almost 2 years ago - Last Epoch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

5s good afternoon everybody and welcome
8s back to their last Epoch Dev stream
12s oh let's get the camera fixed here a
13s little bit
14s just fix your hair all right we're good
16s as always I'm your host Mike how's it
18s going
19s welcome back glad to have you with us
22s we are gonna hop right in and play
26s and we've got a sub ran out of the gates
28s Hound of Hades
31s welcome glad to have you with us
34s we're playing a little lightning blast
39s how's the audio it's kind of quiet for
40s me
43s I'm just going the wrong way
46s put a little lightning blast meteor I'm
48s really hoping to get my uh
50s lightning meteors rolling soon
54s but until then
56s fire meteors will have to do
70s uh the floor even just gets me
74s um yeah so we're we've got a new charity
76s this month
77s uh direct relief is our charity for the
79s month all of our streams as always go to
81s charity
86s and if you have a question please feel
87s free to ask it
89s um put at last Epoch game in the uh
92s question and I'll be happy to answer
94s questions about the game
96s how it's going what we're doing
101s Pizza Burgers first question ah good
103s question to start with
105s um
106s depends on the mood
108s I'm gonna say overall Burgers I think
111s there's
113s um
115s it's easier for me to make myself we do
117s have a pizza stone we actually made
118s pizza last week
120s um on the barbecue but you know I I I
122s love a good burger on the grill
125s we made those last night
131s thank you very much to Hario has
133s resubbed for 25 months in a row my
136s goodness that's great that's just great
140s love to see it thank you very much
144s I hope you are still enjoying yourself
152s how's um I'm really interested now that
155s the changes the shards are out about the
156s drop
158s um drop Pockets where they they
159s generally drop in in larger clumps and
162s there are fewer clumps total but it's
164s the same number of shards on average
167s um
168s I'm interested to see how people feel
169s about that if it's if it's something
171s that if they've noticed the difference
172s if it's still like if your feelings
174s haven't changed at all you're still like
176s oh I really want to change
178s um to Auto pickup still
180s no that's been out for for a week I'm
183s interested to see here people think
184s about it
186s yo this Diablo Ford gameplay looks a bit
188s different from all the other streams is
190s it some sort of streamer client or what
192s not quite hmm but close I guess
198s now this is actually the live client for
199s last epoch
201s and I do expect today will be a very
203s slow day and that's totally fine
205s we're just got some fun
208s I am I am wearing my back slot
210s disappeared
212s oh
213s gas
216s yeah when these Soul Eater set because I
219s love it
221s this wasn't even um this was like snuck
223s in at the last second into the in the
225s patch
228s because I think I I I previewed which
231s um
232s uh which which which filters would be
234s available and armor was not one of them
252s you're having bad RNG farming Titan
255s heart 20 plus drops in a week that's
257s that's a lot of Titan heart drops but
259s none of them with LP yeah that is low
260s luck
261s it happens though there's no ketchup
263s mechanics either so like
265s um
267s like unfortunately it doesn't raise the
270s chance that your next one's going to
271s have
272s uh any LP it's still gonna be the exact
274s same chance
278s it's better for the game overall but
281s you know you can't get an accountant
283s situation where you're like well I
284s haven't had one of these draw like if
287s there was like a a catch-up mechanic or
289s a Pity system
290s um where you could say like hey I this
294s this character hasn't got a LP drop in
297s forever and like so you know like it's
300s gonna come soon or something like that
301s you can you could like
303s kind of game the system a little bit
305s that way and it creates it creates
306s really weird burdens of optimal play
308s that are just end up not being fun
318s I got a question can you make a unique
320s belt that enables you to run through
322s walls or even missing ground I actually
325s finished they did another dude for
326s another game but he blocked you
330s um oh that was close almost died it's
333s okay we got we made we made it through
336s um
340s short answer is no we can't do that
342s mostly because the way movement Works
345s um
346s the walls create a barrier for uh an
350s invisible mesh that sits on the ground
352s that is like the space you can walk on
354s called the nav mesh
356s um
357s and if you were allowed to walk through
359s walls we'd have to place the uh we have
362s to change the layout of every single
365s level to include navmesh
367s outside of the walkable space
370s um and then a ton of the like uh there's
373s a ton of casting
375s math that happens uh that that checks to
379s see if it's going to be on the nav mesh
381s or not which is actually pretty
381s expensive operation
383s um because you don't know elevation
385s necessarily either so you have to like
386s pick a point where you think it's going
388s to be and then check like above and
389s below it
391s um and you can like you can influence it
392s would be saying like well I know I'm up
394s on a ramp so I'm going to check down
395s more than up and things like that but um
399s basically you
402s it would be it would make a lot of
404s things
405s we've changed so many things to make
407s that even possible that
409s um
410s the dev time into
413s uh feature out ratio is so poor that
418s would be worth it and on top of that I'm
419s not a huge fan of being able to uh
423s to walk through walls like that because
425s I I think it causes a lot of problems
426s it'll probably cause like a mandatory
428s item for certain situations
430s um
432s kind of like how Enigma did with
434s teleport D2
435s and
438s so probably not
439s prefer a multitude of reasons
443s sorry
448s I don't like to turn ideas down flat uh
451s generally because I mean I love I love
453s hearing about these things but uh
456s sometimes it's good to keep expectations
457s realistic
461s uh meteor shower just makes you smile
462s every time someone asked in-game chat
464s the other day if there was an option in
467s the stash that highlights gear you can
468s use at your current level thought it was
470s a good idea there is not a system like
473s that yet
474s um stash filtering is
477s um
479s it's not overly performant there's a few
482s problems there but uh I do really want
484s to get better search and sword systems
486s for this Dash
488s um
489s like there's there's lots of stuff there
491s that I'm like oh one day that would be
492s great to have for sure yeah
495s um
497s Chief among them is just like a a
499s stripped down regex like search system
504s um I think that would be very very cool
506s to have
517s any plans for cool cosmetic rewards from
519s challenges yeah
521s yeah
523s um
524s and and I'm not sure exactly what that I
527s guess I'll read the whole question next
527s as long for example maybe a boss that
529s you could scale the difficulty for let's
530s say you beat the boss at 250 corruption
533s you maybe get a certain uh back piece
535s beat it at 500 corruption maybe you get
536s an upgraded version of the back piece
538s kind of show off cosmetic yes
540s um and there's there's a couple things
542s here like I mean one of them is you
543s could just like part of it is just a
546s sweet item maybe you know like maybe
548s it's just a sweet item that looks really
550s awesome
552s um but then it's tied to the the stats
555s of that item and you can't put that on
557s other uh mechanically distinct items so
559s so there is there's definitely an upside
561s to having it be a cosmetic reward as
563s well
564s um I've mentioned this on previous
566s streams that I think that uh if we're
568s gonna do cosmetic rewards for Feats of
571s Strength In game
573s um
574s the the really difficult to get ones
577s should probably reward some sort of
580s special
581s um currency or like uh like a ticket or
585s a token something lets you redeem the
587s object for uh a selection of things so
590s you can pick one that you really like
592s for things that are like especially
595s pronounced speeds of strength
599s I don't think I've ever approached this
601s boss fight from this angle it's always
603s been from the from from the southwest
613s I think I already did this fight
627s it's going a little better this time
629s I got new wands since then
635s over here
641s boom boom
644s yeah boom boom bill
657s let's go to auto trigger unless I move I
659s hope not
660s uh at least for now could an uh unstuck
663s command be helpful it just plasters over
666s other bugs and should be fixed but it's
668s never going to be nice we actually do
670s have something like this on our Dev
672s servers
674s um
676s it there's a few situations where it
679s actually like lets you get more stuck
683s um
684s for for like sequencing issues
687s uh so we've generally steered clear of
689s having something like that and debug
690s Tools in general being included in uh in
693s builds is something we really like to
695s avoid
705s all right will it be an option to create
708s transmogs make custom characters look
710s different
712s um look different from base items
714s uniques I there's
719s it was close
722s uh we do have plans for a trans box
724s system
725s um do I know exactly what that's going
727s to look like or how it's gonna happen or
728s what's gonna evolve with it in any way
730s that I can share nah sorry
741s if you're wondering why I'm teleporting
743s like in place or forecasting uh teleport
746s makes my next spell free teleport costs
748s 28 Mana
750s um meteor costs 123 Mana so it is
