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Hello! Really enjoyed my time with Last Epoch when I first played but an issue that drove me away from the game was that monsters and obstacles felt 'sticky'.

To explain: When in close proximity to monsters or terrain attempting to move around them would often result in significantly reduced movement speed. It felt like if a monster's hitbox was overlapping you even slightly, any attempts to move in any direction other than straight backwards would tar-pit you and slow you to around 10-25% of your normal move speed.

This would seriously screw me up when there was an AOE circle that just showed up and I try to strafe around the side of an enemy to avoid it only to find out they're hugging my feet like "you can't leave!"

Just curious if this has been addressed before I try to come back!

Thank you.

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3 months ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

It sounds like you're describing how it was back in 1.0. Since then we have reduced the size of the player actor on the navmesh and added an evade button that let's you move through enemies in any direction. You still can't just walk through enemies though.