about 1 year ago - Last Epoch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

3s good afternoon everybody and welcome
5s back to another last Epoch Dev stream
9s and right at the 11th Hour steam comes
11s in clutch and lets me log in it's Mike
14s hello how you doing
17s everybody up until about 10 seconds ago
21s I thought we weren't going to have any
23s gameplay
25s today uh and I just booted the game
28s clent up one more time to be like d I'll
29s just let the music run the the
30s background while I talk and boom it lets
32s me
34s in oh steam thanks for coming back
36s online at the exact right time that's
38s what I'm talking about
45s okay oh my heart rate just dropped like
48s 20 BPM it's
52s great how's everybody
55s doing if this is your first time here
57s welcome glad to have you with us we
59s stream for charity boom all the money
61s goes that way um and you are welcome to
64s just hang out ask me some questions I
66s will do my best to answer as many as I
67s can um if you do have a question for me
70s I do ask that you put ATL OT game in the
72s question so I see it pop up in chat at
74s me be like hello hi Rogue Boon it's nice
77s little wave um yeah I'm just going to be
79s playing some last Epoch while answer
80s some of your questions I got some cool
81s stuff to show off you know we're
83s actually right we we just launched
86s this and it's so cool that I think I
89s want to just play this to start things
90s off cuz if you haven't seen it yet my
97s goodness me
99s audio turn the audio off apparently good
102s start again here we
110s go you fight
114s fight as if you can still save
119s them but the fate of a terror is
125s seed I know you've seen it
131s traveler you have
135s for you can
138s fight against this
145s grip but in the
149s end all of your
152s names between
155s hope and
158s Oblivion is
176s time
179s ER
182s every last
187s Refuge every shatter
191s L on the chains of
196s time It All Leads back to
202s me me to me back to
209s me
221s all right yeah that's our uh that's our
223s launch trailer coming I'm very excited
225s about
227s [Music]
228s that I I I saw that like for the first
231s time in the whole thing through this
234s morning uh it's like that's like the
237s eighth time I've watched it still gets
239s me every single time oh so excited all
247s right glad to have youall with us here
250s wait wait that's a way to kick off the
252s stream eh we're still playing our really
255s terrible Shield throw Sentinel and I
258s love it so you're going to join me with
260s my my struggles we're not even supposed
262s to be here yet are we we're still yeah
264s we're just barely 56 never finish the
266s campaign let's give it a try see what
269s happens
272s oh yeah it's been a busy week so far
275s hasn't it it's been a very busy week for
278s us which is
283s fantastic even have the damage
286s to I've turn my sound settings all
289s messed up right now not that bad
294s actually why something like this
299s here
301s I usually
302s play my speakers or
305s headphones switching things up just just
309s got the old earbuds in
312s today oh my God our DPS is negative
316s somehow that is that is that
322s possible I'll get some questions here in
324s chat get get the ball rolling oh have a
327s fantastic friday Mike thank you very
329s much question you said you were playing
331s uh planning different ways to trigger
333s Sigil of Hope really I don't remember
336s that but I believe you is there going to
338s be oh oh is it going to be available for
340s the 1.0 release um I don't think there's
344s any major changes to sigil triggers
346s coming
349s um could be wrong I go with probably not
353s but I I do think that's a cool thing to
355s do cuz um sigil is one of sigil is a
357s tricky skill cuz it's um
360s and I think it needs a bit more of
364s a overhaul is a little aggressive
366s probably but like it needs a little more
368s specific
370s attention
372s um cuz it does it does lend itself very
374s well to that auto
376s click gameplay right now which we're not
378s we're trying to just move away from in
381s general treament lasers what the heck is
383s that that is a one of the Rune
385s Master uh it's either like fire cold
388s lightning or lightning cold fire or fire
390s you know like it's one of the triple of
391s three element run Master
396s invocations he made the TG ibits I have
398s no idea someone extremely
401s talented can't wait for a real last
404s Epoch game yeah coming soon here we
418s go
425s right now that I'm streaming I'm not
426s going to reply to
430s them uh mg and coff are going to be
432s available in both cycles and Legacy
434s modes correct yes correct and if so will
437s characters we have now be able to join
439s them or are new characters created at
440s launch only able to join factions no all
442s characters are able to join
445s factions uh will the deluxe and ultimate
447s editions be available going forward um
450s as far as I know yes um maybe maybe Kane
453s can back me up on this
455s one
457s um I think that that uh I I'll have to
460s I'll have to look at the
462s um I was looking for this staff for so
466s long on aorc I was playing this is so
468s funny I tried I I I I streamed for like
472s two months looking for that staff only
475s on you know a couple hours on every
477s Friday there we are like a few St steps
480s into our first our very first echo in
482s this character to drops ain't RNG funny
486s um uh as far as I know the uh the little
491s the the golden guppy juvenile Chrono War
494s mini pet that I believe is a pre-order
496s exclusive think um and I think it says
499s that on
501s it um that's what my desktop looks
504s like and it's blank because I do that
507s all the
508s time
510s uh I'm just going to look through our
511s store page right
516s now I'm a much better developer than a
518s streamer I
520s swear you fight
524s fight as if you
529s can what was oh it's the trailer it's
533s the it's the trailer it's the steam
534s trailer autop Planks on our steam page
536s that's funny sorry about
538s that
541s oh where's where's where are those packs
543s I don't even know where they
553s are
554s [Music]
558s store package info deluxe edition
562s scrolling
563s [Music]
566s down golden Guppy baby Chon pre- PR
569s order exclusive yeah so it's just that
571s piece that's pre-order
573s exclusive found
586s it next question and I will probably get
589s behind on questions I'm sorry I had a t
592s do my best to keep up I'm not ignoring
593s you I swear but just put at last defu
596s game in your question if you please and
597s I will do I'll probably see it easier
603s uh how did the server stress test turn
604s out anything you can share about that I
606s I have no info on that I'm sorry I I got
608s nothing my head's been down on uh just
610s bug fixing I got I got my own bugs to
612s worry about um I don't know what
614s happened with that at all
619s sorry 720p de stream R blurry what this
623s should be at least 1080 uh I thought it
626s would be native 1440 as well
630s got the internet for
642s it sorry I don't know how to change that
644s on the
652s Fly uh is there a name for the golden
654s guppy I think it's just the golden
657s guppy maybe we can come up with a name
658s for him later together
660s got any
662s ideas uh is it possible to have you help
664s me out with an issue outside of stream
666s please um if you'd like help from
670s support um please contact support
672s directly so there's uh there's we have a
675s a whole support page that's got lots of
677s common issues uh things like that
679s various stuff on them um that may help
681s with your issue if it isn't there
682s there's a contact form on that page that
685s will show you
687s um uh that will that will let you get in
689s touch with someone directly who can help
691s you out so please go to the support page
693s just Google lasty support maybe even
695s exclamation mark support in chat we'll
697s get you there actually um but uh yeah go
700s to the support
703s page I don't check the messages on this
707s uh Twitch
709s account I sometimes sometimes go in and
711s look at them I'm like oh that one's like
712s a month
716s old hello hope you have a good Friday I
718s am having a good Friday thank you um can
721s you please add mob icons on the mini map
724s much easier faster at least to complete
725s Arena Echoes also good to implement to
727s the game things um we really
729s intentionally don't have them up
732s there um and a lot of it's
735s because I don't think we have anything
736s that's like clear the whole
740s Echo sorry about
744s that I talk way too much and it just
746s gets in the
748s throat
752s um yeah I we don't want if you do have
755s suggestions for the game though this is
756s another thing is when I'm stream I
757s assume there's probably a lot of people
758s here that don't often come to the
760s streams today which is great happy to
762s have you all here but um for the people
764s that do come regularly I'll probably be
766s repeating myself on things that I say in
767s previous streams a fair bit so if you do
769s have a suggestion for the game um the
772s best place to put that is in our um
775s we've got lots of suggestion intakes so
777s there's uh in-game the suest suggestion
779s form now just like right here um buer
782s boort I believe one of these is just
784s suggestion is
787s it uh provide feedback yeah you can
790s provide feedback right there open
791s feedback for him
793s um and uh there's also there's a
796s suggestion channel on our Discord
798s there's a suggestion um section on our
801s forums as well those are all great
802s places to leave suggestions so if you
803s got suggestion and you actually want to
804s see it have a chance of getting the game
806s put it there because I don't write
807s things down from the stream um
813s yeah we we we have talked about that
815s though and I I know it's something that
816s we've we've discussed and considered and
818s um it did not uh did not make it past a
821s design
826s discussion and pumped up here we go you
830s ready just Shadow drop 1.0 already hype
833s and weight are killing you yeah I mean
838s that would be sweet but like can we
839s please have this extra month of uh
841s stability and testing and you know
843s showing up everything come on
846s please I needs
852s it I promise I'm still working on stuff
854s that's great just little polish things
857s you'll you'll appreciate it like see
860s this this over here that that's like the
863s update on that just got finished I just
864s merged that in this morning for the the
866s final little little bug fix for that
875s drag this guy into a bigger
879s mob
885s uh are there any plans to change the
888s damaging ailment mechanics not
891s specifically no currently they feel kind
893s of the same to play is it's not really
895s viable to play them with with
896s hard-hitting slower skills yeah okay so
898s the there's there's a couple things of
900s of feedback we we get fairly frequently
902s when it comes to uh damaging
905s ailments so things like ignite and
907s poison or sorry poison is the one that's
909s different ignite and um say bleed feel
911s twoo similar because they're they're
913s almost identical except one is physical
915s damage and one is fire damage um and we
917s really try to keep the like base effects
920s on things like this really
923s straightforward and so it's we we think
925s it's a real plus that they are
926s effectively the same thing um and then
930s we'll have the the way that you sort of
932s can explore those mechanics be unique to
935s each one um so maybe maybe through uh
939s bleed we have things that exploit
941s bleeding targets so things where it's
942s like it does more damage to bleeding
943s targets cuz like maybe they're bleeding
945s or like um like like while they're
947s moving they take more damage and things
949s like that these are things that you um
952s can add on through specializations in
953s your tree to make like you be better at
956s applying bleeds to people um rather than
958s Chang the core base functionality of the
960s of the of the dot and then maybe like
962s those ways for let's say you to take
964s advantage of um spreading ignite to
967s between characters something like that
968s like there's like I know there's like a
969s spreading Flames thing but maybe there's
971s some way to like incorporate that a
973s little bit better like um spreading
975s Flames works better if it's like it's
977s double effect on bleed on on already
979s ignited targets or something like that
980s you know like things like that where
982s there's these specializ effects that can
985s that can make them feel unique but
987s having the base functionality be
988s straightforward is something that we do
989s uh intend to
991s keep um as far
994s as oh yeah with the the whole slower the
997s whole um slower attack thing um there's
1002s some we we've been trying to have a good
1004s way of solving this for a little while
1006s now um and we've hit a few dead ends
1009s with it things we've tried um there are
1012s I'm trying to say is without spoiling
1013s anything there are some new mechanics
1017s around ailments coming that will help
1019s spice things up a little bit um but I
1021s can't see anything specific right
1033s now you cannot change the quality on the
1035s Fly well is it is it really bad is it is
1039s it like for people who are here normally
1040s is it worse than
1044s usual did I did I change something I
1047s don't think I changed anything
1050s uh will we have a preview look to
1052s warlock before 1.0 there's a lovely
1055s gentleman in chat that can probably
1056s answer that for you yes um uh Icy Veins
1060s is hosting the um the reveal for warlock
1065s that's starting very soon
1071s um I think it's next week so next
1075s Thursday I
1076s think Aon I'm sorry if I got that wrong
1078s uh um yes Aaron uh runs the action RPG
1081s Channel on YouTube and Icy Veins are
1084s hosting the Warlock reveal and then um
1087s and then that's going to include all of
1088s their skills um passives I believe
1091s they've got info on I think they they'll
1093s have they'll have info on like
1094s supplementary stuff that goes to the
1095s class as well like it's they they'll
1097s have a lot of info for you on the on the
1101s class maybe even some like example
1104s builds and gameplay I don't I don't want
1106s to say too much cuz I don't know exactly
1107s what they have but there there's I know
1107s they've got a lot of stuff
1109s it's going to be
