about 2 years
ago -
Last Epoch
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Transcript (by Youtube)
2s | good afternoon everybody and welcome |
4s | back to the last Epoch Dev stream |
8s | as usual I am your host Mike hello |
13s | and uh just gonna start with a little |
15s | warning slash apology I am still quite |
18s | sick |
20s | done a bunch of stuff to make it so it |
21s | doesn't look that way if possible but uh |
24s | I will probably be muting myself a few |
27s | times |
28s | and I may have to vanish for a couple |
30s | minutes here or there but I'll do my |
32s | best to have fun hang out and uh |
36s | play a little last epoch |
39s | we're hanging out in the old patch still |
41s | because we're it's not the ninth yet so |
42s | we're playing the old patch |
44s | I'm uh revisiting some old builds over |
47s | the last few streams and and we're going |
50s | back to zombies we're just we're just |
52s | gonna do some zombies woo |
53s | it's a little loud it's slow down a bit |
56s | thank you very much |
58s | four one six one eight |
62s | what's up glad to have you here |
64s | hope you're having fun just started off |
68s | have we |
71s | must have unlocked in power yeah |
75s | foreign |
80s | no zombie makeup no |
83s | sorry just a second |
89s | my hair's getting a little out of |
91s | control here |
99s | let's go |
101s | if this is your first time here glad to |
103s | have you with us if you have a question |
104s | for me please put at last Epoch game in |
107s | front of the question so I see it pop |
109s | out at me a real big like I'll be happy |
111s | to answer it and as always we stream for |
113s | charity this week's shirt this month's |
115s | charity sorry is uh World neighbors glad |
118s | to glad to be doing something for them |
119s | which is cool |
122s | let's actually make a little bit of an |
123s | army here and |
129s | go nuts it's been a while since I played |
132s | this character uh I totally remember how |
135s | it works |
138s | completely |
140s | definitely uh |
142s | have my loot filter on sweet all right |
145s | we're good to go |
148s | that's neat |
150s | today's oh yeah |
152s | um |
155s | today's Mo uh today's build that I'm |
157s | playing right now is the same build that |
160s | everyone else can play right now this is |
163s | plain steam there is nothing different |
166s | about this from what everyone else is |
167s | playing |
169s | um |
171s | you can go play this right now |
183s | good afternoon quiet how you doing |
186s | we're doing pretty good here it's it's |
188s | been it's been a busy week getting lots |
190s | done |
191s | wow 22 month resub that's epic thank you |
196s | very much thank you very much |
205s | haven't been in the Stream for a few |
207s | months it's been on and off for like we |
208s | haven't done a lot of streams actually |
209s | the last month or so but yeah it's been |
211s | good |
213s | I've been trying to hold up to release |
215s | are we close we are very close we are |
217s | six days away I believe |
221s | next Thursday |
224s | can we expect to get the patch notes at |
226s | least a few days before 0.9 drops a few |
228s | days yeah they're they're not done yet |
233s | um the changes going into the patch |
234s | aren't done yet |
236s | um so like we we can't give you patch |
238s | notes yet because they don't exist |
240s | um patching out some of those things |
242s | that we we get to a point where we're |
243s | like okay we're not changing anything |
245s | else and we're just gonna make sure we |
247s | we're just testing and like we gotta |
249s | build and we're like let's just test the |
252s | everything out of it and make sure it's |
254s | solid oh we found some tiny little bug |
256s | okay we'll change that one thing to fix |
257s | that bug but that's it |
259s | keep testing keep testing keep testing |
261s | keep testing and while that's happening |
263s | we we |
264s | um polish the patch notes |
267s | um and we uh this is a lot of |
271s | departments that that uh get involved |
272s | with what's going into the game so |
275s | there's a lot of different departments |
276s | to get involved with patch notes and |
277s | making sure they're accurate and |
278s | complete |
279s | um |
280s | so we do try and get them out as soon as |
282s | we can |
284s | um but in order to get as much in the |
285s | patch as possible the patch notes end up |
287s | happening very late in the cycle |
290s | um so patch notes will be similar timing |
291s | as they usually are |
293s | which is pretty close to the actual |
296s | release and you've seen like huge |
299s | portions of the changes already in the |
301s | um in the preview events we've had and |
303s | there's lots of that info up on like uh |
304s | last Epoch tools and stuff like that too |
308s | and you'll see me drinking tea and I've |
310s | got |
311s | tons of water |
320s | oh get to the sub to action RPG Aaron |
324s | Aaron actually that's what uh I said it |
326s | right first time |
328s | thank you very much for that I'm sure he |
331s | will be appreciative |
335s | I know he's been pretty pumped about |
336s | this uh this patch coming up |
338s | anticipating it for a while as many of |
341s | you have |
343s | oh there he is hi Aaron how's it going |
348s | did I just missed that from the very |
349s | start I just missed that a very certain |
359s | sorry I'm back hello |
362s | playing nekker without Golem and now |
365s | we're not fighting it's the old girl |
366s | you're some of the old Golem here in |
368s | front of them |
376s | uh would it be amazing to have a finish |
379s | the multiplayer launch oh this launch |
381s | has been a long time coming and I am so |
385s | excited for it to be released like |
388s | it's it's just a it's another level of |
390s | anticipation for us |
399s | this is why I picked a medium build |
400s | today because I'm like I'm a I'm gonna |
402s | be sitting around taking drinks in the |
404s | middle of this |
408s | ah finished some Plumbing fixes I'm |
410s | feeling good that's good job quiet |
412s | Plumbing's Plumbing's an important skill |
413s | to have |
414s | now time for my propaganda question of |
417s | the week spring and moving skill leaks |
418s | yet no no sorry |
422s | you gotta get it right |
426s | Shadow dweller how's your health Mike I |
429s | feel fine |
431s | my nose is uh trying to set some records |
433s | for production though |
443s | we'll leave it at that |
449s | so judge in there yeah huh |
454s | next question |
456s | uh do you guys Supply last Epoch tools |
459s | of this data or does he dated money he |
460s | data mines it |
464s | we do really want to get to a point |
465s | where we can work with |
467s | uh people making sites like that because |
468s | we do know it's a very valuable thing to |
470s | have for the game |
471s | um |
473s | but we just we have to focus on making |
475s | the game right now and |
479s | yeah |
480s | he's got a pretty automated system for |
482s | it now too I do I talk to him every once |
483s | in a while not frequently |
492s | very good guy though |
509s | nervous or excited for next week yes |
512s | no I'm I'm uh I'm very excited I'm more |
515s | excited than nervous |
517s | um |
519s | actually I'm pretty confident what am I |
520s | talking about |
522s | I'm excited |
532s | the um |
534s | the the preview events went great |
539s | there were bugs and issues and other |
541s | stuff we had to fix and all that stuff |
543s | that's to be expected |
547s | I'm pumped I know it doesn't look like |
548s | I'm pumped like I'm pumped let's go |
562s | sorry |
563s | I'm here haha |
566s | and get well soon you got this thank you |
567s | very much I I feel like I will |
570s | like |
572s | yeah I feel fine it's just |
575s | nobody's not done being sick yet |
577s | apparently |
584s | I just saw this game it's not bad game |
587s | awesome |
589s | thank you very much |
591s | I hope you're having fun with it whether |
592s | it's a bad game or not |
594s | that's the most important part because |
596s | you have fun with bad games I think |
603s | and you cannot have fun with good games |
605s | I think too |
611s | it's pretty rare |
612s | for both of those |
620s | who came up with a faction idea I think |
622s | it's smart our lead designer trisoki was |
625s | the uh |
628s | was the initial pitch spearhead of that |
630s | operation the person who who the post |
633s | was under |
635s | um |
636s | it's funny both both of them and I had |
639s | come up with ideas that we've been sort |
641s | of like rummaging around with for a a |
643s | system to include trade in the game |
647s | um that were both very different mine |
648s | was terrible by comparison so let's not |
650s | talk about what that idea was but |
652s | um he showed up and he was like just out |
654s | of the blue he's like guys I've got an |
655s | idea |
657s | um and I'm like oh I've been working on |
659s | one too now like I wasn't quite ready to |
661s | post it yet I wasn't finished at a few |
663s | Kinks and all sort of stuff I'm like I'm |
664s | just gonna post it now too just just to |
666s | see |
667s | um and we were reading through them both |
669s | and we came back to each other and we're |
671s | both like yours is better like to him |
673s | his was better |
681s | and we ran with it |
684s | quite fast |
693s | all right last time I visited the stream |
696s | you said there would be Seasons leagues |
698s | how long after at least can we expect |
699s | the first season to start I mean I the |
701s | way it works I kind of argue that 0.98 |
703s | is the start of the first season because |
705s | eventually those characters that are in |
708s | that initial multiplayer launch will get |
710s | sent to whatever standard is |
714s | um as the next cycle starts and we're |
716s | calling them Cycles |
717s | um so it's |
719s | in a way |
721s | in six days in a way when's the next one |
725s | after that gonna start I don't know |
728s | um kind of depends how long how many |
729s | patches are in between uh |
732s | uh this in 1.0 |
735s | so there might be another one that |
736s | starts the biggest thing that happens |
737s | with the cycle is |
739s | um the ladder resets the like the |
742s | economy resets all the characters have |
743s | to be brand new you know like everyone |
744s | everyone has to start fresh to be |
746s | involved in the new cycle but all the |
747s | old stuff goes to the standard |
749s | environment so nothing gets deleted |
755s | so it's kind of just like when's the |
756s | next ladder reset gonna happen I don't |
758s | know |
775s | by the time we're into like 1.0 launch |
778s | it'll be much more uh regular and |
780s | predictable I will say that |
783s | let's just until we're until we're at |
784s | launch it's a little more flexible |
793s | I I don't know what I love about zombies |
795s | but I love zombies |
796s | just to like |
798s | all right here you go I summon you do my |
800s | oh you're dead |
804s | but you took one of them with you good |
805s | job |
815s | oh |
820s | I upgraded my internet speed and |
821s | hardware for March 9th Thompson ready |
823s | nice |
826s | I feel like you said you were uh you |
828s | moved or something and it was like a |
830s | problem with the internet there or |
831s | something I don't know |
835s | I could be mistaken there but good glad |
838s | I know it's very beneficial for you the |
840s | greater amount of players stream the |
842s | game the question is should I do it if I |
845s | have literally zero experience with |
846s | streaming I mean |
848s | the only experience I have with |
851s | streaming at all personally is done |
853s | while working on this game |
855s | I think I once streamed one day as just |
860s | to see if I could make it happen like 15 |
861s | years ago or something |
863s | maybe not that long ago maybe 10 years |
865s | ago |
867s | and uh |
869s | yeah it's I think it's fun I don't think |
872s | there's |
873s | um really uh a downside to it if you if |
876s | you think it's something you might enjoy |
879s | kind of worst case scenario is people |
881s | just don't watch |
885s | or you just turn the stream off |
888s | I think it's fun I'd recommend giving it |
890s | a shot |
898s | it is a warm and yeah |
907s | I don't know why it gets so much hotter |
909s | when I'm streaming than normal |
912s | but like every time I stream I turn the |
913s | heat down in my room |
924s | all right oh you ready to handle the |
926s | server load for point nine the amount of |
927s | interest I'm seeing compared to the beta |
929s | events leading up to and expect to see |
930s | major spiking player numbers I hope so |
932s | uh you confident your servers will be |
934s | able to keep up or do you expect them to |
935s | get overloaded |
936s | um |
937s | we've definitely |
939s | taken steps in the assumption that it |
941s | will be more |
943s | uh populated than uh the beta events |
949s | so we are we are expecting more and we |
950s | are preparing for more people than the |
952s | beta events |
954s | um having said that it's it's always |
956s | possible like there's enough people on |
959s | the internet that we could be |
960s | overwhelmed |
961s | um |
962s | I mean we've put elastic systems in |
965s | place that should uh if they work the |
967s | way they're designed to should be able |
969s | to handle it |
974s | that's a cool item |
977s | I do not remember that item what is |
979s | going on |
986s | sick brain talking |
991s | I'm just always there's always the |
993s | upside though like we we've we've we've |
995s | built systems for it to be able to |
997s | expand if if there's a lot of people |
999s | that show up |
1000s | um and if there are enough people to |
1001s | show up that crash it I mean that's a |
1003s | lot of interest which would be pretty |
1005s | sweet you know but no I I I think we'll |
