Original Post — Direct link

This is gonna be a compiled list of known bugs gathered by the community. It's gonna remain stickied as a highlight post for future reference, but unfortunately that section isn't visible on mobile. If you find any skill or item related bug, ctrl+f first please and if it's not added yet, follow the following format:

For passive tree nodes that aren't working properly: *Name of class*- *Name of mastery or write base tree*- *Name of passive node\- \Short and precise description of what's not working.

For Skill tree nodes: *Name of class\- \Name of skill\- \Name of skill node\- \Short description of what's not working.

For unique items: *Name of unique\- \Short description of what's not working.

For bugged niche interactions between specific uniques and passive or skill tree nodes or between 2 different uniques or passive nodes:

*Names of any uniques involved\- **Names of any skills involved*- \Names of class and mastery if relevant\*- \Short and precise description of the specific issue.

Please follow this format as well as you can, especially for the last one about niche interactions, name uniques first, then skills and then class and mastery if the issue is limited to that mastery and then the details last. If you have a clip/video evidence of the bug, feel free to add it.

Reminder that this is just a community resource and you should always make bug reports ingame.






  1. Porcine Constitution -- Can't put passive points into the passive; also appears to be the previous patch passive tree position for this skill (it was moved farther right in the last patch).






  1. Minion skill tags are missing/wrong (only counts as a Minion/Physical/Channeled/Intelligence skill). level to necrotic minions from Apogee(when specced into Corrupted Palate or Reap the Damned) and melee minions from Naal's tooth do not affect the skill.


  1. Bone Armor - putting more than 1 point into the node does nothing

->Bone Curse

  1. If bone curse is cast near an object or wall it will sometimes not spawn any bone prisons.



1. Upheaval Totems - Glacial Cascade - Primalist
The +3 to Cold Minion Skills from Apogee of Frozen Light does not apply to Upheaval when it is converted to a cold minion skill.



  1. if you stop channeling while in a party with another mage using focus it also causes their focus to stop channeling and go on cooldown. This happens even if you don't have the "you cast on other players" node.


  1. the skill got stuck targeting in a specific direction (toward bottom-left side of screen), and continued to target in that direction despite directing it to target toward monsters in other directions. Eventually when all monsters were dead, it would still only fire in that direction. Porting to town fixed it.



  1. Holy Trail + Siege Barrage - The Holy Trail node specifies that it has no effect if you have the Siege barrage node. However it still applies the cooldown to the skill. This is important as it locks builds out of the more Fire/Lightning damage node which applies to Javelin (not only Holy Trail).

->Healing hands

  1. Seraph blade + Unbroken prayer - just doesn't work, with or without homeward you do the animation but nothing comes out. It's the electrified version with Holy Wind which for some reason targets random mobs 3 screens away occasionally, so if I had to guess it's targeting offscreen somewhere rather than centered around the mouse or your character.
  2. synthesis of light - does not provide stated ward generation per 10% healing effectiveness.

->Abyssal Echoes

  1. Myopia node doesn't work unless I put 1 point into Fiery Chasm. Has been bugged for me since 0.9. made several bug reports but never got fixed. I assume it has something to do with taking both myopia and potent corruption.


-> Aaron's Will - Abomination Age of Undeath

The Abomination skill Age of Undeath does not function when using the unique Aaron's Will. Easy to reproduce, steps are in my bug report post.

->Hive Mind - Tainted Ammunition

If you have Hive Mind equipped, the Tainted Ammunition node applies to your bees instead of (not in addition to) your ballistae.

External link →
6 months ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

Hey all, thanks for taking the effort to do this. I suspect this will be helpful for the team and we'll keep a close eye on it. Any details that you guys have to support how you were able to make an issue occur is also helpful.

Please remember that creating in-game bug reports is the most helpful thing you can do to help get a bug resolved as it automatically provides us your game logs (these show us code-based errors) and the environment you're playing in.

Cheers, hope you all enjoy 1.1.7