753s cheaper to cast teleport than meteor and
757s I can get a bunch more in
773s I do have
774s um
775s Mana efficiency on flame warrants I
777s wonder if it's like even cheaper to do
778s like this
788s I'll get an extra one in
790s it's the flame flame words 10 yeah it's
792s probably cheaper
804s I'm a little too bursty for this face
821s but it really is there such thing as too
823s bursty
824s I mean it come on okay okay
828s oh weird
830s all right next question
833s I hope for UI Cosmetics Allah Hades
835s we've talked about UI Cosmetics
838s um
840s right in the corner uh it's It's tricky
843s because there's there's an element of
844s like wanting things to be recognizable
846s and uh like easily easily
850s distinguishable as last Epoch
853s um
854s so we've kind of steered clear
974s thank you
976s you lost sound
987s 's back
993s unfortunately yes
996s ouch
997s my pride
1004s that's good well that's back sorry about
1006s that
1007s that's so strange I don't know what
1009s happened
1010s um
1011s this has happened before
1013s oh yeah the Portal's here
1015s that's the time before and uh
1020s I had to like kill the stream and
1021s restarted to get it going again
1029s I I think unfortunate you could hear me
1031s again
1033s it was the joke I know you didn't
1034s actually mean that
1044s what was I saying uh
1047s cut out
1051s my Pride's not actually hurt just just
1053s for the record that's totally fine uh
1056s just in case
1058s uh where where do they cut it what was I
1061s saying
1069s I hate these UI question oh basically
1070s okay UI
1072s um
1073s basically there's no uh we have no plans
1077s for updating the UI right now
1084s um for having like customizable
1086s um MTX for the UI we don't have any
1089s plans for that at the moment um it's not
1091s impossible it might happen
1097s it will be a long road to majelka after
1100s but you for The Hundreds to get Tower
1102s Buffs for
1105s XP couldn't those hundreds oh oh um
1109s uh spiers the
1111s um shrines
1114s for the level 100 characters that get
1115s Shrine Buffs for XP couldn't those
1117s affect hundreds with increased drop rate
1119s for the duration
1121s um it could it's
1124s we don't really have any intentional
1126s plans for changing what uh experience
1129s does at level 100 right now because it
1131s does still help it does let you respect
1133s things faster
1134s um
1135s it's it's not I don't know why I came
1138s this way at all
1143s I I know it's I know it's one of those
1144s things that feels like a waste once
1146s you're getting it
1147s um it's the same with the XP tones that
1149s one's a little more
1151s um forgivable or understandable or makes
1152s sense because you can spike a respect
1155s with it
1157s um so so that one's that's a little more
1159s makes sense
1161s part of the problem is how it's created
1163s how it's done
1166s um
1168s for the for the shrines and the buff it
1170s gives
1173s it's not impossible to have it change
1175s what it could be for uh different levels
1184s I I don't think we have I know we don't
1187s have any plans for it I don't think
1188s it'll happen
1190s um I know we've discussed it a few times
1191s in uh in design discussions and it ideas
1195s like that are very some of that do get
1197s shut down pretty quickly
1205s this one right yeah
1211s that was a tiny man it's 200. yeah we
1214s got a man for that
1216s no problem
1218s my name's the firework question again
1220s Sam was gone during last time yeah sure
1223s um
1226s uh fire aura
1228s basically the the shortness of the
1230s firearm is yes
1232s um I am happy with Hellfire Aura exists
1233s at the moment
1235s um it was originally an activated
1237s availability that was replaced with
1238s flame Ward
1240s um
1242s and I I I think it is
1247s um an interesting way to build passive
1249s damage for your character
1254s and usually it's it's triggered by
1256s comboing other skills in specific ways
1260s um
1261s which I like
1263s it feels I think it feels good to use
1266s um
1267s it's not designed to be the only form of
1271s damage for your character
1273s um at the moment and
1276s it can be it can be a primary source of
1279s damage
1281s um and I I get that we've
1285s possibly missed the class fantasy that
1288s some people have from just I'm gonna
1290s cast this damaging Aura around me and
1293s I'm just gonna repeatedly cast this
1294s damaging ore and I'm gonna stand near
1295s things
1297s um and that's that's like the only way
1299s I'm gonna kill things is by just
1300s standing near them and and I'm creating
1303s this damaging aura
1307s um and I think there's there's room for
1309s that type of gameplay with a little bit
1310s of a
1312s um I guess a mindset shift in the sense
1316s of of not needing it to be the the
1319s actual ability you're directly button
1321s present
1328s and part of the reason for that shift
1330s was
1332s um numblocking it basically it was one
1334s of it was one of those skills that was
1335s just universally numblocked and there
1338s was no point doing anything else ever
1341s um and just took a skill off your bar
1345s which we weren't huge fans though
1349s we felt like we had a good solution with
1350s flame Ward and adding it to the pastry
1353s it also adds some more interesting
1354s damage output to the passive tree
1356s um
1359s and creates nice interaction with with
1360s unique items I think
1372s all right is any plans more than 20
1374s characters online ever into slots yeah I
1377s honestly I thought that already been
1378s changed
1380s um
1382s we don't have uh we we implemented that
1385s limit as a technical Safeguard just in
1388s case
1390s um
1391s and it does not appear to be necessary
1394s to that degree
1400s so it's a very high probability that it
1402s will be increased at some point
1406s do I know to what number or when that
1408s will be no sorry
1414s uh some people just want to shout break
1417s yourself upon my body and that's not
1419s yeah yeah there's nothing wrong with
1421s that at all
1422s um
1425s we've we've tried to enable that type of
1430s damage output and play style
1432s with Active Components in the in the in
1437s the game playing a little bit
1452s any news on world you can share it nope
1454s nothing's news happened on warlock since
1457s last time I talked about Warlock
1464s uh you heard that flame ward has a 90
1466s percent
1467s uh usage rates on Source sources and
1470s it's not a numb lock seal but it feels
1472s very mandatory anyways
1473s um
1474s I do think that there's a little bit of
1476s a unfortunateness of that
1479s um I think it comes from the lack of
1480s utility abilities that are available
1483s um
1487s I I am it's one of those things that I
1489s am hoping will
1490s get more competition down the road and I
1493s think we'll get more competition down
1494s the road probably just comes from which
1497s I think
1498s Mages just need a new uh another Mastery
1501s another Mastery yeah they need another
1503s Master they need roommaster but they
1505s also need another
1506s um utility ability I think
1518s I'm still not sure where 90 comes from I
1520s don't think
1522s maybe the stats are available
1527s um
1528s at least ladder scraping is probably uh
1530s it's probably happening
1534s hello
1537s stay safe
1545s hey Mike happy Friday to you guys
1547s already have a fix for the town's
1550s problem
1551s um unfortunately not fully yet new
1554s unfortunately if we did it would already
1555s be out
1558s you're right
1560s please hold on no you're dwelling on the
1562s past
1565s kind of it's kind of funny coming from a
1567s game like this eh
1572s no yeah we don't have a fix of the Town
1574s problem yet
1576s it's so wild because like we've been
1578s playing with towns set up properly on
1580s our internal server tests for
1583s quite a while now
1588s um and like forcing everyone onto the
1590s same servers and everything like forcing
1592s everyone in the same regions and things
1593s like that it's just uh
1596s sometimes sometimes the test
1598s environment's just enough different from
1600s the live environment
1615s I love meteor shower
1625s so good
1627s uh any plans for unique items to replace
1629s skills with new skills and skill trees
1631s or you have other plans for adding more
1633s skills after launch
1635s um well yes is kind of the answer there
1636s because
1637s um there there are a couple pictures
1640s I've heard about unique items that
1641s actually add specializable skills
1644s um I don't think we would detect for
1646s that yet
1646s but uh it's it's I think it's possible
1650s to make that I don't think there's
1651s anything that's actually blocking us
1652s from making that which is nice
1658s um as for uh do we have other ways of
1660s adding new skills post launch absolutely
1663s um
1664s just in this in the in the like easy way
1666s of like there's a spot for a skill to go
1668s right there
1669s no problem this this will even expand
1671s over one more no problem originally this
1673s UI was designed for six skills to go
1675s here
1676s um and we had fewer Base Class skills so
1680s we there were there were actually going
1681s to be
1684s um so we added two Base Class skills and
1686s took away one for me to the master so we
1687s if we pulled one skill from every class
1692s um overall
1694s and put more of them in the base class
1695s and left left room for a Mastery class
1698s skill to go to go right here as well so
1702s um like yeah there's there's room for a
1704s sixth Class A Mastery class skill and
1707s you can go here too
1709s um it doesn't work great here because
1710s the lock line
1713s it can go here or here like we just
1716s can't put it here because it's
1718s it's well there's nothing really there's
1720s no actual slot there so like we can put
1722s it here or here but it's a little tricky
1724s with the lock line there so we probably