1008s | be fine |
1012s | that's part of the reason we're doing it |
1014s | um |
1015s | like on Thursday instead of Friday so we |
1018s | have a little bit of time with there's |
1021s | like a second day for the weekend where |
1023s | people are like scheduled to work and |
1024s | you know people are on site ready to go |
1036s | silky to real MVP yeah definitely |
1040s | there's a lot of us that like worked on |
1042s | it and helped shape it and come up with |
1045s | the fine details with them and |
1046s | everything but yeah they they definitely |
1048s | was that was their idea |
1052s | spearheaded that one big time |
1054s | and very little change from their |
1056s | initial idea there were some details |
1058s | that they were just like when they came |
1059s | up like okay well I don't have this |
1060s | detail yet and we'll figure that out but |
1062s | like of the details they initially |
1064s | pitched very little change |
1067s | which is wild that almost never happens |
1069s | with a big system like that |
1081s | they've had a very significant hand in |
1083s | most of the things you do and see in |
1085s | last debug |
1101s | what are your thoughts uh what are your |
1103s | thoughts on the state of manner slash |
1105s | rage uh do you feel the recovering usage |
1107s | are in a good spot |
1109s | um I think in point nine they're better |
1110s | than they've ever been |
1112s | um |
1113s | I think this is possibly related to the |
1116s | several uh |
1118s | to a recent Forum post |
1120s | um I think overall it's in a very good |
1122s | spot I think there's a few key spots |
1124s | where it's still not quite right and |
1127s | it's more related to specific skills |
1128s | rather than Mana regen in general |
1138s | I think I think it mostly does a really |
1141s | good job of |
1143s | um |
1146s | keeping keeping |
1148s | uh very large visually impactful and |
1153s | functionally impactful skills and check |
1155s | from being spammed |
1156s | over the top while not requiring them to |
1160s | be on crazy long cooldans |
1162s | um |
1163s | I think that can be a dangerous thing |
1165s | where you get this like ability that's |
1166s | like your ultimate ability and it's on a |
1168s | two minute cooldown and |
1170s | um I think you can get into situations |
1172s | where your entire Bill focuses around |
1174s | getting that to a point where it's cheap |
1176s | enough or the cooldown small enough that |
1178s | you can use it frequently enough or you |
1180s | actually end up in situations where |
1181s | you're like well |
1183s | I'm gonna wait the 30 seconds before I |
1185s | go to the next pack because my ability |
1186s | is not off cooldown yet |
1188s | and I think those are not awesome |
1191s | situations to be in frequently |
1196s | do we know yet if 1.0 a second one no we |
1198s | don't know that |
1199s | uh can we expect big Nerfs 40 50 less |
1203s | damage to skills from 0.91.0 |
1205s | I don't think so |
1209s | uh what |
1211s | uh |
1213s | did that come up somewhere and I missed |
1215s | it I haven't heard anything about that |
1220s | I know internet all clogged up with |
1221s | potatoes |
1229s | apparently I'm not supposed to laugh |
1230s | today |
1231s | uh can we expect some improvements for |
1233s | loot filter like show only affix is |
1235s | relevant to selected |
1238s | item type uh no not yet |
1241s | um we will be taking uh a shot at the |
1245s | loot filter eventually |
1247s | um and improving the functionality of it |
1249s | um possibly adding more options |
1251s | um |
1252s | but it is |
1254s | uh for for one point for point nine |
1257s | sorry |
1258s | um largely unchanged I think there might |
1261s | be some little changes but not much |
1264s | we focused elsewhere |
1271s | this little trick on the Arenas if you |
1273s | just like don't move in the middle you |
1274s | it doesn't start until you actually move |
1278s | if anyone's interested on what I was |
1280s | doing |
1283s | oh can you share some more details on |
1285s | new supporter practical point nine I |
1287s | can't |
1290s | sorry |
1292s | uh what time is the point in launch I |
1294s | don't know |
1295s | um I |
1297s | if I were if I were a betting man |
1301s | um I would probably guess that they will |
1303s | that the patch will launch at a |
1305s | relatively similar time to the last like |
1306s | dozen patches we put out |
1309s | um which is morning North America time |
1311s | so we have the most people around to |
1313s | help with problems |
1316s | and jump on uh Solutions so there's yeah |
1324s | oh |
1333s | this is bad this is very bad |
1340s | okay now here's where I would love to |
1342s | have the ability to move all of my |
1343s | minions with transplant I wonder if we |
1346s | can add that |
1359s | spoiler alert we did for the next patch |
1361s | just in case anyone missed that |
1363s | joke |
1365s | I think I'm funny in my head but yeah |
1371s | oh all right full patch notes available |
1373s | yet no not yet I plan on having 16 |
1376s | golden teen develop servers |
1378s | I mean 16 Golems is way easier for us to |
1382s | deal with than |
1383s | whatever |
1385s | 60 skeletons can show up |
1388s | so yeah go for it |
1396s | it's part of why I like your items so |
1397s | much Aaron |
1399s | cuts down to the number of minions |
1401s | played right into our hands |
1406s | oh no no no |
1424s | uh oh man the last q a no no no no no no |
1427s | why why would it be last q a |
1430s | no |
1433s | we we don't have a set time or we'll |
1435s | stop doing this there's a possibility |
1437s | that we might slow down the rate of |
1439s | these posts 1.0 |
1441s | um |
1442s | but I I personally have no intention of |
1445s | stopping this I love doing this it's |
1446s | great |
1448s | two hours a week it's not that much time |
1455s | yeah |
1457s | I don't know why I'm even looking here I |
1459s | have no idea what my gear is on this |
1461s | character it's been so long since I |
1463s | touched I haven't even turned this |
1464s | character on since the last time I |
1466s | streamed this which was months ago |
1473s | uh I agree to take on the Mana stuff by |
1476s | the way I also feel like it's fine I |
1478s | have no |
1479s | idea about four months oh there was a |
1481s | four months recently about it that uh |
1482s | there's a couple of them recently that's |
1484s | all |
1485s | it's cool |
1488s | what happened to the fifth strawberry |
1489s | building it's not in yet |
1492s | Shaman Scott okay what's what's going on |
1493s | Shaman's got one new abilities missing |
1497s | um Tempest strike's getting a pretty |
1498s | significant this is not 0.9 this is post |
1500s | point nine by the way |
1502s | um so post point nine Shaman will get |
1504s | its fifth ability |
1506s | um Tempest strikes getting an extremely |
1508s | significant rework |
1509s | uh as to the the role it fills |
1514s | um the functionality it has |
1517s | um what it does how it does it |
1519s | everything like the the general theming |
1522s | will be similar |
1524s | um |
1525s | that's about it |
1528s | and the name |
1530s | and then a new ability |
1532s | is going to come in to take the role of |
1534s | Tempest strike |
1549s | how's your sleep schedule uh looking for |
1551s | this week I have been sleeping more this |
1554s | week than I have slept in months |
1557s | mostly because I'm sick and I'm just |
1558s | like well |
1561s | body shutting down at 9 00 p.m Let's uh |
1564s | let's go to sleep |
1581s | no I've been very lucky to uh |
1584s | actually strike a decent uh |
1587s | work balance |
1588s | lately which has been very nice very |
1592s | happy |
1595s | it's been a lot of long hours but you |
1597s | know |
1598s | nowhere near as bad as it has been in |
1600s | the past |
1607s | the filter sold but I just keep seeing |
1609s | items that are like a different color |
1610s | like oh maybe this is something that I |
1611s | said I would really want before and |
1613s | they're always been terrible |
1617s | can you share what is the design concept |
1619s | around warlock all I can really say and |
1621s | this is the same thing I've always said |
1622s | is the the like Touchstone theming |
1625s | um is like Jafar more of a more of a |
1629s | dark sorcerer uh feeling |
1651s | did you get an extra Golem no no sorry I |
1653s | thought it works too bad |
1657s | it's already gonna be really strong |
1662s | foreign |
1671s | what about improving targeting when |
1673s | trying to buff allies minions for |
1675s | example it's close to impossible to cast |
1677s | dread [ __ ] on Golem if there's another |
1678s | Minion around allowing to buff by |
1681s | clicking on the icon for example can |
1683s | solve a problem |
1684s | um we don't have any plans for that at |
1685s | the moment |
1686s | um there's some issues with that that we |
1688s | came into uh we were we tried to do it a |
1691s | little while ago and do some problems |
1691s | with it |
1693s | um |
1694s | the |
1697s | uh it's it's |
1703s | we know there's some issues there we |
1705s | don't have a solution yet |
1708s | what happens with the like cursor system |
1715s | um is it's actually constantly changing |
1717s | what you can hover over every frame |
1721s | which I know sounds weird |
1725s | well what are your plans for an |
1726s | achievement system probably after 1.0 um |
1728s | there are some loose plans for an |
1730s | achievement system we don't know what |
1731s | that's going to be specifically yet but |
1732s | there will be something |
1738s | foreign |
1750s | ERS for 0.9 plan that we didn't see any |
1753s | events already yet lots |
1755s | uh can we expect any armor model uplifts |
1758s | certainly Rogue body armors make the |
1760s | girl look like she's pregnant |
1764s | I don't know if you've seen many |
1765s | pregnant people |
1766s | uh |
1770s | but uh |
1772s | I I uh |
1774s | maybe I'm not maybe I'm just not seeing |
1776s | the armors that it looks like that |
1777s | didn't I |
1784s | um there's there are new |
1786s | uh item sets in our models coming into |
1788s | the game that hadn't been seen yet |
1790s | 4.9 |
1794s | I know at least one of them's on Rogue |
1796s | too |
1797s | and it looks sweet |
1799s | we may have teased it on stream I don't |
1801s | know |
1808s | uh I've also been gone for a while the |
1810s | new gear look release is their new gear |
1813s | look released on the 9th so six days |
1816s | oh |
1819s | it's okay |
1824s | uh you're saying stop working on Sean |
1827s | and builds gotcha |
1831s | I mean I would I would avoid Tempest |
1834s | strike focused builds but I mean they're |
1835s | kind of crap anyways right now right |
1840s | they'll come back they'll come back |
1842s | don't worry they'll come back |
1844s | no we had someone some one of the the uh |
1847s | uh |
1848s | um VFX leavex guy offer skill and like |
1851s | skill design enemy design guy he um |
1855s | he showed up he was like I've been |
1857s | working on a concept for |
1860s | um |
1861s | Tempest strike lately |
1863s | uh uh and it was pretty it was really |
1865s | different and tossed it up and played |
1868s | around a bit and we're like well that's |
1870s | awesome so now we have to make up a new |
1871s | skill to take semesteric spot |
1876s | and it means we can give it speed |
1878s | scaling |
1880s | because the current version of Tempest |
1881s | right can't have speed scaling |
1891s | which is the big problem with it because |
1892s | everyone wants it to go faster |
1905s | foreign |
1916s | so it's pretty low but still it's |
1921s | only 36 by base oh boy |
1924s | we might have to do a little crafting |
1928s | to get our poison res up if we're gonna |
1932s | keep doing this |
1936s | what is this build this is a volatile |
1940s | zombie |
1941s | oh my God our dread shade's completely |
1943s | unspecialized |
1946s | oh what I've been using it much but |
1949s | still |
1955s | we're not doing too bad for a power |
1957s | bottle as on a 93 with a de-specialized |
1960s | skill |
1966s | good build is good huh |
1968s | what am I talking about here |
1970s | um |
1973s | I'll go over it when I'm out of a |
1975s | monolith that can just kill me because |
1976s | it feels like it |
1982s | in case someone's asked how about a |
1983s | spoiler sure I have no one's asked yet |
1985s | I'll give a spoiler as soon as I've done |
1986s | this Echo |
1988s | I'll toss up a spoiler and fix my build |
1993s | which will likely just be me be me |
1995s | putting random points and stuff until |
1997s | it's used |
2000s | XP all right |
2005s | why is released not 1.0 uh well we |
2008s | figure |
2010s | um a lot of people okay part of the |
2012s | reason is we're not done a lot of the |
2013s | features that we would consider core to |
2015s | complete the game for example three |
2016s | masteries are still missing |
2019s | some some of masteries are missing |
2021s | skills |
2022s | um our in-game's not finished |
2025s | um like there's there's a few key |
2027s | elements that were like the game's not |
2029s | what we consider something that we'd be |
2031s | like |
2032s | say you were gonna release the game and |
2034s | like we're not gonna do this but say you |
2035s | were gonna release the game as like a |
2037s | box title and put it on shelves and I |
2038s | knew it was coming |
2041s | sorry say you were gonna put this game |
2044s | as like a a proper old school box |
2047s | release put it on the shelves at Best |
2049s | Buy all sort of stuff which would be |
2050s | pretty cool but you know |
2052s | um |
2053s | uh |
2054s | we what like you'd have to get the game |
2056s | to a point where |
2059s | um you were happy putting it on that |
2061s | shelf and someone taking it home in that |
2063s | state and playing with it and not |
2065s | updating it not patching it and it's |
