about 3 years
ago -
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- Adjusted forging potential of new items
- +3 minimum forging potential for normal items.
- +2 minimum forging potential for magic items.
- +2 maximum forging potential for normal items.
- +3 to 4 minimum forging potential for rare items based on level.
- Reduced the maximum forging potential cost of adding a second affix to 14 (from 15).
- Reduced the maximum forging potential cost of adding a third or fourth affix to 18 (from 20).
- Controller Keybinds
- Left D-Pad now triggers the dungeon ability.
- Right D-Pad press is still bound to portal usage, but a long press will now toggle ground items.
- A controller binding reset should be enforced automatically. If the actionbar doesn’t change, try resetting keybinds.
- Julra’s beams are destroyed or don’t spawn if you kill her while they are active or spawning.
- Reduced Festering Cultist damage by 8%.
- Roots of Vithrasil no longer drops. There are some bugs with it so it was planned to be held off for now.
- The door in The Shining Cove now also opens if you have waypoint in The Oracle’s Refuge or are at least level 53.
Bug Fixes
- Likely fixed a rare bug that caused the game window to be a solid white background with some user interface on top when loading a character. If you’re still having this problem, please make a bug report with your log file.
- Fixed a bug where logging out or dying after killing the boss in the Dreadnought’s Deck or Morditas’ Tomb could prevent further game progression.
- Fixed a bug where using Ice Thorns’ Cold Prison node with an active minion could crash the game.
- Fixed a bug with Spriggan Form’s Vale Spirits which could cause several other bugs such as extreme movement speed.
- Fixed being able to use skill tree nodes to change into transforms you had not unlocked.
- Fixed a bug where transform-specifc skills could be put on the actionbar while in human form.
- Fixed a bug where Maul’s cooldown could not be reset by Fury Leap’s Aspect of the Mantis when you have Werebear Form’s Skull Crusher node.
- Fixed a bug where Spriggan Form’s Garden of Rage restored mana while in human form.
- Fixed a bug where Maul using Upheaval could cost more rage than intended if you had increased Upheaval’s mana cost with nodes such as Excavating Blow.
- Fixed a bug where Drain Life still had a minimum mana cost of 1 after you took the Blood Magic node to change its mana cost to a health drain.
- Fixed a bug where opening the Appearance window via the button in the Inventory window would not load your list of pets. Opening the window directly via the K key worked correctly.
- Fixed armor models having stretching issues in the character select screen on some graphics settings.
- Fixed a bug where Exalted items had less forging potential than intended.
- Fixed a bug where no error would be shown if a character name contained a restricted word.
- Changed Polearms to Spears in text descriptions for the Monolith of Fate.
- Fixed Death’s Embrace lacking its intended lore text.