1725s would put it here or here first or both
1730s uh we don't want to put it here or here
1732s either there's possible as well but yeah
1735s 45 is just so late
1737s um so if we were going to add another
1738s one it would probably be here at 10 into
1740s the Master Class
1743s so this room for three more per Base
1746s Class just just right there alone
1749s um and there's also there's also room
1750s for one to go here uh we we toyed around
1753s with this like above the minimum Base
1754s Class points to unlock another skill
1758s um and people did not like it at all
1762s um that was it was a pretty pretty
1764s universally disliked
1766s option
1774s so we pulled that pretty good
1791s fools fools
1794s they are fools aren't they
1797s that's something I should probably just
1798s run
1804s oh what happens with Grail in the
1806s Imperial era and what is possibly and is
1810s the possibility
1812s he is the emperor
1814s um I am not very good at lore questions
1818s unfortunately
1820s um
1822s so I don't actually know the answer to
1824s this one sorry
1826s um
1828s is there the possibility he's the
1830s emperor yeah it's a possibility
1832s um
1835s do I know enough to refuse is the
1837s possibility of almost any character nope
1839s laughs
1842s um sorry I just I just don't know I'm
1845s sorry
1850s all right next one he plans to increase
1852s impact of additional levels for skills I
1855s would say in other games almost always
1857s one of the best desired desirable
1859s options but in last Epoch it's often
1861s just useless which is said uh yes we do
1863s because yes that's a good point is the
1866s um this is something I've noted before
1868s is that there's
1869s um the value of a point in a skill tree
1873s changes based on the the total number of
1875s skills available or that you've invested
1878s previously in that skill usually the
1880s first 10 points are the first five
1882s points at least are less impactful than
1884s the next 10 points
1886s um and then the next five points after
1887s that are less impactful again is usually
1889s what happens you get that like those
1890s middle ten points like the really juicy
1892s points usually it's where the like build
1894s comes together you get like this like
1896s specific Keynotes you get multiple
1898s Keynotes that are really important
1900s and then uh
1903s it kind of It kind of falls off again
1904s which is unfortunate
1907s so there's there are plan we do have uh
1911s planned mechanical systematic change
1914s which I know is a bunch of buzzwords
1917s um
1918s to to help alleviate this problem
1922s to breathe some life into late game
1924s skill trees
1927s advancement
1931s am I gonna say anything else in the
1932s matter nope
1934s sorry
1940s still one of those things where it's
1941s like someone's like I got a plan
1942s everyone's like that's a good plan we
1943s should do that one day right yeah
1945s probably
1947s so don't expect the next patch
1955s poison res
1957s oh gross
1967s I gotta fix that
1974s this fight is the
1977s sort of the like signpost you need
1980s poison Reds but you didn't know that did
1982s you yet fight
1987s is it Roseate with him
1989s oh it rodents with him
1992s you need to stop working this way
1995s yeah there he is
2000s we can fix that we have the technology
2010s you could have gone out at any point
2011s sure you could you ready to head out
2015s there also where were you hiding the
2016s swords
2020s how can you make it that equipment gives
2022s a full passive skill point for example
2025s that Rogue equipment can give full pass
2026s a point from the acolyte
2032s uh uh so we gonna bring this stuff four
2036s Rogues with their ballistas unique B
2038s decoy helmet
2039s um
2042s no we're not gonna give
2045s um passive points in other trees from
2046s the UI standpoint of it that's just that
2048s would just be a mess
2050s um
2052s if we wanted to add in and we have done
2054s this before if we wanted to add in a
2057s mechanic that's in that's in a passive
2059s tree
2060s um onto other classes we would do it
2062s through just taking the stats that are
2064s on that passive and putting it on a
2065s unique item
2066s um and and letting that unique item be
2069s collectible so it would it would be
2071s um
2073s like the the like that specific passive
2077s would go into an item if we wanted to
2079s enable that item but but enabling the
2081s whole tree
2082s uh is is very problematic
2090s hello quick question about Weavers will
2092s specifically the relics is there safe
2094s right to prevent them from Rolling
2096s conflicting affixes yes example I have
2099s uh once a sentinel that rolled holy or
2100s is it possible for it to roll a
2102s different Mastery skill in the other
2103s prefix no it is not it can only roll
2107s um
2109s so so there's there's never a situation
2111s where any item can have
2113s um conflicting class requirements so you
2116s see how this one says class required the
2117s required class Mage
2120s um this means that this item cannot have
2122s any
2124s affixes that would cause it to be
2126s required uh by another class to equip
2129s ever there's there's just there's you
2131s can't have two class requirements on an
2133s item and there's safe cards in place so
2135s that that can't happen and won't happen
2138s um like you can't even you can't even uh
2140s chance it with the um attorney cash if
2144s you try and put two items in there that
2145s have conflicting class requirements even
2147s if it's possible to like say you had a
2149s 1lp unique and then an exalted item that
2152s had
2153s um even a sealed affix on it that can't
2156s even be pulled that the sealed FX can't
2158s even be pulled but just the fact that
2160s the sealed affix exists on the item and
2162s the class requirement is for a different
2163s class other than the class you you're
2165s trying to say the unique is required
2167s Sentinel and there's a sealed affix on
2169s the exalted that requires Mage you
2172s cannot equip you cannot put both of
2175s those into featuring cash at the same
2176s time
2177s even though in that case it's still
2179s impossible to create a conflict
2183s because all it all it does is it's a
2185s it's not a very smart check all it does
2187s is just checks to see if the items have
2189s conflicting class requirements if they
2191s have conflicting class requirements it
2193s won't even let you put them in together
2194s it's the same thing with food as well
2196s um the way it grabs affixes it won't let
2198s a class requirement conflict happen
2201s um
2204s it's kind of the same way that like
2207s so we're playing the upcoming bizarre
2209s and item faction system
2211s uh you can't
2214s you can't sell uh items that have any
2217s faction requirement on them on the
2218s auction house which means you can't sell
2220s because as soon as you sell on the
2222s auction house it adds the item rank
2224s requirement so if you had a cof rank
2226s required item and you could
2230s hypothetically sell it on the auction
2232s house then it would gain a merchant
2235s skilled requirement and suddenly it's
2236s completely impossible to use because
2237s there's two conflicting item faction
2240s requirements
2257s everyone asking
2503s okay I'm gonna reset the Stream
2522s set us back seriously hey
2531s we're good all right
2533s I was like just about to hit and stream
2536s mouse cursor was hovering over the
2539s button but we're back
2541s you guys missed the best leaks oh yeah
2552s yeah I leaked all sorts of cool stuff
2554s get get those leap Liberty classes in
2557s because oh it's good
2561s don't actually I didn't I don't waste
2562s your time
2564s let's see what I learned lip reading but
2565s I didn't actually say anything
2570s ah the helium voice lovely
2574s Eclipse like that would be great
2577s I doubt it would though unfortunately
2589s all right
2591s uh to a question oh yeah I was I was in
2595s the middle of reading about the the two
2597s maps called The Burning Forest
2599s binding Freedom will be our future
2604s my future at any cost
2608s whatever leader says at any cost you
2610s know something bad's about to happen
2617s hmm
2620s farewell no one YouTube that Temple is
2624s closed was it just me that the
2626s authorities not closed for me
2636s we can't trust this friend of mine don't
2638s don't trust him
2640s it's a bad idea to trust him
2652s all right if you have any questions
2656s for me about last Epoch please for that
2658s last default game in the question I'll
2659s be happy to answer it
2663s Derek is so overloaded with like
2667s stuff there was another Quest we were
2669s talking about we're like who should who
2670s should be involved with this question
2671s definitely
2674s um that's just like he's got so much
2676s Autumn story wise
2685s head of course I'll be around here
2690s bring me his head of course so so
2693s nonchalant about it
2696s well the missing classes be released
2698s before or with patch 1.0 full release
2700s with patch 1.04 release later this year
2705s all the Masters are coming this year
2716s was that like
2718s seven months Max
2721s less than seven months because we're on
2722s the second
2740s the double casting was like falling to a
2742s pattern it was like
2744s yeah like the cluster oh there was I'm
2747s talking about right there
2749s give me that cluster
2754s oh no
2763s are you burning Forest is an old one
2765s maybe going away is it is it act two
2772s well chapter B but I think it's attack
2774s three technically
2787s because we we know we know where this
2789s one is
2796s I don't know what the other one is
2822s all right let's get this party rolling
2826s happy Friday and HD happy to be here
2829s thanks buddy happy Friday to you too oh
2833s yeah we gotta read some master sword 25
2834s months in a row oh no oh no
2838s we did it we survived
2841s 25.