2067s | it's a it's a game that you're like |
2069s | great have it play with it have fun |
2071s | we're not there yet |
2074s | um and 1.0 is the first point that will |
2076s | feel like hey this is the like it's a |
2078s | product that is complete but we're not |
2081s | finished with it so |
2083s | um they'll still be room to grow room to |
2086s | to add new things keep developing keep |
2088s | designing it keep expanding it what |
2089s | we've built |
2090s | um but that will be the first point that |
2091s | we feel like this is a complete product |
2094s | that we can confidently say hey if you |
2097s | want something and you can you can ex |
2098s | and that's also the point where you can |
2099s | say like hey you can expect certain |
2100s | standards from this so we say like at |
2103s | the 1.0 launch we're like hey there's a |
2105s | certain expectation of |
2107s | um bug concentration uh uh when you're |
2111s | in Early Access that's that's a little |
2112s | bit more acceptable we think |
2115s | not that we want any bugs we try and get |
2116s | rid of all of them but we're a little |
2119s | less concerned |
2121s | like a little less uh |
2124s | concerns the wrong words they're still |
2125s | concerned about them but like |
2128s | tripping over my words a bit here it's a |
2131s | little less |
2135s | something I'm sorry |
2137s | let's get a spoiler up so I can regain |
2140s | my composure |
2144s | yeah look at this guy I know we've we've |
2146s | teased little bits of this but here's I |
2148s | believe this one's not actually going to |
2150s | be coming |
2151s | I don't think this has actually even |
2152s | included in point nine but it will be |
2154s | soon |
2164s | foreign |
2192s | foreign |
2195s | just do a little uh |
2198s | tread shade generic Buffs trying to |
2201s | crank the Mana cost too high actually |
2202s | reducing the amount of costs increase in |
2205s | the area |
2216s | yeah that's a good node |
2226s | here we go |
2228s | show you what I did |
2231s | just slap some some stuff together not |
2233s | optimal |
2235s | and some of it quickly go through the |
2236s | other things if you want to take |
2238s | screenshots to see the build I'm doing |
2241s | very old builds |
2246s | check our passes real quick |
2249s | points and Lich versus The Necromancer |
2252s | boom boom |
2255s | all right |
2257s | well we failed two in a row |
2261s | foreign |
2263s | get back on track ah yeah |
2270s | death equals League yeah got there |
2272s | 50k CCU at launch oh boy that'll be fun |
2276s | multiple this weekend now I know |
2278s | multiple this weekend |
2280s | uh six days from now one point was just |
2282s | the beginning yeah that's what we say |
2283s | internally one point it was just the |
2284s | beginning |
2289s | I'll have your energy about this game |
2291s | the passion really translates |
2292s | uh to the Kane state and gameplay IDK |
2295s | the last time I saw just talking about |
2296s | their game penis because I don't thank |
2297s | you I appreciate that |
2300s | I'm a little subdued compared to |
2303s | normally if you're not uh used to the |
2304s | stream because I am |
2306s | really sick still |
2310s | but uh |
2313s | the Buckley's is kicking in |
2328s | let's actually use our dread shade now |
2330s | Mike that you've just uh buffed it like |
2332s | crazy |
2343s | feeling like |
2348s | feel my wrath is right |
2352s | yeah if you do have any questions if I |
2353s | missed a question I apologize I'm like |
2355s | basically caught up now I've got a |
2356s | couple here I'm gonna read but if you do |
2357s | have a question for me please put that |
2359s | last default game in the question and |
2360s | I'll be happy to answer it there's also |
2362s | possibility I might cut this off a |
2364s | little early or I might take a break in |
2365s | the middle I'll probably take a break in |
2367s | the middle |
2368s | just because |
2371s | I can already feel myself struggling a |
2373s | bit |
2378s | it's gonna be a character wave for 1.0 |
2381s | on how you view character wipes so I I |
2384s | explain this sometimes people go well |
2385s | that's a character sometimes that |
2387s | explains people that's not a character |
2388s | right so |
2389s | maybe |
2391s | um |
2392s | we don't plan on deleting any characters |
2394s | all of the characters that are created |
2396s | offline and playing offline uh since |
2399s | before 0.9 patch will stay offline |
2401s | they're saved on your computer they'll |
2403s | still say be saving your computer uh |
2405s | after 0.9 you'll still be able to make |
2406s | offline characters and they'll still |
2407s | stay on your computer and we're not |
2409s | going to delete files off your computer |
2411s | so |
2412s | there you go that's offline |
2415s | um as far as online characters created |
2417s | before the 0.9 |
2419s | launch date six days from now |
2421s | on March 9th in the beta events those |
2423s | will not be playable |
2425s | uh when the when the multiplayer |
2427s | uh Launches on March 9th |
2430s | um so so March 9th is fresh characters I |
2433s | know I know I'm kind of doing more than |
2435s | your question asks and I just want to |
2436s | cover all the bases |
2438s | um |
2438s | any character created between 0.9 and |
2441s | 1.0 uh will get rolled into a standard |
2445s | league so um we're calling them Cycles |
2447s | not league so standard Cycles so there's |
2450s | um a new cycle will start at 1.0 and |
2453s | anyone who wants to participate in the |
2454s | latter at the start of 1.0 will have to |
2457s | make a new character so there won't be |
2459s | any advantage other than experience and |
2461s | knowledge to playing before 1.0 but if |
2464s | you are playing before 1.0 and want to |
2466s | keep playing that character you can |
2468s | we're talking multiple so all this is |
2470s | online |
2471s | Indians you're playing solo online same |
2473s | thing so if you want to make an online |
2475s | character or play your 0.9 online |
2477s | character after 1.0 launches you can it |
2481s | just will not be eligible to participate |
2483s | in the latter so you'll have to make new |
2485s | characters if you want to be on the |
2486s | ladder |
2487s | post 1.0 |
2492s | so it's it's like um |
2495s | if we're talking like Diablo two terms |
2496s | 0.9 characters become non-latter |
2498s | characters and 1.0 characters are latter |
2501s | characters like that's and as the new |
2503s | cycle starts although ladder characters |
2504s | go to an on ladder and you start new |
2505s | ladder characters like this is a pretty |
2508s | standard system that you see across most |
2510s | arpgs these days uh that are online |
2515s | so we're not trying to break any major |
2517s | conventions there we think it's a pretty |
2518s | good system and works decently well for |
2520s | most players |
2522s | um oh we're chugging we're chugging away |
2524s | oh I have a let's run |
2530s | good job Mike |
2542s | you know what we're gonna do |
2553s | sweet |
2555s | let's clean up some of the ground items |
2564s | I hope that explains the history gonna |
2567s | be character right from 1.0 question |
2569s | if you have more follow-up questions |
2570s | please feel free to ask |
2573s | can you comment on why you guys decide |
2575s | to make items non-resellable after |
2577s | training and why not just put a favorite |
2578s | cost to resell them love the fact that |
2580s | they do by the way uh part of this is to |
2582s | avoid |
2583s | um |
2584s | Market |
2586s | manipulation part of it's to avoid |
2590s | um encouraging Market play exclusively |
2592s | as a game mode |
2595s | um we really want to emphasize that even |
2596s | if you're even if you're playing |
2597s | Merchants Guild you're still spending |
2601s | um a very significant chunk of time |
2603s | playing the game you're still like |
2605s | you're still when I say playing the game |
2606s | like obviously using the bizarre still |
2608s | playing the game but like |
2610s | you're still going out into the world |
2612s | you're still killing monsters you're |
2613s | still finding new loot |
2615s | um the the bazaars is more of a method |
2618s | to |
2619s | um give value to items that you don't |
2621s | want that you find that are good |
2624s | um and uh method by which you can obtain |
2628s | really specific items that you need that |
2630s | you just can't find |
2631s | and less of a way to |
2633s | um |
2634s | like have a have an economy and there's |
2638s | still going to be an economist it's a |
2639s | bad way to phrase it but less of a way |
2641s | to |
2642s | um |
2647s | sorry we really don't want to encourage |
2649s | people to just like just to sit in the |
2650s | bazaar and and play the economy and we |
2652s | know that this is a game mode that |
2653s | people like a playstyle that some people |
2655s | do like |
2657s | um and we knew that when we were making |
2658s | a uh a trade system and we're making |
2661s | like the item faction system and we're |
2663s | we're doing this we knew that there |
2664s | would be some restrictions that certain |
2666s | people uh wouldn't like and and would be |
2669s | too much too restrictive for some people |
2671s | so |
2672s | and we're trying to uh to make things as |
2676s | as accessible and fun and engaging and |
2678s | enjoyable to as many people as we can |
2680s | um and we know that we can't hit |
2682s | everyone's uh desires with this and uh |
2685s | if if that was a play style you were |
2687s | really looking forward to I'm sorry |
2690s | um |
2692s | we're not like not not nothing set in |
2695s | stone it's not dealt yet or anything |
2697s | um but it would be very surprised if |
2699s | that changed |
2700s | very surprised |
2702s | foreign |
2711s | regarding the |
2713s | feeling glued to the floor |
2715s | unresponsiveness and inability to kite |
2718s | mobs |
2720s | uh while attacking uh there |
2722s | I don't I I can't give you a specific |
2725s | uh details of what was done to help this |
2731s | um |
2732s | but basically the way we were handling |
2734s | movement |
2736s | uh |
2737s | uh was not ideal |
2739s | and we knew that going in and we're |
2741s | still working on making it even |
2743s | closer to Ideal |
2745s | um |
2748s | but yeah there's |
2751s | there's improvements that have come to |
2753s | that and more improvements that I'm sure |
2754s | will happen later |
2756s | um it's very tricky |
2759s | to uh |
2763s | to do what we want to do with movements |
2765s | and have it feel good because it's the |
2767s | easiest way to put that |
2769s | there's some under the hood stuff that I |
2771s | don't understand fully |
2775s | that's causing problems |
2784s | which is why they're smarter people than |
2785s | me working to fix it |
2793s | oh any plans for healing handsome patent |
2796s | and thank you for all you duties she |
2798s | didn't keep up the good work thanks bud |
2799s | appreciate that um |
2802s | they're uh yes we do have plans for it |
2805s | um it will get a skill tree |
2809s | um |
2812s | uh it'll be one point at the latest |
2815s | um at 1.0 all classes will have the same |
2817s | number of total skills all Masters all |
2820s | the same total number skills |
2822s | um they'll all have skill trees |
2825s | um |
2829s | the only skill that's in the game now |
2831s | that's not planned to be a skill at 1.0 |
2834s | is ice thorns |
2840s | I think that's true I'm like 99 sure |
2843s | that's true |
2852s | this is me going through all the skills |
2853s | in my head yeah yeah that's right |
2860s | Vision welcome back we sub for eight |
2863s | months in a row thank you very much glad |
2865s | to have you with us |
2871s | this uh there's a race |
2874s | Vision something I was just reading this |
2876s | morning about that wasn't it what was |
2877s | the race |
2879s | um announcement went out this morning |
2882s | um |
2883s | I think Vision info were the ones that |
2886s | were running races before I think you're |
2888s | uh either heavily involved or just |
2891s | running at this time too I don't know |
2892s | sorry I haven't been involved with that |
2894s | part of it |
2897s | I saw the answer this morning I'm like |
2899s | that's sweet |
2904s | it's a solo |
2906s | softcore race to kill all three |
2910s | T4 dungeon bosses |
2913s | the fastest |
2917s | like |
2920s | 85 95 sure on that one |
2924s | please correct if I'm wrong in the chat |
2935s | could chuck some NyQuil ah |
2940s | not if I want to be alert enough to |
2941s | stream |
2945s | or fix bugs |
2948s | I have one critical bug left left to fix |
2950s | and two minor bugs left to fix |
2955s | hopefully by the end of the day today |
2956s | after the stream's over |
2960s | got a good lead on the critical one |
2961s | which is good |
2963s | feel like |
2970s | I don't know why it's still transplant |
2971s | okay use dread shade activate it's got |
2975s | awesome abilities now |
2991s | uh next question that's what I'm doing |
2992s | right I'm reading questions |
2996s | uh can you change your mind and launch |
2998s | Point night tomorrow instead of three |
2999s | nines inside my invasion |
3004s | people changing my mind though |
3007s | I'm pretty sure I'm not capable of |
3008s | changing my mind but if I was I would |
3011s | change my mind about that |
3013s | but I'm not so I can't I also don't have |
3016s | control over it |
3019s | sorry |
3025s | oh |
3033s | still here uh will there ever be any |
3037s | Mana potions available ooh very unlikely |
3040s | um |
3043s | will there ever be this oh maybe I don't |
3046s | know man I hope I'm still doing this in |
3048s | 10 years |
3049s | um it's a long time for stuff to change |
3052s | will there be met approaches by 1.0 no I |
3055s | can say that with very high degree of |
3056s | confidence |