1114s great uh I've been playing since day one
1117s woo that is that's that's that's a long
1121s time that's really cool though you must
1123s have seen a
1124s lot uh me and my two friends tried
1126s multiplayer Monday we got into some
1128s monos and it was a terrible experience
1130s oh no that sucks random rubber banding
1131s desyncing enemies Frozen in place
1132s enemies de yeah a lot of things um
1137s making you nervous for relas how is the
1138s state of servers compared to vers uh to
1140s Now versus release cuz right now
1142s multiplayer fear is utterly
1144s unplayable um so multi like it's really
1148s hard to quantify a difference like this
1150s I can't just say like um yeah we fixed
1152s all the problems and it's done or
1153s something like that like I can't I can't
1155s just say that CU um there's always going
1157s to be situations where um like certain
1161s certain computers in certain parts of
1162s the world and certain internet
1163s connections and just like like something
1165s won't line up nicely and you'll get a
1167s bad experience um
1169s I can say that what you experience there
1171s is is not the average player
1174s experience I'm quite confident in that
1177s um there are a significant number of
1178s people who are experiencing that for
1179s sure and we are very actively working to
1183s improve that
1185s um there
1187s is like so I I can't really say yes it's
1189s fixed or anything like that
1191s but there are tons of huge improvements
1194s to um how how we're how we're handling
1197s running servers
1199s and how we're handling
1206s oh
1208s okay uh this has completely taken my
1211s attention I'm
1214s sorry shove me over here for a second um
1217s so the reason this is exciting is
1218s because I do have my my main minion that
1220s I'm I'm running here uh that's dying a
1222s fair bit uh but minion Health that's
1225s that's a 200% increased minion Health
1227s there which is really really important
1228s now we do have very important uh
1232s throwing damage slots in our Rings which
1235s you kind of have to keep um do really
1239s like my rings but if I can replace this
1243s one I would trade that 7 at for that
1245s that 200% increase milion health right
1246s now for sure cuz that thing keeps dying
1248s so I need to get the
1251s throwing Mana cost onto here for
1255s sure so I have to get poison damage off
1261s and there's like there's a few ways to
1263s do this I can I can gamble this out of
1267s here so I can chaos this off or it'll
1269s make it something random and I might
1270s just get lucky and I've got four shots
1272s at that cuz I can do it every level
1273s until
1274s T5 um I can try to seal the AIX off
1281s which will put it into a like see this
1283s one has this this 24 Health at the very
1284s bottom that's a sealed AIX um and so I
1288s can try and do because I've got an
1290s exalted mod here right now and this is
1292s T1 there's actually a pretty high chance
1294s that this will just seal right away um
1297s so I think I'm going to start by trying
1300s that yeah okay
1306s good we need we need the Mana cost
1308s reduction from
1317s this that hurt a
1321s lot wow that was
1326s unlucky
1330s okay the last suffix we want in here
1333s something
1347s defensive endurance is a good
1352s idea just straight health is always
1356s good I think we're just going straight
1359s health I could just Discover it and that
1362s way because because we just lost so much
1364s forun potential Discovery first one's
1367s free I'm I'm happy with that free a free
1371s mod one two three four oh that was
1376s Savage oh that hurts
1379s I think it's still an upgrade though we
1380s going to play
1384s it that's good that's sweet that's I'm
1386s really happy with that
1392s find I need to resummon
1401s actually was great I I I know I it could
1404s have got a lot better I got a few
1405s unlucky rolls there but overall that was
1408s great
1413s the sealed poison damage is so useless
1415s but
1416s whatever just the most reliable way to
1418s get rid of it
1422s okay oh yeah I was I'm so sorry uh
1425s sleepy oh1 I got completely distracted
1427s by the game this is the problem with me
1429s playing while I'm streaming we're like
1432s um M I just want to say this multiplayer
1434s stability um like speed reliability uh
1438s playing nice together all these sorts of
1440s things like that that's our primary
1442s focus this is our our main thing that
1444s we're working on it is the uh like we we
1447s put more time and energy into uh making
1450s multiplayer a good experience for people
1452s than anything else it's
1454s that's top priority um so if it's not
1458s good enough for you yet we are very much
1459s working on it
1461s um and yeah there there I know there are
1465s lots of improvements we have made to
1466s lots of different things and there's
1468s like there's lots of different problems
1469s you're experiencing there and they're
1470s caused by different things which is
1471s really frustrating I know but we're
1473s doing our best for
1474s you and heavy thank you very much for
1478s the sub 32
1480s months wow he heav Heavy's been around
1483s for a long time too this is that is
1484s incredible thank you we got I got a
1486s chance to meet heavy uh at the Gamescom
1488s conference just recently in Cologne
1491s which was so much fun that was my
1493s favorite part of that whole conference
1494s was was just meeting people yeah was so
1497s great
1499s thanks eie
1500s hi
1502s um I am in touch with support already
1505s great uh and so far been very long time
1507s that's why I asked you about this um
1510s I don't know what to tell you they
1512s should be responding real
1517s quick unless there's some giant influx
1519s right there could be a there could be a
1520s huge influx right now uh because of um
1525s just just the volume of of new traffic
1526s that's coming today yesterday
1531s um but if it's been more than a day I
1534s something's
1536s wrong that is uh if if you haven't heard
1538s for anything at all um that's a like
1541s check your spam folder type situation
1543s cuz you should get an automated reply at
1544s Le at the very
1548s least uh have yall pitched ideas or
1550s thought about expansions already or can
1552s you say already have something in the
1554s works so yeah we we don't really we're
1556s not really following the expansion model
1558s um mostly because we we don't want to
1561s have an opportunity to split our
1563s community so we don't want we don't want
1564s someone to like um maybe they maybe they
1566s play like the first two cycles and then
1568s they leave the game for a year and they
1569s come back and their friends been playing
1571s the whole time their friends's like oh
1572s you haven't bought expansion uh three so
1575s we can't play together and the guy's
1577s like well I don't know if I really want
1578s to hop all the way back in or not so I
1579s don't know if I want to spend that much
1580s money on an expansion but I want to just
1581s try it out it's this like weird like
1584s come back and play the old stuff with me
1586s and it it just it doesn't feel great so
1588s we're um like that that type of model
1590s works really well in like an MMO
1592s environment um but yeah we're sticking
1594s to more of the like uh once you've
1597s bought the game you've get all the
1601s content uh but yes we are going to be
1603s continually increasing that content and
1606s adding more to it every cycle there's
1607s going to be more
1617s stuff
1619s repost question in case I missed it
1620s sorry about that uh hello I remember the
1623s release of multiplayer each time we have
1625s a loading uh now after a long time I saw
1629s it is not fixed
1631s um is this a point of failure for
1633s release do you have a fix for that um so
1635s you mean like like loading screens
1636s between zones there's always be loading
1638s screens between
1642s zones good to see you the trailer you
1645s guys dropped is top tier thank you great
1648s is um is personto person trading in mg
1651s possible yes it is absolutely
1655s um the only difference so like the
1658s absolute only difference between
1661s personto person trading and trading in
1662s the bizaar forgot to put myself back
1664s over here back to my normal spot the
1667s only difference between personto person
1668s trading in the merchant skild and
1672s bizarre trading in the merchant skild is
1673s you know who you're trading with that's
1675s the only difference all of the same
1678s restrictions and requirements and
1681s costs maintain so um you can only trade
1684s with gold still there um it still costs
1688s the same amount of favor for both
1689s parties um you still can only trade the
1692s same item so this so it's like uh if
1694s you're not high enough rank to trade an
1695s item you can't trade it um if you're uh
1699s if you don't have enough favor to buy
1700s the item you still can't buy it like all
1702s of the same restrictions apply to
1703s personto person trading as it does to
1705s bizarre trading the only difference is
1708s you know who you're trading
1710s with I know I just repeated myself like
1712s four times but just want to be
1716s clear uh I can't wait for launch me too
1719s I just have one question one of the
1721s issues that people mentioned is in the
1723s game is somewhat repetitive or a little
1725s bit boring is there any Improvement to
1727s endgame that will be part of release can
1729s you expect announcement on that um
1731s there's no major systematic changes to
1733s endgame coming
1735s 1.0 um I think that
1738s there's um like a pretty different
1741s experience for like people who like
1744s there are a lot of people who have been
1745s playing with us for a long time um and
1747s like we haven't released a major endgame
1750s system
1752s in a year and a half
1754s now probably when did we release
1757s dungeons a year and a half ago now I
1760s think um so for those players especially
1763s there's probably been a pretty big gap
1765s the the whole Early Access time we've
1767s been um we've sort of known which
1769s content we want to go to launch with and
1772s um there's there there's not a big we
1775s didn't want to launch an
1777s untested um endgame system entirely
1781s untested end game system uh for launch
1783s and like we're already like Merchant
1785s skills already going to be a pretty big
1786s uh shake up to that really Merchant
1788s skill cof and Merchant skill the item
1790s factions are going to be a pretty big
1791s shake up to that um if you if you've
1795s played
1796s like
1799s um if you if you've like I don't know
1801s played this year or something like that
1803s you'll you'll it'll feel different to
1804s interact with but the same core um
1807s behavior and and stuff is still
1809s there um I mean I guess that we did we
1812s did last patch we did release the ex
1813s Mages which which was a nice little um
1817s nice little bump to the monel the
1819s systems but yeah we we do have new
1820s endgame systems planned for coming um
1823s post launch that will be pretty
1826s sweet
1833s super excited for launch man wondering
1834s if there are any supporter packs or MTX
1836s ET planned for launch yes uh bought the
1838s game so long ago and played so much it
1840s feels like uh feels like theft at this
1843s point we actually just today announced
1846s two new supporter packs um
1849s the uh deluxe edition and Ultimate
1851s Edition upgrades for the game are um
1854s basically new new supporter packs uh
1857s that have a bunch of cosmetics in them
1860s and like uh there's Mini Pets there's
1862s portals there's um uh gear skins all all
1866s that good stuff and release this res for
1869s 9 months thank you very much appreciate
1870s you hope you're having fun hanging out
1874s join
1877s yourself oh all
1886s right another one Lord Behemoth 78 two
1890s months bro can't wait for 1.0 me
1894s neither oh yeah it's
1897s uh I I'm yeah I'm very like nervous
1901s excited just just because I've never
1903s never been through something quite this
1904s intense before and uh yeah I'm I'm
1913s ready we just I just remember we just
1916s um added a a new system where you can
1920s have um minions when they're moving
1923s towards enemies move
1926s faster we've we've only given it to one
1929s minion so
1930s far but
1933s um it's just some new functionality we
1936s just added last night just reminded me
1938s of it thought it was
1943s cool that was a bad
1946s resummon
1949s and apparently I don't have
1950s notifications turned on for it but
1951s that's oh there's more well yep lots of
1954s stuff um matina
1956s hatch cheers 69 bits thank you very much
1960s don't I I don't see bits very often but
1962s I love it love to see them thank you
1964s very much and uh Kan Kane handing out
1967s some subs there we
1969s go just just just flying in right now
1974s what is going on uh
1980s uh I I never I can never tell what they
1983s are in the in the on they're all
1985s lowercase in the in the feed and I can't
1987s see what they I can never the capitals
1989s help so
1992s much
1996s uh trans addicted cow trans addicted
2000s wow I don't even know thank you so
2006s much I been
2009s been watching chess videos lately and I
2011s just watched one on the on uh kremlin's
2014s cow opening just why cows on the
2019s brain it's terrible don't play it and
2023s I'm terrible so don't listen to
2026s me all right I really wish supporter
2028s packs modeled the poe system Buy number
2030s three get one and two and coins to match
2032s the the new ones um the new ones are
2036s everything below like the new new
2038s uh the uh like deluxe edition and
2041s Ultimate Edition those ones it's it's
2043s everything contained
2046s below it's it's a tricky thing because
2049s there's um sth Lord Bishop you bring up
2051s a good point and
2055s um what we had done previously and the
2058s reason like I can I can break down why
2059s they are why why we didn't do that the
2061s first time um and I think there a good
2063s reason why we didn't do it the first
2064s time but I also think there's a good
2065s reason why people um don't really like
2068s don't really resonate with that reason
2070s um and I think that's because so we
2073s whenever you're making um like when
2075s making MTX for the store we're like okay
2076s well this is like uh maybe maybe like a
2078s less over the toop less flashy one maybe
2080s it's going to be um like like just a a a
2083s cheaper one and then this one's going to
