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So from my understanding, the chance of legendary potential scales with item rarity right?

And each item has a different chance to get 1/2/3/4 potential. For example, Julra’s obsession has a lower chance to drop with 3 legendary potential than a titan’s heart.

But what is the actual calculation? Have they shared that?

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over 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by ab24366

What's the point of having 4 LP for those if it's a 1/16 quintillion? There will be no community "Holy shit" moments. People were pissed off about uber unique rarity in d4, 4 LP is similar power increase, and this is way rarer than those items.

The big difference is that the unique effect that the unique item has is obtainable. The D4 uber uniques have mechanically unique effects locked behind the mega rare chance. The 4LP versions are just higher power versions of the same items.

It is not uncommon feedback though so we are going to have to figure out how to make it feel better.

over 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by iorik9999

I always thought it was like 33% to roll a LP on a unique item, and each unique item rolls 4 times? So I would assume that probability to get a 4 LP unique is 1/81 when an unique drops?

But then this would make 1 LP legendary more common than 0 LP ones. So probably not 33% per roll.

Sorry, this is not quite right. Each unique has a different chance and it scales with area level. Some items are mega dramatically super way way way more rare than 1/81 for 4LP.

about 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Railander

is obtainable

4 LP is not obtainable for around half of the uniques.

to use the 1 in 16 quintillion example, if each one of the total 8 billion people on this planet dropped one of this unique every second without rest, on average someone would drop a 4 LP one every 63 years.

nobody will ever ever drop one, this is completely pointless. they need to either go back and make these more realistic, or give us a way to improve odds through harder content (so that it becomes realistically possible if you just do hard enough content).

The section you quoted was saying that the unique effect is obtainable through that unique. The base version at 0LP. I wasn't commenting on the general chance to obtain any particular item with 4LP.

about 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Railander

nobody in d4 was pissed because the uniques had some unique ability, they were pissed because they were very strong but unobtainable.

tons of uniques in this game aren't too interesting at 0 LP, but would be BiS at 4 LP.

Which brings me back to a question that I've been trying to get answered by anyone for months now.

Hypothetically, if you had a unique item with very large roll ranges on it, would a 4LP version of that item still be considered BiS even if it had min rolls on it?

If yes, what if the power gained from the 4LP was actually less than the power of the roll range differences? So if a perfectly rolled 0LP version was actually more powerful than an anti-perfectly rolled 4LP version and the low roll 4LP version, then the unique in general is BiS and the LP is just an extension of that roll range.

If no from the 1st question, where is the line on that power requirement for the item to be considered BiS? There must exist some arbitrary line on the item's roll ranges where it becomes BiS. How is it defined?

This tends to lead to a point where each unique item needs to have a definable point where the reasonably achievable version becomes that item's "true form" or the BiS inflection point or something. I don't have a good name for it really but by giving each item a relative LP chance to balance that point against each other, items have a higher or lower expected "high LP" that the item can be chased to which defines that item's "BiS point". This is something that we have attempted to define with the LPL of each unique item.

The general follow up questions to this whole thought experiment is: Should unique items have a maximum LP that they can roll with relative to their LPL? Should Wings of Argentus have a max LP of 1 or maybe 2? Well, most of the time when I ask that question I get a resounding no (but not always).

So I guess the question that remains is, does the possible existence of these ultra rare, almost impossible variants of Unique items ruin the power feeling of achieving the maximum reasonable power level of that item? Does the possibility of a 4LP Wings inherently make all non-4LP wings not BiS?

To complicate matters even more, each step of LP is not created equal in potential power gain. The list of affixes to pull over to any unique can be ranked in power levels. Each LP provides less power than the one before it. The 4th best affix to bring over provides less power than the 1st. So each item now has a variable relative scale on how much power it gains per LP. Some items might not have a very good 4th affix to bring over and the relative power potential between a 3LP item and a 4LP item might not actually be that big in some situations.

Now, I think it's important to take a step back and look at the bigger picture sometimes. What is the purpose of the Legendary system in general? Well, it has 2 main purposes, provide a late game item combination hunt system for players to push their builds, providing an end game chase and make more unique items end game relevant. So to satisfy the initial purpose, we could make all LP be created equal and have Wings dropping with 4LP at the same rate as Spoons do. This would unfortunately completely undo the second purpose. So, can we enable both at the same time? Yes, the relative LP rarity between uniques needs to be curated to allow for the relative power gained for that unique with LP to provide an inter-item competitiveness for BiS depending on LPL. More powerful items can have less LP and still be chase items so that more items can be considered for late game builds.

So as you can see, this is a very complex issue. And with all that in mind, if I haven't bored you to death, what would be your suggestion?