3057s | will there be Mana potions at 1.5 |
3060s | almost zero chance |
3064s | some pretty dramatic stuff would have to |
3065s | change |
3066s | press that amount of potions |
3070s | but I'm not a big fan of uh |
3074s | like being absolute on questions like |
3076s | that because there's things there's |
3078s | things that have changed that I like |
3080s | three years ago if you asked me if it |
3082s | was gonna happen I'd be like nah no |
3083s | chance and it did |
3087s | please don't ask for an example I don't |
3088s | have any upset on my head |
3093s | uh yes thank you you're welcome I don't |
3096s | remember what the question was |
3101s | uh will you ever add a glyph or some |
3103s | item to use an unspec a point or a skill |
3107s | not to have to be level Scott |
3109s | uh a glyph |
3112s | to do that uh no because glyphs are |
3115s | always items |
3117s | um |
3118s | like that's always used on items uh an |
3121s | item to do that I |
3123s | I'd be pretty shocked |
3125s | um it undermines the entire reason we |
3127s | have the re-leveling system |
3130s | um |
3131s | like completely undermines the entire |
3133s | reason we have the leveling system so |
3134s | like if at the instant we add that item |
3136s | we might as well just take the whole |
3137s | re-leveling system out type thing |
3140s | so like chances of that happening are |
3142s | pretty darn low |
3144s | um |
3146s | yeah |
3148s | so same disclaimer as last question |
3153s | on the whole absolutes thing and never |
3155s | in time and yada yada |
3158s | but |
3168s | uh so while I was playing the campaign |
3170s | I'd TP to town and lose my minions |
3176s | I think that's I think that was a bug |
3178s | I've wanted to use a shrine back to town |
3180s | I wouldn't know that's that sounds like |
3182s | a bug to me |
3191s | it explored the idea of the player being |
3193s | able to augment a certain ability with |
3195s | the epoch's power in some way I I mean |
3198s | we we've we've talked about things like |
3201s | that |
3202s | um it's such an integral story Point |
3206s | um |
3207s | and like |
3208s | technically |
3210s | please don't try this because it'll take |
3212s | you forever technically |
3215s | you can keep gaining experience up to |
3218s | super high levels in super low level |
3219s | areas it just takes forever because |
3221s | there's a there's a level cap |
3222s | differential so if you're |
3225s | um |
3226s | like |
3228s | uh I guess being oppa does it's just |
3230s | super low because it's low like like |
3233s | you kill a level one enemy as a level 90 |
3235s | something and you get like basically no |
3236s | experience it's an insignificant amount |
3238s | of experience that I don't know what the |
3239s | actual |
3240s | I don't think we actually show |
3241s | experience oh we do yeah like |
3243s | like you you're you're in the millions |
3246s | of experience here and and getting 10 |
3248s | experiences completely insignificant so |
3250s | you could level |
3251s | to |
3254s | like |
3257s | I guess doesn't matter if you're talking |
3258s | about an item that would do this |
3264s | probably not |
3269s | because as soon as you do it until one |
3270s | skill you can't do it to all skills you |
3272s | know what I mean |
3277s | I don't want frenzy and Haze on them |
3280s | it's gross |
3284s | foreign |
3291s | uh you know what |
3294s | okay guys I'm gonna take a brief break |
3296s | here |
3298s | 's what I'm gonna do |
3303s | give me a sec |
3320s | okay |
3324s | I've just slapped a new spoiler over the |
3328s | we'll be right back screen |
3330s | so I'm gonna take a brief break |
3333s | I'm sorry I just need like |
3336s | five minutes I'll be right back I |
3339s | promise I'm sorry uh |
3341s | and in the meantime |
3344s | I'm Gonna Leave You with this new slash |
3346s | art which will be available eventually |
3348s | uh on our website hopefully I'll be |
3351s | right back sorry |
3361s | foreign |
3444s | foreign |
3520s | thank you |
3616s | and we're back |
3620s | but boom sorry about that everybody |
3622s | hello |
3628s | oh let's get right back in and answer |
3629s | some more questions |
3633s | are there any changes coming to Warpath |
3636s | uh I don't know I'm sorry |
3642s | uh they're going to be paid expansions |
3644s | like box expansions there's going to be |
3646s | more like Pue where you uh are bigger |
3649s | patches |
3650s | then for smaller expansions per year |
3652s | yeah I I would um it's gonna be more |
3655s | like uh Poe style where there's |
3659s | um where there's like large patches that |
3661s | have |
3662s | um content that come with them and reset |
3664s | the cycle |
3665s | um |
3666s | more regularly that won't have |
3669s | um |
3670s | we really want to avoid one of the big |
3672s | things we want to do is we want to avoid |
3674s | um having a situation where you're |
3675s | you're playing with a buddy |
3678s | um or maybe it's like a friend both of |
3679s | you played last Epoch before but you |
3681s | haven't played in like one of them like |
3682s | your friend hasn't played in six months |
3684s | um but you kept playing and they want to |
3686s | hop back in and you're like okay let's |
3688s | play together and and then you're like |
3690s | well you gotta go buy these three |
3692s | expansions in order to play with me |
3693s | again what am I doing |
3695s | laughs |
3697s | we don't want to split the community |
3698s | based on who's bought what expansion |
3705s | unique belt which gives a chance to drop |
3706s | Mana potions but prevents ailment |
3708s | cleansing |
3710s | nope |
3713s | you know you just didn't know where to |
3715s | put them in the UI it's impossible to |
3717s | add it |
3720s | how hard did you high five after seeing |
3721s | the reactions to translucent I mean if |
3724s | we were in the same physical space as |
3725s | each other it would have been a real big |
3726s | high five |
3728s | but we're all remote so no high fives |
3731s | were had |
3733s | but virtual high fives were very very |
3736s | exuberant |
3743s | you know |
3752s | we haven't had a post that the reactions |
3754s | were that positive too like the ratio of |
3757s | positive comments was that high |
3759s | in so long like |
3762s | it was Unreal |
3764s | and like I know it's not 100 and there's |
3766s | it's not a perfect system and everything |
3767s | but like |
3771s | it felt really good |
3775s | so if you came and left a positive |
3776s | comment on that on that uh post |
3779s | you made my day that day |
3791s | okay let's keep going |
3798s | this thing |
3805s | hurts |
3808s | a lot |
3816s | lightning Elemental of loathing |
3819s | I'm getting the loading part |
3821s | all right |
3823s | oh take the energy back here we go I'm |
3825s | an avid gamer and software Dev awesome |
3827s | that's great uh but I don't know |
3829s | anything about Game Dev specifically |
3830s | that's fine |
3832s | uh uh can you share some stories |
3834s | methodologies about bug tracking in last |
3836s | Epoch I mean bug tracking is really |
3839s | similar uh in games and regular software |
3842s | Dev like it's there's very little |
3843s | difference I think |
3846s | um |
3849s | it's really important to have |
3851s | a so I I'm not in charge of the bug |
3853s | tracking systems |
3855s | um |
3856s | so it's it people other people uh like |
3859s | like manage and handle that a lot more |
3861s | than I do |
3862s | um so I do not have in-depth knowledge |
3864s | on the |
3866s | um the way that's handled specifically |
3868s | but I can give you sort of General ideas |
3870s | on on how I interact with that |
3873s | um |
3874s | it's really important to have people |
3876s | that are |
3877s | um organizing that and I mean it depends |
3879s | on the scale of this of the operation as |
3880s | well so if you if it's large enough that |
3882s | you have people that are dedicated to |
3883s | that |
3884s | um |
3885s | having someone organize those and |
3888s | um |
3889s | being able to |
3891s | how about this being able to track |
3893s | specifically which bugs uh are the same |
3895s | bug is really important so you don't |
3897s | have |
3898s | um multi-tracked like the same bug track |
3900s | multiple times it's really important |
3902s | being able to |
3904s | um |
3906s | have a system that's really well |
3908s | organized and have a system that's able |
3909s | to link those bugs to the solutions when |
3913s | they get created so we use we use GitHub |
3916s | and a lot of the tools that come with |
3918s | that to track a lot of bugs |
3921s | we get a lot of bugs uh reported from |
3923s | our community and we try and we try to |
3925s | make sure those come in through our |
3926s | through Forum posts because we can track |
3929s | those form posts and we can we can close |
3930s | Forum posts and we can link form posts |
3932s | together and we can link Forum posts in |
3935s | our GitHub tracking like an issue |
3937s | tracking system in GitHub things like |
3939s | that |
3941s | um and that's that's really important |
3942s | having those things automated and linked |
3943s | together is really useful |
3946s | so you can say like like you make a pull |
3948s | request and that pull request has |
3951s | um it is automatically linked to a |
3953s | specific issue in |
3956s | get on GitHub sorry a GitHub issue that |
3959s | will uh that will automatically close |
3961s | that issue when the PR's merged and |
3963s | things like that it's like like having |
3965s | these things intrinsically linked and |
3966s | automated as much as you can is really |
3968s | really useful |
3970s | um |
3970s | and having them having the input from |
3973s | your users be trackable is really useful |
3975s | as well which is why we get a lot of bug |
3977s | reports on Discord and every time we're |
3979s | just like go to the forums go to the |
3981s | forums we can't handle it here go to the |
3983s | forums and it's just because we can't we |
3985s | can't keep track of them on Discord |
3993s | yeah we have a fantastic UA team that uh |
3996s | that handles a lot of that stuff |
3999s | they do a great job of it so Avalanche |
4004s | oh you see physical and cold tell it to |
4007s | Avalanche |
4010s | okay you know what we're gonna do we're |
4011s | gonna take a second see if we can |
4013s | upgrade any of our gear see if we can |
4015s | craft a little bit on it because we're |
4016s | getting our butts kicked |
4018s | we've got some uh |
4021s | we've got some |
4024s | was my Army just dead and I just didn't |
4026s | notice |
4033s | okay is anything a forging potential |
4034s | zero zero zero zero eleven just |
4042s | Rio Elli res |
4050s | wait a second |
4053s | why do I not have any |
4057s | crafting materials is this a Solo |
4059s | character |
4076s | I totally deleted my stash |
4080s | oh I know exactly what I did that too |
4086s | I know exactly when I did that |
4089s | that's hilarious |
4093s | oh yep |
4103s | sometimes |
4106s | I do things that are not so smart |
4111s | oh one forging potential that's |
4113s | something |
4115s | poison res |
4117s | or oh free physical res crit success |
4120s | boom go ht5 that's what I'm talking |
4122s | about |
4130s | all right better than nothing |
4146s | I was I was testing some stuff with uh |
4150s | with with stash saves and |
4152s | I uh |
4157s | I I know exactly like I've got it backed |
4158s | up and everything so I'll be fine but |
4161s | can't do it right now |
4169s | that's funny |
4173s | can we expect Wings in the cosmetic |
4175s | store at some point |
4176s | um there are I guess I don't know all |
4177s | the plans for all the things that are |
4178s | coming to the Cosmetics store there is |
4180s | one item that I know is coming uh to one |
4183s | of the bundle packs in the future that |
4187s | looks suspiciously similar to Wings and |
4190s | I don't know if I'd quite classify it as |
4192s | wings or not |
4194s | so maybe |
4198s | some people will look at that and Go |
4200s | Wings obviously some people look at that |
4202s | and go not wings no so we'll see |
4207s | uh that time Rift Wormhole effect could |
4209s | be sort of uh baked into the loading |
4211s | screen itself in such effect so um the |
4214s | we we used to have it baked into the |
4217s | loading screen itself |
4218s | um and it uh gets to a point it it when |
4223s | we had it baked into the loading screen |
4224s | so there's no true asynchronous loading |
4228s | um |
4229s | and so there is a point where it freezes |
4231s | no matter what |
4233s | um and when you hit that point on that |
4236s | screen it looks at the game has crashed |
4238s | um even though it hasn't it's loading |
4241s | and when we had it baked into the |
4243s | loading screen it was it was only baked |
4244s | in the loading screen for like two days |
4246s | but in those two days we got more |
4248s | reports of people crashing the game |
4250s | during loading screens then I think we |
4252s | have since combined |
4255s | um and like it was just a flood of them |
4257s | all the time it was like it didn't crash |
4260s | and the long streams were a little bit |
4261s | longer than two |
4262s | um so like and especially that longing |
4265s | stream is really long but it was we're |
4267s | like just wait the extra 30 seconds I |
4269s | promise you it's fine and they're like |
4270s | no I crashed I had to let it go we're |
4272s | like it didn't crash |
4275s | um and and there was also a problem at |
4277s | that point we're all tabbing in the |
4279s | middle of a loading screen at like a |
4280s | certain point could cause it to crash so |
4282s | it's like it's it's going through that |
4284s | effect it stops |
4287s | um someone all tabs to see if it crashes |
4289s | and the effect of alt tabbing was it |
4291s | crashed so it's like I all tabbed it had |