2084s be like this is going all out there's
2086s like huge huge flashy stuff happening
2088s everywhere so it's going to be more
2089s expensive one right um and then we're
2091s like okay let's do a bundle pack and
2093s let's take like um let's take three that
2096s are kind of like they're really cool but
2097s they're sort of like less over the top
2099s and maybe they're a little bit cheaper
2099s in the store and we'll bundle them
2101s together and give a discount and and
2103s there you
2104s go um and then we're like okay well
2106s let's do another bundle pack um because
2108s what if they don't like that one and
2109s they want something different so let's
2110s take these other ones that may be like
2111s really flashing over the top and let's
2112s bundle them together and give them a
2113s discount and there you go um now the
2116s prices of those naturally on the like
2117s the the ones that started with more
2119s expensive MTX in the first place that
2121s bundle pack is going to be more
2122s expensive hopefully that's a natural
2125s thing um and and and maybe
2129s we've
2130s uh uh but but because they don't contain
2133s each other's stuff it's they they have
2135s the same volume of things so maybe they
2137s they both come with uh a pet a portal
2140s and a gear
2142s set um and so they both got three things
2145s and so why are these three things more
2147s valuable than these three things and and
2149s when it comes to a bundle pack that's a
2150s little less easier to reconcile I think
2155s um than it is when there's individ ual
2157s pieces for some reason I'm I'm not 100%
2159s sure why it happens this way but it does
2161s seem to be fairly consistent
2164s um so I I I think this is this sort of
2167s thing this is just the I guess Growing
2168s Pains of us
2170s um not realizing how people interact
2173s with uh cosmetics and MTX systems well
2176s enough
2178s um and we'll be we definitely heard the
2181s feedback and we'll be oh my
2183s God anyone doesn't know Avalanche is the
2185s bane of my existence
2188s and there's like a 90% chance it will
2189s kill me every time it shows up my
2192s physical and cold
2194s res garbage farted really loud to the
2197s microphone
2198s intentionally but maybe
2200s not
2203s um like
2208s like all right I don't know about you
2210s but it feels like my um man arm is
2213s surviving a lot better
2215s now as he does dies and I almost die The
2218s Matrix have so much
2220s health do I have culling on lunge on
2223s this
2226s character this one
2244s yes I have to get range the the the
2246s lunge color is based on the on your
2248s range to the Target um so if you lunge
2252s Call uh at at Point Blank Range it does
2254s nothing but if you step away and then do
2256s it it
2276s works
2279s we need we need more crafting
2291s mats it's worse but not bad very
2293s watchful still sorry I I apologize about
2296s the stream quality today guys I will um
2298s double check what's going on and see if
2300s we can improve it for next
2303s time please don't forget to put atlast
2305s Depot gam in your question if I skip
2307s over your question um because it wasn't
2309s there please just ask it again without
2311s last uck game or if you see someone that
2313s that missed it you can feel free to just
2314s say hey check out that question but I'm
2316s just going to assume there's other
2317s questions going on in the background
2320s without
2329s me if you play an early access can you
2331s pay the difference to get the deluxe and
2332s ultimate versions yes you
2334s can how much has Graphics improved for
2337s 1.0 enough that I notice it every time I
2339s play the game like I it's it's it's
2343s noticeable um like just from when I'm
2346s playing in in the editor to like test
2348s I'll hop in and be like that bug get
2349s fixed or something like that to to right
2351s here like I can I can easily tell
2353s they're not
2354s like uh complete overhaul different game
2358s Graphics but like it just it it goes
2361s from it it feels like a 1.0 release
2364s compared to a An Early Access I think I
2366s think that's the difference for me is it
2367s feels like it's okay here's a release
2371s game we still get a hpe week before 1.0
2374s with unique item reveals and stuff yeah
2375s we're still we're still doing we won't
2377s leave you out in the
2379s cold it's prob part of the reason why
2382s I'm running out of things to tease on
2384s stream we've noticed that my teasers in
2386s the last couple months have been a
2389s little lighter than
2391s usual uh it's because we're kind of
2393s running out of um stuff that's not
2395s already like earmarked for hype
2398s week I'm like can I show this like no we
2400s got a post of that mik I wanna I talked
2403s to them to give me something today that
2404s so don't
2408s worry how about a shaman rework sneak
2411s peek
2413s um I've definitely teased stuff about
2415s Shaman
2417s before but
2421s uh I I I bet that's I bet that's one of
2423s those things there like a poster for it
2425s you know the planning week
2427s of uh W interview with DM the other day
2430s but de butd yeah it was really I I
2432s really had fun there that was a lot of
2433s that was that was really cool um well
2437s done in regards to ailments their
2438s mechanics need to be clearer in game
2440s having to look up what they do is feels
2441s bad man well okay that's good point um
2446s the so one one thing I will say is that
2448s um if you come in here and and you want
2450s to know what an ailment does like there
2452s you go it is it is
2454s pretty there's there's there's a whole
2456s ailment section
2460s um ailments the whole ailment section um
2464s and this is expanded with new elements
2465s that are coming um and the like those
2469s that that's part of what I mean by uh
2471s what I was talking about earlier about
2472s having those special effects be things
2474s that you are um like actually adding to
2477s your character is a way that we are um
2479s tutorial iing that and making sure that
2481s that that's really clear um so you know
2483s how your ailments are working so it's
2485s not just like you have to know that
2487s these things spread or you have to know
2488s that these things have these effects
2490s it's they nodes you're taking they're
2491s things that are like in skill trees
2493s where you're like oh I I don't know any
2495s examples off on my head here
2504s um yeah all the examples I can think of
2506s are on other classes sorry um but yeah
2508s like they're on nodes specifically so
2510s that you do learn those in game um and
2513s and you learn those when you take them
2514s because you're actively selecting those
2517s uh and thank you very much to Anton 8 11
2521s months in a row one month to go thank
2523s you very much appreciate you uh speaking
2526s of exiled Mages we got one coming up I
2529s am not strong enough to fight him right
2531s now not a hope in
2534s heck ding oh now I'm strong
2539s enough I started taking these points and
2541s I can't believe I started taking these
2542s points this one's this is not terrible I
2544s just I need to go respect that was just
2546s me being an
2559s idiot oh AutoCast ring of shields I
2561s forgot we had that yes
2568s please
2574s yeah seal poison damage and craftting
2576s some juice
2577s oh I I am really far behind uh-oh uh is
2581s there a chance we could have Glyph of
2582s chaos deselect from Forge after use yes
2585s that's a bug it's been
2586s fixed um I'm sorry for your loss uh my
2590s wife and I play multiplayer from same
2592s house same internet rubber banding mob
2594s freezing yada y y um but it's few and
2597s far between what is super common is
2598s Quest States being wonky NC's being
2600s wonky and low times between zones can be
2602s insane yep um there's there's been a lot
2605s of quest
2607s that's what I was talking about earlier
2608s like the this this stuff um a lot of
2611s improvements there uh so yeah there
2613s should be should be should be fixes
2615s there I don't really like going into uh
2618s bug fixes that we're working on and
2619s things like that unless I'm like really
2622s confident because it's something I
2623s worked on
2626s um but yeah there's there's improvements
2628s there let's let's ah we give it a shot
2631s let's give it a shot why
2635s not
2638s these guys are generally quite
2641s strong
2644s especially yeah it's going to be
2665s ippy
2675s on come on almost
2680s there now you may notice that they will
2682s actually the Exile Mages they're angry
2684s at everybody so uh if if minions if
2687s enemies actually show up you can see
2688s them fighting down there on the bottom
2690s left you can see them fighting that the
2692s exiled Mages uh
2694s summons yeah
2702s Snipes why can I not walk right
2709s now there we go that was
2717s weird turn
2719s my notifications
2724s off all right what what do we what we
2728s get haste after using a traversal skill
2731s effective haste on you is a good one I
2733s think our boots are providing just a
2735s little too much defenses right now those
2737s are good boots though don't that take
2739s that health regen
2747s off those are
2750s tempting those are
2755s tempting
2762s is there any improvements on GPU
2764s overloading I got 390 TI wow nice last
2768s def Pock is destroying 100% usage
2770s nonstop my advice is to uh turn on
2772s streamer
2776s mode uh and it will stop going
2780s crazy and yes we are working on that too
2783s but stop gaps you know uh are we
2786s seriously at the point where a hard
2788s question that is being answered or given
2790s input to is
2792s being uh canel by you the creat of the
2794s game
2801s what what I have no idea what I
2805s did I think I'm too far behind and I
2807s don't look at the names enough to uh
2809s know which question that's in reference
2811s to I'm
2815s sorry know I lost my point in the scroll
2818s oh
2818s [Music]
2820s no oh I'm sorry whoever that
2825s was oh chat is moving way too fast and
2827s I'm so far behind I think it's just like
2829s actually gone too far and it only
2831s records so
2833s much I can't go back to check the
2840s question if there's any staff here or
2843s someone knows what I did wrong please
2846s send me a DM on a platform you know I
2849s can answer you on and I will address it
2851s I'm sorry I did not read the whole
2854s question uh I haven't tried multiplayer
2856s yet and I'm thinking to try it with
2859s friends but my solo experience is that
2861s regular model with runs were too easy
2864s are there difficulty adjustments make
2865s group fights
2866s meaningful um well so when when you do
2869s enter
2871s um a group it the the difficulty ramps
2873s up like you'll see a little message in
2874s chat they'll say like um
2877s like you you've got an extra person in
2878s your party so everything has more health
2879s and um Good Luck type
2882s thing um so yeah there there are
2885s difficulty scaling for for that you can
2887s also like just there there's there's
2889s always harder difficulty content to
2891s approach so go
2893s ahead uh I have responses and such from
2895s support oh okay then I can't help you
2904s sorry yeah explore again just keep
2907s talking to support they'll help you
2915s out uh I might have missed you answering
2917s my question sorry if you did I I like it
2919s it scrolled I swear I'm sorry guys it
2921s auto scroll past so many questions I I
2925s feel like I'm oh I just looked we have
2926s like twice as many viewers as normal
2928s okay I may have to have a new strategy
2930s for
2933s this
2935s um I'm just going have to answer
2936s questions faster and play
2942s less I want to
2944s [Laughter]
2946s play that's
2948s okay um will we have hype week yes we'll
2951s have hype
2952s week um I've been playing for a while
2955s and have everything currently available
2957s I have no issue with spending $65 more
2958s dollars but is there any way to put the
2960s Cosmetics from the purchase on my
2962s account and let me gift a second copy of
2964s the game to someone um
2967s the it'll only charge you for the
2969s difference of the things it it shouldn't
2971s charge you for the base copy of the game
2973s if you buy one of the deluxe editions um
2976s it should only you should be able to
2977s just upgrade and just charge the the
2979s difference and you shouldn't have to P
2980s for it um so you shouldn't be wasting
2983s any money if that's not working contact
2985s support before you buy
2989s it um I'm torn between the three Mastery
2991s classes for Prim list do you have any
2993s thoughts on which one might stand out
2994s for you to prefer after launch
2996s struggling to C I mean it really depends
2998s what you like if you are um if you're a
3000s big fan for like minions and things like
3002s that like Go with Beast Master for sure
3004s um if if any of the transforms excite
3007s you like the the the bear primalist or
3010s the primalist the Swarm blade or the
3012s sprin form like go go Druid um the the
3016s the most changes are coming to the um
3019s Shaman cuz right now it's kind of tough
3021s to pitch Shaman as like a high power uh
3024s build and
3027s um uh but it's it's more focused on
3029s totems so if I guess like like look at
3031s the theming you want the most and go for
3038s that
3040s um other than the two new classes uh
3043s should we expect more class changes for
3045s example Shaman Shaman's that got the
3046s most non Warlock and non uh falcon or
3051s changes of anyone
3054s um Paladin being being second because
3056s it's getting uh a new um a new skill
3060s tree it's the only one you can click on
3062s that doesn't take you to a skill tree
3063s all the other ones will take you to a
3064s skill tree um Healing Hands the only
3066s with that one so it's it's p that gets
3068s getting the second most of the other
3069s ones um just Mage in general is getting
3073s the least amount of changes CU it just
3074s had its uh run uh run Master
3083s update and
3086s yeah the the focus is definitely on um
3090s Warlock and Falcon but there are changes
3092s elsewhere just not as not a
3096s sweeping and there's little things like
3098s um like a single new unique can have
3101s pretty drastic consequences down uh as
3104s as far as like what builds are
3110s possible uh with person to person
3112s trading does that mean as long as each
3113s party meets all requirements you could
3114s trade an to a friend for one gold yes I
3117s know there is gifting with my friends
3118s and I all play different times and would
