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Can we talk about it? You literally have to walk over it to pick it up (like the exact pixels), and if you land on it with some of the movement skills or it spawns on you, it just stays on the ground. There are so many afixes paired with potions, and yet this is the thing

HP Potion pickup range should be bigger, lets make it visible so they change it!

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about 1 year ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

Agree. I’ll talk to the team

about 1 year ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

Originally posted by SigSiig

I agree and disagree about this change. Sure the range could be better, but often i don't want to pickup potions immediately, because i have life leech or health regen. Having a small pickup-radius makes it possible for you to save potions for later.

I.e. for bosses i leave potions on the ground for later in the fight, when i need them, and rely on life leech/regen for as long as possible. Having a bigger pickup-radius could ruin this strategy.

Yes, there’s certainly a tactical element to the lower radius that we’d want to keep in tact. I’ll be advocating to change it from whatever it is right now where you have to stand nearly on top of it (let’s say 4 units for reference - it’s not) to something like 7-9.

about 1 year ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

Originally posted by Tyranith

If you guys do implement this please give us an option to disable auto-use potions. My forge guard has to be fairly picky with potions and I don't want to waste a potion that's sitting on the ground because I'm at 99% health but might need it later in a boss fight.

That’s a good suggestion