4294s | crashed and it was just it was just a |
4296s | mess |
4297s | um so we had to we had to decouple them |
4299s | oh we'll get out of there |
4303s | um |
4304s | one day we hope to have that be a |
4306s | loading screen I think we may have taken |
4308s | the effect out for now I don't know I |
4311s | don't know exactly what I'm with it |
4313s | um |
4316s | but |
4318s | um we need proper asynchronous loading |
4320s | to make it into the loading screen |
4322s | basically and like asynchronous learning |
4324s | what that means is |
4326s | um |
4327s | loading the elements of the next scene |
4330s | while you're still doing something else |
4332s | and the something else is playing that |
4334s | video clip so there is a um there is |
4337s | motion on the loading screen now in the |
4339s | form of there's a little um |
4342s | probably seen it in the beta events uh |
4344s | this little like diamonds like loading |
4346s | like |
4348s | thing that happens and so that's now in |
4351s | the bottom corner of the loading screen |
4352s | so you do see stuff happening and that |
4353s | does freeze at part of the time |
4356s | um but it kind of like stutters instead |
4358s | of freezing completely |
4367s | it's the other way isn't it |
4369s | yeah I guess we're going back |
4381s | uh can we get a last Epoch con and have |
4385s | it in Las Vegas please thank you |
4387s | um I'd love to do something like that I |
4388s | think that'd be so cool I think we need |
4390s | to be a little bit bigger game |
4392s | uh for a little bit longer before we |
4394s | actually did something like that |
4397s | um |
4399s | but uh I I I love going to conventions |
4403s | um we did we did quite a few conventions |
4405s | pre-pandemic |
4406s | um |
4407s | once that's over I'm sure we'll uh we'll |
4409s | be going back out to them again |
4411s | but um |
4414s | there's |
4417s | also I guess if anyone's wondering this |
4419s | is not coveted I've tested myself so |
4421s | many times |
4424s | pro at testing taking so many different |
4425s | types of tests definitely not |
4429s | Dodge that bullet so far |
4432s | still being careful though anyways um |
4435s | the same conventions yeah we did we did |
4437s | like uh |
4438s | uh we just we did LTX we did |
4442s | um |
4443s | pretty bigger ones |
4446s | mind blank on which conventions we did |
4449s | uh |
4451s | uh Pax that's the one we did a few packs |
4454s | those are great |
4456s | um |
4458s | we did packs in Texas right before a |
4461s | pandemic happened that was so much fun |
4472s | we did Seattle too Seattle packs Pax |
4474s | West |
4477s | I loved I'd love to go back out to |
4478s | Supreme engines that was so much fun |
4479s | it's it's so tiring it's so much work oh |
4483s | it's so much fun it's so worth it |
4486s | like just getting to see getting to see |
4489s | people play the game because like |
4490s | because we we are a video game to see |
4492s | each other is really great uh getting to |
4494s | see people playing the game is so cool |
4496s | and just talk to players about it that |
4498s | are just they walk up and they're like |
4499s | I've never seen this before this looks |
4501s | cool and you just talk about it it's |
4502s | just fun |
4503s | see I love that |
4506s | huh |
4507s | man I want to do conventions again |
4509s | apparently all right uh |
4513s | if I'm playing Merchant scale and my |
4515s | friend is playing circle of Fortune I'm |
4517s | so so surprised I haven't been more uh |
4519s | item faction questions which I'm fully |
4521s | prepped to answer all of those by the |
4522s | way |
4528s | so okay if I'm playing Merchant skill |
4530s | and my friend is playing circle of |
4531s | Fortune will I be able to buy an item on |
4534s | the bazaar and donate it to him using |
4535s | residence yes however big asterisks |
4539s | there with the yes the item will have a |
4541s | Merchants Guild faction requirement rank |
4544s | so the item will say like |
4547s | like how other sentences requires level |
4548s | seven |
4550s | um it below that requires level seven |
4551s | it'll say requires Merchant Guild rank |
4553s | four let's say just as an example it |
4555s | might not be four but let's just say |
4556s | it's more |
4557s | um and so you give it to your circle of |
4559s | Fortune friend with residence and it |
4561s | still has that requirement because you |
4562s | can't remove requirements from items |
4564s | um and so they are not Merchant skill |
4566s | rank four so they can't use it if they |
4568s | then switch to Merchants Guild rank up |
4570s | to Rank 4 they could then use it |
4573s | um but the active applying a resonance |
4576s | to it does not remove the rank |
4578s | requirement so that rank requirement is |
4580s | just like a level requirement think of |
4581s | it just like that |
4585s | yeah |
4585s | I hope that helps |
4601s | also don't forget if you have questions |
4603s | that you want me to answer please put at |
4604s | last debug game in the question so I see |
4606s | it pop out I think I just saw one that |
4607s | was meant to go to me that I didn't have |
4609s | that Soul answer anyways will there be |
4610s | visual updates to skill trees to more |
4612s | closely show |
4614s | what particular node will do |
4616s | um |
4618s | there's certain mistakes in certain |
4619s | nodes that we've so we've what we've |
4621s | done in this patch is we've |
4623s | um since lastpatch we've literally |
4625s | checked every single node in the game |
4629s | um and we may have missed some still but |
4630s | we have gone through and checked every |
4632s | single node and cross referenced the |
4634s | effect in game not just what we think it |
4637s | should do based on the code the actual |
4638s | effect in game from what the description |
4640s | says and we've either updated the |
4642s | functionality or the description to |
4644s | match so that they are the same |
4647s | um so there should be far fewer |
4650s | discrepancies there |
4652s | um there will likely still be some but |
4653s | it should be a lot better now |
4656s | oh man origin's sweet in the spell yeah |
4661s | cause I'm a thirsty bit |
4663s | necromancer |
4669s | uh yeah so there's there's there's |
4673s | um different there will be more accurate |
4677s | descriptions |
4679s | um as far as how it's displayed |
4681s | um there's it's still just like the same |
4683s | like those tools of stylings hasn't |
4685s | changed |
4687s | um if you're looking for more |
4690s | um like adaptive tool tips to say like |
4693s | um so that they like it recognizes the |
4695s | changes in other nodes and the trees |
4697s | that the tooltip changes we're we're not |
4699s | uh planning on doing that that would be |
4701s | pretty sweet but uh that's a little |
4704s | that that would be a little insane if we |
4708s | were ever gonna try and uh which we are |
4710s | trying to do localize the game |
4711s | um and have translations for things like |
4713s | notes skill nodes |
4715s | which is already a Herculean task |
4722s | uh we'll account reset make it into well |
4724s | the account reset make it in time for |
4726s | 0.9 |
4729s | sorry I don't know what that is please |
4731s | explain |
4738s | quite I feel like that's something I |
4739s | just missed |
4743s | as soon as I do things that are not so |
4745s | smart like uh facing challenge yeah |
4749s | in-game check could use some curating uh |
4751s | there's drama going on right now |
4753s | um sorry I am uh |
4758s | I don't think what I'm playing on right |
4761s | now actually has |
4762s | moderation powers in chat |
4769s | and I'd rather not turn it on on stream |
4770s | in case it is pretty bad |
4773s | um but someone who is capable of that |
4776s | might be listening |
4778s | and if you can check that that'll be |
4780s | great thanks please |
4790s | let's actually look at the screen |
4791s | instead of just chat well the formulas |
4794s | for item Rarity calculation be made |
4795s | public at some point |
4797s | uh uh |
4807s | like the I I'm not quite sure what you |
4811s | mean by that probably not |
4813s | um |
4818s | but if we're talking about yeah okay if |
4820s | you |
4820s | hit me up with more details on what you |
4822s | mean by that like |
4825s | chance of an item being a specific |
4828s | Rarity |
4830s | when it drops |
4834s | oh |
4836s | trolls has donated a thousand bits it's |
4839s | a cheer counting down the magical day |
4841s | I'm on six now thank you very much |
4844s | that sound happened and I'm like what is |
4846s | that sound |
4849s | but thank you that's cool appreciate |
4851s | that |
4870s | but |
4877s | okay |
4878s | any plans for PVP eventually yes not 0.9 |
4881s | though |
4882s | will be other factions down the line |
4884s | uh not just for trading so yeah it's um |
4887s | we try and use the term item factions |
4889s | rather than trading factions because |
4890s | it's um it's it's the item factions will |
4893s | just be These two factions |
4895s | um and they'll be focused around |
4896s | modifying how you obtain items in the |
4898s | game |
4900s | so we're not planning on adding a third |
4901s | item faction |
4903s | um but we are planning on adding more |
4907s | uh factions that will and we still don't |
4911s | have details on how exactly this will |
4913s | work out but the current plan which |
4916s | could very much change is that the |
4918s | future factions will be |
4921s | similar to the item factions in the |
4922s | sense they are mutually exclusive with |
4923s | each other so we might add like a new |
4925s | pair of factions that are each mutually |
4927s | exclusive with each other but are not |
4929s | mutually exclusive with the item faction |
4930s | so you'd be like pick one of the item |
4932s | factions and pick one of the something |
4935s | else factions and so you'll be part of |
4936s | two factions simultaneously but not part |
4939s | of two item factions and not part of two |
4941s | of the something else factions I hope |
4944s | that makes sense |
4951s | all right |
4960s | maybe they'll be uh and just literally |
4962s | just making this up on maybe it'll be a |
4963s | leveling faction and it'll be it'll |
4965s | change the way you gain experience in |
4966s | the game or change the way you level or |
4967s | something I don't know |
4978s | are you guys ready for zizra and his |
4980s | horde to come in on the ninth oh I love |
4981s | it let's go |
4988s | uh account reset tool cane oh yeah yeah |
4992s | I came with segmentally can't reset tool |
4994s | right right thank you quite sorry I |
4995s | completely forgot about that |
4997s | um yes because the ssf change uh that's |
5001s | happening so if anyone doesn't know the |
5003s | um currently in Solo when you have a |
5005s | Solo character all of uh your items and |
5008s | everything is linked to that specific |
5009s | character so it's a character found solo |
5011s | experience |
5012s | um we're changing online when online |
5014s | launches to be an account found solo |
5016s | experience so you're saying I'm playing |
5017s | solo means that me as a person on my |
5020s | account I'm playing alone |
5023s | um and part part of the change for this |
5024s | was mostly focused around how |
5027s | um |
5028s | there's no advantage to playing multiple |
5030s | characters on a solo account if that |
5034s | makes any sense like you don't gain a |
5035s | power boost by sharing those items from |
5037s | character to character really it's the |
5039s | most powerful way to do it if you're |
5040s | gonna |
5041s | if you're into the powers to play one |
5042s | character because you can |
5044s | um you don't you don't split your |
5046s | progress split your time that you're |
5047s | progressing on to multiple characters |
5051s | um |
5052s | but it does take a hit for race events |
5056s | because |
5058s | um you can't it's it's not a completely |
5060s | Fresh Start for everyone |
5062s | um |
5066s | so I think we're building a temporary |
5067s | tool to help with that because we do |
5070s | want to have uh race style events uh be |
5073s | possible and there are still we haven't |
5075s | we haven't completely removed the |
5077s | back-end functionality to have |
5078s | characters found locked solo experiences |
5084s | um but if we release 0.9 with a |
5086s | character fan locked solo experience and |
5089s | uh want to add an account found solo |
5092s | experience which we think is the more |
5094s | widespread use for it |
5096s | um it will cause either uh very large |
5101s | headaches in data migration or massive |
5103s | amounts of data loss of players |
5106s | items and such |
5108s | um |
5110s | so we're kind of heading off that |
5111s | problem at the past and |
5114s | um switching it now so we don't have to |
5117s | have to deal with that problem in the |
5118s | future |
5123s | it's cool item I like it |
5129s | and quiet I'm sorry you'll have to ask |
5131s | Kane on that one I don't know |
5139s | 1.9 count is the first cycle we'll ever |
5141s | have to start a fresh character stash is |
5143s | kind of yes |
5145s | um so no one has access to any |
5148s | characters that they've created in the |
5151s | 0.85 F or before patch because those are |
5154s | all offline characters offline |
5155s | characters will not be transitioned into |
5157s | the online environment anyone that |
5159s | played in the multiplayer beta events |
5160s | that were previews 4.9 uh those |
5163s | characters are existing in a different |
5165s | environment and will not be available in |
5167s | 0.9 drops |
5168s | um so any so there's there's no one has |
5171s | a fresh start so no one has a jump start |
5172s | everyone has a fresh start |
5177s | um so it's that's why I really uh so |
5180s | earlier I mentioned |
5181s | um it's kind of like having uh this is |