3120s still like to give items to each other
3121s yes you definitely can do that totally
3123s works no problem um you will each need
3125s to have enough favor to do that um but
3129s yeah that's totally fine and and you'll
3132s have to have a high enough rank in
3133s Merchants Guild in order to still um buy
3136s those same items so like uh if you're if
3138s you're not rank I don't know what the
3140s ranks are uh ex where the break points
3141s are they moved around so
3143s much but if you're not high enough rank
3145s for the specific
3146s ones uh it will not uh let you do
3152s it uh do you want to change polish
3154s translate in game because not everything
3155s is good translated we are we are very
3157s aware that the initial offerings for the
3158s translations were not good enough um on
3161s just about every single one of them and
3164s um we we are putting a ton of more work
3165s into improving those and uh there there
3170s are there are improvements to every
3172s single one of our
3174s translations
3179s so
3187s yes next question just got the game last
3190s week after seeing all the trade system
3191s discussions looking forward to launch
3192s game seems very impressive already thank
3193s you how big are you guys seem um such a
3197s hard number to hard thing to answer and
3199s I never really know the exact number
3200s because it keeps fluctuating um but
3203s let's it's it's more than 70 less than
3208s 100 pretty big window there but in that
3212s range uh will there be new cosmetic
3217s MTX uh other than the new ones in the
3219s deluxe ultimate editions in 1.0 I'm
3221s pretty
3222s sure yes there has to be cuz there's
3225s new um yes yeah cuz there's there was
3229s there was a new um there was a new
3232s category that got added uh down here uh
3236s um for for something that went in there
3238s so yes there has to
3244s be oh I was trying to go range wasn't I
3249s um targeting is this
3251s one target here Target cast a Target
3254s yeah we got
3257s it calling yeah we need another culling
3264s point
3267s uh when do you each when do you expect
3270s patch notes to come before launch like
3272s to play I like to plan your 1.0 build um
3275s we'll be kind of just wandering around
3277s in this Zone cuz I'm not paying
3278s attention to the game um I don't know
3281s exactly when it'll be in like I think
3283s it's a little bit earlier than usual but
3285s not much um so I would say like the
3287s couple days couple to maybe a few days
3290s before patch but it'll be pretty close
3292s to patch late February mid mid to late
3294s Fe mid well
3298s yeah late's probably bad J because the
3300s patch is already 21st so mid to late
3309s February uh class specific leader boards
3311s generally make people feel pigeon hold
3313s into playing whatever the highest
3314s players are playing will there be
3316s midcycle Buffs to combat this fomo
3319s feeling or you okay with specific build
3321s uh dominating the
3322s ladder um so actually the did just did
3327s uh uh an interview with with DM and gazi
3330s I think I had a really good answer to
3331s this question there um so I'm you a
3334s short version here cuz I think I'm
3335s pretty far behind on questions um
3337s essentially yes we will do midcycle
3341s um the full full uh full vods on gaz's
3345s YouTube channel then
3347s um uh we we we will do midcycle buffing
3352s and nerfing and balance changes to um to
3355s to have have an impact on this when it's
3357s like really needed
3359s um and it's we're going to be more
3363s conservative mid cycle doing these
3364s things than then we would be um at the
3367s at the in between Cycle Systems or like
3370s maybe like really early in a cycle if
3371s there's like an immediate problem but
3374s um yeah it's it's one of those things
3377s that's going to be on a very case-by
3378s casee basis
3381s um oh there's some potential for good
3383s stuff there there's there's not
3386s um there's not necessarily
3389s a uh a hard rule I guess I should say on
3392s like whether we're going to do things or
3393s not and it's always going to be a case-
3395s by case
3397s basis that's a really nice
3401s ring for for for like early mono
3408s find like it's terrible for
3411s me but as an early monolith find that is
3413s a fantastic ring
3417s wow low forging potential which is sad
3418s but get lucky
3422s still uh what are we doing we want Mana
3426s cost down man already
3430s zero we go Mana cost
3433s up mana cost one that's
3444s fine
3447s can't use it while now which is
3448s frustrating
3451s but if you have that
3465s problem all right all right not
3472s bad um yes sorry recap I was I saying
3475s [Music]
3477s um we will we will do uh to balancing if
3481s we need to
3482s but probably more conservative midcycle
3487s I guess the the the key the key thing I
3489s should probably mention here is that um
3492s having
3493s major uh balance
3496s changes
3498s like if if if we're going to be doing a
3500s bigger balance change it's going to be
3501s something that's uh we're going to make
3503s sure that strong build stays strong
3505s um so if you're if you're playing that
3507s top build and it's way out in front and
3509s it does get nerfed uh because it's way
3511s too far out in front it'll still be at
3513s the very least a top tier build um
3516s because we don't want people to to be
3518s like okay well I now I have to switch
3520s somehow like they'll still be able to
3521s play that build that that's that's
3523s really important to make sure it still
3524s happens at the very
3527s least uh just got the game last week oh
3530s yeah answer
3534s that heard the Maxwell team submitted a
3536s big balance Manifesto suggestions uh to
3539s you after testing CT client is there any
3541s chance that some of their suggestions
3542s will get on 1.0 or you guys are full bug
3545s fixing mode no time for anything else um
3547s so I I I I don't want to how do I answer
3550s this we had a large meeting uh when we
3553s got that document um and it wasn't just
3556s that document there was we we've had
3557s feedback from other CTS um and like we
3561s we had a bunch of feedback compiled
3562s about the CT testing that was happening
3564s um
3566s and and we had planned to to still do
3568s balance changes and things like that
3569s from CT so this is not like a completely
3571s out of the blue uh trigger that happened
3573s from from a document coming in but um
3576s there was there was a lot of good stuff
3577s in that document um and we have not
3580s necessarily just done everything they've
3582s said or anything like that um so I don't
3584s want to be like if you know what's in
3585s that document don't expect certain
3586s changes type thing um
3590s but uh we we we
3593s have continued to to uh update the
3596s balance of the game and it's not fully
3597s locked just
3603s yet my spoiler-free way of saying
3608s yes I forgot that my Forge strike is now
3611s ranged that's
3618s good this build is terrible and I love
3624s it
3627s I plan on looking The Forum to see if
3628s it's been reported yet or not okay cool
3632s great uh I don't to read the rest of
3634s this comment but I will uh um but are
3637s you all aware of a bug where if you tap
3640s war path a couple of times the skill
3641s keeps going even when you don't Channel
3648s Yes Master Sword 1291 32 months in a row
3651s oh my goodness and I missed just
3653s recently uh will
3655s will Willa will
3660s Willa for me thank you very much and
3662s thank you very much for Master Sword
3663s 1291 that is that's that's the second 32
3666s that's I don't know how many 32s that is
3668s but that's 32 is definitely the cap
3669s we've seen and singal lost again re or
3672s new sub there this is by far the most
3675s Subs we've had in a single stream I
3676s think uh apart from someone jumping in
3678s and gifting a ton which is
3683s insane all for
3697s charity not a bad Helm I know our Helm
3699s and our amulet right now are
3702s hurting we kind of passively looking for
3704s the two that might be the one to start
3705s crafting
3707s them and uh and more Subs coming in this
3711s is crazy um mugore and this the the the
3715s Flash the plash The Flash thank you very
3719s much appreciate you I uh don't really
3722s know what to do here there's a lot of
3725s people and uh I'm inexperienced at
3727s running a stream with a lot of people I
3730s hope you're having a good
3732s time uh here we go I answer that how
3736s long do you guys currently uh expect a
3738s casual player is going to take before
3740s they can actually level their trading
3742s high enough to take every to trade
3744s everything
3745s like how far into the season do you have
3747s to get before we actually have full
3748s trade capabilities
3750s um so there's kind of two break points
3752s that happen uh and and we're we're we
3755s are still massaging these numbers so I
3756s can't really give you an exact answer um
3759s but
3762s the uh rank eight I think is the point
3765s where you can kind of effectively trade
3767s everything
3769s um
3771s because uh because you can trade uh LP
3774s unique and exalted items at that point
3776s and then you can U make legendaries with
3779s it and then there's like I think nine
3781s and 10 are
3782s just higher legendaries or something
3785s like that oh I really should just look
3786s at what those
3792s are definitely not going to the forums I
3795s swear to look at this what's it under de
3798s blogs probably down infections there we
3803s are
3806s Merchant skild rank
3813s rewards rank eight trade all unique
3815s items rank nine trade Legendary Weapons
3816s Rank 10 trade all legendary there we
3818s okay that's what basically what I
3819s thought I just didn't what the
3820s delineation between 9 and 10 was so yeah
3822s at rank eight you can you can basically
3824s trade anything because you can um you
3829s can at least make the legendaries
3830s yourself if you trade for both the
3832s pieces um as far as trading the
3834s completed Legend Aries
3836s um you'll be it'll it'll be quite a
3838s while like it won't be um I think there
3842s will be lots of players that
3844s will uh probably be sort of like done
3847s with their uh their like their their
3850s cyclical Journey before they they
3853s complete Merchant
3855s Guild like Rank
3863s 10
3877s and I'm sure there'll be lots of players
3878s as well that finish both of
3886s them oh get out of here you tree
3890s branch we're fixing
3892s those more questions more questions will
3895s we get corruption ladder eventually uh I
3898s I think there's a really good chance of
3899s that I think that's a a high
3902s candidate uh will unique armor effects
3904s be implemented by launch hope so um
3909s no uh check out my question let me know
3912s if there is anything you may help me
3914s with please I don't know where your
3915s question
3916s is scroll
3922s up sorry I don't know what that is
3926s uh will the Friday death stream continue
3928s post 1.0 I plan to I hope
3931s so is warlock info being released before
3934s launch yes next Thursday I think when it
3938s starts it's all being uh handled by Icy
3939s Veins is rolling all that info
3945s out a couple repeat questions here will
3947s projectiles like fire
3950s arrows will get fixed before 1.0 please
3952s a few of them are sucking here um
3954s there's lot lots of fixes for things
3955s like that I don't have any I don't have
3957s any information on specific status of
3959s specific bugs that's the line I'm
3960s supposed to
3962s say poos it's the line I came up
3972s with uh can you clarify again whether
3974s the first cycle starts with 1.0 yes
3975s everything starts February 21st patch
3977s launches for everyone and all plat on
3979s all of our platforms that we already
3980s have um and at February 1 sorry February
3985s 21st patch launches and cycle starts
3989s simultaneously online offline cycle
3992s League everything or Legacy everything
3995s been spoke like 80 times
3997s there H thoughts in the game eventually
3999s becoming too bloated uh your ways off
4002s from that real far uh but if you keep
4004s adding cycle content don't you think at
4006s risk eventually yes I do think we at
4008s risk of that eventually
4013s um H it's this this is a tough one this
4016s is a tough one to look at
4018s um because there's so much stuff that
4021s needs to be added right now and
4027s um there's so much there's so many years
4031s before that's going to be a problem
4032s really before it's like actually a
4034s problem um that like we we haven't
4037s really looked at having a a hard plan
4040s for that we've got a few options we like
4042s we we've talked about it a little bit
4043s and you know there's like some some
4044s discussions that happen more like like
4046s thoughts on this what are we going to do
4047s like you like yeah there's some options
4049s around there we don't have a like a plan
4052s specifically in place that we're like
4053s going to stick to for sure um there's so
4056s like loose ideas that are floating
4058s around and stuff but it's it's just when
4060s you look at how long it's going to take
4061s to get to that point um the the amount
4064s of things that are going to change in
4065s the game between now and then any plan
4068s we make now around that is going to be
4069s obsolete well before that's a problem
4072s and it's just kind of a waste of time
4073s for us to sit down and Hammer that out
4074s right
4077s now but yeah it's it's like it's it's
4080s we're not IGN we're not ignorant to the
4081s fact that it's going to happen
4082s eventually like I kind of hope it
4084s happens right because it means that
4085s we've been doing well enough that we
4087s have this problem is like it's kind of a
4090s oh oh
4091s no great we we we've we've been
4094s successful enough that we've kept the
4095s game going strong and have tons of
4097s content that's awesome
4103s like
4106s uh weekly character sheet rework
4107s reminder I'm on a mission will not yield
4109s there are some light updates to it but
4112s functionally nothing new um post 1.0
4116s plan
4119s still uh is the bug where you can remove
4122s a skill from the skill bar being fixed
4123s where you can't remove a skill from the
4124s skill bar being fixed um I didn't know
4126s that bug
4129s existed
4130s maybe if you've reported it there's a
4133s good chance we've worked on it
4141s there it is right there in instant
4146s Repro I do remember actually running
4149s that
4152s now I know it doesn't happen in editor
