enemies need to spawn around you
6320s and like mostly a like a circular Arena
6322s and
6325s um
6325s you know maybe that's not the important
6327s part maybe it's a really long hallway
6330s and
6332s um maybe something is is constantly
6334s chasing you maybe there's like a boulder
6335s rolling down this hallway that's coming
6336s after you like Indiana Jones style and
6338s you have to like kill things and keep
6340s moving and like that's that's a very
6341s similar thing it's a pretty big twist
6343s there's a that's a pretty big difference
6344s that happens there and that's a
6346s different system but it still fits that
6349s same
6350s horror
6352s um feeling and and and Niche that uh
6355s that like the current room that we have
6357s sits in
6360s um and focusing on
6363s um and trying to pitch those extra
6365s details in there I guess leaves room for
6368s like picking apart the idea a little bit
6369s and sometimes being a little bit more
6371s vague and stepping back a little bit in
6373s and trying to capture the essence of
6375s what you're trying to accomplish with
6376s the idea can be more effective and uh
6379s can also leave room for more
6380s collaboration as well so say
6382s um say instead of pitching this rolling
6384s bowler behind the by the character you
6385s just pitch the the overarching
6387s um idea of what the system would be
6389s generally then other people can add in
6392s um some extra things they might have to
6394s personalize that idea to themselves as
6396s well and then you get a champion that's
6398s pushing the idea with you instead of
6400s someone that's fighting you on some
6401s detail that's not what you're trying to
6403s get in because the maybe the boulder is
6406s not an important part of this but it's
6408s uh it's just an example that you cooked
6410s up and it's just a way to like enhance
6412s the idea and maybe it's a great part of
6413s it and maybe that is what ends up
6415s happening in the end but that initial
6417s um suggestion having it doesn't really
6419s help the suggestion that much I don't
6421s think
6429s I feel like that was a ridiculous
6430s tangent and I hope it answer your
6431s question
6433s all right moving on are there any plans
6437s on making more rare in-game Weavers will
6438s items are they going to stay more common
6440s leveling uniques I feel like we'd need
6443s dungeon to modify them if we had any
6444s super rare ones to be honest but yeah
6446s um
6446s so they're they're I would say oh that's
6449s a nice belt actually they're a little
6450s bit in the experimental phase still
6453s um and we're definitely looking at
6455s feedback from players and how they're
6456s experiencing them and how they're like
6458s what they like what they don't like
6459s about it
6460s um there's there's this is actually
6462s interesting what we're just talking
6463s about there's a few things that we've
6464s kind of got in the in the in the pipe
6466s for changes and upgrades and expansions
6468s to the system that we're kind of being
6470s like we think that people are gonna feel
6471s this way about it and they're gonna like
6473s this and not like this and uh if we if
6476s we do this down the road with maybe a
6477s dungeon reward or something it'll expand
6479s that and enhance it more for people
6481s um in a few patches or something like
6483s that
6484s and getting that feedback is important
6485s to try and uh solidify those changes
6488s down the road and um so so yeah there's
6490s there's definitely room for expanding
6493s that system
6494s um and the you're right the early
6496s versions a lot of them were more focused
6498s around making uh more of an earlier
6501s earlier game uh leveling item
6505s it helps scale you into end game but
6507s there's not a lot of the weaversville
6510s uniques that are available now that
6511s you're like I'm gonna build I'm gonna
6512s I'm gonna Theory craft my in-game build
6514s around that Weaver as well item that's
6516s not happening a ton right now
6519s which is fine
6521s I realized that I picked this up and I
6523s didn't actually remember which one it
6524s was and I'm just gonna look at it here I
6528s you know it's fine
6530s um I think it's great for our build
6532s because we're not doing
6534s uh
6537s uh if something's at low life it's dying
6538s to a meteor
6544s doesn't need that bump
6547s what do you mean that thing though like
6549s you can get a bunch of awesome stats
6550s that Weaver as well and then maybe I do
6551s it
6553s do we do it just fun to see what we get
6554s let's just do it for fun and see what we
6556s get
6559s why not what's the worst that could
6562s happen
6566s uh well you will we both get male and
6568s female for all classes as well as a
6569s character editor character customization
6571s is a big big topic something that we
6574s would really like to add
6576s um it's not something that we are quite
6578s prepared to to include in the game just
6580s yet
6581s um it's it's one of those features that
6583s like
6584s if if
6586s um Dev time grew on trees you know sure
6589s it would be in but uh we've got to
6592s prioritize features and it's one of
6593s those ones that like it's great and uh
6596s one day I hope it's an awesome part of
6598s this game but it is not a core feature
