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Hey. Been playing for the fast few months and really enjoying it! I think I understand how more and increased damage modifiers work, but how do these interact with skill damage?

For example, rive gets 4% increased damage per point of strength. Idk what base dmg is for rive but let's say 100. So 10 strength = 40% so rive damage is now 140.

Now say on my gear i have + 100 Melle damage and 100% increased melle damage. Is this independent and additive with the rive damage, so it now does 340? Or are there other dynamics in play?

I ask because I switched gloves, only Stat change was I dropped healing effectiveness and added 8 str, and saw a much bigger damage increase than expected.

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over 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by TRGA

I'm still a little unsure of this myself, but from what I can tell it's something like this?



Base Damage: 10

Skill scaling: 4% increased damage, per strength

Skill passive tree node A: Rive deals 15% more damage

Skill passive tree node B: Rive deals 30% more damage



Main hand: Generic melee weapon implicit (+12 Melee Damage)

Unique glove of hitting things: +3 attack damage

Strength: 5

Rive Strength scaling = 4 (% per stat) *5 (# of current stat)

= 20% increased damage (To Rive only)

Character passive tree: 50% increased attack damage

Temporary buff: 50% increased attack damage


All relevant sources of each three modifiers are calculated like so?

  • All flat damage that can apply to Rive currently (Physical, Attacks, etc) get added to one final total (See below for added effectiveness)
  • All % increased damage that can apply to Rive currently (Physical, Attacks, etc) get added to one final total
  • Lastly, all % more damage that can apply to Rive currently (Physical, Attacks, etc) are multiplied together to one final total


So it should look something like this


(Flat Damage): 10 (Base) + 12 (Weapon) + (3) Gloves of whatever

= 25 (Total Flat damage)

All relevant % increased damage are combined together

20% (from skill scaling) + 50% (from buff) +50% (from character passive tree)

= 120% increased damage (Total % inc), which is converted to this

1+(120/100) = 2.20

Damage multipliers are multiplied by each other




=1.495 (Total damage multiplier)

Rive damage per Hit

25 (Flat) * 2.2 (%inc)= 55

55 * 1.495 (%multi) = 82.225

Final damage = 82.225

  • Note: This doesn't include any modifiers on the enemy that can effect the actual damage dealt, i.e. resistances, %10 inc damage taken or 20% less damage taken etc. And I'm not entirely sure at what step they are applied, I assume after all the above steps.
  • My way of remembering for why it's 1+(#/100) OR (#+100)/100 is because if its increasing the number needs to be above 1. Below 1 and its reducing or less. i.e. 127 * .91 = 115.57
  • Even if you have 10+ damage multi's, it's still the same idea: +1(#1/100) * +1(#2/100) * +1(#3/110) and so on
  • If Rive also had say, 140% Added Damage Effectiveness - I.e. 10 (Base) + (12 + 3 = 15 Total added flat)*1.4 (ADE) = 10 + 21 = 31 Total flat damage

This is right. Only thing I would add is that Rive has 2 base damage and 100% added damage effectiveness.

You can find full skill details here:


over 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

You've already got the right info posted in another one but you can press G in game to get info on topics such as this.