2844s I got the 25 Club
2852s got that 25 club right there
2863s I think there's a there's a couple other
2864s people that are
2866s about to hit it or have just hit it as
2868s well
2870s full year it's more than a full year
2879s uh yeah with the burning force that the
2882s old one is what I think it is it'll
2883s probably go away at some point
2892s I want those lightning meteors so bad
2901s I have a feeling that I'm just like not
2902s gonna be able to survive this boss fight
2904s though
2913s keep
2922s this is this this is too touch and go
2924s for this boss fight to go well at all
2931s how am I I'm pretty good
2935s I'm feeling good I'm relaxed
2937s we're we're we're post patch enough that
2940s I'm like not stressed out about the
2942s patch anymore
2945s um
2947s strike teams for new features of being
2949s spun up next week
2951s really excited about those
2959s my mom's coming to town next week
2966s went for a great hike this weekend
2969s or last weekend going for a great hike
2971s this weekend too same one
2973s yeah feel good
2979s foreign
2990s in the evenings a couple couple hours a
2993s night
2993s I haven't had much time it's you get you
2995s get you get old you get tired
2998s responsibilities
3001s get a couple hours in
3004s we're still very early in the game
3006s though
3007s it's it's been nice to you know
3010s take your time with it
3018s very much looking forward to studying
3019s Master mode
3026s I also
3029s oh
3031s my
3032s ow my thanks
3036s why did that hurt so much ow
3040s uh alrighty then I guess we're gonna
3043s show now here's here's something that
3046s was given to me to show last stream
3049s which was two weeks ago which was
3051s pre-patched so I I think this may
3053s already be in the game
3055s um and I just like didn't see it until
3057s it was too late but like here's a little
3060s here's a little in-game render of a
3062s unique item
3082s going fishing for a half day tomorrow
3084s it's exciting it's a feeling you know
3086s tired all the time as well you know
3088s fishing fishing's nice I've been fishing
3091s in years uh any chance we get some kind
3093s of balance hot fix for our next patch
3095s maybe
3097s um I know someone was pitching that idea
3098s to do I don't know if uh it's gonna
3101s happen or not
3103s I know I know so there's this
3104s interesting thing that's happened is now
3105s that we've now we've released a ladder
3107s there's sort of this
3109s um
3111s impetus to not
3113s uh make huge Nerfs to top tier builds
3119s uh mid mid ladder
3123s and then on top of that
3126s um
3128s the prime we do a balance pass without
3132s Nerfs to talk to your builds
3135s um
3136s it's just power creep is all it is it's
3138s just power green
3141s um
3143s and there there's a lot of bugs Builds
3145s on the ladder right now too so I think
3147s that if um I don't know if we have the
3149s time to do this either as well there's
3150s there's so many things to get done for
3152s 1.0
3153s um
3154s and it might it might just be uh
3156s maybe we'll take a crack at some of it
3158s quickly to try and fix the major
3159s problems
3161s um but it may also just be
3163s so we just don't have time for at the
3165s moment
3166s um
3167s the version of the line that's out right
3168s now is is mostly for like testing it's
3172s it's a it's a beta version of the latter
3173s itself so we're trying to make sure it's
3175s solving the features in there
3177s and we get developed
3180s as far as balancing goes if if it were
3183s not a Time issue I think my vote would
3188s be to
3190s um do a mid season like like do do a do
3194s a ladder reset basically
3196s um seal the ladder and Shrine it say
3198s okay great people who did well did well
3200s great we're moving on to the next ladder
3201s here's about here's a balance patch
3204s um ladder reset bounce patch go
3208s um
3209s but don't don't like delete the
3211s characters leave the characters no
3212s character reset just a ladder wipe
3214s basically with a big balance match
3217s um
3218s and and save the latter stats so don't
3220s like don't push them off
3223s don't delete them
3224s um but that'll be I think the the ideal
3226s solution I don't know if we have the
3228s time to do that
3230s um
3233s make it a perfect world that's what we
3234s do
3236s let's keep going
3237s girl let's have some fun here
3241s where are we going
3246s we're going south right
3251s I'm pretty sure myself
3256s Follow the
3258s yellow item Road
3267s I should really be looking at some of
3269s this I'm just like yeah
3271s pass
3274s but there's good upgrades in here and
3275s I'm just ignoring them
3284s yeah
3286s uh will there be big changes to
3292s oh my goodness what is going on
3302s got that burst damage
3305s well let me change this to the profanity
3306s in chat yes most German sentences was
3309s more than like 10 words or censor for
3312s random stuff that sucks
3313s uh yeah there's there's still there's
3316s still stuff going on about
3318s um
3320s chat updates because yes the the
3321s profanity filter is not doing its job
3323s properly
3333s if you got a question for me to answer
3335s please put at last debugging in the
3337s question just so I know it's one you
3339s really want me to look at
3341s oh we have an answer I do see one here
3342s that I'll answer anyways no
3346s um
3350s Christian this must have been asked
3351s every stream but we'll be able to filter
3353s shards or at least allow pickup box to
3355s be bigger um we don't have any plans to
3358s add shards themselves to the filter
3360s system
3362s um the as as for the
3365s um ground item labels which is what we
3367s call these the height of them
3370s um needs to be consistent and will stay
3373s consistent relative to each other
3375s um they can all get bigger or none of
3377s them get bigger but they can't have
3380s um
3381s variable Heights on those labels
3386s which which might seem kind of arbitrary
3388s but it's it's actually very important
3391s um
3392s mostly from a
3395s uh the ability for our for us to like
3400s as as players us when I say us as
3402s players to be able to look at a large
3404s number of items
3408s like some items to look at it really but
3409s but having having this still be
3412s a functional environment to be in a lot
3415s of that has to do with these being a
3417s consistent height
3419s um and you can still you can still
3421s interact with the world a lot better
3423s they blend into nothing a lot easier
3427s when they are consistent
3430s if if you're trying to look past them
3432s you can basically
3437s it's actually a sweet rain
3447s what did I
3449s did I do something not right
3453s am I am I the fool fool
3462s why is it so time to go down here
3467s just wrong isn't it
3471s push this is wrong
3485s okay more questions I see a bunch more
3486s questions uh
3490s a leader in the airbg landscape recently
3493s partnered with a fast food giant but
3495s themed Cosmetics in-game so if Ellie
3497s could partner with any restaurant chain
3499s what would it be if you have any ideas
3501s for related Cosmetics items and item
3504s names wow
3506s um
3507s I can honestly say I've never considered
3509s this
3511s um question before which is rare usually
3514s usually something shows up and I'm like
3515s oh yeah I've thought about that in some
3517s way a little bit before nothing
3520s literally nothing
3524s um
3527s I I I'd go selfish with it and I'd want
3530s to partner with something that is this
3532s is like food I really like
3536s um
3540s I don't know it's just that seems so
3542s strange
3546s I don't know
3549s this is a funny question I like it a lot
3553s if I can partner with any restaurant
3556s chain what would it be
3561s I don't know I I I I
3565s the first time I don't see us doing this
3569s um both from a
3573s um we're probably not big enough for any
3576s um restaurant chain to to care enough
3579s um to want to do this in the first place
3582s but
3583s um
3591s here yeah
3605s well
3607s I don't know
3615s do you like Burger King in the Giant
3617s Burger helmet Cosmetics it's like just
3620s Giant Burger let's go call back earlier
3622s in the Stream Giant Burger
3625s head
3626s there we go
3631s ah
3633s all right next question are you guys
3635s mostly just focusing on polished
3637s unfinished classes right now or is it
3638s new content also marks 1.0 uh the one of
3641s the primary content pieces for 1.0 is
3644s the
3645s um are the missing Mastery classes
3646s that's that's one of the the main
3649s content pieces that's missing
3654s um there there is other content stuff
3657s like uh like more traditional content
3659s stuff
3661s I don't know how to describe it properly
3663s but maybe things that you might consider
3665s more
3668s more similar to a traditional lead
3670s mechanic I guess
3827s let me know if you can hear me
3834s win win all right once you're after that
3837s ah come on that's a terrible plan
3841s sweet
3843s it worked wonderful I don't know when it
3845s cut out or what I was saying but it was
3847s good stuff let me just tell you that oh
3849s yeah
3850s oh yeah
3854s uh
3856s uh I guess I was probably talking about
3857s uh path to 1.0 and what we're doing
3859s there a lot of it's polish there is
3863s still some gameplay stuff to be added
3866s DLT TLD
3870s too too quiet couldn't hear
3876s since I didn't mention before are there
3878s plans to make UI option for numb locking
3881s skills veteran players probably won't
3882s stop unlocking and some skills we're a
3884s bit frustrating to press every two to
3885s three seconds they're just holding the