6601s that will have an extremely significant
6603s impact on most people's play
6605s um
6606s and anywhere near as much as something
6608s along the lines of
6610s um
6611s like a a new model of a new random event
6615s style that thing that could happen in
6617s the monolith that that
6619s um like opens up interesting gameplay
6622s for every character that's playing in
6623s the model you know like like that's way
6625s way more important than uh character
6629s editor
6631s especially considering like
6634s what what gender is this character that
6636s I'm playing right now right like
6638s how can you tell
6640s you know
6641s um and yeah I've got a bunch of MTX
6643s stuff on right now and everything so
6644s it's it's I'm kind of cheating by saying
6646s that but still like there's there's
6649s the character's hair color makes no
6652s difference right now
6654s um from like a just take a screenshot
6656s type perspective at the same time
6660s um having a character that's
6661s representative of you or an idealized
6663s version of you or a Fantastical version
6665s of something that that you'd like or
6668s something like that like that's that's
6669s that that can help really provide a
6671s strong connection with your character
6673s um
6674s and sometimes having it be too far from
6676s removed from yourself can can create a
6678s distance with with you and your
6679s character and it's um for a lot of
6681s people it's really important and it's
6682s it's one of those things where it will
6683s turn some people off the game completely
6684s not having it and we'd like to add it
6687s um
6688s it's just not something that we have the
6689s the resources to add yet
6693s so I feel for you if you're if you're in
6696s that latter category
6698s um and I I hope we can
6701s fix it for you sooner than later but I
6704s have no timeline I'm sorry
6708s oh all right I reckon bigger picture
6710s include Acolyte and flying Drake
6715s oh oh that was the teaser that was
6716s teaser yeah
6718s um I I don't know what picture it came
6720s from so I can't spoil it
6722s ignorance is bliss
6725s nailed it
6727s all right how do you balance the game
6729s and fit both software and hardcore
6730s playstyles from my experience all
6731s hardcore players are abandoning story
6733s just before look gone fight and never
6735s going back
6738s um I think that there are
6743s I think hardcore and software hardcore
6745s really is a
6747s um it's an extra challenge it's it's an
6749s optional additional challenge mode for
6752s experienced players
6754s um
6755s it's it's the sort of thing that like
6757s it's not to be undertaken lightly and
6760s um
6763s as long as I think
6765s I think for the most part
6769s um as long as there's room for improving
6772s your skill at the game improving your
6774s character builds and things like that to
6777s to keep advancing in hardcore it's it's
6780s overall probably in a pretty decent
6781s place
6783s um
6787s having
6789s uh content that is intentionally skipped
6793s by most people playing the mode is not
6794s ideal
6796s um
6796s we definitely do look at defenses from
6800s uh the defenses or the primary place
6802s people we consider hardcore when
6803s balancing uh game content and we
6806s definitely do look at defenses from a
6808s hardcore perspective in a lot of
6809s categories so sometimes we'll say like
6810s okay here's here's this class's
6813s defensive options in the situation from
6815s the passives from their skills
6817s um from their gear that they're getting
6818s all sort of stuff and we'll say like
6821s and sometimes we'll look at it and go No
6824s One's Gonna Play this class in hardcore
6825s because the defenses aren't reliable
6827s enough
6828s um you look at defenses like Dodge and
6830s block and they're
6832s um because they're percentage based it's
6834s a chance for this this thing to happen
6837s um
6838s you you get those those big because all
6840s it takes is one one time when that
6842s defense doesn't kick in and the
6844s character's dead and so quite often
6846s defenses are where we look at hardcore
6849s um
6851s hardcore software differences the most
6861s uh and gallon 13 I just answered that
6864s question which you have before I
6866s answered it so just talking answer at
6868s the same time I hope the answer was good
6869s enough for you the first time
6872s uh will recent well the recent updates
6874s old Rogue armor models look with recent
6877s updates old Rogue armor models look
6879s outdated will you guys remake those
6880s armors and potentially update Rogue
6881s animations I mean we're we're always
6883s trying to update things anything that
6885s fits that falls outside of sort of the
6888s um quality standard we're looking for
6889s we're always trying to like oh yeah it's
6891s typical you're looking for
6894s double Health Idols are always great if
6895s you ever see a double hell fight I'll
6896s grab it
6897s Pro tip
6900s um
6902s what am I getting at
6904s uh Olympic roadstock Rogue stuff yeah
6908s um
6909s I would say most most of it I really
6912s love still so this might be one of those
6914s things where
6915s um it's good to have
6917s uh perceived differences in quality from
6921s player to player so like if you have
6923s if you have two pieces of gear two
6925s options