5185s | like 0.9 is kind of the start of the |
5186s | first cycle because everyone's starting |
5187s | from scratch |
5192s | audience African jump starts guys |
5202s | pretty much the machine return smart I'm |
5204s | sorry I don't know that question was |
5205s | referring to |
5212s | hi we had a chance to try multiple last |
5214s | weekend wonderful I hope that went well |
5216s | don't know if you covered this topic |
5218s | very much yet uh but do you have a |
5221s | status for multiplayer game experience |
5222s | stability I.E disconnect can't continue |
5224s | story through zones together well |
5226s | without dropping out yeah there's been |
5227s | big big improvements for that especially |
5229s | when we first at the start of the open |
5232s | Beta weekend |
5234s | test the open beta test where anyone had |
5236s | access to there was there was all there |
5238s | was several brand new bugs that we were |
5240s | like we were shocked that showed up |
5243s | um and we've got fixes for those |
5245s | um I think a lot of people hit them and |
5246s | kind of bounced off it which is really |
5248s | unfortunate |
5249s | um but those have been fixed |
5254s | uh and it's not it's not perfect 100 |
5257s | stability with zero disconnects that |
5258s | would be amazing |
5260s | um but it is much better than the first |
5261s | few uh moments of that event went |
5271s | uh if I decided I wanted to swap from |
5273s | Fortune's Guild to from circle of |
5275s | Fortune to Merchants Guild and respect |
5277s | into Merchant's Guild |
5279s | uh does that mean all the gear will |
5281s | become unusable uh due to no longer |
5284s | being Fortune rank four yes |
5286s | um the gear you obtain so any gear you |
5289s | obtain by way of a item factions bonus |
5293s | so what that means is if your circle of |
5294s | fortunate item drops that item was |
5296s | influenced by your circular Fortune |
5298s | bonus so you that item receives a circle |
5300s | of Fortune rank or if you're playing |
5301s | into the merchants Guild and you get an |
5304s | item through the bazaar that item was |
5306s | obtained through your item factions |
5309s | bonus so it receives an item faction |
5311s | rank requirement |
5313s | um any items obtained through either |
5315s | those message methods receive the |
5317s | appropriate item faction rank |
5319s | requirement |
5320s | item faction rank requirements cannot be |
5323s | changed or removed if you switch |
5325s | factions |
5327s | you no longer are that other old-faction |
5329s | uh and can't use that item anymore |
5331s | because you're not that rank it's kind |
5332s | of like if you de-leveled your character |
5334s | you would no longer be that level and |
5336s | you couldn't use that item anymore |
5337s | um you can go back and faction ranks are |
5340s | account bound |
5342s | um so you don't lose those ranks they |
5344s | you do those ranks |
5346s | stay hidden and you can you can get you |
5349s | can get go get them back again you just |
5350s | can only be currently representing one |
5353s | faction or the other |
5356s | so in order to use an item that is |
5358s | circle of Fortune Rank 4 you must have |
5360s | attained circle of Fortune rank for or |
5362s | more on your account and your character |
5364s | must be currently representing circle of |
5366s | Fortune |
5371s | I think I said that all right I don't |
5373s | think I actually messed up any words |
5374s | there that was |
5376s | it might have I hope not |
5378s | uh will there be anything in 0.9 that |
5380s | has not been announced or was testable |
5383s | yeah oh yeah |
5384s | there's skill and item changes that went |
5386s | in today that are there's a big margin |
5390s | that happened today actually that I was |
5391s | uh pretty hyped on so yeah some stuff |
5394s | still |
5396s | um no major systems though |
5399s | just like uh |
5401s | New Gear visuals |
5405s | um stat changes on items uh |
5409s | some rebalancing stuff like that |
5413s | uh will be will we be able to |
5415s | romanticize the NPCs in 1.0 no I don't |
5418s | think so |
5422s | not that type of game hey you want to |
5423s | write some fanfic you go right ahead |
5429s | imagination is a wonderful thing |
5441s | are there more uniques coming 0.9 yep |
5444s | what about the question of the item |
5447s | Rarity about the question the item |
5449s | Rarity formula with the diminishing |
5450s | Return part be made public |
5456s | ah |
5457s | ah like diminishing return on item |
5460s | Rarity percentage |
5465s | honestly I don't know what that formula |
5466s | is on top of my head so |
5469s | um |
5470s | I don't think we'll ever actually post |
5472s | what that formula is we might but |
5475s | not today |
5483s | what's the party size four |
5487s | love the game but it's been hard |
5488s | freezing on Startup last couple days uh |
5490s | oh probably on my end but have you heard |
5492s | anything like this on this not |
5494s | specifically and I I'm sorry I can't |
5496s | help you with sports stuff right now |
5498s | um |
5500s | I I will tell you one thing |
5502s | um |
5503s | delete your |
5506s | graphics dot ini file there's a |
5509s | graphicsetting.ini file |
5512s | um for the game specifically the last |
5514s | default one |
5515s | um you can find out where that file is |
5518s | located on our support site |
5520s | and it will auto regenerate a new one |
5524s | that's quite often the cause when it |
5526s | crashes ground boot |
5531s | streamer Hub lipod it's saying charity |
5532s | Salvation Army oh no |
5535s | oh no |
5545s | I I mean I could change that we've only |
5547s | got 27 minutes left |
5549s | I'll tell you different extreme I'm |
5550s | sorry |
5554s | our charity is the one above my head not |
5555s | the one nightbot says nightbot's crazy |
5557s | it's drunk you're drunk night Park go |
5559s | home |
5567s | I like your beard thank you I like my |
5569s | beard too |
5571s | it's soft |
5577s | does that mean all gear dropped while |
5580s | circular Forge will have a circle of |
5581s | Fortune rank requirement since circle of |
5583s | Fortune FX all drops yes wouldn't that |
5585s | make it very impractical to build |
5587s | account rep for both factions on one |
5589s | character yes it is not designed the |
5592s | system is not designed for you to |
5595s | um play both factions uh the system is |
5597s | designed for you to pick which playstyle |
5599s | you prefer and go for it |
5602s | um it's also designed with some uh the |
5605s | reason we have switching in the game is |
5607s | more in case you've start playing one |
5609s | and you decide that that's not for you |
5611s | and you want to switch |
5613s | um or maybe you're you're playing one a |
5614s | bunch and a friend starts playing and |
5616s | they're playing the other one they're |
5617s | like maybe you're you're not sure which |
5618s | one unit plays you pick one and a friend |
5620s | starts playing and they they really want |
5621s | to play the other one and you're like |
5623s | okay fine I'll come play another one |
5624s | with you then you can switch and it's |
5625s | not like yeah I'll start your character |
5627s | over again |
5629s | we're trying to just make the |
5632s | um |
5632s | make it not be a permanent choice but it |
5635s | is still |
5637s | the system is not designed to encourage |
5640s | switching there's no uh there's no way |
5643s | to get |
5645s | um an efficiency boost by switching it's |
5647s | actually less efficient to switch |
5649s | um |
5650s | so it's it's it's really |
5652s | the system is designed such that you are |
5655s | like hey I want trade |
5657s | I can play Merchant skill hey I don't |
5659s | watch right I'm gonna play circle of |
5660s | Fortune and like ideally that's the end |
5663s | of the decision making process like like |
5666s | that that should be it |
5669s | if we've done our jobs right that's the |
5671s | whole decision making process |
5675s | and I know it's not that simple and I |
5676s | know that there's going to be a big uh |
5679s | debate on which one's technically more |
5681s | powerful and if decision is going to be |
5683s | which one's better that's what I'm going |
5685s | with to find better okay to find better |
5687s | it's the one that you can acquire items |
5689s | faster in |
5691s | okay |
5693s | now there's gonna be a bunch of analysis |
5694s | on which one's requiring items faster |
5696s | and fair enough and one of them will end |
5697s | up being more powerful than the other |
5698s | and we've worked in a ton of dials to |
5701s | adjust them and bring them closer to |
5703s | each other where we can |
5705s | um and we know that they'll never be |
5706s | perfectly equal and we're not going to |
5707s | try and make them perfectly equal but we |
5709s | are going to try and keep them in the |
5711s | same ballpark as each other where people |
5712s | who are |
5714s | um less concerned about playing |
5715s | absolutely optimally the decision for |
5717s | them will be |
5719s | um |
5720s | do I want trade or not that's that'll be |
5722s | the end of it and people who are |
5723s | interested in playing absolutely |
5725s | optimally will probably take a much |
5727s | closer look at it and that's that's fine |
5728s | we understand that |
5732s | but we hope to get as many people in the |
5735s | do I want to trade or not as the |
5736s | decision making linchpin as possible |
5757s | I mean at 300 corruption versus 800 |
5759s | corruption is there any diminishing |
5761s | returns in how much effect the Rarity |
5763s | you have on drops I don't know I'm sorry |
5771s | I got a ping hello tiger's eye 120. how |
5774s | you doing |
5777s | glad to have you with us hope you're |
5780s | having fun |
5782s | hanging out relaxing she's got a pool |
5785s | you be outside a pool |
5789s | hope there's no kids making trouble in |
5790s | your neighborhood |
5791s | don't get any fights |
5794s | your mom might get scared |
5796s | but then you get to move in with your |
5797s | Auntie and Uncle sweet house in Bel Air |
5802s | so you know it's not all bad |
5808s | all right I found a post on Discord |
5811s | about multiplayer drops being the same |
5813s | quantity as single player uh on a per |
5817s | kill basis is this correct if so do you |
5819s | think the remaining benefits are enough |
5821s | to keep |
5823s | uh multiplayer act yes |
5828s | um |
5830s | yeah like so there's |
5833s | um all drops are instanced |
5836s | so uh what I when an enemy dies |
5839s | um |
5841s | in single player or multiplayer uh the |
5844s | same formula gets run to see if that |
5846s | item that character that that uh kill |
5849s | would drop an item for you or not |
5851s | um |
5852s | so on average the items you'll get on |
5855s | single player multiplayer should be the |
5856s | same |
5857s | um |
5859s | yeah |
5868s | uh what about people who want to |
5869s | occasionally trade uh when they find |
5871s | something really good but not base their |
5873s | character around it have you considered |
5875s | adding an ultra rare item that removes |
5877s | the faction requirement from item uh we |
5880s | have considered that we are not doing |
5882s | that |
5883s | um however we did add in uh resonance if |
5888s | you if you um if you want detailed |
5889s | information about this there's a sweet |
5890s | post on our forums |
5892s | that uh I will link in chat but I will |
5895s | explain it all right now |
5898s | actually if someone else can do it |
5899s | they'll be great but if not it's one of |
5901s | the biggest posts on our forums right |
5902s | now anyways |
5904s | um so right now we do have 0.9 so 0.9 |
5907s | will launch with the item gifting system |
5909s | 22 months in a row |
5912s | awesome oh I also missed I guess oh this |
5915s | happened while I was away this is uh |
5917s | um Captain corn dog 54. thank you for |
5919s | the reset for the sub and Captain corner |
5922s | 54. thank you for gifting a sub to lb |
5924s | hacksor awesome |
5926s | I feel like I recognize those names |
5928s | it's not recepts weird anyways uh let's |
5930s | start with loving 22 months that's epic |
5932s | thank you very much glad to have you |
5934s | with us quiet 12 months oh my God forgot |
5936s | I had Prime oh oh here we go |
5943s | let's go anyways |
5946s | um |
5946s | uh what am I talking about I'm talking |
5948s | about trade I'm talking about a rare |
5950s | item Ultra item gifting stuff so we 0.9 |
5954s | it's gonna come with the item gifting |
5957s | system we initially announced uh a |
5960s | little while back |
5961s | um and that's not changed so that that |
5963s | item gifting post all that's still true |
5966s | um the what this means is it's |
5968s | essentially Diablo 3 |
5971s | um trading so so if you are and you and |
5975s | your friend are playing together in item |
5976s | drops |
5977s | um for either one of you that person can |
5979s | just give it to the other person and it |
5981s | doesn't have to be why you're physically |
5982s | playing with each other still it can be |
5984s | it can be later after the fact you can |
5986s | still get them |
5989s | um |
5990s | a lot of the feedback we got on this was |
5993s | people saying okay great but |
5997s | um I don't always play with my friends |
5998s | most of the time I play with my friends |
6000s | but every once in a while I'm playing on |
6001s | my own or maybe one friend is not |
6004s | hanging out that day and not not playing |
6006s | with us and we'll be |
6008s | oh oh |
6011s | bro elper oh El Faro Barbaro oh my God I |
6016s | just butchered that so bad thank you |
6018s | very much for the second month I |
6019s | probably butched it last time too |
6022s | thank you appreciate it |
6024s | um |
6027s | what's that saying oh yeah so like I'm |
6029s | playing with my friends but I don't |
6030s | always play with my friends and |