4155s on the current build because I just
4158s pulled all the skills off my bar this
4159s morning to test
4163s something so either it's a it's it's a
4166s build only bug which does happen or it's
4168s been
4174s fixed but I didn't fix it
4177s sorry wasn't
4182s me I'm still hope for Dodge roll is that
4184s possible in the future I mean anything's
4186s possible
4188s um it's definitely not coming 1.0
4190s hopefully that's ful clear by now um
4197s there's there's there's a few reasons
4199s why it's not in the game I'm not going
4200s to go deep into all of them um but like
4204s some of them are a little bit less like
4207s there there's there's there's game
4209s mechanics reasons there's complexity
4210s reasons there's um but there's also just
4213s like thematic reasons and like lore
4216s reasons like um go go look at the
4221s um go go look at the the age model and
4225s like not even half his age and like oh
4229s doing a diving role right now like like
4232s I know how to do them
4233s properly I I I I literally have training
4237s in doing roles exactly like that I I
4240s used to do it as a young young adult and
4243s kid all the time but like thinking about
4245s doing that now I'm like oh my God my
4246s backwards so much
4249s afterwards and there the whole thing of
4251s like okay well you know he's a wizard
4252s you know having to do a magical version
4253s of it like yeah sure okay great um then
4256s it's just then it's just a gameplay
4261s thing go flat which is
4265s frustrating not bad
4274s though A A lot of it comes down to the
4277s fact that it is a hard class game um and
4280s having consistent abilities across all
4283s characters and like as I say that
4284s everyone's like well you have basic
4288s attack is is it homogenizes the the gaml
4293s feel a
4302s lot just purchased the Ultimate Upgrade
4305s can't wait thank you very
4307s much uh any plans for making UI
4309s customizable and movable would love to
4311s have move mini map around Buffs Etc uh
4314s um we don't have any plans for it right
4315s now uh it's it's sort of a never seen
4318s everything thing but like um low on the
4321s list that F I'm
4326s sorry keep walking up to forge strike
4329s stuff and I don't have
4336s to the guy who stopping talking about
4338s stopping your answers the question you
4340s pick up a ring was about them wearing
4343s over the state of multiplayer servers
4344s you did finish answering his question
4346s after crafting the ring so you're oh
4347s okay great cool sorry about the
4350s confusion my
4351s bad uh when forging it says cost between
4356s 1 and 10 forging costs but actually uh
4359s but it actually costs 16 forun potential
4360s is a bug working as intended um that
4363s would be a pretty big bug
4369s um something else must have happened or
4373s there's just a bug in there that's
4379s concerning it it should never go above
4381s that range it's also um it's also not a
4384s a
4385s [Music]
4386s linear um like a it's not a linear curve
4390s so uh you'll hit lower ranges a lot more
4393s often um what it actually what it
4395s actually
4398s does here's here's what it actually does
4401s little number line so you've got like
4403s one to 10 and it's saying you're you'll
4406s it'll cost between one and 10 forging
4408s potential um it rolls randomly in
4410s between this range and let's say you're
4411s like uh you did okay and you got a six
4414s and then it rolls and this is the new
4416s maximum and so you're then then maybe
4418s you get uh like a two or something like
4420s that three or something like that so it
4422s it does it does um it does help you out
4426s a little
4430s bit it it sorry it doesn't always do
4432s that it sometimes does that
4444s but yes on on average it will shift
4446s closer to the one
4453s um but it only does that second roll
4462s sometimes it sort of just means you get
4465s like luckier crafts more
4472s often uh is the only difference between
4474s standard game and Ultimate Game you get
4476s cosmetic points yes get Cosmetics points
4478s there's there is completely zero
4480s functional difference whatsoever between
4483s anything you can spend extra money on
4485s and the base game if if you only have um
4488s the the financial means to buy the base
4490s game um just buy the base game you do
4493s not need need anything else to play any
4496s content with anyone else you will
4498s there's there's zero power to be gained
4500s from buying any additional stuff
4501s whatsoever like there's there's there's
4504s no convenience there's no um I don't
4506s know what else there could be there's no
4508s like extra uh pickup range or leveling
4511s experience boosts or um I don't even
4513s know what else goes in these things
4517s uh uh there's there's no like extra
4519s slots for things there's no extra
4520s character slots there's no extra um
4523s those are increased by the way just just
4524s a little bit and then more later
4527s um
4528s there's I don't think the other things
4530s there could be not there is it's just
4532s like you you buy the base game you get
4534s everything you buy every MTX we have you
4536s have the exact same gameplay
4538s functionality power content potential
4540s everything it's all there it's all the
4541s same like it's um the only thing you get
4544s from buying extra stuff from the game is
4545s strictly cosmetic you look cool there's
4548s neat stuff you can put on like here here
4549s I can put some cool stuff on I got I got
4551s some cool stuff to put on that's a
4553s little dude fall us around
4556s um oh yeah let's get the spirit Elder
4558s out yeah this
4561s guy
4563s yeah yeah he he has zero functionality
4566s you can't even hover over him to see
4567s what he like it won't there's no way to
4569s interact at all as far as the game is
4572s concerned he does not
4576s exist I just have to be like so clear
4579s about that because there's
4580s like there's so frequently like little
4582s loopholes and like I don't know all of
4584s the loopholes I can say aren't
4592s there oh this actually a good time to
4595s use on the maggots so I can
4597s spawn actually doing a better job of
4599s this to get kills with Forge
4602s strike that'll let me actually spawn
4604s forged
4606s weapons oh yeah here we
4612s go
4615s more questions I can do
4617s this uh how can I upgrade if I have the
4620s base game ultimate cost 65 or is it
4623s already the reduced price um I'm I I'm
4626s really sorry I don't know
4630s um there there should
4635s be I I think I so it will take you to
4638s like steam's like checkout thing before
4640s you before it actually charges you um
4643s and I know in the past when I've bought
4644s things like um like Civ DLC packs and
4648s like you already have part of the pack
4649s when you go to check out just steam just
4651s like Auto discounts it um and I think
4653s that might be just what happens
4655s here um but but like if it's going to be
4658s the full price like the sticker price
4660s that's there don't don't don't buy it
4662s without talking to support
4664s first to make sure you're not paying
4668s extra same thing that would
4672s suck
4682s uh will there be Seasons we're calling
4683s them Cycles but
4685s yeah uh what's the percentage between
4687s excitement anxiety and everything else
4689s official on point over leas how are we
4691s feeling
4693s um I have a tendency in life to be kind
4696s of overc confident about things
4698s sometimes so my anxiety is like 10% 90%
4701s excitement and I also get really excited
4703s things really I get excited really
4705s easily and
4706s so maybe I'm not the best judge of
4709s something like that but uh we'll go 90%
4712s excitement 10%
4722s anxiety give me that
4726s experience yeah free chance to cast fre
4730s 1% take it soon it'll be 2%
4734s % more Health more
4739s Health uh we're doing this bigger we
4741s want bigger
4743s heels yeah I just want bigger
4749s heals
4752s taggers money's fine These are nice to
4755s grab and so is
4756s this enrage half Health yeah that's
4761s fine uh will there be some sort
4764s of lore tab to keep track of certain
4767s dialogue or story that you've gone
4768s through to reback to help understand the
4770s lore campaign story Etc not at 1.0 but I
4773s have heard this this this request a few
4775s times um I I love it as an idea and oh
4777s my God we're an hour 20 in and I haven't
4779s had any spoilers revealed yet
4782s okay
4786s what no that's the wrong
4790s image
4792s no
4795s one sec
4805s sorry Ste steam was uh having some
4808s issues right before Stream So I uh
4811s rebooted my computer right before the
4812s stream and I it remove some of the
4814s settings okay good we got it all right
4816s so
4817s um brief brief brief interlude here um
4821s I've got a couple things to share with
4823s you today here's the first one um so
4826s we've been working on what some feedback
4829s we get fairly frequently is that the uh
4831s storyline can be a little bit the low
4834s question reminded me of this um it it
4837s can sometimes be a little bit tricky to
4838s keep track of the story line um and a
4840s lot of people who are uh who play RPGs
4843s kind of just go hard like straight
4845s through just just yes next next next
4847s next like I I do the same thing um and
4851s uh you get to the end of the game you're
4852s like I don't really know what happened
4853s in the story there like I kind of get it
4854s but you know like and it's it's tough to
4856s get involved in the stakes of that final
4858s B boss battle if you're not really sure
4860s why you're fighting them right um and a
4863s lot of people and so we've been
4867s um uh we we've been we've been working
4870s on some
4872s 2.5d uh little mini videos between
4875s chapters also people say that they
4877s figure out what chapter they're in in
4878s the game they don't even know when the
4879s chapter transitions happen things like
4882s that so we've got some
4884s like they're very short and skippable if
4886s you if you've seen them before you don't
4887s want to watch them again they're very
4888s short skippable 2.5d um sort of like
4891s their like paintings with like some B
4893s effects on them that like shift and move
4895s and voice acting and things like that
4896s over top um that'll help sort of
4899s transition you between chapters and give
4901s you like a little story bit that's
4903s that's really really really cool really
4904s laid out like key story moments that
4907s just um that just make you feel a little
4908s bit more rooted in the world and the
4910s story as you're moving through the game
4912s and it they helps so much to bring that
4915s story to life and bring it together even
4917s if you're like actively not paying
4918s attention if you've got 30 seconds
4919s between chapters you'll you'll you'll
4922s understand what's going on in the story
4923s and um so here's here's I've got a few
4925s more that I'll show you later but like
4926s here's the first one that's a screenshot
4928s from one of those videos I won't tell
4930s you where I'm not going to tell you
4930s where these are in the story but if
4931s you've played it a lot you probably
4932s guess where all these are um and so yeah
4936s they're just
4937s like I I I just saw them with the first
4939s one today and they're so great
4941s um yeah so these these will be um
4946s available like when when 1.0 comes out
4948s uh and there I don't think I don't think
4950s we have a full thing on deing so I think
4952s it'll be like playing through the game
4953s with the first time you'll actually see
4954s the full videos um and they're just
4956s they're short little Clips but yeah
4958s they're really gorgeous um the artist
4961s did such a good job on these and yeah
4963s I'm I'm pumped Pumped on these so so
4966s excited yeah there's the first
4971s one come on
4973s on learn how to use OBS
4982s Mike right um but as far as lower we
4985s don't anything planned for that right
4986s now but I I think it's a great
4989s idea uh is there any way to trade
4991s between friends party members while one
4992s or both of you are coff or is it an ssf
4996s mod um so when you play as CF just to be
4999s clear cof and ssf are not the same thing
5002s at all you can play coff as an ssf
5006s character you can play coff as not an
5009s ssf character um you can still party
5013s with people as a cof player you can as a
5015s cof player you can party with Merchant
5016s skill people as a CF player you can
5018s party with people who don't have any
5020s faction um uh any any items that drop on
5024s the ground while you're playing as cof
5026s can be gifted to anyone else who is
5028s currently in your party and same Zone
5029s while they drop so if if this manifest
5032s armor was
5033s um was was Kane and we were playing
5035s together and uh this this this item here
5037s drops I can just go pick it up and it
5040s will not fit my inventory cuz I have
5042s picked up a bunch of junk that I don't
5043s actually need
5045s probably uh matter so I pick it up uh
5049s and then I open up the gifting menu
5052s gifts and I uh oh it's it's you right
5056s click on the name and you send the gift
5057s and it shows up in their gifting
5058s inventory right here and then they just
5059s drag it in and that's it simple as that
5062s you're playing together it drops you get
5064s to do each other easy have fun
5068s um and that's and that's that uh the the
5072s gifting process does not change anything
5074s about the item um so if that item has a
5078s a cuf tag it maintains that cof tag um
5082s if that item doesn't have a cof tag it
5084s continues to not have that coff tag um
5087s so you could be playing with Merchant SK
5088s someone and some of the items you play
5090s you drop while playing CF will not have
5092s a tag and you can still gift to them and
5093s they can still use it um basically it's
5096s all the things you would have found if
5097s you didn't have
5100s CF
5102s um how oh yeah and then then residences
5105s is the other thing which is get a little
5106s more complicated but is when you're not
5108s actively in the same Zone as each other
5110s um you'll need to use a residence to to
5112s do the same thing basically the
5113s resonance makes an item act as though
5116s the person was with you when it
5121s dropped
5125s uh what kind of time frame are you
5127s looking at uh after release to finish
5130s the last two chapters of the main story
5132s I don't have a set timeline I can give
5134s you um it is a pretty
