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Ok So...you get T5 and finish it in 2 days then you are back here beating on the door looking for the next thing. Trust me I get it but remember games are only going to have so much content in them. Remember when you would buy Resident Evil, play for 7 hours and you beat the game in one night and that was it? This really isn't that different, makers don't sign up to released a new game of the game you bought every week when you complete things. On your question though, the last State of the Game they said not this week and that was last week. I'm hoping this week or the next...have some patience my friend, it's coming.
almost 6 years ago - UbiInsulin - Direct link
We will have news soon! We know there's a ton of interest in this and that you want more info. For now, I recommend checking Twitter and the website for updates.
about 3 years ago - Munin - Direct link
No one can answer this question, it depends on too many circumstances.
over 1 year ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

We release our larger patches every 3-4 months. 0.9.1 was May 25. The list of updates is piling up pretty high internally at this point!