6032s | say uh I'm playing with Johnny uh we're |
6036s | we're like like playing leveling |
6039s | together great Johnny has to go to sleep |
6040s | he's got work in the morning I'm like |
6041s | I'm up stay up and keep playing |
6043s | uh item drops that's like the thing |
6046s | Johnny's been looking for the entire |
6048s | time we were playing but because it |
6049s | dropped while he was offline I can't |
6051s | gift it to him and that sucks |
6054s | um and so what we're doing this is not |
6056s | in point nine this will come after point |
6057s | nine |
6059s | um we're adding an item called resonance |
6061s | um and so what this does is if you are |
6063s | playing with a the same person for a |
6065s | significant period of time |
6067s | um |
6068s | eventually an item called a resonance |
6071s | will drop |
6073s | you get this resonance item you're |
6075s | playing together you're playing together |
6076s | you're playing together residence drops |
6078s | Johnny Goes offline |
6080s | play together playing together or I'm |
6081s | playing without Johnny offline |
6084s | um and |
6085s | uh the item for Johnny drops that he |
6087s | really wants I then take my residence I |
6090s | apply it to the item that dropped and |
6093s | that item can now be gifted to Johnny as |
6095s | though he was standing beside me in game |
6098s | when it dropped it basically adds |
6099s | Johnny's name to list the people that |
6101s | were in the game when the item dropped |
6103s | it's all done and it uh it allows me |
6106s | then to gift it to him and he can gift |
6107s | it back to me if he wants it works just |
6110s | as though he was standing beside me so |
6111s | this is sort of that style of thing so |
6114s | that every once in a while you can gift |
6116s | the item to someone that's a friend of |
6118s | yours |
6119s | um that you've been playing with a bunch |
6120s | that |
6122s | it kind of works in some really really |
6125s | mild trading that happens |
6127s | um among friends but it still doesn't |
6129s | open up training amongst strangers so if |
6131s | you want to trade with strangers you |
6133s | gotta play Merchant skill |
6148s | some sketchy ones here enraging |
6152s | slow yeah it's not that bad really |
6158s | I hope that's what you were asking about |
6164s | oh I'm not drinking enough water |
6178s | can be like choose MF faction |
6181s | for leveling build then switch when you |
6184s | close to the build and want to make gold |
6186s | for DG |
6189s | um |
6191s | every so I've heard a lot of different |
6193s | like okay what if I level with this one |
6195s | and then switch and then do this or what |
6198s | do I level the other one and then switch |
6199s | and do this |
6200s | every single scenario I've heard people |
6202s | come up with about switching it was |
6204s | better to just not switch and just start |
6206s | with the one you were going to switch to |
6207s | in the first place |
6212s | are any new character archetypes |
6213s | fantasies enabled and 0.9 changes or |
6216s | additions uh there's some |
6219s | uh |
6221s | uh I mean some narrow ones there's not |
6223s | not major I wouldn't say I would say |
6226s | nothing major some really specific |
6227s | variants |
6229s | but no like really major additions |
6236s | I mean the fact that we're adding |
6238s | multiplayer does add like support as a |
6242s | play style so yeah there's that |
6245s | sorry I didn't have twice no problem |
6248s | very important question here as a |
6250s | holiday fan hey buddy uh I'd be |
6252s | wondering if the hollow blade weapon |
6254s | face type is a hollow Knight reference |
6257s | the visuals and void damage lead me to |
6258s | believe yes this question has been |
6260s | keeping me uh up at night nice like that |
6264s | um I don't know I don't think |
6266s | specifically |
6268s | um |
6270s | but as a studio big big holiday fans so |
6274s | you never know |
6278s | there's a lot of people that are big |
6279s | holiday fans that work on epoch |
6291s | has someone finished it yet which is |
6293s | kind of embarrassing |
6311s | I wouldn't be surprised if it was a |
6313s | reference but I don't think it is I'll |
6315s | go with that |
6317s | uh will gear dropped and not traded for |
6321s | while in Merchants Guild have a |
6322s | Merchant's rank requirement no |
6324s | if no wouldn't that mean it's a lot |
6326s | easier to go Merchant skill 2 cof it is |
6328s | easier to do that switch yes |
6330s | if you could change your mind or your |
6332s | friend wants to play as you get to keep |
6336s | using your cell phone gear while players |
6338s | to go see up to Merchants Guild lose |
6339s | access to all gear yes it is easier to |
6341s | switch from Merchant skill to cof |
6344s | however it's still if you're gonna if |
6347s | you're planning on switching to cof it's |
6349s | just better to start a cof |
6357s | good day good day |
6359s | uh resonance is tied to Party play |
6361s | though I was asking for solo perspective |
6363s | well I'll just play sold 90 of the time |
6364s | but every once in a while finding an |
6367s | amazing item I like to trade the current |
6368s | system does a lot of that correct the |
6369s | current system does not allow that |
6371s | and will not allow that |
6373s | will residents carry from one cycle to |
6375s | another residents will uh be treated |
6377s | just like any other item |
6379s | so |
6380s | uh |
6382s | no like it'll it'll still stay |
6385s | um |
6387s | just like every other does like like |
6388s | they'll they'll transition the same way |
6390s | every other item transitions to standard |
6392s | cycle but they won't like you can't |
6395s | they'll drop his items they'll function |
6397s | as items their items |
6399s | um so |
6401s | I'm not quite sure what you mean by the |
6402s | question but |
6403s | um they're items I hope that explains it |
6406s | what is the MTX store going live |
6407s | probably not until 0.91 now |
6410s | um unfortunately we had some problems |
6411s | with it and had to push it back |
6425s | it was so close too oh it's frustrating |
6427s | so like frustratingly close to working |
6430s | like he got right down to the like very |
6433s | last second and we're like oh that's a |
6436s | problem |
6450s | so back up a little bit and regroup and |
6454s | collect ourselves |
6463s | uh how good is search how good is search |
6466s | for an item in auction house you want a |
6469s | specific stats the search and sword |
6471s | functionality filtering functionality |
6472s | whatever you want to call it in the |
6474s | bizarre uh will be very powerful and |
6477s | very low friction |
6479s | um so if you're like I want to find an |
6481s | item we haven't built the system yet so |
6484s | the details are I don't know the details |
6486s | yet but the the way we've designed it |
6488s | the way we've written out in the design |
6489s | document we've written extremely low |
6492s | friction search and sort very high power |
6494s | search and sort functionality |
6496s | um so we specifically wrote more |
6500s | specific than the loot filter |
6505s | so like |
6508s | I want this item to specifically have a |
6511s | high rolled t7 affix of this specific |
6513s | affix and these three other affixes but |
6516s | I don't care what their role does sure |
6527s | that that aspect of it will be like |
6529s | super low friction and by low friction I |
6533s | mean there's not like uh |
6536s | thank you |
6537s | by low friction I mean there's not like |
6539s | Hoops to jump through to make |
6541s | um to find the specific item you want |
6542s | you're never gonna have to like reload a |
6544s | zone or anything like that you're never |
6546s | gonna be like |
6548s | um |
6548s | like having to go to different spots to |
6550s | search from it like you go to the spot |
6551s | you know if it exists it's here at the |
6553s | spot and we know that one spot is it |
6555s | like here's the criteria to search from |
6557s | is it there great buy it |
6560s | like that that part will be super low |
6562s | friction |
6569s | so how good is it very very very good |
6574s | I love the idea of a network of cof |
6576s | players all playing with others in the |
6578s | network so they can drop some resonance |
6579s | for others in the network and can move |
6581s | items across the network slowly an item |
6583s | can only be resonanced once so that's |
6586s | not possible |
6588s | um you have to play with the person |
6590s | pretty frequently |
6592s | uh for like like for quite a while to |
6594s | get a resonance to drop and there's |
6596s | there's a slight misunderstanding that |
6598s | someone had in the wording I just want |
6600s | to make sure that you're not hitting the |
6601s | same one |
6602s | um you have to actively be playing with |
6604s | the person for the resonance to drop as |
6607s | well |
6608s | so just be clear on that one |
6613s | uh will there be an option to gift MTX |
6616s | items oh I don't think so |
6619s | um I don't think we've planned that |
6621s | not 100 on that one |
6624s | can I see the backpack MTX while I'm |
6626s | transformed well in a transformation |
6628s | skill oh good question asking for |
6630s | springform backpack to be visible as |
6632s | well with other skills similar I don't I |
6635s | don't know |
6638s | uh I don't think so |
6653s | I I feel like it should be possible |
6656s | um I don't think that'll work at 0.9 |
6658s | launch |
6661s | in terms of balance overhauls of classes |
6664s | is this going to be a big batch yeah |
6668s | uh does residents take an inventory slot |
6670s | or does it go to your crafting crafting |
6671s | each other inventory |
6675s | also if if anyone has that once the |
6678s | stream ends if people do have more |
6679s | questions about the |
6680s | um the item faction system or the |
6683s | training system or what do you want to |
6684s | call it |
6684s | um literally everything I've said so far |
6686s | today is in the FAQ uh it's in that |
6688s | original post I haven't put any new |
6690s | information out today all of it's there |
6696s | it's it's very exhaustive |
6699s | and very specifically worded |
6715s | uh but I know the post is huge and |
6718s | confusing and like the biggest problem |
6720s | with the system is the complexity I |
6722s | think which is why I'm happy to answer |
6723s | questions about it if you have more |
6724s | questions and you can't find it in that |
6726s | FAQ you can come to Discord or the |
6728s | forums or Reddit or anything like that |
6730s | and the people are around that'll answer |
6731s | the questions |
6732s | um if you're not like absolutely certain |
6735s | please don't answer other people's |
6737s | questions about it because I've seen so |
6739s | many wrong answers being given to |
6741s | questions that's a little frustrating |
6744s | and they said with such Authority that |
6745s | you're like I believe this person and I |
6747s | know they're wrong |
6757s | all right has there ever been a |
6758s | discussion on being able to |
6760s | chaos uniques maybe give them glycerines |
6763s | oh yeah we've talked to that Lots |
6768s | uh would MTX ever be able to be bought |
6771s | with in-game gold uh very unlikely |
6775s | um they're uh like |
6778s | um in-game earnable cosmetic items are |
6781s | something we do plan to have and do you |
6783s | want to have |
6784s | um but items will |
6787s | almost certainly all be either |
6790s | exclusively earnable in game or |
6792s | purchasable with real money I I don't |
6794s | think there'll be anything that'll be |
6795s | like like you can get it either way type |
6797s | thing I I'm pretty sure that |
6799s | everything's either either exclusively |
6801s | going to be earnable or purchasable and |
6803s | I also want to be clear that all of the |
6805s | all the MTX everything in the MTX store |
6807s | is strictly cosmetic and there is |
6810s | nothing that will give you ever ever |
6811s | give you any power or uh convenience or |
6817s | it's not cosmetic always strictly |
6820s | cosmetic random namex is free stuff for |
6821s | 60 months no thank you very much |
6822s | grassling and bizarre back in the game I |
6824s | always believe in you it's a little |
6826s | different now it's it's very different |
6828s | from what the bazaar was going to be |
6829s | originally |
6830s | um but this one's way better and we're |
6831s | popped on it so thanks |
6848s | and that's why I need to be playing a |
6849s | minion bill today sorry if I didn't mute |
6851s | that quick enough |
6854s | I don't even know where I am now |
6859s | wow I ran far away |
6862s | all right let's finish the second off |
6863s | Mike you can do it this was a tough Echo |
6871s | nailed it |
6874s | just in case they missed the answer no |
6876s | problem if you did could we hope for a |
6878s | note or something to enable the player |
6880s | to deploy more than one ballista per |
6881s | cast ballista needs some love ballista |
6884s | hasn't got the love it needs yet but |
6885s | let's need some love |
6887s | um I think deploying multiple ballistics |
6888s | simultaneously is unlikely given their |
6890s | size |
6892s | um |
6894s | but maybe uh |
6896s | uh we'll see bliss bliss that needs a |
6898s | lot Bliss has got some issues but let's |
6900s | uh let's just had a little bit of work |
6901s | done on it but it hasn't had what I |
6903s | think needs to be done to it yet |
6905s | um and it's still on the list so |
6908s | um |
6912s | I hope for improvements yes Hope for |
6914s | that specifically |
6916s | let's see |
6921s | what airbg do you like the most |
6923s | excluding last Epoch which I think is |
6925s | what the question is asking for |
6927s | um Diablo 2 is my clear front runner no |
6930s | questions about it I played it more than |
6932s | every other arpg combined easily |