5137s um uh we we know it's something that
5140s needs to happen quickly um we're not
5143s going to rush them so if there's if
5144s there's something that needs to happen
5145s that was just my little OCD handling
5147s there cuz I had to clear off the map um
5150s we we we know it's something that needs
5151s to happen quickly um
5153s but we're we're not going to rush it if
5154s it's not good enough or not ready to so
5157s um as soon as we can we still making it
5168s awesome oh I see another one here is um
5170s is faction progress uh character
5172s specific or account specific I'm going
5173s to call it stash specific so if you have
5176s two um softcore cycle characters they
5179s share faction progress um if you have a
5182s uh a cycle hardcore character and a
5184s cycle softcore character they do not
5186s share faction progress um if you have a
5190s uh uh a legacy softcore character and a
5193s cycle softcore character they do not
5194s share faction progress cuz basically the
5196s way you can tell if something is two
5198s characters going to share cycle or
5200s faction progress or not is is do they
5202s share a stash if they share a stash they
5204s share faction progress easy
5209s peasy
5211s uh
5213s oops what did I
5216s do oh I did not mean to pin
5220s this how do I
5222s unpin
5226s no unpin unpin sorry
5237s guys trying to click on the message that
5239s he's replying to there he is uh do you
5242s guys ever thought of Dodge roll oh yes
5244s we have talked about Dodge roll um it's
5246s not something we're doing right
5250s now uh when will
5253s L uh let me kick my friend off the CLI
5257s like at 300 why is that not in the
5262s game pretty
5264s sweet
5271s sorry
5277s little frog in the old throat there good
5283s though um no we're not we're not kicking
5286s our friends off of a cliff like in
5290s 300 maybe once we add PVP be uh be a
5294s sweet little Victory
5298s screen my monitor there second computer
5305s uh Mike you really like rings are you
5307s perhaps a
5310s Hobbit
5314s maybe but I mean you think about who
5316s really liked the Rings in there like it
5319s wasn't the hobbits who were like give me
5321s those rings for most of it it it was the
5323s the men right they were the ones that
5324s were like really like give me those
5328s Rings yells are pretty hot for rings too
5332s me know everyone wanted them
5340s but uh will Paladin I mean that was that
5343s was why the hobbits were like the best
5344s suited for it right was CU it like
5345s didn't have as much of an effect on them
5347s in general
5349s right will PAL get its missing skill
5351s with 1.0
5353s no uh will there be a separate solo mode
5356s in 1.0 like we have now
5359s yes uh looking forward to cycles and
5361s seasons
5363s uh hope there will be enough creativity
5364s to make make it a blast every time there
5366s comes a new one I mean we've got we have
5369s no shortage of ideas I'll say that much
5374s like at
5375s all the the problem is picking the best
5378s idea we're like like I mean these 40
5381s ideas are fantastic but like which one's
5383s the
5390s best uh hello hello
5392s uh will there be an option to skip
5394s storyline for the second character if
5396s you already have done it once um skip
5397s skip like fully on just like Adventure
5399s Mode skip we don't have any plans for
5400s that
5402s um this is another one that I I had a I
5404s think I had a good answer for that uh in
5406s that DM gazzy interview
5410s um but um we do we do have lots of
5413s things in the game for that second third
5415s fourth character to make that um
5417s leveling process smoother
5420s faster um
5423s you know more challenging and if you if
5426s you want all these sorts of things so
5427s it's sort of like uh we do have opt
5432s in uh speed ups and and ways to improve
5435s it so like for one really easy example
5438s um is like this this Shield it's level
5442s 18 and has 174 Health like what is that
5446s about that is not a level 18 item right
5449s um slap that on a level 18 character you
5452s are not dying for another 10 levels at
5453s least you no matter how hard you try and
5456s so like there's there's a lot of there's
5457s a lot of little things like that that
5459s you can um you can do to like twink out
5462s a small character and have it have it go
5464s hard and it really speeds up that
5466s process and dungeons are big campaign
5467s skips So like um and it says that on the
5470s map now which is really nice so like
5474s um you come down here and it's like
5476s there's tempal sanctum and it shows
5478s tempal sanctum here um and in the future
5480s it's it actually shows like like a dash
5482s line with a little icon and it's like
5484s this is an alternate leveling path it's
5485s harder and you need a key it's like a
5486s little menu pops up it's like it's
5488s harder you need a key it'll skip you to
5490s this point like it just tells you on the
5492s map what it's going to do it's way more
5493s obvious what's happening like so we've
5495s we've we've definitely improved the
5496s accessibility of that and the and the
5498s communication there um but there's no
5500s new stuff
5502s really not much
5511s new
5513s LOL thanks for answering about war path
5514s bug I don't remember about that sorry I
5516s was actually just looking for forms to
5517s post super hyped 1.0 ready to be F
5521s falcon or main me too let's
5525s go how does
5526s [Laughter]
5530s it I see what you did there how does it
5532s feel I'll read the question this is just
5534s the how it's how it's rooted right here
5535s I'm just read the question how does it
5538s feel to have the have made the best arpg
5541s in the history of RPGs uh please
5543s elaborate with
5545s detail oh man I mean wouldn't that
5548s wouldn't that be cool if it were true
5551s [Music]
5553s um I mean maybe it is who knows
5556s but I don't think we can actually uh
5559s make a claim like that
5562s there's how how does it feel to have
5564s have been a part of the team making this
5566s amazing game it feels unreal it's so
5568s cool are you kidding
5571s me
5573s like and and I look back at the path to
5577s getting
5578s here and it's it's like it's one of
5580s those things you're
5584s like I I never set out like I never I
5588s like said to myself one day I'm going to
5591s be a game developer and it's going to be
5593s awesome I'm going to go to school get my
5596s degree and go get a job making making
5598s games it's going to be awesome it's like
5599s no none of that happened I my God I'm
5602s going to apply to a bunch of game
5603s development Studios and okay that did
5605s happen they all rejected me but like it
5609s it's it's it's like you end up stumbling
5612s into something like this
5615s and it's it's it's unreal I don't I
5618s don't have a great way to describe it
5619s the feeling
5620s is uh I am I am grateful every day that
5625s Jud saw that Reddit post and somehow I I
5629s managed to get this far with it like
5633s unreal so cool it's kind of all I
5640s got uh killed ranks uh reset each cycle
5643s right yeah except for um Legacy that
5645s doesn't
5647s reset so it's just like you start a new
5649s cycle and everything's fresh when you
5650s start the
5651s cycle uh any plans for future Mastery
5654s class or adding other primary classes
5656s into the game future oh yeah big time
5659s um there are like we we've got you've
5662s got tentative plans for both of those
5664s things um the the the like the fourth
5667s Mastery for for individual classes uh
5670s those plans are more fleshed out and
5672s more likely to happen sooner um than
5675s than new base classes it'll it'll be a
5677s while before we add another master class
5678s though like that's like don't don't
5681s expect like don't expect from right away
5683s or anything like that like it's it's
5684s going to be the the base 15 Mastery
5686s classes for for a little bit
5689s um there's there's room to grow and
5691s expand B in those uh still and we'll be
5694s be focusing on on those first um but we
5696s do have like I I would put money I know
5699s at the what the the 16th master class is
5701s going to be I'm I'm I'm quite confident
5704s I know what it's going to
5707s be so we're we're at least past that
5714s bit I have no idea what the the sixth
5717s Base Class is going to be though that's
5718s way more up in the air I I I have I have
5721s one that I'm like really rooting for
5723s that I've that I've been sort of subtly
5725s pitching every time the conversation
5727s comes up no okay not subtly at all um
5731s but like that that one's that one's that
5733s ways
5738s out these are these are long-term
5742s plans all right next
5746s question wow we are at 470 people right
5749s now that is insane I uh
5753s sorry I'm so far behind probably
5755s here you know you know here's here's
5757s what we're going to do I'm going to take
5758s a moment I'm going to put this up here's
5759s here's another still from a uh one of
5763s the 2.5d cut scenes mid chapter cut
5765s scenes transitions um and I'm just going
5768s to leave it up and read a bunch of
5769s questions while I do it uh kind of silly
5772s question uh that's okay I love silly
5774s questions but we just thought of it
5776s while playing any chance we could we be
5778s able to trade runes and uh glyphs with
5780s Merchant skilled uh no runlist are not
5782s tradeable with Mercy or any anything
5784s else at all those are crafting materials
5786s that go directly into your uh crafting
5788s materials um panel and are not take Ed
5791s of all uh thank you very much uh qz uh
5795s qz
5796s rqt Q two months Oro thank you very much
5799s I remember your Kickstarter way back
5801s being like well this is something to
5803s look forward to can't wait for launch
5804s you've been looking forward to it for a
5805s long time thanks for sticking with
5809s us that Kickstarter camp campaign was
5812s one of the most stressful things I've
5813s ever had to do in my entire life like oh
5815s my God that was that that was the only
5819s thing I've gotten less sleepover was
5820s like the first four months of my
5824s kid uh do you know the plans for when
5826s patch notes will be released it it'll be
5828s U shortly before patch um I don't know
5831s exactly how shortly but shortly before
5833s patch uh any news to boss Dr uh they
5837s didn't make it to 1.0
5839s sorry but there's plans for sweet change
5842s there it's it's going to be great I
5843s promise once it's there didn't make it
5844s to 1.0 uh are these Friday live streams
5846s going to continue to 1.0 I I have no
5849s plans to stop them until you guys stop
5851s enjoying me coming and doing this or I
5854s get burnt out from it or something major
5857s happens to stop it I I I got no plans to
5859s stop it's great I love it um if I won't
5862s be able to trade the most important
5863s items in the game until quite late in
5865s the season what is the incentive to play
5867s Merchants Guild over CF it seems like
5870s you stacked the deck against trade a bit
5871s here uh what is the thought process here
5876s um
5884s the how do I answer this without giving
5886s anything away that I'm not supposed to
5888s say I don't know
5898s uh I think the rate at which you are
5902s able to leverage your item faction to
5905s acquire new items and the tiers and
5909s qualities of those items are will be
5912s roughly similar between CF and
5917s mg so if you put X number of hours into
5922s uh
5922s coff uh and you put that same X number
5925s of hours into Merchant Guild you'll
5927s hopefully be adding the
5930s same tier and style and quality and
5934s roughly power level of items to your
5936s build
5943s roughly I think I think that works I
5945s think that's the best way to say
5949s it uh is there going to be changes to uh
5952s boss damage reduction yes not at 1.0
5954s sorry I didn't make it uh this will
5957s probably be difficult question to answer
5958s Bring It
5960s On
5962s um uh I can't answer this sorry but what
5964s is the target number for average
5966s concurrent players on Steam I don't know
5968s I'm sorry I I try so hard not to look at
5971s those numbers that's like that that you
5974s know things same of things that give me
5975s anxiety is is those numbers make me
5977s nervous and and I I don't have a good
5981s concept of um what those numbers mean
5985s for the game like and and I I try so
5988s hard to to steer clear those numbers I
5990s have no idea I haven't looked at are at
5992s those numbers for last Epoch in 6 months
5995s at least I just I haven't looked at them
5998s um
6001s yeah if I purchase the game now will I
6003s still get access to it RightWay
6006s yes every everyone who buys the game can
6008s play
6010s it uh sorry if this has been mentioned
6012s that's okay any info on a fix for many
6015s people not be able to play online I
6016s haven't been able to play online yet
6017s that that sucks um you I mean there's
6023s uh I I don't know what is preventing you
6026s from playing online um you can contact
6028s support and they'll be able to help you
6029s out hopefully
6032s um yeah the percentage of people that
6035s are not able to play at all is very low
6038s unless there's a ton of people just not
6039s saying
6043s anything uh will we be able to choose
6045s male Rogue in the future maybe
6047s maybe um definitely not
6049s 1.0 uh any chance you'll be changing the
6052s shift right click to put items in the
6054s Forge cell vers what we use for clicking
6057s and equipping I tried to sell craft
6059s before and accidentally equipped without
6060s realizing It ultimately losing the piece
6061s yeah that sucks um this this is
6064s something that we we're starting to see
6065s a little bit more and more pop up um and
6067s I can see it be something that we start
6068s to address we don't have any specific
6069s plans right now um trying to hammer
6072s through a bunch of these questions and
6073s I'm just realized I'm rambling on some
6075s uh will you do something about the
6076s displacement of opponents uh yes that's
6079s that's fixed rest of the question yeah
6081s uh how many challenges have you decided
6083s to make for one cycle for players to
6085s grind through and will it be like a tier
6087s or leveling thing
6091s um oh uh uh starting there won't be
6095s anything like that to
6098s start um will you do something about oh
6102s yeah
6104s yes are you planning to solve the issues
6107s with pushing the boss yes it's fixed uh
6110s it's like four in a row there uh why