3886s key non-stop before new player figures
3887s out there is an unlock trick in
3889s existence
3891s um
3892s I think that there's more openness
3895s towards the idea of a numb locking
3897s uh skill system like built into the UI
3901s than there was previously I know we
3903s don't have any plans for it at the
3904s moment
3906s um
3907s but I'd say not impossible
3916s is it can you hear me someone says
3918s something if you can hear me
3920s type one if you can hear me please
3923s I I need to know
3928s yay
3930s two counts
3935s three counts as well
3947s all right
3949s next question hey is there any reason
3952s that the play offline button is smaller
3954s please pick the same size the play
3956s online button I I saw this post
3959s um on Reddit or the forums I can't
3960s remember which one
3961s um
3963s probably not
3965s I I don't think we'll do that
3972s I don't know I'm not the UI designer but
3974s uh I know it is very intentionally a
3977s different size
3978s I I expect it's likely because online is
3981s the primary game mode and most people
3982s will be playing online
3986s um and when a new player starts at the
3988s game it's the indication that uh that's
3991s the mode that we're expecting most
3992s people to play on and get the full
3993s experiences through online
4003s that's what I think
4006s but speculation is speculation
4008s all right uh more Max or transmogs when
4014s uh when it's ready because I don't know
4016s what that means I don't know what more
4017s max means
4019s I'm sorry as I'm sure this was ass but I
4022s joined like that's okay will players be
4024s in towns be enabled again uh or no media
4027s plans again I'm sure answered sorry
4028s about that um yeah it's it is something
4030s that we want to get back up and running
4032s as soon as possible
4034s um it's it's as soon as as soon as it's
4036s fixed it'll be turned back on again
4037s basically
4040s it is a pretty key feature not only for
4044s um what we consider to be pretty
4045s important gameplay stuff but also
4048s um like it it makes servers cheaper for
4051s us to run which is
4053s really important uh just because your
4056s server is running you know like it gets
4057s people into game easier let's just get
4060s more people in because there's less like
4061s there's there's not one server per
4063s person it's one server for 15 people you
4065s know and it's it's yeah just better for
4068s I shouldn't say everyone because I'm
4069s sure someone that hurts
4072s unfortunately but for the most part it
4074s is a big Improvement oh that's what I
4076s want whoops
4078s well
4079s uh I think we'll go up here right [ __ ]
4081s multi yeah
4086s uh hi just for clarification spark
4088s charge uh spark charge I don't know is
4091s the answer to this question uh spark
4093s charges are unlimited right I mean
4094s multiple can be attached to one target
4096s chill tip doesn't exactly say it except
4098s the wording spark charges plural yes
4101s they are they are unlimited I do know
4102s the answer to this one
4103s um there's it would it would uh mention
4106s a stack cap if it didn't have one
4111s um if you're ever unsure about this uh I
4114s think actually says it
4116s explicitly
4118s um
4120s and that information is um like like
4122s ailment information is just mine
4124s directly from the game file so it is
4125s accurate
4128s oh
4129s all of it I've seen is accurate I
4131s guarantee it oh MTX not a more MTX or
4134s transmogs win ah that makes a lot more
4136s sense sorry
4138s um
4139s uh yeah yeah more MPS we're definitely
4141s adding more MTX
4142s um that pipeline is up and running
4143s people are adding stuff to it uh
4147s uh it's it's going
4149s uh transmogs uh no ETA yet I know it's
4153s something we've talked about positively
4154s before
4157s uh
4164s uh I am comparison when you wear two
4166s rings yeah it's gonna show both Rings
4169s equipped plus The Loot drop
4172s um there's a fair bit that actually has
4174s to be done to uh to make this work and
4176s make this happen
4178s it is something that
4181s um
4184s is possible
4187s um we don't have any plans for it
4188s immediately I'd say it's more likely to
4190s get like an extra key that compares the
4193s other ring for now because that can be
4194s done
4195s uh
4196s pretty pretty quickly in the code
4205s um but the that that task will lightly
4207s get because that's something that we do
4208s we need to have and that task will
4209s likely get put in my column
4211s um and it's not in my column at the
4213s moment so yeah
4219s so yeah uh do you still guys have plans
4221s to update change ad in UI stuff for 1.0
4224s um yes there's there's UI stuff that's
4226s coming for 1.0
4228s um
4234s well there's like one big thing
4238s factions
4239s actions UI is coming
4244s um
4247s that's gonna be the biggest change in UI
4249s between now and 1.0 but I'm sure there's
4250s other stuff to you
4254s I know there's uh
4256s project that requires a big UI update
4258s for certain things that is planned for
4260s after 1.0 as well
4267s that's the one we want because this
4268s makes a [ __ ] way more we don't really
4269s care about the damage we don't really
4271s use this anyways but
4272s when we do
4274s oh great because we get more Mana when
4276s it Crips
4279s any information about the long loading
4281s time screen zones and teleporting when
4283s playing in the multiplayer uh we I don't
4286s I don't have anything
4288s uh to say for you with that right now I
4292s don't I don't know
4293s uh I don't know anything about myself
4294s it's it's one of those things that like
4298s um I do know that it's it's pretty rare
4300s that it actually
4302s like overall grand scheme of things it's
4304s pretty rare and I know there's people
4305s that are experiencing it completely
4308s um so it seems like it's a more
4311s prevalent thing than it than it might
4313s actually be
4314s um but it is very high priority we are
4316s working on it
4318s the the long loading times uh is
4320s especially bad in uh you write in
4323s multiplayer
4326s um
4327s that one
4330s that was the problems we're still we're
4332s still working on that no one needs some
4333s fundamental architectural updates
4336s um and uh
4339s some of our back end is has and has been
4342s in the process of a major update for
4344s quite a while now
4349s none of it's like been deployed yet but
4354s we're working on it
4356s I know it doesn't necessarily seem like
4358s it but the network infrastructure and
4362s um performance for multiplayer is is a
4363s huge priority for us and it is something
4366s that we are working very hard on it's
4367s it's just a really huge task
4370s um and other things get completed at the
4372s same time in the meantime so it's uh
4375s those things get released we don't we're
4376s not holding up production on on other
4378s tasks while we're working on it
4381s um
4382s so so it doesn't always appear like it
4384s is a top priority item but it is
4393s Waypoint yes
4400s save me
4406s why won't you do anything oh gosh run
4410s away
4413s uh basically in multiplayer what happens
4415s right now is
4417s um when they're basically each scene is
4419s a server so each zone is its own server
4422s and when you're on your own playing solo
4425s and you go into a new uh you you do a
4428s scene transition
4430s um the senior and the server you're on
4432s can just close the last scene and open
4434s the new one and it's totally fine and
4436s you just keep going
4438s um but when you're in multiplayer and
4440s you have two people and one person goes
4441s into that new scene the person that's
4443s left back has to stay in that server so
4445s the person that's advancing the new
4447s scene has to spin up a new server and
4449s and that that's spinning up a new server
4451s time is what's taking so long
4453s um and and what's like causing that huge
4455s delay in multi multiplayer um scene
4457s transition
4460s then the second person coming to them
4462s happens really quickly
4464s um but frequently that transition
4466s happens at the same time so both people
4468s go together both people experience that
4469s really long load time
4473s that's if you want to know why it's
4474s happening
4479s um it's not as terrible in monolith
4481s because we do some funky stuff to have
4484s multiple things loaded at once
4489s but it's still there
4505s and we are exploring multiple Avenues to
4507s to make improvements there it's not just
4509s like oh we've got an idea let's try this
4511s one idea it's like okay we've got six
4512s ideas let's let's put different people
4514s on different ideas and let's get them
4515s all going
4516s it is it is a very high priority thing
4518s for us
4529s uh all righty then
4537s are you guys doing some statistics on
4539s skill usage are there plans to rework
4541s buff under used skills since they are
4543s less played for a reason
4545s um we don't we're not running
4547s um balance changes based on metrics and
4549s statistics at the moment
4551s um it's it's one tool in the in the
4554s toolbox that we are planning on using
4558s um for for uh balancing and design
4560s changes
4562s um and you you've ordered the question
4563s interestingly because uh you do make a
4565s good point in that it's not necessarily
4568s always it's intentional just the way
4569s it's where they may be reading into it
4570s it's not always intentionally
4573s um less played because it's less
4575s powerful sometimes it's less played
4578s because it's just not fun to play maybe
4579s like it's just it's just clunky
