10 months ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by xDaveedx

I think you couldn't stop it because a lot of people probably expect a full release/1.0 version of a game to have a complete story line to some extend. I don't know what's going on behind the scenes, but calling this patch 1.0 was an odd decision imo.

The vast majority of the feedback that we get tells us very clearly that end game content is dramatically more valuable overall than story content. So leading up to 1.0, that was our main focus. 1.0 was the first version where we had all of our planned classes available and our end game was feeling like a proper end game set of systems.

With a live service model game, the story will always be expanding and evolving. It's hard to draw a line and say that at any one point is where the story is "ready for release".

We considered many scenarios and plans for a path to 1.0 in very specific detail. We are very pleased with our decision and hindsight being 20/20, I would do it again just the same.

10 months ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by RockyBlocky

Some new chapters would be lovely for enemy variety but honestly I would love some difficulty options for main story. Loved playing GD on max difficulty starting with lvl 1.

It's not quite the same thing but we did add the boots that make it super hard mode that work from level 1.

10 months ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by leaguegotold

Whilst I agree that endgame content is more important than the story (although I feel ARPGs are let off the hook too much when it comes to delivering a quality story compared to traditional RPGs), I feel phrasing the question as an either-or is a false dichotomy.

A release version of a game should have a complete story arc and a decent endgame. That’s not to say that more story or endgame features cant or won’t be developed later, but in my opinion calling the release of a game 1.0 that doesn’t include the above just doesn’t really feel like a full release.

EHG might be calling this 1.0 (or whatever the current version is), but personally I won’t consider LE out of early access until as a minimum the story is completed. Looking at the roadmap, it doesn’t even look like this will be the case after 1.4 releases.

That means one year post-release we still probably won’t have a finished campaign.

I don’t mean my comments to be unkind, the work you guys are doing is amazing but it should not be a surprise that people who hear LE has come out of early access would inherently assume a completed story / story arc exists already.

It's not unkind, I just disagree that a complete campaign is required to exist for 1.0. And it's ok that we disagree on that.

10 months ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by lotus1788

"Please don't downvote people just because you disagree with them" That's what downvoting is for? It's just a little arrow, not name-calling or something aggressive.

It is entirely possible that I don't understand what it's for. I upvote way too many people ony you're right.