6113s there is a lower price I as the same is
6117s lower down in the
6122s areas I don't know I'm sorry uh we do
6125s Regional pricing so if if you're living
6127s in a place that
6129s um like like the the buying power is is
6131s less in that area of of that currency uh
6134s the the game's usually cheaper and we
6136s just use steam's
6138s default uh you do yes
6144s please only repost the question if I've
6145s like clearly skipped over
6147s it uh is there also a chance in the
6150s future to release have pets that can
6153s actually have their own skill tree and
6154s upgrades like like uh like like these
6157s types of pets like um minions like like
6161s in-game combat minions do have their own
6163s skill
6164s treats if you're talking like Mini Pets
6166s like like these no these These are these
6169s are non-c combat pets
6172s I hope you're just getting started with
6173s the production after release the game oh
6174s yeah yeah you're a cool developer just
6176s like crate entertainment a thank you I
6178s love crate um that cares about the fans
6181s and takes their opinions into
6182s consideration yeah um oh yeah we this is
6184s we we say one point0 is kickoff not not
6186s the end it's the
6188s beginning uh yeah it's the full price
6192s gives you warning the purchase will not
6193s give you an extra copy of the game oh
6194s that
6195s sucks
6196s [Music]
6199s um just sworn they were doing an upgrade
6201s I'm not sure what happened
6210s there Matrix I have answered your
6212s question I'm not going to answer it
6213s again
6214s sorry okay he's just fit behind yes
6218s uh uh how do I link my Twitch account oh
6220s I'm really far behind if that's what
6221s that is uh how do I link my Twitch
6223s account and your Epoch account I think
6225s that's what the star so stars um there's
6228s uh go to our support page there's a
6230s document that tells you how to do
6233s it uh what's the schedule Cycles going
6235s to be 3 months um we don't have a set
6238s heart schedule most because we don't
6239s know um the time between 1.0 and 1.1
6243s will be the most uh variable I think
6245s just because we'll be trying to um I'm
6248s just going to switch pictures right here
6250s just CU just rambling here's another one
6252s ha um
6256s and what what's uh cycle schedule so we
6259s we don't have a hard fast number uh it's
6261s going to be roughly consistent with what
6264s you expect with most RPGs
6266s um most most other RPGs are generally in
6269s that three to four month range um we we
6272s don't have a set hard time that we're
6273s sticking to we have we have goals like
6275s we we're like okay we want 1.1 to come
6277s out here we want 1.2 to come out here we
6278s want 1.3 to come out here like we've got
6280s goals but like um if something happens
6283s we are super duper those those are
6285s tentative goals those are not like plans
6287s set and SE or anything so we're not
6288s ready to share those yet um
6291s but yeah it's we're we we're planning on
6293s keeping up the
6294s pace I just confirm fishing in the game
6297s and be done with it I I think that
6299s there's an opportunity for us to be a
6301s littleit more creative with a system
6302s like
6305s that uh don't forget to put at last epot
6307s game in the question if you'd like me to
6309s answer it uh just watch the launch video
6311s so proud part of this community yeah
6312s it's going to be great game has come so
6314s far it is awesome I
6316s agree hey
6318s hello I have a question I have an answer
6322s my game is freezing and lagging a lot I
6324s probably don't have an answer sorry uh
6325s is just to me do I need to change
6327s something or is the game problem thanks
6328s the answer I could be
6330s either um if you contact support that
6334s mayble will help you with it um you can
6335s also just there's an ask the community
6337s channel in our Discord there's lots of
6338s people there that are very helpful um if
6340s you're if you going and just like I want
6341s to try and get better fps into of the
6342s game here's my systems specs uh can that
6346s be done type thing um I'll say it again
6349s this uh streamer mode if you're having
6352s problems with your game turn stream mode
6354s on it helps so
6357s much uh will Paladin get it missing
6360s skill with 1.0 no um Healing Hands gets
6363s a tree but the missing skill will still
6364s be missing uh is there new animations
6366s going to be with 1.0 launch there's
6367s animation tweaks and adjustments but
6368s there's not like uh um a complete rework
6372s of all of them or something like that
6373s but many of them have small changes
6376s there's a few new ones too uh especially
6378s for um Falconer has a ton of new
6381s animations oh my goodness there's so
6382s many animations that need for Falconer
6383s it's crazy there's some cool ones in
6385s there too so yeah uh is there a
6387s difference pointing the cursor for skill
6390s shots behind an NPC Target or directly
6393s at it I have the feeling my skill shots
6395s for example that needing Arrow misses
6396s way more often um there is a thing so if
6400s you if you're hovered
6402s over like if I put my cursor here in the
6404s in the Torso of manifest armor um and
6407s I'm going to and I cast Healing Hands on
6409s it it's actually going to pick this
6410s point right here between its feet and
6412s cast it
6414s there which is like so it's it doesn't
6417s shoot through the Manifest armor like it
6419s always it always targets a point in the
6421s ground um and when you're when you're
6422s hovering over an over an enemy it will
6425s Target the point in the ground at its
6428s Center um that's what it that's what it
6439s does
6443s are you guys L me preparing for your go
6446s speech you have I vote to win law I'm
6449s pretty sure you're going to be
6451s nominated oh wouldn't that be the day I
6457s um that that' be cool wouldn't
6459s it no I can't say I started writing that
6462s yet one day right uh we do something
6464s about the dis oh you already did
6466s that
6468s uh Matrix 275 please stop asking that
6471s question I don't know if if I'm caught
6473s up enough to the last time I asked that
6474s but if not I've already answered it I'll
6477s just answer it again I'll read I'll read
6478s it entirely and answer it fully just
6480s just in case you're still posting it so
6482s here it is again uh will you do
6484s something about the displacement of
6485s opponents yes Mele characters especially
6488s um on the mode I play hardcore suffer a
6490s lot from the fact that opponent bosses
6492s can be moved which often pushes them
6494s into some damage that lies on the pushes
6496s um them into some damage that lies on
6497s the ground yes we have a fix for that uh
6501s um it it also stops enemies from being
6504s walked through it's the like the being
6505s able to walk through enemies online and
6507s not walk through them offline and the
6509s pushing is the exact same bug and they
6511s that one bug was fixed um will we be
6514s able to heal Forge armor with Healing
6517s Hands
6518s yes are there any improvements to
6520s optimization the game Lots does the
6523s aboral circuit dummy tree need watering
6526s or is it
6527s self-sufficient uh it is self-sufficient
6530s but it doesn't
6531s grow uh what route would you want to go
6534s with a six base class like summon or
6535s spell C I can't talk about that I'm
6536s sorry I I
6540s um I can't talk about that at all sorry
6542s I'm I'm I'm going to get some gameplay
6544s how far behind am I
6547s still
6549s uh more in-game gold sys with trade
6551s upcoming to give some gold some actual
6553s value so I I no there's no new gold
6556s things coming um if if we find Once
6559s trade is in and people have a chance to
6562s play with it uh if we find trade is like
6565s really needing more gold sinks and like
6567s lber is not providing a good enough gold
6568s SN um we we'll we'll definitely consider
6571s it again this is something that we
6572s debated and talked about and came to the
6574s conclusion internally that it is not
6575s going to be necessary um we could be
6577s very wrong about that and we'll change
6579s it if we are basically the um lightless
6581s Arbor does provide a like a a a
6587s onetoone uh the it's the same thing as
6590s the as the bizaar you you put gold in
6592s and you get items out right and as the
6596s um as the bizaar goes on the the value
6599s of gold um to to item ratio changes
6603s because of inflation but um the value of
6607s item to gold ratio does not change in
6609s lightless aror so at some point um uh at
6612s some point throughout the the the league
6614s the economy will get to a point where
6615s lightless Arbor is more efficient than
6617s the bizaar at getting items and so
6619s players will start start to um start to
6622s use the bizar or start to use light the
6623s aror to get items instead of the bazaar
6626s um and then once that happens enough
6628s enough gold will just get sucked out of
6629s the economy that um the bizaar will
6633s become the better place again and there
6635s there sort be this like equilibrium
6637s point where people will use both where
6639s sometimes they'll be um they'll be
6641s they'll going like the cburn sometimes
6642s they'll be going to the bizaar so
6644s they'll be using both and it'll be this
6646s this nice little happy
6647s median now if we add another um um
6650s another way to get specifically items
6654s cuz usually when people are asking for
6655s an item sync or a gold sink for um uh a
6660s gold sink in the situation they're
6662s they're talking about a gold SN that
6663s gives them items
6665s right um
6668s and
6670s if I survived this
6674s uh if
6676s [Music]
6677s the if we have two gold sinks
6681s that are effectively just here's some
6683s items
6686s um as as as an outlet way to balance
6688s inflation to combat inflation on the
6690s bizaar then one of those is going to be
6693s objectively worse than the other um and
6696s the one that is worse will be a noob
6698s trap where it's
6700s like
6702s um oh you didn't know what was the best
6705s and you picked the wrong one and
6706s therefore you get punished and you spent
6707s your money on something bad deal with it
6709s um and that sucks so um for now anyways
6713s oh those are sweet for now anyways we
6716s are um sticking with just the one just
6718s the one gold but you know could be wrong
6721s if we are we'll fix
6725s it uh hi I have a question oh yeah
6729s answer that I remember the kickstarter
6732s demo Ziggy showed
6736s me and Barrel farming in the demo yeah
6739s yeah it's come a long way
6741s uh any plan sponsor any streams at 1.0
6744s launch yeah we do we have a full Creator
6745s program um you want to talk talk to ehg
6747s Photon in our Discord if you want to get
6749s involved with that um there's there's
6752s bounties that get set up um we we've got
6755s a whole slew of them already lined up
6757s for that uh and there's there's a whole
6759s bunch of them have already signed up to
6761s get
6762s uh uh twitch drops enabled that'll
6765s that'll help with that's a big way to
6766s sponsor streamers is to have twitch
6768s drops enabled for
6769s them
6774s ISP issues have been massive on the
6776s forums uh most of the time a VPN is the
6778s answer to the online issues um that that
6780s in some cases that has been uh a way to
6782s solve them yes I know we've been I know
6785s we've been in contact with quite a few
6787s oh quite a few there was like three IPS
6788s that were a significant problem
6791s um and we we've had a bunch of calls
6794s with them to like try and sort out the
6795s systems and like make it work better and
6798s things like that so we we've been
6800s working with a few of them hope your
6802s servers are ready for launch since I'm
6804s expecting a lot of players trying it out
6805s me too it be bad to have a bad launch
6807s day uh what are your expectations um
6810s it's so hard so hard to tell what's
6812s going to happen um I I expect we
6817s will there's such a wide range of things
6819s that can happen um I expect there's
6822s going to be a huge influx of players um
6825s and we'll have to we'll have to make
6826s some some game day changes that to to to
6830s fix for some people um I think some
6832s people will play and won't even know
6833s there's anything going wrong at all and
6835s other people will not be able to play
6837s for a little while and will we'll
6838s release a fix and it'll work for them
6840s they'll get back in uh and then some
6842s people will possibly have to play
6844s offline for a little bit um I don't this
6847s it's it's so hard to predict right like
6851s uh if everything goes the way we're
6853s we're hoping it will go it'll just be
6855s everyone will get in and play and it'll
6856s be great you know that'll be
6859s wonderful
6863s my expectations is it's going to be a
6864s lot of
6867s work but I also expect that we're up to
6869s the task
6873s so just know we'll be doing our best and
6875s working hard to improve it as we
6879s go
6880s oh that was a big hit
6886s there
6889s complacent uh yeah I should almost have
6891s like someone else playing while I answer
6894s questions here at this
6896s point um how many new unique SL Weavers
6900s will items will there be for 1.0 roughly
6902s I don't actually know um I I know
6905s there's there's a there's a good chunk
6908s of them like
6912s uh we
6914s Pro I don't want to say anything
6916s relative to other other patches but
6919s um
6923s enough that
6925s there's at least going to be some new
6927s considerations for the vast majority of
6928s builds we say that at least in new
6932s considerations yeah it may not be like
6933s something for everyone but like um
6936s you're at least you're at least looking
6937s at St being like does that fit in my
6939s build can I use that
6942s somewhere I appreciate you answering
6945s some of my admittedly tough questions
6946s how willing to lower the trade
6948s restrictions are you guys going forward
6950s if Merchant Guild's unpopular very
6953s willing uh to to a point though I should
6955s I should clarify that there's there are
6956s certain things that we would uh there's
6959s certain things that we're very willing
6960s to shift on and there's other things
6962s that we are uh very not willing to shift
6965s on or or not excited about shifting on
6968s um and if you go back to one of my
6970s previous answers you may notice I very
6972s subtly suggested one of those fixes
6974s already
6978s um it didn't actually say out