4584s um which which I think is what would
4585s happen if we if we just cranked up the
4587s damage on Tempest strike I still don't
4588s think it would be played because the
4590s attack speed uh clunkiness that that's
4593s that a lot you'll see
4596s um so I I think that it would be
4600s um it does require a little bit more of
4602s a change than just damage to make it
4605s better plate
4607s um
4608s so yeah it's it's it I think things like
4610s that are a good indicator of
4613s um targets but not necessarily uh
4616s indicators of solutions
4624s are you guys planning on overhauling the
4626s language and the passive in the skill
4627s trees 1.0
4628s no
4631s um I don't think I'm the only one that
4632s thinks the wording is a little
4633s inconsistent and requires some outside
4636s knowledge to understand exactly what
4637s some things do
4638s um yeah I think there are some there's
4640s some outliers for sure
4642s I think for the vast vast majority of
4644s nodes they're actually really good
4647s um but I think there are some standout
4649s examples that need to be changed so it's
4652s um overhauling the language in the past
4654s is no
4656s um
4657s improving select nodes to be better
4659s readable yes
4664s uh are you guys getting enough sleep
4666s feeling at all right yeah I think so
4672s you know some of us have
4673s um
4674s other things in our lives like
4677s very little people
4680s that live with us that uh
4683s require a lot of attention
4691s so that that it's in your sleep but but
4693s yeah
4694s I think we're we're approaching game
4696s development responsibly as far as
4698s work-life balance
4706s which is very important
4711s a lot of question but I don't want to
4713s die
4716s minion here
4718s all right I know you guys want factions
4720s being 1.0 but our the testers going to
4723s be able to test it beforehand or is it
4725s going to be purely in-house testing I
4727s feel like players can always find ways
4729s to break such systems
4731s um yeah we do we do intend to release
4733s the item factions to community testers
4735s before launching it fully
4737s um
4739s don't know exactly how that's gonna
4740s happen or when but uh that is the plan
4742s at the moment
4749s uh you missed my sub feels bad oh I'm
4751s sorry
4752s random name X oh
4756s a thousand sorrys
4758s 17 months that's a big one can we get
4764s face mask MTX for Halloween of me like
4768s those plastic face masks
4771s or would that be considered pay to win
4774s I mean that is the ultimate goal isn't
4776s it right just look like me
4782s laughs
4785s I don't think so but maybe I uh
4789s I wouldn't hate that
4799s Oh weird you see that the the meteors
4802s went off
4805s there's a tiny issues video that's funny
4808s interesting
4811s okay let's just uh get back on Solid
4814s Ground then shall we
4819s huh
4831s that was a little iffy
4838s a lot iffy but you know
4841s we survived
4845s all right
4849s thanks for answering my question you're
4850s welcome I don't know which one it was
4851s but I hope I did a good job I understand
4853s that work on the back end might not
4855s appear as being uh worked can be
4857s visualized I understand what you're
4859s saying thanks for the good work
4863s will do
4864s uh will we have the possibility to
4866s recolor our items uh is the third time I
4870s asked the same question it could be
4871s cooled at all Blackford line all right
4874s or glowing for an example we don't have
4877s plans for this
4879s um it would require a ton of texture
4882s changes or just an entire recolor system
4884s attitude
4887s like a a way to like identify certain
4890s pieces of textures to be recolorable
4892s um
4894s I don't know that would be like like
4895s some sort of mask
4897s where you could like dictate specific
4900s parts of a texture to be recolorable
4901s might not be terrible
4905s um I know there's no plans for the
4906s moment try not to fall off that would be
4909s it'll be a very low priority if there
4911s are plans for it
4913s how happy are you with how the patch
4915s landed I mean the the town problem that
4918s happened for the first three or four
4920s hours was disappointing
4921s facilities
4923s um I I loved hanging out in towns like
4926s that that first so like when patch
4928s dropped I was on immediately
4931s um I like went to town and saw some
4933s people
4935s um I like randomly I ran into Aaron in
4937s town
4938s um I was like ah this is super cool
4941s um
4942s and like that that was that was a a
4944s highlight of the patch release for me
4946s and then I that I heard that it was uh
4949s not working properly and I was like oh
4951s no
4953s crashed faster than that
4956s a dive bombing bird
4963s speaking of
4966s well
4967s that wasn't too bad
4977s I'm good right where I am thank you
4980s unfortunately this is where we parked
4983s for now at least
4986s you have yourself a giant snake to catch
4989s and I have a coup to continue I'll be
4991s headed for the temple skates and letting
4993s in a few hundred of my closest friend
4995s splitting out
5120s there we go
5138s back
5140s and we're back hey that's great uh no
5143s not Comcast I am
5146s I here I have uh
5149s I actually have like very reliable fiber
5153s um
5159s the only time I have an issue is
5162s every four or five months with with
5164s twitch doing this
5169s the third time to snap anything
5173s sounds like I'm on helium uh hit F5 if
5175s my voice sounds weird
5177s it'll it'll reset
5181s all right where did I leave off
5186s helium robot voice oh that sounds
5189s fantastic I wonder if I should I showed
5191s like a list of funny things to say in a
5193s helium robot voice prepared
5197s it was a one-horned one I had flying
5198s purple people eater one horn one I'm
5200s flying purple people leader one four and
5202s one I'm nine four people leaders Joe
5203s looks good to me
5205s but that sounds hilarious in helium
5218s oh God
5222s I don't know why I thought
5225s going faster walking would save me from
5227s the poison damage
5232s uh all right
5235s will the well-run college Quest be
5237s modified
5240s uh so much backtracking and loading time
5243s that I just play with one less point do
5245s you have any idea how many people do the
5246s quest well first of all
5248s um the that Quest is not mandatory to
5251s complete all of your passive points
5253s um there are
5255s there are more
5257s like so there's there are 15
5259s pass-a-point rewards available in the
5263s um
5264s uh in in all the quests
5269s but like so you'll use the idols that is
5271s the same way so there's I request you to
5272s complete with an idle inventory
5273s expansion but I've got eight of eight
5275s already and another one eight of eight
5277s already so we put and like there's one
5278s pass a point
5280s there's another passing point and an
5281s idol there's another passive Point
5283s another passive Point another passive
5286s point but I only have one left so
5288s there's more passive points
5290s uh quests than there are passive points
5293s available total so you don't have to do
5295s all the passive Point quests
5298s um I think that Quest is an exceptional
5302s uh use of time travel thematically
5308s um
5308s in our Quest system and it's the best
5310s one there for that so I I can't see that
5313s going away anytime soon
5317s especially considering it's not
5318s mandatory it is fully optional to
5319s complete
5328s but I do hear you on the loading times
5330s and and hopefully just improving our
5332s loading times we'll fix that problem you
5334s know so I think that the um changing
5337s that Quest would be
5340s um treating the
5342s symptoms but not the cause
5346s that makes any sense
5358s what is the highest mono corruption that
5360s is played by EGT members I have no idea
5363s if you know this what class build is
5365s pushing that high I do not know I'm
5366s sorry it's probably it's probably like
5368s carve or Rhymer or Justin uh or Anna
5371s something like that
5373s um
5378s or someone else possibly I don't know
5380s um
5385s there's there's there are many talented
5388s Epoch players on the team for sure
5391s um
5393s I am not chief of Muslim at all no way
5398s um
5405s I just have a pretty face that's the
5406s only reason I'm here
5411s uh you can't laugh at yourself who can
5414s you laugh at right
5415s uh
5430s more questions what if I do
5433s will there be more time travel in the
5435s game besides a couple of zones you get a
5437s whole uh while leveling the overall
5439s concept of the game yeah we we
5441s definitely do look to incorporate more
5443s time travel effects into the game I
5445s think the the so the well-run college
5446s Quest it was an experimental Quest and
5448s is it is really a good example of
5451s um using time travel in a
5453s pretty normal but kind of a little bit
5455s there's a little bit of creativity there
5456s it's not just like go back in time and
5458s it's open
5460s um it's a little bit trickier than that
5461s which I love
5462s and if you haven't done that Quest ever
5464s I highly recommend going and doing it
5465s and reading all the dialogue and
5466s everything because I think it is uh I
5468s think it's one of our better side quests
5470s from a like writing and story and and
5474s just coolness perspective
5480s um
5483s but yeah working in more hard and clear
5487s time travel thematics and mechanics is
5490s something that we do
5492s um
5493s we do look for uh opportunities to do
5497s as a labored sentence
5504s uh will the ethos behind the falconer
5506s Mastery uh when designing skills what is