6927s um and this one is uh half the player
6930s base hates it and the other half the
6933s player base loves it and this one is
6935s everyone thinks it's okay this one's way
6937s better
6938s this is way better you want people to
6941s have strong reactions to things rather
6943s than apathetic reactions and things and
6947s um you know if you've got things in this
6949s category with strong reactions you need
6950s to have like other things that have
6952s alternative strong reactions so people
6953s can can pick ones they like
6956s um
6957s and yeah but yes and you can look at
6960s things and say okay yes that's just old
6961s and it doesn't look as good anymore
6963s um so yeah I I will always be looking to
6965s increase the like to bring the lowest
6968s quality stuff up to to current standards
6971s and things like that and
6972s um I'm not surprised if some of those
6974s have fallen by the wayside a little bit
6982s I'm gonna check what axes I'm getting go
6984s check I'm gonna be getting cool stuff it
6987s could be anything it can be a boat you
6988s know if you want one of those
6997s foreign
7004s looked away for just a minute
7007s what do we get what do we get a
7008s tournament and armor
7014s I mean actually okay so two minutes
7015s section X because we're going for mana
7016s and Zuma does give Mana so you know not
7018s the worst thing in the world
7022s uh let's go for more XP
7025s any plants VP eventually
7028s um definitely falls into the eventually
7029s category of the someday the wouldn't it
7030s be nice category the hopefully sooner
7032s than later but who knows when category
7044s will not be available at one point I can
7046s tell you that
7050s uh is there anything you can teach for
7052s upcoming Mastery ah not really
7056s um
7058s one of them has a special UI element
7060s that goes
7061s oh
7082s uh does the map Pool and mods model if I
7087s have identifying themes yes they do they
7089s haven't been observed enough or perhaps
7091s it's not a thing it is definitely a
7092s thing
7094s uh each each timeline has specific
7096s enemies and specific
7099s um maps that it can draw from
7102s um
7104s yeah definitely
7107s they're not they're not super duper like
7110s uh tight and narrow so they're like
7116s come on like don't die
7120s if you're gonna die just just try not
7121s dying instead how about that yeah sound
7124s like a plan
7125s it does but I'm not gonna be able to
7126s execute it
7130s that was a sweet meteor shower
7132s that was great
7143s I love you I love a big meteor shower it
7146s just feels
7160s oh my goodness we are running out
7168s of everything
7170s luck
7172s time
7174s patience
7176s power manna
7178s portal
7179s nailed it get that experience
7185s oh and Boots
7191s not a terrible idea for us here we are
7194s at time here oh that's a couple more
7196s questions to round things up I think
7197s that's it for the uh gorantecos
7202s did you ever think if any Idols were
7203s symmetrical I wouldn't die as much
7207s my Idols were symmetrical I wouldn't die
7209s as much uh no
7213s Maybe
7216s I don't want over my head I'm sorry
7219s uh is the plan for skill is the plan
7221s skill for all missing skills was playing
7225s still for all missing skills from
7226s masteries and base classes as well as
7228s all missing skill trees to be
7229s implemented before 1.0 4.0
7232s um I'd say there's a good chance that
7233s some of them won't make it into 1.0
7235s um
7236s I don't know which ones but uh some of
7239s them some some of the existing missing
7241s ones will probably not quite get there
7242s I'd say like uh at least one Base Class
7245s skill on Rogue won't make it there I can
7247s tell you that
7250s um
7251s check my idols
7254s are they are they just
7257s they're just they're just like the the
7259s chaos on how I've laid them out is that
7261s the problem
7266s the organization eating weight your soul
7269s not symmetrical I hear you I hear you
7271s I'm sorry
7273s gonna have to live with it
7278s all right well that'll not do it for me
7280s today I had a ton of fun I hope you did
7282s too if you asked a question that I
7284s missed
7285s um we are available on Discord uh
7288s there's an acid devs Channel there I am
7290s extremely active there we'll try I try
7292s to answer questions as quickly as
7293s possible it's also ask the community
7294s Channel there where the vast majority of
7296s the questions that get asked and ask the
7297s devs can be answered very easily
7299s um and there's we're also active on
7302s other platforms uh other places where
7303s people chat and ask questions about the
7305s game
7307s um I try to keep an eye on our subreddit
7309s a fair bit uh answer as much as I can
7311s there too and uh yeah
7314s stop by hang out we'll be here same time
7315s same place next week
7318s um another another dead stream if you've
7320s got if you've got cool ideas for things
7321s to do on the downstream love to hear
7323s that too
7325s um
7326s but that'll about do it for us today
7331s I hope you all had a great time
7337s and uh
7339s I just I hope you I hope you enjoy
7340s whatever you're doing
7342s today tomorrow the next day every day
7344s after that
7346s we'll say hi to Mr bite man
7349s oh there it is they sound cool let's
7351s check it out have a good day everyone
7353s bye