6935s | like that's that's not even a close race |
6939s | I played Diablo 2 off and on since its |
6941s | launch and |
6944s | for |
6946s | huge stretches of time |
6949s | yeah they always use my jam |
6953s | I still go back to it I still I still |
6955s | play oh I I I almost I almost joined the |
6960s | most recent ladder for it came so close |
6961s | but I'm like I still have time for it |
6965s | I came in the MTX I mean cosmetic only |
6967s | but will ever be but will there ever be |
6969s | MTX that offer better visual clarity |
6973s | yeah that's a tricky one too |
6975s | if we ever get into this and we've |
6976s | talked about this as well if we we've |
6979s | decided that if we get into a situation |
6980s | where people feel like it becomes |
6982s | necessary to buy MTX to play a skill |
6984s | because of visual Clarity we've made a |
6986s | mistake and we need to do something to |
6988s | fix that so that people are not required |
6990s | to purchase the MTX to play the to play |
6992s | the skill properly |
6994s | um |
6995s | that that's that's that's something that |
6997s | we will make sure is not we don't want |
6999s | to put people in a situation where |
7001s | they're like I really want to play the |
7002s | game and I really want to be competitive |
7003s | but I don't have the extra five bucks to |
7005s | buy that thing so I can't |
7007s | um we don't want to put people in that |
7008s | position |
7009s | we want people to be buying ncx and |
7011s | cosmetics because they're like that's |
7012s | cool I want to change how this looks |
7014s | because I want to look like that because |
7015s | that's cool |
7016s | yeah |
7019s | can you try on MTX for my name currently |
7021s | no |
7022s | um there is uh the current system gives |
7024s | you a preview of what it looks on sort |
7026s | of a generic faceless character |
7029s | um and then uh game like a gameplay |
7032s | video preview showing it what looks like |
7034s | in-game on like a hypothetical character |
7036s | it's like what about one of our |
7037s | characters |
7041s | add class specific summon ballista's |
7044s | faster affix |
7046s | that would help you're right lizard |
7048s | uh |
7050s | um |
7051s | I loved I'd love to uh I'm not gonna go |
7053s | into the list actually I have a lot of |
7054s | thoughts on ballista uh any further |
7056s | information on what would be considered |
7058s | first cycle point 901.0 I mean like |
7060s | personally I consider 0.9 the first |
7061s | cycle so |
7063s | it depends how you define a cycle |
7066s | but like some people some people say |
7068s | like okay well you can't have a cycle |
7070s | until after 1.0 launches and it's the |
7073s | the like the first change to the game |
7075s | post 1.0 that's the first cycle in some |
7077s | people's minds so like |
7078s | some people would argue that one point |
7080s | one would be the first cycle same thing |
7082s | but who knows what I I would argue 0.9 |
7085s | is the first cycle because what happens |
7087s | to the characters transitioning from 0.9 |
7089s | to 1.0 |
7094s | uh what's your opinion on the pace and |
7098s | level of power creep that has occurred |
7099s | throughout development uh it seems |
7101s | changed a lot since I last played 0.82 |
7103s | wow it's a while yeah uh bonus what's |
7105s | The Sweet Spot Ellie's going for in this |
7107s | aspect |
7108s | um |
7110s | there's always going to be some form of |
7112s | power creep that's gonna happen I think |
7113s | to keep things interesting |
7115s | um we try and mitigate as little as |
7118s | possible uh like we try and design |
7119s | things such that it will happen as |
7121s | little as possible |
7122s | it's kind of hard to say there's been |
7124s | power creep because we're still not at |
7127s | 1.0 yet we're not at the like we've sort |
7129s | of got an idea of what we want 1.0 to |
7130s | look like and the power level of things |
7132s | to hit and the challenge that's |
7134s | available to hit at 1.0 |
7136s | um |
7139s | so I'm really happy with it I think |
7141s | um |
7144s | I like because there's no infinitely |
7147s | scaling power accessibility from |
7151s | uh from from new |
7154s | like like there's no |
7155s | there's no Paragon level system there's |
7157s | no |
7158s | um you know what I mean like it's |
7160s | you you don't get I don't know I'm sorry |
7162s | I'm not gonna do another Echo we're |
7163s | we're right at the end here and I'm I'm |
7165s | hurting a bit so I'm gonna finish off |
7166s | some questions that I'm gonna end but |
7168s | we're not doing another Echo oh I've got |
7170s | I'm so sorry guys I've got another |
7173s | little teaser here let's follow this |
7174s | place up while I'm while I'm talking I'm |
7175s | gabbing away |
7177s | I'll stand over here so you can see me |
7178s | hello |
7180s | um as far as power creep goes I I would |
7182s | really like it |
7184s | if |
7186s | items we're making now |
7188s | are still relevant and still functional |
7192s | um |
7194s | five years from now I really hope so and |
7197s | we'll we'll still be |
7199s | working to to like to balance them and |
7202s | keep them |
7203s | uh up to date and re and change them and |
7207s | update them so they are still relevant |
7208s | and things like that I think that you |
7210s | will see damage being higher five years |
7213s | from now |
7214s | um |
7216s | if we're ever in a situation where we're |
7218s | like should we should we put a little M |
7220s | beside that number so it's so many |
7222s | millions of damage |
7224s | there'll be some sort of number crunch |
7226s | that'll happen before that happens we're |
7228s | not We're not gonna get there |
7236s | and I know you can already get hits that |
7238s | are absolutely mammoth |
7245s | oh are you excited for the lore and |
7248s | cinematics D4 will have oh yeah |
7252s | are there MTX that will change the way |
7253s | summons look oh yeah definitely |
7256s | uh there are not any available in the |
7258s | first version of the MTX store |
7261s | totally forgot it was Friday at the |
7262s | deadstream today not the end of it |
7264s | someone at least hi Mike and the team |
7266s | hello I took off next Thursday and |
7268s | Friday for launch day cool |
7271s | hope that that is uh not adversely |
7273s | affecting you but uh thanks I hope you |
7276s | have fun with it too for launch day from |
7278s | work and my entire team chuckled when I |
7280s | explained the reason awesome |
7286s | uh can you make it so Aaron's new unique |
7290s | only drops for everyone else besides sin |
7292s | so he can't point and laugh I mean no |
7294s | but that would be hilarious |
7295s | uh why did you decide to give us seven |
7297s | resistances to manage with the same time |
7300s | only for affixes per item when gearing |
7302s | new characters I find my prefix is |
7304s | sometimes empty because I don't have |
7306s | enough shards to put the handful of mods |
7308s | I care about in every item but my |
7311s | suffixes are constantly exhausted and |
7313s | I'm trying to keep up with the demand |
7315s | it's interesting I actually hear the |
7316s | opposite of this a lot |
7319s | um |
7321s | as far as the number uh or the prefix |
7324s | suffix count we actually started with |
7326s | six uh total so three and three |
7328s | interestingly enough |
7329s | um and it felt |
7332s | we we got a lot of feedback that it was |
7334s | too busy |
7336s | the items are too busy especially with |
7337s | having pretty uh involved |
7340s | um implicits |
7342s | so there's pretty involved in plus it's |
7343s | on items which kind of acts like an |
7345s | extra affix and then with we added |
7348s | um ceiling affixes as an extra Dynamic |
7351s | for crafting so we kind of get to that |
7353s | six anyways |
7355s | um and we like having those mechanics |
7357s | spread out a little bit over implicits |
7358s | and ceiling affixes instead of just |
7360s | having six straight affixes on there uh |
7362s | we think it's a little bit more |
7363s | interesting a little bit more dynamic |
7367s | um and it just I think it fits better |
7369s | sort of how we've come about it with it |
7372s | um as far as having seven resistances to |
7374s | manage there's we try to put a lot of |
7377s | access to uh resistances in uh passives |
7382s | um |
7383s | and and even just like in some skills |
7385s | ways to sort of like |
7387s | to get those in other ways than just |
7390s | your gear |
7393s | um as far as as far as the number of |
7394s | damage types how do we come up with this |
7400s | sorry as far as the number of damage |
7403s | types how do we come up with this |
7406s | um |
7406s | it's been a long time since since we we |
7410s | settled on seven like this is one of the |
7411s | very early things we settled on |
7415s | um and it kind of It kind of lines up |
7417s | nicely with like there's there's a |
7418s | little bit of symmetry here in the sense |
7419s | that like physical is sort of the most |
7421s | standard basic thing and you have |
7422s | different types of magic essentially and |
7424s | there's the more typical Elemental Magic |
7426s | here and then the more kind of like |
7429s | Evil dark styles of magic over here |
7437s | avoid being our sort of unique one it's |
7440s | not completely unique but it's |
7441s | the rarest one to find elsewhere type |
7443s | thing |
7444s | um |
7445s | more iconic the game I guess |
7449s | um and we knew we didn't want as many as |
7453s | um |
7455s | has a lot uh that was we thought that |
7458s | was a little too much |
7460s | um |
7461s | but we thought seven was a good number |
7462s | to get the right theming |
7464s | diversity in so we can still say like so |
7467s | we can still like um |
7473s | I guess it was it was just like a good |
7475s | variety number for us I guess that's |
7476s | what we thought we could we could hit |
7478s | specific beams and uh not have them step |
7481s | on each other's toes and still feel |
7482s | unique but have good variety |
7485s | so the best |
7487s | explanation I come up with here a couple |
7489s | more questions I can try to run these |
7491s | out I speculate warlock armor set tell |
7494s | me I'm right the theme hits me in the |
7495s | Mark I will say this armor set is not |
7497s | available in point nine this is a post |
7499s | point nine teaser |
7502s | just the minor thing amazing level |
7503s | designs thank you I will let the level |
7505s | design team you said no you said that uh |
7507s | you should do QA q a |
7509s | uh with how proud the designers are or |
7513s | should be |
7515s | oh yeah like get level designers on here |
7517s | to do q a i i I'd be down with that I um |
7520s | I haven't talked to them if they'd want |
7522s | to do that or not but uh I will ask them |
7524s | see if they want to |
7528s | any plans for transmog system like D3 |
7530s | Grim down not at the moment uh well |
7533s | um we've talked about it uh I think we |
7534s | figured out a way to do it and have it |
7536s | work but I can't remember if there was a |
7537s | problem with that or not uh there was an |
7539s | old version that we're gonna do and we |
7541s | hit a wall with it I think there was a |
7542s | fix for like a workaround for a |
7544s | different way it's been a while not 4.9 |
7547s | hopefully in the future I don't know |
7549s | exactly what the plans are |
7551s | is it likely that you implement a |
7553s | resistance stat that combines voidant |
7554s | necrotic and poison resistance to an |
7556s | elemental like Elemental does unlikely |
7559s | we've talked about this we've tried to |
7560s | come up with a name for it |
7562s | feed me a good name for it we'll talk |
7565s | will there be a stream next week I don't |
7567s | know |
7568s | um we don't like to do data streams when |
7571s | there's a ton of other people streaming |
7572s | because we don't want to draw attention |
7573s | from them |
7575s | um it will be the day after launch so |
7577s | maybe we'll see |
7579s | I'll have to defer to the social theme |
7580s | on that |
7582s | uh last two questions I'm gonna cut it |
7584s | off after uh Naomi 105's question |
7587s | uh will there be any way to use in-game |
7590s | older sets of equipment as cosmetic like |
7593s | using the skin of the rusty sword on the |
7595s | crystal blade um |
7597s | sorry I see two questions ago |
7600s | uh how many questions have you answered |
7603s | in total over all these streams |
7606s | hundreds |
7608s | probably over a thousand I don't know a |
7611s | lot |
7614s | a lot a lot and with that it's time to |
7616s | end |
7620s | I just realized that I opened up the uh |
7622s | character sheet behind the teaser I was |
7625s | I was referencing the the sheet as I was |
7627s | talking anyways |
7631s | I hope you had fun I know I did it was a |
7634s | little hectic we got through it |
7636s | if you have any more questions that I |
7638s | failed to answer or follow-ups please |
7640s | head on over to our Discord uh always |
7642s | hanging up there in the ask the devs |
7644s | channel uh lots of great questions lots |
7646s | of great answers ask the community too |
7647s | they know tons of stuff too |
7650s | um we also active on other platforms |
7652s | like our forums and Reddit |
7655s | um and other stuff too uh so yeah happy |
7657s | to chat hang out |
7658s | come talk to us let us know what you |
7661s | think |
7663s | um |
7664s | yeah |
7667s | I think that's it for today |
7669s | we're done I'm gonna |
7673s | I'm gonna toss the stream over to |
7674s | someone here let's let's uh let's go say |
7676s | hi |
7678s | let's go say hi there we have the seat |
7679s | set out here in a little while |
7686s | have a good everyone feel better I guess |
7688s | I'm saying that to myself drink lots of |
7690s | water |
7690s | have fun |