5510s the ethos behind the falconer Mastery
5512s when designing skills are their core
5513s goals of the Massachusetts
5516s noted the skills are still up in the air
5518s before
5519s um yeah so the
5523s um
5527s I don't know if I can actually answer
5528s this question properly sorry
5531s um
5535s I I think it's really just bringing to
5537s life the fantasy of being this
5540s um this this a rogue that that now has
5543s uh a very strong connection to uh this
5547s this Falcon that is become part of your
5550s character and
5552s um
5554s and just just really driving home that
5556s class fantasy and that
5559s um those those feelings through the
5562s mechanics I guess is really really the
5563s important part
5565s um
5566s like it's interesting because the the
5569s the falconer I I I think this is pretty
5571s obvious I think I can see this you won't
5573s be able to actually get a falcon
5576s on any class other than a falconer
5579s I hope that's not a shock to anyone
5581s um I think I feel like I've said that
5582s before maybe not but
5585s um
5586s you won't you'll be able to unlock the
5588s Falcon on a marksman let's
5593s say um
5594s and so like skills that directly
5597s interact with the Falcon can't be
5600s unlockable by the uh Marksman or blade
5604s dancer either right
5608s so these two skills here
5611s and these two skills here have different
5613s like abilities as far as interactions
5617s with the Falcon
5619s um and so so driving home that
5621s uh that class fantasy will not
5624s um I guess breaking the
5627s availability of skills too much is
5629s really important
5631s and then working in Base Class skills at
5634s the same time
5637s because there's there's room for Base
5639s Class skills to get added at the same
5641s time because the Rogue does not have a
5642s full complement Base Class skills
5652s so we are adding in thematically and
5653s mechanically synergistic abilities in
5655s the bass clots at the same time
5657s uh when we're designing the Mastery
5659s class skills as well
5665s or at least designing them with them in
5667s mind
5676s camera if we care about any of these
5678s really
5683s not really charges is nice
5687s but I don't really want to go through
5689s cool down increase
5691s at the end of the world
5693s just a long way to go I think with the
5694s points to get there
5701s where am I going
5710s no seriously where am I going
5713s why did I walk
5716s I didn't answer this before but I've
5718s forgotten that's okay what corruption is
5721s the game currently bounced around I feel
5722s I remember it being 2 300 and a
5725s follow-up question how do you guys feel
5726s about the builds that give me 1500 plus
5728s corruption are they need of a Nerf or is
5730s everything else and need a more Synergy
5732s power
5733s um generally we look at around 300 ish
5736s is what we're looking
5737s um and yeah the the builds that are
5739s hitting
5740s um
5741s 1500 is uh
5748s I don't want to say a mistake
5751s wow
5753s I just I really wanted to get to this
5754s chest guys do you see this stuff how
5756s amazing is all of this like wow
5760s can you believe that I almost didn't
5761s come back for this like increased poison
5764s damage oh pick that up
5776s I mean crit strike multi actually that's
5778s pretty good
5783s did I just
5787s okay ma'am actually just made a sweet
5788s item uh as a joke
5792s we're gonna
5795s just just just uh
5798s I'm just gonna fix this
5804s let me hear all right let's uh we're
5807s definitely serious about crafting this
5808s item and nothing's a joke uh hahaha
5811s gotcha
5813s yep
5815s it's actually sweet
5819s I don't want stop avoidance I think I
5821s want something else here
5824s chance to chill attackers I don't want
5826s that
5828s it's the slow attackers
5830s poison res that is exactly what I need
5832s right now what is going on
5835s what is going on
5848s that's not bad at all
5855s they're poisonous cap now fire was
5857s already overcapped
5862s I will take it a little bit extra get
5865s our passive originally look at that
5866s passive board gin
5872s I um
5875s I knew that was up there all along
5880s all right going back here I do have
5882s something else I do actually have
5883s something that I brought to share let's
5885s let's share this day
5887s um because this is a little sneak peek
5889s at the
5892s um holy lightning
5895s um
5896s on hit and on uh death VFX
5900s that enemies can have the video is doing
5903s some weird stuff here I do not know
5904s what's going on
5906s um but the effect so this is similar to
5908s say that affects the other elements that
5909s are already in game
5910s um and just showing that we're expanding
5912s it to be not strictly just these the the
5915s elements that we have in game but
5916s thematically a little bit uh variants as
5919s well
5927s yeah
5929s a little sneak there
5932s uh yes as far as the the 1500
5936s corruption
5937s runs I I think that there's
5941s um
5942s I think expecting players to reach that
5945s high uh if if we expected players to
5947s reach that high in the corruption system
5950s corruption would have to be able to be
5952s increased faster than it is
5955s um
5957s I I don't think that there is
5960s uh I I think the people who are doing
5963s that are incredibly dedicated to pushing
5966s corruption and it's awesome
5969s um and I think it's probably getting
5972s pretty tedious for them and a lot of it
5974s is like I I don't like so I'm using
5976s conditionals because I'm not sure but I
5978s I gotta say that
5980s um I've never been overly tempted to
5983s push corruption that high organically
5986s um
5988s because it doesn't go up that fast
5990s really
5993s um
5995s so there's there's something needs to
5998s something needs to change a little bit
5999s in the in that system I'm not sure
6000s exactly what or how
6002s um but there's there's room for
6004s improvement definitely
6014s that was a lot of meteors I'm sad it
6017s didn't kill him
6030s there we go
6032s did like half them just not hit last
6034s time or something
6036s that's weird
6044s did I reach 2000 construction yet no
6046s I've never reached 2000 corruption
6047s myself not not
6049s um legitimately
6051s I've definitely played around with
6053s corruption that High
6054s um
6055s and and my throat was in build and stuff
6057s like that but I've uh
6059s I'm sorry to say that I've never done it
6061s properly
6064s oh what am I doing
6068s lesson number one kids don't stand in
6070s the fire
6071s oh look at that increased lightning
6073s damage though
6076s yeah look at that increased lighting
6078s damage
6080s let's try and slap that on someone at
6081s some point
6087s oh I know how to drink
6091s all right a follow-up question to the
6093s corruption one if that's okay of course
6097s uh if the game is balanced around
6099s approximately 300 corruption do you guys
6100s want these super high and optimized
6103s builds to be around 500 or a thousand
6105s corruption uh as in if a build with
6107s reasonably good gears at 300 do you guys
6109s want to build that super optimal ISP 500
6111s or a thousand or something else I know
6113s these are quite hard questions to answer
6115s but very much appreciate the insight
6118s I I think it's really hard to put hard
6120s numbers to
6123s um to these things in general and I say
6125s like 300 is generally what we optimize
6127s around
6129s um or like uh bounce around and it's
6132s it's less of a
6136s um
6138s what do we balance the capabilities of
6142s the like the maximum potential of the
6144s capabilities of the builds around and
6146s more around what do we balance the
6150s um like gameplay experience around
6155s um where's Peak fun in that curve
6159s um and I I think that the the biggest
6162s problem comes from
6164s uh the the ability right right now I
6167s think the biggest problem comes from the
6168s ability to go so high and and
6171s um put so much into it that is like
6174s above and beyond what we expect and not
6177s get some like big reward for it
6180s um I I don't think the solution is just
6182s slap a big reward on it but like that
6184s would be a way to
6186s um
6187s fix it uh but I think the the solution
6190s lies probably lies more in
6194s um
6196s like adjusting the
6200s uh
6203s like the difficulty and reward curves to
6206s to to to to like ramp up faster than
6209s they do
6210s I think I think it's the right thing
6212s a lot of this is still discussion points
6214s a lot of this is still debate points
6215s it's not uh
6217s no no Sunstone really
6221s and there's lots of little changes that
6222s happen here and there that can have big
6224s impacts on things like this
6227s so we're still
6228s we're still waiting on
6231s um you know like like seeing how item
6234s factions affects things seeing how
6237s um other other changes to model the
6238s system affects things seeing how adding
6240s the new classes affects things
6242s um
6244s you know there's there's a lot of things
6245s that that can have
6247s impact on the systems
6249s but I think there's
6251s I think likely will be more interested
6253s in doing this water orb more interested
6255s in doing a a larger scale balance update
6260s um
6261s like close close to 1.0
6265s oh my God item linking yes I see items
6269s in LinkedIn chat that's so cool
6278s so nice to finally get it in
6284s the actual builds
6292s geez did meteor didn't go off
6296s maybe it did I'm just weak
6298s do I just suck
6302s oh I'm just bad
6305s when did I become bad
6315s okay I got good again
6321s Chris city likes 450 how to build a
6323s field of 420.