6982s loud uh I have a screenshot covering the
6985s screen no I
6987s don't do I must been a while
6995s ago uh can all streamers have drops
6998s enabled or there some kind of
6999s limitations to that um I I think you
7002s basically just have to be part of our
7003s content creator program um we have a
7005s basically have a Discord that um if you
7007s say you want to be in it you get to be
7008s in it um
7011s I think you have to have like there's
7012s there's probably some like really low
7015s minimum amount of like streaming you
7017s have to have done or something I don't
7018s know what the rules are talk to HG
7019s Photon f o t n um about it and he will
7023s be able to uh be much more help than me
7027s but um yeah it's it's it's a pretty low
7028s bar from what I understand I think um
7031s and there's like I don't know how it's
7033s set up but
7035s um we've I I know we've tried to set up
7038s the system so the people who are like
7040s trying to get into streaming or um or
7043s our veterans can find Value in it so
7046s that they there people who are um uh
7049s have have like like a thousand people
7051s watching them are still going to be like
7053s hey there's a reason for me to do this
7055s and you know it's still it's good and
7057s fun and all sort of stuff and people who
7061s are from um I'm I'm I'm assuming from
7065s the question the the the limitations
7067s question that that uh you might not not
7070s be a a thousand person a stream streamer
7073s um which is quite rare from what I
7077s understand that's why I was answering it
7079s that
7080s way and if you are congrats that's
7084s awesome uh about the item bizaar is it
7087s possible to buy an item with some uh
7090s remaining Fortune potential mirror it
7092s and resell the new made item uh I um by
7097s so just to be clear um by mirror talking
7100s about oh I was hoping it would show the
7101s tool tip there's I don't have any oh do
7103s I I do have some uh nope run of creation
7107s there it is I know this game super
7111s well um so this is a this is um a rune
7115s which creates a copy of the item um it
7119s it is a exact copy of the item
7123s everything is copied
7124s completely
7127s um uh and so one of the things when you
7130s buy an item um from the bazaar it gets
7133s tagged with a merchant skill tag and
7136s items with a merchant skill tag cannot
7137s be resold at the at the Bazar ever um so
7141s when run of creation copies the item
7143s that copy copies everything copies the
7145s merchant skill tag cannot be
7150s resol just wanted to follow the logic
7153s there
7158s uh
7160s in the recent Tavern Talk video you
7162s discussed not having XP penalties for
7164s death because it is a negative
7165s progression mechanic forced upon the
7167s user uh this got me thinking has any
7170s brought up an XP bonus for not dying
7173s some sort of uh character stability
7175s where the point uh
7177s 0.01% experience bonus per level gains
7180s is added to your character that is
7182s cleared on death this would incentivize
7184s the reward low death play style but not
7187s incentivize dis not not significant L
7189s disadvantaged players like Aon who die
7192s all the
7196s time nice
7199s um uh short answer is is we we don't
7202s really have anything like that planned
7205s um I mean like there kind of already is
7208s that naturally because there is like an
7210s XP reward for certain monolith Echoes um
7214s and like if you don't die you get the
7216s reward and that reward is a bunch of
7217s experience and it's it's a big burst of
7219s experience rather than like a little
7220s trickle um which feels more impactful so
7223s I think we'd probably stick with
7232s that because the damage type's the same
7235s I totally thought my uh mini pet was an
7236s enemy for a second there are there any
7239s plans for more accessibility builds as
7241s someone who can't handle too many APM I
7243s enjoy build like righteous Fire from
7246s Poe uh yeah we we kind of have and and I
7249s and I I I mean this endearingly uh when
7251s I say this just just in case um we we do
7254s kind of have like a a joke when we're
7256s designing nodes for skill trees
7258s sometimes we'll be like um for the
7260s lazies is just like a like that noes for
7263s the lazies it's not it's not going to be
7265s it's not actually a super powerful node
7268s but it is like an automation node um
7271s it's not really for the lazies sometimes
7273s it's really useful to have automation
7274s nodes um but yeah we we do put things
7277s like that in the game um
7280s and uh we we do gravitate more towards
7284s uh builds that like to use multiple
7286s buttons um but at the same time we do we
7289s do very much appreciate that that type
7291s of play style is not something that a
7292s lot of people enjoy and sometimes that's
7295s a lot of play style that a lot of people
7296s just can't do physically and um and so
7299s we do have to have options for people
7301s that don't want to do that as well so
7302s you'll you'll probably have
7304s less options available uh in in total
7307s but yeah we we definitely do take that
7309s into account when we're making uh when
7311s we're making various things to make sure
7313s it's possible so like um one of one of
7316s the classics of like spin to win war
7319s path is a great build if you don't want
7322s to have a ton of buttons to press a lot
7325s um
7329s yeah I would look into I would look into
7331s war
7338s path sorry about that apparently I'm a
7340s little tired uh where what are the odds
7343s of steam deck compatibility at 1.0 uh
7346s it's all I have access to until April
7347s unfortunately um we will not be
7349s expanding uh into new this last one oh
7353s my God we're overtime already okay uh
7357s wait I did that one didn't
7360s I M what have you
7368s done
7370s there we go there's the fourth one hello
7375s looking good
7378s um we we will not be adding any
7381s new we won't be officially adding any
7383s new platforms to support for 1.0 post
7386s 1.0 we will start to look into which
7388s platforms we want to expand into
7392s um I will say though we do have
7395s improvements to our controller support
7396s and our Linux functionality for 1.0 um
7399s which are the two big things that steam
7401s deck needs to help it work better um
7403s there are already people that are
7405s playing the game on Steam deck and it's
7407s working I would say moderately well for
7410s them uh with some minor
7414s customizations um and I hope to I hope
7418s that at post 1.0 they'll be able to say
7421s it's working pretty good for them uh
7423s with some with little to no
7424s customizations that's kind of My Hope
7426s for those people um but we still won't
7428s be like officially supporting one Ste
7430s DEA 1.0 yet
7435s sorry uh did you guys patch out the DLC
7438s Cosmetics from showing up I don't see
7440s them anymore probably
7441s yeah yeah yeah Patch It showed up yeah
7444s didn't even notice it uh is the game
7446s based on usual stats crit crit main stat
7450s def HP uh there
7452s are um those stats do exist and there
7455s are builds that utilize those quite
7457s heavily um
7459s there are lots of builds that don't use
7461s those as well U main main stats a pretty
7463s important one for sure
7465s um with the build I'm doing right now
7468s I'm doing a real bad job it I should be
7470s Attunement should be my main stat right
7471s now that should be my biggest one
7473s probably uh it's not really strength um
7477s oh it skills with strength too actually
7478s what am I talking about oh it strength
7480s is just Health though right I wanted the
7481s damage that's the thing right yeah yeah
7483s I was right so I want a t in not
7485s strength I started out I started out
7487s more of a strength character and then I
7488s switched and and uh cuz I'm using uh my
7491s shield throw to
7492s trigger uh I'm realizing that I have an
7494s overlay on screen you can't see what's
7496s going on I'm sorry
7499s um I'm using I'm using my shield throw
7501s to trigger an attack from my minion um
7504s but yes yeah yeah the main stat is a
7506s very important portion of this um you'll
7509s very rarely be putting 100% into one
7511s main stat um some builds do that uh
7516s Vitality is kind of good for
7518s everyone
7519s used to be better still good though um
7522s but yeah there there's lots there's lots
7523s of interesting stats um crit is a very
7527s commonly powerful stat for us
7537s too what feature are you most excited
7539s about with the
7545s release I I think it's I think it's just
7547s the item factions I know it's like a
7548s gigant ANC feature just call out as want
7550s but I think I think that's the biggest
7552s it's the most Innovative feature we have
7554s um which is why I'm the most excited
7555s about
7559s it
7562s um Kan can you DM me how far behind do
7565s you think I actually am here like do I
7567s do I have a shot at finishing these if I
7568s if I just power for 10 minutes or am I
7571s just going to have to call this
7575s early uh one big call we're already 8
7578s minutes it's over um one advantage one
7581s big Advantage trade has had over coff is
7584s is ready access to rare aexes from Magic
7587s and rare items things like skill affixes
7589s does cof allow for easier Target farming
7591s of the hardest to get rare affixes um
7594s I'd say that that's that's an advantage
7595s Merchant skill has and I would say
7597s Merchant skill has the edge in that
7599s category so have does have ways to help
7600s with that um 20 minutes behind o okay
7604s I'm I'm going to cut this off I'm going
7605s to do uh I'm going to go till 15 minutes
7608s past so seven more minutes of answering
7609s as fast as I can and then I'm going to
7610s cut this off sorry
7620s guys uh I understand you said uh earlier
7622s that if characters share a stash they
7624s share a faction progress but would I be
7626s able to create one CF character and one
7627s trade yes or as soon as I create the
7630s second character automatically gets
7631s assigned into the faction the first
7632s character was in no um follow-up
7634s characters do gain access to select
7635s their factions significantly earlier
7637s it's like chapter one uh maybe chapter 2
7640s uh get so they get to choose their
7641s faction way way way earlier than your
7643s first character does um so once you have
7646s a factions unlocked on your um on that
7648s stash um we need a better name for that
7651s you you can gain access to it on alts
7653s for that same stash much faster and they
7655s do not have to share it and they can be
7656s the same and they can
7659s switch uh why are Idols character bound
7663s not account wide when it comes to
7665s unlocking them
7668s permanently
7669s why are Idols
7672s character Idols uh behave just like
7674s every other
7678s item you mean
7681s blessings blessings are like it's part
7684s of like your characters progress through
7685s the
7687s world uh how does your server capacity
7690s holding uh how does your server capacity
7693s holding say like 50,000 players online
7695s at once um I I don't know the numbers
7697s I'm sorry
7700s seriously please let launch day be
7702s non-chaos please I seriously would love
7704s to have uh to be placed into some q that
7706s says you are
7708s 15863 in the current play Q please be
7710s patient I mean we we do have uh Q um set
7715s up to work so if it if it comes if if we
7718s need it they'll be
7721s there
7723s um uh do you ever and it does show you
7725s the number you are the place you are in
7726s the queue uh do you ever see Mater
7728s materials like runes and glyphs being a
7730s trade currency uh maybe if if there if
7733s it if we need to there would be there
7735s would need to be a significant need in
7737s the community that like a a problem
7740s we're fixing uh like there there has to
7742s be a really big draw for it um cuz Iana
7745s is not a good enough
7747s reason I'm not saying that's what you're
7748s saying but just in general um hi just
7752s tuned in hello right at the very end uh
7754s looking forward to playing warlock yes
7756s awesome is there any plans for wipe for
7758s b. or something close to it um uh it's
7761s uh you play Poe or Diablo it's that um
7764s if you want more details Google or look
7767s at any of the that question is answered
7769s in extru in detail everywhere uh are
7771s there plans to add a laziness
7773s multiplayer multiplier as an item mod
7776s super invested no
7782s um sorry about that um awesome thank you
7785s for the sponse you're welcome uh if a
7787s company offered to buy you out
7789s Activision cough cough would you
7792s um uh I
7797s mean there's there's a very special
7800s place in my heart for this
7804s um and and letting letting go would be
7807s very
7810s difficult
7812s um and it would have to be to the right
7817s person uh question and and there's there
7821s there's a little history there you might
7823s not be aware of as well that you might
7824s want to look into as well not not
7826s Activision
7827s but have fun uh questions about
7830s resonance is resonance a one-time use
7833s item
7836s yes um there was an or there but I just
7838s skipped it cuz yes Mike you feeling
7840s better I am I'm feeling way better I um
7843s tiny little bit of post way here at
7844s Coffee once in a while um that's it oh
7847s my goodness I got there I think there
7849s was a lot of questions that didn't tag
7850s me so I got to skip
7852s them um if I didn't answer your question
7855s I'm really sorry I'm way over time and
7857s I'm going to call it there uh that was a
7860s fantastic
7862s stream that was way way long
7866s um I got some we're going to say hi
7869s to uh if if um thanks for coming out I
7874s had I had tons of fun I hope you did too
7877s um if I didn't answer your question
7878s please feel free to stop by we've got a
7880s Discord Channel with it's called ask the
7882s devs I'm in there all the time answering
7883s questions ask the community lots of
7885s great people from the community
7886s answering questions all the time there
7887s too um Reddit other social platforms our
7891s forums all sorts of things um will be
7893s here same time same place next week
7895s answering more questions hanging out
7896s having a great time until then yeah just
7899s have fun I'll see you
7901s around I uh it's it's been a wild week
7906s and uh this is yeah this is I how you
7909s know what's going on
7911s here see you around everybody have a
7914s great
7924s time