6325s uh the meteor belt is cool but I was
6327s surprised to see an item that grants an
6329s access to something from a specific
6331s class uh what goes into deciding what
6333s skills can be given across to other
6335s classes
6336s um
6338s yeah so so uh part part of
6343s we do it conservatively in general
6346s um
6348s if if a skill is typically it's
6353s um abnormally
6355s well-liked cross classes
6359s and maybe thematically appropriate for
6361s the classes so um
6364s if we were gonna pretend that no other
6367s games in the genre exist
6369s and
6371s um we were gonna use our our theming
6374s rules for various classes already uh
6377s meteor would be a druid skill
6381s which sounds weird I know
6383s um but media would be a druid skill
6385s possibly a shaman skill but
6393s alright I've restarted the stream again
6398s I hope people can hear me
6401s it's quite frustrating
6405s which says I have zero viewers that's
6407s unfortunate
6416s Doug as I I do not believe that for a
6419s moment but it is funny to think about it
6425s we're back we're back
6428s sorry about that everybody
6430s we're like right at the boss fight we're
6432s gonna do the boss fight
6434s um
6437s and it both ended and not ended
6440s um all right so the
6442s I was in the middle of answering a
6444s question about
6446s uh class skills and which where they go
6450s and all that sort of stuff and I was
6451s talking about meteor probably ending up
6453s as a shaman ability or a at least a
6456s primeless base ability of some way
6459s um
6461s that that's yeah that's basically I
6463s didn't say much after that I don't think
6469s anything like but if it was on that it
6472s would likely be like a club comment it
6474s would be a cold fire conversion node
6477s that's what I said
6479s um just because it's it's it's like a
6481s natural phenomenon that's happening here
6483s you're incur you're inciting Nature's
6485s wrath is is what it's like it's a meteor
6487s is a natural thing
6489s but it's just so intrinsic to the Mage
6492s class and the sorcerer class as a as a
6496s Mainstay the RPGs that that we probably
6499s would that's why we left in the mage
6502s um and this this instance in particular
6504s it's such a popular ability uh and it
6506s does have this cross-class overlap a
6508s little bit that we we decided to to give
6510s it that to open it up a little bit and
6512s let it become more
6515s um Universal
6531s uh regarding bounce pass I imagine a
6533s wall
6535s imagine a wall at Tres house covered in
6539s spreadsheet printouts and crazy for
6541s Springs how close am I oh like the like
6543s the like the Charlie Day gift just like
6546s the
6556s I think that's what's that's inside
6558s inside the brain just
6560s the Mind Palace is that's what it looks
6563s like
6568s I think the chances of me successfully
6570s [ __ ] completing this boss fight first
6573s try is like zero percent
6582s insects
6591s oh yeah I should have saved a little bit
6593s of juice for this shouldn't I
6611s oh
6614s all right
6616s okay uh
6623s okay
6642s here we go just get enough in there
6645s teleport oh no oh okay okay
6655s oh
6659s just just just die
6663s wait essence of avarice
6668s never noticed it
6679s yeah
6681s we did it fights over good job everybody
6685s nailed it
6692s oh gosh she's back
6701s who could have seen this terrible twist
6702s coming
6712s okay
6737s I need so much more Mana
6780s that's my Mana potion just dying
6798s come on oh my God no
6803s tomorrow
6805s at least
6807s just to squish
6811s it's just too squish
6813s it's okay we got to the campaign and we
6815s are one minute shy of the deadline
6821s take it
6827s coal damage you know it's over time no
6830s thank you
6836s yeah not so much
6844s hello goodbye
6850s I will not die I cannot die
6855s give me that passive
6857s I got a cool down recovery speed oh I
6859s want that
6866s I know this effect bothers some people
6868s sorry about that
6876s all right
6878s we did it
6880s we got to the campaign
6884s I know I mentioned this a few times on
6885s the stream before but I really like this
6887s little this little nod here this
6888s character forgotten Knight
6891s um our original
6894s plate wearing sword and board class was
6897s called the Knight and was a female
6898s character
6900s um
6901s so this is a little nod to our original
6903s class
6905s uh well actually it was originally a
6907s void night
6909s actually originally originally it was a
6911s knight the very first thing was only a
6913s knight that was the only thing in the
6914s entire game
6916s um
6917s there was no classic selection at all
6922s it was like
6923s pre-pre-kickstarter
6930s a couple questions here let's answer a
6932s couple questions before we finish up
6933s we're right right at the end here
6935s all the technical difficulties stream
6937s it's kind of rough
6938s hopefully awful things go smooth next
6940s time
6941s I did just talk about in a non-question
6944s but do you guys feel that the echo
6946s specific modifiers like being able to
6948s get void monsters have 200 increased
6949s damage and stuff and their scaling with
6951s corruption is way more impactful than
6953s the corruption itself is making it
6955s really annoying and kind of abrasive
6957s when you hit a blockage in your web
6960s where almost all the choices are really
6961s nasty offensive mods do you guys feel
6963s they're the same or are you happy with
6966s the system
6968s It's tricky because one of the key parts
6970s of the system that we're that we really
6972s want to keep and that we think has right
6974s now is the ability to tailor the
6977s um that experience to yourself that
6979s ability to say hey
6981s um these are the things I'm really good
6983s at these are things that I care actually
6984s bad at
6985s um Let me let me try and strategically
6987s move through this end game system such
6990s that I can maximize my potential as a
6993s character
6994s and
6996s um
6997s the more we pull that uh the the
7001s difficulty and the reward from the
7003s individual mods onto corruption itself
7005s the the the the the more the less that
7008s is uh as effective
7010s um and it might not be we may not have
7014s pulled enough over yet
7016s um
7017s and and there's like we get enough
7019s feedback on some that I I still be
7022s paying that there should be some uh
7025s discussion on that to happen but it's a
7027s little unclear what the best course of
7028s action is right now
7033s please tell my kids not to gargle their
7036s orange juice
7038s uh
7041s in you must goes kids stop gargling your
7045s orange juice
7046s drink that
7047s it's good for you
7051s uh all right are there currently any
7053s plans to make boss fights easier to
7055s access I feel the fights aren't too
7056s intrinsically hard but getting a feel
7059s for a dungeon boss and mechanics
7060s requires a lot of runs especially if I'm
7063s dying yeah I think
7065s um
7068s I I I do think that there's room for
7071s improvements in uh the ability to learn
7075s a boss fight especially dungeon uh boss
7077s fights
7079s as as right now there can be a pretty
7081s big lead up to to get in that second
7084s attempt
7085s model of two actually
7095s give a big smile awesome glad this is a
7098s great great way to end the Stream
7101s and we will end the stream there
7103s thanks for coming out everybody I
7104s appreciate you I had a great time I hope
7106s you did too
7107s I will be back same time same place next
7110s week
7111s we'll have lots more awesome stuff to
7112s even talk about
7114s um
7115s hopefully you're having fun playing the
7116s game if you have more questions that I
7118s did not answer or just
7121s um didn't quite get them in in time or I
7123s was muted when I was answered or
7124s something like that please feel free to
7126s head on over to our discords and ask the
7127s devs channel uh where we're hanging out
7130s answering questions all the time
7132s um
7133s if you are
7135s uh don't like that there's also Reddit
7137s uh our forums
7140s um there's other platforms as well lots
7142s of helpful people hanging around all
7143s over the place
7144s um
7145s yeah
7148s we'll see you next time I hope I hope
7150s you're having a wonderful day
7155s go say hi to somebody
7158s all the change to the UI makes it way
7161s harder to copy stuff now
7163s that's frustrating
7178s speaking of people who are way better at
7180s last Epoch than me
7182s foreign
7188s have a great time everybody see you
7189s later